Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2015.
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Elimination of Hydrocarbon Contaminants from Synthetic Waste water by Soil Filter[Full-Text ] Houria MESSROUK, Mahfoud HADJ MAHAMMED, Youcef TOUIL, Abdeltif AMRANEOne of the major environmental problems today is hydrocarbon contamination resulting from the activities related to the pet-rochemical industry. Accidental releases of petroleum products in the environment are of particular concern. Hydrocarbon components have been known to belong to the family of carcinogens and neurotoxic organic pollutants. The present work aims to implement a system to reduce or even eliminate hydrocarbons; it consists in columns composed of a fixed bed of sand dunes of N’Goussa from the Region of Ouargla (Algerian South). Columns gave excellent results regarding the removal efficiency of hydrocarbons, since a yield of up to 99.65 % was obtained.
SUPER GEOMETRIC MEAN LABELING OF SOME CYCLE RELATED GRAPHS[Full-Text ] V. Hemalatha, V. Mohana SelviLet G be a graph with p vertices and q edges. Let be a injective function. For a vertex labeling f, the induced edge labeling is defined by . Then f is called a Super Geometric mean labeling if . A graph which admits Super Geometric mean labeling is called Super Geometric mean graph. In this paper, we investigate Super geometric mean labeling of some cycle related graphs.
Efficiency Improvement of the Hybrid PV/T System Applied on Kuwait[Full-Text ] Faisal Z. A. ALAZEMIThis paper presents a noel model and performance evaluation of a low concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) and photovoltaic/thermal system CPV/T systems to improve the efficiency of the PV sysyems. Two types of reflective optics are used with V trough and parabolic mirror concentrators of point focus type and the triple-junction cells (InGaP/InGas/Ge) assembled to obtain a low and high concentration system. The proposed model was built in the MATLAB/Simulink environment by considering constant PV cell temperature. The model adopts a mathematical approach in order to simulate and investigate the cell characterization curves including module electric and thermal efficiencies, thermal and electric energies provided by cell and module, and cooling fluid temperatures. Also an active cooling system of the photovoltaic cells is considered. The model analyzes the CPV and CPV/T system working for different time levels in terms of direct normal irradiance. The comparison of these systems operating conï¬rmed the improvement of the electrical performance of the concentrating photovoltaic/thermal system.
Isolation and Characterization of Bacteriophage Against Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus[Full-Text ] Mariem N. Mohammed-Ali and Nidham M. JamalludeenMethicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a major human pathogen responsible for several life threatening conditions. MRSA have the ability to acquire resistance to several antimicrobial agents and phage therapy is one potential option to treat this pathogen. The aim of the study was to isolate and characterize bacteriophages effective against a wide range of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). A mixture of ten MRSA isolates was used for the isolation of phage from wastewater treatment plants. Three phages were selected for further characterization. All three phages belong to the Siphoviridae family and have long non-contractile flexible tails. The three phages showed a wide host range against S. aureus. Phages ɸSA1 and ɸSA2 were resistant to a pH range from 4-10 while ɸSA3 has a pH range from 3-11. DNA from all three phages were resistant to digestion by endonuclease enzymes such as EcoRI and AccI. There was a high degree of mosaicism among the three virulent phages and with their ancestor phages of Siphoviridae due to their non-uniform access to the common genetic pool by horizontal gene transfer and recombination. Since some of the staphylococcal toxins are phage encoded, the presence of genes for such toxins was tested by performing polymerase chain reaction and all three phages lacked genes for any of the staphylococcal toxins, including staphylococcal enterotoxins (sea, seb, sec and see), exfoliating toxins (eta and etb) and the toxic shock syndrome toxin (tst), therefore these bacteriophage are suitable candidates for future use in phage therapy against MRSA.
Insights to Existing Techniques of Subspace Clustering in High-Dimensional Data[Full-Text ] Radhika K R, Pushpa C N, Thriveni J, Venugopal K RWith an increasing attention towards the significance of increasing data sizes, the area of clustering is still under the focus of the researchers. There has been extensive research work from more than a decade in this regards and still the problems of understanding the data with a shape of business logic is yet to be seen. Hence, this manuscript gives the snapshots of the problems associated with high-dimensional data and cluster analysis that finally leads to discussion of Subspace clustering problem. It has been seen that large scale of research attempt is dedicated more towards subspace clustering process and quite less for dimensionality reduction process. The manuscript reviews the existing technique and draws a research gap of the existing literatures. Finally, the manuscript highlights a conceptual framework in order to overcome the problems associated with the subspace clustering problem
Assessing the caries risk factor among children at age prom 4-5 using the cariogram program[Full-Text ] Jetmire Alimani JAKUPI, Snezana ILJOVSKA, Sanja NASKOVA, Marija PAVLEVSKA, Nexhibe NuhiiThe Cariogram is a new concept, primarily evolved as an educative model, focused towards simple presentation of the numerous factors which cause dental caries.For the realization of this doctorate, we defined and accomplished the goal, which was based on the assessment of the dental caries risk profiles, in examinees with primary teeth, using the Cariogram model. The research is carried out in a longitudinal study, that lasted 2 years, in which we included 60 examinees at a preschool age, from 4 -5 years (31 male and 29 male).
The Impact of justice in SHRM practices OCB and its consequences in sustainable business development of IT Sectors Chennai[Full-Text ] M. MunnaThe purpose of this paper is to explain how to influence just/fair SHRM practices corporate citizenship behavior in sustainable business development of IT sectors. OCB describe actions in which employees are willing to go above and beyond their prescribed role requirement. Some studies have shown that OCB are positively related to indicators of individual, unit, organizational performance. Empirical study was conducted. This paper focuses on clearly defining the relationship between just/fair SHRM effectiveness and OCB. This paper will also discuss the implications of the OCB and try to find out how to improve OCB through just/fair SHRM practices.
Screening and selection of Sweet Sorghum Varieties from India and Nigeria for Bioethanol production potential[Full-Text ] Ijeomah, A.U. and Nzelibe, H.CThe reducing sugar content of 14 Sweet Sorghum varieties at 5, 7 and 9 weeks of age were investigated using Dinitro Salicylic acid (DNS) method. Eight sweet sorghum varieties which comprise 3 Indian: E 36-1, ICSR 93034, SPV 422; 3 Nigerian: SWSV 2006-3, SWSV 2006-5-2, SWSV 2007-1; and 2 Indian crosses: ICSA 89002 X SPV 422 and ICSA X NTJ -2 were selected out of the fourteen based on the order of increasing reducing sugar content. At ninth week, ICSA 89002 X SPV 422 had the reducing sugar value of 149.38 ± 1.53mg/ml which was significantly higher than the other varieties at p<0.05. Two sweet sorghum varieties: SWSV 2006-3 and SPV 422 were subsequently selected from the eight based on field performance, susceptibility to hydrolysis, % bagasse yield, cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin content.
Energy Efficient Web Surfing for Smart Phones[Full-Text ] Mulik Umesh, Bora Sanket, Chavan Ankita, Bande JyotiNow-a-days we have observed that a lot of power is wasted during web browsing on mobile phones due to the special characteristics of wireless radio interface. Accordingly, we have identified these characteristics and have also taken into consideration the power consumption issues with the help of two techniques. Firstly, we analyze the energy consumption of the Android browser at popular web sites such as Facebook, Amazon, and many others. Secondly, to measure the energy needed to render individual web elements, such as cascade style sheets (CSS), JavaScript, HTML, images, and plug-in objects and also how to design web pages so as to minimize the energy needed to render the page. After that shows the results in the form graph and table format with related to those web elements. Our approach can reduce the power consumption and reduce loading time while surfing on the Android phone web browser.
ESSAY TEST AS A PREDICTOR OF STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENT IN OBJECTIVE TEST IN SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE GEOGRAPHY[Full-Text ] Gabriel A. OkaforThis study was designed to find out the relationship between students’ achievement in essay and objective tests in senior secondary certificate examination in geography in Enugu education zone of Enugu State. The study identified that the poor enrolment and poor performance of students in geography in school certificate examination affect those who have interest in studying science related courses in the universities. Multi-stage stratified and proportionate random sampling techniques was adopted. A total of 635 students drawn from seventeen schools were used Method of data collection was documentary information on students’ scores on essay and objections in mock examination in geography. In data analysis, students scores on essay and objectives were correlated using Pearson’s ‘ɤ’. The significance of the correlation result obtained was tested with T-test at ɤ 5% level of confidence. The result of the study revealed positive relationship between the essay and objective scores obtained. The result showed that even though the relationship was positive, it was not strong and there was no significant relationship. This showed that in most cases, teachers and examination bodies do not use table of specifications in setting essay and objective tests. Some recommendations were therefore made.
Efficiency of some bio-inducers in induction of faba bean resistance to chocolate spot disease[Full-Text ] G. A. AhmedThis study aimed to evaluate the ability of six bio-agents and died spores (DS) of Botrytis fabae to induce resistance of faba bean plants against Botrytis fabae. Among six tested bio-agents in vitro, Trichoderma harzianum and Trichoderma viride were the most effective bio-agents in inhibiting the growth of B. fabae.Under greenhouse conditions, spraying faba bean plants with the tested bio-inducer significantly decreased chocolate spot disease severity. The least disease severity % were recorded on faba bean plants treated with spores exposed to UV light (DS3), Bacillus subtilis and Trichoderma album at 3 and 5 days post inoculation with B. fabae. Under field conditions, all tested bio-inducer significantly reduced the disease severity % of faba bean chocolate spot disease during 2012/13 and 2013/14 seasons. Also, DS3 followed by B. subtilis and spores treated with chloroform (DS2) were the best effective treatments in reducing chocolate spot disease severity. Results indicated also that all tested bio-inducer treatments with superiority of DS3 and Bacillus subtilis treatments affected positively on the different growth parameters and yield components like plant height, number of pods and seed weight of treated faba bean plants under field conditions. All treatments increased chlorophyll, phenols and flavonoide, content in treated faba bean plants at 0, 3 and 5 days post inoculation of faba bean plants with B. fabae spores. The highest increase in the total phenols and flavonoide contents were recorded with (DS3) followed by (DS2) and Bacillus subtilis at 0, 3 and 5 days post inoculation with B. fabae spores. Also, all treatments increased peroxidase (PO), polyphenoloxidase (PPO), chitinase and β-1, 3- glucanase activities post inoculation of faba bean plants with B. fabae spores. The highest activities of all enzymes were recorded with Trichoderma harzianum and DS3 treatments.
Cancer Bio-Informatics New Future of Cancer Therapy[Full-Text ] Ayan Chatterjee, Dr. Uttam Kumar RoyWe all are very familiar with the name "cancer" which claims nearly 7 million lives each year worldwide. To fight against cancer different type of treatment approaches are taken and as time passes sophisticated research proposals are made. Bioinformatics is also not an exception. DNA sequencing, microarray expression profiling and genomic sequence analysis are different research fields under bioinformatics. Currently our adopted medical treatments are based on chemotherapy that are not target specific and maximizes the side effects. This article reviews and discusses recent advances in the treatment of cancer with the help of bioInformatics as many challenges yet to overcome in reduced cost and time. Traditional chemotherapy/radiation therapies are costly. It is better to have molecularly targeted therapies like ligand targeted therapy which are more targets limited, produces less toxicity and can overcome many drug resistance challenges. It is a challenge to develop accurate tools for delivering the right treatment to the right patient based on biological characterization of each patient's tumor.
Text Based Steganography - A Theoritical Proposal of Text Based Hiding Strategy[Full-Text ] Ayan Chatterjee, Gourab Dolui, Dr. Uttam Kumar RoySteganography is a useful tool of hiding information in ways that prevent the detection of hidden messages. It serves better than cryptography which only hides the content of the message not the existence of the message. The output of steganography operation is not actually visible but in cryptography the output is scrambled so that it can draw attention. In Steganography, Original message is being hidden within a carrier such that the changes so occurred in the carrier are not observable. It is a process of combining secret information with the carrier medium gives the hidden message. The hidden information is difficult to detect without retrival. This paper will look at a new proposal on text based information hiding technique (encoding or encryption) and steganolysis (decoding or decryption) technique on top of the existing text based methods. Text based steganography with digital files is not used very often since text files have a very small amount of redundant data. Using this technique we can hide more binary information with minimal number of alphabets. This method also provides a security on secret binary information.
Heavy Metal Concentrations of Some Fish Species Consumed in Ozoro, Delta State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] C. K Ojebah and K. EmumejayeThis study investigated the heavy metal concentration of commonly consumed fish species in Ozoro, Delta State, Nigeria. The four fish samples procured from Ozoro daily market; Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), Mud Fish (Clarias anguillaris), Catfish (Ostariophysi Siluriformes) and Croaker fish (Micropogonias undulates) were used in this study. Each of the fish samples were cut into three parts; head, trunk and tail. Samples were then oven dried and ashed in electric furnace at temperature of 4500C. The fish parts were digested using Nitric acid/Perchloric acid mixture (2:1). Heavy metal concentration was determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Varian Spectra AA 200 model). Results obtained showed that most of the metals were associated with the head. Zinc was the most dominant metal and ranged from 2.97 - 6.59mg/kg. Copper ranged from 0.94 - 3.13mg/kg; Pb and Cd concentration ranged from 0.06 - 1.36mg/kg and 0.00 - 0.30 mg/kg dry, respectively. The mean concentrations of the metals were below world mean average except lead. The presence of non essential elements (Pb and Cd) in the study calls for concern to the consuming populace of these fishes.
The Influence of Frozen Storage on Selected Physicochemical Properties of Pork[Full-Text ] Paulina Duma, Elzbieta Glodek, Magdalena Marchel, Mariusz RudyThe aim of this study was to assess the effect of freezing storage on the chemical and physicochemical properties of the longissimus dorsi muscle of pig. The assessment of meat quality involved the measurement of the pH, chemical content, water holding capacity, and cooking loss of the meat. The texture parameters measured included: hardness, adhesiveness, deformation, resilience, cohesiveness and chewiness. Findings of the study indicate that frozen storage at -20°C for 90 days did not have a significant influence on the chemical composition and pH of the meat. It was observed that frozen storage and subsequent defrosting resulted in higher rate of water loss and lower water holding capacity than was observed in the fresh unfrozen meat. There were no significant differences between the frozen and fresh meat in respect of the texture parameters studied.
Look into Brand Identity and Its Effect on Loyalty to Brand and Specific Value of Brand[Full-Text ] Hesam Jabbari, Sadaf YahyaeiBrand is one of the most valuable properties of each organization which its appropriate management can smooth the way toward reaching more contribution of market and more profitability in any industry. In this regard, brand identity, which is an intra-organizational factor and is one of the most important issues in the field of marketing and brand, has not been widely considered in previous studies. As a result, the current study is aimed to evaluate the effect of brand identity on development of loyalty to brand and its specific value in electronics industry. The current research is a survey study and questionnaire is used for data collecting. In the current research, Apple (a brand of electronics products), which is well–known in all over of the world, was selected for investigation. In this manner, all customers of Apple’s products in Semnan was considered as statistical population and a sample consists of 9840 people were considered in this study. According to the research findings, the effect of brand identity on both concepts of loyalty to brand and specific value of brand were confirmed in electronics industry.
Assessment of a gradient thermostat unit: Implications to field alterations at a 11.7 Tesla preclinical system[Full-Text ] Irati Markuerkiaga, Sandra Plaza-GarcÃa, Daniel Padro, Torsten ReeseModern high field preclinical MRI systems are built compact, with gradient coils that fit tightly in the magnet bore. Thus, heat generated during operation can be transferred directly from the gradient coil surface to the passive shims causing undesired field fluctuations that may affect data quality. The performance of a commercial thermostat unit that is designed to pre-heat the passive shims to limit these fluctuations is described for a preclinical 11.7 Tesla system. The main magnetic field is affected by changes in the cooling water of the gradient alone, indicating that a compact system design allows an efficient heat transfer from the gradient surface to the passive shims. Similar results are obtained when the gradients are pulsed. The thermostat unit that preheats the passive shims to 42.5 Celsius reduces the magnitude of the field variations by 90%. The in vivo experiments confirmed that the pre-heating of the passive shims is required, even for standard robust sequences.The thermostat unit reduces the field variation to a range that is acceptable for routine applications. However, any study that analyses spatio-temporal signal changes requires knowledge of the apparent irregular field variations created by the feed-back controlled thermostat unit.
Optical and Solid State Properties of Manganese Sulfide Thin Films Deposited Using Chemical Bath Method[Full-Text ] R. A. Daniel-Umeri and K. EmumejayeManganese Sulfide (MnS) thin films were successfully deposited on glass substrate at room temperature via a simple, cheap technique; chemical bath method. The baths contained manganese sulphate (MnSO4. H2O) of different concentrations (0.1M, 0.2M 0.3M), thiourea [SC (NH2)2] and Ammonia (NH3) solution which acted as the complexing agent. The effects of the bath concentration on the optical and solid state properties of the films were investigated. The as-deposited films was characterized by the 752N England UV-VIS Spectrophotometer in the wavelength range of 200-1000nm. The results showed that films deposited at 0.1M was found to posses high values of absorbance, absorption coefficient, refractive index , extinction coefficient and optical conductivity. Transmittance and reflectance values were low. Films deposited at 0.2M and 0.4M, showed an inverse of these properties. The band gap energy of the material was found to increase as concentration increases. It was found to be in the range of 2.4eV - 2.8eV. These properties make MnS thin film suitable as Spectral Selective Surfaces for Solar Energy Application.
Natural Language Processing and Python[Full-Text ] M/s Purwa MaheshwariNatural Language Processing is a subfield of computational linguistics, artificial intelligence and Machine Learning. Since, computers play a great role in transmission and acquisition of information, there is a need to make computers understand natural languages. Technologies based on NLP are gaining widespread acceptance. e.g. Smart phones, other handheld devices are making use of translators, various machine learning approaches for retrieving text written in Chinese or Spanish. Language Processing is emerging to play a central role in this multi-lingual society.
A Quasi- Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between Real Financial Events and Profit Management in Companies Accepted by New York Stock Exchange[Full-Text ] Sadaf Yahyaei, Hesam JabbariMany current researches in the field of profit management are focused on discovering unusual accruals. Profit management may be performed by accruals, real financial events or both of them. Till now, little works have been performed to identify whether unusual accruals are due to manipulation of accruals without the effect of cash flows or due to manipulation of real events which are effective on both cash flows and arrears. The current study aims to evaluate manipulation of real financial events through focus on variables such as cash flows induced by operation, optional costs, variation in inventory and production costs. Accruals are selected as an appropriate alternative for measuring the profit management. The results show that there is a meaningful relationship between operation cash and variation in inventory and profit management in companies accepted by New York Stock Exchange.
Evaluation of the accumulation of some heavy metals in the red beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) grown on two different soils and irrigated by wastewater from the SETP Bouznika (Morocco)[Full-Text ] D. Ez-zarhouny, E.M. Hbaiz, M. Lebkiri, S. Elanza, A. Lebkiri, E.H.Rifi, N. HabbadiThe present work aims at evaluating the metal contamination of the red beet (Beta vulgaris L.), irrigated by wastewater treated by wheat straw of Bouznika STEP (Morocco) and cultured on two different soils, one of Maâmora and the other of Bouznika. The results of the ICP-AES analysis showed that the increasing intake of raw sewage causes a significant accumulation of metals in different organs of the plant. However, irrigation with treated wastewater (EUT) allowed a reduction of the concentrations of various metals especially those of lead, nickel and chromium. So, with 100% of treated wastewater, the concentration of lead rose from 5,88ppm to 3,1ppm in the soil of Bouznika.The statistical study by principal component analysis (PCA) revealed the existence of correlation between wastewater intake and the metallic levels in the plant’s organs.
IMPLEMENTATION OF MODULAR EXPONENTIATION USING MONTGOMERY ALGORITHMS[Full-Text ] Manish Bansal, Amit Kumar, Aakanksha Devrari, Abhinav BhatSeveral algorithms for Public Key Cryptography (PKC), such as RSA, Diffie-Hellman, and Elliptic Curve Cryptography are used for secure communications. These algorithms require modular exponentiation as their basic operation. Modular exponentiation implies repeated modular multiplication which is computationally very costly as the large operands are used. Therefore computation time is very large. This computation time can be reduced by Montgomery multiplication algorithm. Montgomery multiplication algorithm involves three basic phases 1. Conversion of operands from integer domain to Montgomery domain. 2. Multiplication of operands. 3. Conversion of operands back from Montgomery domain to integer domain. A architecture designed to implement Montgomery Modular exponentiation using right to left exponentiation approach, which allows the parallel execution of modular operations “square and multiplications”. The implementation of Montgomery modular exponentiation is achieved on Spartan3E, virtex4 and virtex6 series of FPGAs for 4, 8, 16 and 32 bits respectively
Philosophical appraisal of stem cell research: A CHALLENGE to scientific RESEARCHERS[Full-Text ] Onuoha Jude AThe present day modern researches are faced with myriads of problems in their efforts to unravel the secrets of nature especially as relates to “human life”. What is the meaning of life? How can we improve on life expectancy? Is there any possibility of recreating or manufacturing life? These thought-provoking questions are both topical and tropical issues in our present day society and they are also major concerns of present day researches especially in the area of stem cell. This work is out to access, appraise and evaluate philosophically the progress made by modern researches. It also x-rays the problems encountered and solutions fashioned to enhance the result of the findings made in stem cell research.
Theoretical Studies of Non-Newtonian Behaviors of Blood through the Stenosed Artery[Full-Text ] Md.Mohiuddin, A. Hoque, Abdul Malek, M. A. HalimIt is known that the stenosis in the artery is responsible for changing the nature of blood flow from its usual state. Therefore, the flow of blood through a cosine-shaped stenosed artery has been investigated, treating blood as Casson fluid. The effects of stenosis height, viscosity, slip velocity and yield stress on blood flow has been obtained. The results have been highlighted that the axial velocity, volumetric flow rate, pressure gradient and wall shear stress decrease with the increasing of viscosity and yield stress but these increases with the increasing of slip velocity. The results have been presented graphically for a better understanding by choosing the suitable parameters.
Recycling and Analysis of Spent Engine Oil[Full-Text ] Md Touseef Ahamad, B. Purna ChadraSekhar, P. Narendra Mohan, K. Sowmya Joshi, T. Durga Rupa SreeThis paper describes an investigation to study the recycling and analysis of spent engine oil. Recycling the spent oil reduces the environmental pollution by the disposal of spent engine oil. In this paper we recycled the spent engine oil and the result of the analysis of the spent engine oil was recorded and was compared with that of the fresh engine oil and again we took different compositions of recycled spent oil and fresh engine oil and analyzed with fresh engine oil. Finally it is found that properties like flash point, fire point and viscosity of the compositions and fresh engine oil are almost comparable.
Effective policy for Advanced Nursing Education: A Necessity for Healthcare Sector of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Laila Habib, Md Shahedul Alam ChowdhuryTertiary education in Bangladesh has been regarded as one of the key performance areas in the education sector of Bangladesh. The national education policy 2010, the prospect of post graduate education in health science has been highlighted as a possibility in the future. In recent years, the main areas of focus in the national budget are the health and education sector. It is noticeable that the competence level of health care and education professionals are not up to standard. The necessity to develop competent human resources and engaging them in education and health care is also important.Even though there seems to be an abundance of resources in both sectors; the main concern is the development of infrastructure. In this study, the main focus has been drawn towards developing career prospects in nursing at post graduate level and also the different factors that are sought to be the impediments of education development in Bangladesh where the scope of infrastructural development and quality of education and teachers have been the main concerns in recent years.
DYNAMIC RESOURCE ALLOCATION SCHEME FOR AN ATM BASED ENTERPRISE –WIDE NETWORK[Full-Text ] Ajibo Augustine, Igboeli Chukwudi, Ani CosmasAsynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) technology is the transfer mode for implementing a Broadband-Integrated Services Digital Network (B-ISDN). ATM as a technology is recommended as the transport vehicle for the B-ISDN, as it offers a great flexibility in the allocation of transmission bandwidth in order to accommodate diverse demands of multimedia connections. Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) is a fundamental factor in network performance for an ATM-based bursty traffic. However, the fundamental problem in ATM network is defining the way available network resources are optimally allocated especially during period when the network experiences unpredictable bursty traffic. This work therefore, aims at developing an approach for determining the the optimum loading level and the associated QoS parameter values. A typical network was adopted, modeled and simulated in MATLAB environment using Simulink tool and results obtained were analyzed using Microsoft Excel.
Synthesis, Characterization of Schiff Base and its Complexes Derived from 4-Aminoantipyrine and using in Extraction of Nickel (II) Ion[Full-Text ] Israa Jirjees , Saher A. Ali , Haider A. MahdiNew Schiff base was synthesized by two steps. In the first step a solution of 4-Aminoantipyrine in Ethanol react under reflax with Salicyaldehyde to give a percursore compound which reacted in the second step with 3,4-Diaminotoluene to give the ligand .The complexes were prepared by direct reaction of the metal salt with the ligand (L): [ 2,2'-((1Z,1'E)-( (3E,3'E)-3,3'((4-methyl-1,2-phenylene)bis(azanylylidene)) bis(1,5-dimethyl-2-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrazole-4-yl-3-ylidene))bis(azanylyidene))bis(methanylylidene)) diphenol]. The liqand and its complexes were characterized by elements analyses , FT-IR , Mass and 1H NMR .Schiff base has been studied by liquid-liquid extraction twards the metal Ion Ni2+ from aqueos phase to organic phase . The study of condition of extraction shows that the optimam PH values for extraction was ( PH=9) in addition to the optimam shaking time to reach equilibrium was (15 min. )
The Performance of Surfactant Modified Bentonite in Removing Mobil Oil[Full-Text ] Sabrina Mostofa, Nipa Banik, Shirin Akter. Jahan, Samina Ahmed, Nahid SharminAdsorption of petroleum hydrocarbon (mobil oil) by bentonite modified with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) has been investigated in this study. Observed result revealed that modification of bentonite by surfactants hugely improved the adsorption of petroleum hydrocarbon as compared to the unmodified bentonite. Adsorption efficiency of organoclay increases from 15% to 50 % with various time interval.
Performance study of a Missile Autopilot for various state feedback models[Full-Text ] Sauparno Debnath, Sanjukta DeyA missile autopilot with incomplete state feedback system is considered. A cost effective model has been proposed which assures desired transient performance. A complete performance of the system like time response characteristics has been studied here considering various flight parameters such as elevator deflection, missile body rate in pitch and missile flight path rate. The design ensures to achieve a certain desired stability margin. Thus a choice of a missile autopilot configuration can be done. The performance indices of the system have been executed in the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment to get the different characteristics.
Evaluation of Chemical Composition of Selected Meat Products Coming from Traditional and Mass Productions Sold in Retail Outlets in Poland in Podkarpacie Province[Full-Text ] Dr Renata Stanislawczyk, Dr Paulina DumaCurrently the Polish market as well as the European market note a significant growth of interest in food products with specific quality characteristics traditionally produced for many decades, or even for many centuries. It should be noted that Podkarpacie Province in Poland is the region of the country which is in the third place in terms of number of products placed on the List of Traditional Products. The aim of this study was to compare the chemical composition of selected meat products coming from traditional production and mass production. The material for the study were selected meat products purchased in retail outlets in Poland in Podkarpacie Province. There was evaluated chemical composition of selected meat products: homogenized sausages, medium ground sausages, offal cured meats and smoked bacons. In said products there was determined the content of water, fat and protein. The evaluation of selected parameters of the chemical composition was made using Food Check apparatus. The research showed that finely ground sausages, medium ground sausages and smoked bacons produced by the traditional method were characterized by higher content of water and protein and lower amounts of fat. Only in the case of traditional offal cured meats was noted fat content higher by 2.1%. All analyzed meat products produced in the traditional manner were characterized by higher content of protein compared to similar products from mass production.
EVALUATION OF EFFLUENT GASES FROM A WASTE INCINERATION PLANT[Full-Text ] Opara, C.C., Nwadike, M. C., Evbuomwan, B. O. and Eniafe, B. OThere are several environmental effects which have been traced to effluent gases from different sources. In this research, evaluation of effluent component gases and residual ash from a medical incinerator was carried out.Monitoring was conducted in two phases. The first phase lasted for about 20minutes which covered four different sampling points on the medical waste incinerator location. Second phase was the collection of fly ash from burnt medical waste to ascertain the concentration of lead (Pb)and cadmium (Cd) in it.Sampling was carried at 100m intervals for TPM10, CO2, NO2, SO2 and CO2emission from the facility and the results compared with an existing standard set by government regulatory agency (the Federal Ministry of Environment, Nigeria).