Volume 9, Issue 11, November 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 11, November 2018.
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Potential of Rainwater harvesting by using different rooftop material in urban areas: A case study[Full-Text ] Talat Farid Ahmed, Hashim Nisar Hashmi, Ashfaq Ahmed Sheikh, Muhammad Azeem Afzal, Shamim-ul-Sibtain ShahThe water resources are under enormous stress due to increased in agricultural expansion, population rate linked with urban and industrial growth. The gap between water demand and supply is expanding rapidly. In view the importance of water for various aspects, a study is designed to estimate runoff potential of rooftop catchment’s under different rooftop material. It will provide a relationship of rainfall-runoff for better designing of an efficient rainwater harvesting (RWH). It will also give estimate of RWH potential and rainwater quality. The output of this study will help us for effective and efficient rooftop RWH for urban condition.
Implementation Of Railway Crack Detection And Monitoring System[Full-Text ] V. ElanangaiIn this paper problem about a railway analysis is detection of cracks in the structure. Indian railway is the fourth world largest railway network in the world and manual Inspection and detection of cracks on these railways tracks is very tedious process and consumes a lot of time and human resource. A large proportion of derailments and service disruptions are cause by track-related issues. Increases in axle loads, vehicles primary yaw suspension stiffness, wheel-rail iconicity and capacity have resulted in greater damage to the track. This work aims in designing railway track crack detection autonomous vehicle using Microcontroller, ultrasonic Sensors which detects the cracks along its path. Ultrasonic sensor detects the crack and objects and sends this information to the microcontroller and stop the train immediately.
SERVICE DELIVERY OF A WORLD HERITAGE CITY[Full-Text ] Florida U. UrsulomThis survey was conducted in Vigan City to collect and generate relevant citizens’ feedback on local governments’ service delivery performance and on the citizens’ general satisfaction.
Climate change "Awareness - Action Gap"[Full-Text ] Mr. Bhaskar Sailesh and Dr. Suja JohnSince the Industrial revolution, the amount of Greenhouse Gas(GHG) in the atmosphere has reached to unprecedented levels primarily due to anthropogenic causes. According to UNWTO - UNEP - WMO (2008), the GHG emissions from tourism industry was estimated to be about 5% of total global emissions and predicted to increase by 2020. Since then, several climate change awareness campaigns were launched to inform about GHG emissions generated by tourists' activities. However, several studies indicated negligible change in tourists decision making and travel behavior.
Customers’ Satisfaction on Technology Adoption: A Study on the Smartphones Usage[Full-Text ] Anima Bag, Yao-Chin LinThe research studied the Customers’ Satisfaction with information technology (IT) of users’ acceptance. The main anxiety is the users’ understanding of adoption process and use of behavior and it can change human character such as Smartphone. Research question are: 1. what are the key factors that are associated with users’ behavioral intention to adopt and use the Smartphone technology in India? 2. What is the impact of attitude towards using smartphone and experience with new technology to rural area in India? The smartphone has become much more sophisticated and it improved consumer behaviors. This study involves extended with one model; which are Davis, [10]; Davis and Venkatesh [11] proposed the technology acceptance model (TAM). TAM model is one of the most extensively used of behavioral models within all information technology systems. This TAM models system usage intention and behavior as a part of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.
Total Hydrocarbon Concentration in the Tissues of Clarias gariepinus of Taylor Creek, Niger Delta[Full-Text ] Eremasi, Y.B., Anaero-Nweke, G. N., & Ekweozor, I. K. E.Total Hydrocarbon Concentration in the tissues (gills, muscle and liver) of Clarias gariepinus was determined along the stretch of Taylor creek in Bayelsa State Niger Delta. Seven (7) sample points were selected along the stretch of the Creek and selected spilled sites. Samples were collected in monthly basis from November 2015 to October 2016 and analysed following standard procedures using Spectronic 21D Spectrophotometer. THC were in the order; liver > gills > muscle.
Achieving Sustainability and Environmental Reconciliation through Sustainable Environmental management[Full-Text ] Dr. Bushra AbdulRahim Yass, Prof. Kamel K.AlkenanyThe importance of sustainability, particularly the environmental sustainability needs to a sustainable institutional management more efficiency and interactive between the protection of the environment and the requirements of the development this is what the research paper cares. The research aims to develop some proposals that support an effective model of successful and sustainable institutional management for a healthy and manageable environment without any negative impacts, safe and sustainable ecosystem.
Significance of Knowledge Sharing Behaviour among Academic Community on the Basis of Theory of Reasoned Action[Full-Text ] Arenawati Sehat Binti Haji Omar, Dr Shahren Bin Ahmad Zaidi AdruceThe knowledge supply is the greatest challenge that has to be faced while fostering academic community. The study has utilized Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) for evaluating the factor of motivation in terms of sharing knowledge. The study has revealed that certain factors and situations limit the impact of individual’s attitude on the behaviour. It has successfully predicted behavioural intentions that compromise between actual predicting behaviour and attitude predictions.
Photobioreactors for microalgae cultivation – An Overview[Full-Text ] M. K Egbo, A. O Okoani, I. E OkohOne of the ways to combat global warming is to substitute the conventional fossil fuels that are used to meet most of the world energy demand with cheaper, cleaner, renewable and therefore sustainable energy (heat, electricity, and transport fuel) sources. Not only can microalgae biomass serve as a sustainable source of energy, it can also serve as food supply for both humans and animals, as raw material for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, as wastewater treating agent and, as a biological atmospheric carbon dioxide removal (CDR) agent for geoengineering purpose. Since photobioreactors (PBRs) show higher potential for use in the large-scale production of microalgae biomass when compared to the other production systems (raceways or open ponds), this paper focuses on the overview of the different types of PBRs and the design types, the operation principles, advantages, limitations and possible applications.
Techniques Used for Unequally Spaced Grounding Grid Design[Full-Text ] Osama Elsayed Gouda, Ghada Mohamed Amer, Omar Mohamed Salim, Eman Amer ElsayedGrounding system (GS) represents one of the most essential items of the power plants and substation systems design. The main objective of power system substation grounding grids is to maintain reliable operation and protect personnel and equipment during fault conditions. For all substations planning, economical and effective GS plays an essential role since the absence of effective grounding grid can result in mal-operation of protective devices and hazardous for operators and substation equipment. Therefore, in this paper, the evolutional technique for unequally spaced grounding grid design is suggested.
Forgery Detection Based Image Processing Techniques[Full-Text ] Shaimaa H. shakir, Nour Zwyer The forgery of official documents becomes familiar and this made a lot of problems and difficulties to the official institutions .One of these problems is the development of digital image processing software and editing tools. with the new the sophisticated powerful digital printers and a lot of software tools it become very simple to edit scanned document and create new one with different information that is very difficult to distinguish from the original and the forgery one.
Customer Contentment and Churn Control in PTCL for Broadband (BB) services by means of Lean Six Sigma (LSS)[Full-Text ] Sarrosh Zaheer, Dr. Shahzada Alamgir Khan, Umair KhawajaPTCL is the largest and most preferred Telecom operator in Pakistan providing services of PSTN, Broadband, IPTV, Webhosting, Corporate circuits, Wireless voice and data. The Research is focusing on faults reduction through analysis and nature faults to reduce number of faults per month in each ITR Exchange. The processes need to reengineered and tailored for improving efficiency and increasing productivity.
The Economic Effects of Repatriation of Stolen Funds on The Profitability of Swiss’s banks[Full-Text ] Ubaid Ur RahmanThe Swiss’s banking industries are known to be one of the world most patronized for many decades, even before the era of modern banking technology. This had boosted her economic growth over the years, which accounts for 65% of the Switzerland GDP according to OECD, 2018 report. In the move to maintain and boost her economy, Switzerland’s banks had received stolen funds from corrupt officials, both in private and government from other nations.
DETERMINATION OF LEAD, CADMIUM AND CHROMIUM CONCENTRATIONS IN EDIBLE LEAFY VEGETABLES GROWN BY ROADSIDE SOILS IN MAKURDI TOWN[Full-Text ] Amuta, Elizabeth U Donatus, Faith N. and Imandeh, Godwin N.The increased accumulation of trace metals on agricultural soils and edible plant parts has drawn the attention of the research community due to their toxic nature and cumulative effects.Vegetables are among the list of the most consumed perishable crops produced in Benue State.This study was aimed at determining Lead(Pb),Cadmium(Cd) and Chromium(Cr) concentrations in edible leafy vegetables namely; Bitterleaf(Vernonia amygdalina), Fluted Pumpkin(Telferia occidentalis) and Spinach(Spinaceae oleracea) grown by roadside soils in Makurdi town. Vegetable and soil samples were collected from roadsides of Wadata, Wurukum and Northbank areas of Makurdi, town. Direct reading Spectrophotometric methods were used to determine the concentrations (mg/kg) of trace metals (Lead, Cadmium and Chromium) in vegetable and soil samples.
A Proposed Framework Targeting the Enhancement of Students’ Performance in Fayoum University[Full-Text ] Amira M. Idrees, Mohamed Hassan IbrahimNowadays there is a global understanding for the importance of e-learning systems which has proved its applicability and advancement through the years especially in higher education sector. According to this increase in its importance, many educational organizations have applied e-learning process with focusing on the benefits to the student in applying this learning system. However, this increase has led to the requirements of applying a scalable, reliable, and high performance e-learning system to ensure the student’s satisfaction and raising the students’ education level which is the main aim of the educational process.
AEROTROPOLIS The Age of New Urbanism (A Case Study of Ahmedabad city, India)[Full-Text ] Aanal AgrawalThe aviation sector is one of the most polluting and fastest growing greenhouse gas emitter in the world. While only 7% of the total population has ever travelled through air transport, the costs will be barred by all.
Anxiety, Depression and Quality of Life in parents of children With Autism[Full-Text ] F. Ellouze 1, R. Ben Soussia 1, S. Ben Youssef 2, K. Hajji 1, O. Slim, L. Zarrouk 1, I. Marrag 1Rearing a child with neurodevelopmental disorder such as autism is a stressful challenge for parents. It requires them to adopt further strategies in order to cope with this new situation. However, those strategies turn out to be scarce, insufficient or unsuitable leading to manifold backlashes on their quality of life (QoL) and their psychological status.
Evaluation of Management Information Systems Currently In the Human Resources Department of Five Universities in Iraq[Full-Text ] Talib M. Jawad Abbas Al-Talib, Mustafa S. Mahmood It is vital that the human resource function in the higher education is supported by information system to be able to deliver services and improve operations. HRMS (Human Resource Management System) enable improvement in traditional processes and enhance strategic decision making.
Comparison between facilitatory effects of perineural dexmedetomidine , dexamethasone or lornoxicam added to bupivacaine and bupivacaine alone in supraclavicular brachial plexus block[Full-Text ] Hussein,Hazem Abdelwahab,MD, Mahmoud,Hatem Elmoutaz,MD, Ali ,Mohamed Abdelbadie,MSBackground: Supraclavicular brachial plexus block is frequently used for upper limb surgery but short duration of local anesthetics alone limits its use, various adjuncts to local anesthetics have been used to prolong the block.
Removal of anionic dyes from aqueous solutions by cistus ladaniferus shells and their biochar: Isotherms, kinetic and thermodynamic studies[Full-Text ] H. El Farissi, R. Lakhmiri, A. Albourine, M. Safi and O. CherkaouiThe aim of this work is the valorization of the Cistus ladaniferus shells (CLSh) and the biochar of the Cistus ladaniferus shell (BCCLSh) as a bio-sorbent prepared by pyrolysis. Both adsorbents are characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), Fourier trans-form infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray fluorescence (FX). The inexpensive, easy to obtain and environmentally friendly adsorbents has been used as an ideal alternative for dye removal methods in wastewater.
Vygotsky: A Dominant Psychologist and His Collected Works[Full-Text ] Mohammad Faysal SarkerAs philosophy rationally concentrates on all disciplines including psychology, both of these practices imbricate to some extent. That is why, it is said that psychology symbolises an enigmatic and dual characters from the time it was sourced from philosophy in the 19th century. However, the areas to be focused on by these two embodiments are substantially different though the researching territories of these two sectors of science are identical; people and life. While the analysis of philosophy is to focus on the reality and survival of human life, psychology wants to deeply research on human behaviour.
Non-Uniform Polyphase DFT Filter Bank for Cognitive Radio Sensing[Full-Text ] Reffaa A. Hamzah, Manal J. Al-KindiFor simultaneous multiple bands width sensing, a Non-Uniform Polyphase Discrete Fourier Transform Filter Bank introduced using two uniform Polyphase Discrete Fourier Transform Filter Banks. This proposal can be used for cognitive radio sensing in unlicensed Bands, A design example for the simultaneous extraction of three variable width channels (No. 42,58, and 114) related to the Bands U-NII-2A, U-NII-1, and U-NII-2C of the 5 GHz wireless communication Band IEEE 802.11ac is discussed.
Comparative Analysis of Behaviour of RCC Pentagonal and Hexagonal Tube in Tube Structural System and the Conventional RCC Pentagonal and Hexagonal Structure Subjected to Lateral Loads in Different Seismic Zones[Full-Text ] Kevin Joseph Scaria, Ankit KarmakarEarthquake-resistant design of structures has grown into a truly multi-disciplinary field of engineering wherein many innovative developments and trends are coming up. The nature of the structural system of high raised buildings is a critical influencing factor of the earthquake resisting capability of the structure. The tube in tube structural system is becoming increasingly popular among tall buildings as an effective structural system in resisting lateral loads such as wind and seismic loads. A tube in tube structure consists of an exterior framed tube with a central core tube which is connected by floor slabs, also known as hull and core respectively.
EVALUATION OF RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION THROUGH FOLIAGE IN PARTS OF CALABAR, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Joel Iloke, Reuben Utoda, Ukoette EkahThis paper present and compares the degree of propagation loss as radio signals travels through foliage. The propagation loss due to foliage, of CRBC signals transmitted on 519.25MHz was measured and compared with the Weissberger modified exponential decay model and the Early ITU model. The result shows a high correlation between the measured propagation loss and the model’s predictions. The plots of the data obtained from the measurement against the predictions of the models shows a higher correlation between the measured data and the Weissberger predictions.
Risks Associated with Payment Banks and Mobile-Based Money Platforms[Full-Text ] Ubaid Ur RahmanMobile-based money platforms are considered as one of the determinants of economic development in most developing and under developing countries of the world. The usefulness of payment banks and other mobile-based money platforms could be traced to the fact that it provides easy access to money, ease money sending difficulties, the speed of sending and receiving money, mobile access, and other usefulness (A. G. Cudjoe et al., 2015). However, there are certain risks that are associated with payment banks and mobile-based money platforms that most of the previous authors never write upon.
The Economic Effects of Supply Chain Management on the Automobile Industries in China[Full-Text ] Ubaid Ur RahmanChina’s automobile industries had been competitively challenged in recent times. In order to remain competitive relevant in the automobile industries globally, China’s automobile industries had to drive a strategic to channel its automobile production in the right perspective to remain competitive relevant. This led to the launched of a supply chain management by China’s automobile industries. This paper considered the likely positive economic effects of the supply chain management on China’s automobile industries. Firstly, the supply chain tends to open more markets for China’s automotive industries in the ASEAN, EU, and AU regions. Secondly, the supply chain threatens China’s automobile industries control over her local and regional markets from foreign automobile industries as China open their markets for international automobile industries in order to penetrate into foreign automobile markets.
Blockchain Consensus Algorithm - Proof Of DiGeST[Full-Text ] Ramachandran IyerIn Blockchain world, arriving at a consensus over the correctness of a transaction is probably the most important and key element in the architecture of the blockchain framework. Dynamic consensus model help support various use-case and industry needs, based on the degree of decentralization and complexity needed. Consensus model is at the heart of any blockchain fabric and is very essential for managing and maintaining the decentral aspect of the solution.
Android Based Home Automation System[Full-Text ] Roshan Gosalia, Student, MPSTME, Darshil Gala, Student, MPSTME, Ami Munshi, Mentor, Asst. Prof, MPSTMEThis project has been undertaken with the aim to address various issues regarding electric load handling. It involves the use of an android device which is responsible for providing functionality to homes and offices by optimizing the switching operations of various applications. A Bluetooth receiver is interfaced with microcontroller in order to accept the commands and then it reacts accordingly. This paper also deals with controlling various domestic applications and in industrial setups.
A Economic Load Dispatch Using Reactive Power Optimization Approach[Full-Text ] Leena Daniel, Dr.K.T.ChaturvediThe prime focus was the concept economic load dispatch (ELD) is one of the main functions of modern energy management system, which determines the optimal real power setting of generating units with an objective to minimize total fuel cost of thermal plants.It is general fact that reactive power produced due to reactive components and loads connected to the network, is essential for transmission of active power through transmission and distribution power network.
E-PORTAL: A TOOL FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS MANAGEMENT IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Bakare Akeem B, Mustapha T.S, Abdulazeez M. Bello, Ibrahim AbubakarICT is becoming increasingly used in schools and educational institutions. It is also established in professional and classroom practice. This leads to increasing development in ICT which is also becoming more diversified. However, head teachers, companies and policy makers continue to take increasing interest in the scope of this field. Relatively little research work is being undertaken which considers aspects of ICT and school management.
COMPARATIVE STUDY OF RENEWABLE ENERGIES WITH SOLAR AND WIND SOURCES[Full-Text ] Fritsch, A.R, Dias, M.M, Piber, P.R.V, Borba, M.G, Martins, R.M, Aquim, P.M, Moura, A.B. DThe objective of this work was to evaluate two renewable energy sources alternative with the purpose of comparing the energy generation of both, using geographic information from maps and climatic data collected from meteorological centers for energy generation with wind and solar renewable sources, analyzing which energy source is most efficient.
Web-Based Tool for Website Checker(Web Evaluator)[Full-Text ] Rajesh Kumar, Ajeet Kumar, Paras Lal, Kapeel Dev, Nudra Siddiquie, Abdul Majeed UnarWeb is winding up increasingly critical each day for business, training, sharing data and for correspondence. Each passing day the quantity of organizations, associations and people distributing their sites is expanding. Everybody needs their site is of good quality. Some quality measurements may influence in a roundabout way on the fame through their impact on the execution or the convenience of sites. So it is important to assess a site with the goal that it can fulfill the clients.
Product Specification: A Critical Factor in Crushing Plant Design for Commercial Aggregate Quarries[Full-Text ] Abdulraman S.O and Olaleye B.MCommercial quarries require prompt patronage for a better cash flow that will satisfy the prime objective of their establishment. Fonds and Pricey quarry is a 250T/H capacity quarry in Abuja and one of the many Nigerian quarries facing challenges of poor cash flow due to low sales with huge stock piles of untradeable products. This unpleasant situation threatens the viability of a quarry business.
An Evaluative Study to Explore Multiple Intentions Causes & Factors Behind Software Piracy Trends in Pakistan & Their Possible Solutions[Full-Text ] Irfan Ali, Maria Latif, Jawwad IbrahimGlobally, the trend of software piracy is considered an unwarranted use or copying of unlicensed computer software but still it seems to be very importunate, unremitting and recurrent phenomenon for every computer user society. For third world countries or developing nations like Pakistan, where IT industry is already suffering due to other concerns, this supplementary concern of software piracy is getting issue of more apprehension and distress day by day.
Adverse Effects of Indian Television Advertisements on Youth’s Cultural and Social Values in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Dr. Zaeema Asrar Muhiuddin, Marium Ishrat Zuberi, Salman Fazal Khan, Sufian Fazal KhanAs Islam is an official religion of Pakistan, the cultural and social values of Pakistani nation are based on pure Islamic code of ethics and the Islamic way of life. Impacts of Indian culture are very much clearly visible on youth’s perceptions, behavior, dressing, language and lifestyles. There is no consensus about the adverse effects of Indian television advertisements on youth moral and the social values in the Islamic society of Pakistan.
Review Article: The role of mucosal immunity in HIV-1 infection and combination of antiretroviral treatment therapies for HIV-1 infected pregnant women and prevention in infants[Full-Text ] Sadaf Pervaz, Zubaria ParvezHiv-1 is naturally transmitted through mucosal surfaces of gastrointestinal tract and vagina. These two sites are most vulnerable and primary source of initial HIV replication, its amplification and rapid CD4+ T cell depletion also.. The combination of Anti-retroviral therapy is recommended as a possible treatment of HIV-1 infection.
Detection of WordPress User Enumeration Vulnerability[Full-Text ] Isrg RajanWordPress is one of the highly popular content management system (CMS) with estimated at over 172 million active websites including e-Commerce, Personal, News and e-Magazines [1]. The WordPress is popular because of its distributed system support, multi-user, and capacity for easy accessibility. With the popularity of WordPress usability thousands of websites are attacked with DoS, DDoS where user enumeration vulnerability is very common which assist the attackers to completely bring a website to unavailability status [2].
TEACHING STAFF REQUIREMENTS FOR QUALITY INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY IN GOVERNMENT TECHNICAL COLLEGES IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Angela A. Oragwu, Akachukwu I. Nwabueze This study investigated teaching staff requirements for quality instructional delivery in government technical colleges in Nigeria. Five research questions and three hypotheses guided this study. This study adopted the descriptive survey design and the population consisted of four Government Technical Colleges in Rivers State with 68 teachers handling technical education subjects. A sample size of 68 male and female teachers was drawn using purposive random sampling technique.
In vitro Plant Regeneration through Organogenesis and Somatic Embryogenesis of Punica granatum Linn. (Lythraceae)[Full-Text ] K. G. L. Manjitha, M. D. K. M. Gunasena, W. T. P. S. K. Senarath and L. G. I. SamanmaleeReliable protocol was developed to obtain healthy plants of imported (Indian) Punica granatum Linn. using in vitro germinated seedlings and juvenile explants. In vitro seed germination of imported seeds was induced on MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of GA3. The best medium was found to be the MS medium supplemented with 5.0 mg/L GA3 and seed stratification induced the seed germination percentage and seedling height.