Volume 7, Issue 11, November 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 11, November 2016.
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Review Article - Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diagnosis and Treatment[Full-Text ] Maria Aziz, K S YadavThis review article will focus on Etio-pathogenesis, Clinical features, Diagnosis and treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis (RA).Quick review of salient features on RA will help Rheumatologists and PCPs to diagnose RA at the initial visit and start a therapeutic regimen that could prevent disability in future.
Review Article Narmada Rift Valley & Quaternary Sedimentation[Full-Text ] A A Khan, Maria AzizThe Narmada river originates at Amarkantak at an elevation of about 1057 m above m.s.l. it descends across the rugged and mountainous tract through deep and steep gorges in straight sinuous to meandering pattern over a distance of 1300 km across the middle of the Indian sub-continent to join the Gulf of Cambay in Arabian sea in Gujarat state. In the area of study in lower Narmada between Grudeshwar and Baruche is occupied by thick Quaternary deposits of about 800 m which represent various domain of sedimentation. Based on sedimentlogical characters, depositional environments, erosional processes and their relation with depositional activity revealed that it comprised of four domains of sediments viz glacial, fluvio-glacial fluvial and tidal flats. The lower most units (Boulder bed) are, of glacial origin, followed by the boulder conglomerate of glacio-fluvial and subsequently by fluvial of paleo- domain of Narmada and tidal flats. The top four formations Ankleshwar, Tilakwarda & Bharuch and Aliabat are designated as (NTo-NT3). Boulder conglomerate is assigned an independent formational status based on distinct lithology and fossil assemblage.
Review Article Correlation of VOM of Indian Homo Erectus with China Man[Full-Text ] Maria Aziz, A A KhanThe skull cap of Narmada man Homo erectuss Narmadanesis was found in Narmada Valley near village Hathnora (22 ° 52 ” N; 77 ° 52 ” E) in fossiliferous boulder conglomerate, in district Sehore, M.P., India . The Skull Cap is completely fossilized undistorted, renal vault nearly complete except few left Supra-orbital and statures are nicely preserved. The various morphological features and robust form of skull and excessive thickness of the bones indicate that it belongs to adult male individual (Sonakia, 1984).
A Comparative Study of Achievements in Mathematics between Boys and Girls Students at the End of Elementary Education[Full-Text ] Minara Yeasmin, Dr. Md. Kutubuddin Halder, Dr. Nimai Chand MaitiMathematics is the foundation for success in a variety of content areas, during a child’s educational experience. Basically the goal of teaching mathematics, especially at the elementary level is to prepare pupils to develop critical and creative outlook as they confront the challenges of daily life (Meremikwu 2008). Also RTE, 2009 enables every child to access quality mathematics education at elementary level. This paper takes an attempt to look after whether there is a gender gap in that achievement level in mathematics of the students who have completed elementary education and. A Survey was conducted among 400 students in 19 schools of South 24 Parganas, West Bengal by random sampling technique. A standardized achievement test in mathematics prepared by the author was exercised as a tool. Data was analyzed by mean, standard deviation, t-test and graphical presentation. The mean value of the achievement test was found 23.94 out of 50. It also revealed that boys have done a little better achievement in mathematics than girls students and both boys and girls are comfortable in statistics and experience difficulties in application based problems in arithmetic and geometry.
The Changing Role of the State during the Development of the Economic Though: Mercantilism, Physiocracy and Classical Economics[Full-Text ] Sema Yılmaz Genç, Furkan Tarık KurtThe role of the state in the economy is an important factor in the process of development and change of economic systems. In this study, Mercantilism, which is important for the state's intervention in the economy, and Physiocracy and Classical Economic Thought, which advocate the state not intervening in the economy. The changing role of the state in the economy will be examined from the mercantilism to the turning point of the classic economic thought.
Trophic level of the Octopus vulgaris in the continental shelf of the area Cape Blanc - Cape Juby[Full-Text ] IDRISSI Farah Hounaida, BERRAHO Amina, ETTAHIRI Omar, CHAROUKI NajibStudies on biological interactions of marine species are a fundamental mean to settle on their importance in the trophic network and then ellucidate more the marine ecosystem process. This study focuses on functional relationships of a key species of the Moroccan Atlantic ecosystem, Octopus vulgaris (Cuvier, 1795), which is also the main targeted species by many demersal fisheries in the region. Based on diet studies and statistical analysis on Stomach samples collected during the period 2001 to 2003, feeding strategies are defined of O.vulgaris in two zones localized north and south Cap Boujador (26°00N). These zones are indeed considered to be areas of presence of two different stocks that are harvested differently. We estimated trophic indices of the species for each stock, in this case the relative importance index of preys (IRI), the trophic level (TL) and the omnivory index (IO) are calculated. The trophic strategies of the two populations are then compared using statistical tests according to different biological parameters.
An Effective Method of Denoising of 2-D Data Using Adaptive Kernel Bilateral Filter[Full-Text ] Lukka Sirisha, A.Geetha Devi, B. Surya Prasada RaoIn this paper, adenoising scheme using bilateral filter with adaptive kernel bandwidth scheme is proposed. Here the image is divided into laplaciansubbands these are applied with adaptive kernel filter and bilateral filter to reduce the noise. The Gaussian filter is used to acquire a low band signal which is subtracted from original signal to obtainedhigh band signal. The low band signal is applied with conventional bilateral filter and for high band adaptive kernel bilateral filter is applied. The proposed scheme is further processed using gradient histogram method for edge sharpening. The proposed method performs better when compared with the results of bilateral filter and over complete wavelet expansion filters in terms of peak signal to noise ratio, Entropy, minimum mean square error, mean absolute error.
Groundwater Investigation using 2-D Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) at Ilubirin, Southwestern Nigeria[Full-Text ] A. I. Olayinka, M. O. Oladunjoye, A. O. KorodeleThere have been reported cases that the presence of tar sands deposits that are startigraphically and structurally controlled within the study has penetrated (seep) into the hand-dug wells causing blockage to the flow of groundwater; subsequently leading to contamination making groundwater unpalatable to the people within the area. In this research, non-destructive geophysical investigation techniques comprising eight 2-D Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) were taken with Wenner Configuration at Ilubirin, Southwestern, Nigeria. The Electrical Resistivity Imaging has a maximum electrode spacing (AB) of 150m. Two Electrical Resistivity Imaging profiles were taken very close to the contaminated hand dug well along the area where tar sands seepages were sighted. The current and potential electrodes were kept constant at equal interval to one another with the potential electrodes in the middle. The result obtained showed that areas with depression having true resistivity ranging from 192Ωm to 426Ωm with a geological formation described as clayey sand can serve as very good groundwater potential zones which are probably not vulnerable to contamination if proper groundwater management is done.
HEAT EXCHANGER[Full-Text ] Hassan AlshaikiIn a heat exchanger, heat energy is transferred from one body or fluid stream to another. In the design of heat exchange equipment, heat transfer equations are applied to calculate this transfer of energy so as to carry it out efficiently and under controlled conditions. The equipment goes under many names, such as boilers, pasteurizers, jacketed pans, freezers, air heaters, cookers, ovens and so on. The range is too great to list completely. Heat exchangers are found widely scattered throughout the food process industry.
A Study of Multidrug resistance bacteria from UTI patients[Full-Text ] C. Caleb Johnson Paranjothi and S.R.MuraliThe present study aimed to ascertain the current situation of antimicrobial resistance of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) caused by human pathogens. Twenty midstream urine samples collected from adult patients were analyzed for Multidrug Resistant (MDR) strain isolation and identified. The result was clear that E.coli was the predominant pathogen (31.5%) causing UTI, followed by Staphylococcus aureus (20.5%), Klebsiella pneumonia (15.8%), Proteus sp. (7.4%) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (7.5%). The percentages of resistance of all isolates to the antimicrobial agents were: 83.3% to SXT, 80.6% to Nalidixic acid, 67.3% to Amoxycillin, 61% to Cotrimoxazole, 48.8% to Gentamycin, 46% to ciprofloxacin and 43% to Cephalexin. Isolated UTI strains were tested for susceptibility against antibiotics, few of the antibiotics were sensitive but most of antibiotics showed resistant to the MDR strains. Among this,E.coli, K.Pneumoniae and P.aeruginosa were highly resistant to most of the antibiotics, whereas Staphylococcus Sp. and Serratia marcescens exhibited sensitivity to Cephalexin, Ciprofloxacin and Gentamycin. The present study was evaluated indicating the emergence of multidrug resistant (MDR) among UTI bacterial pathogens.
A Comparative Study on the Rates of Data and Call Services Usage in Mobile Networks in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Uesoo Faith Emmanuel, Igulu Kingsley Theophilus, Johnson Barimlemena Dandy The Rates of mobile data service usage and mobile call service usage in Nigeria, Adopting a cross-sectional survey design, a random sampling technique was used to enrol 101 young and adult aged 15-30 years and above from the citizens residing and visiting the capital city of Owerri into the study, of different academic attainments Structured questionnaires were used for data collection, recorded significant facts in relation to customers interest in use of these services. The hypothesis testing result of regression analysis using SPSS, a statistical software window version 17.0 to analysed and compare the effectiveness of Age, Finance, Education and Time spend as independent variables against the dependent variables separately confirmed that Age alone has significant effect on mobile data service usage of 0.000 significant and all the independent variables are effective combined with significant level of 0.000 less than 0.05, while all independent variables has a significant effect on mobile call service usage in Nigeria with significant levels less than 0.05 that is (0.000, 0.018, 0.002, 0.001 less than 0.05 on mobile call services usage in Nigeria respectively. 80.20% of respondents preferred mobile data service to 19.80% of the research population that preferred mobile call service. 97 (96.04%) respondents used mobile phone browsing most over 4 (3.96%) respondents using mobile phone calling most. Mobile call service was recorded as the most expensive mobile service from the responses of 52.48% of the research population in term of mobile communication. Customers interest being driven by Internet and networks access, 90.10% of the total respondents uses browsing enabled phones while 9.90% of the population uses traditional mobile phone for call making with most entertaining interest in browsing phones.
Image Segmentation by Using Modified Spatially Constrained Gaussian Mixture Model[Full-Text ] SivaNagiReddy Kalli, Dr. Bhanu Murthy Bhaskara For the probabilistic data analysis generally mixture models, graphical models, Markov random fields and hidden Markov models are used. In the above models for density estimation via Gaussian mixture modeling has been successfully applied to image/video segmentation, speech processing and other fields relevant to clustering analysis and Probability density function (PDF) modeling. Finite Gaussian mixture model is usually used in practice and the selection of number of mixture components is a significant problem in its application. In this paper a modified Gaussian mixture model (MGMM) presented which is based on Markov random field (MRF) and a dependable spatial constraint with EM (Expectation -Maximization) was proposed in order to enhance the segmentation performance. In this method making the M step of the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm cannot be directly applied to the prior distribution for maximization of the log likelihood with respect to the corresponding parameters, the proposed method will results fast and accuracy.
LMM for a Nonlinear Model of Convective Straight Fins with Variable Thermal Conductivity and Heat Transfer Coefficient[Full-Text ] Promise MEBINE and Erebi Sandra PORBENIThe nonlinear problem of convective straight fins with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficient has been tackled by the use of Leibnitz-Maclaurin Method (LMM) via Successive Differential Coefficients (SDC), which is a power series solution technique. Also, an exact implicit integral solution was constructed for the problem. The obtained solutions satisfy the physical boundary conditions. Benchmarks or validation tests of the LMM and the exact implicit integral solution together with numerical experiments demonstrated excellent agreements. Parametric analyses indicated that the thermal conductivity parameter thermo-geometrical property and the heat transfer mode of fins characterize the key elements for the numerical computations and descriptions of the fin tip temperatures fin base gradient temperature and fin efficiency The variability of the thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficient demonstrated the physical usefulness and serves as a practical departure from the previously investigated constant scenarios of thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficient.
E-Health as a Tool of Public Health Promotion[Full-Text ] SUSHIL KUMAR SHARMAE-health is a newly emerging field of study that try to encompass different disciplines i.e. medicine, education, communication, sociology, anthropology, psychology, management, commerce etc along with electronics / web based technologies. E-health aims to promote effective & efficient healthcare management while reducing time & cost in the delivery of healthcare services.
Spectral Clustering Ensemble and Unsupervised Clustering for Land cover Identification in High Spatial Resolution Satellite Images[Full-Text ] A Narendranath reddy and NimmagaddaPadmajaUnsupervised clustering plays a dominant role in detailed landcover identification specifically in agricultural and environmental monitoring of high spatial resolution remote sensing images. A method called Approximate Spectral Clustering enables spectral partitioning for big datasets to extract clusters with different characteristic without a parametric model. Various information types are used through advanced similarity criteria. Selection of similarity criterion optimal for the corresponding application is required. To solve this issue a Spectral Clustering Method is proposed which fuses partitioning obtained by distinct similarity representations. This Spectral Clustering Ensemble adopts neural Quantization in the place of Random Sampling, and advanced similarity criterion in the place of Gaussian kernel distance with distinct decaying parameters, and a two level ensemble. The built up areas in the high resolution images can be detected using unsupervised detection. In this process first, a large set of corners from each of the input images are extracted by an improved Harris corner detector. Then, the extracted corners are incorporated into a likelihood function to discover candidate regions in each input image. Given a set of candidate build-up regions, in the second stage, the problem of build-up area detection is concised as an unsupervised grouping problem. The performance of these algorithms is evaluated by Accuracy, Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) and Normalized Mutual Information (NMI). Experimental results show a significant betterment of the resulting partitioning obtained by the proposed ensemble, with respect to the evaluation measures in the applications.
Impact of Charismatic Leadership Style on Organizational Effectiveness[Full-Text ] Authors Sidra Ansar, Humaira Aziz, Afsheen Majeed, Uzma RassolCharismatic leadership is the procedure of encourage certain behaviors in other via power of personality, persuasion and communication this study shows the result between charismatic leadership and organizational effectiveness. It highlighting the effect of charismatic leadership on the organizational and it also shows that how this relationship affects the performance of employees. The data was collected from telecom sector in the Pakistan and the research was secondary and qualitative in nature , the sample size is 100 ,the research concluded that there is a relationship exist between charismatic leadership and organizational performance furthermore it recognizes the ability and skills more effectively ,analyst of subordinate’s optimistic work attitude , help emerge in crises situation, evidently defining quality goals, which lead organizational recital more efficient and successful.
Simulated Performance of a Grid-Connected and Standalone Photovoltaic Power System[Full-Text ] Tshewang Lhendup, Sonam Wangchuk,Lungten Norbu, Chimi Rinzin, Samten LhundupThis paper presents simulated performance of a 5.5kW grid-connected and 7 kW standalone photovoltaic (PV) power system. The grid-connected system was synchronized with the commercial grid and standalone system was modelled to supplylighting and fan load of a library building at the College of Science and Technology, Phuentsholing.The system was modeled in TRNSYS 17 and simulated with hourly climate data from SolarGIS. The simulated performance was then compared with outputs from HOMER model which used average monthly climate data from NASA. From the simulation, it was found energy yield is higher from TRNSYS simulation compared to the HOMER model. Similarly unit cost of energy is lower in case of TRNSYS simulation compared to the HOMER model.
Partitions and Compositions[Full-Text ] R SivaramanI shall define the Partition and Composition of a positive integer n in this paper. We shall discuss the way to find the compositions of n and introduce the generating function for partition of n. I shall introduce Ferrer’s graph to represent the partition and give some of the remarkable theorems in partition. I shall discuss about the various congruencies given by Srinivasa Ramanujan and present the Rogers-Ramanujan Partition Theorem (Without Proof). Finally, I had given the table for partitions for the first 100 natural numbers.
Homo Erectus & Homo Sapiens in Spectrum of Volcanic Ecology, Narmada Valley, Madhya pradesh India[Full-Text ] Maria Aziz, A A KhanThe Quaternary tract of Narmada basin covers an area of abut 12950 sq.km starting from west of Jabalpur (230070790530) to east of Handia (220 29’; 760 58’) for a distance of about 320 km. It is found to be ideal locus of Quaternary sedimentation in Central India, as witnessed by multi-cyclic sequence of Quaternary terraces in the valley. The total estimated thickness of Quaternary sediments in the central sector of Narmada is about 325 m. where the level of Ash bed occurrence has been identified at the depth between 75-83 m of Quaternary column of valley. The Quaternary blanket consists of sediments of three domains viz. glacial, fluvio- glacial and fluvial, which were deposited in distinct environments during Quaternary time. The Boulder Bed (20 to 260 m.) below ground level is of glacial origin, comprised of thick pile of sediments occupied at the base of rock basin and were deposited by glacial activities in dry and cold climatic condition during early Pleistocene time. The fossiliferous bed Boulder conglomerate (260 to 278 m. above m.s.l.) is of fluvio-glacial origin and top four formations in increasing antiquity are Sohagpur, Shahganj, Hoshangabad and Janwasa ( 278 to 350m. above m.s.l.) are of fluvial origin and represent the complete sequence of Quaternary sedimentation in Narmada valley & Central India Khan & Sonakia (1992).
Review Article - Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis[Full-Text ] Maria Aziz, K S YadavRheumatoid Arthritis,is a chronic inflammatory disease .Most common autoimmune disorder known to cause disability in less than 2 years.RA has unknown etiology.1It affects one percent of the word population.
Immunomodulatory activity of ethanolic extract of Pueraria Tuberosa D.C[Full-Text ] Jignesh Patel, Nitin Doshi, Abheejit Bhalerao#, Rajesh BonagiriPueraria tuberosa D.C. has been used as a ‘Rasayana’ in the ayurvedic medicine as well as in swelling of joints and treatment of rheumatism. In current study; Immunomodulatory potential of the ethanolic extract of tubers of Pueraria tuberosa D.C. has been evaluated in vivo using animal models like Delayed type of hypersensitivity, Haemagglutination antibody titre assay, carbon clearance assay and cyclophosphamide-induced myelosuppression in mice. Results demonstrated that the Ethanolic extract of Pueraria tuberosa caused a significant inhibition of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction and Humoral antibody titre suggesting a potential role in inhibition of adaptive immune response or cells. Ethanolic extract of Pueraria tuberosa also potentiated function of the mononuclear phagocytic system by increase in phagocytosis and proection from myelosuppression in mice treated with cyclophosphamide.
Fluid Dynamics inside a Mini-scale Microbial Energy Harvesting System[Full-Text ] Way Lee Cheng, Kumaran Kannaiyan, Reza Sadr, and Arum HanMicrobial electrochemical cells are an interesting energy harvesting system that utilizes various carbon sources such as wastewater. Fluid inside the system is replenished at regular frequencies to supply nutrients to the catalytic microbes for continuous energy production. However, the replenishment process can be a challenge in micro-scale devices as the flow field inside is often laminar. Whereas, the high flow rate is not desired as the resulting high fluid shear can disrupt the catalytic microbes. To this end, the computational fluid dynamics simulations are performed to study the effect of design configurations on the replenishment efficiency. The results show that the success rate of replenishment is only about 55 % to 60 % when the inlet and outlet ports are located close to each other. The maximum efficiency obtained with the optimal design is only 70 %, which is typically not accounted for most of the experiments. Hence, there is a possibility of significant error when calculating the nutrient utilization rates, which in turn can affect the system efficiency. Furthermore, other design factors that affect the replenishment such as the distance between inlet and outlet ports and the orientation of the inlet and outlet ports are investigated.
Review Article Vitamin D Deficiency, Role in Chronic Diseases[Full-Text ] Maria AzizVitamin D is a sunshine vitamin and is key player in Bone diseases (like Osteoporosis,Osteoarthritis,Rheumatoid Arthritis),Autoimmune diseases,Chronic diseases like Diabetes Mellitus,Hypertension,CardiovascularDiseases,Metabolic Syndromes and Cystic fibrosis Calcium,Magnesium and Phosphorus are the key ions whose interplay is closely linked to each other in positive bone metabolism and Vitamin D is the regulator of this process.Northern Hemisphere due to its geographic location and westernized lifestyle has a high prevalence of Vitamin D population,which has further been linked to growing numbers of cancers and autoimmune diseases in this region.
Review Article - Cardiovascular Manifestation in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients[Full-Text ] Maria Aziz, K S YadavRheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a joint disease with Cardiovascular conditions as the most common cause of mortality. This review focuses on all cardiovascular disorders prevalent in RA patients ,their diagnosis and treatment.
Utilizationof Facebook website in Avoiding Academic performance and Health Hazards: A Study of Khairpur Medical College Student’s[Full-Text ] Sajida Karim, Hina Madiha ,Prof. Dr. Ghulam Ali Mallah, Shahida Karim Abbasi, Raja Sohail Ahmed LarikThe Rapid development of technology has changed the individual and social life while use of various websites with advanced digital devices. Utilization of Facebook website is one of them recently played a vital role in the social circle of Students lives particularly at educational environments. Academic authorities build an efforts to produce an honest quality and supportive learning interfaces. Each and every student is engaged to become a part of such a social network i.e. Facebook. The researcher selected the rural university of Sindh province and 217 Questionnaire distribute among the respondents of undergraduate students of Khairpur Medical College. This paper is carried out the effects of Facebook use on health and academic performance. Moreover, this paper provides the critical analysis to the way students are socialized towards Facebook and another side they forget their educational aims and learning stage and where bethem stands now? Whereas they’re totally unaware corresponding future consequences and misinterpret the hidden hazards besides the utilization of Facebook.
Optimizing Sludge Drying Rate Inside Structurally Integrated Greenhouse Cells[Full-Text ] Maher Adnan Kahil & Ahmed Souhail YoussefThe rapid transformation in Dubai’s lifestyle and infrastructure to become world’s most sustainable city encompass to have proper sludge management system. The key focus of the city is to get rid of the massive sludge generated from the growing population and developmentwhile considering lowest environment footprint. One mean to effectively reach this challenging goal is through integrating solar energy into Dubai’s sewage treatment plants. In this paper, solar heat energy is utilized inside greenhouse cells to dry sludge.The principle behind sludge drying is the absorption of solar radiation provided with air renewal and convective exchanges. However, to achieve the optimum performance of sludge drying all year-round, light transmittance should be maximized. Therefore, to optimize sludge drying rate in Dubai city, roof angle in conjunction with six different covering materials have been studied. The results showed that by setting the roof angle to 30omeasured from the horizontal along with using corrugated polycarbonate cover material, the sludge drying rate will reach its optimum drying performance all year-round.
"Shape Factor" New Concept as a Determinant The Thermal Behavior of the Domed Roof: A Comparative Study[Full-Text ] Jamal Abed Al Wahid Jassim al SudanyDomes used widely to cover the roofs of buildings, including mosques, The purpose of this paper is to study the role of the formation of the domed roof of the thermal behavior and find a formula a relationship by which to reach to determine the landmarks most efficient shape that are not addressed by the previous concepts. This research method is based on field research and simulation modeling to investigate this aim, By comparing the number of elected domes, where it has been conducting field measurements during the recording for three days of temperatures and air move around the model of the domes in a city of Baghdad. The results were applied field measurements to develop computer baseline model experimentally and selecting nine shapes domed to identify of the area prone to solar radiation and the measure of receiving and absorbing of models. Later, the investigation of the performance of the domes using computer energy simulation program (Ecotect).
Optimization and Statistical Modeling of Catalytic Cyclohexene Epoxidation with H2O2 over Vanadium-Based Polyoxometalates Supported On Montmorillonite as a Green Calalyst[Full-Text ] Souheyla Boudjema, Mostapha Zerrouki, Abderrahim Choukchou-BrahamThis work was designed to study the optimization of the process of cyclohexene epoxidation with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of acid activated montmorillonite clay supported on 11-molybdovanado-phosphoric acid, with the Keggin structure H4[PVMo11O40].13H2O (PVMo) as catalyst. This process has been investigated by applying statistical methods for experimental design. The influence of main process parameters on the conversion of hydroperoxides, selectivity of transformation to epoxy compounds with regard to cyclohexene conversion, and selectivity of transformation to epoxy compounds and cyclohexane-1,2-diol, has been described using regression equations in the form of first-order polynomials. Analysis of the obtained regression equations allowed us to optimize the experimental parameters of the cyclohexene oxidation reaction with hydrogen peroxide; these parameters are as follows: catalyst weight = 0.05 g, temperature = 70 °C, reaction time = 9 h, with 20 % PVMo/Hmont used as catalyst, and hydrogen peroxide as oxidant.
Performance comparison between Hysteresis Controller (HC) and Proportional Integral (PI) Controller for Resistance Spot Welding System[Full-Text ] Rama Subbanna.S, Dr.M.SuryakalavathiThe objective of this paper is to compare the saturation level control performance between Hysteresis Controller and PI controller in a middle-frequency direct current (MFDC) resistance spot welding system(RSWS). It consists of an input converter, welding transformer, and a full-wave rectifier mounted at the transformer secondary. The unequalohmic resistances of the two transformer’s secondary circuits and the different characteristics of the diodes of output rectifier certainly lead to the magnetic core saturation which, consequently, causes the unwanted spikes in the transformer’s primary current and over-current protection switch-off. The goal is to determine which control strategy gives better performance with respect to the magnetic core saturation. The two controllers presented such as HC and PI controllers for controlling the saturation level in the magnetic core of a welding transformer of highly nonlinear system of RSWS. The simulation study has been done in Matlab/Simulink environment shows that both controllers are capable to control the saturation level in the core of welding transformer successfully. The result shows that PI controller delivered the better response compared to HC controller. Responses are presented here with details analysis.
Managing Inventory for perishable product, sensitivity analysis for product ‘X’ and suggestion for appropriate purchase model for a local retail shop “SHWAPNO”[Full-Text ] Moddassir Khan Nayeem,AshikTakvir, Md. Robiul IslamThis report has been prepared on ‘Managing Inventory for perishable product, sensitivity analysis for product ‘X’ and suggestion for appropriate purchase model for a local retail shop “SHWAPNO” ’ which is under the company ACI Logistics Ltd. The one core part of the report contains Inventory flow from Distribution Centre to Retail Stores including the focus complexity management and physical management of thousands of SKU (stock keeping unit) in whole chain. As Shwapno handles more than 30000 SKUs including perishables like Vegetables, Fish and Meat, Grain (VFMG) so it become the most challenging to manage inventory supply for Shwapno. Finally efforts have been made to recommend certain issue for further business process improvement like how to cost effectively managing inventory. It is also suggested from report analysis that present purchase cost is at higher side which needs to be addressed to make the business profitable.
WORK LIFE IMBALANCE OF EMPLOYEES IN IT SECTOR- A STUDY CONDUCTED AT NEST TECHNOLOGIES, TRIVANDRUM[Full-Text ] Sakeerthi S, Rijesh K BHRM is the most crucial part of any organization. Because of the changing work scenarios, the complexity of HRM is also increasing. From the time where men used to earn and women used to take care of the household, a phase has arrived where both the male and female counter part of the family equally contribute to the family income. Along with this, a new concern has also emerged, that of the “work life imbalance”. It’s a condition where a person finds difficulty in hitting a proper balance between his professional and personal life. And with the increasing number of females working, the problem has become a matter of serious concern. Many find it very difficult to carry along their personal and professional lives together resulting in professional failures and breaking up of family relations. Many recent studies have brought out the alarming rates of divorces among IT couples and this is also one of the aftermaths of work life imbalances. Many also get into serious physical and mental ailments unable to handle their personal life and job together. Hence this topic has become very relevant in today’s work scenarios. In this article, an attempt has been made to throw light on the issues of work life imbalance and some reasonable solutions have been suggested to hit the proper balance between personal and professional life based on a study conducted at the IT major, NeST Technologies, Technopark, Trivandrum. The study was conducted on a sample of 100 employees among the total population of 1000 employees working in the Trivandrum office of NeST using a questionnaire.
A New Cooperative Learning Framework in Mathematic Courses[Full-Text ] Seifedine Kadry and Rabih RoufayelIt is widely known that mathematics plays a major role in handling real life problems related to members in a society and serves in shaping both private and public sectors of a given community. Many students have showed signs of discomfort when dealing with mathematics, becoming more and more dissatisfied as they confront challenges to engagements. Solving this dilemma requires to search and develop an effective and suitable learning methodology that serves as a guiding tool in modern teaching. Recently, a new educational technique strategy “Active Learning” was implemented in many educational industries. This strategy briefly describes as a wide range of learning activities engaged by students in a classroom other than listening passively to an instructor’s lecture. It involves student’s engagement in critical thinking thus expressing and passing over ideas in small groups that can be illustrated by receiving immediate feedback from the instructor. The term cooperative learning covers the subset of active-learning activities that students perform in groups of three or more, rather than alone or in pairs. This paper shows a new learning methodology in mathematics based on cooperation between students with different educational background level. The main idea behind this cooperative method is to increase class average and on the other hand, to decrease the variance and range between students’ critical thinking and knowledge levels. The proposed methodology in this study shows the advantages of active learning and the power of student centered approach.
Primary fibrosarcoma of the breast: a case report[Full-Text ] Ben Othman S, Chemlali M, Ghalleb M, Triki A, Adouni O Bouzaiene H, Gamoudi A,Rahal KIntroduction :Breast fibrosarcomaisuncommon accounting less than 1% of all breast tumors. There are no known predisposing factors or premalignant lesions for this kind of tumor. The tumor spread via hematogenous metastasis rather than nodal one. Due to its rarity, survival rates are not defined.
Similarities between the Serrated Chips in High Speed Turning and the Defected Work Piece of ZA22 after Pressing by the Equal Channel Angular Pressing, ECAP[Full-Text ] Adnan I. O. ZaidSevere plastic deformation processes are relatively recent manufacturing processes used for producing fine grain structure in metals and their alloys. The equal channel angular pressing is the mostly used process among them. During the use of this process on zinc 22% aluminum alloy grain refined by molybdenum in the mechanically dry condition, i.e. without lubrication, the pressed work piece was segmented on its interface in contact the ECAP die; similar to the serrated chip observed in turning of low Ernst and Merchant in 1940 and recently observed in high speed turning of stainless steel and other metallic alloys at high values of feed rate and depths of cut. In this paper, the mechanism of formation of the ZA22 in the ECAP process and the serrated chips in the high speed turning of stainless steel and other material is presented and discussed. Furthermore, it was found that the number of segments and the distance between them, (the pitch) was varied depending on the chemical composition of the work piece material. Also the causes of this new phenomenon, the mechanism of its formation and how to avoid its occurrence are also presented and discussed. Finally, the segmented specimens were sectioned, projected, magnified and presented in the paper. The presented work in this paper is expected to be of value not only to the development of the ECAP process but also in the high speed turning process and also of special importance to grinding and polishing processes which results in further enhancement of the surface quality.
Molecular Detection of Fluoroquinolone Resistance in Multidrug Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosisUsinggyrA[Full-Text ] RishamHussain, Dr. NasirMahmoodTuberculosis is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. WHO 2015 report indicates that Pakistan ranks fourth among multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) cases reportedglobally.Fluoroquinolones (FQ) are the primary broad spectrum antibiotics used for the treatment of MDR-TB and recent studies indicate a rapid rise in FQ resistance. This study focuses on the molecular detection of fluoroquinolone resistance in multi-drug resistant tuberculosis patients and the analysis of mutations occurrence in gyrA, at codons 90, 91 and 94.A total of 60 sputum cultured samples were analyzedthrough allele specific polymerase chain reaction (ASPCR) with self-designed primers. Among the 60 isolates examined, 36 (60%) were positive for gyrA mutations at codons 90, 91 and 94 while 24 (40%) were negative. The highest occurrence of mutations was found at codon 94 (37%), followed by mutations at codon 90 (20%) and at codon 91 (3%). Results indicate an increasing trend of FQ resistance in Pakistan. This study indicates molecular detection of TBto be faster and consistent and holds promise as a diagnostic tool for rapid screening of FQ resistance among MDR-TB patients to ensure its control and appropriate treatment.
Review Article Homo Erectus & Pale anthropological Record in the Narmada Rift Valley Madhya Pradesh & Gujarat State[Full-Text ] Maria Aziz, A A KhanThe Narmada Rift valley is conspicuous ENE-WSW to E-W trending prominent composite structural system across Indian sub-continent. It consists of various blocks which are dislocated and faulted along various faults and lineaments in space and time. The Narmada Rift System consists of various sub- basins like Hiran, Sher, Shakkar, Dudhi,Tawa, which are minor basins are integrated and in built part of main rift System. These sub basins possess imprints of rinsing sinking and rifting events. These imprints are recorded in terms of manifestation and signature on landscape, drainage, of land form elements, present and paleo- meandering signature, river terraces, cut of meanders, paleo- channels, scars, rock cut terraces, entrenchment and linear and curvilinear scars. These sub basins have developed transverse to the main axis of Narmada rifting and had deep cut across the quaternary blanket. The evolution of Narmada graben is differential and asymmetrical with rinsing and sinking valley floor. The Narmada basin contains fossiliferous Pliocene–Pleistocene volcanic fabrics sediments and volcanic rocks which were occupied by early hominid populations. The Main Narmada rift is both symmetrical and asymmetrical in different segments along its length of about 1300 km. Several paleoanthropological localities, archeological sites ranging in age from the Pliocene-Pleistocene times were discovered within these basins. The discovery of Human Skull Homo erectus form boulder conglomerate bed of Hathnora formation Khan (1992) by Sonakia (1984) De Lumley. and Sonakia, (1985): in Sehore district M.P.India was first fossil skull of fossil man from Indian sub-continent. It is correlated with Homo-eructs of China on Quaternary Platform is found to be the oldest homo-erectus in Asia Khan et.al (2013)