Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2017.
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Extraction and comparison of properties of jackfruit seed oil and sunflower seed oil[Full-Text ] Nandhitha Ganesh BabuThe objective of the study is to extract oil from jackfruit seeds and compare its properties with that of sunflower oil. The oil was extracted by milling the jackfruit seeds. The jackfruit seed oil was used as a medium for frying potato chips. The frying properties were compared to that of milled sunflower oil. The potato chips were analysed for their sensory properties. The chips were evaluated by a team of 20 semi-trained panellists who graded the samples on a 5-point Hedonic scale. The sensory attributes included texture, aroma, flavour, colour, taste and overall acceptability. The results revealed that the texture and colour of the potato chips fried in jackfruit seed oil were similar to those which were fried in sunflower oil. The jackfruit seed oil was also tested for its physicochemical properties such as Acid value, Iodine value, Peroxide value and Saponification value. The results were 3.51, 14.15, 0.954 and 251 respectively. The free fatty acid was estimated to be 1.35g/100g. The peroxide value of the oil was found to be lower than that of sunflower oil.
Awareness of the Benefits, Hazards and Protection from Different Types of Medical Radiation among Population in Najran Region[Full-Text ] Soha Saleh Mohammed Al- Zamanan, Amani Mohammad Abbad Alwadei, Norah Saad M Al-Johani, Amina Abdo salhi, Wejdan Nasser Ahmed, Asma Mushabab AlahmariA cross-sectional study was carried out, aiming to assess the awareness of benefits, hazards and protection methods of different types of medical radiation among Najran population. Electronic questionnaire was used to collect data. It contains personal data including gender, age, and, education. It contains also, data about awareness of different types of medical radiation devices and their benefits in diagnosis and treatment as well as awareness of hazards.
Identifying multifunctional agriculture outputs and their importance for farmers[Full-Text ] Nertila Qafoku (Arapaj)Although the objectives that are sought were to orientate farmers towards multifunctionality in agriculture, this analysis was undertaken after important factors were revealed in the designation of multifunctionality. From an individual perspective, the overlapping of motivations to improve this agricultural model with motivations to go towards multifunctional agriculture, is an opportunity for farmers convince that the motivation for multifunctional agricultural depends on their income which is determined by their social origins. The strategy used to describe the multifunctional concept relates to the identification and determination of the most important attributes of the agricultural sector in social and cultural systems in the Berat district. Through the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method the most important agriculture objectives have been identified where the results achieved show that the production output remains among the most important. In addition to the views in general of the characteristics of multifunctional agriculture of our country, we will pause to look at in depth to recommend possible developments in the county of Berati. The main reason why we have chose this county is that it represents the average the economic indicators, social and environmental, of Albania.
Trend and Variability Analysis of Rainfall & Stream Flow Series at Tekeze River Basin, Ethiopia [Full-Text ] Fikru Fentaw*, Dereje Hailu, Agizew Nigussie Tekeze River Basin is a trans-boundary river basin in the North-West part of Ethiopia and is a data scarce basin with limited number of gauging stations. The natural flow regime and the spatial and temporal variability of the Basin are poorly understood and remain poorly described. The lack of data and information has resulted in a limited knowledgebase for water resource planning and management decisions. Thus, there is an opportunity to improve water management, if it can be underpinned by a better scientific understanding of the rainfall variability and streamflow availability and variability in the basin.
Lubricant bio- grease obtained from sugar cane filter cake vegetable oil in Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Pedro Dionisio Remedios Castaneiras, Demeke Girma, Hailemariam Nigus Hailu, Alejandro Velazquez Gonzalez, Daniel Rodriguez Pena, José Marcos Gil OrtizUnder the conditions of Ethiopia, there is no previously reported research on the extraction and use of Sugar Cane Filter Cake Oil. The industry has begun the search for environmentally friendly, renewable and less toxic lubricants. Within these, the production of lubricants of vegetable origin is less aggressive for the environment. The objective of this work is to formulate lubricating grease using Sugar Cane Filter Cake oil extracted from sugarcane by leaching process through the use of selective solvent, from Sugar Cane Filter Cake collected from the Wonji sugar factory in Ethiopia. The lubricating grease was formulated by mixing Sugar Cane Filter Cake Oil, sodium soap and molybdenum disulfide as an additive. The physical- chemical properties of the formulated lubricating grease make it possible to classify it as multipurpose and biodegradable, being able to be used in ball bearings, sliding bearings and other general purposes.
THE EFFECT OF COMMUNICATION BETWEEN DOCTORS AND PATENTS AND ITS IMPACT ON PUBLIC HEALTH[Full-Text ] Nawaf E.aljeraisy ,rakan S.alswayel, naif F.alkanan , mohammed H.alharbi ,Othman M.alshabanah , mohammed A.alnajashi ,saleh M. alfawaz ,mohammed A. almasoudCommunication between doctors and patients is attracting an increasing amount of attention within health care studies. In the past two decades descriptive and experimental research has tried to shed light on the communication process during medical con-sultations. This study is cross sectional(analytic),the data came in a from of questionnaire, the questionnaire had 10 questions, the questionnaire were distributed on social media sites through a link to the questionnaire which was designed and hosted at "Survey Monkey" ,there were no paper form,151 individual answered the questionnaire 145 of them answered them with the trick question to check if the people who answered it were paying attention to what the questionnaire means, so 6 were extracted to have a total of 145.
Factors Associated with Neck Pain among Secondary School Children in Northern Dhaka City[Full-Text ] Mohammad Kamrujjaman, Shwe Shwe U Marma, Easmin Ara Doly, Rezaul Hossain, Razu, Ekramul Hasan, Mamata Rani Barman, Sanjana ZerinThe present study was conducted to determine the factors associated with neck pain among secondary school children. A cross sectional study was carried out among 122 school children comprising of 66 boys and 56 girls. Maximum age range was 13-16(67.0%) where more than half of the participants were underweight (63.9%). A greater percentage (59.8%) of participants’ study time was <8 hours & time spend in sitting position was 36.9%.
The Project- Based Learning (PBL) Approach in Secondary Social Studies Instruction at Zone 2, Division of Zambales, Philippines[Full-Text ] Ritz A. Catacutan & Marie Fe D. de GuzmanEssential to Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach is the notion that learning is most effective when learners put theory into practice. This study established what PBL approach in teaching Social Studies can contribute in students’ skills and competencies and determined the difficulties (teacher’s capability, classroom management and assessment of project) in the utilization of PBL as perceived by teachers in public secondary schools in Zone 2, Division of Zambales, Philippines which was conducted during the second quarter of the school year 2017-2018 among 132 Social Studies teachers. The study made used of descriptive quantitative research design with survey questionnaire as the main research instrument. The data was processed using descriptive and inferential statistical tools. The study concludes that utilizing the PBL approach in teaching Social Studies allows learners to develop skills and competencies such as team work/collaboration, increased motivation, self-esteem and self-discipline. It was found that the frequently observed and encountered difficulty in the utilization of PBL approach was teacher’s capability aspects specifically adopting to not totally familiar learning perspective which significantly focus on the students learning process and perceived preference to teacher-centered strategies. The respondents also met classroom management issues and difficulties in assessment of outputs and projects. The analysis of variance test revealed that there is a significant difference on the perceived teacher’s capability challenges in utilizing PBL as to teachers’ specialization and length of service; significant on classroom management challenges as to teachers’ area of specialization and sex; and significant on assessment of outputs/works challenges as to teachers’ area of specialization.
HOW TO USE MECHANICAL VENTILATION ( MV ) ON PREVENTION OF VENTILATOR-ASSOCIATED PNEUMONIA ( VAP ) AT THE VIETNAM NATIONAL CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL[Full-Text ] Dang Thu Huong, Le Thanh Hai, Le Kien Ngai, Tran Thai Son, Dang Van Chinh, Phung Van NgocMechanical ventilation is a measure of respiratory support, use of ventilators to ensure alveolar ventilation, improved blood oxygenation, and reduced patient breathing. This technique is widely used in intensive rehabilitation (ICU) departments to treat, alleviate and save patients.
Fitting a recursive model for the Beta II-Binomial mixture into other recursive models. A case of Binomial-Generalized Gamma distribution[Full-Text ] Otwande Andrea, Okuto Erick and Ottieno JosephProbability distributions can be derived using recursive relations in probability. Various methods have been applied to attain this objective with Kotz(1965),Panjer(1981),Hesselager(1992) and Wang among others, leading in this study. Among the distributions obtained include mixed distributions of Poisson distribution. This paper however focuses on the mixture of beta-binomial which has had little focus as far as obtaining their recursive relations are concerned. The paper discusses its suitability and how it fits two recursive models of Panjer-Willmot and Hessselager's.
Accuracy Assessment of SRTM and ASTER DEM's over Egypt[Full-Text ] Hanafy Mostafa Kamal, Anas Mohamed.Abo-alla, Hany Gomaa Ahmed, Mostafa ABD EL- Sattar, Salem Salama SalehDigital Elevation Model (DEM) is one of the most important, simplest and most commonly used in digital representations of the topography and geodata. DEM's are needed in large number of analyses and applications; the accuracy of DEM' is usually represented by spatial resolution and height. There are several ways to acquire eleva-tion data and generate DEMs; while each method has its own strengths and weaknesses all DEMs contain errors. The SRTM and ASTER GDEM2 are most freely available commonly used DEM's. This paper therefore investigates and assessed the quality of vertical accuracy of the two DEM's with spatial resolution 1 arc sec. over Egypt. Two reference data sets are used as a referenced elevation data. The first data set is a differential GPS ground control points with known orthometric height data set distributed over whole Egypt. Also a digitized spots elevation and contours from the topographic maps 1:50000 cover a specified study area was the second one. The study area located along the river Nile with 81 km * 54 km approximate dimensions from (31° 00’ E to 31° 30’ E) and (29° 00’ N to 29° 45’ N). It was observed that The SRTM DEM performs better than ASTER GDEM2 referenced to the differential GPS elevation data. The root mean square errors RMS for the GPS data set were ± 7.040 m for the SRTM and ±12.658 m for the ASTER GDEM2. Applying the same test for the study area referenced to the topographic map elevation data set after horizontal shift adjustment it was observed that, The RMSE was ± 8.56 m for the SRTM which is better than STER GDEM2 RMS ± 9.78 m.. The results from both assessments revealed the suitability and good performance of the SRTM DTM for geomatics applications over Egypt.
Statistics is Essential for all Fields of Scientific Researches[Full-Text ] Dr. Sardar Iftikhar Ahmed, Sajid Ali Khan, Muhammad Fahim Yasin, Sayyad Khurshid, Zahra Saleem, Rashid ShabirIn this world research is very important and essential in each and every field of theoretical and applied fields. The word research is too broad in meaning for different subjects and languages. Our research finds the significance of the term research and uses of statistics with research. All researchers depend on statistics in different scientific researches.
Cytogenetic Studies of Members of the Family Moraceae in Benue State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Akesa, T.M.Cytogenetical studies were carried out on members of the Family Moraceae in Benue State, Nigeria to investigate and establish the cytogenetic characters between June and September,2015. These studies were carried out to determine the number and characterization of chromosome complements that are arrested at mitotic stage through a series of treatments and to reveal the chromosomes of related species of plants that vary in several ways, which are collectively summed as karyotype. Data on chromosomal work showed that both Ficus thonningii and Artocarpus heterophyllus had the highest chromosomal number of 2n = 28(i.e.basic number of 14). This was followed by Ficus exasperata, Ficus ingens, Ficus platyphylla, Ficus polita, Ficus trichopoda, with chromosomal number of 2n = 26 (i.e.basic number of 13). Ficus sur had the lowest chromosomal number of 2n = 18 (i.e.basic number of 9).
PREVALENCE, CAUSES, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF PREGNANCY RELATED RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME IN PAKISTAN[Full-Text ] Omm-e-farwa, Mehreen younas, Dr.Bushra A sheraziObjective: The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence, causes diagnosis and pharmacological management of pregnancy related RLS(Restless legs syndrome).
GAY RIGHTS[Full-Text ] ANMOL GOYALFor as far back as century, gay rights have been talked about and battled about in want to give level with rights to all individuals. Although gay relationships and sentiments were perceived as far into history as the seventh Century BC, the genuine activism has expanded since the beginning of the twentieth century. As time has advanced, gay rights have turned into a generally spread issue crosswise over numerous nations. Gays are liable to human rights manhandle in nations in each area of the world. The infringement they confront include killing as well as imprisonment, torture, and misuse pointed particularly at sexual minorities, for example, hones went for coercively changing their sexual orientation. The researcher here concentrate over a similar investigation of constitutional rights, the gays have in three nations; U.S.A., South Africa and India.
Awareness of Osteoporosis among Saudi population[Full-Text ] Emad R. Alsufyani, Abdulaziz S.Alharthi, Abdulmohsen H. Alhamyani, Amer S. Almuqati, Abdulaziz H Alhamyani, Mohammad E. MahfouzOsteoporosis is the bone disease that leads to loss of bone density and strength .we aim to determine the degree of knowledge about osteoporosis in saudi people . Methods Ë The study evaluated the awearness of osteoporosis among 930 saudi peoples males and females in multiple area in Saudi Arabia. The cross sectional study will be conducted among Saudi by questionnaire adopted from Winzelberg et al (OKAT) then , the data will be analyzed by using spss. Result : The sample has consisted of 55,6% women and 44,4% men.
Neurocysticercosis Presenting as Postpartum Seizures in A Previously Known Case of Childhood Epilepsy: A Case Report[Full-Text ] Alzaher F, MD, AlDossary D, MD, AlQahtani NThese instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for IJSER JOURNALS. Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 6.0 or later. Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. The electronic file of your paper will be formatted further at IJSER. Define all symbols used in the abstract. Do not cite references in the abstract. Do not delete the blank line immediately above the abstract; it sets the footnote at the bottom of this column. Don’t use all caps for research paper title.
PRACTICE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AMONG FEMAL MEDICAL STUDENTS IN SAUDI ARABIA[Full-Text ] Dr. Asrar Alzahrani, Dr. Hatem AlzahraniBackground: Collage students face stressors and lack of time that prevent their adoption of healthy practices. Medical students have certain privileges and responsibilities different from others students.
Computational Analysis of Apoptosis Regulatory Genes: p53 and Bcl-2[Full-Text ] Nisha Gautam, Mandeep Kaur, Shagandeep Kaur, Satbir Kaur, Kiranjeet Kaur Galhna, Kamaljeet KaurApoptosis is an important process of the cell cycle stages. It helps in the maintenance of cell homeostasis by controlling the cell life span. This process is regulated by majorly two categories of proteins i.e. pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic. p53 and Bcl-2 are the two major proteins that play a key role in the regulation of apoptosis. So it would be beneficial to study the regulation of these proteins at genetics level. By considering that the SNPs has always great impact on the expression of the genes, we performed the computational analysis of the SNPs of p53 and Bcl-2 genes. In the present study we found 298 and 44 ns SNPs of p53 and Bcl-2 as damaging respectively.
Receiver Initiated Dynamic Multiple Common Control Channel Design (RI-DMCCD) Protocol for Cognitive Radio Network[Full-Text ] Amran Hossain, Saiful Islam, Sujan Baura, Md.Arifur Rahman Noyon, Sahelee SultanaNow-a-days in wireless communication, Cognitive Radio Network (CRN) is hot topics for researchers, in where thinking is updated day by day for the future use. The CRN is a way to improve the spectral efficiency of wireless communication. In CRN secondary users in different channels can access the licensed channels at the absence of primry user and use the available channels for transmitting data to another user. As a result a CRN faces many challenges to successful channel rendezvous amongest the secondary users, maximize throughput and minimize rendezvous delay. A large number of methodologies have been proposed to solve channel rendezvous problem in CRN. But this is not efficient to handle such types of problems. However, in this paper a Receiver Initiative Dynamic Multiple Common Control Channel Design mechanism named as RI-DMCCD have been proposed to handle PUs efficiently and make a channel rendezvous successfully. Furthermore, we have analyzed the proposed mechanism and implemented through simulation and found better performance in terms of different performance metrics.
Fly high India[Full-Text ] Dr. Chaitanya Niphadkar, and Sandeep BahlThe aviation is one of the greatest wonders that technology and science has allowed us to discover. Aviation industry is a growing yet challenging industry. The possibilities of the development of air traffic and passenger travel internationally have grown drastically over the years and India is not an exception to this. In fact, India is among the top 10 civil aviation markets in the world. Statistics confirm to have served over 160 million customers during financial year 2017 almost double the size from four years ago. Furthermore, it is expected that India will be one of the top 3 civil aviation markets by 2020.
Utilization of Geothermal Energy for Power Gen-eration[Full-Text ] Susmita Ghosh, Sadia Sultana, Md. Mahmudun Naby, Aziz Muhammad Abdul, Mahmudul HaqueA standardized arrangement of a geothermal system is represented here. In this paper, a prototype of geothermal energy power plant is accomplished and analyzed in which region it will be much more effective. Geothermal process totally depends on underground heating, so it is important to find a suitable place where it will get more underground heat. The production and application of this examine are mainly based on the perspective of our country, Bangladesh. Geothermal energy is highly forceful and able to extract a renewable energy from the earth through natural processes. By using this process, it is possible to produce a large amount of electrical energy without providing any fuel. So, it would be a helpful program for a developing country like Bangladesh because this design is cost effective and environmentally friendly. So, this paper offers a utilization of geothermal system for power origination in Bangladesh by making a model of the power plant that is related to steam-engine plants where heat from a subsistence origin is obtained to heat water or hot liquid. This type of liquid is then operated to adjust a turbine of a generator, and execute electricity. After then the hot liquid cooled and backed to the heat source.
Novel Method for Loss Reduction and Voltage Profile Improvement with Multiple DGs[Full-Text ] Azra Zaineb, J. SrideviDistributed generation (DG) can be integrated into distribution systems to meet the increasing load demand. This paper discusses the siz-ing and sitting issue of DG placement in radial distribution systems using novel method. The main objective of the work is to minimize the active and reactive power loss and enhance voltage profile of overall system. This paper presents a methodology for optimal distributed generation (DG) location and sizing in distribution systems. The main objective of the added DG units is minimizing the total electrical network losses with acceptable voltage profile. The effectiveness of the novel method has been successfully tested on IEEE 33 bus radial distribution system in ETAP software and the results are found to be in very good agreement.
Design and Realization of Automatic Video-Based Docking Structure For Home Surveillance Robots By Using Raspberry Pi[Full-Text ] Meshram Priyadarshani Rajkumar, Prof. Mrs. S. P. Tondare and Prof. Dr. Mrs. S. P. GaikwadNow a days, most of the home security is provided manually by providing the watchman. Therefore it is necessary to design proper electronics home security systems. In this paper presents the electronics home security systems by improvement and classification of examination of robot with regular docking and recharge capability. This proposed home surveillance system has divided in two different sections; the robotics section and docking section. In a robotic section automatic surveillance system is designed with the integration of raspberry pi & web camera having man spotting sensor and docking area for wireless power transfer. The communication between the surveillance robot and PC is through the IEEE 802.15.4. and android mobile phone.
Designing HVAC system with and without Heat Recovery Wheel using ECO-FRESH Enthalpy wheel[Full-Text ] SYED MUSAB AL HUSSAINI, Irfan KhanImplementing conservation of energy measures in structures can prolong use of finite resources while simultaneously reducing its effects on the environment. The key focus of energy saving techniques is based on air to air energy recovering concepts. The importance and desire for energy saving in structures is well understood. Also, the amount of energy required for HVAC in structures should essentially be given importance. One of the major energy efficient ability of offering cooling or heating in structures is with the use of HRW systems.A design plan of technical auditorium is taken of area 5630m2. It consist of auditorium occupancy of 270 peoples, museum, library space, cafeteria, pray room, multipurpose hall and shops. Additionally there is a separate VIP sitting area. The technical auditorium is considered in Hyderabad region while calculating heat load calculations. The comparision is made between the technical auditorium with HRW and without HRW for energy efficient.
Planning and Contractual Aspects of Urban Renovation Projects in Turkey[Full-Text ] Alperen Dulge, Muhammet Asci, Asst. Prof. Gokhan GelisenUrban renovation is one of the important components of real estate sector. The necessity of sustainable renovation of cities is significantly and rapidly increasing over the last years. Planning is an important phase of urban transformation and project management of a construction. Planning is very necessary for these projects, especially when it comes to parties’ participation, sustainability and contraction. Contracts are very important parts of these projects because there are more parties involved in urban transformation projects when compared with other construction projects. For this reason, contracts must be understandable by land and building owners.
Uncomplicated cystitis in primary care, initial management by family physicians[Full-Text ] Nada Hamed Alghamdi, Wejdan Mohammed Alshehri, Afrah abdulraheem AbuzeefahUrinary tract infections are the most common bacterial infections in women. Most urinary tract infections are acute uncomplicated cystitis. In this article, we discuss etiology, outline the primary pharmacologic approach to the prevention and treatment of uncomplicated cystitis. We performed a comprehensive search using electronic databases; MEDLINE, EMBASE, and google scholar, through October, 2017. Search strategies used following MeSH terms in searching via these databases: “cystitis”, “primary care”, “family doctors”, “management”, “treatment”.
Anticoagulant efficiency in case of portal vein thrombosis: Review[Full-Text ] Ali Saad Alshahrani, Abdulaziz Hassan Alamri, Fahad Abdullah Alshahrani, Essa Ali H Alshehri, Saad Abdullah Mohammed Mufrrih, Essa Ali Abdullah Hamadi, Abdulaziz Ayed K Algarni In this review, we discuss the features of PVT, pointing out reason of thrombosis and efficiency of anticoagulants in different types of PVT. We searched the PubMed, , SCOPUS, and Emabse databases through September, 2017, for studies that assessed the effect of anticoagulant therapy in patients with PVT. Portal vein occlusion is a clinically relevant disorder which needs to be diagnosed very. Particularly patients with liver cirrhosis need for special care with regard to PVT because it is related to the pathophysiology of the disease.
Reviewing the evidence in the proper management of headache in primary care[Full-Text ] Badeah Ayesh Alsofyani, Rahaf moawed AlslaqiThe primary aim in this specific review was to discuss the classification of headache, highlight the prevention and as well emphasize the diagnostic process in primary care and evidence on the influence of diagnosis on management. Comprehensive search was performed using following databases; PubMed, and EMBASE, for studies discussing the roles of family doctors in management of headache in primary care all studies published up to September, 2017. Headache is one of the most common symptoms in the general population. Migraine and tension type headaches account for the most common.
Overview of diagnosis and management of Dyspepsia in family medicine[Full-Text ] Mona Ali Mansour Qahtani, Trad Abdulaziz Alasiri, Dareen Mohammed Ali Alharbi, Mohammed Ali Alshehri, Bassam Sameer Molawi, Renad Mousa AljohaniThis review was aimed to review the evidence discussing the diagnosis and management approaches of Dyspepsia in family medicine in primary care setting. We performed a comprehensive search using electronic databases; MEDLINE, EMBASE, and google scholar, through October, 2017. Search strategies used following MeSH terms in searching via these databases: “Dyspepsia”, “primary care”, “family doctors”, “management”, “diagnosis”. Dyspepsia is an usual offering problem in medical care.