Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2015 .
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Design and Construction of An Arduino based Wireless Remote Controlled Video Capturing Vehicle[Full-Text ] Nathan David, Umunnakwe Amarachi, Odiaka Chinonso, Okoye Ife-ebubeThis research work focuses on achieving a mobile remote controlled monitoring system. The (VCV) is a wireless remotely controlled video capturing device with full ground mobility. The Video Capturing Vehicle comprises the mechanical mobility system, with other devices mounted on it. The other devices include the Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller, which interprets control signals according to the code in it and sends out the corresponding action commands to control the movement of the VCV; the Bluetooth Slave, for wireless control signal reception; the distance sensor, for avoidance of obstacles; the L298N motor shield, which provides the appropriate H-bridge circuit for moving the wheels, the motor drivers and wheels, which perform the actual movement; an IP camera, for video surveillance. The Remote Control System is made up of a Smartphone, on which the control application is developed, and operated from. The Video Capturing Vehicle is aimed at reaching areas inaccessible to humans. It can be used in biologically hazardous areas to gather data, aiding scientific research and control.
A Computer-Based Comparative Performance Analysis of QPSK and 4-QAM Schemes in Fading Channels[Full-Text ] B. O. Omijeh and SukuboAmongst the industry trend of modulation schemes are the QPSK and QAM schemes. The 4QAM scheme is one of the categories of QAMs, and is an equivalent of the QPSK scheme in terms of number of information bits transmitted per symbol. In this research, not only are the two schemes compared in Rayleigh and Rician fading environment, comparison was also made to find out the BER performance differences of each scheme in the fading channels by applying SNR/BER as key performance indicator. With a design modeled in Simulink for this purpose, various instances of simulations were run and the resulting values of SNR/BER over different time period recorded for QPSK and 4QAM in the fading channels. By ensuring proper signal alignment and comparing the experimental product of SNR and BER with the theoretical expression SNR x BER = 1, the data set obtained and thus, the results are considered reliable. Findings show that 4QAM is generally a better modulation scheme but, is preferable in Rayleigh fading channel at the cost of transmission stability. It was also established that QPSK is an ideal choice in Rician environment than it is in Rayleigh fading environment
Examination of Teachers’ Perceptions in Some Approved Science Textbooks as Useful Instructional Aid to Them in Junior Secondary Schools in Ebonyi State of Nigeria[Full-Text ] Dr. (Mrs) Nwafor C.E, Umoke C.C.This study was designed to examine the teachers’ perceptions in some approved computer textbooks as useful instructional aid to them in Junior Secondary Schools in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. The sample of the study consisted of three (3) approved computer textbooks, 30 computer teachers randomly selected from the three (3) Education zones of the State. The instrument used for data collection is Teachers’ Perception Rating Scale (TPRS). The data were analysed using descriptive statistics (mean computation). The results of the findings showed that the teachers’ perceptions in the approved computer textbooks in use in Junior Secondary Schools in Ebonyi State was adequate. Based on the findings, conclusion were drawn and it was recommended that teachers should use many of the approved computer textbooks in both studies and lessons
Critical Path in a Project Network using TOPSIS Method and Linguistic Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers[Full-Text ] B. Pardha saradhi, N.Ravi ShankarThe intent of this paper, Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is implemented for project management to get to the foundation of the critical path in the network of a fuzzy project. Linguistic Trapezoidal fuzzy numbers are appended to establish the final evaluation value of fuzzy activity times for each path in the fuzzy project network. A numerical paradigm is furnished to illuminate the procedure of the TOPSIS method insinuates and regulating the critical path with distinctive yardsticks.
A Survey on Design Pattern Formalisms[Full-Text ] A.V.Sriharsha, Dr. A.Rama Mohan ReddyIn order to construct large and complex software systems which provide the necessary infrastructure in a systematic manner, the focus in the development methodologies has switched in the last two decades from functional issues to structural issues. The encapsulation principle is essential to both the object-oriented and the more recent component based software engineering paradigms. Formal methods have been applied successfully to the verification of medium sized programs in protocol and hardware design. In this paper a brief review about software systems and essential survey of formal methods has been presented.
Performance Study of an Aero-Derivative Gas Turbine System with a Coalescer Filter at Varying Operating Conditions[Full-Text ] Fidelis I. Abam, Samuel O. EffiomThe performance of an aero-derivative industrial gas turbine (ADIGT) with a coalescer filter at varying operating conditions is presented. The study determines the aptness of an ADIGT for power generation in two extreme locations. The ADIGT was modeled to operate at conditions of Usan offshore oilfield and Maiduguri desert in Nigeria. For all operating conditions of decrease TET, corresponding decrease in AFR was observed. For ambient temperatures between 15 and 38OC in both environments the AFR, OPR, and IPD declined to above 0.5 %. Equally, for conditions below ISO and 1.8 % drop in TET, a 2.4% loss in AFR and 1.6% gain in OPR were attained. The estimated IPD and AFR values exist at about 90% validity with the experimental. However, for ADIGT to be suitable for power generation in these locations, it will require system modification and the use of inlet air pre-cooling system to bring the ambient air close to ISO.
Geospatial Mapping of Fish Farms in Anambra State Using GIS Approach[Full-Text ] Ojiako, J.C., Okafor, C. M., Igbokwe, E.CRecent survey in technical assistance to fisheries in developing countries point to the difficulties in formulating and implementing policy and plans for fishery development. A problem underlining policy and planning in fisheries is that it has been difficult to make a comprehensive analysis of the suitability of the environment, human, and economic resources available for development. Anambra state in particular is faced with a myriad of problem as a result of inability to combine data sources related to fishery in a meaningful way, they lack the capacity to evaluate fishery potentials in the state as a result of ineffective management of these fishery related data sources. This paper is focused on the Geospatial mapping of fish farms using GIS approach .This was achieved through the following objectives: acquisition of base map of the study area showing boundary locations, Creation of spatial and aspatial database of the area to serve the purpose of the study and performing analysis to show the potential of GIS in Geospatial mapping of fish farms in the state. The methodology adopted included: the acquisition of primary and secondary data within the study area, data processing and analysis amongst others. The software used included: ArcGIS10.3 and Microsoft excel The result of GIS analysis showed attribute database tables, Digital Thematic Maps and GIS query results. It is therefore recommended amongst others that the results of this study should serve as a decision support system in management of fish farms in the state.
Properties of elements produced in a product of two wings & Analysis of Generalized Fermat Number by N-equation[Full-Text ] Debajit DasNatural Equation or simply N-equation is nothing but the systematic arrangement of all Pythagorean triplets, details of which was first published in August edition 2013 of this journal. Further developments of this N-equation took place intermittently with respect to its different properties and proof of different conjectures in Number Theory and were published in this journal in several bouts. Now this paper mainly contains the properties of four elements in an equality of two prime wings produced by the product of two prime wings and the analysis of Generalized Fermat Number to prove its composite nature with the help of N-equation. It also includes some special functions of composite nature and divisibility property of a prime number.
The XPS, depth profile analysis and photoluminescence studies of pulsed laser deposited SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ thin films prepared using different laser fluencies[Full-Text ] P.D. Nsimama, O.M. Ntwaeaborwa and H.C SwartSrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ thin films were grown on silicon (Si) (111) substrates using the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique to investigate the influence of the laser fluence on the structure, morphology and photoluminescent properties of the films. The atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS), photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy and the x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were used to characterize the films. The SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ thin films gave two green PL emissions peaks coming from Eu2+ ions occupying the two Sr2+ sites in the SrAl2O4 host lattice. The green emissions were attributed to 4f65d1 ? 4f7 transitions of Eu2+. The films with well-defined grains gave superior PL intensity and long afterglow characteristics. The EDS and XPS results showed that the films consisted of all the major elements (i.e. Sr, Al and O) present in SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ material. The carbon (C) and the Si peak from the substrate were also identified. The XPS depth profile results showed a linear relationship of the film thickness with the laser fluence. The variations of surface morphological and topographical properties of the films with the laser fluencies are discussed.
A Study That Identify the Relationship between the Financial Leverage and Firms Profitability: Empirical Evidence from Oil and Gas Companies of Pakistan Listed In KSE[Full-Text ] Tooba Raheel, Faiza Maqbool ShahThis study identifies the relationship between the financial leverage and Firms profitability of Oil and Gas marketing companies of Pakistan listed on Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE). The study was identified 05 companies listed on the KSE for the period starting from year 2007 to 2012. The Degree of Operating Leverages (DOL), Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL) & Degree of Combined Leverage (DCL) are the independent variables and Earning per Share (EPS) is the dependent variable for this study. The present study used the correlation coefficient and linear regression to measure the variables. The findings revealed that there is no significant relationship of DOL, DFL and DCL with EPS. Thus, fixed operating expenses and the financing mix decisions of the firm are not significantly impact the earning capacity of the listed companies in KSE.
Effects of Upsurge of Human Traffic on the Quality of Service of GSM Network in Eagle Square Abuja, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ukhurebor Kingsley E, Andikara John, Azi S.ODue to the rapid increase in the number of mobile subscribers in Abuja, Nigeria the optimization and performance evaluation of GSM network quality is therefore a key parameter in the race for subscribers and this can only be achieved where the network is sufficiently optimized to meet the grade of services expected from its subscribers/customers. This research is aimed at finding the panacea to the effects and defects of GSM network especially during Human upsurge so as to improve and ensure better quality of service for the generality of the subscribers.
Analysis and Rectification of Factors Contributing Delays in Construction of Power Projects[Full-Text ] Ganesh Kumar Pamarthi, Tejaswini BorraThis paper aims at identifying various factors of delays during the capacity planning and the execution phase of BoP by using suitable delay analysis techniques. Delay analysis is the technique used to identify causes of delay and the impact they have on the progress and completion of a project. It is necessary in some form for claims for extensions of time and cost of prolongation. Without it a contractor will fail to demonstrate any entitlement.It is crucial to any claim that the most appropriate method of delay analysis is adopted. If we choose a method that fails to deal with issues such as culpable delays, concurrent delays and changes in logic then the claim might be easily rebutted. Whereas, using a sophisticated method for a simple issue can be a waste of time and money. A number of factors influence the selection of approach including the requirements of the contract, quality of the contractor’s planned programme, quality and extent of records and the complexity of the issue.
Segmentation of Tooth and Pulp from Dental Radiographs[Full-Text ] Christy Elezabath Tom, Jerin ThomasTeeth and pulp segmentation for periapical radiographs is one of the most critical tasks for effective segmentation in periapical radiographs, and the process is difficult due to noise, low contrast, and uneven illumination of the dental radiographs. For accurate segmentation, images must be preprocessed either by image enhancement or image transformation or both so that the aforementioned problems will be reduced as much as possible. In this work, proposed an effective scheme to segment each tooth and pulp in periapical radiographs. The method consists of four stages: image enhancement using Contrast Limited Adequate Histogram Equalization(CLAHE), local singularity analysis using Hölder exponent, connected component analysis, and tooth segmentation using Chan-Vese segmentation.
Environmental and Performance Impact of Jatropha Biodiesel Blends on Combustion in Compression Ignition Engine[Full-Text ] S.I. Hawash, K.M. El-Khatib and G. El DiwaniIn this study, extracted oil from jatropha seeds was used to produce neat (pure) biodiesel through transesterification, and this converted biodiesel was used to prepare biodiesel/diesel blends. This study presents the preliminary research results of an investigation carried out on the potentiality of different biodiesel blends as an alternative fuel for compression ignition engines at load and no load conditions. The main objective of this research is to compare selected emissions of petroleum diesel with jatropha biodiesel fuel blends (B10, B20, B30, and B100) and B10* treated by ozonation. B20 produced the lowest CO concentration for engine test. B50 produced higher CO2 than other fuels for all engine tests, where B20 gave the highest. The biodiesel and biodiesel/diesel blend fuels produced higher NOx for various engine tests as expected. SO2 formation showed an increasing trend as the percentage of diesel increased in the fuels. Overall, we may conclude that B20 is the optimum fuel blends.
ANALYSIS OF HEAVY METALS IN VEGETABLES SOLD IN IJEBU-IGBO, IJEBU NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT, OGUN STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] ABIMBOLA ‘WUNMI. A, AKINDELE SHERIFAT. T, JOKOTAGBA OLORUNTOBI. A, AGBOLADE OLUFEMI .M, AND SAM-WOBO SAMMY.OA preliminary market study was conducted to assess the level of certain heavy metal in selected vegetable sold in Obada market and Atikori market, harvested from three farm-lands located in Ayesan, Dagbolu and Osunbodepo in Ijebu North Local Area Government. The vegetables were bitter-leaf (Vernonia amygdalina), fluted pumpkin (Talfaria occidentalis), water-leaf (Talinum triangulare), and jute mallow (Corchorus olitorius). The samples were analysed for heavy metals (Cr, Mn, Ni, Co, Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb, and Fe) using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS, Perkin Elmer model 2130), in accordance with AOAC. The result obtained showed, Jute Mallow had highest value of Zinc with 111.23 and lowest value of Co with 3.50; fluted Pumpkin had highest value of Mn with 45.50 and lowest value in CO with 1.75; Water Leaf had Zn with highest value 186.75 and Cd has the lowest; Bitter Leaf had Zn with 90.50 and Cd with 1.50.
Computing Product Rating Using Real-Time Feedback Comments from E-Commerce Portal[Full-Text ] Gaurav Kamble, Rohit Athare, Abhishek Kumar, Neha UpadhyayDifferent models are used widely used in e-commerce to rate the products on the portal, but the comments are aggregated to compute seller reputation. The “All Good Reputation” problem is very prominent in the current e-commerce rating systems. However, these scores are universal and it is difficult for potential buyers to buy from trustworthy sellers. In this study, based on comments that buyers’ express in the feedback section, this paper proposes CommTrust, for evaluation by mining the feedback comments. The contribution include: (1) This paper proposes a multidimensional trust model for computing user feedback comments; (2) This paper also proposes an Algorithm for Mining Feedback Comments for Dimension Ratings, Combining techniques of NLP, LDA and PLSA. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the pioneer on trust evaluation by mining feedback comments.
Comparing the effect of Seven isolated Bacillus thuringiensis against The Indian mealmoth (Plodia interpunctella), infesting during storage[Full-Text ] Sabbour Magda and Maysa E. MoharamSeven bacterial isolated strains, Bacillus thuringiensis B.T Dendrolimus , B.t thuringiensis , Bt Sotto 4A/4B , BT IP thurizide, Bt Toloworthi, Bt HD 210 and Bt HD 128 tested aginst the Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella, the LC50 of the different bacterial strains , 103X104, 98 X104, 44 X104, 40 X104, 42 X104, 110 X104 and 177 X104 after treated with different concentrations of bacterial strains, Bacillus thuringiensis B.T Dendrolimus , B.t thuringiensis , Bt Sotto 4A/4B , BT IP thurizide, Bt Toloworthi, Bt HD 210 and Bt HD 128. The effect of the number of eggs laid/ female of (Plodia interpunctella were significantly decreased to 10.1±1.6 after treated with Bt Toloworthi as compared to 98.4±4.9 in the control after 120 days of the storage . The percentage of adult emergence significantly decreased to 10 after Bt Toloworthi treatments after 120 days as compared to 99% in the control.
Hydrogeologic Conditions of Crystalline Basement Aquifers in Kauru Area of Kaduna, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Isaac Oladejo OLANIYAN and Mwajim George GWARIThe paper assessed the hydrogeologic conditions of the crystalline basement rocks underlying the Kauru Area of Kaduna using data obtained from 26 producing wells in the area. Certain hydrogeologic characteristics of the aquifer which affect well productivity were investigated and analyzed. The minimum, maximum and the averages of the range of values of the hydrogeologic parameters were presented. The water table contour map of the area was prepared from the static water level data, and it shows that water table is generally deeper around the northwest-southeast axis of the middle section of the study area than at the southwest and northeast flanks of the LGA boundary. Graphical representation of screen lengths and specific capacities revealed that screen length has a direct effect on the specific capacity. Regolith thickness and saturated thickness showed a near-parallel variation from one well location to the other. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis showed a strong positive correlation value of 0.746 between yield and drawdown, a weak correlation value of 0.48 between pumping rate and drawdown, and a very weak correlation value of 0.071 between yield and regolith thickness in the study area. The Regression Analysis, on the other hand showed that while drawdown rate has very strong and fairly strong linear relationships with yield and pumping rate respectively, yield has a very weak linear dependence on regolith thickness.
EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON PRESSURE DROP CHARACTERISTICS OF BI-MODAL SLURRY FLOW IN A STRAIGHT HORIZONTAL PIPE[Full-Text ] Umesh Kumar, S. N. Singh & V. SeshadriIn the present experimental investigation, the pressure drop measurements are done over a length of 4.0 m in 50 mm NB diameter pipe line under fully developed flow conditions using a pilot plant test loop for narrow sized silica sand slurry and bi-modal slurry. The bi-modal slurry consists of narrow sized silica sand and fly ash as fine particles in different proportions keeping the overall efflux concentration. The deposition velocity characteristics of the abovementioned slurries are also measured experimentally. For bi-model slurry, at an efflux concentration of 20.4% (by weight), the pressure drop reduces considerably with addition of the fine particles and the reduction in pressure drop is more at lower velocities. Further, at efflux concentration of 33.9% (by weight), the pressure drop reduces at higher rate for low velocity region as compared to high velocity region with addition of the fine particles. The bi-model slurry shows slight reduction in deposition velocity with increase in percentage of fines for both efflux concentrations.
QSAR study of isatin(1H-indole-2,3-dione) analogues as in vitro anti-cancer agents using the statistical analysis methods and the artificial neural network[Full-Text ] Y.Boukarai, F.Khalil, M.BouachrineIsatin (1H-indole-2,3-dione) and its derivatives arepotent anticancer agents, these compounds inhibit cancer cells proliferation and tumorgrowth.A study of quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) is applied to a set of 47 molecules derived from isatin, in order to predict the anticancer biological activity of the test compounds and find a correlation between the differentphysic-chemical parameters (descriptors) of these compounds and its biological activity, using multiple linear regression (MLR) and the artificial neural network (ANN).The topological and the electronic descriptors were computed, respectively, withACD/ChemSketchand (ChemDraw Ultra 8.0, ChemBioDraw Ultra 14.0) programs. A good correlation was found between the experimental activity and that obtained by MLR such as (R = 0.94 and R2 = 0.88), this result could be improved with ANN such as(R = 0.97 andR2 = 0.94) with an architecture ANN (5-3-1). To test the performance of the neural network and the validity of our choice of descriptors selected by MLR and trained by ANN, we used cross-validation method (CV) such as (R = 0.95 and R2 = 0.90) with the procedure leave-one-out (LOO).
Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic panel Characteristics using MATLAB[Full-Text ] PAWAN KUMAR SRIVASTVA,HEMANT KUMAR SONI,NARESH KUMARA MATLAB programming for the solar PV cell, modules and array is developed and presented in this dissertation. This programming is based on the fundamental circuit equations of a solar PV cell taking into account the effects of physical and environmental parameters such as the solar radiation and cell temperature
A GIS Model for Site Selection of Industrial Zones in Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] G.M.T.S. Fernando, Ven. Pinnawala Sangasumana, C.H.EdussuriyaSite selection of industrial zones in Sri Lanka has become a critical issue and a sensitive decision making process that may create a range of socioeconomic and environmental problems over time. Hence, several site selection criteria and appropriate methods for establishing industries have to be concerned by the decision makers and authorities before locating industrial zones in particular regions. Though, at present the enormous data volume and complex criteria regarding this field are available, the suitable site selection process is still problematic. Therefore, this paper assumes that, in some extent, such failures can be overcome by applying Geographic Information System (GIS) and Multi-criteria Decision Making Techniques into the site selection process of industrial zones.
Decreasing Musculoskeletal Complaints by Developing Product Design based on Ergonomics Participatory[Full-Text ] Wahyu SusihonoThe farming tools are vary, but nevertheless there are still some design of farming and building tools only consider the function but do not consider the wants and needs of users. Farmer are given product that are ready to use produced by large industry while construction workers only hammering the nail using ready to use hammer every day. Some tools only consider the function and have not adjusted to anthropometry of hands so that there are potential of force postures in operating, handle is not comfortable, early Complaints frequently happen when operating tools which is signed by spontan rest. Using of tools which does not consider the wants of users will effect to increase of postural stress of workers. Therefore design that considering the wants and needs of users by using participatory ergonomic approach is needed. This research is an experimental research using the post test only control group design because population of farmer considered homogen. Subjects totaled 46 are chosen randomly. Musculoskeletal complaints are measured by questionnaire Nordic Body Map (NBM). Result of questionnaire are compared and analyzed. Result shows that there is meaningful decrease between average score of musculoskeletal complaints when using conventional sickle with new design of sickle, but in use of hammer, there is no meaningful decrease because the change is only 3.681%. Redesign of tools based on user need could decrease musculoskeletal complaint as 15.517%
Quantifying Land use/cover change of Oredo, Egor, Ikpoba-Okha LGA, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria from 1987-2013[Full-Text ] Dirisu Dolo Kelvin, Frimpong Emmanuel Osei, Eguaroje Onoshi Ezekiel, Alaga Abayomi TaofikWith the phenomenal increasing population globally and in particular Nigeria, it is very important to be aware of the limited resources that are available to the huge number of people. The size of land remains unchanged (devoid of a catastrophe) but to put the land in good use to be sustainable, it is crucial to know the various land cover and land uses of an area to be able to plan how future developments would be executed. This information notwithstanding is not readily available to authorities to help plan the area. It is for this reason that this work was carried out to provide this gab in knowledge on the LULC of the Oredo, Egor, Ikpoba-Okha local government areas (LGA) which are forms the main growing areas of Benin City of Edo State in Nigeria. Changes in the LCLU between the period of 1987 and 2013 in the study area were considered and how the lands uses changed during that period, using geospatial techniques.
Speech Recognition with Hidden Markov Model: A Review[Full-Text ] Shivam SharmaThe concept of Recognition one phase of Speech Recognition Process using Hidden Markov Model has been discussed in this paper. Preprocessing, Feature Extraction and Recognition three steps and Hidden Markov Model (used in recognition phase) are used to complete Automatic Speech Recognition System. Today’s life human is able to interact with computer hardware and related machines in their own language. Research followers are trying to develop a perfect ASR system because we have all these advancements in ASR and research in digital signal processing but computer machines are unable to match the performance of their human utterances in terms of accuracy of matching and speed of response. In case of speech recognition the research followers are mainly using three different approaches namely Acoustic phonetic approach, Knowledge based approach and Pattern recognition approach. This paper’s study is based on pattern recognition approach and the third phase of speech recognition process ‘Recognition’ and Hidden Markov Model is studied in detail.
CHARACTERISTICS OF NUTRIENTS IN THE ESTUARIES OF KANYAKUMARI DISTRICT-TAMILNADU-INDIA[Full-Text ] Dr.kokila.P and Rathika.SWater samples were collected in four major estuaries of Kanyakumari District to analyse the distribution of dissolved nutrients and it is said to be polluted. Water samples were analysed for physico-chemical parameters including pH, turbidity, electrical conductivity,total hardness, dissolved oxygen , BOD and anions were analysed like Ca, Mg, Fe, free ammonia, NO3-, SO42-, PO42-, F- and Cl- during the different seasons of monsoon period from August - January (2011-2012).The concentrations of most of the investigated parameters in the water sample from Manakudy(Station1), Rajakamangalam(Station2), Kadiyapattanam (Station 3), Thengapattanam (Station 4) estauries in Kanyakumari district were exceeded the permissible limit of WHO, CPHEEO water quality guidelines.
A Study on the Major Causes of Labour Unrest and Its Effect on the RMG Sector of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Kamrul Hasan, Ashraful Islam, Md. ArifuzzamanLabour unrest is one of the important issues in RMG sector of Bangladesh. Letting this issue unsolved could lead Bangladesh RMG sector to a place, where other competing countries become a threat in the international market of RMG. To find out the causes behind labour unrest, data collection has been carried out by questionnaire and interview methods. 20 workers & 20 staff from different garment factory of Dhaka, Savar, Gazipur and Narayanganj have been brought under the questionnaire method. The major causes of labor unrest or turbulence have been explored from the responses of the respondents. These are- irregularities in payment, low wage, mistreatment of the workers by managers/ officers, rumor, absence of trade union, conspiracy, non-execution of labor laws, unruly nature of the workers and political intervention. In key issues regarding labor unrest such as investigating the incidents of labor unrest, bridging the gap between the factory owners and workers, improving law and order situation, majority of the respondents want the involvement of ‘tripartite committee’ (a committee formed by the representatives of Government, factory owners and workers) which indicates a bright prospect of public-private cooperation in addressing labor unrest in the RMG sector of Bangladesh. If private sectors with their first-hand knowledge and experience cooperate with public agencies having power and authority, labor unrest in the RMG sector of Bangladesh is supposed to be solved.
The Advantages of Web-Based Businesses for Entrepreneurs[Full-Text ] Amardeep VirdyEntrepreneurship is generally regarded as a force of change, innovation and development in modern economies. Entrepreneurs bring new and better products to markets, restore allocated efficiency through arbitrage and reinvest their profits. In this paper we explore the various dimensions and advantages of taking a business online & the various possibilities of expansion and growth it offers. Internet can open doors to a completely new segment of marketing and promotion of a product at minimum cost of resources. The internet allows one to increase productivity and sales and at the same time cutting on daily costs of business. This cuts the time and costs of daily management of resources. Thus the main objective of our research is to understand the need and importance of internet and web–based businesses in entrepreneur world. It has totally proved to be advantageous, catering to people of various age groups from very young to old.
Review on Photo and video sharing privacy based on multiclass classifier in OSN[Full-Text ] Ms.Devyani P Khambekar, Prof.Shaikh I.RMessage sharing, photo sharing video sharing are the important aspects of online social network. Sharing such data requires security. There need to have a system that provide security to such shared data based on the content of post. Post may have different format such as text, image, video etc. There should be some mechanism that enables the user to participate in decision making activity of his/her photo and video sharing on any users wall. By analyzing post data and based on user policies decision can be taken to share or block the content. In case of multimedia data System automatically detects the user form shared images and video using efficient facial recognition FR technique. In this paper I am analyzing multiple systems and their contribution in this OSN security domain.
Face Recognition and Retrieval Using Association Rules in Android Operating System[Full-Text ] Dr.Abdul-Wahab Sami Ibrahim, Raniah Ali MustafaThe task of face recognition has been actively researched in recent years. The goal of this paper is to implement face detection and face recognition system on the Android Operating System for use on mobile devices. After difficulties were experienced while attempting to inte-grate the two Components, a Visual Basic implementation was accomplished instead. In this paper, we present face detection algorithm was successfully implemented on Android Operating System version (4.3) which involved programming in Java language version 6 and face recognition system successfully implemented in programming language visual basic 6.0. The main idea of the proposed system depends on the fact that any face image person has multi unique features. These features are different from one face image to another. Our proposed algorithm depends on moment invariants to extract features from the face image person to extract association rules between these features to recognition face images person and retrieval. And then each face image is sored with its association rules in the association rules database to be used in face image recognition and retrieval systems. Where using canny edge detection in moment invariant. In this paper the features vector that represent the face features consists of seven features. The proposed system tested on dataset consists of 300 images for 30 persons for each person 15 images in different lighting conditions, varied in expression, orientations, illumination, skin color, background, ages, and faces shapes (the mouth and eyes are open or closed, with or without glasses, male and female... etc.). The achieved training rate was 100% and recognition rate 84.3% and the average of precision 82%.
Temperature Prediction and Validation of V-Gutter for an Aeroengine Afterburner[Full-Text ] Batchu Suresh, S. Kishore KumarMilitary aircraft engines employ afterburner system for increasing the thrust required during combat and take-off flight conditions V-gutter is employed in an aeroengine afterburner for stabilization of the flame during reheat. The hybrid methodology of V-gutter metal temperature prediction is discussed in the present work.