Volume 7, Issue 11, November 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 11, November 2016.
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ROUTE OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES: AN OVERVIEW[Full-Text ] Bale, D. L. T, Ugwu, C, Nwachukwu, E. OThis paper discusses the various routing problems in road transportation system and focused on route optimization and its techniques. The techniques were categorized as hard and soft computing; presenting their general strengths and weaknesses. Emphases were on Agent Based Soft Engineering (ABSE) which is the recent approach in solving route optimization problem.
MATHEMATICAL SIMULATION AND THERMAL STATE ANALYSIS OF COMBUSTION CHAMBERS FOR POWER SYSTEMS (ON THE BASIS OF THE NEURAL-NETWORK COMPUTING ARCHITECTURE)[Full-Text ] Mitar Lutovac, Kretinin A.V,Podval'nyi S.L, Podval'nyi E.SSome problems of thermodynamic, hydraulic and thermal calculations of the thermal state analysis and performance of the liquid-propellant rocket engine design using neural network modeling are detected. The algorithm of the numerical decision of the hydrodynamics equations with representation of the decision on method of weighted residuals on the base of general neuronet's approximation in the whole flow area is developed. There are presented some applications of neural-network algorithms using in thermal calculations of the LRE chamber such as the simulation of hydraulic non-uniformity of fuel distribution among the sprayers of LRE mixing devices.
Microstructure characterization of the barks of eucalyptus “eucalyptus camaldulensis”[Full-Text ] Y.ESSAADAOUI, L.KADIRI, E.H.RIFI, A.LEBKIRILignocellulose residues can be valued in the treatment of wastewater as adsorbents clean, natural and low-cost. In this study, our approach is to develop the preparation and characterization by physical-chemical methods, of adsorbant material, made from the bark of eucalyptus "Eucalyptus camaldulensis". The preparation of adsorbent material includes the sieving of the barks, extraction of unwanted compounds, treatment with formaldehyde as an activating agent, and a chemical treatment with acrylic acid by reaction of grafting. The chemical modification, which aims the improvement of the ability of adsorption of the material, is verified by means of analysis: the Infrared to Transformed of Fourier (IRTF), the Diffraction of Rays X (DRX) (crystallinity index) and the method of Boehm. The chemical change of the lignocellulosic material induced a change in the microstructure of the material, particularly in the case of the grafting of acrylic acid and the Crosslinking with formaldehyde to increase his potential adsorption capacity.
Security issues in Mobile Computing Vs Mobile Cloud Computing from User Perspective[Full-Text ] Beenish AbidWith the advancement in computing devices, the methods of computation evolved quite rapidly. It was just today when the computation became mobile. With the increased demand of better computation capabilities, vendors are looking for ways of achieving computation speeds unheard of. Every device offers some limit to the computation speed as there is always a tradeoff between cost and computation capability. Researchers took a big step towards enhancing the computation capability of mobile devices by introducing cloud computing, thus leading to a new era where mobile cloud computing improves user experience by utilizing cloud resources for processing. This approach facilitates the vendors to offer improved computation capabilities but associated security issues proved to be a great hurdle in the path of mobile cloud computing success. This research highlights some major security concerns of a mobile user to bring vendors and researchers are on the same page. We compare traditional mobile computing approach of these security issues with the emerging mobile cloud computing technique. Motivation behind this initiative is that unless smartphone vendors understand user perspective clearly they will not be working on the right track for achieving user appreciation for new trends like mobile cloud computing.
A STUDY to CHALLENGES of CLOUD STORAGE ARCHITECTURE: PERFORMANCE and SCALABILITY[Full-Text ] HATEM Taha, ALI. Manea, El KADIRI. Kamal EddineCloud storage is one of the cloud computing-based services, which provides remote storages and management operations for resources. The potential benefits of a cloud storage system depend on a number of factors, such as being able to store and manipulate data in the cloud with higher performance, more scalability, and cheaper storage. While there are many cloud storage systems, such as Amazon s3, cloud drive, DropBox, Microsoft Sky Drive, Google drive and SugarSync being developed, they are using different technology for storage data. In this paper, we will review the cloud storage history. In this paper, we will review the cloud storage history. We will discuss the progress made; the challenges that still need to be addressed to implement an efficient architecture of cloud storage. Also, we will present a methodology to improve the performance and the scalability to save data in the cloud using geographic cloud storage station, provide an overview of the trend they each.
ASSESMENT OF THE RELEVANCE AND UTILIZATION OF ICT IN INCREASING PRODUCTION AMONG COCOA FARMERS IN ONDO STATE NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Adams Oluwadamilola Kemi, and Ajao QuadriInformation technology is a key to agricultural development and helps to increase production. Consequently cocoa farmers and the rural household in Ondo state need to have easy and uninterrupted access to ICT facilities in their immediate environment. This study was conducted in 3 villages in Ondo state to determine the accessibility and level of utilization of ICTs by cocoa farmers in Ondo State. A sample of 200 cocoa farmers was randomly selected for the study using a set of questionnaire. Data analysis was through the use of descriptive statistics, likert type scale and correlation analysis. The findings revealed that the cocoa farmers in the study area had 28.67% access to ICT facilities. The correlation analysis further revealed that age influence the level of utilization of ICT negatively, level of education positively influenced the level of utilization of ICTs while years of farming experience had negative influence.
Impact of Parent-Child Relationship on Career Maturity of High School Students in Relation to Nature of Management of School and Board of Affiliation[Full-Text ] RAJEEV OBERAIThis study investigated the impact of Parental acceptance rejection on Career Maturity of High school student in Relation to Management of Schools ( Government and Private) and Board of Affiliation (CBSE & M.P. State Board). 400 high school students of Jabalpur District (100 Parentally accepted boys, 100 Parentally rejected boys, 100 Parentally accepted girls and 100 Parentally rejected girls) were selected based on Mohsin Parent-Child Inventory (MPCI). Indian adaptation of Career Maturity Inventory (CMI) of Crites, (by Dr. (Mrs.) Nirmala Gupta) was administered on the students selected in the final sample. Results show that parentally accepted boys studying in CBSE affiliated private schools have highest Career Maturity in comparison to other group, while parentally rejected boys studying in CBSE affiliated government schools have lowest Career Maturity. There is no impact of Parental acceptance-Rejection, Nature of management of school and Board of affiliation on Career Maturity of boys studying in MP Board affiliated schools. Parentally accepted Girls studying in CBSE affiliated private schools have highest Career Maturity in comparison to other group, while parentally rejected Girls studying in CBSE affiliated government schools have lowest Career Maturity. Parentally accepted Girls studying in MP Board affiliated government schools have highest Career Maturity in comparison to other group, while parentally rejected Girls studying in MP Board affiliated government schools have lowest Career Maturity.
Accuracy Assessmentof StaticGPS Techniquein Monitoringof Vertical Structural Deformations[Full-Text ] Mohammed El-Tokhey, Ahmed Khedr, Yasser Mogahed and Ahmed El-MaghrabyNowadays, deformation monitoring systems are very important task taking the human into consideration. In this context, there has been always an increasing demand for precise deformation measurements techniques. Measuring and monitoring monumental deformation is the sequence of operations that allows the finding of movements of points or features in a specified coordinate system, during two different times for the same investigated feature. The time interval sometimes is the main factor in measuring vertical deformation, especially in loading test of steel bridges. Hence, the present paper investigates the accuracy of the GPS in monitoring of vertical deformation with respect to the time of observation. In this context, a practical simulation test was made to assess the accuracy of GPS with time in measuring vertical deformation. The obtained results indicated that, the used methods and techniques presented in the current research paper have possessed a very good accuracy, reliability and applicability in monitoring vertical deformations efficiently. The accuracy of measuring vertical deformation of points on structure using relative static technique of GPS is from (0.2mm) to (20mm) and the best accuracy is for the 20 minutes time interval which reveals that moreover the time interval increase in the GPS, the accuracy increases.
Renewable Power Generation Systems with Improved Active Power Filter for Performance Enhancement[Full-Text ] Kodali Siva Krishna, Dr.A.Purna Chandra RaoA simplified model predictive management methodology is presented in this paper. This methodology is based on a future reference voltage vector for a three phase four-leg voltage source inverter (VSI). Compare with the three-leg VSIs, the four-leg VSI will increase the possible switch states from 8 to 16 because of a fourth leg. Among the doable states, this could be considered within the model predictive control methodology for choosing the best state. The increased number of conducting switch states and also the corresponding voltage vectors increase the calculation burden. The proposed three-dimensional (3-D) space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) technique will preselect 5 among the 16 possible voltage vectors made by the three-phase four-leg voltage source inverters, based on the position of the future reference voltage vector. The discrete-time model of the future reference voltage vector is constructed to predict the future movement of the load currents, and its position is used to choose five preselected vectors at each sampling period. As a result, the proposed methodology can reduce calculation load by decreasing the voltage vectors employed in the cost function for the four-leg VSIs, while exhibiting the same performance because of the conventional methodology. The effectiveness of the projected methodology is demonstrated with simulation results.
Educational Recommendation and Tracking System[Full-Text ] Prof. Seema K. Yadav, Mr. Sujit J. Singh, Mr. Akshay M. Bora, Mr. Shashankit N. ThakurThe existing ways for career guidance includes seminars, counseling and analysis based on academic performance, considering aspects and parameters such as economic status, future job perspectives, academic performance etc. which may turn out to be irrelevant for determining better and suitable profession for students. There are various other alternatives existing, but none of them provide a concrete and precise solution to the problem. We therefore come with a concept of application which takes into consideration the sheer interest of students as the single parameter for recommending areas of interest. This application will be designed for educational usage. Surveys will be taken to generate results, the results will be stored in database on which machine learning algorithm will be implemented followed by a regular tracking of student’s performance, and thus generating informative reports.
Reconstruction of respiratory signal from ECG[Full-Text ] Pranav K. Patil, Swetal K. Phepale, Prof. U.R. BagalSeveral physiological signals are used for diagnosis of diseases in clinical practice. Electrocardiography is a method used to record electrical activity of heart and the record of electrical activity of heart is known as electrocardiogram (ECG). It is used for diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Stress ECG may be useful for diagnosis of cardiovascular disorders. In general practice, it is recorded using clinically accepted standard lead configuration with electrodes placed on the body surface. The recorded ECG is contaminated with interference due to body movements and respiration commonly called artifacts. ECG with artifacts may introduced error in computed ECG parameter. Frequency ranges of ECG (0.02-150 Hz) and respiration (0.2-2 Hz) are overlapping. Use of digital filter is not suitable for suppression of artifacts in ECG. Adaptive filter may be used for suppression of respiration related signal. It needs respiration signal as a reference. ECG free respiration signal may be recorded by sensing the respiration at nostrils using thermistor. Thermistor may cause error in signal due to self-heating and slow response in case of fast breathing during or just after exercise. Respiration related signals can be obtained using ECG. The features of ECG such as amplitude of R- peak, P-peak, T-peak Q-valley and S-valley along with R-R interval and wavelet based methods can be used for extraction of respiratory signal.
DEVELOPMENT OF THE AIRWAYS MATURITY OF NEWBORN WITH MECONIUM ASPIRATION SYNDROME (MAS)[Full-Text ] Adnan Bozalija,Lirim Mustafa, Ragip Shabani, Naim Haliti, Hilmi IslamiWork shows the role of the epithelial volumetric component, septal and alveolar respiratory spaces in newborn in different weeks of gestation. Overall 36 cases are examined. Material observed were lungs of the newborn, taken after the autopsies, which have died due to different causes. Material was fixed in the 10% buffered formalin. Moulding was done in paraffin, whilst serial cuttings of 10 µ were conducted with microtome. Routine and special histochemical staining was done. Stereometric analyses on the volumetric density were done with the universal visual system, Weibel M 42. Morphologic and histochemical results obtained indicate the presence of argentaffin granules in the amniotic fluid in the newborn’s MAS. Morphometric analyses provide data on the significant volumetric density of the alveolar epithelial component in all gestational ages in newborns. It is evident that the alveolar epithelial component (pneumocytes type I + II) have dominant volume in comparison to the alveolar septum and alveolar spaces (P<0.001). There can be seen no relevant statistical difference in between volumetric density of alveolar septum and alveolar spaces in different gestational ages starting from the aborts, immature, premature and mature (P>0.05). Results suggest a continual domination of the alveolar epithelial component with a slight decrease of the linearity at matured ages, whilst the component of the alveolar spaces has tendency of continual growth at matured ages.
EFFECTS OF DUSTS, GASES, VAPOURS, FUMES AND SMOKING ON GAS DIFFUSION - A CASE CONTROL STUDY[Full-Text ] Bashkim B. Kastrati, Pëllumb H. Islami, Toskë L. Kryeziu, Milot Cena, Kadir Hyseini, Hilmi I. Islami, Adnan BozalijaAirborne dusts are of particular concern because they are well known to be associated with classical widespread occupational lung diseases such as the pneumoconiosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, occupational asthma etc. To examine the effects of dusts, noxious gases / vapours, fumes and tobacco smoking on the level and rate of change of the diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO). In this paper I briefly review the significance of the single breath test of diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO).
QUADCOPTER[Full-Text ] Albert Jose Pottams, V. Harikrishnan, R. Sankar, Balu Raveendran, Sukanya R. WarierThis paper focuses on the design and implementation of Xbee controlled Quadcopter system hardware along with the development of the Flight controller system. Wireless communication between the user (PC in this case) and the Quadcopter is established using the 802.15 architecture XBEE. The Quadcopter balancing condition is sensed by the MPU-6050 gyro-accelerometer sensor. The signals from the sensor are processed by the Arduino Uno on board the Quadcopter. The PID flight control system is implemented in the Arduino board with options to adjust the P, I and D values through Xbee communication. It has 2 process loops- a PID loop and a PID rate loop. The XCTU software is used to transmit user input through the XBEE communication channel. P, I and D values are adjusted in the PID rate loop for accuracy and experimental testing reveals that the Quadcopter can hover with sufficient stability.
Meteorological Sensors synergy for diagnosis of monsoon precipitating clouds over Kadapa, Semi-arid region of India[Full-Text ] N.P.Amrutha Kumari1, Hemalatha, S.Balaji, J.Jayalakshmi, R.Mastanaiah, T.R.Mahesh, S.B.Surendra Prasad, Md Waaiz, D.Punyaseshudu and K. Krishna Reddy Long-term field experiment is an important approach to obtain microphysical information on monsoonal precipitating clouds in the semi-arid region, Kadapa (14.47°N; 78.82°E). A Micro Rain Radar (MRR), a PARSIVEL (PSD) Disdrometer have been deployed in the premises of Semi-arid-zonal Atmospheric Research Centre (SARC), Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa to study the characterization of tropical rainfall. Rain drop size distribution (DSD) and rain rate are obtained at the surface from the PSD data and at different heights from the MRR. And also, active radar observations from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Precipitation Radar provide high resolution satellite based rainfall estimates. To understand these measurements, it would be needed to compare with ground-based measurements and also be awared of the seasonal dependance of the satellite measurements. From 1 June 2009 to 31 July 2010, the monsoon experiment was carried out to understand performance of MRR and PSD with different monsoon DSD and vertical structure of precipitating clouds. The data from the disdrometer and that from micro rain radar corresponding to a height of 35 metre from the surface are taken here for comparison with the TRMM data. TRMM rain rate is available as 3 hourly data over a 0.25o X 0.25o grid. The correlation of the three hourly rainfall data between TRMM and PSDand TRMM and MRR have been found to be significant. For the southwest and the northeast monsoon periods, the correlation between the data from the TRMM and disdrometer is 0.9 and 0.8, respectively. The observational results indicate that MRR and PSD are reliable instruments for microphysical properties of monsoon precipitating clouds.
A STUDY ON EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE OF COLLEGE FACULTIES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO COIMBATORE[Full-Text ] Dr. R. Umamaheswari, Mrs. M. Sree NandhiniHistorically, leaders in most organizations have neglected emotions in the workplace. Today we realize that emotions are very much a part of workplace success. How individuals respond to real situations each and every day and what organizations do to foster productive emotional responses can make the difference between the organization that stumbles and the organization that thrives.
Mathematical Formulation of Free Piston Stirling Cooler for Domestic Refrigeration using Loss Factor[Full-Text ] Pratik Chaudhari, David D’Souza, Samadhan Borkar, Vikrant Haribhakta,Santosh TrimbakeFree Piston Stirling Cooler (FPSC) is a novel innovation in refrigeration field, which works on reversed Stirling cycle. A simplified model for numerical analysis has been developed and results are displayed graphically and in tabular format. The entire refrigeration system was evaluated theoretically and graphically for the performance vis-Ã -vis coefficient of performance, heat absorbed and work input required of the FPSC unit.
Determinants of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Employees within the Telecommuting Environment in Vietnam[Full-Text ] Hien Hoang PhamIt was not known if a relationship exists between job satisfaction and organizational commitment within a telecommuting environment. With the advancements in the area of technology and the positive outcomes associated with telecommuting, more organizations could incorporate telecommuting as a work environment option, making it beneficial to understand the organizational commitment necessary to improve employee’s job satisfaction within the telecommuting environment. The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to determine if a relationship exists between job satisfaction and organizational commitment within the telecommuting environment. The findings from this study provide the insight into the role of predictor which impact on job satisfaction and affective commitment. In addition, the findings also figure out the direction for further studies on affective commitment and its possible predictor to reveal the comprehensive results for the offshore employees in the context of telecommuting working environment in Vietnam.
Test of modeling sleep disorders: Quality of sleep[Full-Text ] AbdellatifELLOUMI,Imen FARHAT, Mohammed DOGUI and Abdeljelil FARHATWe are trying to explain the quality of sleep. We have selected the Total Time of sleep as the endogenous and the variables of the structure of sleep as exogenous. Then, we have integrated the qualitative variable "quality of snoring" in the model. What attracts our attention is that the quality of the snoring is the most important variable in the estimate of the quality of sleep. This variable has the highest coefficient. If we want to quickly 1improve the quality of our sleep, it is enough to monitor our snoring.
THE LOW VOLATILITY PUZZLE: EVIDENCE FROM KSE 100 OF PAKISTAN[Full-Text ] Rabia KhalidModern portfolio theory suggests that investors hold a portfolio of stocks to diversify idiosyncratic risk. The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) builds on the portfolio theory and predicts that all investors hold the market portfolio in equilibrium. As a result, only systematic risk is priced in equilibrium and idiosyncratic risk is not.This study investigates the relation between idiosyncratic volatility and returns in Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) 100 index of Pakistan for the period July 2009 to June 2015. The results show that there is a negative relationship between idiosyncratic risk and expected returns and the internationally documented strong performance of low volatility stocks relative to high volatility stocks is present in Pakistan.
Seven steps to acquiring Business Process Intelligence and Operational Excellence - A Case Study[Full-Text ] Sathya K. DevarakondaAn application or a system that is latest today would be a legacy few years whence. Legacy is not new to any CIO or Information Systems Director in all medium to large scale organizations. And is obviously one area each Information executive, has to cope up when driving towards leading edge technology horizons and operational excellence. Also because of the decreasing technology digestion cycle in the current world, technology deployment affects the way companies operate, and also contributes to the credibility of the corporation in the market.
Influence of Routing Protocols through the Inter-pretation of TCP Variants in Mobile Ad Hoc Net-work[Full-Text ] Noor ud Din Zangi, Dr. Imran MumtazMANET is a combination of uphold connected portable nodes. Nodes may have different processing capacity. For achieving the reliable communication Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is commonly used in MANET. In this research effect of two MANET routing protocols Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector Routing (DSDV) and DSR (Dynamic Source Routing Protocol) examine over the performance of three TCP Variants (TCP Vegas, TCP Veno and TCP High-Speed). We considered (Packet Loss Ratio, one end to the other -delay, Data Delivery Ratio and Throughput) as performance metrics and on mobility model named Random Waypoint with different density of nodes like 10, 20, 50, 75, and 100. NS2 simulation tool used to create scenario and get results. In conclusion, results suggest that which performance of routing protocol of DSR and DSDV under any TCP variant in case of packet loss and data delivery ratio. So DSR is an optimal choice for such applications that seek to enhance data delivery ratio and minimize packet loss ratio. On the other hand, overall performance of DSDV remained good for the measurement from one end to the other delay time and throughput under any TCP variant. Therefore such applications, that require minimum end-to-end-delay and high throughput, should employ DSDV routing protocol. The result of our current work included to be used as a guideline for the design of specific TCP enhancements for ad hoc networks.
Optical Properties of CR-39 Plastic Detectors Irradiated by He:Ne Laser[Full-Text ] Adnan M. Mansoor Al-SaeediThe CR-39 detector was irradiated by He:Ne laser at wavelength (532) nm . The laser energy doeses varied between 0 and 50 mW. The exposure time is (3) min. The optical parameters of these samples are inspectedby using two beams spectrophotometer in the spectral rangewavelength of 200 nm to 1100 nm. It was found that the average transmittance of the samples is about (80%) at wavelength(300) nm.
Integrated Biosystem Farming Model at Cebu Technological University-Barili Campus: Techno Pack[Full-Text ] Crisostomo Castro CanenciaThe study aimed to establish the process flow and to determine the costs, productivity, and the return of investment (ROI) It also sought answers to quantify the environmental impact on soil nutrition and utilization, ambient temperature, and rainwater conservation, and also the problems encountered in the development and establishment of the Integrated Biosystem Farming Model (IBFM). The IBFM greatly considered the sound process flow in developing and establishing an ecological interaction of the components for maximum maximization of the available resource that can be found both land, air and water. The following that highly considered in the process were the site selection, plan, design and layout, inputs, fish, crops, poultry and livestock establishment, production, caring and feeding practice, harvesting and marketing.
AVAILABILITY AND USE OF VISUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING MATERIALS IN TEACHING GEOGRAPHY AT MINJIBIR EDUCATION ZONE KANO[Full-Text ] ISMAIL DATTI SAIDUThe availability and use of visual teaching and learning materials’ study was aimed at finding out if there are adequate visual teaching and learning materials for teaching Geography in Minjibir Education Zone, Kano and if these materials have been effectively and judiciously utilised by the teachers to teach geography. The descriptive survey design was selected for this purpose. The population of the study covers all secondary schools in Minjibir Education Zone where a sample of 36 geography teachers both male and female out of the 37 geography teachers in the Zone was drawn. A questionnaire was used for the data collection while the data collected were analysed using the frequency and percentage distribution table. The gathered data shows that visual materials were inadequate for the effective teaching of geography in Minjibir Education Zone and the few available visual materials have not been effectively and judiciously utilised to teach geography. The study has made certain recommendations that important visual materials like barometer, thermometer, rain gauge, wind vane, computers, projectors e.t.c and geography laboratory must be provided for the effective teaching and learning of geography and the government must ensure that seminars and workshops are organised for geography teachers to make them aware of the importance of using visual materials and motivate them towards discharging their duties effectively.
EFFECT OF THE ANTIOXIDANT VITAMINS E AND C ON OXIDATIVE STRESS IN TYPE II DIABETES MELLITUS[Full-Text ] Sandip Chakraborti, Goutam Chakraborti, Arya Sen,Angshuman De, Debojyoti Bhattacharjee, Kheya MukherjeePlasma Malondialdehyde and Protein carbonyl were studied in 79 Type II Diabetes mellitus patients before and after supplementation with vitamin E, or vitamin C, or both. The results revealed that both Malondialdehyde and Protein carbonyl were decreased after supplementation and the decrease was most significant in the patients who received both vitamins C and E. These findings suggest that these antioxidant vitamins might have a beneficial role in diabetes by decreasing lipid and protein oxidation products.
A Novel Comparative Study on the Legal Principles and Legal Requirements Governing the Upstream, Midstream and Downstream Contracts on Oil and Gas Industries in Iran and United States[Full-Text ] Amir RahimiThe contracts of oil and gas industries are thoroughly technical issue which is closely related to the political, legal, and economical systems of each oil country. Today, various types of contracts have basic rules in the international business world. Regarding the increasingly demands of industries to fossil fuel energy, the importance of oil and gas contracts is doubled. At the other hand, exploration, extraction, production and exploitation of oil require spending a lot of money. Hence, the legal impacts induced by various types of contracts and making motivation for foreign investing in oil and gas industries are of critical importance. In the current research, the legal principles governing the upstream, midstream and downstream contracts on oil and gas industries are studied and through the considering of regulatory and fiscal requirements as well as investigating the various types of upstream, midstream and downstream contracts, it is concluded that despite the variety of contracts, all of them follow the same legal principles and basics. This variety is made to make more motivation and productivity in order to absorb foreign investment with maintaining national possession of oil and gas resources.
Project Finance In The Indian Water Sector[Full-Text ] Dhruv ShekharThis paper aims at assessing the myriad of water crisis that India has dealt with over the years and analyzing the success/failure ration that has come with using varied methods of project finance to resolve the same. I go forward with the approach of examining the various models as employed in Project financing. While simultaneously examining the changing landscape when contending with the various benefactors behind these projects and the domestic as well foreign entities responsible for assisting the government in the wide variety of projects carried out.
DEPRESSION AMONG GERIATRIC PEOPLE IN RURAL SETTING IN ALIGARH[Full-Text ] Uzma Eram,Tamanna ZDepression is a medical problem that is commonly seen among geriatric people.It is a serious mental illness that needs to be treated,otherwise it could lead to suicidal tendency.The prevalence of depressive disorders in old population in India varies between 13% and 25.It is observed that those who are divorced or separated are more likely to be depressed than those who are married.A study indicated that the elderly in rural areas expressed more need for health services than in urban areas.The aim of the study was to find out the prevalence of depression among geriatric people.
Reorganization of physical similarities in source code using clustering[Full-Text ] Muhammad Kashif Siddique Randhawa, Dr. Imran MumtazThe objective of research is to uncover the usage of clustering with other source code detection techniques(Semantic, Structure, Kernel based, Adaptive Local Alignment and Graph based) to find out efficient physical source code similarity. Clustering is typically methodology to develop the gatherings of related items that is utilized for group the data. Source Code Similarity techniques are less efficient and slow in some situations. For find the clustering efficiency with detection techniques, I have conduct a survey in which make the comparison and shows which similarity techniques are best to use. To sort out the problem which can be effective for find efficient source code similarity technique, I have conducted a research. The research is basically based on the Survey which technique is used best for source code plagiarism. For taking the results use the SPSS statistical tool. The results obtained are effective in efficiency and accuracy.
Drilling Rigs and Their Role in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (SCM) for Optimization of Drilling Industry through Reducing Waiting Time of Drilling Rigs[Full-Text ] Hooshang ZamanifardPerforming the drilling operation and repairing the productive and injecting wells and implementing all associated technical services is one of the major components of exploration and production activities for oil and gas reservoirs in dry lands and continental shelf and it is the start point of oil industry and the key for winning the reservoirs and the most important link of upstream field chain of oil industry. The sparkle of drilling industry in Iran was the successive drilling of the first oil well in Masjed Soleyman. During about a century lifetime, this industry have been experienced various fluctuations including economic, political and social evolutions. Competitive based–oil industry is continually looking for cost reduction. Direct effect of oil market prosperity on drilling industry causes various challenges for it in the form of providing rig and its equipment, providing required materials for drilling operation, providing skillful personnel, capability of contractors for engineering services and finally, managing technical activities.
A Measurement Model of Information Types Required by Lawyers for Task Performance[Full-Text ] Nafisat Toyin Adewale, Yushiana MansorThe need to perform certain tasks drives workers to look for information. Nonetheless, various information types are required for task per-formance depending on the kind of task. A confirmatory factor analysis of the information types by Bystrom and Jarvelin (1995) was carried out. Data was gathered via survey questionnaires distributed among lawyers in Lagos State, Nigeria. Findings show that the evaluation criteria for the reliability, validity, and model assessment were met. The result of the CFA also shows that the information types fits well as a second-order construct. There were no offending estimates and the fit measures were satisfied. It was therefore concluded that Information type is a second order factor, with three sub-constructs (Problem information, domain information, and problem-solving information).
Eliminating Lingual Heir of AJKMigrants in Rawalpindi and Islamabad[Full-Text ] Farooq AbdullahPrior studies concentrated the process of migration and its holistic bearing upon the native language of migrants whereas migration is an effective process which bring about changes in patterns and stimulate social and cultural change. Socialization plays, radical agent of change, pivotal role at destination and migrants get assimilated with the trends and adopt the culture and especially the language undergoes agony. It may have strong impact of modernization to which the individuals and groups are vulnerable. Language of migrants is often under stresses and strains because of dominant language at destination.
DDoS Attack in “Cloud of Things” Environment, Software Defined Networking (SDN) and A Research on Defense Mechanisms against DDoS using SDN[Full-Text ] Tasnim TamannaThe Internet of Things presents the user with a novel means of communicating with the Web world through ubiquitous object-enabled networks. While IoT is exciting on its own, the real innovation will come from combining it with cloud computing. In the new era of Internet of Things integrated with cloud computing, Distributed Denial Service of Attacks (DDoS) is growing substantially. With the advancement of Software Defined Networking (SDN), defense mechanisms against DDoS attack has opened a new door to Cloud of Things environment. This paper discusses on how to make full use of SDN’s advantages to defeat DDoS attacks in cloud computing environments as well as cloud based IoT environment. The research results in this paper can be expanded to prepare a new architecture of SDN enabled secured Cloud of Things environment.
Toward Transparency and Broader Safeguards Conclusion: A Closer Look at the Proposed Saudi’s Civilian Nuclear Power Program[Full-Text ] Thaqal Alhuzaymi, Ayodeji B. AlajoThe higher the transparency of any civilian nuclear power program, the higher the chance of attracting and securing the long-term foreign nuclear cooperation. For newcomer states, securing nuclear cooperation is essential for successful deployment and implementation of nuclear power program. Complying with an acceptable types of safeguards commitment/protocols plays a major role in increasing transparency. The determination of transparency primarily relies on the presence of sensitive nuclear isotopes–as defined under IAEA’s safeguards–with a nuclear facility. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is considering the deployment of civilian nuclear power program with a projected nuclear capacity ~18 gigawatt-electric (GWe) by 2032-40. The goals of this paper were the quantification of the sensitive nuclear isotopes (primarily plutonium) that will be produced within the prospective KSA nuclear facilities up to 2040 and the estimation of the uranium fuel requirements.
Electrochemical evaluation of quinolin-8-ol derivatives for carbon steel protection[Full-Text ] A.A. El-Bindary, K.S. El-Alfy, M.H. Mahmoud, O.M. DiwanThe inhibitive effect of new eco-friendly quinolin-8-ol derivatives against C-steel and its adsorption behavior were investigated in 2 M HCl solution utilized mass reduction, tafel polarization, (EIS) electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and (EFM) electrochemical frequency modulation method. The data obtain from protective efficiency rise with the improving the dose of inhibitor. The orders of %IE of quinolin-8-ol derivatives are given: (1) > (2) > (3).
Color Perception is in the Retina[Full-Text ] George MajorMy assumption is that sensing of light, color light probably is in the retina, namely in the cones. In the cones as receptors, the photo-pigment undergoes alteration proportional to the intensity of radiation. We are proposing that some of the new compounds originated have the ability to produce - within the cone - a “flash”, i.e. a sense of light. The three different cones near to each other give a flash, blue, green and red according to the intensity of radiation and these three flashes should be accepted as the middle hue and brightness. The large number (6-8 million) of cones can give an image with good resolution.
An Overview of 3D Integrated Circuits[Full-Text ] Mahesh Bhutada, Kiran Vishal Tanjavur Bhaaskar, Anubhav GuptaThe existing implementation of ICs (1D, 2D, 2.5D) are lacking in many ways when compared to the growing needs and pace of technologies. One way of tackling these needs is shifting to 3D ICs, which are superior to its predecessors and come with its own set of challenges like any other technology. This report is an overview of the present and emerging technologies with respect to 3D ICs.
Antiradical Activities of Basella alba and Solanecio biafrae Extracts; In vitro[Full-Text ] Borokini Funmilayo BosedeBasella alba L., commonly called “Amunututu” and Solanecio biafrae called “Worowo” among the Yoruba tribe in the southwest part of Nigeria are reported to be of great ethnomedicinal importance but are among many underutilized green leafy vegetables in the country. Many studies have established the nutritional values of these vegetables, utilization are very poor and in-depth informations on their chemical profile are scarce. The polyphenol profiles of the alcoholic extracts were characterized, using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector. Total phenol and flavonoid contents, antioxidant activities were evaluated using in vitro assays to assess 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazyl, nitric oxide and hydroxyl radical-scavenging abilities, with the aim of assessing their nutraceutical potentials to encourage their production and utilization.