Volume 7, Issue 11, November 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 11, November 2016.
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Meteorological Sensors synergy for diagnosis of monsoon precipitating clouds over Kadapa, Semi-arid region of India[Full-Text ] N.P.Amrutha Kumari, Hemalatha, S.Balaji Kumar, J.Jayalakshmi, R.Mastanaiah, T.R.Mahesh, S.B.Surendra Prasad, Md Waaiz, D.Punyaseshudu and K. Krishna ReddyLong-term field experiment is an important approach to obtain microphysical information on monsoonal precipitating clouds in the semi-arid region, Kadapa (14.47°N; 78.82°E). A Micro Rain Radar (MRR), a PARSIVEL (PSD) Disdrometer have been deployed in the premises of Semi-arid-zonal Atmospheric Research Centre (SARC), Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa to study the characterization of tropical rainfall. Rain drop size distribution (DSD) and rain rate are obtained at the surface from the PSD data and at different heights from the MRR. And also, active radar observations from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Precipitation Radar provide high resolution satellite based rainfall estimates. To understand these measurements, it would be needed to compare with ground-based measurements and also be awared of the seasonal dependance of the satellite measurements. From 1 June 2009 to 31 July 2010, the monsoon experiment was carried out to understand performance of MRR and PSD with different monsoon DSD and vertical structure of precipitating clouds. The data from the disdrometer and that from micro rain radar corresponding to a height of 35 metre from the surface are taken here for comparison with the TRMM data. TRMM rain rate is available as 3 hourly data over a 0.25o X 0.25o grid. The correlation of the three hourly rainfall data between TRMM and PSDand TRMM and MRR have been found to be significant. For the southwest and the northeast monsoon periods, the correlation between the data from the TRMM and disdrometer is 0.9 and 0.8, respectively. The observational results indicate that MRR and PSD are reliable instruments for microphysical properties of monsoon precipitating clouds.
Development and Performance Evaluation of a Manually Operated Hydraulic Briquetting Machine[Full-Text ] Mambo Wilson, Kamugasha Dick , Adimo Ochieng, Okwalinga David Bruno, Namagembe FlaviaImported briquette machines are expensive, need technical expertise, lack spare parts, and require electricity for operation. The aim of this study is to develop a manually operated hydraulic briquette press, evaluate its performance and assess the physical properties of the briquettes produced. The mould comprised of 100 cylinders having dimensions of 59 mm diameter, and 150 mm height. A hydraulic jack of 50 Tons capacity was selected to exert the compressive force required by the pistons to compact biomass into briquettes. Maize cobs were carbonized as raw material for the purpose of machine testing. Char particles of less than 6 mm and 10% cassava binder ratio was used. Compressed density, production capacity of the machine, machine efficiency, relaxed density, relaxation ratio, moisture content, and chartered index were determined. The average value of production capacity was 122.928 kg/hr, machine efficiency was100%, compressed density was 624.236 kg/m3, relaxed density was 350.093 kg/m3, relaxation ratio was 1.783, moisture content was 13.562% , and shatter index was 98.1464%. The machine therefore attained higher production capacity and all briquettes were free of damage after ejection. The briquettes produced had sufficient density for storage and transportation. The high chartered index of briquettes implies that they were strong enough and durable to withstand handling.
Optimization of gas allocation in an Iraqi oilfield (East of Baghdad) in the gas lifts process[Full-Text ] SaeedOvaysi, Ehsan H. AlhameedGas lift operation is one of the most common artificial lift methods that may be applied to obtain maximum production rate with minimum flowing – bottom hole pressure. The goal of this project is achieved by injecting gas to the wellbore in order to move oil to the surface.We chose gas lift in three wells in East of Baghdad field. In this study, a program has been developed using basic programming language to calculate the flowing – bottom hole pressure by using two correlations which are : modified Beggs – Brill and Aziz.The results showed that the gas injection rate for wells No.(10,11) are(15 MMSCF/DAY) to give maximum production rate of (3430 STB/DAY) , (2970 STB/DAY) with minimum flowing – bottom hole pressure (4287 psi) , (4105 psi) ,respectively. Also the maximum injection rate for the well No.(19) is of (7 MMSCF/DAY) with flow rate (3512 STB/DAY) and flowing – bottom hole pressure (4187 psi). current production rate for wells (10,11,19) are (2450,2100,3100) STB/DAY respectively.
Perfomance Evaluation of a Modified I.A.R. Multicrop Thresher[Full-Text ] Muna N.H. Muhammed, U.S., El-Okene, A.M. and Isiaka, M.A modified Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR) multicrop thresher was evaluated for threshing performance in Agricultural Engineering Department, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Unthreshed soybean crop (samsoy-2 soybean variety) and unthreshed millet crop (SOSAT C88 Millet variety) were used for the experiments. The machine was subjected to three experimental treatments and three replications were made for each threshed sample. A two days interval was given between threshing to allow the crop to dry naturally to different moisture content level. Maximum Feed rate, Threshing efficiency, Cleaning efficiency, Scatter loss, Grain damage and Throughput capacity of 14 kg/min, 99.98 %, 99.71 %, 12.18 %, 0.62 %, and 520.6 kg/hr respectively were attained with millet and 12 kg/min, 100 %, 97.26 %, 7.25 %, 6 %, and 205 kg/hr respectively were attained with Soybean. Mean Threshing efficiency, Cleaning efficiency, Scatter loss, Grain damage and Throughput capacity of 98.53 %, 94.61 %, 9.67 %, 0.20 %, and 324.11 kg/hr respectively were attained with millet and 99.27 %, 86.19 %, 3.97 %, 0.60 %, and 118.43 kg/hr respectively were attained with Soybean. Graphs of D. M. R. Relationships indicate that throughput capacity is directly proportional to speed and feed rate but inversely proportional to moisture contents; threshing efficiency is directly proportional to speed but inversely proportional to feed rate and moisture contents; cleaning efficiency is directly proportional to speed but inversely proportional to feed rate and moisture content; scattered grain loss is directly proportional to speed but inversely proportional to feed rate and moisture content; grain damage is directly proportional to speed and moisture content above 13.5 % wet basis but inversely proportional to feed rate.
Biometric Key Encapsulation Mechanism (BKEM)[Full-Text ] Ass. Prof. Emad S. OthmanThe principle motivation behind the presented paper is to set up a safe path by incorporating the organic trademark as a key with cryptographic applications. A binary string is produced dependably from authentic unique finger impression traditions. That key is produced from a subject's fingerprintimage with the guide of SDK, which don't uncover the key. The multiplication of that key relies on upon the identical fingerprintimage. That is the reason the general key dispersion issue is dependably allude to the undertaking of appropriating mystery keys between imparting gatherings to give security properties such as secrecy and authentication.
TREATMENT AND DYSLIPIDEMIA OF PATIENTS WITH DIABETES MELLITUS (DM) AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES[Full-Text ] Adnan Bozalija, Sadi Bexheti, Dorentina Bexheti ,Lutfi ZylbeariCardiovascular disease (CVD) is a primary cause of morbidity and mortality among patients with hyperglycemia or type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) despite the availability of effective therapies to treat major risk factors such as elevated blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The most common lipid pattern in patients with DM, hypertension, and/or the metabolic syndrome includes hypertriglyceridemia, increased concentrations of small dense low-density lipoprotein particles, low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-ch, increased remnant lipoproteins, and elevated apolipoprotein-B concentrations. This profile of mixed dyslipidemia significantly increases risk for all forms of atherosclerotic disease, including cardiovascular disease (CVD).The burgeoning prevalence of insulin resistance throughout the world is greatly increasing the incidence of mixed dyslipidemia.
Effect of pHCondition on the Growth and Lipid Content of Microalgae Chlorella vulgaris & Chroococcus minor[Full-Text ] Abrar T. Al-Safaar, Ghaidaa H. Al-Rubiaee and Suaad K. SalmanTwo locally isolated microalgae (green algae Chlorella vulgaris and blue green algae Chroococcus minor) were used in the current study to test their ability to production biodiesel through stimulated in different pH levels treatments (pH 5,pH 9) and effect of pH level on the quantity of protein ,carbohydrate. Showed that the accumulation of lipids in C.vulgaris more efficient than C.minor, The treatment pH 9 was recorded C. vulgaris the highest lipid content from 8% at control to 32% as well as highest carbohydrate content from 18% at control to 25% but showed decreased protein content from 51% to 31%.The treatment pH 9 was recorded in C. minor was recorded the highest lipid content from 5% at control to 12% as well as highest carbohydrate content from 15% at control to 18% but showed decreased protein content from 40 % to 30% .The results revealed that Stearic acid and Oleic acid content increased content for both algae at pH 9 levels.
From Efficiencyto Innovation-Driven Economy with Stimulation of Innovation[Full-Text ] Misko Dzidrov, Ljubica Stefanovska Ceravolo, Simeon SimeonovThe terms of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs and innovation have been increasingly recognized and connected with well-being and economic development of the country. Here we arise the question on influence of innovation on the economic growth of the Eastern European countries. Porter’s three stages growth cycle: factor, efficiency and innovation driven is used for defining the factors affecting and comparison of the countries in the East Europe region.
Design of a Low cost Non Electrical Type Baby Incubator for Developing Country[Full-Text ] Shovasis Kumar Biswas, Mohammad Mahmudul Alam Mia, Rashedul Islam, Surajit SinhaA large number of infants in the developing world die due to prematurity complications arising due to non availability of Infant Incubators. These deaths are often caused due to heat loss and dehydration as the prematurely born babies cannot regulate the temperature as the temperature of the environment changes, this can be prevented by medical care with the help of an incubator. Unfortunately, this infant incubator is relatively expensive and for this reason many health care centers especially at rural areas of developing countries like Bangladesh can’t afford to buy. The other problem is that most incubators run on electricity, therefore countries like ours where there is an acute shortage of electricity, this existing expensive baby incubator is of no use. The major challenge, therefore, has been to design a low-cost incubator that will run without the use of electricity. The hot water is used as a prospective non-electric heating source in the proposed incubator. The humidity level at 70% RH and above is also maintained non-electrically. In the proposed incubator system special type of dust and air particulate masks are placed at the windows of the incubator to remove dust and air particulate. We have shown that a 12v 100 Ah standard battery available in the market can supply 20 days for sensors and fan drive system. In designing the incubator we tried to reduce the cost by using locally available materials. We believe that our proposed non electrical type infant incubator will be a great help in reducing the death of premature babies at rural areas in Bangladesh where portability, cost and electricity are primary concerns.
Modeling of Soil Total Nitrogen Function to Soil Organic Matter on Sandy Clay Loam Soil, Khartoum- Sudan[Full-Text ] Abdelrahaman A. Musa, Mohammed H. A. Ebrahim, Albashir A. S. Ali, Mohammed M. A. Elbashier, Moamer A. A. Mohammed, Mohanad K. Mahmoud The aim of this study is to estimate the soil total nitrogen (TN) from soil organic matter (SOM). To achieve this goal, a linear regression model (TN -SOM model) for predicting soil TN using from SOM was suggested. 15 soil samples were collected from the field of the experiment (Wadi Soba farm, Khartoum- Sudan), soil TN was estimated from SOM to compare the predicted results with measured TN by laboratory tests. The results the Standard Error of Mean (SEM) of predicted TN obtained using TN -SOM model was 0.003729, while the P-value was 0.0671. The statistical analysis indicated no significance difference between these values. Based on the analytical results the linear regression model (TN -SOM model), TN % = 0.04×OM + 0.05 with R2 = 0.6041 can be recommended to predict soil TN from SOM.
Investigating Ship Building Supply and Demand Forecasting Trends - Overview[Full-Text ] Akdemir, B, Ziarati M, Stockton, D and Khalil, RThe huge importance of the maritime shipping industry to the global economy was confirmed by the United Nations specialised agency for maritime affairs, the International Maritime Organization, which reported that the world has changed to the point where almost no nation can be fully self-sufficient and that the global economy simply could not function without a vibrant shipping industry. Of all the world’s great industries, shipping is perhaps not only the most international, but also it is the one that has considerable effect on most of the world’s population. The shipping industry has a major effect on the transportation of goods, intercontinental trade of raw materials, import and export of food, fuels and manufactured goods. Production of goods increasingly takes place in more than one country and this is one of the main reasons for the growth of seaborne cargo in recent decades. Increasingly goods are often partly made in one country, processed in another and finalised or assembled in a third with components coming from all over the world. This globalisation has given the shipping industry a major responsibility since it has a significant effect on the end price of all goods it transports. Having forecasting information about how many ships of different types are required, and when, would have a substantial positive impact on efforts to reduce the ever increasing costs of sea transportation. Here, cost reduction impact would be achieved by better matching the type of ship, and its operating costs to the type and volume of goods requiring transportation. The main aim of this research illustrated in this paper was to develop an accurate and reliable method of forecasting supply for various types of ships. To achieve this aim several key questions were identified leading to a number of objectives which were transformed into a set of tasks. A number of variables were identified that needed to be predicted in terms of the features of types of vessels involved and the goods they transport. Here the main variables to be analysed had to be identified along with their effects on the supply and/or demand for given types of vessels. The volatile nature of shipping was considered and required the intended forecasting model to be able to monitor trends on a regular basis and to sense sudden changes in demand or changes which may have an impact on the reliability of the accuracy of the predicted value. The research identified the most effective forecasting technique which was the neural network model developed for this work. Additionally, the work here identified the relationships between supply and demand for shipping with a view to exploring the nature and the strengths of these relationships. It was noted that there is a very strong relationship between supply and demand hence providing a means of accurately estimating the demand values from predicted supply values for various types of ships.
Awareness, Acceptability, congruency and the extent of implementation of DMMMSU’s VMGO[Full-Text ] Dungan, Belinda M. , Baculo, Maria Jeseca C. , Milan, Joe Anthony M., Rivera, Nema Rose D., Dacanay, Enrico G., Dacanay, Kathrina TThis study collected data on the Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives of the DMMMSU-College of Computer Science from the different stakeholders of the institution. Specifically, it determined the respondents’ awareness, acceptability of the VMGO. Furthermore, it determined the extent of implementation as well as the level of congruency of the VMGO as to the practices of the college.Two hundred fourty-four respondents were taken as samples representing the different stakeholders. A descriptive survey was employed using a Likert-type questionnaire. Weighted mean, ranking, and frequency count were used to treat the data gathered.The findings show that the stakeholders are very highly aware and have a high level of acceptance on the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the college. Likewise, they perceive the VMGOs are very highly congruent and are fully implemented as far as instruction, research, extension and production Further investigations are recommended particularly on conducting a subsequent study that would measure the impact of the college programs using the VMGOs as frame of reference.
Synthesis of Iron Oxide, Cobalt oxide and Silver Nanoparticles by Different Techniques: A Review[Full-Text ] Tahir Iqbal, Ali Hassan and Snobia GhazalThere is a large scale work on the nanoparticles from 4th century to 2014. In this regard synthesis of nanoparticles with required properties and high potential applications are importantly required. Therefore investigation on nanoparticles by commonly used synthetic techniques from different precursors are remarked and thoroughly described in this review. Iron oxide and Cobalt Oxide nano-materials have been growing excessive importance because of their magnetic characteristics and wide applications. Iron oxide and Cobalt Oxide nanoparticles are prepared by using different methods, precursors, solvents and Temperature conditions. This review summarizes comparative and short description of the techniques for the formation ofiron oxide nanoparticles and Cobalt Oxide having controlled size, structural morphology and the magnetic and optical properties. Applications Iron Oxide and Cobalt Oxide nanoparticles are also mentioned. The particle size and morphology of the nanoparticles is characterized by XRD, TEM, UV analysis and SEM.
Conductivity spectra analysis behaviour of conductive PPy on PVC/PMMA composites[Full-Text ] F.S. Shokr and S.A. Al-GahtaniA series of thin films from poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC) – poly (Methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) composites with different amounts of Polypyrrole (PPy) / carbon nano-particles were prepared. Charge transport properties, such as the frequency dependent conductance, of polymer matrix–conductive filler particles composites, are investigated. In the present study Ac conductivity is examined with varying parameters, the filler content and the frequency in the case of ac field. The examined systems, though they are characterized as dielectrics, exhibit considerable conductivity, which alters by several orders of magnitude with frequency. The frequency dependence of conductivity gives evidence for the charge carriers transport mechanism via the occurred agreement of experimental results with the employed QML model. The ac conductivity increases as with the incorporation of conductive PPy and the proposed model by Tsangaris et al fit well the experimental values more closely for low PPy contents.
Control of IPMSM with Two-level Diode Clamped Inverter for Electric Traction[Full-Text ] G Sree Lakshmi, K NavyaThis paper presents the simulation and analysis of Field Oriented Control (FOC) of two-level diode-clamped inverter fed Inte-rior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (IPMSM) Drive for Electric Traction (ET) Application using various Modulation Techniques. The Electric Traction drives require high voltage operation which can be achieved by using Multilevel Inverters. By using series of power semiconductor switches with several low voltage DC sources one can achieve higher power output by synthesizing a staircase voltage waveform, which can be efficiently applied for Traction Drives. The output voltage is smoother and also eliminates the need of transformer in Electric Traction. The modulation techniques used are Sine Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM), Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) and Carrier Based Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (CBSVPWM). An efficient and fast controller such as FOC is used to control torque of an IPMSM drive. The performance analysis of IPMSM drive for Electric Traction is analyzed with three different modulation techniques for different load variations.
AXIAL FLUX PERMANENT MAGNET BRUSHLESS MACHINE, A NEW TOPOLOGY OF ELECTRICAL MACHINES AND BRIEF ABOUT IT[Full-Text ] Omar SobhyDaif, Dr. Mohamed Kamal Al-ShaearFrom the beginning of invention the electric machine, it has been developed to many shapes many times.After development for traditional machines, new requirements have been appeared. The humanity has made many modificationsto achieve majority of its needs. Because of that special machine has appeared. The objective of this paper is to provide a brief about Axial flux permanent magnet (AFPM) and comparative summary which made by many published works.
Numerical simulation of the discrete equilibrium solutions of Boltzmann equation on a N-layer loosely coupled hexagonal grid[Full-Text ] Wahida Zaman LoskorWe perform numerical simulation of the discrete equilibrium solutions (equilibria) of Boltzmann equation on a N-layer loosely coupled hexagonal grid. The equilibria of the Boltzmann equation can be expressed in terms of four parameters characte-rizing mass, -momenta and kinetic energy. The computation of discrete equilibria of the Boltzmann equation is effected by varying temperature and bulk-velocity. The temperature depends on the parameter which is characterizing kinetic energy. The bulk-velocity depends on the parameter which are characterizing momenta and as well.
WDM Systems Confidentiality: A Survey[Full-Text ] Anita Antwiwaa, Anil Kumar and A. K JaiswalThe evolution of novel telecommunication technologies has boosted the appetite of already data hungry customers to increase their search for information to satisfy their hunger. This has called for some group of people to illegally access information which does not belongs to them. This has caused a lot of losses to the telecommunication companies and thereby putting innocent customers at risk. Fiber communication which is termed as secured has its own vulnerabilities. The internet during its development did not keep strong security in mind. Over 150000 computers were victims to the so called code red attack in only 14 hours period on the 9/11/2001 attack. Moreover, 86000 computers were affected in the NIMDA attack. There is therefore a need to provide security mechanism for the physical layer of an optical network. Eavesdropping, interception, jamming, physical infra-structure attack, among others are some of the attacks that affects the optical network. The way an optical network is implemented determines the type of threat which can affect the network. However, threats are generalized into four. If an unauthorized person tries to listen to the conversation which intend puts the confidentiality of the communication at risk, then the attack is known as confidentiality attack. An unauthorized person might also try to impersonate and communicate as an authorized user and this is also known as authentication attack. The unauthorized user manipulate or alters the communication which puts the integrity of the communication at risk and this is termed as integrity attack. Finally, there is a situation whereby the unauthorized user observes the communication and analyze the traffic as well and this is known as Privacy attack. This work will review the confidentiality issues of WDM optical systems and propose some future security required for optical network.
Moment Invariants-Based Face Recognition[Full-Text ] Mohammed Ahmed Ahmed RefaeyFace detection and recognition is a hot research area for more than a decade ago as they play an important role in many applications like identity resolve, security, personalization and so many others. Usually the detection process is isolated from the recognition stage. In this paper, the role of moment invariants is investigated regarding both face detection and face recognition and the focus will be on face recognition. The image or a window of an image is first converted to grey scale image. Then, a seven moment invariants are calculated for each window. This is followed by feature vector calculation for each window of interest. The classifier is then employed to recognize the under-check face/window. These moment invariants are invariant to scale change, rotation transformation, mirroring/pose reverse, and also invariant to translation. These characteristics proof that the proposed features of moment invariants are strong in object detection and recognition in general and in face detection and recognition, this proof is validated through the explained results in this work. The Yale face dataset is used to show the results of the proposed method.
Evaluation of CPU architecture by simulation technologies and benchmark computer systems[Full-Text ] Madiha Yousaf, Muhammad HarisThe processor architecture designers face major challenges to improve the processor’s performance. To measure the performance of the processor there are many parameter like performance of cache, TLB, IO operations, bus speed etc. Different companies launch series of processors with same base configuration and a little change of variations base on cache size, cache levels, share and separate cache and many other parameters like that. There are many simulators available to measure processor's performance theoretically with several parameters. We simulate some models of Intel Pentium 4 and UltraSPARC II processors and analyze the performance of the processors regarding cache and TLB.
An Empirical Investigation of Relationship between Export and Economic Growth in India[Full-Text ] Tarun KumarThe present study seeks to analyse the mechanisms of Export and Economic Growth in India by taking a time series data from 1970-71 to 2014-15. It applies Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Method to investigate the relationship between Gross National Product, Total Exports, Manufactured Exports, and Investment. The results of the study supports the Export-Led Growth Hypothesis (ELGH) in India.
Review of Privacy Issues Associated with Mobile Commerce Based Applications[Full-Text ] Ramakala Ramaraj, Rajalakshmi Subramaniam New innovations in the digital technology have encouraged the progress of mobile commerce markets all over the globe. Purpose of this paper is to review various privacy issues associated with mobile commerce based applications. Privacy issues which are taken into consideration are misuse of data, lack of trust, identity theft and lack of transparency. These issues are reviewed through systematic review of prior literature. This research makes use of secondary handled data from various prior sources such as journals, company’s publications, books and more. It was suggested that service providers of mobile commerce have to concentrate on the issues related with privacy in order to attract existing customers as well as to acquire new customers. It is clear that rectifying these privacy issues related to mobile commerce like misuse of data, identity theft and lack of transparency can enhance the trust level among customers towards adopting mobile commerce. All privacy issues associated with m-commerce based applications cannot be given permanent resolution but can be prevented and avoided to certain extent. Future work can be expanded by other investigators in a quantitative way of approach through primary source of investigation to examine about the privacy issues associated with the mobile commerce based applications
Power generation for remote area using PV based Stand Alone Scheme with minimum converter stages[Full-Text ] V.Nandakumar, K. Siva Subramanian, K.A . Rani FathimaElectrical power is generated by using Renewable sources and Non Renewable sources as fuel. In Conventional Methods Coal , Crude Oil where used as raw materials. Pollution and availability were the major drawback , Nowadays greater importance is given to renewable resources ,among which keen interest is shown in solar based Power generation projects. Enumerous topologies are developed in literature but the important constraint is, most of the models are developed with many converter power stages. Which increase the cost and size thereby the efficiency decreases. In this work Transformer coupled dual input Converter is proposed to rectify this deficiency. Maximum Output Power is utilized by using MPPT Control method. Thus the proposed topology confers with less components and high performance and it is validated using Mat lab simulation software
Challenges faced by Supply Chain Management teams[Full-Text ] Kirtida VoraMuch has changed over the years since the 2000 when few knew the term Supply Chain Management (SCM) and even fewer knew what it meant, including me.
Relativity of Surroundings[Full-Text ] Sandipan DasA body travelling on a linear path observes its surroundings in the form of discs.
HIGH SPEED LOW POWER FULL ADDER FOR ARITHMATIC OPERATION WITH GDI TECHNIQUE[Full-Text ] Mr. Rahul BarhateThis paper presents to high speed and low power CMOS full adder cells. The full adder cells are utilization to low power by using XOR and XNOR gate architectures with pass transistor logic and transmission gate. All simulation results have been carried out by using EDA Tool Tanner simulator based on 180 nm CMOS technology . In comparison with other 1 bit adder cells, simulation results show that have used low power consumption and power delay product of SUM and COUT. Gate diffusion input (GDI) a new technique allow reducing power consumption, Propogation delay, area of digital circuit while maintaining low complexity of logic design. implementing 8 bit parallel adders like RCA adder as an application.
Evaluating Information system Impact through IS-Impact Models: a Case study for PMIS[Full-Text ] Madiha YousafPakistan has undertaken hundreds of e Government projects, with varying degree of success. Being a developing country there is a need to measure the success of a system for its existence. The proposed research aims to validate Prison management information system (PMIS) deployed in Pakistan’s area of Khyber pakhtunkha using IS impact models. This study will discover several to-date plus future possible impacts. The assessment will help in getting a holistic view of overall benefits of IS (PMIS) application. This research tends to benefit in both theoretical and practical ways. This research investigated factors which affect prison management Information System success in Peshawar Prison using DeLone and McLean’s IS Success Model. The factors of PMIS used in this research are system quality, information quality, user satisfaction, individual impact, organizational impact and system use. Path analysis technique is applied on data collected by 70 usable questionnaires from PMIS. Except for the link from information quality to user satisfaction, the hypothesized relationships between the six success variables are significantly or marginally supported by the data. The findings provide several important implications for IS research and practice. This paper concludes by discussing limitations of the study which should be addressed in future research
Approximation to the study of the agricultural production chain of the Andean region: Case of Tungurahua Province[Full-Text ] Teneda Willian, SantamarÃa-DÃaz Edwin, SantamarÃa-Freire EdwinThe present research is carried out in the province of Tungurahua, which analyzes the crops that are developed in the area. The crops include potatoes and fruits, fruits such as blackberry, strawberry, plum, tangerine, and avocado. By carrying out the appropriate analysis it is possible to confirm that the environmental dimension cannot be separated from the economic, social, cultural, political and territorial dimensions. The relationships among them determine the environmental sustainability of the territories. Fruit crops demand manual labor, which generates employment and makes producers and workers benefit one from the other. In addition, there are other activities such as intermediation, transportation, agrochemicals marketing, basket making, yarn, which indirectly also benefit from this productive work. Farmers in the Province of Tungurahua have been concerned about increasing agricultural productivity without sacrificing quality. Although their efforts are limited when prices in the market are low since they are determined by supply-demand.
OPTIMIZATION OF CMOS DEVICES IN MULTI VALUED LOGIC DECODER[Full-Text ] Vinay U. Kale, Dr. Vijay T. Ingole,Vikram S. IngoleThe design of multi valued logic decoder is constructed using different building blocks of ternary switches. The building blocks of ternary switches are implemented by padding a CMOS device. The main objective is to optimize the CMOS devices in the design of multi valued logic decoder. This multi valued logic decoder is provided with three different logic levels. The design is based on familiar binary switching circuit elements and optimization techniques. The design leads to a simple circuit’s realization. The multi valued logic decoder is the basic building block of binary to ternary converter and vice – versa. The design is implemented using cadence schematic editor and simulated using cadence virtuoso analog design environment at 180nm CMOS process technology.
Medicinal plant: Assessment of the chemical composition and in vitro antibacterial activities of the Viola odorata Linnoil'sagainstBacillussubtilis (ATCC No. 21332) in west of Iran[Full-Text ] Fariba Najafi, Reza Tahvilian, Mohammad Mahdi Zangeneh, Akram Zangeneh, Rohalah MoradiConsidering the drug resistance and the side effects of chemical antibacterial drugs, the research approach is increasingly going toward using natural resources. Certainly, using herbal plants is the oldest way of mankind to treat bacterial diseases. As we know, there is no documented proof on antibacterial properties of Viola odorataLinn (VOL) oil in west of Iran. The aim of the study was to assessment the chemical composition and in vitro antibacterial activities of the oil from VOL against Bacillussubtilis (BS (ATCC No. 21332))in west of Iran (In Kermanshah). Gaschromatography mass spectrometry was run tospecify their chemical composition.
Role of nutrition education in improving the nutritional status of adolescent girls in North West areas of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Abdur Razzak, Syed Mahfuz Al Hasan, Shaikh Shahinur Rahman, Md. Asaduzzaman, Farha Matin Juliana and Md. Sabir HossainAdolescent are nutritionally vulnerable group, even if nutrition vulnerability may not be as great as in infancy and childhood. The aim of this study was to assess the present nutritional status and evaluate the effect of nutrition education in improving the nutritional status on adolescent girls in North West areas of Bangladesh. A randomized controlled trail study with detailed questionnaire was used from January 2014 to April 2016 to collect primary data. At the baseline of the study the participants were randomly assigned to a control and an intervention group and both group had the same number (n=250) of adolescent girls.
Impact of Virtualized Management on Industrial Sector[Full-Text ] Md Badiuzzaman, Md RafiquzzamanThe term “Virtual” indicates something not exists in real world in physically but anyhow it fulfills the requirements of real things. In general, it distinguishes something that is merely conceptual from something that has physical reality. Using computing technology a system could be developed as alternate of a practical which is known as virtual system. We can find lot of things changed now into virtual world. Playing games using a computer was a passion but now we can see that most of kids made computer as their playground. Once people used internet chat rooms only to pass messages but now online messaging, who thought that in this are this online messaging system will be a strong alternative of verbal communication. The society turned into virtual society which is known to us social media. Virtual reality is no more imagination now, it exists now a days and it is becoming the alternative or real things. Similarly virtual system introduced into industrial management gradually when the management system was being done by computerized system. Virtual office system and paperless office system is being used vastly inside industrial management. In this paper we pull out the utility and advantage of virtualization of management in industrial sector. We also got some negative impact of virtualized management. In some aspect, virtualization of management has some good point that it replacing extra human resources, eliminating hardware, tools, physical space and geographical barrier which results lower cost in industrial management. Due to virtual management the processing system of management became fast which increase the management efficiency. We studied on time study after applying virtual management inside industries. In the other hand, virtualization of management causing some bad impact like unemployment, lack of verbal communication, lack of social and inter employee bond. We mentioned the current status of virtualization in industrial management and what would be in future. This paper will revealed the scenario of virtualization inside industrial management.
Study on the in vitro antibacterial properties of alcoholic extract of Stevia rebaudiana in west of Iran[Full-Text ] Mohammad Mahdi Zangeneh, Fariba Najafi, Reza Tahvilian, Lida Haghnazari, Akram Zangeneh, Mohammad Abiari, Rohalah MoradiStevia rebaudiana (S. rebaudiana) is a native plant in Iran, which the plant has been used as an antidiabetic, antioxidant, antifungal, antiviral, and antiflammatory agent in Iran. As we know, there is documented proof on antibacterial properties of S. rebaudiana alcoholic extract against Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) in west of Iran (in Kermanshah). As a screen test to discover antibacterial activities of the extract, agar disk and agar well diffusion methods were employed. Macrobroth tube test was performed to specify MIC.
Object Evidence Instance Feature Mapping Using Support Vector Machine[Full-Text ] Mohammed Alghamdi, Osama Younis, FadiFouzThis is the matter of fact that Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) has established itself as a potential technique for Multimedia Data Mining applications and various other classification and prediction problem. As per our till date knowledge most of the researches have employed conventional MIL schemes for mining and classification. Still, majority of researchers could not address the key issue of ambiguity in the prime hypothesis of MIL that a bag having at least one Positive Instance would be a labelled as Positive Bag, where the classification has to be done. But this hypothesis raises the question of ambiguity, because a positive bag having single positive instance might be remaining as negative, and hence the classification and prediction would be either computationally very complex and would be suffering from classification accuracy issues. In this research work a highly robust Object Evidence Instance Feature Mapping Using Support Vector Machine scheme has been proposed that intends to provide much efficient classification and prediction for multimedia data mining applications.
Real- time data of construction projects using google maps and management techniques for data analysis and AI based Chatbot[Full-Text ] Nikhil GehlotReal-time data analysis is a big data trend that will increase substantially and have a big impact in and out of any organisation. Having a lot of data from the initiation to the execution and till completion is one thing, being able to store it, analyse it and visualise it in a real time is a whole new challenge. This paper is about how to put the data of the live construction projects using the google maps or mapbox application and how this data can be store, analyse and used for documentation, business purposes and also analysing the management work during the execution of project using the technology like AI Chatbot. The real time data and management work on the field can be used for education purpose in all the universities all around the world via internet and virtual reality.The GPS coordinates can be used to locate the project details and with the help cloud-based management application and offline approach the other data can be collected and stored on server.