Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2015.
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Phytochemical and pharmacological investigation of hot aqueous extract of Piper betle Linn. leaves and its combination with coffee powder prepared by Bhavana process on the central nervous system of the rats[Full-Text ] Sinny Kerkar, Dr. Madhusudan Joshi, Asmita KorgaonkarThe aim of the present study was to evaluate the pharmacological effects of the hot aqueous extract of the leaves of Piper betle Linn. and its combination with coffee powder prepared by the Bhavana process on the central nervous system of rats. This study also involved preliminary screening of the phyto-constituents present in both the extract and the preparation.Different animal models were used to evaluate the pharmacological activity of the extract and the preparation which was administered continuously for seven days to the rats by the oral route. Elevated plus maze was used to test the ant-anxiety activity whereas Hot plate analgesiometer was used to determine the analgesic activity. The effect on the skeletal muscle co-ordination was assessed using rotamex instrument whereas the effect on learning and memory was assessed using Morris water maze. Diazepam (4 mg/kg) and Pentazocine (5 mg/kg) were used as positive control. The readings were recorded on day 1, day 4 and day 7 at 1hour, 4hour and at 8hour interval.The readings were statistical analysed by one-way Anova followed by Dunnett’s test. It was found that none of the administered test compounds showed anti-anxiety activity. The hot aqueous extract of Piper betle showed marginal whereas Bhavana preparation showed dose dependent significant analgesic activity. None of the test compounds showed skeletal muscle relaxation activity. In case of learning and memory all test compounds that is coffee extract, hot aqueous extract of Piper betle and the Bhavana preparation at both the doses showed significant activity.
Glass ceiling: a perspective of women working in Karachi, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Sana Mobin,Samreen LodhiIn this 21st century the concept of glass ceiling follow in many organizations. We can say that there is an improvement not cut from the root. There are so many women are who are very talented, expressive, more cooperative, more foster, critical analyzer, stress manager as compare to men but unfortunately no able prove themselves because of this concept. This is also happening when women’s have no support from their friends and family.The main reason of this research is find out why this is happening still in this 21st century. Although peoples of this era are more educated and board minded but somewhere this concept is follow by their selves. In this period because of high inflation rate it is not possible that one man can full the stomach of six to seven peoples of their family members. It is time of full participation from the side of women. So this is clear from the result that still in this 21st century the concept of gender discrimination is follow by many organization and the social norms which greatly affects the women’s skill and talent.The independent variables of this research include; gender discrimination, social norms, family influence and the dependent variables are: education, skills and success.
Glass ceiling: a perspective of women working in Karachi[Full-Text ] Sana MobinIn this 21st century the concept of glass ceiling follow in many organizations. We can say that there is an improvement not cut from the root. There are so many women are who are very talented, expressive, more cooperative, more foster, critical analyzer, stress manager as compare to men but unfortunately no able prove themselves because of this concept. This is also happening when women’s have no support from their friends and family.The main reason of this research is find out why this is happening still in this 21st century. Although peoples of this era are more educated and board minded but somewhere this concept is follow by their selves. In this period because of high inflation rate it is not possible that one man can full the stomach of six to seven peoples of their family members. It is time of full participation from the side of women. So this is clear from the result that still in this 21st century the concept of gender discrimination is follow by many organization and the social norms which greatly affects the women’s skill and talent.The independent variables of this research include; gender discrimination, social norms, family influence and the dependent variables are: education, skills and success.
Brain Fingerprinting[Full-Text ] Tejas Rajput, Shaunak Chandorkar, Aney KhatavkarDifferent technologies and methodologies have evolved with times for the effective deduction of crimes viz. Fingerprint testing, DNA testing , Polygraph testing (lie detectors). Brain fingerprinting is a new addition to this list and has proved beneficial. The basic idea is that the brain emits a unique brainwave pattern when confronted with a particular stimulus. This brainwave pattern is then studied with a well-devised algorithm and the necessary deductions are carried out to avoid any error. Brain Fingerprinting differs from the Polygraph Test in a way that it does not detect lies, stress, emotions. It simply determines if the information is ‘present’ or ‘absent’ and delivers a confidence based on computed statistics for each determination.Apart from criminology, this technique is useful in other applications too.
Wireless Sensor Network based Smart Home with Object Locating system for old age population[Full-Text ] Rasika Ranisng, Manita Rajput, Megha KolhekarThe objective of this paper is to monitor environmental parameters and find lost objects, based on Wireless Sensor Networks built using ZigBee technology. Existing indoor positioning systems help find objects using technologies like RFID, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. Recent advances in the industry standards and lightweight wireless networking hardware suggest that ZigBee is found to be well suited for Smart homes and automation systems. This paper aims at developing a Smart Home system integrated with an object locating system. In this system, various sensors like temperature sensor for fire detection, LPG sensor gas leakage detection and Magnetic contact sensor to determine whether any door has been left open, are deployed. In case of any emergency, a warning message is generated, and played through a loudspeaker and an SMS is sent to the caregiver, simultaneously. When the user wants to find an object he/she can click on the relevant icon on the front panel of the LabVIEW screen which transmits a message to the lost object. The tag attached to the lost object then calculates the RSSI from each reference tag and replies the reader with the identity of the nearest reference tag along with the distance from that tag. An indication of the object location is then provided within a circle of radius of this distance. Thus, safe, sound and secure living can be provided to older people.
Impact of employee satisfaction on customer satisfaction in telecom sector of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Humaira aziz,Samreen LodhiThe satisfied customers actually are the possessions of business, to implement enhanced business in this aggressive era, only employee satisfaction, reward and motivation amenities not competent to increases customer satisfaction ,but also other aspects in terms of organizations policies, high-quality product, product consistency, product features also required to enhance customer satisfaction, the findings of research concluded that only superior employees service to customers not lead higher customer satisfaction, result also explore that if companies have the policy to satisfy employee although if satisfied employees are not devoted ,realistic, competent, eligible and devoted with their work they not lead higher customer satisfaction , the findings of research also explore that it’s not necessary that merely trained and motivated employees increases customer satisfaction a lot of the other aspect also required for higher customer satisfaction, a few kind of training for employees is needed, but training of employees also include many negative aspect also, such as employees leave for better job, high training cost , wastage of time moreover if employees not have higher job satisfaction in terms of promotion, recognition it decreases employee morale as a result they not interested to entertained customers effectively either they are trained or not also if organizations motivated their employees through financial and another assertive but the employee is not enough qualified, , reliable, skilful, and knowledgeable to respond and satisfy customer requirements easily which lead poor customer satisfaction, to explore the correct result ,SPSS software used, study is descriptive in nature, a structured questionnaire was design to collect data, by using primary data the objective used for likerd scale were, strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree, a questionnaire was close handed, the questionnaire was distributed among 220 employees and customers of mobilink, zong, warid, uphone, telenor out of which 170 forms were collected , qualitative data collection is taken to analyze the result, result concluded that employee satisfaction is not lead customer satisfaction.
Numerical Investigation of loaded and unloaded diffuser equipped with a flange[Full-Text ] Farouk Owisa, M .T. S. Badawyb, K. A. Abedb, H. E. Fawazb, Amr ElfekybNumerical investigations were carried out for flow fields of a flanged diffuser wind turbine. Influence of expansion angle, diffuser length, flange height and load factor on the flow field described by velocity contours, static pressure contours and streamlines was investigated. A commercial package “ANSYS FLUENT 14.5" is used as a solver, while Gambit program is used for constructing the problem domain and mesh generation. The results showed that increasing the expansion angle leads to accelerate the flow through the diffuser when the angles are between 0° and 12° where the flow field is characterized by undisturbed streamline flows, after that the expansion angle effect become negligible as the secondary fluid circulation is generated near the end of the diffuser and grow with expansion angle. Also increasing the diffuser length accelerates the flow entering the diffuser until the diffuser length to inlet diameter ratio reaches a value of 1.25. After that, a recirculation zone is formed at the end of the diffuser. A high pressure region is formed in front of the diffuser flange and a low pressure region is generated behind it. The intensity and area coverage of these regions increase with flange height which leads to increase the overall flow speed inside the diffuser till flange height to diffuser inlet diameter ratio reaches to 0.75, it is found that by increasing the load factor Ct the acceleration factor decreases until reached to a value of Ct equal to 0.95, at this value of the load factor the acceleration factor still > 1. In another word the designed diffuser is still effective and able to increase the air velocity passing through it. By increasing Ct more than 0.95 the diffuser will not be effective in increasing the velocity passing through it and the acceleration factor will be lower than 1. also it is concluded that the best diffuser load is estimated to be in the range of 0.4 to 0.95.
Flexural Strength Properties of Slurry Infiltrated Fibrous Concrete (SIFCON) Beams using Miraculous Berry (Thaumatococcus daniellii) Fiber as Reinforcement[Full-Text ] Olufemi S. Awogboro, Oladipupo S. Olafusi, Festus A. Olutoge, Isaac B. OniThis study investigated the flexural characteristics of slurry infiltrated fibrous concrete made with miraculous berry fiber (thaumatococcus daniellii) thereby assessing its potentials as a replacement for steel reinforcing material for economical construction methods. The stems of the miraculous berry plant were collected, freed of their inner central pith with their hard bark remaining, which are the fibers. They were sun-dried, cut in sizes of 400 mm and 80 mm to fit into 100 x 100 x 500 mm beam molds. The fibers were infiltrated with cement slurry at the tension zone of the beams to 10 mm, 20 mm and 30 mm thicknesses and filled up with 90 mm, 80 mm and 70 mm thickness of concrete. Plain concrete beams without cement slurry and fiber were cast to act as control. The fiber was subjected to tensile test and the cast beams to flexural strength examinations. The result showed that the miraculous berry fiber possessed a tensile strength of 48.38 MPa and the height and volume of the slurry infiltration significantly influence the failure loads that caused deflection, cracking and ultimate failure.
Study the role of lipid profile in the incidence of benign breast tumors in the women[Full-Text ] Ms.c Jenan Mahdi Chani and BS.c Shaymaa,MhammedThis study is designed to investigate the role of cholesterol, high density lipoprotein HDL, low density lipoprotein LDL and triglycerides TG in the increased incidence of benign breast tumors among women.This study involved 80 women divided into two groups: control group which including 40 healthy women and benign group which containing 40 women with benign breast tumors diagnosed by the means of fine needle aspiration and ultrasound.The age of women in benign group ranging from under 20- 60 years, blood sample was collected from each women for measuring lipid profile (cholesterol, high density lipoprotein HDL, low density lipoprotein LDL and triglycerides TG).The results explained that benign breast tumors was more common in women with interval age 20-30 years. The results also revealed that the age at menarche and abortion were significantly P≤ 0.05 associated with increased risk of benign breast tumors . The results clarify a significant P≤ 0.05 increasing in the levels of cholesterol, high density lipoprotein HDL and triglycerides TG) in women in benign group in compared with healthy women, reflecting that increased lipid profile may contribute in increasing risk of benign breast tumors. Finally the statistical analysis of this study was showed that obesity reflecting by measuring body mass index BMI significantly decreased in women with benign breast tumors in comparison with control group, the matter that explain benign breast tumors less incidence in obsess women.
Improved Flexible Task Scheduling for Heterogeneous Cluster of Hadoop[Full-Text ] Mr. Prashant P. Mali, Mrs.Sunita S. DhotreNative task scheduling algorithm of Hadoop does not meet the performance requirements of heterogeneous Hadoop clusters. There are three native job schedulers of Hadoop i.e. First in First out (FIFO), Fair scheduler and Capacity schedulers. FIFO has a known drawback of no concept of prioritization of the jobs and no consideration of job size while scheduling the jobs. In Fair Scheduling the allocated resource may go unused if the user has submitted lesser number of jobs. The Capacity scheduler is more beneficial for larger jobs because jobs are prioritized based on their size. To overcome these drawbacks in this paper a flexible task scheduling is proposed which works on runtime workload adjustment strategy and size of job which is much like the adaptive scheduler but with a difference that instead of user defined business goals it relies on the node availability and run time task allocation.
Biodiesel generation from rice bran oil using transesterification process and experimental investigation on a 4- stroke single cylinder water cooled diesel engine[Full-Text ] B.Susmitha, M.Geeta Rani, M.NagarjunaThe Increase of industrialization & motorization of the world led to a steep rise in demand of petroleum products. Although present reserves are sufficient for the near future, continuous usage of the reserves leads to the depletion of conventional fuels. So, the new type of fuels can replace these problems which occur in future. The increasing demand for petroleum products for use in engines of transportation and agricultural machinery had shown its impact on our economy as our country depends on imports to meet the demand. So, increased use of petroleum fuels by automobiles is not only causing fuel scarcity but also causing health and environmental hazards. As a result of overcoming the problem of energy crisis, more and more efforts are being put towards new alternative fuels that can meet today’s as well as future energy demands. In this way biodiesel is a promising fuel in terms of reliability and less environmental pollution. This paper deals with the investigation of rice bran oil as an alternative fuel in diesel engines. Present work describes investigation carried on a 4 Stroke single cylinder, water cooled diesel engine with rice bran diesel fuel blends. In the first stage, rice bran oil is transesterified to obtain biodiesel and Fuel properties such as flash point, viscosity and pour point tests are carried out to ascertain the feasibility of fuel. In the second stage, experimental investigations are carried on the same engine with same operating parameters by using different blends of rice bran oil such as B05, B10, and B15and B20. Based on investigations, a comparison is drawn on engine performance with pure diesel operations & with different blends.
Influence of Keratinous Substrates on Keratinolytic Ability of Chrysosporium tropicum GPCK 511 and Chrysosporium tropicum GPCK 512[Full-Text ] Firdos Katiar and R.K.S.KushwahaKeratinolytic activity of C. tropicum GPCK 511 and C. tropicum GPCK 512 has not been yet investigated on other keratin sources such as horse hair, goat, hair, cow hair and fathers. In the present study we, therefore, report the keratinolytic ability of C. tropicum strains on different keratin sources with a view to determine degradation of various keratinous substrates in static and shaking condition as evidenced by protein release and weight loss.
A Gesture Controlled System[Full-Text ] Nathan David,Chinedu Udengwu,Obiayor OnyiaRecently, strong efforts have been made to bridge the gap between human and computer-based system by making the interactions (which were via input devices like keyboards and mouse) as natural as possible through gesture controls. Gesture recognition is useful for processing information from humans which is not conveyed through speech or type. The main objective of this work is to control a robot with gestures of our hand. There are two main components that are used in the system, an Arduino microcontroller and an accelerometer. The accelerometer depends upon the gestures of our hand. Through accelerometer, a passage of data signal is received and it is processed with the help of arduino microcontroller. The microcontroller gives command to the robot to move in the desired direction. Accelerometer-based gesture control is studied as a supplementary or an alternative interaction modality. Gesture commands freely trainable by the user can be used for controlling external devices with handheld wireless sensor unit. Gesture commands were found to be natural, especially for commands with spatial association in design environment control. The work consists of the integration of three technologies as wireless, gesture & embedded.
CMOS Voltage Reference Design using Variable-Voltage Charge-Pump Circuit[Full-Text ] Md. Zafar Equbal,Prashant Chaturvedi,Dr. Rita Jain This paper presents design of CMOS voltage reference circuit, by replacing the analog amplifier in the conventional CMOS voltage reference circuit with a low-voltage comparator, a charge-pump circuit with extended voltage range, and a digital control circuit with minimum supply voltage. The reference voltage circuits are used to adjust the clock frequency to regulate the charge pump to a steady output voltage under a large range of current loads. The parameters such as output resistances and power conversion efficiencies are the performance measures of charge pumps circuits. The propose circuits are design using transmission gate logic. Using transmission gate maximum voltage range is expected and no longer limited by the breakdown voltages of the devices.
Interference Reduction Between Device to Device (D2D) Communication Underlying Cellular Networks[Full-Text ] Mohammed Salih Mohammed Gismalla,Ibrahim Khider EltahirDue to the popularity of intelligent phone devices, the demands for high data-rate wireless broadband services must be increased. The purpose of this paper is to reduce the interference between D2D communication underlying cellular networks and to study the log distance model in different environment with greedy grouping algorithm. All results are provided with three different SINR requirements, such as 6dB, 9dB and 12dB and the simulation is applied to lengths 500m, 250m, 100m and 50m for 150 links. For each group of links the free space, urban, sub urban areas are implemented. All simulation results of different areas are grouped by greedy algorithm and compared with each other; the results show that the log distance model is best in sub urban areas.
Definition of seismic vulnerability of existing residential buildings and buildings for family housing in Polog Valley[Full-Text ] Enis JakupiMethodologies for evaluation of seismic vulnerability of existing residential buildings and structures for family housing have been investigated. A procedure for evaluation of seismic vulnerability of RC buildings has been proposed. Applying the nonlinear static “pushover” analysis, the parameters of nonlinear behavior of the selected set of reinforced concrete buildings have been defined. There have also been defined the vulnerability indices as a measure of damage to each building, as a scaled linear combination of the state of nonlinear behavior of the components at the point of termination of the “pushover” analysis. The computed values of vulnerability indices obtained by “pushover” analysis to the range of 0.2 – 0.3 point to satisfactory behavior of the analyzed buildings.
Data Mining in Business[Full-Text ] Fasial KhojaThe move today is towards gathering more and more data for the business as more data gathered; there are better chances of getting superiority over the competitor. Companies now seek for the competitive edge as it is the demand of this era. But piling up too much information doesn’t guarantee success rather getting the right information from the pile of information is what needed (Chen et al., 1996). This is done through a process called data mining. They further stated that data mining is the process constituting of extraction and analysis of data to be used in business. It carries immense importance for business as businesses are keen to adopt such a process for developing a competitive edge over their competitors.
Automatic Query Generation and Query Optimization for Declarative Crowdsourcing System[Full-Text ] Miss.Priyanka D Sarode, Prof.Imran R ShaikhIn recent era firing optimized query on huge amount of data or on bulk data flooding from various resources is hot cake for researchers. In this search process crowd-sourcing attracted many industries as an effective tool for utilization of human intelligence for various works that computers and smart system cannot perform. Hence in this crowd sourcing various solutions for database operations are provided. Also recent crowd-sourcing systems have user friendly panels that helps newbie or user not having SQL knowledge to get desired result by firing query in his terms and his expected conditions. For user query, respective system analyzes the query, generate the execution plan, execute it, get the result, resolves errors. While this query can execute in many ways and its effective execution time will vary as per the execution plan. Hence to avoid this uncertainty in query execution there must be proper execution plan and query optimizer that evaluates the ways of execution OR execution plans from time and cost point of view and finally system should select potentially good plan for execution. In this paper we are analyzing the various approaches that help to resolve the user queries in crowd sourcing systems which supports cost based query optimization, optimizing multiple crowd sourcing operators and allow tradeoff in between cost from monetary point of view and latency.
Critical Review of Extended Waterfall Model[Full-Text ] Rajesh H. Kulkarni, P.Padmanabham, K.K.BaseerSoftware product quality improvement is a desired attribute and a strenuous effort is required to achieve that.Usability is also a desired attribute as it helps in identifying how effectively user achieves product goals.Concrete efforts to integrate Software Engineering and Human Computer Interaction exist in the form of models by many researchers. Better user experience is an oft expressed and desired quality of the products designed nowadays.Many efforts in this regard lead to various proposals of smooth integration of SE (software engineering) processes with HCI (human computer integration) for product development. One such effort is extended waterfall process model. This paper presents a critical review of extended waterfall model. It also suggests means to bring nearer the two diverse communities of SE and HCI.
Study of phase composition of Ordinary Portland Cement Concrete using X-Ray Diffraction[Full-Text ] Prof.N.K.Dhapekar, Prof.A.S.Majumdar and Dr.P.K.GuptaAn experimental study is performed on powder ordinary Portland cement concrete samples using X- ray diffraction (XRD) which reveals a promising approach for phase composition of concrete structures. Conventional X-ray diffractometer was used for XRD analysis of concrete samples. The potential presence of cement content and silica in hardened ordinary Portland cement concrete can be determined by X-ray diffrac-tion analysis. This approach may replace the traditional chemical analysis of hardened concrete which is tedious and time consuming .An attempt has been made to quantify the phases present in ordinary portland ce-ment concrete . The results of phase quantification obtained from XRD analysis has shown good agreement with the experimental values.
Text Detection and Recognition with Speech Output in Mobile Application for Assistance to Visually Challenged Person[Full-Text ] Ms.Rupali D. Dharmale, Dr. P. V. IngoleNow a day’s use of mobile is broadly increased every person possesses a mobile phone, in which lots of application run. Using Android mobile phones we can help the visually challenged people by providing easy reading of text boards and printed text information in the form of audio. Reading text from printed text images and text boards is a challenging task for visually challenged persons. The proposed system extracts and recognizes text from scene images and converts that recognized text into speech. This application is very helpful and handy for visually challenged person. The novelty of this work is to convert image containing text into speech.
Effect of Rice Bran Oil Methyl Ester on Emission Characteristics of CIDI Engine[Full-Text ] Sirivella Vijaya Bhaskar, G. Satish BabuEver rising prices of crude oil, dearth of conventional fossil fuel reserves, ever-growing energy demands and global erratic climatic changes due to emission of hazardous green gases, has all led to concentrated and escalating research efforts in search of environmental friendly, alternative renewable energy sources. In recent times, biodiesels have emerged as the prospective substitute to diesel fuel, as alternative energy source. This can be attributed to the abundance of feed stocks in all regions, eco-friendly nature of the bio-fuels and the ability to be easily used in diesel engines without any modifications. The present investigation aims to evaluate the emission characteristics of diesel engine fuelled with rice bran oil methyl ester (RBOME). The experimental results of single cylinder, 4-stroke, water cooled, direct injection compression ignition engine fuelled with different blends (BR20, BR40, BR60 and BR100) of RBOME and diesel have revealed that biodiesel has lower CO emission, lower smoke density, lower particulate matter and moderately higher NOx emission when compared with diesel.
An economical solar PV system for home use: explained[Full-Text ] Nathan DavidWith increasing power tariffs, power cuts and decreasing solar panel prices, there is a lot of interest in people to adopt solar technologies. Solar electricity is one possible way to electrify houses when the power supply is erratic. To convert, store and use the energy in the sunrays as electricity a solar electric system is utilised. Here solar energy is converted to electrical energy by solar panel made up of transducers called solar cell. These panels are placed on the top of houses for the purpose of obtaining maximum solar energy. This received energy is temporarily stored in a battery via a charge controller and is finally made available for use through the inverter. This paper describes briefly the components that make up a solar system, how to calculate the required power output and the cost implications.
Analysis of Bluetooth-Based Ad-Hoc Network For Voice Transmission Over Local Area Network[Full-Text ] B. O. Omijeh and K.MunonyeIn this paper, the analysis of Bluetooth-based ad-hoc network for voice transmission over Local Area Network is presented. The aim is to analyze the performance of Bluetooth technology when applied to communication between Bluetooth-enabled devices such as smart phones and personal computers connected over Local Area Network (LAN) in order to communicate with other users or devices which are out of the immediate Bluetooth range. Wireless communication helps you to control electricity cost and time consumption so that we can save without compromising on comfort. The methodology employed in this work is Matlab/Simulink –based. This includes the use of the following communication blocks : CPM Modulator Baseband , M-FSK Modulator Baseband block, General CRC Generator block, M-FSK Demodulator block, CRC Syndrome Detector block. The State flow charts were used to implement the transmitter and Receiver Controller respectively. Results obtained after simulation proved satisfactory. The use of Bluetooth in voice and data transmission could produce high data and audio rates while not producing a corresponding rise in error rates. Error rates has been found to be in the order of < 0.01.
Non-Invasive Extraction of Fetal ECG using Differential Algorithm and Analysis using LabVIEW[Full-Text ] Rupali Mohan Gadakari, Umesh Mhapankar, Jatin Desai, Sadhana PaiEarly detection of a fetal Heartbeat can be important in many cases, where monitoring the development of the fetal heart is necessary. Studies have shown that Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal can play a significant role in investigating the obstetric state during pregnancy and labor. By means of fetal ECG, the disturbances of cardiac activity can be determined.
Refined Clustering technique based on boosting and outlier detection[Full-Text ] Ms. Reshma Y. Nagpure, Prof. P. P. RokadeBoosting is the repetitive process to perk up the accuracy in functions for prediction that supervised learning (SL) system learn using training data. In this prediction process, boosting considers multiple function rather that considering only single function from the same supervised learning system. Boosting process then predicts the label for new data instances using a weighted vote over all the functions. By considering and merging multiple functions together , boosting manage to get fine grained decision boundary on training data than using single function. Boosting for supervised learning having certain limitations like e.g. because of problematic data difficulty arises to analyze the data , over-fitting of training data , wrong label prediction by initial function etc. Previous worked reflected that boosting is resistant to over fitting problem. Also in case of wrong label prediction from function, boosting achieves higher accuracy when multiple functions are used to decide the labels for clusters. Previous work have some difficulties like A] Wrong data i.e. label noise in training data which causes wrong output instances and B] Another problem is that when feature of label instances are different and not relevant with respective rest of training data then its proper cluster cannot be defined properly. Hence there must be proposed system that work on these problems. Also clustering can be achieved on problematic dataset also. For this cluster based boosting (CBB) approach should be adopted to achieve this. Also along with CBB, the outlier detection should be achieved so that data will be easy to analyze and cluster can be formed smartly.
WIRELESS BODY SENSORS NETWORK BASED SMART SYSTEM FOR DISABLED PATIENTS[Full-Text ] S. P. Predeep Kumar, Dr. E. Babu Raj, Dr. M. Chithirai Pon SelvanPhysically challenged persons find their movements very tough with the existing assistive devices (Joysticks) in cases of higher disability. Though there are many methods available in recent times to enable their motility they require fine and precise control which is most of the times not possible. In recent times there have been various control systems developing specialized for people with various disorders and disabilities. This paper reports the preliminary work in developing a robotic wheelchair system that involves the movement of eyeball and head kinematics in directing the wheel chair. The system enables the patient to have command over the chair, its direction of movement and will also sense and alarm the user about the obstacles in the path to avoid collision. This wheelchair helps the patient to move in environments with ramps and doorways of little space. Generally an automated wheelchair must be highly interactive to enable the system to work most efficiently.
Laboratory Evaluation of Rutting Performance of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures by Crumb rubber modification[Full-Text ] Dr. Akhtar Ali MalikOne of the most important distresses in flexible pavements is Permanent deformation (rutting). It is a severe problem mostly in those countries having high temperature like Pakistan. Asphalt Rubber (AR) is produced by mixing crumb rubber that is obtained from waste tires with asphalt binder. Mixtures produced with asphalt rubber are one of the substitutes to reduce permanent deformation. It is also one of the most suitable applications to dispose the waste tires. In this study our aim is to compare the rutting behavior of asphalt rubber mixtures with the conventional mixtures. For this study, two aggregate gradations, namely NHA class "A" and NHA class "B" were chosen. Wet process of mixing was used to produce asphalt rubber and Marshall Mix design was used to determine optimum asphalt rubber content. Uniaxial repeated load test (cyclic creep test) and Wheel Tracking Test (WTT) were performed to study the rutting performance of asphalt mixtures. During uniaxial repeated test, temperature was set to 25, 40 and 55 â°C and specimens were tested for a period of 3600 cycles. Stress levels of 100, 300 and 500 kPa were used. Pulse period was selected 2 second and the pulse width was selected 0.5 second. Wheel tracker test was conducted for a period of 10,000 load cycles at three different temperatures 25, 40, and 55 â°C. The testing results of this study confirmed that the use of asphalt rubber to prepared asphalt mixtures increases significantly the resistance to permanent deformation (rutting). This study also concluded that crumb rubber modified bitumen is more effective for coarser aggregate gradation than finer aggregate gradation to increase permanent deformation resistance (rutting resistance).
The Effects of Slaking on the Durability of Bio-improved Sand[Full-Text ] Mohsin Qureshi, Sameera Al-Qayoudhi, Shaima Al-Kindi, Asma Al-Hamdani and Khaloud Al-SadraniSustainable development perspectives confine to improve the geotechnical properties of weak soils by using such a material which has high engineering performance, less environmental impacts and is cost effective. Moreover, the eco-friendly-improved soil should also be resistive against the adverse environmental factors. So, the present paper focuses on the effects of wet-dry cycles on the durability of bio-improved sand. Xanthan gum (biopolymer) was used to improve sand collected from Muscat, capital city of Oman. The specimens prepared by mixing biopolymer and ordinary Portland cement with the sand were cured for 7, 14 and 28 days in controlled laboratory environment. Standard slake durability tests were peformed on the specimens to determine the slake durability index after each wet-dry cycle. The results indicated that a small proportion of biopolymer treatment to sand had similar slake durability characterstics which are comparable to the treatment with a high proportion of cement. However, in the environment friendly perspective, cementation induced by biopolymer takes precedence over the Portland cement. The qualitative description of biocemented sand elucidated by micrographs taken by scanning electron microscope (SEM) inferred the enhanced durability to the connection of sand particles through biopolymer. The authors believe that present study will contribute in the development of techniques for the application of biopolymer in eco-friendly ground improvement.
A Review on Ordered Dither Block Truncation Coding for Content Based Image Retrieval using Relevance Feedback[Full-Text ] Ms.Simantinee Sacchidanand Joshi, Prof.S.R.DurugkarNow a days, content based image retrieval (CBIR) is the mainstay of the image retrieval systems. CBIR system is used in various areas like medical, academic, art, fashion, Entertainment .This project uses ordered-dither block truncation coding (ODBTC) for CBIR which have relevance feedback mechanism. In this project features of an image are extracted using ODBTC for the generation of image content descriptor. ODBTC offers a simple and effective descriptor to index images in CBIR system. ODBTC compresses an image block into minimum quantizer, maximum quantizer and bitmap image. The proposed image retrieval system generates two image features namely Color co-occurrence feature (CCF) and bit pattern feature (BPF) from the minimum quantizer, maximum quantizer and bitmap image respectively by involving the visual codebook. To be more profitable, relevance feedback technique can be applied into CBIR such that more precise results can be obtained by taking users feedback into account. The proposed method is superior to the block truncation coding image retrieval system and the other earlier method.
Enterprise Resource Planning[Full-Text ] Meshal AlabdulwahabThis report highlights the key areas which can be solved in order to generate optimal outcomes. In order to apply proper implementation process for the soft drink bottler, it is important to provide some ways and methods in a detailed manner. Proper attainment of knowledge is important and this can guide through the entire projects too. Root cause of implementation failure is non-involvement of employees where they fall victim of stress due to uncertainty and lack of clarity about their jobs.
Application of Space Technology to Identifying Suitable Areas of Solid Waste Disposal in and Around Lae City, Papua New Guinea[Full-Text ] Tingneyuc Sekac, Sujoy Kumar Jana, Dilip Kumar PalIdentification of suitable areas of solid waste disposal is crucial in solid waste management especially in large cities where municipal au-thorities of the city has to deal with the situation as a least trade-off to city’s environment. While increasing population in cities or urban areas is the order of the day in commensurate with the proliferation of industries, commercial activities, public institutions and real estate enterprises; unprecedented pace of waste production is obvious. In order to cope with the situation it is paramount to find suitable landfill area to save the city’s environment. This research study was carried out with a view to identifying suitable areas of solid waste disposal in Lae city utilising GIS and Remote sensing technology. With the multi-criteria evaluation process, the maps were prepared through overlay and suitability analysis. The city is densely populated with ever increasing industries and commercial activities, so the solid waste handling remains a serious challenge for the civic authority. In order to select suitable site of solid waste disposal, the area must be easily accessible from any corner of the city and at the same time the site must not pose health hazard to nearby residents, hence six factors were selected and analysed. These are slope, Land use Land cover (LULC), buffer zones from major road, public institution, ‘settlements and housing’ and main rivers. From the overlay analysis the final suitability map was produced and reclassed as unsuitable, moderately suitable and highly suitable areas. It was found out that 11.37% of Lae city area and surrounding are highly suitable for solid waste disposal. The largest highly suitable site found was in the north-east part of the city.
Tracking the status of height deformation of Kiri dam through statistical analysis[Full-Text ] A.N. JatongDams are important engineering structures meant for among others irrigation, hydro-electricity. Every engineering structure is however, susceptible to deformation over time and hence failure. The intention of this research is to establish whether there is any significant difference in the status of the dam for three epochs; 1982, 2003 and 2004. The observations for each monitoring point were taken at four months interval per year to produce three observations per year for each of the epoch under study. The monitoring points were established at chainage 500, chainage 1000 and chainage 1500 on the dam embankment with their most probable height values for the period under consideration. The observed parameters, the heights were rigorously adjusted using least squares parametric adjustment techniques to minimize the sum of the squares of errors. Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) One-way test of hypothesis on the mean population was adopted. Various significant levels were used to test the hypothesis. The results and test of hypothesis showed that, except at chainage 500, null hypothesis was not rejected at the other chainages (1000, and 1500). It is therefore important to monitor chainage 500 regularly to checkmate precipitation of general dam movement and probable failure.