Volume 5, Issue 11, November 2014 Edition
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Note on the Four Components of the Generalized Lorentz Group O(n; 1)[Full-Text ] Kahar El-HusseinIn physics and mathematics, the generalized Lorentz group is the group of all Lorentz transformations of generalized Minkowski space-time Rn+1. The Lorentz group is named for the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz. The mathematical form of the kinematical laws of special relativity, Maxwell?s ?eld equations in the theory of electro-magnetism, the Dirac equation in the theory of the electron, are each invariant under the Lorentz transformations.
RelativeL-Ritt Order Of Entire Dirichlet Series[Full-Text ] Arvind Kumar, Anupama RastogiRecently Lahiri and Banerjee [1] have introduced the concept of Ritt-order of an entire Dirichlet Series and proved sum and product theorems. They as obtained Ritt order for derivatives. In this paper, we introduced the concept of L-Ritt order and discuss it for sum, products and derivatives of functions.
Property Evaluation of Sea shell Filler Reinforced Unsaturated Polyester Composite[Full-Text ] Abiodun Ademola Odusanya, Babatunde Bolasodun, Chioma Ifeyinwa MaduekeThe objective of this study is to determine the mechanical properties as well as water absorption characteristics of unsaturated polyester composite reinforced with varying weight fractions of sea shell with an aim of finding the composite with optimum mechanical properties. Ground sea shell of particle size 250 microns was introduced at different percentages into the unsaturated polyester resin. Mechanical tests which include: tensile, flexural, impact, hardness tests were carried out on the prepared composite samples. Water absorption test was also carried out on the samples. The tensile test specimen preparation and testing procedures were conducted in accordance with the ASTM. The results showed the flexural strength of the composite with 10wt% seashell particulate reinforcement to be largely improved also the hardness and impact properties were greatly improved at10wt% sea shell filler loading. This composite could therefore be considered for applications where flexural properties, impact and hardness properties are of utmost concern.
An Energy Efficient Dynamic Connected Dominating Set With Multi Point Relay For Wireless Mesh Network[Full-Text ] K. Sasikala and V. RajamaniA wireless mesh network is a collection of mobile nodes that can be deployed without the need for centralized management infrastucture.The operation of wireless mesh networks depends on the co-operation among nodes to provide connectivity and communication routes. However, these situations may not always be achievable in practice. Some nodes may result in degradation of the performance and high energy consumption. To mitigate the effect of such nodes and to save the energy level on the network, this paper expands on neuro fuzzy logic concepts to propose an algorithm used for quickly to data transmit and identify the nearby nodes on the source node. To take energy efficient based data transmission on their network using the dynamic connected dominating set with multi point relay. Compare the energy level with existing model by using simulation results. Using NS-2 simulator, the proposed algorithm is validated and further studied. The findings show that the proposed algorithm has low level energy consumption on the network.
Dielectric studies of H-bonded complexes of 1-Decanol with o-Fluorobenzaldehyde and p-Fluorobenzaldehyde in CarbontetraChloride system[Full-Text ] S.Balamuralikrisnan, D. DevikaThe dielectric studies of the polar binary mixture of 1- decanol with o-Fluorobenzaldehyde, p- Fluorobenzaldehyde in carbon tetrachloride were experimentally studied at 303k. The dipole moment of the complexes has been determined by Huyskens and Debye’s polarization based on the Onsager theory. The enhancement of the dipole moment indicates the formation of 1:1 complexes. The result is used to discuss the molecular interaction.
A Survey on the Use of Nigeria Local Palm Oil for the Production of Polyol for Polyurethane Foam Production in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Madueke Chioma Ifeyinwa and Umunakwe ReginaldThis paper reviews the use of Nigeria Local palm oil for the production of polyol for the production of polyurethane foam in Nigeria. In the sub Saharan Africa and in Nigeria in particular, the market for polyurethane products such as rigid and flexible foam is so extensive owing to their vast applications. Currently, the polyol for polyurethane production in Nigeria is petroleum based and it is also being imported. Enormous resources are expended on this importation. Besides, petroleum is a depleting resource and cannot be banked upon. Nigeria is one of the top producers of palm oil and studies have shown that polyol could be synthesized from this palm oil. Polyurethane consumption in Nigeria is very high of which polyol constitute more than 50% of the formulation needed for the production of polyurethane. Polyol is not produced in Nigeria for now. Palm oil being a major source of this polyol and is abundant in the country, if appropriate technology is applied to harness this palm oil for polyol for polyurethane production in Nigeria ,it will bring about job creation, employment of new graduates which will stem the brain drain in the nation. If the resulting product is cost effective, commercializable and the production sustainable, our economy will be highly stimulated and there will be a world market creation.
Development and Analysis of a Double Displacement Method to Detect Nitrates, Sulfates, and Phosphates[Full-Text ] Tony ZhengWater is vital for life; thus, monitoring the health of water is essential. Nutrients are considered a major threat to the health of water bodies worldwide. There are numerous methods to detect for nutrients; however, many of them are extremely costly per test, qualitative, take a 2 hour period or longer, and/or are difficult to fund for long periods of time. This study includes the development and analysis of a novel method to detect nutrients. To assess the novel method, SO4?2, NO3?, and PO4?3 ions were tested and compared. Forty-six water samples were gathered from the Metedeconk River, NJ and a Brick MUA, NJ tap water source. Samples were tested using the novel method against a LaMotte® SMART 2 Colorimeter. Results were then compared to the Brick MUA’s state lab test methods. Results suggest that the novel method was 10 times faster, 23.48% more accurate, and 970 times cheaper compared to the colorimeter. Compared to the Brick MUA Lab, the novel method is 180 times faster, with 3.83% error, 12,500 times cheaper.
Innovative leaders and its effects on organization’s performance[Full-Text ] Emad MubarakThe innovative leader is the limitless source of creative ideas that can contribute in any organization performance. This type of leader helps to encourage creative behavior of employee. Risk taking is the important aspect of innovative leader personality that is help to create new opportunities to come up with new ideas that become products. Leadership is play important role in innovative and creative process in attempting to achieve great work. Also, innovative ideas can contribute to maximize the quality and efficiency of the working process. No organizationcan survive in competitive environment of business nowadays without an innovative mentality and creative ideas because the growth link to these innovative mindsets. Moreover, those leaders have direct impacts on people and organization because they create creative climate within the company that make easier to come up with new inventions.
Comparative Analysis between E, Z) -4-[3-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-(3, 4-dimethoxyphenyl) acryloyl] morpholine&Monceren Crystal[Full-Text ] Dr. JyotsnaChauhan, Rajesh kumarThe structures of Dimethomorph compounds can be obtained by X- Ray Diffraction method in crystalline form and they will invariably be similar to their structures in solution. The composition of crystal Dimethomorph is confined by comparing the infrared spectra of two components. Crystal size of Dimethomorph is 0.30 x 0.20 x 0.20 mm. The unit cell parameter are a= 8.593(5) Ã…, b = 11.220(5) Ã… and c = 11.712(5) Ã…, a = 63.504(5) deg., ß = 72. 177(5) deg., ? = 85.391(5) deg., respectively. Crystal system is Triclinic and space group is P-1.
Non commutative algebra and the Left Ideals of the Group Algebra for Some Lie Groups[Full-Text ] Badahi Ould Mohamed, Kahar El HusseinLet G = Rno Rm be the Lie group which is the semi-direct product of the two real vector groups Rn and Rm. Let L1(G) be its Banach algebra. In this paper we give a classi?cation of all left ideals in L1(G): Besides we prove the existence theorem for the algebraof all invariant di¤erential operators on G. To this end we ?nd a new interesting non commutative algebra associated to the enveloping algebra U of G
Review on thermal challenges in embedded system[Full-Text ] GIFTY K BABY, GNANA SHEELA KEmbedded systems are used in safety critical areas such as automotive electronics and medical applications. These safety critical applications impose strict requirements on reliability, performance, low power and testability of the underlying VLSI circuits. The VLSI circuits operate very often at high temperature, which has negative impact on reliability, performance, power-efficiency and testability with silicon technology scaling. Several thermal impacts on VLSI circuits and their related challenges are discussed. This paper presents also a few emerging techniques that take temperature into account in the design and test processes. There are number of embedded computers controlling virtually all devices and systems in a huge spectrum of application areas including aerospace, manufacturing, chemical processes, healthcare care, automotive, transportation, telecommunication, and consumer appliances. Many of these systems are safety-critical, such as automotive electronics and medical equipment, with stringent reliability and real time requirements. At the same time, with silicon technology scaling, VLSI circuits used to implement the computational components of these systems are built with smaller transistors, operate at higher clock frequency, run at lower voltage levels, and operate very often at higher temperature. Consequently, they are subject to more faults and interferences.
An Overview of Wind Turbine Failure and Condition Monitoring[Full-Text ] Saurabh Apte, Soham ArgadeOur paper, ”An Overview Of wind turbine Failure and Condition Monitoring” intends to cite the causes of wind turbine failure and the necessity of condition monitoring.
EMPATHY : DEVELOPING PEOPLE SKILLS IN LANGUAGE LABORATORY[Full-Text ] Mr. Madhav U, Prof. M. V Raghu Ram, Mrs. Kiranmayi . KThe 20th century was the age of introspection, wherein self-help and therapy culture encouraged us to believe that the best way to understand who we are and how to live was to introspect. Undoubtedly 21st century, is the age of empathy, an absolutely vital personal attributes to excel in People skills and to build everlasting human relationships. This differential outlook has been practically presented in this paper with opinions given by different researchers & scientists coupled with our practical experiences as Life skills facilitators. Moreover, it is substantially elaborated how empathy can be developed through language laboratory activities.
Strategies for controling the spread of Hepatitis B virus in adult population[Full-Text ] T.T. Yusuf, A.A. Fall, and A. FriedmanHepatitis B virus (HBV) disease continues to spread among the adult population, though the disease is gradually driven towards eradication among infants and children due to vaccination. We present a deterministic model for controlling the spread of HBV among the adult population using adult catch-up vaccination and change in sexual habits as control measures. Using Senegal demographic data, we compute the disease prevalence for di erent combinations of levels of the two measures. We also compute the associated cost suggesting, under budget limitation, how to choose optimal intervention strategy.
Design and implementation of an efficient OFDM communication using fused floating point FFT[Full-Text ] Pamidi Lakshmi Amrutha Valli, Sunkara Rambadu, V G Prasad NaraharasettiIn this paper, OFDMA scheme is proposed for multi-user wireless communications with specific application in all domains. A new VLSI architecture for real-time FFT processor is proposed in this paper. This concept introduces OFDM system using a programmable fused-point DSP.A reduced complexity software implementation of the technique is proposed and discussed. Both the interoperability and adaptability among modulation operational modes of the OFDM systems is supported. Here, fused floating point FFT is studied and implemented in method employing radix-4 decimation-in-time fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms.
Photoconducting properties of hierarchical rod like structure nanostructured Cd1-xZnxS thin films prepared by chemical bath deposition technique[Full-Text ] S.M.Patil and P. H. PawarNanostructured hierarchical rod shape Cd1-xZnxS(x=0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8) thin films has been prepared by chemical bath deposition technique. The CBD is relatively simple, inexpensive and convenient for large area deposition. Nanostructured Cd1-xZnxS thin films were deposited on glass substrate by chemical bath deposition technique have been investigated by different analytical technique. The influence of Zn composition on structural, surface morphology, optical and electrical properties of thin films was investigated. It was observed that as Zn composition of the films significantly effect on crystallite size, grain size, optical band gap energy. The result are discussed and interpreted.
INTERRELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE IN MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS IN SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF BIRNIN-KEBBI LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF KEBBI STATE[Full-Text ] Muhammad Sani Abdurrahman, Ahmad MaduguMathematics has an age-old relationship with physics and other natural sciences. It is the foundation of science and technology and the functional role of mathematics to science and technology is multifarious, that no area of science, technology and business enterprise escapes its application. This study interrelate the performance of students’ in mathematics and physics in senior secondary schools. The paper highlighted two pertinent points; first to determine the relationship between mathematics and physics, and second is to see whether success in mathematics can be used to predict success in physics and visa-visa. One null hypothesis was formulated to guide the study. Research data were extracted from 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 WAEC examination results from three secondary schools in Birnin Kebbi local government area of Kebbi state. The study adopted a descriptive survey design that employs simple linear correlation regression analysis in order to test the null hypothesis. The R values of 0.384, 0.104, 0.022 and 0.158 for the year 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 respectively indicated moderate to weak correlation. A test of significance, F-ratio was applied to the results. Since the calculated values of F were less than the critical values of F (F=1.62) at 5% level of significant, the null hypothesis was accepted. The result of the study therefore showed no significant correlation between students’ performance in physics and their performance in mathematics.
Big Data and Big Data Scrutiny with Hadoop’s MapReduce[Full-Text ] Ms. Nikita P. Rane, Prof. Dinesh D. PatilBig Data is highly related to large-volume of data, complex with evolving relationship, growing data sets with multiple, heterogeneous and self-governing sources. There is a faster development of networking along with data storage and collection capacity. The data is said as "Big Data" due to its characteristics of Volume, Variety, Velocity and Veracity. Most of this Big Data is unstructured, semi structured and heterogeneous in nature. The volume and the heterogeneity of Big Data, with the speed it is generated, make it difficult for the present computing infrastructure to manage Big Data. Because of this nature of Big Data, traditional data management, warehousing and analysis systems are not satisfactorily able to analyze this data. In order to process Big Data, HACE Theorem is considered that characterizes the features of Big Data for Big Data Processing. Hadoop and HDFS by Apache is a software framework which is widely used for storing, managing and analyzing Big Data which is a challenging task as it involves large distributed file systems which should be fault tolerant, flexible and scalable. Hadoop’s MapReduce is widely being used for the efficient processing of large data sets on clusters which is nothing but Big Data. In this paper, the various solutions are introduced in hand through Map Reduce framework over Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Map Reduce is a Minimization technique which makes use of file indexing with mapping, sorting, shuffling and finally reducing. Map Reduce techniques have been introduced which is implemented for Big Data analysis using HDFS.
Design And Development Of Hybrid Electric Two-wheeler With Solar Charging Methodology[Full-Text ] SHARADA PRASAD N,Dr. K R NATARAJ,The concern over the environment with respect to pollution, conservation of fuel resources in the world, the automotive industry has entered into a new dimension in production of more fuel efficient, low emission vehicles and new technologies. One of the greatest innovations is Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV). The hybrid electric vehicle consists of two or more energy sources for total propulsion of the vehicle. In this paper, two independent propulsions, ICE and electric motor are independently operated for combined effort derivation in total propulsion of the vehicle. The Combined effort of ICE and Electric motor in propelling the vehicle more suitable for country like India is being analyzed in this paper. The ICE will be active in initial pickup and electric motor acts in supportive propulsion. The test area chosen is Mysore City, India in deriving the driving cycle.
Comparative study of all Optical Amplifiers[Full-Text ] Prince Jain, Neena GuptaAll Optical Systems exploiting Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Systems (DWDMs) have emerged through implementation of optical amplifiers. The performance of DWDM system is enhanced throgh Optical Amplifier. In this review paper several optical amplifiers have been discussed that are suitable for the low-cost, high performance applications of DWDM systems. The different amplifiers, such as Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFA), Raman amplifiers (RA), Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA), Ytterbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (YDFA), Erbium Ytterbium Co-Doped Fiber Amplifier (EYCDFA) and Thulium Doped Fiber Amplifier (TDFA) have different properties that make them suitable for a variety of applications and their advantages can be integrated to improve the performance of all optical systems.
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