Volume 9, Issue 11, November 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 11, November 2018.
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Comparative Studies of Phytochemical Constituents of Different Parts of Moringa oleifera[Full-Text ] Debasree GhoshMoringa oleifera is widely cultivated throughout India, belongs to family Moringaceae. It is widely used as a nutritive herb and possesses valuable pharmacological activities. The present study deals with the evaluation and comparison of nutrients, Phytochemicals and antioxidant content of different parts of M. oleifera. It is one of the rich sources of vitamin A, vitamin C, milk protein, etc. Present study shows that, in M. oleifera, polyphenols and flavonoids are present in the significant amount in leaves. This is the reason it is used traditionally to treat many oxidative related diseases. Every part of Moringa is said to have beneficial properties that can serve humanity so the whole plant can be extensively studied for further research aspects.
A Review Paper on Image Authentication with Data Repair Capability[Full-Text ] Arjun Nichal, Dr. Bhalchandra GodboleImage Authentication technique has gained importance in now days. The digital revolution in Image Processing has made it possible to create manipulate and transmit digital images in a simple and fast manner. Therefore most of the important images such as military, Medical, Companies secret data must be protected against manipulation. So to protect originality and authenticity of multimedia images and important scanned documents various authentication methods are evolved. Mainly these methods comprise conventional copyright, fragile watermarking based, Semi Fragile Watermarking based and digital signature based on image content. These all above methods are categorized into service they provide. Tamper detection, Robust to various image processing operations and data repair capabilities these are the services. This survey paper is based the methods that are used for image authentication with data repair capability.
The Causes of Depletion in Groundwater in Pishin District of Balochistan[Full-Text ] Zainuddin Kakar, Syed Munawar ShahThe present study has been undertaken to analyses the current situation of groundwater and reason for depletion of groundwater in Pishin District of Balochistan. The study is based both on primary and secondary data. The primary data has been collected from farmers through questionnaires. A sample of one hundred and five farmers has been selected randomly through a stratified random sampling method. Secondary data in the form of published literature and reports were used in order to support the study. The main findings of the study were that the current situation of groundwater was very critical in Pishin district. The groundwater levels were declining at an alarming rate of 16 to 25 feet annually. The reason for groundwater depletion included
subsidy on electric tubewells, indiscriminate installation of tubewells, violation of tubewells spacing norms and running hours of tubewells. Moreover, the
results also showed that most of the farmers were not educated and they were not aware of the use of high-efficiency irrigation system which led to mismanagement of water resources in the study area of Pishin district. On the basis of the results of this study, it has been recommended that the government develop effective strategies to put a restriction on the installation of more tubewells, awareness campaigns for educating farmers about the
use of high-efficiency irrigation system, and educating farmers regarding adaption of the modern techniques of production.
An Investigation on the innovative use of waste tire rubber in concrete[Full-Text ] Amit uniyal, Renu SinhaThe production of rubber tire is enormous at global level. It is impossible to get rid of the waste rubber as its decomposition is a long process and also leads to the generation of environment pollutants. Due to such reasons the recycling of rubber is adopted. Certain quality of rubber can be utilized to make recycled rubber product but on case of tire rubber, production of recycled rubber product is costlier. Hence the waste tire rubber is utilized in concrete production by partial replacement of coarse aggregate with rubber chips. It was observed that by using rubber in concrete a number of its properties got enhanced (workability, ductility, crack resistance etc.), but a few properties (compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength) got diminished.
THE DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF A BATCH PALM KERNEL DIGESTER AND PRESSING MACHINE[Full-Text ] Adio MA and Feyisitan K.OThe high demand in oil palm for local and international consumption cannot be met by traditional method of extraction which are solely in the hands of peasant rural women. This has made it necessary to design and fabricate an easy to use palm kernel digester that is powered by a gasoline engine to remove drudgery in oil palm processing. This makes this design suitable in rural area where electricity is scarcely available and in urban areas where power supply is erratic. This design consist mainly of five major components which include; hopper, worm shaft, combustion chamber, pressing unit and a mild steel firm support. The volume of the feed in hopper was determined from the geometry and this gave an estimated of mass of palm kernel that could be digested per time or in a batch.
Production of TiO2 nanoparticles by green and chemical synthesis-A short review[Full-Text ] Anirudh KVS, M M Viswanandan Bottu, Dr Sarvamangala DFrom the past few years, many scientists have been investigating to find eco-friendly techniques for the production of nanoparticles. Nanopar- ticles have a huge demand for a wide variety of applications with its ambit ranging from areas like mechanics and biomedical sciences apart from playing a pivotal role in uprising fields like nanobiotechnology.
Blood Glucose Levels of Non Invasive Tool Using Support Vector Machine on Multi-Class Imbalanced Data[Full-Text ] Selvi Annisa, Asep Saefuddin, ErfianiMost of the classification method tends to be effective in the case of a balanced data. But, sometimes in many real-world applications, multi-class imbalance classification problems occured, such as in this case is blood glucose levels of non-invasive tools. One-vs-One strategies is a well-known tehcniques to address the classification problems involving multi-class. To handle the imbalance case in the data, we used SMOTE. The results of SVM with radial basis function kernel and SMOTE gave the avgacc 51.8% for predicting the classes of blood glucose levels from non-invasive measurements, with the optimal parameter C 2 and γ 0.002.
Properties of Expansive Soils Treated By Fly Ash[Full-Text ] Kiran BhootExpansive soils are highly problematic by virtue of their volume change behaviour corresponding to the changes in moisture regime. By the alternate swelling and shrinkage they undergo in monsoon and summer many civil engineering structures like residential buildings, pavements and canal linings are severely damaged. To mitigate this problem of expansive soils, many innovative foundation techniques have been devised. The chief of them which are in vogue are sand cushion method, CNS layer technique, and under reamed pile foundations.
Key Emerging Trends in Customer
Expectations in IT Infrastructure Services–User Experience[Full-Text ] V Indira Priyadarsini,Sunil NallanIn IT Infrastructure World the perspective of Service received by Customers have transformed over last two decades with the help of skilled labor, process maturity and technology advancements that have happened. Digital is the buzzword across the world - riding on Cloud, Automation, Mobile and BigData Analytics, which transformed the customer expectations over a period. Meeting Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) defined in the contracts is no longer a key measurement in IT infrastructure services.
Influence of Work Attitudes on Job Performance in Case of Staff at VNK Consultancy Training and Labor Supports Joint Stock Company[Full-Text ] Nguyen Thi Phi NgaWork attitudes are important to the organization as they determine the behavior of the staffs/workers in the organization. Two types of work attitudes that have especially important implication for organizational behavior are job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Five factors of job satisfaction (namely: salary policy, opportunities and advancement opportunities, coworkers, supervision and work itself) and three factors of organizational commitment (namely: affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment) which are investigated in this paper in order to find the impact of these factors on job performance.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Usage and Investment Feasibility Analysis of Digital Marketing (Google Ads)[Full-Text ] Niken Andrianti MalfianThis thesis discusses marketing strategies run by trainers to increase sales and customer awareness in Ryzn Embroidery. Ryzn Embroidery is one of MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) that provide sales of embroidery and patches in Komplek PIK Pulogadung, East Jakarta. To find the constraints experienced by Ryzn Embroidery, the trainer conducts field observation, interviews with the owner, and investment feasibility analysis in conducting digital marketing strategy (Google Ads). Then these data become the reason of marketing strategies that will be applied in Ryzn Embroidery by trainer.
Dynamic Responses Comparison of Control Techniques of BDFRG based WECS[Full-Text ] Ahmed K. Ibrahim, Mostafa I. Marei, Hamdy S. El-Goharey This paper presents a dynamic analysis study of brushless doubly fed reluctance generator (BDFRG) used for wind energy conversion system (WECS). Scalar (V/F), field-oriented control (FOC), vector control (VC), and direct torque control (DTC) techniques are considered in this study. The system response to various disturbances such as reference speed, load torque, and grid voltage are analyzed for different control techniques using MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation program. Hypothetical step change signals are simulated for the various disturbances to evaluate the dynamic performance of different control techniques used for the BDFRG.
Research on project management barriers in Western Balkan region[Full-Text ] Misko DzidrovProject management has proven to be an effective management approach that has potential of being of great value for development of the Western Balkan countries. Without successful project identification, preparation and implementation, project plans are no more than just wishes for doing something. This affects developing countries since they remain stagnant or they regress. Proper allocation and mobilizing of resources are needed so that the country’s development is stimulated with appropriate goods and services production. This research focuses on Western Balkan countries and their inability to identify, formulate, prepare and execute proper projects. Common challenges are defined and major barriers are elaborated in detail.
Relationship Between 7-Point Subjective Global Assessment With Phase Angle And Quality Of Life In Chronic Kidney Disease Patients With Regular Hemodialysis[Full-Text ] Ivan Ramayana, Alwi Thamrin Nasution, Abdurrahim Rasyid LubisMalnutrition in regular hemodialysis patients is a frequent clinical manifestation and as an independent factor in worsening quality of life and mortality. 7-point Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) is a simple nutritional status assessment method, cheap and effective in patients with hemodialysis. BIA phase angle examination is an examination of modern body composition and is widely used as a predictor of nutritional status and mortality of chronic kidney disease (CKD) with regular hemodialysis.
An Intelligent Advising System That Adopts Multi-Agents Technology[Full-Text ] Nwagu, Chikezie Kenneth and Omankwu, Obinnaya ChinecheremStudent advising is an important and time-consuming effort in academic life. Academic advising has been implemented in order to fill the gap between student and the academic routine, by moving advising, complaining, evaluating, suggesting system from the traditional ways to an automated way. This paper review the existing literature; as utilized that many institutions have implemented computerized solutions in order to enhance their overall advising experience. The paper presents an overview of the development and implementation of a new model of e-Academic Advising System as a web-based application.
Elaboration of an advanced method called "|PKPGA|" for maintenance decision making[Full-Text ] Mohamed Fri, Fouad Belmajdoub, Mohammed El HammoumiIn this article, we provide an original contribution to the science of decision. We elaborate a new method dedicated to making decision in the maintenance science. This method is named |PKPGA|. It is an evolution of the method ¬PKPGA, this latter was elaborated in this paper by the fusion of two efficient methods in the science of decision, namely the method PKPGA and the method CBA. The method |PKPGA| give us the best results of the two methods PKPGA and ¬PKPGA. The method |PKPGA| will permit the manager to tack an efficient decision in order to reduce the cost of investment in the maintenance and to increase the productivity of the company.
Enhancement of Multi-loop Level Control with Optimized Ratio and Split Range Controller using DCS PCS7[Full-Text ] K. POOVENTHAN, K. SOWNDARYA, T. MYTHILY, V. DHARHINIIn the industry, the Paper making process happens to be of multi-loop trainer kit mounted with the tank whose level is to measured using ratio and split range control. The cascade control is replaced by ratio and split range control and the flow of the process is the measured inputs to the designed Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) will be given by the level transmitter. The virtual PID is replaced by hardware PID. The total outcome of the process is based on the consistency level.
Modeling Spatial Variability of Precipitation over a Catchment[Full-Text ] Vijay Suryawanshi, Ch. SridharCatchment is defined as an area of land draining into a stream or water course. Rainfall over a given catchment is not uniform and has spatial and temporal variation. Various methods have been proposed in the recent past to determine this variation. Whatever might be the method involved, the primary theme of any method is to convert point rainfall found at rainfall gauge station into mean precipitation and produce the results in a graphical format giving the distribution of rainfall over a given catchment area under consideration.
To remove high density salt and pepper noise and compare output images with image quality metrics by advanced median filter[Full-Text ] Marufur Rahman, Md. Shariful IslamIn this paper, a technique is used that removes high density salt and pepper noise from corrupted image and compares the output images with the original image by image quality metrics. Instead of replacing the pixel value with the mean of neighboring pixel values, the method replaces it with the median of those values. This technique compares between corrupted and uncorrupted pixels and performs the median filtering process only on the corrupted ones. A 3*3, 5*5 and 7*7 square neighborhood is used here. We will observe the output images with lower neighborhoods and higher neighborhoods. We will also show the calculation of PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) and MSE (Mean square error) value for each dimension with different percentages.
Charge Independent AC Modeling and Simulation of FGMOSFET[Full-Text ] Ass.Prof. M.Elgazzar, Ahmed H. HassanThis paper studies the Floating- Gate MOSFET (FGMOSFET) for its importance in biomedical engineering and many modern low-power applications. A practical model for FGMOSFET is highly needed to be used in circuits simulators. In this work, a spice model for FGMOSFET is introduced and can be inserted in any circuit simulator such as Spector and various SPICE programs (i.e. HSPICE, WinSPICE, etc.). Firstly, the parasitic capacitances needed for FGMOSFET are stated for 0.13um CMOS technology. Secondly, a model for both mutual and output transconductance is represented. The model is based on n-channel FGMOSFET and valid from linear to saturation regions. The model considers velocity saturation as short channel effect and bulk charge due to drain-to-source voltage as second order effect. The results were verified by the spice simulation BSIM3v3 model in Cadence.
An Analytical Study of Web Tracking: In a Nutshell[Full-Text ] AKM Bahalul Haque, Farhat Tasnim Progga, Md. Amdadul BariPrivacy over the internet has become a significant concern nowadays as users are ubiquitously tracked on the web. While using the internet, each of our footprints can be seen using the proper tracking mechanism. The users can be tracked on the web based on the interpretation and measurement of user's data while browsing. These user data include session identifiers, cookies, HTML local storage. The web tracking can be used in both right and wrong ways. For medical issues, security reason and financial reasons web tracking can be beneficial one while on the other hand tracking someone intentionally or accidentally reeks the privacy of the user which can be used for advertising or identity theft. In this paper, various web tracking techniques are discussed and analyzed to show how the users are vulnerable on the web while accessing it.
Rules Based Method For Software Vulnerabilities Levels Evaluation Using Machine Learning[Full-Text ] DIAKO Doffou Jérôme, ACHIEPO Odilon Yapo M., MENSAH Edoete PatriceCybercrime is on the increase with diversified attacks, particularly on software applications [1]. To combat software piracy, researchers have developed vulnerability scores using a standardized scoring mechanism to assess the level of vulnerability of software applications [2]. However, the calculation of this score is very complex in practice and difficult to use in industry and research [3]. In this paper we propose an approach to compute directely the software vulnerability level hat avoids the complexity of the existing method based on complex score calculation. Our method is developed from a modeling of international vulnerability data using decision tree approach and is based on rules expressed in first-order logic. Instead of generate vulnerability scores very close to those obtained by the complex classical method, our method is able to give directly the software vulnerability level, the advantage of being extremely simple to use both in research and in the industry.
Awareness and adherence of primary health care physicians in Taif to Jnc8 guidelines for hypertension management, 2018[Full-Text ] Dr. Mohammed Hamed Alosaimi, Dr. Hani AbozaidBackground: Inadequate adherence of physicians to clinical practice guidelines has been shown to contribute effectively to poor health outcomes and increased risks with subsequent complications
Effect of cyclic stretch exercise on lateral ankle sprain[Full-Text ] Ahmed. M. Attia, Amira. H. Mohammed, Nader I. El SayedBackground: Patients with lateral ankle sprain often suffer from pain, swelling and instability at the lateral side of the ankle due to inversion injury of the ankle.
Construction of central urban parts in major cities and historical context[Full-Text ] Armend FazliuUrban growth is currently the largest force of impact on land use in Europe, where peri-urban areas have reached a four-fold "development" of cities and towns. In these tendencies, integrated urban management can increase the environmental elasticity of European cities, particularly in the east and south.
THE PORTABLE BIOGAS FOR LABORATORY[Full-Text ] M.C. Tri Atmodjo and Retno HerwatiThe portable biogas device able to use for the trainee in laboratory scale. This apparatus is suitable for the beginer of biogas enthusiastic. In designing portable biogas is needed to calculate the volume, the ratio of gas and liquid applied and etc. The design and application of portable biogas technology is done by mathematic calculation and trial and error using the materials used drum, oil, cow dung, plastic hoses, simple pressure control and using ballast pendulum. The basic design for the manufacture of portable biogas devices is based on research conducted by EPA USA .
Ethnobotanical survey on spontaneous food plants in Agboville department (Côte d’Ivoire)[Full-Text ] Bédiakon Bini Kouakou Denisi, Beugré Grah Avit Maxwell, Yao Konan and Ouattara DjakaliaIn Africa and mainly in Côte d'Ivoire, people are interested in wild food plants. A survey based on interviews collected information from indigenous, non-native and non-indigenous populations in 5 sub-prefectures and 6 villages in Agboville department (Côte d'Ivoire). The purpose of the survey was to inventory and evaluate the level of knowledge and usefulness of the spontaneous edible plants.
CLIMATE VARIABILITY VERSUS AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY IN OGOJA, CROSS RIVER STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] J. N. Obiefuna and G. N. NjarThe impact of the dynamics of climate on agricultural productivity in Ogoja, Northern Cross River was the main focal point of this research. The objectives of the study were to establish the trend of rainfall in the study area for a decade, establish the temperature pattern of the study area for a decade, to examine the relationship between the varying climatic conditions on crop (rice) yield, and to make recommendations based on the research findings. Temperature, rainfall and crop data were sourced for a period of 10 years (2005-2014) from Ministry of Works Meteorological Department, Ogoja L.G.A and International Fund for Agricultural Development, (IFAD), Calabar.
The impact of financial crisis on the living standard of households in Juba, South Sudan[Full-Text ] Kuicthok Yak DengThis paper reports on an impact of financial crisis on the living standard of the households in Juba South Sudan carried out in October 2016. To attain its objectives, the study employed an economic outlook of South Sudan in regards to the current financial crisis causes by conflict. This study showed that the financial crisis has had a negative impact on the living standard of low-income households in Juba as well as other states in the country, location, size of household, gender status of head of the household, education level of head of the household, etc.
Simulation of QPSK and OQPSK Modulation Technique Using Simulink and Calculating the Performance Metric ‘BER’ In Different Fading Channels[Full-Text ] Anuradha A. Kasangottuwar, Trupti Tagare, Vibha T.GThis paper presents the bit error rate (BER) performance of Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) and Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (OQPSK) over Rayleigh fading, AWGN and Rician channels. Bit Error Rate performance of QPSK modulation and OFDMQPSK System over AWGN and Rayleigh fading channel is analyzed. The performance of BER of QPSK over AWGN and Rayleigh channel is compared. OFDM is an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing to reduce inter symbol interference problem.
Modeling and swarm intelligence based control of hybrid Wind-PV system for grid integration[Full-Text ] B.MANOJ KUMAR, Mr P. RAMESHWith the degradation of fossil fuels, recent era witness the penetration of renewable energy sources like wind and solar energy into various electrical applications. Integration of these renewable energy sources is of prime importance as they possess zero carbon emission, environmental friendly and zero fuel cost. However, the unpredictability and unreliable nature of solar and wind motivates the combine utilization of these sources i.e. hybrid energy systems.
FUEL EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT OF SHIP POWER PLANTS IN A CHEMICAL TANKER VESSEL[Full-Text ] INEGIYEMIEMA.M; ODOKWO, V. EThis paper presents a study of fuel efficiency improvement of a tanker vessel aimed at optimizing the rate of fuel consumption on board a vessel. A chemical tanker is considered as a case study in this work and the three major sources of energy losses encountered onboard the vessel (machinery losses, propeller losses, and hull losses) are properly analyzed in terms of percentage. Propeller losses and hull losses are observed to constitute 16% and 32% of energy losses onboard the vessel respectively. Machinery losses make up the highest source of energy losses in the form of heat, exhaust and transmission losses that takes place in the main engine of the power plant of the studied vessel. This work particularly concentrates on ways of reducing the high amount of energy losses in the vessel’s machinery system as a panacea to improve and boost the fuel efficiency of the vessel. This is achieved through the use of Waste Heat Recovery System to recuperate energy from the exhaust gases and heat produced in the engine compartment.
A STUDY TO ASSESS THE EFFECTIVENESS OF BREATHING EXERCISES AS A PLAY WAY METHOD ON RESPIRATORY SIGNS AND PULMONARY PARAMETERS AMONG CHILDREN WITH LOWER REPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS AT SELECTED HOSPITAL, FARIDKOT,PUNJAB[Full-Text ] KARAMJEET KAURLower respiratory tract infections (LRIs) inflict a high burden of disease in children worldwide and are urgently needed to differentiate this burden. Lower respiratory tract infections refer to infections affecting the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and lungs. Due to lower respiratory tract infections, respiratory signs are observed i.e. wheezing, increased respiratory rate and use of accessory muscles. Peak flow rate and oxygen saturation get also affected.
Peri-urban dynamics: The case of Yaounde town and its environs[Full-Text ] Aloysious Kohtem Lebga, Nyonkwe Ngo Ndjem Marie Louise Simone, Aristide YemmafouoThis paper presents findings on peri-urban dynamics in Yaounde town and it’s environ. The objective of this research is to show how un-controlled or galloping urbanisation without corresponding infrastructures determines peri-urban dynamics in Yaounde town and it’s environ. To attain this, a multi-criteria image processing through satellite image remote sensing and Geographic Information System was applied to analyse urban evolution.
Prevalence and determinants of bullying phenomenon among male intermediate school students in Taif[Full-Text ] Dr. Ahmad Mohammad Alshehri, Dr. Mohammed AlzaydiBACKGROUND: Bullying at school is well known; however, it is increasing over recent years increase in the number of news on bullying events at school in mass media.
Advanced Noise Removal Technique for ECG Signal Using Improvised Adaptive Algorithm[Full-Text ] Senthil Kumar K, Dr.M.MalleswaranStatistics suggest that on a global level, Cardio vascular disease (CVD) accounts for 31% of all deaths. The estimated cost of CVD will be $1,044 billion by 2030. These CVD will be easily identified by using ECG signal. An electrocardiogram or ECG, is a graphical record delivered by an electrocardiograph which records the electrical action of the heart over a period of time.
Prevention of Occupationals Diseases: Evaluation of Hygiene Practices among Staff Working in the Livestock Sector in the South-east of the Ivory-Coast[Full-Text ] N’gbesso N. Jean-Paul, Beudje Felicité, Okoubo Née N’guessan A. Nicaise, Arra A. Juli LandryThe occupational disease, such as anthrax, is a public health problem in Ivory-Coast, especially among the populations working in the field of livestock. This study was conducted in southeastern of Ivory-Coast. Its purpose is to evaluate the hygiene practices of the population practicing in the field of livestock. The survey involved 130 people. It consisted in the administration of a questionnaire. The analysis of the questionnaire revealed that the drovers and butchers are the populations most exposed to anthrax. This study made it possible to take stock of the hygiene practices of this population and will allow to consider adequate means for the fight against this zoonosis.
Changes in soil physical properties and Trifoliate yam (Dioscorea dumetorum) performance under different tillage methods in Southwestern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Sosina, A. O., Adeleye, I. A., Atere, O. B.,Research was conducted to evaluate the changes in soil physical properties and trifoliate yam (Dioscorea dumetorum) performance under different tillage methods in two locations of south western Nigeria. The study was carried out in 2013 cropping season at the Teaching and Research Farms of Ekiti State University (EKSU), Ado-Ekiti and the Federal University of technology, Akure (FUTA).
Worldwide trends on Ophiocordyceps sinensis: A bibliometric analysis (1970-2016)[Full-Text ] QiaoQiao Yang, WanQi Xu, Xiaowei Xu, Shujing Liu, LinFang HuangThis study aims to examine the literature related to the Ophiocordyceps sinensis (O. sinensis) that are published from 1970 to 2016 through bibliometric methods based on databases of Web of ScienceTM Core Collection. Out of 811 retrieved publications, 82.8% were journal articles. The patterns of these articles such as countries, institutions, journals and authors, as well as subject categories, hot topics and the most highly cited articles were investigated. Visualized tool CiteSpace and traditional methods were employed.