Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2017.
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Immunostimulation by stem barks of Pseudocedrela kotschyi (Family: Meliaceae): Stimulation of phagocytosis activities of macrophages and proliferative response of lymphocytes by aqueous, methanol and hexane extracts[Full-Text ] OUMAR Mahamat, TUME Christopher and KAMANYI AlbertMacrophages and lymphocytes are the principal cells of defense mechanism against infection of the body. Plant extracts have been reported as the immune modulator agent owing to the presence of phytochemicals. There is small information on Pseudocedrela kotschyi in term of its immune modulatory effect. The present study addresses the question of whether Pseudocedrela kotschyi, plant of the Meliaceae family has ability to modulate the immune response notably the phagocytic activity of human monocytes/macrophages. The study was done by using the human cells.
ANALYSIS OF TERMS AND EXPRESSIONS RELATED TO THE GENOCIDE PERPETRATED AGAINST TUTSI IN RWANDA IN 1994[Full-Text ] BIMENYIMANA ValensThe genocide, like any other subject area, has a specific vocabulary to express it. That set of terms and expressions either are drawn from general language and hence, get new meanings (contextual usages) or are simply and purposefully coined. Taking the example of the genocide perpetrated against Tutsi in Rwanda in 1994, this paper analyzed some of them in terms of their formation (birth/coinage), their semantic evolution, meaning and usage.
Socio-economic importance and Utilization of Garcinia kola (Heckel) in Ore, Ondo State Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adedokun M.O., Ojo, T.M., Idowu, S.D., Olawumi, A. T., Oluwalana, S. A., and Ibasanmi, T.The research was carried out in Ore, Odigbo Local Government, Ondo State, Nigeria, to examine the uses of Garcinia kola and its socio–economic importance. Stratified Random Sampling Technique was used for the study. Ore was divided into three Strata based on the distribution of major markets in the area. Each Stratum had a major market. From each market, 110 respondents were randomly selected. Questionnaire and interview were the instruments of data collection. Descriptive statistics and cost and return analysis were used to analyseG. kola’s socio-economic importance in the study area. The result showed that Garcinia kola has important uses to the society in curing various ailments such as cough, chest pain, tooth ache, rheumatism, hernia, dysentery, makes labor and easy delivery of baby, malaria and for social engagement like naming and wedding ceremonies. Furthermore, the results showed that trade of G. kola, a non–timber forest product (NTFP), contributes to the family income in a great extent and to the nation’s economy at large as the result revealed quarterly net income of ₦118,800.00. It is therefore recommended that forest policy should encourage more plantations of G. kola and product diversification from the use of the kola.
Embedded Real Time Speech Recognition System for Smart Home Environment[Full-Text ] Leila Beltaifa - ZouariThis paper describes an embedded real time speech recognition system developed, integrated and evaluated in a smart home local box. This work has been conducted in the framework of the project "Maison intelligente". The system work continuously and detect vocal commands coming from headset, webcam and smartphone microphones. Several realistic scenarios are defined, recorded, transcribed and tested. In order to improve the speech recognition rate with the respect to the box memory and speed limitations multiple acoustic models have also been considered.
Study of Stainless Steel 316L by Powder Injection Molding for Application as Orthodontic Screw[Full-Text ] Wilson R. Martins, Vinicius Martins, Moisés M. Dias, Fernanda Vechietti, Vanusca D. Jahno, José C. K. Verney, José L. Cezar, Lirio SchaefferMicro-powder injection moulding (μPIM) is an advanced and versatile net-shaphing process for the manufacturing of metal and ceramics complex micro components in the in the automotive, optical, fluidic and medical field. In this paper, different milling times (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours) of the 316L stainless steel (SS) commercial were studies to obtain an adequate particle size for the micro-powder injection molding (μPIM) process, in order to improve the injection process parameters to manufacturing of a screw prototype for the orthodontics applications.
Determinant of Economic Growth in Bali[Full-Text ] Christimulia Purnama Trimurti , KomalawatiThis study aims to investigate the determinants of economic growth in Bali for the period 2001-2016. To analyze the influence of determinant of economic growth hence researcher use regresi analysis through Eviews 9. result of research found that wage have positive and significant effect to economic growth, inflation does not influence to economic growth, unemployment has no effect to economic growth. Researchers suggest that the government remains focused on improving people's ability to compete with migrant workers, monetary policy policy on prices and interest rates.
Characterization of Constant and Continuous Square Wave Air Temperature on Batch Drying of Agricultural Products[Full-Text ] Kuma G. Erko, Werner C. Hofacker and Albert EsperA convective batch type dryer with counterflow dryer capable controlling of the setting parameters, air temperatures, air velocity and relative humidity was used. The design of experiment with the response surface methodology was applied to optimize the drying parameters. The continuous stepwise air temperature and relative humidity were then applied for further optimization. With central composite design formulation of RSM for air temperatures, an increase of temperature from 50 â°C to 90 â°C with a 10 â°C rise was applied. Furthermore, the selected region (optimum in case of RSM) of interest was discretized within a the peak to valley interval ranging from 5 â°C and 10 â° C of a square wave profile of the air temperature was applied.
Numerical Modeling of Coupled Heat and Mass Transfer with Moving Boundary during Convective Drying Of Potato Slices[Full-Text ] Kuma G. Erko, Addisalem H. Taye and Werner C. HofackerA numerical model of coupled heat and mass transfer equations of convective drying for cylindrical potato slice with drying parameters of hot air temperature (60°C, 70°C, 80°C) and hot air velocity (1 m/s, 1.2 m/s and 1.5 m/s) at constant relative humidity(20 °C) was developed. The experiment was conducted in the convective drier with controlled air temperature, vision and continued mass measuring by a computer interface were used to collect data of drying process. The developed unsteady-state partial differential equations have been solved by means of the Finite Elements Method coupled to the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method to trace the moving boundary of product and air interface during the drying process using Comsol Multiphysics® 5.3. The state variables, surface temperature and moisture content of the material, as well as the shrinkage, and drying rate were determined using the formulated model. The numerical model also predicted the effect of fixed and moving boundaries on the drying curve. The relative drying curve, drying rate and surface temperature of the numerical simulation shows good agreement with the experimental data analyzed. In addition, the influence of the drying temperature on the total color difference (TCD) of the dried sample was investigated. The result shows that temperature has significant influence on the TCD. In both, the numerical and the experimental method, increasing the drying parameters has positive effect on the quality of the product and the drying kinetics in the range of chosen for this study.
Splenogonadal fusion; a rare histopathology report of a pediatric patient[Full-Text ] Anwar A AlSuwailem. Arwa S AlOlyan. Sarah M AlRashed. SaroonaHaroon.Saifaldin M AlZainIn 1883, was the first description of splenogonadal fusion (SGF) by Bostroem, which is a rare developmental anomaly of an abnormal connection of splenic tissue with gonads or mesonephric remnants. SGF is of two types; continuous or discontinuous. Almost none of the reported cases have been diagnosed preoperatively, they mainly discovered coincidently during surgeries like orchiopexy and inguinal hernioplasty. We report a case of 12-year old boy presented with history of the absence of testis since birth. Upon physical examination, a mass felt in the left inguinal region raising a possibility of being testicle while the right one was impalpable. Laparoscopic left inguinal exploration and orchiepexy have been done. Histopathology report of a removed mass then revealed ectopic splenic tissue fused within the residual testicle with no increased mitosis or neoplastic features have been identified. Although only 175 SGF reported cases have been found in literature, the condition should be considered in differential diagnosis for every testicular mass. Recommend using such advanced facilities for those patients upon diagnosis like tumor markers, 99 m Tc-sulfur colloid liver spleen scan, inguinal incision and possible biopsy before surgery to avoid unnecessary orchiectomy.
THE ROLE OF PHENOMENOLOGICAL RE-SEARCH METHODOLOGY IN MANAGEMENT RESEARCH[Full-Text ] Vebina Resuli, Majlinda ShehuThis short term paper will focus on examining the roles of phenomenological research methodology in management research. Over the years phenomenology has been intellectualized as a philosophy, a method for conducting research and an all-encompassing perspective from which every qualitative research is sourced. The paper endeavors to ensure that the roles of phenomenological research are established to make it more advantageous in management research.
Variation of Physical Parameters of Soil from Nasik Region with Dielectric Constant at X Band Frequency[Full-Text ] M.D.Dhiware, S. B. Nahire, Sushant DeshmukhThe Real and Imaginary parts (Ñ” & Ñ””) of the Complex Dielectric Permittivity (Ñ”*) of soil have been determined experimentally using an automated X-band microwave set-up in the TE10 mode with Reflex Klystron source operating at frequency 9.5 GHz . It has been observed that the effect of physical parameters in the soil is more pronounced in the dielectric loss as compared to dielectric constant. The microwave conductivity, relaxation time, emissivity (e) and tangent loss of soil were also calculated from the measured value of complex dielectric permittivity. Soil samples were analyzed for physical and chemical properties for the status of available micro nutrients. These parameters have great importance in remote sensing of soil moisture using microwave signals.
A Social Network Spam Detection Model[Full-Text ] Odukoya Oluwatoyin HelenThe emergence of social networking sites in the early millennium has brought about another concern for a different spam type; social spam. Social spam emerged as a result of the posting and messaging capabilities of social networking site. The methodology used to develop this model is the Support Vector Machine which is used as a binary classifier to classify the postings from a social networking environment into both spam and non-spam. In the process of simulating the design of the model, the training dataset (representing postings from a social networking site) is used to train the SVM by supplying the training datasets in iterations into the classifying function (SMO). Based on the analysis of the result produced by testing the dataset supplied as the input into the SVM, it can be concluded that the SVM proved to be a good spam classifier with a high accuracy measure and True positive rate.
Assessment Of Health Related Quality Of Life Of Breast Cancer Patients In District Rawalpindi Pakistan[Full-Text ] Dr Qurat Ul Ain, Muhammad Sareer, Maria, Muhammad Asad Globally Breast cancer incidence is increasing and mortality ratio because of breast cancer is also increasing in developing countries because of unavailability of screening and diagnostic facilities as well people are not aware from the risk factors and early symptoms so that timely intervention will lead to increase survival. Due to advance in detection and treatment, increasing number of women are diagnosed with surviving breast cancer each year one of the largest group of cancer survival.
Dynamic Multi-Keyword Ranked Searchable Security Algorithm Using RC4+ and Forest[Full-Text ] D, Palanivel Rajan, Dr.S. John AlexisCloud gives plenty of recompense which makes enterprises to move their precious information to the cloud. The main reasons to movements are the simplified access methods, affordable cost which makes use of the storage service as important one. Since the user moves his/her valued data to the cloud so the security is the main input to create the conviction between the storage service provider and the user. To ascertain the security, the cryptography plays vital role by providing the searchable encryption. In survey presents the pros and cons of the various encryption techniques and different types of data structures. In this paper, we investigate multiple encryption methods for multi-keyword and propose the efficient searchable encryption schemes on the cloud platform.
“Dementia will not make you forget the home” - Aurdino Healthcare Tracker for Insane Patients[Full-Text ] A. Sidra Abid Syed,B. Muhammad Shaheer Mirza , C. Syed Muhammad Ibrahim,D. Haseeb Rashid UsmaniWhile strolling among the population having disabilities like dementia is enormously insecure and it can lead to unusually awful and obnoxious for the family. The sufferers of dementia wander off without remembering knowing their path to their destination and may face a risk of getting misplaced, injured or damaged from numberless sentiments. In order to avoid these issues to the best of possibility, we will congregate a device that we name as 'Dementia will not make you forget the home’- Aurdino healthcare Tracker for insane patients, that may spot the position of the user wearing the gadget and once the patient will move out from pre outlined vicinity, an instantaneous missive will be sent to the care taker, whose cellular digits are fed in the gadget.
Impact of Fiscal Policy on Economic Growth in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Ghulam Sarwar and Noman Riaz ChaudhryThis study investigated the impact of fiscal policy on economic growth by using time series data period from 1980 to 2014. The key variables used in this analysis are gross domestic product (GDP), distortionary taxation (DT), non-distortionary taxation (NDT), labor force participation rate (LFP), interest rate (IR), defense expenditures (DFEXP) and trade openness (TOP). For unit root an Augmented Ducky Fuller (ADF) used, all variables are stationary at level when linear trend and intercept are included. Johansen Co-integration test is used to check the long run relationship between the variables by using the Johansen maximum likelihood method and VECM are used for short run relationship. The co-integration result declared there is two co-integration equations in short run and VECM revealed that there is positive relation between GDP, DT and NDT in short run. The causality test found that GDP does not cause by defense expenditure and DFEXP is granger cause by interest rate. The study suggested that Government should regulate a comprehensive fiscal policy for effective outcome in Pakistan and for economic stability.
Does mobile phone affect academic progress among medical students?[Full-Text ] Amira Gamal Abdel Rahman, Aisha Abdulrahman Al Hamoud, Fouz Mohammed Bu Saad,Fatimah Baqer Al AliBackground: Medical students need to learn considerable new information during their studies and they must develop skills for lifelong learning, keeping their knowledge updated. Lifelong learning, particularly in medicine, requires motivation and problem identification and solving skills relevant to the clinical situation.
Medical students' Perception of The Problem Based Learning Vs. Traditional Tools of Teaching: Experience from King Faisal University 2013[Full-Text ] Bayan AL-Mulhim, Latifa Bo-Hmail, Malak Alali, Amira Abdel RahmanBackground: Problem-based learning (PBL) has been broadly perceived by several to confer benefits in encouraging critical reasoning, retention of information, independent learning and interpersonal skills. Aim: To evaluate the satisfaction of King Faisal University (KFU) medical students about applying the PBL program compared to the traditional tools of teaching.
The Use of ANFIS and ANN Models for Failure Time Series Forecasting in Industrial Systems[Full-Text ] Rubiao G. Torres Jr, Maria Augusta Soares Machado, Rodrigo Costa dos Santos, Andre Machado CaldeiraThe objective of this paper is to test the accurace of Neural and Neural Fuzzy Networks to forecast failures in industrial equipment. An effective operation of industrial systems is vital. The necessity to get to know and control any possible failure that might compromise the production mission is a must. The target becomes the extension of the system activity at full load and in a continuous manner, at the required timing, without it being affected by defects of its integral parts.
CORPORATE FRAUDS: A legal Analysis of their causes and a closer look at the regulatory framework of corporate laws in Kenya[Full-Text ] JONES AMIMA NYANGWESOThis work takes up and investigates in general corporate frauds in Kenya Corporation. The aim of this writing is to give an overview of corporate frauds and demonstrate how the practice3 has become rampant and how it should be contained. Further research has led me to believe that with the recent development trends in Kenya, soon or later shareholders will learn not to invest in corporate shares.
Patient Satisfaction and Experience with Anesthesia: A multicenter survey in Saudi population[Full-Text ] Abdulrahman Alsaif Background and Objectives: Patients' satisfaction of anesthesia outcomes is a major part of the overall quality of health care. The aim of this study to evaluate patient's satisfaction whether pre-or post-operative as well as overall impression using a multi-center pre-specified survey tool.
Identifying antecedents and outcomes of relation-ship value between buyers and suppliers in the Vietnam’s electrical equipment industry[Full-Text ] Hai Le BaThe relationship value between buyers and suppliers in the electrical industry is important for both sides. The questions are how to improve as well as maintain their relationship value with their partners. To answer this question, the concept of the creation of the relationship value, the relationship value interaction between relationship value and firm performance were addressed in this research. The model and hypothesis were constructed basing on literature review and quantitative. 410 firm samples were collected for data analysis to build model and to test hypothesis. Crombach’s Alpha was used to test the scale reliability. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) also was implied to check the unidemensionality and discriminant validities. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was applied to check scales reliability and validity. One of important methodology was applied SEM to check the model fit. The results show that there five four factors that affect the relationship value: Product support, Service support, delivery performance, supplier know how and personal communication. These factors positively affect the relationship value between buyers and suppliers in the market. The result also shows that when the relationship value is impacted by one of the four factors above, that influence to firm performance.
A Geospatial Database for Development Control in Jimeta Metropolis, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Abdurrahman Belel Ismaila, Patience BokodoThis study aimed at developing a geospatial database using geographic information system (GIS) for Adamawa State Urban Planning Development Authority (ASUPDA) with a view to provide a comprehensive, reliable and up-to-date database that will enhance effective, accurate and rapid development control process in Jimeta Metropolis. The GSYP 18 layout and Quickbird satellite imagery were acquired, georeferenced and projected to UTM zone 33N based on WGS 84 datum. The digitization of layers, namely; plots, development control zones, and road was carried out using the Onscreen digitization method. In addition, a geospatial database was created using attributes extracted from ASUPDA's approved development permit archives. Such attributes include, names, address, proof of land ownership, occupation of plot owners, date of application/registration, etc. Furthermore, an online platform was developed to enable developers submit their applications.
Hedging the risk of productivity loss in financial operations[Full-Text ] Ashish PandeyIn Operations analytics, key parameter is how business operation runs in relation to the assigned performance targets. Key dimension here is performance rate which defines the throughput for a given unit of time. Some level of productivity loss is always accounted for during planning and thus risk here is negative deviance from the expected productivity loss. It’s important for any organization to manage tradeoff between costs of deploying additional resources Vs having effective risk controls implemented. This becomes more of a cost benefit analysis and to strike balance between both becomes important. Paper leverages Loss distribution approach from operational risk space to model Risk of unexpected productivity loss. The approach results in a Full time equivalent contingency plan in form of human capital requirement for worst case scenario and provides an optimal resource plan to manage risk. If required resource pool is less than the optimal, it exposes business to the risk of increased Turnaround times, while if the same is above optimal level it adds to overall cost of the firm.
Simulating the Performance Variability matrix using Markov chains[Full-Text ] Ashish PandeyIn Operations performance analytics space, specifically into financial services firm we measure the associate or functional performance in form of performance rate which is the magnitude of requests processed per unit of time. Utilization is another key metrics that measures the time spent on core processing work as a percentage of the total time spent on core and the non-core work. Basis these key KPIs in relation to the variability of performance we map the associates into 4 performance states where each state provides the unique performance insight to line managers for better planning. The assumption here is that the performance rate and utilization levels at time “t” are independent of the past and only depend on the “t-1” state. Hypothesis for the same is that every interval of time may have different work complexity and business environment under which financial operations would function and thus assuming the same to be stochastic in nature. We then use the Markov chain application to make relevant business inferences and forecasts for the defined performance states.
COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF LOCAL CLAY (AFUZE) AS A POSSIBLE REPLACEMENT FOR IMPORTED BENTONITE IN DRILLING FLUIDS FORMULATION[Full-Text ] Omohimoria Charles, Falade AdetokunboDrilling fluids (muds) are complex fluids consisting of several additives. These additives are added to enhance/control the rheological properties (such as density, viscosity, yield point and gel strength) of the drilling mud. These properties are controlled for effective drilling of an oil or gas well. In this project work, the rheological properties of locally sourced Bentonite clay from Afuze in Edo state was investigated as a possible substitute for imported Bentonite clay. This was carried out by the comparative analysis of the parameters of the local clay mud with the imported bentonite mud to ascertain the level of compliance in drilling operation. This research work focused on three additives: barite, Pac R (Polyanionic Cellulose Regular grade), and sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) to compare the density, pH and rheological properties of local clay mud and bentonite mud. At the end of the laboratory analysis, the result obtained showed that there was a slight difference in the rheological properties of the formulated drilling mud and the pH values when compared to that of bentonite. Therefore it was concluded that the clay exhibits good rheological properties when compared to imported bentonite.
Numerical solution of advection diffusion reaction equation coupled with shallow water equation[Full-Text ] M. M. Rahaman, L. S. Andallah & M. S. AlamThis paper considers the shallow water equation and advection-diffusion-reaction equation as an initial boundary value problem (IBVP) for assessment of water pollution in watery area. The first is a shallow water equation that provides the water height and water velocity field. The second is an advection-diffusion-reaction equation model that gives the pollutant concentration fields after input of the velocity data from Shallow water equation. By implementing a finite difference scheme for IBVP, we approximate and analyze the extent of water pollution at different times and different points in a one dimensional spatial domain.
ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE AND MARKETING OF TIMBER SPECIES IN OYO TOWN[Full-Text ] Adedokun, M. O., Ojo, T.M. and Dairo, G.S.This study examined the economic importance and marketing of timber species in Oyo town, Oyo state. Simple random sampling was used in selecting the respondents using structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistical tools and budgetary analytical technique were used to analyse the socio-economic characteristics of the respondent and the cost and return of sawn timber marketing respectively while gross and net profit were used to estimate profitability of sawn timber and marketing respectively. The results obtained revealed that all the sawmill crew were male (100%) and the marketers were female(100%) and mostly between the age of 31-40 (50%).
A novel approach to solve the new user cold-start problem in recommender systems using collaborative filtering[Full-Text ] Youssouf EL ALLIOUIAmong the main problems of recommender system one is the “cold start problem”. Facing this problem, recommender systems have several methods to overcome the difficulties posed by the initial lack of meaningful data. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to solve new user cold start problem in recommender system applying collaborative filtering. We adopt a mechanism that takes into consideration the new user demographic data and based on similarity techniques finds their ‘neighbors’. Our experimental results show the performance of the proposed techniques.
Hormonal Imbalance and Ovarian Cancer[Full-Text ] Aghareed. M. AljohaniOvarian cancer is an aggressive neoplasm involving variety of risk factors such as hormonal imbalance and it is the seventh most common cancer among women world widely. The aim of this article is to summarize the types, the incidence, possible risk factors and pathophysiology of ovarian cancer. Also, causes of sexual hormonal imbalance and the impact of hormonal imbalance in the case of ovarian cancer.There are many studies reported that hormones imbalance as a risk factor which have a significant role in the pathogeneses of ovarian cancer. Factors related to increase estrogen level such as HRT (Hormonal replacement therapy) and menopause considered as risk factors. In contrast, factor related to reduce estrogen exposure such as OCP (Oral contraceptive pill) and pregnancy act as protective factors. Other factors such as gene mutation, smoking and obesity have a role in ovarian cancer. A lot of studies and researches conclude that there is a relation between ovarian cancer and hormonal imbalance as high level of estrogen induce ovarian cancer and progesterone is acting as a protective factor.
Cardiac Autonomous Function Assessment in Congestive Heart Failure using HRV Analysis[Full-Text ] Ulka Shirole, Manjusha Joshi, Pritish BagulAccording to world health organization (WHO) maximum death is caused by cardiac health issues. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is considered a good pointer of autonomic regulator related to cardiovascular health. HRV has been studied in a variety of situations in order to determine the variables that influence it. Autonomous Nervous System (ANS) dynamics is estimated through standard and nonlinear analysis of HRV which is derived from the electrocardiogram (ECG). HRV provides parameters of autonomous activity which are related to cardiac health. In this paper, a new health index called “Orthostatic Stress Index†(OSI) is proposed to rank patients from lower risk to higher risk. This index is obtained using frequency domain analysis parameters LF, HF, and sympathovagal balance. In this study data is collected from subjects with age range of 30-65 years. Subjects suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and hyper tension are compared with control subjects. Results clearly indicate the risk factors using OSI are comparable with the clinical symptoms of the patients.
Baseline Study of Radiofrequency Emission from Telecommunication Base Station in Umuahia Urban, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ogu, O.G., Ogwo, P.A., and Umezuruike, S.OThere has been a proliferation of Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) in recent years especially in urban areas due to an expansion of Mobile telephone networks. This has been accompanied by an increase in the level of community concern about possible health effects of radiation emissions from BTSs in Umuahia urban. Based on this, a baseline study of radiations from BTS in Umuahia urban was conducted to provide information on the levels of radiation to which members of the public may be exposed. Measurements of non-ionizing RF power density were made with a hand held TES-92 Electrosmog meter held at 1.5 m above the ground level. A maximum of 300 m radial distance from the foot of each BTS was considered, and measurements were made at 25m intervals from 60 BTSs.
NUMERICAL SIMULATION AND LIFE PREDICTION OF STEPPED SHAFT UNDER BIAXIAL FATIGUE LOADING[Full-Text ] Ali Naeem Odaa, Yassr Y. KahtanThe fatigue analysis have been applied to uniaxial and biaxial loading conditions for geometrically stepped shaft. The present work studied numerically simulation analysis of the fatigue behavior of stepped shaft made of Carbon steel SAE 1045_390_QT under a biaxial loading (torsion-bending moment) and uniaxial loading (only bending moment case), (only torsion case). This work included the complete analysis of stepped shaft by using ANSYSWORKBENCH 14.5 and the fatigue analysis using nCode Design Life 14.5®.the numerical results showed how important is the effect of biaxial loading on fatigue life where was results for biaxial loading (2.039 * 104) cycles while for uniaxial loading only bending case (1.013 * 105) cycles and in only torsion case it was (4.756 *107) cycles.
Antioxidant Activities of Propolis collected from Different Regions of Morocco[Full-Text ] Ouamani Abdelati, Bencharki Bouchaib, Nacera Dari, Hilali LahoucinePropolis is a resinous substance collected by honeybees from various plant sources. The composition of propolis depends on time, vegetation, and the area of collection. The main objective of this study is to study the antioxidant Activities of Propolis from Different Regions of Morocco. To achieve this goal, the present work examined the antioxidant activity of propolis collected from 4 regions of Morocco: Agadir, Marrakech, Rabat and Settat. Ethanol extracts of propolis were prepared and evaluated for their antioxidant activities by; 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical-scavenging. The investigation of the polyphenol and flavonoid contents was measured spectrophotometrically. 20 µg/ml of principal active extracted from each sample was analyzed. The percentage of DPPH degradation (I%) was different from region to other (Rabat: 87.96 %; Agadir: 76,66%; Settat: 65,77% and Marrakech: 49,46%). The total polyphenol contents was affected significantly by the collection site (Rabat: 241.66±, Agadir: 191.18±0.91, Settat: 127.22±2.61 and Marrakech: 77.89±1.91). The same finding was observed with flavonoids concentration, which was different from à site too other (Rabat: 91.48±1.47, Agadir: 70.93±2.26, Settat: 46.52±0.63 and Marrakech: 12.13±0.29). It was also observed that all samples of ethanolic extracts of propolis showed free radical-scavenging activity. The highest activities were found for samples from Rabat and Agadir. Also, a positive correlation between antioxidant activity and chemical composition (flavonoid and polyphenol) was detected.