Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2015.
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INHIBITIVE EFFECT OF BITTER KOLA EXTRACT ON ALUMINIUM CORROSION IN HYDROCHLORIC ACID MEDIUM[Full-Text ] A.O. James, F.A. OdeyThe inhibitive effect of different concentrations (10%v/v to 50%v/v) of bitter kola water-extract (BK) on the corrosion of aluminum in 0.5M hydrochloric acid was investigated by weight loss technique at 30oC to 50oC. The percentage inhibition efficiency increased with the concentration of the inhibitor and the temperatures. The mechanism of chemical adsorption has been proposed for the inhibitor on the basis of the temperature effect and the values of activation energy obtained. The inhibition is probably due to the adsorption of kola flavonone which is the active component in bitter kola extract on aluminum surface. The adsorption of the inhibitor molecule on aluminum surface was in accordance with Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The results from weight loss technique confirmed that bitter kola water - extract (BK) is effective in reducing the corrosion of aluminum in hydrochloric acid medium and could serve as an effective and non-toxic inhibitor of the corrosion of aluminum in hydrochloric acid solution at the temperatures studied.
Comparative Study of the Performance of Two way and One Way DF Relaying with Co-Channel Interference and Channel Estimation Error[Full-Text ] Ahmed El-Mahdy, Nerin Nerin Ashraf, Ahmed Mostafa ElbaklyIt is known that cooperative communications enhances the bit error rate performance of wireless communication systems. In this letter, we show that cooperative communications also reduce the effect of channel estimation error and co-channel interference. A metric called signal-to-noise gap ratio is used to measure the amount of this reduction in decode and forward two-way relay network (TWRN) and one way relay network (OWRN) compared with the direct link between source and destination. The effect of different parameters on the ability of TWRN and OWRN to reduce the effect of channel estimation error and co-channel interference is studied. It is shown that OWRN achieves more reduction on the effect of channel estimation error and co-channel interference than TWRN. Furthermore, more reduction can be achieved if the number of relays increased.
Helicobacter pylori Testing as a Screening Mechanism for Peptic Ulcer Disease[Full-Text ] Zachary J. Degner, Josée P. ProulxHelicobacter pylori testing is not a suitable screening mechanism for peptic ulcer disease (PUD). A literature review was conducted to find studies that either showed association between H. pylori infection and PUD or proved the efficacy of the screening mechanisms for H. pylori. This was done to assess the possibility of using the H. pylori testing as a screening mechanism for PUD. Only publications written in English and available as “free full text” were utilized in the analysis. Search terms were pubmed MESH terms H. pylori and peptic ulcer disease. An association between H. pylori infection and an increased risk of developing PUD was found. However, the development of PUD was found to be a result of many other factors as well, most notably: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use and smoking status. Furthermore, infections with H. pylori only rarely lead to development of PUD as many cases of H. pylori remain unproblematic and often asymptomatic. Ability of the various tests for H. pylori to detect an infection was assessed and extrapolated to show sensitivities and specificities of the various tests if they were used in PUD screening. Although there is a small but statistically significant association between H. pylori infection and PUD, using any of the currently available H. pylori tests as a screening mechanism for PUD is not reliable due to a low specificity and sensitivity.
Synthesis and Characterization of Hypoeutectic Al-Si Alloys by Reduction of Sodium-Fluosilicate Using Powdered Aluminium[Full-Text ] H. S. Wasly, Moatasem M. Kh, Mohamed M. Ali, A. M. OmranAl-Si alloys and sodium aluminum fluorides were obtained by reduction of Sodium-Fluosilicate (S.F) with Al powder and molten aluminum. Different factors affecting the composition of the produced Al-Si alloys are studied. These factors are sodium fluosilicate to aluminum weight ratio, Al powder to S.F weight ratio and reaction time. The produced Al-Si alloys are self-modified due to sodium fluoride existence in the reaction's bath, which changed the morphology of Si crystals. This modification process assists in improving the mechanical properties. Microstructure examination, chemical analysis, x-ray diffraction, and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) are performed to characterize the as received materials and the produced alloys. The results indicated that the mechanism of the reaction was taken place as follows; when S.F is added to Al, the S.F decomposes to produce SiF4 gas which reduced in the presence of Al powder to silicon ion. The silicon ions combine with Al to form the Al-Si alloy and the fluorine ions react with Al and the residue of sodium fluoride to produce cryolite. The produced Al-Si alloy in this study is a high quality containing Si up to 12%, with less than 0.2 total impurities and the produced cryolite can be used in aluminium electrolysis.
Isolation and Structural Identification of Compounds with Antioxidant, Nematicidal and fungicidal Activities from Punica granatum L. var. nana[Full-Text ] Emam, A.M, Ahmed, M.A.M, Tammam, M.A.A, Hala, A.M. El-Dakar and Zawam,S. HanaaPure compounds have been isolated from methanolic extract of Punica granatum L. var. nana. The crude extract and pure isolated compounds have been tested for their antioxidant, nematicidal and fungicidal activities against three nematode species, i.e. Meloidagyne incognita, Rotylenchulu reniformis and Pratylenchus penetrans as well as three phytopathogenic fungi, i.e Fusarium oxysorum f.sp. lycopersici ,Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium rolfsii. The methanolic extract exhibited free radical scavenging activity against DPPH radicals (IC50=25.97µg/ml-1). Activity guided separation resulted in isolation of three active compounds namely; Cyanidin 3,5-diglucoside (IC50=5.2 µg/ml-1), Galloyl glucoside (IC50=4.1 µg/ml-1) and 2-methyl-pyran-4-one-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (IC50=5.5 µg/ml-1).
Power Quality Improvement using STATCOM[Full-Text ] K. JayaveluThe paper describes an advanced approach to power quality enhancement, mainly to flicker mitigation. There is described the standard STATCOM device added by an energy storage in its DC circuit. Its function is then discussed and modelled for active power compensation in addition to the classical reactive power compensation. A case study is provided for an industrial plant with 60 MVA electric arc furnace producing power disturbances, namely flicker.
DEVICE TO DEVICE DIRECT DATA RELAY[Full-Text ] Mallikarjuna Gowds. CP , Jhanavi S , Jeena Kasthuri RUnder normal circumstances, if we want to copy or move data from one mass storage device to another, we use the computer as an intermediate device. When copying data is your only requirement, it is overkill to use a full-fledged computer to do something so ordinary as to transfer data. However to operate these devices, most of the times we use an operating system which is susceptible to attacks and security breach. The disadvantage of using USB Flash Drives is that it requires a PC to initiate file transfers between one another and it does not have any wireless facility. As a solution to the above problem, our project aims to develop a device that allows the file transfers between two USB devices without use of personal computer.
DEVICE TO DEVICE DIRECT DATA RELAY[Full-Text ] Mallikarjuna Gowds. CP , Jhanavi S , Jeena Kasthuri RUnder normal circumstances, if we want to copy or move data from one mass storage device to another, we use the computer as an intermediate device. When copying data is your only requirement, it is overkill to use a full-fledged computer to do something so ordinary as to transfer data. However to operate these devices, most of the times we use an operating system which is susceptible to attacks and security breach. The disadvantage of using USB Flash Drives is that it requires a PC to initiate file transfers between one another and it does not have any wireless facility. As a solution to the above problem, our project aims to develop a device that allows the file transfers between two USB devices without use of personal computer.
Intrusion Detection in KDD99 Dataset: A Review[Full-Text ] Megha Jain Gowadiya, Anurag JainWith the perpetual growth in the use of network services for information and resource sharing, which makes our work easier. Sometimes extensive use of network gets compromised with different kind of threats or intrusion which may fraudulent or devastate the integrity, confidentiality and resource availability. For detecting intrusion over network system has been designed which is called Intrusion Detection System (IDS) whose purpose is to perceive a variety of anomalies and intrusions. In intrusion detection system various data mining algorithm has been applied such as ID3, KNN, K-means etc. The analysis of different feature selection approach is performed in widely used KDDCUP’99 dataset. This paper, presents the literature study of different methodologies developed by researchers with their merits and demerits.
Improved Capacity Collage Steganography Using Discrete Cosine Transformation[Full-Text ] Nidhi AntonyNowadays establishing secure communication has gained increasing relevance. One of the methods used for hidden communication is steganography, in which secret message is embedded into a carrier without attracting the attention of unintended recipients. Among the various steganography methods that have been proposed so far a new type of steganography, collage steganography hides the secret message in a more secure way. This paper presents an improved capacity collage steganography using DCT.The secret message, image pixels, coefficients, header files are embedded into cover image by using object images with transparent features and affine transformation parameters. Capacity analysis is used to select the cover image. The appearance of cover image is altered due to object image used for embedding. Template matching techniques are used to retrieve information.
Energy Efficient Virtual Machine Management for Cloud Computing: A Survey[Full-Text ] Olayinka AdeleyeThe adoption of Cloud computing in IT industry has led to creation of thousands of datacentres across the globe, each housing thousands of computing resources and applications. However, energy consumption of cloud’s datacentres remains the major challenge facing cloud operations and its sustainability. Efficient utilization of cloud resources using various virtual infrastructure management techniques remains one of the strategic means of realising energy efficiency in cloud. Many research works on cloud energy efficiency exist, with some focusing on the infrastructure layer and some on the virtualization layer of the cloud architecture. In this paper, an attempt has been made to analyze various techniques deployed to manage virtual machine in an energy efficient manner. Although, the focus is on the virtualization layer, fundamental aspects such as the architectures, supporting technologies, methods, and overall cloud performances for each method will be considered.
Site Suitability Analysis for Waste Disposal in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria (Using Multi-Criteria Evaluation, AHP, and GIS Techniques)[Full-Text ] Abubakar Aminu Usman, Mukesh KumarIn Nigeria, Landfill is one of the most important method of managing Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). The landfill remains the last option for the disposal of waste in developing countries including Nigeria. This study was based on site selection for Municipal Solid Waste dumpsite in Kano Metropolis (Nigeria) using multi-criteria evaluation, AHP, remote sensing and GIS techniques. Eleven criteria were used for the study. This criteria were classified in to two: the constraint criteria (major road, airport, railroad, river, dumpsite, and a border). While the factor criteria involves population, advance road, soil, slope and land use. The study was divided in to three phase. In the first phase the constraint criteria were standardize using Boolean logic, a score of 0 was assigned to the restricted area, while 1 to unrestricted area. Then all the five criteria were overlaid to generate a restriction map. For the second phase, factor criteria were standardize using fuzzy membership, with a range of numbers from 0 –1. The factor criteria were then weighted using AHP and then overlaid, to get a suitability map. The final phase combine the result of the first and second phase to get most suitable sites for landfill. The result revealed five different sites; the Unsuitable site occupy 324 km2 (65%), Poorly suitable site covers 30 km2 (6%), the Moderately suitable site covers only 5km2 (1%) and then Suitable site covers 6% (30km2). Finally the Most suitable site for the waste disposal covers 110 km2 (22%) out of the total area of 499km2.
Development of a Shoe Attachment to the Existing Furrow Opener of Tractor Drawn Seed cum Fertilizer Drill and its Performance Evaluation[Full-Text ] Suryakanta Khandai, N.Mahapatra and M.K.GhosalThe plain shovel type of furrow opener mostly used in the presently available seed cum fertilizer drill has been modified by attaching a suitable shoe to it with a view to solve the problem of frequent soil sticking in the seed and fertilizer tubes and also to achieve the proper placement and coverage of seed in the soil. The performance of the developed shoe attachment to the existing plain type furrow opener was evaluated in the soil bin of the Dept. of Farm Machinery and Power, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha during the year 2012. Experiments were conducted in sandy loam soil and the effects of draft requirements of three types of furrow opener like developed furrow opener prototype (Furrow 1), plain shovel (Furrow 2) and shovel with shoe attachment (Furrow 3) were studied with moisture contents within 8-9%, 11-12%, 14-15% and 17-18% (wb) for four speeds of operation (0.8 km/h, 1.2km/h, 1.6km/h and 2 km/h) and for three depths (50 mm, 60mm and 70 mm). Soil strength was maintained between 800 kPa to 1000 kPa. Similarly, the furrow parameters studied during the course of experiments were furrow bottom, soil throw and soil coverage after passage of furrow opener in the soil bin. The data collected through experiments were analyzed statistically by following completely randomized design (CRD) method. It was found that the draft requirements for the developed shoe attachment were 30-35 % more than the plane shovel but soil coverage in the developed unit was found better and was about 100 per cent higher than the plain shovel at all depths studied. The draft requirement of the developed shoe attachment was also found very much suitable for the existing tractor operated seed cum fertilizer drills equipped with shovel type furrow openers only.
A Novel Hybrid Approach for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio[Full-Text ] Veena Gawde, Dr. B. K. Mishra, Rajesh BansodeCognitive Radio (CR) is a technique used to improve utilization of the radio spectrum. It is a software controlled radio that senses the unused frequency spectrum at any time. Spectrum sensing in CR is challenged by a number of uncertainties, which degrade the sensing performance and in turn require much more time to achieve the targeted sensing efficiency. Reliable spectrum sensing is one of the most crucial aspects for the successful deployment of cognitive radio technology. Hybrid spectrum sensing scheme is proposed which obtains reliable results with less sensing time. First, the scheme determines better an energy detection method, or a combination of energy and matched filter based detectors based on the SNR of the signal. In the combined energy and matched filter detector, an energy detector with certain value of threshold is used, and the matched filter detector is applied only if user is not detected by energy detection method. Second, sensing is performed by dedicated sensing receiver that is with the use of multiple antennas which reduces sensing time. To evaluate the scheme’s performance, the results are compared with those where only an energy detector, matched ï¬lter are performed. The performance metrics are the probability of detection, probability of false alarm and sensing time.
Lip Imprint Based Biometric Identification: A Survey[Full-Text ] Semonti Chowdhury, Satarupa Bagchi Biswas, Joydev HazraThe aim of this paper is to present a survey on different approaches to use human lip-imprints as a mode of Biometric Identification. The different approaches discussed in the series of papers could be classified broadly into two categories: Manually Implemented Methods and Automated methods based on Digital Image Processing and other machine learning algorithms. The method of accepting input imprints and the method of matching those imprints are distinct in different approaches, but basis of nearly all the approaches is the study of the groove patterns present in the lip imprints.
Degradation of Mangroves in the Coastal Zones of Ratnagiri, Maharashtra[Full-Text ] Balu L. Rathod, Jagdish B. SapkaleThe present investigation is an attempt to make an in depth study of seven sample villages i.e._ Anusure, Purngad, Ganeshgule, Jakemerya, Kolthare, Dhabol, Anjarle in Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra. The data for mangroves was collected from villages and tehsil revenue department. The data collected, was converted into percentage. The primary data was collected through questionnaires on the basis of perceptions of farmers and villagers. Besides this, personal visits were made to selected sample villages and observations are noted for acquiring correct information. Questionnaire has covered various aspects related to mangroves i.e. Function of mangroves, mangroves species, uses of mangroves for livelihood, mangrove protection/ conservation, etc.
Contextual Features Based Naive Bayes Classifier for Cyberbullying Detection on YouTube[Full-Text ] Mr. Shivraj Sunil Marathe, Prof. Kavita P. ShirsatWith the growth of the Web 2.0, online communication and video sharing websites has started emerging. This evolution on in-ternet is now allowing users to share their information and collaborate with each other easily. In addition, video sharing websites are helping users to establish new connections between people and promote their views, ideas etc. As a result, various malignant users are getting attracted towards these social networks. Among several video sharing websites (with social networking features), YouTube is the most popular & widely used website. Due to anonymity of content uploaded and low publication barriers, YouTube is misused by some users as a platform to post videos promoting cyberbullying, harassment and online abuse.
Simulation of Traditional and Proposed Switched Inductor Buck Boost Converter Connected with Photovoltaic Module by Simulink / Matlab for Analysis, Comparison and Results[Full-Text ] Anwarul M Haque, Dr. Swati Sharma, Devendra NagalThe role of power electronics converter is very important in the photovoltaic (PV) systems. The inductor of traditional buck boost converter is replaced by switched inductor circuit consists of two inductor and three diodes. Buck Boost converter is used to boost the photovoltaic voltage at the required high level to extract the maximum power from the photovoltaic module. The simulation of the photovoltaic array is realized with SIMULINK block. The temperature and the irradiance are specified. The Simulink model uses a current source, voltage source and the value of the resistance in series and parallel of the PV. The number of modules in series and parallel are set. The result is used for the Simulink block as a current source to obtain the voltage and current delivered from PV. It is observed observed that the buck boost converter is able to track the maximum power of PV by variation of its duty cycle. Increasing the load resistance PV still deliver power near maximum point. At the load side the output voltage is increased depends on the load conditions. The PV module gives the maximum power, voltage and current independent of the load.
Security of Data in Machine-to-Machine Communication[Full-Text ] Nivedita Gupta, Prof. Neeraj ShrivastavaSecurity of data is one of the most important issues in today’s high-speed and extremely complex environment. There are several issues occurred in web environment related to data security i.e. bugs in Web pages, wrong data in Web sites, fraud in card payment system and unauthorized updating in e-mail data and other important data in Web application. Web applications are very useful and an important distributed system which is depending on both client-side and server-side mechanisms. Web applications are used to provide end users in which client access the server’s functionality with a set of Web pages. Some attacks are identified in Web applications are cross-site scripting, SQL injection, cookie theft, session hiding, browser hijacking, and the self-propagating worms in Web-based email and social networking sites. These are the common vulnerabilities which affect the data security. This is the representation for Machine-to-Machine communication system, tries to makes contributions i.e. to create an environment where data is securely sent from one machine to another machine and can be used to help Security Improvement in Web Engineering.
Detection of Breast Cancer using Data Mining Tool (WEKA)[Full-Text ] Jyotismita Talukdar, Dr. Sanjib Kr. KalitaBreast cancer has become the primary reason of death in women in developed countries. Breast cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in women worldwide. The high incidence of breast cancer in women has increased significantly during the last few decades. In this paper we have discussed various data mining approaches that have been utilized for early detection of breast cancer. Breast Cancer Diagnosis is distinguishing of benign from malignant breast lumps.
Application of Generalized -expansion Method to Modified Regularized Long Wave (MRLW) Equation[Full-Text ] A.H.M. RashedunnabiIn this paper, the Modified Regularized Long Wave (MRLW) equation is solved to find out exact traveling wave solutions based on the generalized - expansion method using the computation software Maple-17. Three types of general solutions such as trigonometric function, hyperbolic function and rational function are constructed with some parameters. When the parameters take specific values, we get exact solutions. The extracted solutions are checked by putting them back to the original equation with the Maple software. Several three dimensional graphs of some availed solutions are provided to exhibit the wave pattern of the considered equation.
Assessing the Urban Encroachment Phenomenon in Egypt Using Satellite Imagery[Full-Text ] Rami Y. Khamis, Amr H. Ali, and Michael HahnThe agricultural land in Egypt is consistently threatened to diminish by the urban encroachment phenomenon, which extensively occurred after the Egyptian Revolution in 2011. The risk is considered particularly high since the fertile and productive land of Egypt is remarkably scarce and is profoundly shrinking due to the urban infringements. The unstable conditions of the country exceptionally allowed planned and unplanned urban expansion forms to appear more and more. In this research urban expansion is studied by utilizing satellite images with distinctly different resolutions and employing diverse remote sensing classification procedures. The analysis is based on a multi-temporal change detection procedure which identifies the urban expansion in terms of location and areal extent that occurred, comparing the situation before and after the revolution.
Intelligent transportation system as tool in solving Cairo’s transportation problems[Full-Text ] Ahmed Hosney RadwanTraffic congestion in Cairo has many causes: fuel subsidies result in cheap petrol and diesel, which in turn result in more private cars on the streets, meanwhile the lack of parking areas results in cars having to turn back or park incorrectly on the streets prompting further traffic jams. Although the number of metro commuters is high, the metro only reaches a limited number of places in the city. Also, public transport buses are few in number and outdated, thus prompting people to use other buses and taxis to get by. However the latter generally need to be cleaner, safer and be able to better load and unload passengers. There are also few areas for pedestrians to cross the streets and street peddlers often occupy these areas and the sidewalks, making things worse. Moreover, there are many problems related to the construction of roads where there are few street lights, stop signs and crossroads; people also find awful corners and U-turns that are either very sharp turns or are very narrow thus not allowing drivers to make smooth U-turns. Drivers also behave badly and irresponsibly added to the poor implementation of traffic laws, which causes the public to undermine traffic regulations. In this paper we will discuss intelligent transportation systems (ITS) which is a nontraditional tool for solving traffic problems in Cairo and holds great promise for public works professionals seeking to optimize those public investment strategies that deal with traffic congestion and other growth pressures. Advanced traffic and fleet management systems as well as traveler information and vehicle-based systems can take advantage of information technology advances and private market products to substantially improve the productivity, connectivity, and safety of transportation, and its application in Cairo to improve traffic.
MORPHOLOGICAL LATICE MICROGRAPH PROPERTIES OF COW BONES COLLAGENOUS UNMODIFIED AND HYDROPHOBICALLY MODIFIED GELATIN FILM[Full-Text ] MUHAMMAD DAHIRU FARURUWA*, SYLVESTER SIMON AGABA, FELIX J O SYLVESTERCollagen is the main connective protein in the body of an animal predominantly found in the bones and skin of mammals. It is the primary source for gelatin recovery when subjected to a denaturing process at a control temperature. The aim of this study is to extract gelatin by hydrolysis, modified and determining by gravimetrical and scan electron micrograph characteristics of both the unmodified and fatty acid ester modified gelatin; the gelatin extraction percentage yield on a dry basis from collagenous cow bone after 20 hrs hydrolysis is 23.2%. The modified gelatine film subjected to hydrophocity test shows that water vapour transmission capacity of 3.9 x 10-8 gmm-1pa-1hr-1 was experimentally obtained by gravimetry desiccant method which implied that the hydrophobicity of the modified gelatine film is high to a stable accuracy. Comparison of microstructural and morphological properties of unmodified and hydrophobically modified gelatine films shows that a face cubic center (FCC) plane grain boundaries with a fibre internal structure of 1.29µm, 2.4 µm and 7.88 µm and pore average height, thickness area of 0.41µm2, 1.44 µm2 and 103.10 µm2 respectively at a stable frequency were noticed in the unmodified gelatine and this explaine it brittle and surface wettability behavior. The hydrophobically modified gelatine has a rough surface region of a micro-structural morphology of a body cubic center (BCC) micrograph with a semi-crystalline lattice structure due to the present of a rod-like curve amorphous solid and a tetrahedron ice crystal solid on a rough surface region with fibre internal structure of 757.07 nm, 4.18µm, and 14.01µm and pores of average dept, thickness and area of 0.41 µm2, 2.32 µm2 and 22.98 µm2. Roughness of the surface region confirmed it hydrophobicity ability. The modified gelatin obtained from collagenous cow bones formulated an environmentally friendly bioplastizer or binder for explosive synthesis.
Isolation and Identification of Blastocystis hominis isolated from Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients using Phenotypic and Genotypic Methods[Full-Text ] Adnan Hamad Uobeed, Ghada Basil Ali, Shams Kareem MohammedThe current study was tried to detect the role of Blastocystis hominis in the pathogenicity of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with their’s coexistence by using the phenotypic methods by microscopic and culture and genotypic methods by PCR. The present study was conducted on 127 patients (62 males and 65 females) attended to Al-Hussein Teaching Hospital in Al-Muthanna Province from the begging of November 2014 to the end May 2015. The patients were diagnosed clinically by physician whom suffering from IBS; Patients were interviewed directly by using anonymous questionnaire form which age, gender, type of water and residence area.Inaddition to that acontrol group of 40 apparently healthy individuals (18 males and 22 females) whom were without any history of disease included in this study. Fecal specimen were collected in suitable , clean , dry container , all sample was divided into three parts, the first for microscopic examination and second for culture and final part were quickly frozen for detection B. hominis using PCR. Microscopic examination by wet mount used saline and iodine and trichrome stain then demonstrated the B. hominis and culture method on Jones media for Blastocystis hominis and Detection of virulence gene is Cysteine protease (CP gene) of B. hominis by Polymerase Chain Reaction (RCR) where detect the virulence gene. Out of 127 samples, 43 (33.86%) were found positive for B. hominis by microscopy, 56 (44.09%) by culture and 58 (45.67%) using PCR. The parasite B. hominis represent one of the main causes of IBS.
Cryptographic Algorithm Based on ASCII Conversions and a Radix Function[Full-Text ] Y. Siva Rama Krishna Encryption is the process of encoding messages or information in such a way that only authorized users can read it. Cryptography to achieve a higher level of security. In this algorithm it becomes possible to hide the meaning of a message in unprintable characters by converting the ASCII value below 32. The main issue is to make the encrypted message undoubtedly unprintable using several times of ASCII conversions, Radix Function and a cyclic mathematical function. Dividing the original message into packets binary matrices are formed for each packet to produce the uprintable ecrypted message through the ASCII conversions, inverse cyclic mathematical and reverse radix functions are used to decrypt the unprintable encrypted message. The final message received from six times of encryption becomes an unprintable text through which the algorithm possess higher level of security without increasing the size of data or loosing of any data.
Voice robot control using advanced fuzzy control techniques[Full-Text ] M. Elsayed, M. Ib. Sokar, S. Abd Rabbo, M. El_ArabiNowadays, mobile robots has a significant status in real life and industrial applications. A mathematical model of the Tricycle Mobile Robot (TMR) as a closed loop transfer function is introduced. A prototype of TMR with steering wheel was established. The current research presents different control techniques of TMR with auditory systems to further enhance human–robot interaction. Controlling the velocity and azimuth angle of the TMR was discussed and examined by three methods. They are fuzzy logic controllers alone, fuzzy logic based on PID controller and Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) with the lookup table. All of each controller is examined with trapezoidal, triangular and Gaussian membership function, also compared with two inputs as unit step and unit sinusoidal input. The results show that the FIS with lookup table has the best output response and control signal at the sinusoidal input. Also, the minimum error signal occurs for FIS with lookup table with trapezoidal membership function at the unit step input.
Design and Analysis of Capacitor Assisted Extended Boost Quasi ZSI[Full-Text ] Rini Paul, Binitha Joseph MampillyThe quasi Z-source inverter is a very attractive topology because of its unique capability of voltage boost and buck functions in a single stage. But its voltage boost property could be a limiting feature in some applications where very high input voltage gain is required. This input voltage gain could be extended by the implementation of the capacitor assisted quasi-impedance network. This paper discusses a capacitor assisted quasi-Z-source inverter. Steady state analysis and design of the topology operating under continuous conduction mode is presented. Performances were analyzed in the steady state and validated using simulation and hardware results.
A New Failure Detector to Detect Failures in a Distributed System[Full-Text ] Sheikh Tania, Jannatul Maowa, Afsana Ahmed MuniaProcess groups in distributed applications and services rely on failure detectors to detect process failures completely, and as quickly, accu-rately, and scalably as possible, even in the face of unreliable message deliveries. Failure detector is a simulation application that is responsible for detection of node failures or crashes in a distributed system. It is impossible to distinguish with certainty a crashed process from a very slow process in a purely asynchronous distributed system. Some parameters are used to evaluate a Failure Detector such as complete, quick, accurate, and scalable even in the face of unreliable message deliveries. In contrast to previous failure detectors that have been used to circumvent impossibility results, the heartbeat failure detector is implementable, and its implementation does not use timeouts. Here we introduce a failure detector which is based on heartbeat message.
Determinants of Academic Performance-A Multinomial Logistic Regression Approach[Full-Text ] Sharmin Sharker, MD. Mujibur RahmanThe aim of this study is to examine the influence of some selected socio-economic, demographic, familial, individual students’ scholastic and institutional factors on the academic achievement in the 1st semester of undergraduate students. A survey was conducted by using a self-administered questionnaire for data gathering. The study participants consisted of 140 graduating students from six different departments of International University of Business Agriculture and Technology, Bangladesh. Some factors including: student’s seriousness about study during their 1st semester, time spend in study, and whether they had to face problem in understanding the courses have been identified as significant determinants of academic success of students. The seriousness about study found to be more significant than the rest of the variables. It has been also found out that the student’s current grade also significantly depends on their 1st semester’s grade. The findings of the study would help students to understand their strength and weakness and act properly for better academic achievement. It would also assist the parents and university authorities to have a deeper understanding of the factors influencing academic performance of students and take necessary actions.
RECYCLING OF LANDFILL WASTE IN THE MANUFACTURE OF BUILDING BRICKS[Full-Text ] K.A. El–Naggar, Sh.K. Amin, M.M. Ahmed, M.F. AbadirA landfill solid waste obtained from a location in Delta region –Egypt was used in the manufacturing of fired clay bricks by blending with clay, as eco friendly waste recycling process. This affords utilizing a priceless waste while simultaneously minimizing pollution. Raw materials were characterized for their chemical and mineralogical composition using XRF and XRD respectively; the particle size distribution of both clay and waste was assessed by sieving. Mixtures were prepared by blending up to 35% waste with clay. Brick specimens for each mixture were molded, dried then fired. Tests performed on the wet mixes showed that waste addition caused a slight decrease in plasticity up to about 20% addition. Also the dry compressive strength was almost unaffected by the addition of waste up to 25% addition. On firing for 3 hours at temperatures ranging from 700 to 850 °C the percent boiling water absorption as well as apparent porosity regularly increased on waste addition associated with a decrease in bulk density and hence the weight of produced bricks. One remarkable feature was the elevated compressive strength obtained on adding up to 20% waste and firing at 800 °C (25 – 30 MPa) that exceeded by far the standard requirements for normal duty clay bricks according to ASTM C 62/2013 (8.6 MPa).This was interpreted in the light of formation of diopside and anhydrite that confer high mechanical properties to the fired body. Firing at higher temperatures besides being less economical caused excessive black core formation resulting in bursting of the bricks for waste addition exceeding 10%. It was concluded that the replacement of 10 – 15 wt. % of clay by the dump solid waste site and firing at 700 °C, improved brick quality as well as contributing to minimize pollution.
Production of Liquid Fuel from Pyrolysis of WasteTires[Full-Text ] Md. Shameem Hossain, Dr. A. N. M. Mizanur RahmanWorldwide energy crisis forced the researchers to explore for new and alternate sources of energy. For the developing countries this problems are acute. Generation of any kind of waste is a problem to the environment. Some wastes have the characteristics of producing energy by different thermochemical conversion. In the present work, waste tires were pyrolysed in a fixed bed reactor. The influences of pyrolysis temperature, heating rate, operating time, sample size etc. on yield were investigated. The pyrolysis of tire was carried out within the temperature range of 300ºC to 600ºC. The optimum pyrolytic oil of 42.0% was obtained for tire pyrolysis at 450ºC. Higher temperature and smaller particle size increases the heating rate that resulting a decreased char yield. The cracking of hydrocarbons, resulting increased H2 content in the gaseous product, is favored by a higher temperature and smaller particle size. The physical properties of the pyrolytic oil were examined. The oil obtained was analyzed for their fuel properties compared with other petroleum products. The density and viscosity of the liquid was 935.1 kg/m3 and 6.95 cSt at 40°C, respectively. The higher calorific value of the liquid was about 37.98 MJ/kg. The properties of pyrolytic liquid were much closer to that of conventional furnace oils. It could be concluded that pyrolysis of waste tires may be a potential source of alternative fuels.
An Efficient Model for Developing Semantic Web Applications[Full-Text ] Tariq Shahzad, Khalid Majeed, Amir Ali, Abdul JabbarThe emergence of semantic web technology gave rise to the improvement of current web designing methods. Current designing methods provide a development approach for designing web applications that are only human understandable. To make the web contents machine understandable, some semantic approaches are required. Semantic web Design methodologies use ontology languages such as RDF, OWL to represent information internally. These ontology languages captured semantics, allows to explicitly expressing the semantics of different models, as well as the semantics of the represented data.
Depositional Processes and Provenance Determi-nation Using Grain Size Analysis and Heavy Min-eral Assemblages of Surficial Sediment and Stream Sediment Samples from Iwere-Ile and Its Environs[Full-Text ] Okon, Emmanuel Etim and Essien, Nse UdoThe sedimentological study of surficial sediments (colluviums and stream sediments) was carried out around Iwere-Ile and its environs in part of southwestern Nigeria. Twenty-six (26) samples of which 11 were stream sediments and 15 were colluvial deposits were collected. The samples were subjected to grain size analysis and heavy mineral studies using standard procedures and the data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis from where the textural parameters and mineralogical characteristics were derived.
Image Fusion an Application of Digital Image Processing using Wavelet Transform[Full-Text ] Miss. Devyani P. Deshmukh, Prof. A. V. MalviyaIn today’s era digital image processing has wide areas of application. One of the most important applications of image processing is in image fusion. Image fusion is a technique which is used for combining relevant information from two or more images into a single image. This fused image contains more information than any of the two input images. The fused image can have complimentary spatial and spectral resolution characteristics. We can apply this method in remote sensing application as well as satellite imaging application. In this proposed work, two images are fused based on the wavelet transform using different fusion technique. The objective of this Proposed work is to fuse two images in such a way that we can get better result which contain more information. The respected results will evaluate using parameters like Pseudo Signal to Noise Ratio, Root Mean Square Error, Standard Deviation and Entropy.