Volume 10, Issue 11, November 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 11, November 2019.
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Role of Indonesian National Armed Forces on Handling Community Land Conflict In Order To Maintain National Integrity of The Republic of Indonesia in Military District 1417 Area, Kendari [Full-Text ] Albiadi, Usman Rianse, Nurwati, Rahmat MadjidThis research aims to describe and analyze role of TNI (Indonesian National Armed Forces) in handling social public conflicts in order to maintain National integrity, Coordination Function of TNI in order to maintain national integrity and role of TNI on handling community social conflicts in order to maintain national integrity in Military District 1417 Area, Kendari. This research was conducted in Military District 1417 Area, Kendari including 15 military rayon commands of regencies/cities. Sources of data and information are from informants including TNI, Indonesian Policies, Community Leaders, Religious Figure, public figure having conflicts and other community elements.
STRATEGIC CHALLENGES FOR INCLUSIVE GROWTH AND SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS – A STUDY OF 500 COMPANIES IN INDIA[Full-Text ] Samir Prasad Padhy,Dr.Satyanarayan Pathi,Dr. Bhagabata Patra,Dr.Sunil Kumar PradhanThe purpose of this paper is to explore the brief overview of the importance of strategies within the companies in Indian context and in present critical juncture to discuss about the various corporate strategies for their profitability and inclusive growth to sustain in the long run.
Progression of Computer Graphics[Full-Text ] Indranil ChakrabortyComputer graphics are all around us. Every screen, every billboard, every display has some sort of graphics that is meant to serve a specific purpose. The purpose varies from person to person, yet we all make use of graphics. But the graphics of today are not a product of overnight change. They have been developed over a course of many years by a multitude of organizations and pioneer inventors who redefined and changed how we perceive the world. In this research paper, we talk about the contributions, changes and radical developments by these people, their devices, techniques and ideas, as well as their applications.
An integrated approach for corprate risk evaluation using AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) with case based analysis[Full-Text ] O. S. Abd-elbary, E.-A.Attia, A. El-assalRisk are inherent in every aspect of business, and the ability of manage risk is one of the important aspects that distinguish successful business leaders from others. Risks management systems developed after 11 September 2001 American attacks, and the bombings of the Spanish and British transportation systems. Risk management is a systematic activities that used to direct organization to take advantage of opportunities and avoid threats. to build an effective risk management corporate top management must support this direction throw encourage rigorous and forward thinking, accountability and authority for decision making, effective communication system, balanced thinking.
EVALUATION FOR AN EFFECTIVE HOMOMORPHIC ENCRYPTION TECHNIQUE FOR DATA SECURITY[Full-Text ] MUHAMMAD Sanusi, MUSAH Abdulmumini Yakubu, DANIEL OkunborHomomorphic encryption is the encryption scheme that supports operations on encrypted data. Homomorphic encryption can be employed in any system by using various public-key algorithms. This research paper aims to provide an evaluation for an effective available Homomorphic encryption technique to understand how Homomorphic encryption work to achieve data security when data is transferred or stored on the public environment.
Dark Universe and our Body[Full-Text ] B.Siva ReddyThe universe inside out is the metaphysical phenomenon. In reality body is the gift from GOD.
Comparative Analysis of Polyethylene Glycol and Triethanolamine as Demulsifying Agents for Separation of Water-In-Oil Emulsion[Full-Text ] Agwazie Fredrick N., Ibezim Solomon C., Chikwe Anthony O, Nzenwa Dan Enyioko Emulsion problems is prevalent in the oil industry today and there is need to propose and adopt new techniques and materials that can compete with the conventional materials. The presence of impurities that is found within the crude oil is a cause of concern seeing that the presence of such impurities like immiscible liquids like water leads to further expenses on pumping or transporting water through pipeline or tanker, poisoning of downstream refinery catalysts and corrosion of pipelines, production equipment and downstream overhead distillation columns.
Preservative Effect of Green Tea Extract on the Storage Stability of Mackerel Fillets Stored in Ice[Full-Text ] Ester John, Siddappaji SGreen tea contains polyphenolic compounds having antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that inhibit rancidity in fish and fishery products. Pelagic fish such as mackerel contain a high proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) and are very prone to oxidation. In the present study, an attempt was made to investigate the potency of green tea extract as an antioxidant to extend the shelf life of the fillets.
A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW ON VARIOUS TYPES OF NOISE IN IMAGE PROCESSING[Full-Text ] J. S. Owotogbe,T. S. Ibiyemi, and B. A. AduImage processing is known to be an important area to bring out the best in an image and it is useful in several areas such as remote sensing, medical field, image shaping and restoration, machine vision, pattern recognition and video processing. Noise, which is an unwanted signal or variation of brightness may destroy part of an image. Several noise removal techniques are described in this paper in other to remove noise.
A Comparative Study of Project Organisation Structure and Problems[Full-Text ] Mr. Sandeep L. Waykole, Dr. Mahesh R. Deshpande, Dr. Manasi BhateIn India, the demands for vehicles have extended dramatically over the past two and a half decades. Numerous vehicle manufacturers around the world and Tier-1 suppliers have effectively set up offices in India for research, improvement and assembly. The Indian automotive part sector started to update Lean methods to meet these customers ' interests.
SAUDI INVOLVEMENT IN CPEC: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE REGION[Full-Text ] MUHAMMAD SALIMThe Saudi participation in CPEC as the third member has intensified the apprehensions of the regional powers like Iran & India. While bringing Pakistan & China even further closer, the Saudi participation is anticipated to urge India & Iran to form a nexus to counter the move which is more likely to deepen their rivalry for regional influence and power.
ISOLATION OF DIFFERENT BACTERIA FROM CHICKEN FEACES IN DISTRICT MANSEHRA, REGION, KPK[Full-Text ] Wahidullah, Samiyah Tasleem, Kashif Haleem, Zeeshan NiazThe economy of Pakistan is generally dependent on the poultry sector after agriculture. Poultry waste litter is mainly added to the soil as a fertilizer. The last step in the poultry management policy poses a great risk to the environment due to nutrients and microorganisms contained in high concentrations in these waste materials. To find out the prevalence of microbes in poultry industry research were perform in district Mansehra of Pakistan.
EFFECT OF CONCRETE COVER AND EXTERNAL CHLORIDE CONCENTRATION ON CORROSION RATE OF LOADED REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. El-Sayed Abdel Raouf Nasr, Dr. Mohamed Ragab Masoud, Eng. Ibrahim Abdel-Latif Yousef Corrosion of the steel reinforcement plays a vital role in the determination of durability and service life for many of the concrete structures. Corrosion of reinforcing steel is an economically expensive problem since it could lead to unanticipated, premature failure of concrete structures. In most cases, water-soluble chlorides induce the corrosion of the reinforcing steel. Extensive research work has been done on the corrosion behavior of the embedded steel reinforcement and also on the different protective measures that are available for corrosion control.
Effect of the size of uncoated area of reinforcing steel bars on corrosion rate[Full-Text ] Dr. Mohamed Ragab MasoudDurability issues associated with reinforced concrete structures are some of the biggest problems the civil engineering community is facing today around the world. One of the most significant durability issues is the corrosion of steel reinforcement, which leads to rust formation, cracking, spalling and degradation of structures. This is considered to be the main factor causing damage in bridges and other infrastructure [1, 2]. Many articles had been studied in details different causes of corrosion, corrosion mechanism, corrosion assessment and different protection methods. Most of corrosion studies done in the last few decades concentrated more on the different methods of protection.
Solving Fuzzy Linear Programming Problem using Weighted Sum and Comparisons with Ranking Function[Full-Text ] Samsun Nahar, Shahina Naznin, Md. Asadujjaman, Md. Abdul AlimMulti-objective linear programming can be generated from fuzzy linear programming. This multi-objective linear programming can be further converted to single objective linear programming by using ranking function and weighted function. In this paper, it can be shown that the result of the single objective function which can be obtained by using ranking function matches with the result obtained by equal weight and unequal weight function. In this case it can be used for both triangular and trapezoidal fuzzy numbers.
Better safe than sorry: Smart Sheet Based Attendance System[Full-Text ] Rida Zaman, Aysha Rasheed, Sadaf Rasheed, Syeda Rida Fatima Taqvi, Dr.Hira Fatima Naqvi, Abdul Rehman NagrajIt is very important for the effective functioning of an organization to maintain its attendance record properly, and because of this very reason we have created Smart Sheet Attendance System which provide us finest of details about attendance record of university students.
Analysing The Impact And Opportunities For Scale Economies On A Hybrid On-Site Hydrogen Refuelling Station In Aberdeen City[Full-Text ] Abisoye Abidakun, Franklin Okoro, Takahiko KisoThis paper investigated the impact of scale economies on the cost of hydrogen production using water electrolysis from an on-site refuelling station powered by a wind energy source and grid connection (Hybrid). The study used a levelized cost (LCOH) approach to estimate the cost of production through varying the scale of production with the wind powered approximating cost of investment and operation relating to the City of Aberdeen.
Demographic Profile of Coastal Andhra Pradesh, India[Full-Text ] Shreya OjhaThis paper deals with various indicators of demographics of a region confined to the coastal region of the state Andhra Pradesh, India. It gives an idea about the population of the area, its population density, decadal growth rate, urbanization rate, size of households, the gender make-up of the region and the literacy rate.
Factors That Influence The Establishment a Business of Health Students in Medan City[Full-Text ] Lagut Sutandra, Roni Gunawan, Ida AryaniEntrepreneurship is a compulsory subject given in order to increase the number of students who are entrepreneurial so that unemployment with undergraduate education will also be reduced. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the establishment of a business of health students in the city of Medan.
Effect of Cut off Position and Inclination on Seepage Characteristics under Heading-up Structure Using Differential Quadrature Element Method[Full-Text ] AYA BAKR, El-MASRY A. A, ALI MASRIA, HOSSAM A.A. ABDELGAWAD Seepage is considered to be a serious phenomenon which may cause the failure of heading-up structures. In the present paper, the strong form differential quadrature element method (DQEM) as a numerical technique is investigated to study the effect of the position and the inclination of cut off on seepage flow, within a homogenous isotropic soil, under a concrete dam. The numerical method is developed into a Python computer code to determine velocity distribution and exit gradient.
FAMILY CONTEXT AND WOMEN ENTREPRENEURIAL PARTICIPATION IN NORTH WEST NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Mulikat Folashade Usman, Muhammad Kabir Kamba The study is a sectorial assessment of the influence of family context on women entrepreneurial participation in Sokoto and Kebbi state. From the five sectors wholesale & retail, agriculture, education, manufacturing & processing and hospitality sector, a sample of 500 women entrepreneur were purposively selected and the multinomial logistic regression was utilized to test the study hypothesis. Findings indicate varying degrees of influence of family context in predicting women entrepreneurial participation in the five sectors.
SWARM INTELLIGENCE – ANT COLONY TRAFFIC RULE OPTIMIZATION FOR OFFSHORE RESOURCE ALLOCATION AND PRIORITIZATION[Full-Text ] Ordukwu, Chima Henry, Dr. Friday Eleonu OnuoduSome animal’s live and operate as colony, they are interdependent, self-organized and corporate amongst themselves for their survival, these types of social animal or insects like ant’s colony has provided insights and solution to many human complex problems. With the increase in the complicated number of real-world problems or operations, organizations will have to always put on their thinking hats if they are to overcome these challenges to come out with better solutions each time, swarm intelligence has led to more efficient and better ways of coming up with smarter solutions.
Development of Minibus Interior Wall Panel Using Hybrid Sisal and False Banana Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite[Full-Text ] Lemi Demissie, Araya Abera, Dr. Daniel TelahunIn automobile sector due to the demanding need of rapid innovation and tough competition, the old products are reengineered by new product with composite materials. Replacement of old product by natural fiber composite is essential mainly due to their availability in large quantities, biodegradability, low cost, low density, renewability and ease of manufacturing.
Investigation of Natural Photonic crystal and Historical background of their development with future aspects [Full-Text ] Vijay Kumar Shembharkar, Dr. Arvind Gathania In this work, microstructural and optical characteristics nanoparticles of wings of Lemon pansy (Junonia lemonias) butterfly were studied with the help of different characterization techaniques. And the historical review of their fabrication and characterizations. We developed the sequence of descoveries and investigations which had happenned in past few years and described future advancements of photonic crystals, with their importance.
Equilibria in the Tangle[Full-Text ] M.SANDHYAWe analyse the Tangle a DAG-valued stochastic process where new vertices get attached to the graph at Poissonian times, and the attachment's locations are chosen by means of random walks on that graph. These new vertices (also thought of as "transactions") are issued by many players (which are the nodes of the network), independently.
Financial Feasibility Analysis of Kendari-Toronipa Tourism Destination Road Development[Full-Text ] Sunaryo, Haryono, Hadi Wijaya, KasmaruddinThe purpose of this study is to analyze or measure the level of investment value or feasibility study of road development, on the tourism destination Toronipa and Bokori Island. This research method refers to the measurement of eligibility by using direct benefits and indirect benefits.
Application of Phytochemical Protocols in Authenticating Six Morphologically Identical Mimoisoidea Members[Full-Text ] JK Ebigwai Akesa, MT and E EbigwaiSpecies authentication is fast becoming an issue of concern to researchers in biological, medical and chemical sciences. Over reliance of expert recognition and the use of voucher specimens in herbaria is fraught with inconsistencies and avoidable pitfalls. Like in every human endeavor, standardization is essential. Since plant species act as natural sink for chemical products, it is imperative that given species will elicit specific responses when subjected to standard phytochemical test.
Estimating Seeker Measurement Signals for Homing Missile Guidance System[Full-Text ] Molalign DessieMost of missile guidance systems use different electromagnetic spectrum ranges to perform the guidance functions. Based on long range operations and less susceptibility for weather conditions, RF seekers are usually employed in homing missiles and due to measurement signal errors of these seekers, missile guidance system performance cannot be accurate. So to achieve the required accuracy, modern guidance systems utilizes modern filtering and estimation techniques as well as closed-loop control methods by continuously computing errors occurred in the missile-to-target intercept geometry and converting them into corrective missile control commands to reduce miss distance to zero.
Taxonomic Authentication of Two Morphologically Identical Senna Species Using Matk DNA Barcoding and Phytochemical Protocol[Full-Text ] J.K. Ebigwai and O.C. EnudiTaxonomic judgments based solely on morphological characters have been found to be problematic and unfair, especially when more reliable tools such as DNA barcoding exist to establish and discriminate between taxa. In this study, the chloroplast DNA region (matk) of S. Bicapsularis and S.sulfurea were studied. The objective was to evaluate its applicability in discriminating among these morphologically similar species.
Satan, the Most Well-developed Character of Milton’s Paradise Lost: A Critical Analysis [Full-Text ] Rakib UddinIn spite of having so many unambiguous sketches of Satan in The Bible as well as other religious scriptures and the holy books, Milton draws a picture of Satan which actually erects him with honor and it makes a controversy among the readers as well as the critics. Milton quotes a mistake, pride, committed by Satan and he (Satan) is cursed. But it actually generates sympathy for him and also it shows the unjust decision of God.
SPECTRUM OF VARIANTS IN CT PARANASAL SINUS[Full-Text ] DR ARCHIT GUPTA, B.Y.L Nair We conducted prospective descriptive study in 229 patients who underwent CT PNS for non sinus related indications with aim of the study was to evaluate the incidental CT findings in the paranasal sinuses in asymptomatic population. Data was evaluated in terms of the frequency of anatomical variant, incidence in particular age and sex within the study population.An exclusion criteria was maintained in the study to exclude patients who had symptoms suggestive of paranasal sinus disease or in patients reliable history could not be obtained.
Ectodermal Dysplasia with Case Study & Current Scenario in India[Full-Text ] Dr.Ketan BhamareEctodermal dysplasia (ED) is not a single disorder but a group of genetic Syndromes all deriving from abnormalities of the Ectodermal structures More than 150 different syndromes have been identified. The triad of nail dystrophy, alopecia or hypotrichosis and palm plantar hyperkeratosis is usually accompanied by a lack of sweat glands and a partial or complete absence of primary and/or permanent dentition. One Case reports illustrating from state of Maharashtra in India suffering from ED.
Effect of Adding Portland cement on the Characteristics of Geopolymer Concrete Containing Recycled Coarse Aggregate[Full-Text ] Tamer I. AhmedThis paper presents an experimental study to evaluate the influence of adding different selected ratios of Portland cement on the characteristics of geopolymer concrete containing recycled coarse aggregate (RCA). The RCA is collected from building demolition wastes. The RCA is used as a partial substitution of virgin coarse aggregate (dolomite) in geopolymer concrete at 25% and 50% by weight. Portland cement partially substituted fly ash of geopolymer paste at ratios of 5%, 10%, and 15% by weight of binder.
Synthesis of microporous organic polymers based on chloride – derivatives as structural unit[Full-Text ] Huong T.T. Tong, Tuan N. Tran, Hung V. Do, Loc C. BuiMicroporous organic polymers are currently an important class of porous polymers that have been studied extensively. These polymers have advantages of good chemical and physical stability. The high surface area is a salient feature in comparison with traditional porous materials.
Structural Behavior of Self Curing Reinforced Concrete Slabs with Openings[Full-Text ] N. Y. ELWakkad and KH. M. HeizaSelf curing concrete (SCC) is a new trend on construction industry. Flat plates are the most commonly used slab system today for multistory reinforced concrete hotels, hospitals, and apartment houses. In this investigation the focus will be on the effect of the reinforcement ratio and the effect of central square opening size on the behavior of self curing reinforced concrete flat slabs, This goal is achieved through the studying the structural behavior of ten RC tested slabs.
ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CONCRETE REPRESENTATIONAL ABSTRACT STRATEGY ON THE MATHEMATICS ACHIEVEMENT OF PUPILS WITH DYSCALCULIA[Full-Text ] NWABUEZE JOSEPHINE NNEKAThe purpose of this study was to experimentally determine the effects of Concrete Representational Abstract (CRA) strategy on the mathematics achievement of pupils with dyscalculia in Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja putting into consideration gender as a variable.
Portraying identity crisis in the novel “unaccustomed Earth”by Jhumpa Lahiri[Full-Text ] S.Garghi, Dr..A.Varghese Joseph The novel unaccustomed Earth alludes the way how shuttle between cultural milieus and the developing the negotiation in alien world. Lahiri spins the cultural difference between American-born Indian with Bengali parents.
APPLICATION OF FACTOR ANALYSIS IN JOB SATISFACTION OF EMPLOYEES IN IT COMPANIES[Full-Text ] Mr. Maheshkumar D. Mohite, Dr. R. V. KulkarniEmployees from IT companies are facing various problems in his or her job that’s an effect on job satisfaction. Technical companies are struggling to secure his or her employees happiness and own business life. Employees are the backbone of any organization.
Theoretical Approach for Designing Shape- Servoing On Visual Sensing[Full-Text ] Albert Princess Oroma, Dr. Onuodu Friday Eleonu In this work, we designed shape-servoing on visual sensing. We implemented with the Tokamak Simulation device and Degree of Freedom (DOF) Object Frames. The methodology used is the Spiral methodology. Our results show that designing a controller system from the approximated image motion will lead to the computation of the acceleration important to lessen the tracking error in the robot, as well as promoting efficiency for target tracking.
Developing local scour equations for piers with side slopes[Full-Text ] Kasem S. El- Alfy, Mohamed T. Shamaa & Haider H. Al-tameemiAlong a river, local scour can causes bridge collapse. Therefore, several investigations have been performed to find the best pier shape as a local scour countermeasure. Also, developing equations to forecast the depths of local scour around piers is important for safe design of bridge piers' foundation.
Inverse Kinematic Scheme to Organize Unsteady Flow in Open Channels[Full-Text ] Mohamed T. ShamaaWater scarcity in Egypt has undoubtedly grown to become a serious problem. Mismanagement of water resources, ineffective irrigation techniques, and inexact operation and management of irrigation canals are some factors leads to water waste in Egypt. The adjustment of hydraulic structures’ gates at intakes of irrigation canals leads to transitional unsteady flow at beginning of operation until reaches another steady flow. Unsteady open channels flow can be simulated using routing problems and operation type problems.
Synthesis of novel azaarene derivatives and its biological evaluations[Full-Text ] Mohammed S. MuftahThe 5,6,7triethyl – 2,3-bis (2--pyridyl) quinoxaline was synthesized by reaction of 2,2- pyridil with phenylenediamine . The new compounds (c-1) and (c-2) were characterized by elemental analysis , 1H-NMR ,infrared and mass spectroscopy .