Volume 7, Issue 11, November 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 11, November 2016.
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FAST AND PARALLEL MINING OF K HIGH UTILITY ITEMSET[Full-Text ] R.Kanimozhi, Dr.K.SaravananA large number of contributions in the literature have been proposed for item set mining, exploring various measures according to the chosen relevance criteria. However, items are actually different in many aspects in a number of real applications, such as retail marketing, network log, etc. The difference between items makes a strong impact on the decision making in these applications. Therefore, traditional ARM cannot meet the demands arising from these applications. By considering the different values of individual items as utilities, parallel mining focuses on identifying the itemsets with high utilities.
An Embedded Car Parts Sale of Mercedes Benz with OLAP Implementation[Full-Text ] K.Bhuvaneswari, Dr.K.SaravananPT. Mass Sarana Motorama is a company that is engaged in the commercial, which is the provider of Mercedes Benz auto parts. In the course of its business, PT. Mass Sarana Motorama is currently using OLTP systems experience some problems. Disadvantages are contained in the OLTP system PT. Mass Sarana Motorama is the lack of applications that can process their sales data into usable information for decision making. In addition, PT. Mass Sarana Motorama also requires an application that is able to perform data analysis of various categories of sales and sales data show that can be viewed by year, month, and day. In the absence of such an application is made the company difficult to analyze their sales. Based on the above constraints, to support the business activities of PT. Mass Sarana Motorama to be more effective and efficient, it takes OLAP applications (On-Line Analytical Processing) to suit the needs of PT. Mass Sarana Motorama. Development of OLAP applications (On-Line Analytical Processing) is designed by using UML (Unified Modeling Language) and comprising the steps of prototyping method listen to the customer (user needs analysis), build and revise mock-ups, and customer test drives mock-up. Making these applications using Delphi programming language with Borland Delphi 6 Personal applications, ContourCubeX as OLAP library and XAMPP as a database application. With the output or end result of the application of OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) in the form of sales figures which can be viewed by the categories of sales, can help continuity and facilitate enterprise business process analyzes sales data in the future.
Transient Heat Transfer Flow along a Vertical Plate with Induced Magnetic Field[Full-Text ] Md. Asaduzzaman, Md. Rafiqul Islam and Ariful IslamIn the field of geophysical and astrophysical engineering, the thermal instability in nature, in chemical processes, in separation processes and in industrial applications the effect of thermal diffusion on the MHD heat transfer in an unsteady flow past through vertical plate is very much important. It has been investigated numerically under the action of a strong applied magnetic field taking into account the induced magnetic field. This study is performed for cooling problem with lighter and heavier particles. Numerical solutions for the velocity field, induced magnetic field and temperature distribution are obtained for associated parameters using the explicit finite difference method. The obtained results are discussed with the help of graphs using Fortran programming as well as Techplot to observe the effects of various parameters on the above mentioned quantities.Finally, the important findings of the investigation are concluded.
CORRELATION OF ATMOSPHERIC VISIBILITY AND METEOROLOGICAL VARIABLES IN NIGERIA: THE NIGER DELTA[Full-Text ] C.O, Nwokocha, C.U, OkujaguThe air pollution problem has been serious in the Niger Delta due to the rapidly expanding economic, industrial and vehicular developments. It has significant influences on atmospheric visibility, whose degradation dominates in urban areas. Increased air pollution in urban area may lead to the atmospheric reactions, resulting into the formation of secondary pollutants similar to cloud condensation processes. Therefore, atmospheric visibility and meteorological variables such as wind direction and relative humidity for the Niger Delta (4.15N-7.17N, 5.05E-8.68E) for a period of 31 years (1981-2012) from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) and the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) were correlated with a view to establish the potential influence of these parameters on visibility.
Requirements Prioritization Using Analytic Network Process (ANP)[Full-Text ] Javed Ali Khan, Izaz ur Rehman, Liaqat Ali, Shapoor Khan, Yawar Hayat Khan, Iftikhar Javed KhanSoftware project development deals with many requirements. Since software is developed in different increments, it is difficult for requirement engineers to implement all these requirements in one single increment. For this purpose, prioritization of requirements is essential in order to deliver right product on right time. A thorough survey of literature depicts that no requirements prioritizing methodology prioritizes dependent requirements. Moreover, performance of existing methodologies regarding requirements prioritization needs improvement. During the literature survey, most of the prioritization methodologies were studied and critically reviewed. After analyzing different techniques, a new requirements prioritization methodology is proposed and a model is developed that can prioritize both dependent and independent requirements. The interdependent requirements will be prioritized with newly proposed requirements prioritization technique that is Analytic Network Process (ANP). The simulation results of the proposed technique showed that ANP produced finest outcomes for prioritizing requirements. The simulations were carried out in MATLAB software.
Electro-dialytic Extraction of Lactic acid from Fermentation Broth using wood wastes of Paper mill[Full-Text ] Salonika Aggarwal, Vipul KumarLactic acid can be produced by fermentation and then lactic acid can even be extracted out from fermentation broth using electro-dialysis. Lactic acid can be estimated by HPLC using C18 column. About 29.11Kg & 10.633Kg of Lactic acid can be produced from ~343 Kg of wood rejects, which come from approximately 2.86 tonne of wood which is required for production of ~1 tonne of paper. Oven dried wood has a calorific value of 19 kilo joule per gram. After fermentation wood left out can be oven dried and its calorific value would be around 15 kilo joule per gram.
LIGTHSHIP COMPONENT MASSES IN PRELIMANARY DESIGN EXAMPLIFIED FOR FISHING VESSEL[Full-Text ] STEPHEN CHIDOZIE DURUComponents of lightship masses is important at early ship design stages in other to estimate cost of building the ship as well as aid later stages of the projected new ship design processes. A rational method is derived here giving new matrices equations for the estimation of lightship and deadweight of a projected ship design. The method is validated by calculation of component masses of a projected new fishing vessel. A comparison of the result of this new method with that of empirical methods of three well known authors ,D.G.M Watson, M.F.C Santarelli, and W. B. Wilson show an increase in value of lightship weights respectively above the rational method presented in this work.
Victimization as a human trait that defines the behavior[Full-Text ] Olga BarabashThe analysis of scientific literature allows confirming a significant diversity of views on the nature of the phenomenon of "victimization". Basically, the phenomenon of "victimization" is disclosed as a human trait, determined by internal and external factors. There are also polar views on the nature of victimization occurrence. The aim of the article is to study the concept of "victimization", to define the most appropriate in the meaning concept that reveals the essence of the phenomenon, which is referred to as "victimization", to determine the victimization types and means of its prevention.
Development of Bengali Automatic Speech Recognizer and Analysis of Error Pattern[Full-Text ] Farzana Noshin Choudhury, Tasneem Maksud Shamma, Umana Rafiq, Hasan Rahman Shuvo, Shahnewaz alamThe very first step for ASR was taken in 1932 and still this speech recognizing technology is constantly evolving. Although Bengali is one of the largest spoken languages in the world, a few works on Bengali speech recognition has been found in different literature reviews. There are still many areas on this field that are yet to be explored for improving the performance of ASR system in Bengali. To analyze the error pattern, a speech corpus was developed and an HMM based speech recognizer was built. Audio recordings were collected from different persons in different environment. The voice recordings were used for training and testing data. Then they were auto-checked and cross-checked with each other. Finally, the result shows the percentage of speech recognition success based on comparison.
High Performance of Induction Motor Based on New DTC-SVM[Full-Text ] Dr. RaaedFaleh HassanMahmood SawadiRahiDirect torque control (DTC) is one of the most important control techniques used in induction motor drives to obtain high-performance torque control and speed response. However, the classical DTC-SVM has disadvantage through transient, steady state and low speed. One of the most important defects is a high torque ripple and harmonics in stator current. In this paper,the proposed control system for solve these problems by utilizing space vector modulation upon the reference torque and flux (DTC-SVM). In this proposed control technique, PI flux and PI torque controller are designed to investigation estimated flux and torque with good tracking and fast response with reference torque and there is no steady state error. In addition, design PI flux and PI torque controller are utilized to improve voltage in d-q axis which applied to SVM. The DTC-SVM is applied to the three-phase three-level neutral point clamped diode inverter (NPC) which fed the induction motor drive. This paper confirms using the Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) technique for derivation of switching states. The proposed control is implemented using MATLAB/Simulink software package. Resulting tests which obtain from the proposed control is better than the classical system.
ANALYSIS OF E-PATCH MICROSTRIP ANTENNA FOR WIRELESS APPLICATIONS[Full-Text ] Dr.P.V.Sridevi, G.Prudhvi RajThis paper describes the performance of a Microstrip patch antenna using coaxial feeding method . The type of patch designed is E-patch with frequency range of (5-8 GHz ) C-band. As the C-band frequency is close to the terrestrial radio frequency it will get disturbed so the frequency considered here is the higher limit of C-band. The main applications of this antenna are Wi-Fi, WiMAX and GPS. Various parameters describe the performance of the antenna like return loss, VSWR, Gain, Band Width, Radiation Pattern etc. They are determined, and the simulation software used to obtain the results is Ansoft HFSS version 17.1
Economic Analysis of Rice Production in Akre city, Northern Region of Iraq[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. CumaAKBAY, Mahmud MuhammadMAHMUDRice is one of the most important crops that consumed as a health food and basic food for more than half the world's population and play is an important source of employment and reducing poverty in the Iraq’s economy. Rice production is one of the important grain crops and ranks second after wheat in terms of importance. The main objective of this study is to analyze and estimate the production function of the local rice crop in addition to the effects of inputs use, socio-demographic and economic factors of farmers on yields in Akre district of the Northern region of Iraq. To achieve this goal the data has been gathered by using (face-to-face) questionnaire with 169 rice producers in the study area. The Cobb-Douglas Production Function is employed to assess the effects of various inputs such as; seed, irrigation, fertilizer, Herbicide and Farm size. The result was revealed that that the coefficient for farm size, fertilizer, and herbicide were found statistically significant at 1 % level although, Farmers in the study area are faced with constraints such as lack of access to finance, poor storage facilities and the high cost of agrochemicals. The study recommended that credit facilities should be given to rice producers in the area so as to increase output and policy interventions aimed at protecting local producers should be put in place.
Mulateiro (Calycophyllum spruceanum) Stem Cell Extract: An Evaluation of Its Anti-Aging Effect on Human Adult Fibroblasts[Full-Text ] Figueiredo Filho D.A., Faria F.S.E.D.V., Rodriguez A.F.R., Vale P.A.A., Do Egito E.S.T., Marcal HIn the present study, mulateiro (Calycophyllum spruceanum) stem cell (MSC) extract was evaluated for its antioxidant activity and anti-senescence effect against hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced oxidative stress in human adult fibroblast (HAF). Mulateiro is used as a medicinal plant for the treatment of skin wounds, cuts, burns and is also known to help combat the skin aging effects, parasites and fungal infections. Cells were treated with MSC extract following the induction of H2O2 oxidative stress. The senescence associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) activity was used to evaluate the Anti-aging effect. MSC extract demonstrated antioxidant activity and anti-senescence effect against oxidative damage in fibroblast cells and suppressed H2O2 stress-induced premature senescence in a concentration-dependent manner. At 0, 01 (0,1%) and 0,05 mg/mL (0,5%), MSC extract showed a positive effect by minimising cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induced by hydrogen peroxide. These findings provide scientific support for the potential use of mulateiro stem cell extract in treatment of skin disorders and as a skin anti-aging agent.
ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS BASED POWER SYSTEM SHORT-TERM LOAD FORECASTING[Full-Text ] Asst. Professor Dr. Hassan A. KuhbaM.Sc,. Hassan A. Hassan Al-TamemiIn this paper, a multi-layer perceptron with back-propagation algorithm as learning strategy is used to train the neural networks. One of the important features of using (MLP) NNs is the weather variation such as temperature, humidity, cloudiness … etc., can be simulated as the most essential parameters that affecton the predicted load. The proposed method, by computation of the predicted loads for different parameters variations, is demonstrated on practical system (Iraqi National Grid, 14 load buses), and tested by 5-busses test system. The results of short-term load forecasting are obtained for on-line applications with high accuracy and reasonable error.
Effective Mechanism for Advancement of Monitoring Process of Educational Sectors of Underdeveloped Countries - A Study Based on Educational Sector of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Muhammad Zulqarnain Siddiqui, Prof.Dr. P. SellappanEducational sector of underdeveloped countries needs revival to promote the culture, education, research and development and to progress. Continuous measures are being taken to improve the overall quality of education. This research is based on a survey conducted on the educational sector of Pakistan. One of the important aspects to deliver quality education in urban and rural areas includes monitoring of a defined mechanism. Stakeholders of any educational system include Students, Teachers and Management that are interlinked and involved to deliver the best services. One of the key factors includes the dedication of teachers and students towards education that can be analyzed by the patterns of their attitude towards respective classes and courses. This research paper proposes an automated attendance mechanism that will be efficient enough to capture and update records timely on a centralized server.It proposes a real-time distributed system design for the collection of data on a regular basis that will help the education department to monitor all the institutions remotely by effective analytical reports.
A Survey on Design Paradigms to solve 0/1 Knapsack Problem[Full-Text ] P.Vickram, Dr. A. Sri Krishna and V.Sesha SrinivasThis paper analyses various algorithm design strategies to solve the 0/1 Knapsack Problem.The Knapsack problem which is a maximization problem where one has to maximize the profit of objects in a knapsack without exceeding the capacity of the knapsack.The paper compares different algorithms in terms of the time, memory requirements and programming efforts.Comparison shows that the Dynamic Programming and Genetic Algorithms Strategies are more efficient comparatively with other strategies. The paper performs in depth analysis on these strategies and specifies the limitations and advantages.
Stream of consolidation in high-tech industry[Full-Text ] Dr. Dragan KesicWe researched and analyzed development trends in high-tech, world pharmaceutical industry. We found out that pharmaceutical industry has been strongly concentrating and cossolidating over the last several years. According to our research outcomes, we may conclude that the most important strategic reasons for the intensive consolidation processes are the lack of new products, high investments needed for R&D activities to develop new products, globalization processes, and as well increased competitiveness in the industry sector. The concentration process has formed some new phramaceutical players in the world marketplace.
Comparison of Signal to Noise Ratio of Lower Atmospheric Wind Profiler Data using Signal Processing Techniques[Full-Text ] P. Krishna Murthy, Dr. S. Narayana ReddyThe main objective of the Lower Atmospheric Wind Profiler (LAWP) is used to identify the atmospheric echoes and estimation of the three spectral moments (i.e., zeroth moment, first moment and second moment) is most important for the study of dynamics and to provide continuous high resolution wind measurements in all weather conditions. The height profile of the wind vector can be improved by detecting the Doppler shift of echoes, so that Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) may also be improved. At present, we are receiving the LAWP radar data at National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL), Gadanki, India. SNR and doppler shift computation are important parameters in radar signal processing. This paper discusses improvement of doppler shift using Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT), Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Wavelet Transforms (WT) for LAWP signals. The threshold can detect the fake peaks that are adjacent to the actual signals. In order to get the actual position of the object, those fake peaks should be removed by using Peak Detection Algorithm. SNR for this LAWP data is computed for EMD and Wavelet de-noised signals are compared with the FFT de-noised signals. Results show that there is an effective doppler shift and 21 dB improvement in SNR after de-noising using Db11 wavelet for Lower Atmospheric signals.
Reclamation of Nanjarayan Lake by Using Bioclean STP Treatment Tirupur Corporation in Tamilnadu, India[Full-Text ] Mohan.S, Sivakumar.C.T, Tamilchelvan.P, Vidhya.K, Muralimohan.NThe demand for water in and around Tirupur region is very high as the water bodies are very few in number even the available water bodies are being polluted by dying unit effluents and other harmful industrial effluents being let out into the available water source due to lack of waste disposal units. Nanjarayan Lake is a 440 acre reservoir in the outskirts of Tirupur town, near Koolipalayam, off Uthukkuli Road. It is officially known as “Koolipalayam Reservoir” or “Sarkar Periyapalayam Reservoir”. Going back in history, we come to know that this tank was built by a local king called “Nanjarayan”, over 400 years ago. Hence the tank has been renamed as Nanjarayan Tank in the recent past. This tank has been a home for several inland and migratory birds for centuries. The water source is the Nallar River, flowing from the Avinashi big Tank and few sewage canals, carrying the effluents and sewage from Tirupur town. Eventually the water level has never come down due to the above sources.The flora and fauna of this tank attracts as many as 135 species of birds from all over. Inland birds like Spot-billed Pelicans, Painted Storks, and etc. It also brings in a huge number of species from other parts of the World during the winter. Starting from November, every year, various birds flock in to Nanjarayan Tank and spend their winter and leave back to their home by the end of March. A new method called Bio-Ozolyte method has been implemented and tested by us to treat and restore the water in the reservoir. This method involves three treatments they are biological treatment, Ozone treatment and Anoyte treatment. This method increases the dissolved oxygen level in the water and makes the water favorable for existence of organisms and fit for usage. If this reservoir is restored, all water demands in and around Tirupur can be met.
Possibility of Dispensing Cycle Slips Correction Process Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)[Full-Text ] Tamer F. Fath-Allah and Ahmed E. RaghebCycle slips may result in critical errors in the derived positions if it were not detected and treated properly. All previous works in this field concerned with detecting the occurrence of cycle slips, and hence, fixing the new value of the phase ambiguity. Then, the collected data should be re-processed to get the corrected 3-D coordinates. In this paper, a new approach was tried to dispense this traditional scenario. This approach is based on the modeling of the positional errors, resulted by cycle slips, using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The main reason behind the choice of ANN is its ability of relating different inputs and outputs without deciding previously the kind of relation (mathematical model) among them. The key for the successful construction of the thought ANN is the determination of the involved parameters that should be used as inputs.
Uses and quality assessment of cocoa butter sold in retail markets in Yaounde capital city, Cameroon[Full-Text ] Marlyse Solange Leng, Jean Michel Njinkoue and Robert NdjouenkeuThis study was carried out to screen the uses and evaluate the quality of cocoa butter sold in local markets. A survey was conducted in markets of Yaoundé capital city. Thirty cocoa butter users and twenty sellers were directly interviewed. In assessing the quality of cocoa butter, five samples were randomly purchase and their physicochemical composition compare to a control. Coliforms and mould were looked for to asses the sanitary quality of the samples. Analysis of data shows that the majority of cocoa butter users are young people between 25-30 years old. Cocoa butter is generally used in therapy and then in cosmetic and finally as food. The majority of users are satisfied after using cocoa butter but the quality of the product remains their expectation. Cocoa butter sellers are mainly famers. Cold processing is the extraction method. The result of physicochemical analysis shows that four of the five samples bought on markets are adulterated. For all samples, contamination by coliform is less than the standard limit. The presence of mould was detected in two of the five samples analyzed which can be attributed to an inadequate processing or a post processing contamination.
Artificial Neural Networks in Data Mining[Full-Text ] Ahmed Shawky Morsi El-Bhrawy, Nashaat El Khamesy MohamedThere are plenty of technologies available to data mining practitioners, including Artificial Neural Networks, Regression, and Decision Trees. Data mining tools can forecast the future trends and activities to support the decision of Officials. Some data mining tools can also solve some traditional problems which consumed enough time, this is because that they can rapidly browse the entire database and find some useful information experts undetected. Neural network is a parallel processing network which made with simulating the intuitive thinking of human, the neural network in data mining was not optimistic, and the key reasons are that the nerve organs network has the problems of complex structure, poor interpretability and long training time. Nevertheless advantages such as high affordability to the noise data and low error rate, the consistently advancing and optimization of various network training algorithms, especially the continually advancing and improvement of varied network pruning algorithms and rules extracting algorithm, associated with application of the neural network in the data mining increasingly preferred by the overwhelming vast majority of users. This paper introduces the Comprehensive view of artificial neural networks and their advantages by data mining practitioners.
Contact-induced change: Processes of Borrowing in Urdu language in India[Full-Text ] Ilyas khanThis paper explores the inferences from the language contact phenomenon in India. The aim of this paper is to assess one of the mechanism i.e. borrowing in Urdu spoken in India. With due course of time significant numbers of borrowings have been incorporated by this language. Generally, people speaks English language when interacts with elite class, educated people and for their social needs. Where English is a global language and has influenced almost all languages of the world. In course of time it has borrowed words from English. I have attempted to find those words that is borrowed in Urdu form different source. During the last twenty-thirty years Urdu has continued to enrich its vocabulary from English.
Sewage Sludge Management: A Case Study of Monrovia, Montserrado county Liberia[Full-Text ] Victor Emery David Jr, Jiang Wenchao, Yasinta John, Md Sahadat ShawpanSewage sludge management has been a problem faced by most developing cities as in the case of Monrovia. The management of sewage sludge in Monrovia is still in its infant stage. The city is still struggling with poor sanitation, clogged pipes, shortage of septic tanks, lack of resources/human capacity, inadequate treatment facilities, open defecation, absence of clear guidelines etc. The rapid urban population growth of Monrovia has severely stressed Monrovia’s marginally functional urban WSS system caused by the civil conflict which led to break down in many sectors as well as infrastructure. The sewerage system which originally covered 17% of the population of Monrovia was down to serving about 7% because of bursts and blockages causing back flows in other areas. Prior to the Civil War, the average water production for Monrovia was about 68,000 m3/day, but has now dropped to about 10,000 m3/day. Only small parts of Monrovia currently have direct access to the piped water supply while most areas depend on trucked water delivered to community collection points or household tanks, and/or on water from unprotected dug wells or hand pumps. There are only two functional treatment plants; The Fiamah Treatment plant and the White Plains Treatment Plant.
International Journal of publication[Full-Text ] This abstract contemplate on literature as activism which promotes the writer to think critically how this literature made known to be as an activism through the writings of Toni Morrison. She is one of the outstanding writers who contributed much on African American Literature. Her contribution to literature is highly appreciated, brought out the changes in the socio-political issues. African Americans were discriminated against and subject to racist attitudes. It explores the issues of freedom and equality long denied to Blacks in the United States. They often tried to exercise their political and social autonomy in the face of resistance from the white public. Throughout American history, African American has been discriminated against and subject to racist attitudes. This experience inspired some black writers, like Toni Morrison at least during the early years of African American literature to prove that they were the equals of European- American authors. The core focus of black feminist writing was based on racism, sexism, heterosexism, and classism in their lives.
Application of Pareto principle and Fishbone diagram for Waste Management in a Powder Filling Process[Full-Text ] A.A.A.H.E. Perera, S.B. NavaratneThis paper represents a detailed assessment on raw material waste generation of a semi-automated powder filling and packing process by applying certain quality tools such as Pareto Analysis and Fishbone Diagram. The aim of this study is to identify the sources or categories of raw material waste and analyse its underlying causes. Waste generation is an unavoidable incident in any production process which could even result in products with varied weights. The major waste source; “overfill” occurs when powder is filled more than the actual net weight resulting a loss in waste. Therefore identification of underlying causes for powder waste and a measure to minimize it, using monitoring and controlling is vital to maintain consistency of the product. In this paper, Pareto principle, a major statistical quality control tool is applied to identify the key sources of waste within the production line. In order to detect possible underlying reasons/factors, a fishbone diagram is applied.
An introduction to Soul Sets[Full-Text ] Nishad T MIn this paper human quality is considered as a Soul object and the set of Soul objects as a Soul set. The operations on the Soul set and the properties of Soul sets are introduced. It is proved that Soul set satisfies De Morgan’s laws. Some applications of Soul set are also introduced with examples.
A Novel Hybrid PEGASIS-MM Protocolfor Mobile Adhoc Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] B.BALAJI, B.SNEHALATHA, K.BABURAO, M.RAMMOHAN RAOWSN (Wireless Sensor Networks) are most widely used in recent years for information gathering from our surroundings. These networks use tiny sensors which use non-rechargeable batteries and are inaccessible. So these sensors must work under strict energy budget. So the routing protocols must ensure less energy consumption. There are cluster based routing protocols like LEACH and PEGASIS which works great for stationary nodes. This paper appertains PEGASIS protocol in Multi hop network for mobile WSN. All the simulations are performed in NS2.34 and accomplished results are compared with LEACH-MAE protocol and endow that the suggested PEGASIS-MM protocol shows improved results than other protocols.
Evaluation of Reliability of Coats-Redfern and Criado Methods for Kinetics Analysis of Olive Mill Solid Waste and Olive Mill Wastewater[Full-Text ] M. Y. Guida, A. HanniouiStudy of the decomposition kinetics is an important tool for the developpement of recycling and treat olive mill wastes to produce valuable products. In this work, the activation energy and the reaction model of the pyrolysis of olive mill wastes such as, olive mill solid waste (OMSW) and concentrated olive mill wastewater (COMWW) have been estimated from non-isothermal kinetic results. Firstly the activation energy values obtained by KAS method in comparison with Friedman (FR), Vyazovkin (VYA) and Flynn-Wall-Ozawa (OFW) isoconversional methods are: 150-176 KJ/mol for hemicellulose and 212-235 KJ/mol for cellulose of OMSW and 132-154 KJ/mol for hemicellulose and 237-283 KJ/mol for cellulose of COMWW. Secondly, the appropriate conversion model of the process was determined by Coats-Redfern and Criado methods. The pyrolysis reaction models of OMSW and COMWW are described by reaction order Fn, second order (F2) for cellulose and hemicelluloses of OMSW and COMWW. Whereas the hemicelluloses of OMSW and COMWW following a kinetic model of F1 (First order) and D1 (One-dimensional diffusion), respectively.