Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2017.
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Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Plain Concrete Members Subjected to Torsion[Full-Text ] David A.M.Jawad, Mohammed M.HandhalThis work aims at studying the behavior of rectangular-section plain concrete beams subjected to torsion by using the finite element method. A theoretical study is presented on sixty one beam specimens divided into four series. Series one, includes twelve plain normal strength concrete (NSC) specimens, and the main parameters in the series are the compressive strength of concrete and the section dimensions. In series two, the same parameters are investigated for fifteen plain high strength concrete (HSC) specimens.
THE ROLE OF ENTREPRENEURIAL EDUCATION IN THE REDUCTION OF UNEMPLOYMENT AMONG NIGERIAN GRADUATES[Full-Text ] DEEBOM, MTORMABARI TAMBARI, BARIDOMA, MONDAY POPNWINThis study examines the role of entrepreneurial education in the reduction of unemployment among Nigerian graduates. The population of the study comprises of 732 corps members in Rivers State. A sample of 548 corps members were composed and used for the study through purposive sampling technique. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study. The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire titled “Reducing Unemployment among Nigerian Graduates through Entrepreneurial Education” (RUNGEE) which was design using Likert – 5- point rating scale.
Review of evidence, Prostate cancer screening in family medicine[Full-Text ] Intithar Hussain Alherz , Laila Ibrahim Hussain Alhejji, Zahrah ahmed alyaseen, Amnah ahmed alhuwayji, Hanin Sami bumozah, Zainab Abdulmajid Al-mubarak, Sakinah Ibrahim Ali Alfadhel, Hawraa Radhi AlsurojThe aim of this review is to determine the prevalence of PSA testing in primary care and the roles of family physicians in this matter, discuss benefits and harms of PSA testing and highlight some risk factors of prostate cancer. Comprehensive review was conducted using biomedical electronic databases such as; MEDLINE, and EMBASE, Science direct for all relevant articles published up to October, 2017. Primary care is the major setting where cancer is analyzed, or a minimum if it's assumed.
Study on the Sintering Behavior of Spinel-Al Composite: Preparation and Microstructure [Full-Text ] Qasid A. Saleh, A. Hussein SalehAl-Spinel composites are of interest in many industrial and electronic fields. So in this research, Al-spinel specimens were prepared by powder technology technique, by mixing Al (matrix material) with different weight percentage of spinel (reinforced material). The prepared composites were characterized through x-ray diffractometer (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The effect of spinel content on the phase compositions, density, water absorption, compressive strength, and thermal conductivity was investigated. The result showed that the amount of spinel added to Al matrix material affected the sintering parameters, thus effecting the density, strength, thermal conductivity and microstructure of the composites. With an increase in spinel content, sintered density decreased, water absorption increase. The strength and thermal conductivity decreased. The optimized product is composite specimen with 2 wt.% spinel content which has a high sintered density (2.31, 2.32, 2.33, 2.34, 2.35 g\cm3), high strength (17 N/ mm2), high thermal conductivity (1.25 w/m.c), and low water absorption (2.69, 2.6, 2.4, 2.27, 2.16%).
An Efficient Sketch Based Image Retrieval with Particle Swarm Optimization[Full-Text ] Y.Jhansi, Dr.E.Sreenivasa ReddyImage retrieval is a system for browsing, searching the query image and retrieving similar images from large databases. A wide range of features can be used for image retrieval. In the last decades has observed the research interest in the field of Sketch based image retrieval (SBIR).It examines the visual content and detects image in the database according to query sketch. In this work, extensive robust features were extracted from the images database and then stored in the feature repository. This feature set is composed of Histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) and Edge Histogram Descriptor (EHD).
Hydrogen reduction kinetic of high barite iron ore briquettes[Full-Text ] Sarah S.Awad, Salah B.A, Sayed A.S,El-Hussiney N,Shalabi M.E.HReduction of high barite iron ore briquettes by hydrogen is carried out in the temperature range 700 to 1000 oC. In the reduction kinetic study, the most satisfactory model is to take the slope of the initial linear region of fractional reduction vs. time curve as a measure of rate constant (k) and In k vs. 1/T plots are straight line from which Activation Energy was calculated.
Cooperative Membership Influences on Entrepreneurship Performance: Mediated By Entrepreneurial Orientation[Full-Text ] Victoria Ayoola Ademilua, Sule L. AkerPurpose - The study was undertaken to know the impact of cooperative societies on entrepreneurial financial performance and employment generation /job creation with the mediating effect of entrepreneurial orientation.
ANN and Regression Models for Estimation of Corrosion Rates of Metal Alloy Types in Oceans[Full-Text ] Iloanusi Ogechukwu, Udeh Percy, Nkpume Cynthia, Olisa SamuelOffshore structures are often threatened by corrosion which could result in accidents, expensive maintenance schedules or structure failure. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and regression models were trained in this paper for estimation of corrosion rates of seven metal alloy types and variants for various depths and exposure time. Data used for training and testing the models were obtained partly from the field work carried out in this paper and mostly from three other sources of data published in the literature. Depths of data used for training range from 5 to 120 meters for shallow depths, 373m to 6780m for deep ocean depths. Trained regression and artificial neural network models have comparable performances in estimating corrosion rates on new data. Results show that the trained models can be used to estimate corrosion rates at difficult to reach locations and can help avoid accidents or structure failure and reduce expensive maintenance schedules.
Effective Economic Factors on Supply Chain in Cement Industry with Applying SCOR model (Case study: Firozkuh Faraz Cement Company in Iran)[Full-Text ] Mahdi SerajNowadays, time and cost control are key functions in the organizations. In the recent competitive conditions, organizations must get know about their costs in comparison with their rivals in the market for keeping survival and competition power and they enter in the competitive environment according with cost dimension actively. In this case, supply chain pattern and SCOR model help significantly them to obtain above objectives, custom satisfaction, and attract more customs for organization. This paper tries to investigate the supply chain pattern and its problems and also takes a look on SCOR model by Statistical methods, economical factors, and implementation the supply chain in Cement Industry.
Detecting the Rate of Urban Expansion and Changes in Landuse/Landcover in Umuahia North, Abia State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ogu, O.G., Umezuruike, S.O. and Peter, C.CLanduse/Land Cover change over time is a phenomenon occurring globally due to varied interests of the inhabitants in a particular area. Umuahia, the Abia State capital has witnessed remarkable expansion, growth and development since 1991. The general objective was to map the Landuse/Landcover and estimate the rate of urban expansion in Umuahia North between 1991 and 2015. Landsat satellite imageries of 1991 and 2015 of the study area were brought into GIS environment and processed using ENVI 4.5 and ILWIS 3.2 Academic image classification software. The study revealed significant changes in Landuse types over the study periods. It was observed that forest and vegetation depreciated substantially in total Landcover area loosing 30.30 KM2 (1.21 Km2 annually) and 28.80 Km2 (1.15 Km2 annually) respectively between 1991 and 2015. Built-up area experienced the highest rate of expansion gaining 50.0 Km2 (2.0 Km2 annually) over the study periods. These developments raise concerns given the high rates of deforestation, loss of cultivable land and urban expansion in the study area. Urban planning authorities and policy makers should develop policies that would curtail urban land consumption rate and conserve agricultural land at the peri-urban fringes of Umuahia North.
La importancia en la investigacion en intangibles en la contabilidad y su vinculo con la teoria del valor[Full-Text ] Francisco Javier OrtegaEste texto realiza algunos cuestionamientos acerca del tratamiento de los activos no intangibles en el marco de la teoria contable, en principio desarrolla un contexto en el que se suscita la problematica y posteriormente se abordan consideraciones teoricas acerca de la teoria del valor desde la perspectiva economica, con el fin de vincular dichas consideraciones con las problematicas propias de los intangibles para la contabilidad.
The Relationship between Physical Exercise and HIV AIDS, A Systematic Review[Full-Text ] Daniel Kebrit and Esayas HailuThere are various factors which escalates HIV related deaths. Most of them could be expressed by hypokinetic conditions. It is difficult to get a single research which does not support physical exercise for HIV patients. There are lots of researches published on the relationship between Physical exercise and HIV AIDS; however, there is a gap in indicating the specific benefits of exercise as well as the specific training to be used to better manage HIV related complications. Studies which are under the PubMed search engine and organizational reports, published from the year 1998 to 2014 used. 38 papers which are more related with the issue reviewed.
Security Management of Authentication System based on multimodal Biometric Features[Full-Text ] Pooja Jaykumar Hajare, Mrs.S.S.PatilEven though there are various security systems consuming large power are available in market nowadays, robbery rate is very high. We are proposing a novel system to prevent robbery in highly secure areas with lesser power consumption. This system has face-recognition technology which grants access to only authorized people to enter that area. If others enter the place without access using some other means, then the system alerts the security personnel and streams the video captured by the security camera. The biometrics security system is the lock and biometrics is the key to open that security system, uniqueness, universality, permanence, collectability, performance, acceptability. As mentioned, uniqueness is considered as the priority one requirement for biometric data.
REDEFINITION OF HOMOGENEOUS CLIMATIC ZONES IN COTE D'IVOIRE IN A CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGE[Full-Text ] KOUAKOU Koffi Eugene, MOUSSA Hassani, KOUASSI Amani Michel, GOULA Bi Tie Albert, SAVANE IssiakaThe study entitled '' Redefinition of homogeneous climate zones in Côte d'Ivoire in a context of climate change '' aims to update the division of Côte d'Ivoire's climate zones in the current context marked by disruptive effects of climate change. To achieve this, the representation of Gaussen ombrothermal diagrams and principal component analysis was used. The results identified three climatic regimes across the ivorian territory and grouped into four climatic regions.
EFFICIENT FLOOD FORECASTING FOR THE OPERATION OF HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES IN A TYPICAL RIVER BASIN[Full-Text ] Aiyelokun Oluwatobi, Ojelabi, Akintunde, Malomo, Samson and Agbede OluwoleThis study evaluated the adequacy of various probability distribution models for efficient flood forecasting which are applicable for proper operation of hydraulic structures. A 31-year (1979-2009) hydrologic record of river Opeki gauged at Abidogun was obtained to generate an annual peak data for the study area. Empirical data was fitted into eight probability distribution models, which include Normal, Log Normal, Log Pearson Type III, Exponential, Gamma, Gumbel, Frechet and three-parameter Burr distributions.
Women’s Knowledge Regarding Symptoms of Menopause in Al-Najaf City[Full-Text ] Rusul Ali Kadhim, Fatima Wanas KhudiarMenopause considers an important period of female’s life, in which women shifting from reproductive to non-reproductive stage. Many women reach menopause without sufficient knowledge about expected problems and dealing with solving these problems. Therefore, proper knowledge is very imperative during this period toward menopausal symptoms .The aim of current study was to assess the level of women’s knowledge regarding symptoms of menopause. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out from the period 25th September 2016 to 18 August 2017. The sampling selected by non- probable (purposive) consisted of (150) women with age ranging from (45-60) years that women attending to primary health care PHC centers of AL-Najaf City, Iraq. An instrument prepared and developed in order to evaluate women’s knowledge regarding symptoms that associated with menopause.
The emergence of Campylobacters multi-resistance: A real problem of public health[Full-Text ] K.Es-soucratti,B.Karawan ,H.Ennassiri, A.Hammoumi, B.BouchrifCampylobactériose and campylobacters resistance to antibiotics represent a worldwide serious problem of public health; they augment constantly threaten quality and security of care. Campylobacter type causes the majority of food toxi-infection of animal origin. The resistance of these bacteria to many antibiotics prescribed for the treatment of serious illnesses is worrying. According to the analysis of studies made in several countries such as China, Morocco, France and Algeria about the antibiotics susceptibility of campylobacters, show that these microbes are sensitive to aminopenicillins, carbapenenms, aminosids, tetracyclines, macrolides and to fluoroquinolones. However, the massive use of antibiotics for the treatment of infections especially as factors of growth for the animal husbandry drove to emergence of resistance to fluoroquinolones, macrolides and tetracyclines, for example, in some countries, resistance rates to quinolones and cyclines is upper than 90 %.
Experimental analysis of spray-atomization characteristics of different commercial aerosol sprayers available in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Fatema-Tuz-Zohra, Mehadi HassanAerosol is deleterious for both the human and environment mostly because of the improper particle size distribution including respiratory problems, global warming by contributing to earth’s radiation, smog, Polar ozone loss, visibility problems etc. Also studies have shown correlation of Nano-particle concentration in the urban environment to morbidity and mortality rates. Hence, within the framework of a research project about aerosol sprayers spray drift, the effect of nozzle type, size, number of particles and pressure on spray droplet characteristics was researched. The objective of this study was to develop a test rig and protocol for the determination of the number of particle and particle size distribution of aerosol sprayers. These sprayers have been operated at different atomizing pressure and liquid consumption rate.
Performance Analysis of Different Machine Learning Algorithms and to Predict Trachoma Using R Language[Full-Text ] Akbar khan, Dr.Faizullah Khan, Dr.Surat Khan, Ishtiaq MarwatMachine learning has remained widely and effectively utilized as a part of anticipating diverse sicknesses, including eye related. Trachoma is an eye sickness. Trachoma is the most widely recognized eye sicknesses in worldwide and brought on by visual impairment. The primary point of this paper is to foresee Trachoma among the understudies of diverse schools here in BALOCHISTAN of distinctive ages, and about 1000 patients were analyzed with the help of an eye expert and his team. And to find out the variable that can cause the trachoma most and prior and compared all the results.
Economics and Environmental Benefits of Nuclear Against Fossil Power Industry[Full-Text ] Chandran IlangoNuclear power was introduced for commercial energy sector during 1950 to meet the global power demand. In United states, according to Langton. L. (2014) currently about 20 percent of electricity is produced by nuclear power industry and 67 percent of power is supplied by fossil industries, which release significant amount of greenhouse gases. Nuclear power is proven environmentally economic, reliable, efficient and greener. However, nuclear waste disposal technique and Fukushima Daiichi, Chernobyl and recently Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power plant accidents created waves of fear and concern to environmentalist. Industrialist and environmentalist started to debate on nuclear power expansion project based on pro and cons of nuclear power.
Volatile Sampling Device Prototype II[Full-Text ] Raquib Akolawala, Dr D. V. BhoirFor Gas Chromatographer there are currently many sampling devices that are used in conjunction with Gas Chromatographer to improve its detecting and sampling capability. Cryo-Focusing, Headspace sampling, Headspace Trap Sampling, Solid Phase Micro extraction, and many other techniques are used. There is also a technique known as Volatile sampling for which previous work for volatile sampling device prototype has been constructed. In overcoming the short comings of the previous device is being explored.
DOCKING MOLECULAR STUDIES BETWEEN THE BIXIN AND NORBIXIN CAROTENOIDS AND THE DENGUE FEVER VIRUS (NS1)[Full-Text ] Lucas Lima Bezerra, Jacilene Silva, Aurineide Ribeiro Lima, Carlos Lacerda de Morais Filho, Márcia Machado Marinho, Emmanuel Silva MarinhoDengue fever is a disease that affects about 100 countries, where it is spent 12 billion a year for the treatment and control of the mosquito that transmits this disease. This virus is part of the family Flaviviridae and the genus Flavivirus, which presents a total of four serotypes (DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4), so a person can acquire dengue up to 4 times during life. The proposed ligands were bixin and norbixin, where these molecules are found in the annatto (Bixa orellana L.) seed, which has antipyretic, cardiotonic, antidiarrheal, antimalarial, antifebrin, hypoglycemic, antimicrobial and anticarcinogenic activity.
Social Media: Security and Privacy[Full-Text ] Himant PrasansuThe advent of social media has been perhaps one of the world’s biggest innovations of the past decade. In today’s world, you can reconnect with a long-lost colleague, share videos and photos, or have an online interaction that develops into an online relationship. This paper conducts a preliminary study that examines issues surrounding protection of privacy on social networking sites (SNS) such as LinkedIn, Myspace, Twitter, and Facebook.
DYSLIPIDEMIA ASSOCIATED WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE[Full-Text ] Prof.Dr. Lutfi Zylbeari, Prof.Dr. Nasir Behxheti, Mr. Pharm. Sihana Ahmeti Lika, Ledia Kaci, Mr. Pharm. Mirlind Behxheti, Dr. Mr. Zamira Bexheti, Kastriot Haxhirexha, Dr.sci. Jetmire Jakupi-Alimani, Ferizate Dika HaxhirexhaCardiovascular disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with impaired renal function. Dyslipidemia has been established as a well-known traditional risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the general population and it is well known that patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) exhibit significant alterations in lipoprotein metabolism. In this review, the pathogenesis and treatment of CKD-induced dyslipidemia are discussed. Studies on lipid abnormalities in predialysis, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients are analyzed. In addition, the results of the studies that tested the effects of the hypolipidemic drugs on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with CKD are reported. Hypertriglyceridemia is one of the most common quantitative lipid abnormalities in patients with CKD.
A new method based on evidence theory and fuzzy clustering for the breast cancer cells images segmentation[Full-Text ] Salim Ben ChaabaneIn this paper, a new method is proposed to segment the cells images especially when only one breast cancer cells image is available for each patient. The method is approached by fusing the information of pixels coming from the original image and different information pixels associated to the same original image represented in another space colors with Dempster–Shafer (DS) theory. The estimation of the mass functions of each single hypothesis is obtained from the membership function of applying fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering to the gray levels coming from the images to be combined. Then, multiple hypotheses are generated according to the single hypothesis. The classification accuracy of the proposed method is evaluated and a comparative study versus existing techniques is presented. The experimental results on medical and synthetic color images demonstrate the value of introducing fuzzy clustering in the data fusion theory for image segmentation.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Indoor Parking Control System[Full-Text ] Hazem M. M. El-Hageen, Karimeh Ibrahim Mohammad Ata, Azura CheSoh, AsnorJuraizaIshak, Haslina JaafarFrequency Identification (RFID) Parking Control System is a control and monitoring system designed for using at residential condominiums, gated communities, business parking garages, university parking areas, and hospitality or retail centers. In this study, a parking management system is designed using RFID technology along with wireless RF ZigBee to control and manage parking for mall workers. This system identifies each vehicle with a RFID-TAG/CARD using the mall worker card at the gate. The data will be exchange between the computer located at the gate and the sensors located at the garage through wireless RF ZigBee to clarify the empty parking place. Based on the data, the dynamic programming algorithm embedded in the system will determine the nearest parking location based on their entrance destination to the worker. The system can automatically monitor, guide and localize the nearest parking to the workers inside the parking space.
Preparation and Characterization of Copper Iso-leucine Complex and Structure Determination by Computational Calculation[Full-Text ] Md. Shahidul Islam, Dr. Md. Abdus SalamA copper complex of Iso-leucine, molecular formula Cu(C6H12NO2)2, is synthesized in water-ethanol medium and characterized by elemental analysis, FTIR, UV-visible spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), reflectance analysis, conductivity measurement and theoretical structure determination. Iso-leucine forms 1:2 complex with copper. The complex is soluble in methanol and decomposed before melting. The IR spectra of iso-leucine and complex are more or less similar expect in slight change in peak position and the absorption bands at 811 cm-1 and 593 cm-1 for the metal ligand bonds. The UV-visible spectra of the ligand and the complex in methanol solution are of similar pattern indicating that the structure of the ligand remains unchanged in the complex.
Phototherapy Induced Hypocalcemia, a Jordanian and Saudi Experince[Full-Text ] Mohammed Abdulrahman Al-ali, Abdullah Ismail Sawma, Naif Mutkhan Alshrari, Mostafa Moheb Rizk, Ghassan Saleh SalamaNeonatal hyperbilirubinemia is a common condition in the first few days of life (1) and it can be divided into: pathological and physiological, and indirect (unconjugated) and direct (conjugated) hyperbilirubinemia. This paper seeks to assess and to evaluate the effect of different types of phototherapy on serum calcium of both preterm and full-term infants with indirect hyperbilirubinemia, in either supine or prone position.
The Factors influencing Cost Overrun on Construction Projects in Yemen[Full-Text ] Aber Mohamed Almaktari, Ren Hong, Juma NzigeCost overrun in construction projects is a global challenge where developing countries are suffering more than developed countries. Although several factors have been identified as the course of cost overrun, the political situation had never been included. To find the major courses of cost overrun in Yemen, this study adopted literature reviews and surveyed questionnaires. Respondents were project managers from Client, consultant, and contractors. 56 causes of cost overrun from more than 12 countries were categorized into six groups; financial factors, Human resources factors, Construction techniques factors, Environmental factors, Social and Political Factors and Procurement management. The study found that political instability, Poor contract management, Low labor productivity, Delay in progress payments, Risk Management strategies, Poor site management and supervision, Staff training in the skill areas relevant to project, Contractors and Consultant tendering faults, Financing, and payment of completed projects Lack of materials and equipment are highly factors in Yemen. The study contributed an understanding of the impact of the political situation to the construction industry, which also opens an area for future research on how political instability can cause cost overrun.
Bee Venom Therapy For Cancer: A literature Review[Full-Text ] Rahaf salehBackground: Bee venom therapy is a sort of apitherapy - using bee products like honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly and bee venom to prevent or cure illness and enhance healing – which was used to treat many diseases like rheumatism, arthritis, back pain, cancerous cells and skin diseases. Bee venom consists of peptides (like melittin and apamin), enzymes (like phospholipase A2) and small molecules.
Driverless Cars in a Smart City – 2021 and Beyond[Full-Text ] Gaurav YadavIntelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is an expanding and diverse subject, with some of its constituent parts overlapping or converging.V2X Communication can not only reduce accident rates but can also alter the definition of urban mobility. Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) in future have the ability to create innovative and sustainable cities and business processes. The report investigates how the driverless car has to make a transition, co-existing with human drivers. It further discusses how driverless car would be the catalyst to accelerate Cognitive IoT not just in automobile but in industries all around it. The report also compares the experiments related to autonomous vehicles conducted all around the world with special emphasis on USA and compares it with current practices in Sweden. The report finally discusses about legislation challenges about driverless cars and the expected changes in future planning/infrastructure.
A Multi-Dimensional Information Quality Framework to Enhance the Accuracy of Business Intelligence Applications[Full-Text ] Mona Nasr, Essam Shaaban, Menna GabrData preprocessing is a crucial step through which the data can be cleaned from any quality defects. Quality defects include catching duplicates, filling missing values, removing irrelevant features, catching outliers and other defects. This paper presents a multi-dimensional information quality framework that enhances the accuracy of business intelligence applications by eliminating quality issues in the input data. The results declared that our framework enhances the quality of the data and works effectively.
Causes, diagnostic methods, and management of liver cirrhosis[Full-Text ] Sakinah Ahmed Aljishi, Ahmed Khalaf Hmad Albakaawi, Reem Ahmed Alshareef, Walaa Matouq Al_jehani, Wafaa Abdullah M Alzahrani, Rayan M. AlabduljabbarIn this review we discuss the pathogenesis of the cirrhosis, prevention which involve the right diagnosis for early detection of chronic liver disease, followed by risk-adapted treatment. We conducted search using electronic biomedical databases such as; Medline, and Embase, for studies published up to September 2017. Chronic liver conditions do not often trigger any type of signs. Abnormal findings need to be prompted by specific diagnostic testing to determine the etiology of the disease, to prevent any complications. In many patients, the dynamic process of progressing fibrosis, which can eventually cause cirrhosis, can be disturbed by the timely recognition of the danger, complied with by proper treatment.
Chemical Composition Evaluation of Egyptian Lemongrass, Cymbopogon citratus, Essential Oil[Full-Text ] Wagdi Saber Soliman, Sabri Salaheldin, Heba M. AmerMedicinal plants are widely used in traditional medicine for health care due to its contents of biological active substances. One of the most important natural substances is essential oil. This experiment was conducted during the successive season 2016/2017 to evaluate the quality of lemongrass, Cymbopogon citratus, and its essential oil. Lemongrass showed high contents of total phenolic (7.55 mg GAE/g) and total flavonoids (1.96 mg CE/g), as well as high free radical scavenging capacity with DPPH of 37.5 mg TE/g. The average essential oil percentage was 0.66% fresh weight mass. Using GC analysis, 22 compounds representing 97.83% of essential oil compositions were identified. These compounds were mainly monoterpenes (96.37%), and small content of sesquiterpenes and diterpenes (1.25 and 0.21%, respectively). The major compound was citral which was 79.69% of total essential oil composition. Citral was divided into two major compounds; 42.86% citral A (geranial) and 39.83% citral B (neral). Other major compounds were myrcene (8.05%), geraniol (3.22%), and cis-verbanol (1.84%). These percentages are consistent with high quality lemongrass essential oil under good agricultural and management practices. Therefore, these results suggest the efficiency of growing lemongrass under organic farming system to produce high quality essential oil.