Volume 7, Issue 11, November 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 11, November 2016.
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Improvement of casting properties by combining centrifugal and pressure methods[Full-Text ] Marwa El-Mahlawy, N. Fouda, M. SamuelMetal casting is one of the most familiar processes .It's used in many different industrial fields. Aluminum is regarded as one of the most highly used in metal casting. The previous researches studied the mechanical properties of aluminum alloys using either centrifugal castig or pressure die casting separately.The main objective of this research is improving these properties by combining centrifugal and pressure methods .This was procedure by designing a special machine. This machine works by three differentmethods;centrifugal casting in different speeds, die pressure casting and combining both methods. The alloy used is Al 332.0_T5. The major factors that influence alloy selection for metal casting applications casting design, required properties, economic considerations and availability. The die was made from Carbon Steel EN 9. Pouring was performed in the different methods mentioned above. Tests were done on each sample to abstract which is better in mechanical properties. The tests done are wear test where the wear rate was calculated on each sample, hardness test using vikers methods for measuring hardness and microstructure. The hardness test was done at Militarily Factory 63 in Helwan City. The wear test was carried out at Gear Laboratory at The Faculty of Engineering – Mansoura University. Each sample was examined by material microscope at Microscopic Examination Unit at faculty of Agriculture – Mansoura University.
Compare the Generations in Today's Schools[Full-Text ] Khaled AlqahtaniBefore I start with my reflection to this module, I would like to state clearly from the very beginning that I categorically reject the idea of labeling people based on their age as a way for denoting what they can and cannot do. Simply put, these labels are a living proof of how stereotypical we tend to be towards other people who are different from us.
Design and Comparison of Co-axial fed Patch Antenna Arrays at 30GHz[Full-Text ] Jinisha Bhanushali, Shreya ChakrabortyThis paper provides a brief comparison of four, eight and sixteen element single substrate patch array antenna at center frequency of 30 GHz. The dimensions of the patches are calculated using mathematical formulae in order to provide optimum level performance at 30GHz with bandwidth 20-40 Ghz. Subsequently characteristics like gain, directivity, S-parameter, 3D far-field and radiation efficiency are found out via the process of simulation. These results are then compared to find the most efficient model at 30 GHz. The structural models make the use of coaxial feeding technique and they have been simulated using Finite Integration Technique (FIT) with add to open boundary condition at -30db accuracy.
Recycling Possibilities and Applications of Carbon Based Petroleum Ash - A Study Focused on Heavy Oil Based Power Generating Plants[Full-Text ] Ammar Alzaydi, Anwar Erebi, Perry Ham, Graham ThomasFossil fuel based thermal energy has been, and still is a major source of electricity generation all across the world. Although renewable energy such as wind, hydro, and solar based photovoltaic sources are becoming more palatable to the public in developed countries, fossil fuel based energy generation still dominates the energy industry. It is estimated that almost 66% of the electricity generation in the U.S. is based on fossil fuel1. In this paper, two major types of combustion by-products will be discussed. The first type is the fly and bottom ash product. The second type is carbonic residues. Properties such as chemical and physical characteristics will be explained for both products. Furthermore, feasibility studies of the applications of the products will be considered. The majority of fly and bottom ash is used in the construction industries, specifically in making concrete and asphalt.
BENEFITS OF TYPE MEMBRANE High-Flux AND LOw-Flux MEMBRANE IN EFFICACY OF HEMODIALYSIS IN PATIENTS WITH ESRD[Full-Text ] Prof.Dr. ETEM ISENI, Prof. Dr. Sadi Bexheti, Prof. .Dr.Sci. Med. Lutfi ZulbeariSummary: Chronic kidney disease, also called chronic kidney failure, describes the gradual loss of kidney function. Your kidneys filter wastes and excess fluids from your blood, which are then excreted in your urine. When chronic kidney disease reaches an advanced stage, dangerous levels of fluid, electrolytes and wastes can build up in your body.In the early stages of chronic kidney disease, you may have few signs or symptoms. Chronic kidney disease may not become apparent until your kidney function is significantly impaired. Treatment for chronic kidney disease focuses on slowing the progression of the kidney damage, usually by controlling the underlying cause. Chronic kidney disease can progress to end-stage kidney failure, which is fatal without artificial filtering (dialysis) or a kidney transplant. End-stage kidney disease is the last stage of chronic kidney disease.
Techniques for classification sonar: rocks vs. mines [Full-Text ] Baida'a Abdul-QaderThis work is concerned with a process of distinguishing between metal cylinder (mines) and materials that have a cylindrical shape (rocks) by usingsonar images or signals. Three techniques were used. They were :Neural Networks, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systemand kNearest Neighbor, by using(before and after)one of the most feature selection procedure widely used which is calledSequential forward selection (SFS)to reduce the data dimensions.
Assessment of Factors Affecting Labor Productivity on Road Construction Projects in Oromia Region, Bale Zone[Full-Text ] Prof. Emer T. Quezon, Melese Mengistu, Getachew KebedeRoad construction in Ethiopia is booming and radiating from Addis Ababa towards North-East and East-West directions to fulfil its long term development program. Transportation is a prime mover to all sectors in the country to uplift the economic activities of the populace in the locality. In most countries, experience and related literatures have revealed that road construction labor costs accounted at 30-60% of the total cost of a project, depending on the terrain and source of materials, labor and equipment to be utilized. Therefore, construction labor productivity plays a vital role to the performance and profitability of road construction projects.Road sector construction projects in Ethiopia are means through which development strategies are achieved.
Evaluation of Frequency Estimation Algorithms Applied in System with Distributed Generation in Island Operation[Full-Text ] Huilman S. Sanca, Benemar A. de Souza, Flavio B. Costa, and Francisco C. Souza Jr.This paper compares the performance of two algorithms for fundamental frequency measurement. Here, the performance of these algorithms will be evaluated during a transient situation generated by the disconnection of the distributed generation (DG) of the rest of the main distribution systems. This situation is known as islanding condition of the DG. These evaluated algorithms are based on techniques such as (a) method based on discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and (b) Prony Fourier algorithm. The methodology for evaluation of performance was obtained by simulation of experimental cases of 32 kV distribution system in islanding condition. The islanding events were made varying the distributed synchronous generator nominal power. Here, the distribution system is connected to a synchronous generator of 30 MVA. Therefore, the performance of frequency estimation methods evaluated in islanding condition is based on statistical errors, relative error. The DFT-based estimator showed a better transient behavior in all the analyzed cases in comparison with the other evaluated algorithm.
A Novel Dynamic Secret Key Generation Protocol for Privacy Preserving Ranked Multi-Keyword Search[Full-Text ] Dr.Ch.G.V.N.Prasad, R.Venkatesh, O.MounikaCloud computing has developed progressively prevalent for data owners to outsource their data to public cloud servers while consenting data users to reclaim this data. For isolation disquiets, a secure rifle over encrypted cloud data has stirred numerous research mechanisms underneath the particular owner model. Conversely, most cloud servers in practice do not just assist one owner, as an alternative, their sustenance gives multiple owners to share the assistances carried by cloud computing. In this proficient and confidentiality-Preserving Multi-Keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data, new schemes to deal with Privacy preserving Ranked Multi-keyword Search in a Multi-owner model (PRMSM) has been introduced. To facilitate cloud servers to execute secure search without knowing the actual data of both keywords and trapdoors, we thoroughly build a novel secure search protocol. To rank the search results and domain the privacy of relevance scores amongst keywords and files. To thwart the assailants from snooping secret keys and fantasizing to be legal data users submitting pursuits, a novel dynamic secret key generation protocol and a new data user authentication protocol is discussed.
Accessing the Database in Encrypted Form in the Cloud Is Solved Using KNN Classification Method with Improving Efficiency[Full-Text ] CH.Kedari Rao, S.Pushpa Latha, Nam Prasanna, S.DatteshwarData mining emphases on producing beneficial information from the data sources rather than a simple data mining technology. Among several forms of data mining tasks, data classification is a key task for a user who wants to group a record at hand based on the database existing in the cloud. The existing privacy methods for privacy preservation in data mining are perturbation method and secure multiparty method (SMC). But these methods are current for the data that are not encrypted. Hence it is essential to present new protocols for the classification problem in data mining for the database stowed in cloud in encrypted form. We proposed the input record query classification problem of data mining task for accessing the database in encrypted form in the cloud is solved using KNN Classification method. A new privacy preserving protocol based on KNN classification method is used for protecting the privacy preservation and confidentiality of the data in the database, input query and data access.
Proposing telemedicine system by using Wearing computer[Full-Text ] Nazanin Golshan Ara, Bahman Khosravi -SichaniTelemedicine is new method for better diagnosis and treatment. Telemedicine means remote and ‘Medicine’ comes back to Latin word ‘mederi’ means ‘cure’) the use of telecommunication and information technologies in order to provide clinical health care at a distance, came into medical dictionary in 1920. Even if the term telemedicine has a more recent origin, but the concept is a relatively old one. It comes back to 90 years ago when Einthoven in 1906 published his work with distant consultation on electrocardiography.
The Hybrid Approach for Handling and Detecting Outliers from Dynamic Data Stream[Full-Text ] Mr. Raghav M Purankar, Prof. Pragati PatilThe Outlier detection is currently area of active research in data set mining community. In this article we propose hybrid approach to capture outliers in dynamic data stream. We apply k-mean algorithm which Partition the data set into number of chunks or clusters. Each chunk contains set of data. Once cluster are formed, centroid of each cluster are calculated. The points which are lying near the centroid of the cluster are not probable candidate outlier and we can prune out such points from each cluster. Next distance based technique is used to find the distance from centroid to candidate outlier. For that threshold value is set. If this distance is greater than threshold value then it will declare as outlier otherwise as a real object. In proposed approach, two techniques are combining to efficiently find the outlier from the data set. This hybrid approach takes less computational cost. Proposed algorithm efficiently prune of the safe cells and save huge number of extra calculations.
An Empirical Research on the Relationship between Perceived Leadership Styles and Employee Satisfaction within Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam[Full-Text ] Hien Hoang PhamEmployee satisfaction is always the key to any manager who wants to manage the business effectively. To small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), employee satisfaction is considered as the core competency and core value of their success. There are many factors influence on the degree of employee satisfaction, leadership styles, which is perceived by employees, is one of the most important one. To conduct the study, the Ohio State Leadership studies and the Michigan Leadership Studies were used as the theoretical foundation and used survey instruments from permissions of the three sets of self-reported questionnaires, including Demographic Characteristics, Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) (Bass & Avolio, 1995) and Employee Satisfaction Survey (ESS) (Spector, 1985). The results of the study indicated that transactional leadership style and laissez-faire leadership style significantly and inversely predicted overall employee satisfaction. The findings of this study resulted in an addition to the body of knowledge and could serve as a foundation for future research regarding this relationship within the SMEs in Vietnam and other developing countries.
STUDIES ON STRENGTH PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE WITH PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF CEMENT BY GGBS[Full-Text ] L. Madhusudhan, V. Manikumar Reddy, C.Phaneendra, G.Prajwala and Associate. Prof. Dr. G. SrideviThe production of cement results in emission of many green house gases in atmosphere, which are responsi¬ble for global warming. Hence, the researchers are currently focused on use of waste material having cement¬ing properties, which can be added in cement concrete as partial replacement of cement, without compromising on its strength and durability, which will result in decrease of cement production thus reduction in emission in green house gases, in addition to sustain¬able management of the waste. The ground granulated blast furnace slag is a waste product from the iron manufacturing industry, which may be used as partial replacement of cement in concrete due to its inherent cementing properties. This paper presents an experimental study of compressive and flexural strength of concrete prepared with Ordinary Portland Cement, partially replaced by ground granulated blast furnace slag in different proportions varying from 30% , 40%,50%and 60% Compressive strength andFlexural strength of GGBS concrete increased for GGBS addition of 30%. GGBS concrete showed marginal decrease in compressive and flexural for the further replacement.
Tool, lubricant and process parameters investigation to form an AA 3003-H12 sheet by single point incremental sheet forming process[Full-Text ] R.BENMESSAOUD, M.RADOUANI, Y.AOURA, B. EL FAHIMEThe present study investigates the tool, lubricant, lubrication method and process parameters in order to form pyramidal parts with good surface finish and structural integrity, from an AA 3003-H12 sheet, by single point incremental sheet forming process. The process parameters studied are the vertical step, the feed rate, the tool rotational speed, tool diameter, lubrication and the distance of the forming area from edges. Geometric profiles and thickness distributions across vertical median sections of the final parts are studied. Rectangular blanks are used to form truncated quadrangular pyramids, using the same contour tool path for all experiments. Experimental results indicate that a specific polished steel tool with a proper lubricant, lubrication method and process parameters values are suitable to obtain reasonably good surface finish and acceptable structural integrity. The vertical step, feed rate, spindle speed, tool diameter and lubricant type do not affect the final geometric profile and thickness distribution. Internal surface roughness increases with increase in tool rotational speed and vertical step, but decreases with increase in tool diameter. The increase of feed rate leads to an increase then a decrease of the internal surface roughness. Coating the sheet-blank with a sufficiently thick film of pure mineral lubricant is appropriate to obtain a reasonably good surface quality and to avoid formed part structural defects. The study also demonstrates the possibility to optimize the part quality, its production time and cost by an accurate control of process variables.
Microanalysis of Consumer Behavior Using Rice and Beans at Panzi[Full-Text ] Guerschom Mugisho , David Kongolo It was recorded in Bukavu since the end of 2008 higher prices of almost all goods; those of basic necessity, object of our study, included, yet real and nominal incomes of households consumers are very low. These households despite these constraints are condemned to consume these essential goods, and more specifically, to frame our work, beans and rice. This led us to conduct a study aimed at finding out about the behavior of households in Bukavu, the latter having assumed constant income to fluctuations in prices of beans and rice and also to know the impact of the change in bean prices on consumption and welfare of consumers. Being practically difficult to analyze the behavior of several households and starting from the premise that the utility function is individual, we analyzed the behavior of the average consumer. The surveys covered 362 households at Panzi. As consumer preferences are individual, we objectively transformed data to multiple consumers in individual data. Thus instead of that our analyzes cover all households surveyed, they focused on a representative household, namely the household or the average consumer; the latter being the household consuming the quantities of rice and beans corresponding to the average quantities and having an income equal to the average income. The methodological approach was, by classical microeconomic approach, to estimate the budget line of the average household and estimate its Cobb-Douglas utility function.
Investigating Indicators of Place Identity (IPI) in historic urban public spaces Based on examination of Altstadt Münster[Full-Text ] Bahareh Heydari, Prof. Christa ReicherThe loss of place identity that plays a vital role in urban structure and urban spaces is one of the problems of modern urban spaces and a controversial discussion in urban development literature. The importance of this concern is related to socio-cultural and conceptual aspects of urban spaces as a context of urban life. Due to the emphasis on the role of automobiles, traffic problems, inattention to the real needs of urban residents, pedestrian mobility and ignoring the people, urban de-velopment is facing failure because the people’s environment, which is entirely connected to their history and culture, is ignored. This includes failing to take into account a sense of identity, relationship between people and their environment, shaping the dimension of place Identity and its indicators and social interactions.
HIV-HBV prevalence and Liver Function Profiles in HAART experienced patients at two referral hospitals in Harare, Zimbabwe[Full-Text ] Alfred Makura, D.Duri-Mhandire, K.Mhandire, B.Nherera, P.T. Mapondera, L Zinyeredzi, N.Mutanda, E.Zumbika, Hilda T. Matarira, Babill Stray-PedersenHIV-HBV coinfection is common in areas of high HIV endemicity. We screened for HBV and did liver function tests in 111 HIV infected patients. In the study 79(71.12%) were female. The age range was 19 to 62 years and the median age was 42 years. Prevalence of HIV-HBV was 5.4(6/111).There was no association between gender and HIV-HBV co-infection (p=0.527663). The CD cell count was below 200 cells/µl in 37.8% of all the patients. 84.7%of the patients were once exposed to HBV and only 2.7 were vaccinated against HBV. The median CD4 cell count was 274.0 cells/µl.
Simple Genetic Algorithm to Adjust White Balance in Color Images[Full-Text ] RaghdaSattarJabar and Assist. Prof.Dr.Abdul-WahabS.IbrahimAutomatic White Balance (AWB) is one of the important functions for digital cameras.it plays a rather important role in the digital camera, its purpose is to remove the color case as the camera imaging, and keep the color constancy in the different illumination. Imageswith color cast always lose the color contrast and variations, especially those with heavy color cast. For traditional white balance algorithms, the lost color contrast and variations would probably resultin the incorrect color temperature predictions and the lack of contrast in the output images. In thispaper, a new automatic white balance algorithm through the Genetic Algorithm is proposed. The proposed approach keeps the assumption of the gray world method (GW)and the wide color range of color.
Proving the Law of Conservation of Energy Using the Properties of Parallelogram[Full-Text ] M. Guru VishnuIn physics, Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can only be transformed from one form to another, it can neither be created nor destroyed and as such the total energy in this Universe remains constant. We see various kinds of energy transformations in our day to day lives. In all such cases energy in one form transforms into another form of energy, but in no case energy is created or destroyed. This law is true for all situations and for all kinds of transformations. There is no general proof of this law but it has been verified in many cases and as such is accepted as true. This law was first stated by Robert Mayor, a German Physicist in 1842 and was firmly established by Helmholtz. My paper is about the simple and new method for Proving the Law of Conservation of Energy using the properties of Parallelogram. This new method can be used to calculate the value of potential energy or the kinetic energy at any instant or at any given height easily. We can also find the difference between the Potential Energy and the Kinetic Energy, using this new method. I am sure that this method serves the science community in a better way.
Chemical and Other Properties of Unsaturated Polyester under Various Environmental Conditions[Full-Text ] Ali-Kamel-KhalafAllah, Loai-saad-Eldein, Eman-Abd-Elradi, Heba-salah-MandourThis work study the effect and improvement of the chemical , physical , electrical and mechanical properties of unsaturated polyester under different environmental conditions e.g. [ dry – wet – sodium chloride ( NaCl 40 % wt ) – hydrochloric acid ( HCl 40 % wt ) – nitric acid ( HNO3 40 % wt ) ] and to the chemical , physical , electrical and mechanical properties of the unsaturated polyester resins using inorganic fillers e.g. [ Mica 40 % wt – aluminum tri hydrate Al(OH)3 (ATH ) 40 % wt – calcium carbonate 40 % wt ] by preparation unsaturated polyester resin using Trans esterification reaction of mixing 1-2 propylene glycol , maleic anhydride and phathalic anhydride , then curing the prepared viscous polyester in cured in the oven at 35 ºC for half an hour the temperature was increased by 5 º C every half an hour until reached to a total curing time is 4 hours .Filler is added to polyester pre polymer using 70 / 30 wt % polyester/styrene , 2 % of Methyl ethyl keton peroxide as initiator and 0.5 % of Co-naphthenate as accelerator , using five cylindrical thermoset polyester resin with varying lengths of filled and un filled ( blank ) polyester samples ( 5 , 10 , 15 and 20 mm ). Also , in this study , the physical properties such as water absorbency was found to decreases with mica filler than the other fillers ( ATH and CaCO3 ) . The electrical properties (Flashover voltage values) increase by using ATH filler rather than Mica and CaCO3 fillers . While the Mechanical properties (Compressive Index Terms Index Termsstrength) increase by using Mica filler rather than ATH and CaCO3fillers . .
Strategic Plan Analysis for Integrating Renewable Generation to Smart Grid Technologies in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Oladepo Olatunde, Awofolaju Tolulope TolaSmart grid is new emerging concept in power system. It observes the state of power system and intelligently takes decisions to maintain system equilibrium to avoid voltage collapse. The technology implicitly demands the capability to model the behavior, performance, and cost of distribution-level smart grid components. The modeling and simulation of such individual components, together with their overall interaction, will provide a foundation for the design and configuration of a smart grid. The smart grid is the integration of computing and communication technologies into a power network with a goal of enabling real time control, a reliable, secure, and efficient energy system. With the increased interest of the research community and stakeholders towards the smart grid, a number of solutions and algorithms have been developed and proposed to address issues related to smart grid operations and functions. Those technologies and solutions need to be tested and validated before implementation using software simulators. It is the primary intent of this paper, to provide a basic insight into the energy transfer of various distribution-level components by modeling and simulating their dynamic behavior. The principal operations of a smart grid will be considered, including variable renewable generation, energy storage, power electronic interfaces and variable load. The methodology involves deriving the mathematical equations of components, and, using the MATLAB/Simulink environment to create modules for each component. Ultimately, these individual modules may be connected together via a voltage interface to perform various analyses, such as the treatment of harmonics, or to acquire an understanding of design parameters such as capacity, runtime, and optimal asset utilization.
Numerical Analysis of Intensity and Phase Noise of Solitary AlGaAs Semiconductor Lasers Operating in Multimode[Full-Text ] Sazzad M.S. Imran, Farjana Ferdous Tonni and Sumona Islam SumiIn this paper, both intensity and phase noise of solitary semiconductor lasers operating in multimode has been analyzed. A self-consistent numerical model is used for simulation of the rate equations for photon numbers, its phase and carrier numbers for typical 780 nm AlGaAs lasers. Self-suppression coefficient and both symmetric and asymmetric cross gain suppression coefficients are considered in the analysis. We have also considered Langevin noise sources for the photon number, its phase and carrier numbers which induce instantaneous fluctuation in photon and carrier numbers. We have described the noise effect through numerical simulation of the relative intensity noise (RIN) and frequency or phase noise (FN). The photon number and carrier number variations with injection current have been obtained. Laser linewidth has been calculated for different injection current values. The frequency spectrum of the intensity noise is calculated with the help of fast Fourier transform (FFT). The transient behavior as well as the steady-state response of semiconductor lasers to varying current input is also analyzed because the transient response is significant in determining the noise characteristics of the laser output. Results show that both intensity and phase noise decreases with the increase of the injection current density. Linewidths have been decreasing substantially with increasing injection current as well.
Performance of Steel Fibers on Standard Concrete in Compression, Tension & Flexure[Full-Text ] V. Kesavaraju, Dr. K. Srinivasa RaoIn this paper an attempt is made to present the results of an experimental investigation carried out on standard steel fiber reinforced concrete. Fiber content was varied from 0% to 4 % at intervals of 1% by weight of cement. The fibers considered in this study were hook end type with aspect ratio 40. The grade of concrete designed for investigation was M30 by using IS 10262-2009 having mix proportion 1:1.82:3.35:0.45. The strengths considered for investigation are Compressive strength, Flexural Strength and Split tensile strength. Cubes of size 150 x 150 x 150 mm to check compressive strength, Cylinders of size 300mm length and 150mm diameter to check split tensile strength were casted and the beam of size 500 x 100 x 100 mm were casted to check the flexural strength. All the specimens were cured for 1,3, 7, 28 & 56 days. The workability can test by using C.F Apparatus. The cubes, Cylinders are tested on 200T DCTM and the beams are tested on 100T UTM.
Radiative Properties of Solitons in an Assembly of Coupled Quantum Dots[Full-Text ] Vijendra Kumar, O.P. Swami, A.K. NagarIn this paper, we consider two dimensional assembly of coupled quantum dots interacting with the driving electromagnetic field. Keeping in view the local field effects, two discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equations are used to model the quantum dot (QD) assembly. We observe and study the interaction of solitons with quantum dots in the form of Rabi oscillations in QD assembly, coupled to electromagnetic field. Numerical calculations are performed and Rabi oscillations are analysed with the help of matlab software. As a result, we obtain properties and pattern of the radiative fields of the assembly in the modes of Rabi oscillations.
Production, characterization and treatment of wastewater from textile manufacturing installations at Asopos river area[Full-Text ] Marina DESPOTIDOU, Maria LOIZIDOUThis work investigated the wastewater characteristics of textile industrial installations located in the wider region of Oinofita–Schimatari at Viotia, Greece, one of the most industrialized areas in Greece. For the needs of this work, waste water samples have been collected and the results of wastewater sample analysis are presented. The assessment of monitoring and analysis results for the five participating installations is being made in comparison to the limit values for indirect discharge to sewer, as this is the proper discharge method that should be followed. It is worth noting that all these industrial units have installed and applied biological treatment in order to achieve the desired reduction of the pollutant load of their waste water. From the results of the samples analysis, it is concluded that some parameters are above the limits for disposal in a sewer system (indirect discharge). Τhe fact that the limit values for direct discharge to Asopos river (based on Ministerial Decree 20488/2010) are very strict and difficult Industrial wastewater will be below them, advocates the need to establish a central wastewater treatment plant which will serve and the other industrial sectors in the region.
Screening dependence of Superconducting State parameters of Carbon doped MgB2[Full-Text ] Gargee SharmaThe screening dependence of superconducting state parameter ( λ, μ*, Tc, α and N0V ) of four alloys of carbon doped MgB2 system has been studied in the BCS-Eliashberg-McMillan framework by employing five forms of dielectric screening function in conjunction with Ashcroft’s potential. It is observed that electron-phonon coupling strength (λ) and Coulomb pesudopotential (μ*) are quite sensitive to the form of dielectric screening , whereas the transition temperature (Tc), isotope effect exponent (α) and effective interaction strength(N0V) show weak dependence on screening function. The Random phase approximation (RPA) form of dielectric screening function is observed to yield best results for all the alloys of carbon doped MgB2 system studied in the present work. Present computation yield quadratic variation of Tc with concentration(x) in the carbon doped MgB2 system, which is in good agreement with the experimental data. A quadratic Tc equation is proposed by fitting the present results for Random phase approximation (RPA) screening, which is in conformity with other results for the experimental data.
Socio Economic Status of Urban and Rural Families of Jammu District[Full-Text ] Santoshi Kumari, Vijay Kumar Shivgotra, Pawan KumarBackground: The Socio Economic Status is an important determinant of health and nutritional status as well as mortality and morbidity. Objective: The present study was conducted with the objective of Measuring the Socio Economic Status of urban and rural families of Jammu district. Methodology: Multistage sampling technique was adopted in the selection of four blocks with two urban and two rural blocks of Jammu district in the year 2014 with total 320 families identified by stratified random technique. The proposed SES scale based on kuppuswami SES scales for urban and pareekh SES scale for rural.
Synthesis and characterization of copper nanoparticles by using electrochemical method[Full-Text ] S. L. KadamIn the present work copper nanoparticles were prepared by electrochemical method. Copper sulphate and distilled water were used initially to prepare nanoparticles. All the procedure was done at room temperature by applying voltage 2V and passing current of 1.5A. The time required for the deposition of nanoparticles is very less around half an hour. The characterization was performed by X-Ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and ultraviolet visible spectroscopy. XRD confirms formation of FCC structure and nanoparticle. SEM confirms crystalline nature with spherical shape. UV-Visible spectroscopy shows that band gap is 2.11 eV.
Numerical Simulation of Laminar Flows and Turbulent Flows over Flat Plate Using OpenFOAM[Full-Text ] Hoai NguyenIt is well known that OpenFOAM has become a very popular tool for research work in different fields and especially, in computational fluid dynamics. But, it is also known its lack of detailed documentation supporting solvers made using the set of libraries given by OpenFOAM. In this way, it gets to be important to build up suitable confirmations that can be helpful to users. With this reason, executable solvers available in OpenFOAM 3.0.0 version to solve laminar flow and turbulent flow problems are tested. These problems as a basis for the development of numerical methods to solve more complex issues related to the change of basic parameters such as temperature, velocity, pressure, and density of flows. In this work, laminar flow and turbulent flow in a flat plate are simulated through the relationship between aero-dynamics parameters. The results indicate that the relationship between the aero-dynamics parameters depends heavily on the position and shape of a flat plate that flows go through. The physical mechanisms of these phenomena are analyzed, which can be a basis for predicting the structure of dynamic flows in real-world operation.