Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2015 .
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Improvement of Plywood Surface with Urethane Acrylate (M-1200) by UV Curing: Effect of Diluent Monomers and Surface Pretreatment on Physico-Mechanical and Degradable Properties[Full-Text ] A. M. Sarwaruddin Chowdhury, Syed Rashedul Alam, Haran C. Biswas, Pinku Poddar, Zinia Nasreen and Ruhul A. KhanA set of formulations were prepared from oligomer urethane acrylate (M-1200). This oligomer is very sticky at room temperature and it was diluted with diluent monomer to reduce its viscosity so the formulated solutions could be easily coated on a substrate to prepare thin polymer film. The reactive diluents are a tri-functional monomer, trimethylolpropanetriacrylate (TMPTA) and 2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1, 3-propanediolthrmethacrylate (EHMPTME).
A COMPARATIVE INQUIRY OF PATH LOSS ANALYSIS FOR GSM NETWORK USING OKUMURA-HATA MODEL FOR SURULERE AREA IN LAGOS STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] UKHUREBOR Kingsley EghonghonSurulere, Lagos State have experienced rapid growth in GSM network, as the number of subscribers of GMS phone user increases the spectral efficiency becomes more critical because the frequency allocation is limited. This research is aimed at using a Model that can help in planning better GSM network and to address the defects and complains of the poor quality of GSM network services in Surulere area in Lagos State by consumers/subscribers.
Effects of anthropogenic activities on soil carbon storage and compactness in coastal plain soil of tropical urban area[Full-Text ] Udebuani A.C, Obasi K O, Ezeji E U, Okereke J N, Anyado S. O, Dike-Ndudim J. N and Enekwu E.C The study on the impact of anthropogenic activities of a tropical urban soil; effects of different land use on bulk density, relative bulk density and their capacity to store carbon were investigated using several key soil physical and chemical properties such as ammonium acetate methods used for determination of cation exchange capacity. Results obtained showed the soil textural class to be sandy in all the land used area. Moisture content and porosity were highest in the automobile servicing area. Bulk density (1.50g/cm3) and relative bulk density (0.82g/cm3) were highest in soil samples from commercial area. Automobile servicing area had the lowest soil pH (5.1), compared to other land use areas, which had it pH ranging from 6.2 – 7.5. The highest value of exchangeable base was obtained also from automobile servicing area compared to other anthropogenic active areas. There is a considerable variation in the total carbon storage from different land uses with the highest carbon storage obtained from automobile servicing area (570.5 g/cm3), this is followed by soil samples from commercial areas (370.0 g/cm3). The lowest value of carbon storage was obtained from institutional area. The major effect of anthropogenic activity is on soil organic matter (OM); therefore the degree of compactness was as a result of the impact on organic matter. Result of this present investigation shows that anthropogenic activities in urban environment affect the compactness and carbon storage of soil.
Geoelectric and Physiochemical Evaluation of ABUAD Groundwater Potential, Southwestern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ogundana, A.K , Okunade A., Aladesanmi A. O., Olutomilola O.OA geoelectric and physiochemical evaluation of ABUAD groundwater potential was carried out to determine the quality of water in the boreholes in the school. A total of fourteen boreholes were investigated namely; borehole 1-14. Vertical electrical sounding (VES) using schlumberger electrode configuration was carried out to evaluate the groundwater potential of each of the boreholes (VES 1-14). Physiochemical tests were also carried out on the 14 boreholes to determine the quality of the water being produced. The electrical sounding conducted revealed that the study area has low to medium groundwater potential with clayey-sand, weathered and fractured basements constituting the aquiferous zones with an average depth range of 20-40m from the surface. Results of the physiochemical parameters revealed temperature ranges from 24.0-27.0 with average value of 24.00C. pH, TDS and EC revealed ranges of 6.3-7.7, 51.9-82.01mg/l, and 76.0-110.2µs/cm with the average values of 6.9, 68.7mg/l and 92.4µs/cm respectively. These parameters are well within WHO and NSDWO acceptable limits, however, the hydrochemical parameters need to be analysed.
Generalized Relative Lower Order of Entire Function of Two Complex Variables[Full-Text ] Rakesh Kumar, Balram Prajapati, Anupma RastogiIn this paper we introduce the idea of the generalized relative order of entire function of two complex variables are discussed in this paper.
Deployment Plan for Next Generation Networks[Full-Text ] Eshani M PatelService convergence for digitization of the content over internet and packet based information transport, above the economies of scale, rapid rise in requirement of network for flexible service delivery, reduction of capital and operating costs. Changes in telecom policy and regulation, ever increasing competition have been key factors which lead to the evolution of Next Generation Networks (NGN).Telecom service providers worldwide are migrating their network architecture towards for deployment of new next generation networks to meet the market competitive edge.
Epidural Steroid along with midazolam for low back pain with sciatica[Full-Text ] Dr vasudha Ranjeetsinha jadhav, Dr Ranjeetsinha Jadhav, Dr Satish mehta, Dr manisha patil, Dr Trupti DeshpandeLow back pain continues to be a leading cause of disability.It is the commonest complain of most of the patients presenting to the pain clinic and orthopaedic Out patient department. The cost to society and the patient in the form of time lost at work ,compensation and treatment is staggering.
PREVALENCE OF THYROID HORMONE ABNORMALITIES AMONG PREGNANT WOMEN[Full-Text ] Aneesh.P, Sruthi.K.C, Jisha.P, Jeena Sharafudheen, Dr.A.P KrishnaObjective: The aim of present study was to identify thyroid abnoramilties-Hypothroidism, hyperthyroidism and autoimmune diseases in women during pregnancy.
Study of mercury induced morphological and biochemical changes in gill of Cirrhinus mrigala[Full-Text ] V. R. ChavanPollution due to heavy metals is a major ecological concern due to its impact on human health through food chain. Mercury (Hg) is highly toxic, nonessential, persistent, immutable and nonbiodegradable metal and is highly toxic to animals and cause death and sub lethal pathology of aquatic animals.
Risk of CAD in adolescents[Full-Text ] Ms Shobha GaikwadAdolescence (10-19 years) is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood and involves rapid change in growth. Childhood overweight and obesity is known to be associated with higher prevalence of other cardiovascular risk factors, including hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, and type II diabetes and subsequent cardiovascular disease later in life. In childhood, excess weight is associated with poor lifestyle, including sedentary habits, and lack of physical activity. Poor nutrition, such as low intake of fruits, vegetables, fibre and high consumption of energy dense foods, also may contribute to excess weight gain.
A NOVEL PATHOGENICITY OF NANO- BEAUVERIA BASSIANA AND METARIHIZIUM ANISOPLIAE AGAINSTSITOPHILUS ORYZAE (L.)(COLEOPTERA : CURCULIONDAE)UNDER LABORATORY AND STORE CONDITIONS.[Full-Text ] Magda SabbourBackground:Sitophilus oryzae (L.) is a serious primary insect pest of the stored rice, wheat and maize grains Objective: The present studies aims to determine the efficacy of the nano-entomopathogenicityof the two nano-entomopathogenic fungi, B. bassiana and M. anisopliaeagainst one serious pest of stored rice, wheat and maize.Methods: The effect of the two nano-entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae were tested under laboratory at concentrations ranged from 1X10 to 1X108spores/ml and experiments were conducted under laboratory conditions (26±2 o C and 65±5 %RH.), store (in 15 rice packages were sprayed by the nano-bio insecticides (B. bassiana and M. anisopliae) at concentration 8.25 x 108 conidia /ml for each fungus) Results:Data showed that the LC50? s of the rice weevil under laboratory conditions after treated with different concentrations of the nano entomopathogenic fungi which obtained 45X104 and 57 X104 conidia/ml after treated with Nano-B. bassiana and Nano-M. anisopliae respectively.
INHIBITION OF ALUMINUM CORROSION IN 0.5 M SULPHURIC ACID SOLUTIONS BY VELVET TAMARIND – WATER EXTRACT[Full-Text ] A.O.James, Eziaku OsarolubeThe corrosion inhibition of aluminum in 0.5M H2S04 solution in the presence of velvet tamarind (VT) at various concentrations (0.5 - 0.25g/dm3) was studied using weight loss technique at temperature range of 30oC – 50oC. It was found that VT-water extracts acts as a good inhibitor for aluminum corrosion in the sulphuric acid medium. The inhibition efficiency of VT increased with increase in temperature and concentration of the acid. The result shows that velvet tamarind serves as an effective and non-toxic inhibitor of the corrosion of aluminum in H2SO4 solution. The inhibition may be attributed to the adsorption of the active ingredients in VT on aluminum surface. The adsorption fits well into the Langmuir adsorption isotherm.
THERMAL RADIATION ON AN UNSTEADY MHD DOUBLE DIFFUSIVE AND CHEMICALLY REACTIVE FLOW PAST AN INFINITE VERTICAL POROUS PLATE WITH HEAT SOURCE[Full-Text ] AJALA .O.A AND KEHINDE. O.OAn unsteady two dimensional flow of a laminar, viscous, electrically conducting chemically reacting viscous dissipative and heat absorbing fluid past a semi infinite vertically permeable moving plate embedded in a uniform porous medium and subjected to a uniform transverse magnetic field in the presence of thermal and concentration buoyancy effects was considered. The plate is subjected to a constant normal suction/ injection velocity. The governing equation for this investigation, which was based on the balanced mass, linear momentum, energy and species concentration, were solved analytically using perturbation technique.
Containers Architecture Reusing Shipping Containers in making creative Architectural Spaces[Full-Text ] Ahmed Hosney RadwanReusing and recycling of materials is considered as an important value in sustainable design and architecture that prolonged among many historical ages, from reuse of stone, wood, marble columns, etc.… the previous decades witnessed the use of many materials in creating spaces that can host various functions, not only for economic or financial reasons but also for environmental reasons, in addition to the expenses of getting rid of these materials or reprocessing them by any mean. From re-use of paper, till reusing steel shipping containers, various attempts have been made to explore the possibilities, opportunities and examples of creating many functions, projects, or even large buildings been constructed in this way, the wide increase of these applications lead to the emerging of a type of architecture called afterwards containers Architecture.
Digital Simulation Programming Technology of Contaminated Surface Water boundaries[Full-Text ] Najah Mahdi. Lateef. Al MaimuriA 3D unsteady model in homogenous anisotropic media is developed to simulate the contaminate transport in surface runoff. The model technology is based on a numerical solution of the partial differential diffusion-advection equation. A finite difference numerical solution is preferred. A model technology firstly requires to discretize the model domain into finite number of meshes and the implementation of the base map. The case study indicates that concentration ratio C/Co is lowered to be (0.1) at 1600m downstream of the pollutant setting point. The model is so flexible in the input and output of the data.
Euphrates Pollution Threats for Human and Fishery Wealth Survival in Al Hindyia City by using 2D Mathematical Dispersion-advection Modeling[Full-Text ] Najah Mahdi Lateef Al Maimuri, Arkan Radi Ali, Ahmed Mahdi, Kareem Fadil Abood, Abbas Ahmed Hussian, Afaf Rafeek and Adnan Mohammed ShihabA brief study is performed including mathematical derivation, conceptualization and computer programing to develop 2D comprehensive mathematical model to dealing with any environmental problems especially that concerning pollution accident. The model is capable to be used for solving a point, line and area sources. The current pollution process in Al Hindyia city which is located on Euphrates River proves the model is efficient tool to deal with any environmental pollution which may be occurred in stilling and moving surface water. The results shows that the point at which the waste water concentration reaches a zero value is occurred at 555m D/S the disposing point into the Euphrates River.
CATCHES ASSESSMENT AND BIODIVERSITY OF FISH FAUNA IN LAKE RIBADU, ADAMAWA STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Kwaji, B. P. and Sogbesan, O. A.The fish fauna of Lake Ribadu, Adamawa State, Nigeria was studied from June to August, 2015. Data were collected through frame and catches composition surveys. The catch assessment was conducted at the landing site; twice a week and fish were indentified using Olaosebikan and Raji (2013) and Idodo-Umeh (2003). Simple descriptive statistical tools such as simple percentage, frequency counts were used to analyze data collected. A total of 5,572 fishes belonging to 15 families and 29 species were identified in the local fisher’s catches. In terms of number, the Family Cichlidae dominated the catch, which contributed 28.86% to the total catch. This was followed by the Claridae (28.74%); Schilbeidae (15.54%); Mochokidae (8.0%); Alestidae (4.17%); Mormyridae (3.62%); Protopteridae (2.23%); Bagridae (2.10); Claroteidae (1.94%); Ployteridae 91.78); Dischodontidae (1.42%) and Cyprinadae (1.34%). The families Citharinidae, Anabantidae and Gymnarchidae each contributed less than 1% to the total fishes in the catch. In terms of weight, the Claridae family tops contributing 40.84% to the total weight of fish caught. Mormyridae is the most diversified family which was represented by 4 species. The study showed that Sarotherodon galilaeus (21.34%); Clarias gariepinus (21.02%); Schilbe intermedius (10.43%) and Clarias anguillaris (7.72%) were the dominant species in Lake Ribadu. Longer period study should be carried out to confirm the species and families of fish fauna in the present study.
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERIZATION OF BUILDING INTEGRATED PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS IN NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE LOCATIONS[Full-Text ] Martin C. Eze, Samuel C. OlisaThis research analyses Building-Integrated Photovoltaic Systems Performance in Northern and Southern Hemisphere Locations. Crystalline silicon BIPV system with peak power of 15KWp was used in the simulation and loss due to wire and inverter was set at 0.0%. The longitude was fixed at 300 and the latitude of the system was varied from 50 to 300 in each hemisphere. Based on the simulation result, it was observed that the annual output energy of BIPV systems increases with the increase in the latitude and systems in northern hemisphere produce higher energy compared to the system in the southern hemisphere. However, the system in the southern hemisphere is more efficient. The result showed that the optimum tilt angle increases with the increase in the latitude and system in the southern hemisphere have a higher optimum tilt angle compared to the system in the northern hemisphere and the hemisphere affects system orientation. The simulation was done using MATLAB and PVGIS.
A CASE REPORTS OF MULLERIAN ANOMALIES WITH SUCCESSFUL PREGNANCY OUTCOME[Full-Text ] A uterine malformation is the result of an abnormal development of the mullerian duct during embrogenesis. Reproductive outcomes are improved because of availability of diagnostic modalities like TVS, HSG, and laparoscopy. Increased incidences of miscarriage, preterm labor, IUGR, malpresentation, abnormal placentation are mostly common in bicornuate uterus.We here present a case of 25 years G2A1 on admission 36 weeks by LMP 35.5 weeks by USG of 15 weeks with ? bicornuate with IUGR with fetal distress FHS:-80-100BPM. Emergency LSCS was done, intraoperative findings revealed bicornuate uterus with single cervix.
Motion Detection in Videos of Visual surveil-lance Using Robust Temporal Averaging Method[Full-Text ] Sivanagireddy kalli, Bhanu Murthy BhaskaraThe video surveillance system are used for monitoring security in sensitive areas like banks,Shoping complex, traffic monitoring on highway, public places which are crowded. For the making of video surveillance systems smart, it requires fast and reliable algorithm for detection of the person or object motion. Most of the motion detection algorithms focus on decreasing the rate of false alarms for obtaining reliable and fast .In this paper we presented an efficient motion detection algorithm based on background subtraction using robust sensual Averaging Method by updating speed of the background model.