Volume 5, Issue 11, November 2014 Edition
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Comparisons of BER for different users in CDMA multiuser detection system[Full-Text ] Priyanka Gautam, Pankaj Shukla and Dr. Girish ParmarIn wireless communication system code division multiple access (CDMA) is the most popular and secures technology in multiuser detection (MUD). MUD is an approach which uses filters for the optimization. In this paper, different users with spreading PN sequence have been used to compare the bit error rate (BER) with corresponding signal to noise ratio (SNR).
Secure Hybrid Mobile Application Containers[Full-Text ] Swathy M SonyA secure hybrid application container and its deployment mechanism helps to provide secure data transfer by implementing hybrid mobile application container inside the mobile phone which highly useful in large organization for data transfer and communication. Hybrid mobile application describes an application created to run on a mobile device and components are defined using HTML5 and CSS3 and JavaScript. Hybrid mobile application combines the best parts of native applications and web applications. Mobile application container itself is a secure mobile application in which entry is strictly restricted to authenticated users with help of login id, strong password and smart card. The data moving in and out of the mobile application always in encrypted form using self-encryption scheme. Main feature of containerization is separation of personal and organizational data of a person. Container composed of various plug-in, container application and application manager. The system provide multiple levels of authentication mechanism that secures access to the applications and data residing within container.
Preparation of Eco-Friendly Natural Hair Fiber Reinforced Polymeric Composite (FRPC) Material by Using Of Polypropylene and Fly Ash: A Review[Full-Text ] Sameer AhmadThe strict environmental regulations and economical purpose recycling of saloon waste hair the use of alternative Eco-friendly Natural reinforcements to produce advanced composite materials. To perform studies of natural hair fiber reinforcement polymeric Composite (FRP) with using of polypropylene and thermal wastes that is fly ash which is generated in huge quantities from various industries.
Experimental Investigation on The Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles By Chemical Reduction Method[Full-Text ] Shikha Jain, Ankita Jain, Vijay DevraHighly stable dispersion of nanosized copper particles was prepared by chemical reduction method. Chemical reduction of copper salts by L-ascorbic acid is a new and green approach in which L-ascorbic acid is used as reducing and capping agent in aqueous medium. This approach is the most effective and is also economical. The effects of reactant concentration and reaction temperature on morphology of dispersed copper nanoparticles were studied. The formation of copper nanoparticles in dispersion was monitored through the analysis of absorbance spectra by UV-Visible Spectrophotometer at different stages during the process of synthesis. The morphology of copper nanoparticles was characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The product of adding L-ascorbic acid in copper salt was characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrophotometer. The study revealed that L-ascorbic acid plays an important role of protecting the copper nanoparticles to prevent oxidation and agglomeration and they have good stability for application.
Signal and Pump Power Variations of the Gain and Noise Figure of the Er/Yb Co-Doped Waveguide Amplifiers[Full-Text ] O. Mahran, G.D.Roston, M.S.Helmy, A.A.SamirThe variations of signal and pump power of the gain and noise figure of the phosphate glass Er3+-Yb3+-co-doped waveguide amplifiers(EYCDWA) are calculated from the rate equations and the light propagation equations under the uniform dopant and the steady-state condition. The gain increases and noise figure decreases as the input power increase whereas the gain increases and noise figure increases as the signal power increase for our case of calculations. In our analysis, we have neglected the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) and have introduced the initial energy transfer efficiency.
Online social networks threats[Full-Text ] Hamza Ahmed(SNSs) Social Networking Sites or online social networks are the most outstanding technological phenomena in the twenty first century. These are the most visited sites globally with an informal but comprehensive management tools. SRNs are also used for commercial purposes for instance, MySpace, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. In this study, various aspects of network, social and physical security associated with online social networks sites have been discussed beginning with the introduction of the mechanisms related to each threat and the summaries of relevant solutions that can be adopted to solve these issues amicably (Wang et al., 2009). Each mode of online threat comes with different risks, therefore, relevant measures can be taken to prevent or solve issues related to them. These measures have been discussed into details with examples mentioned at each end. However, it is recognized that individuals and organizations have a legitimate personal and financial uses for online social network, at the same time it’s recommended that certain measures should be taken to reinforce stronger users’ awareness with more secure network and software designs (Novak et al., 2013).
Fast Handovers in heterogeneous Wireless Networks[Full-Text ] Sneha VurrakulaThe main challenge presently faced in the sector of wireless communication is to provide a continuous connectivity to the Internet when the mobile node moves from one point to the other. This, in other words, is defined as handover and the length of period that the mobile node cannot send or receive data packets is called handover latency. It is one of the major problems in wireless mobile networks since it prevents users from seamless mobility. When a mobile node moves from one wireless access point to another in a heterogeneous network environment, it has to perform vertical handover. During the handover procedure the mobile node can neither send nor receive any data packets. This results in packet loss. Mobile IP Fast Handover scheme helps in reducing handover delay that avoids loss of packets.
Application of Fuzzy Logic in Load Frequency Control of Two Area Power System[Full-Text ] Suranjana BharadwajThis paper presents the use of Fuzzy Logic Controller along with Proportional-Integral (PI) Controller to regulate the frequency deviations and change in tie-line loading of a two area thermal-thermal power system due to a step load change. The system is designed using MATLAB SIMULINK software. The system is first diagnosed using only PI controller but the response is not found satisfactory as it give huge oscillations and larger settling time. In the next step we incorporate Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) along with the PI controller. The result shows a satisfactory improvement in the frequency and tie-line loading deviations in both the areas and also reduces the settling time for all the oscillations. Hence system becomes more stable and reliable.
Node Selection Score based Clustering scheme for Cognitive Radio Networks[Full-Text ] Sangita U. Pawar, Prof. S. S. BarveCognitive radio means a radio system whose parameters is changing dynamically according to the external environment. By using the several cognitive radios’ in the network they built Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs). CRNs has the capability to deal with the exact requirement of the radio spectrum as well as take care of its shortage .Cognitive Radio Networks plays an important role to solve the problem of insufficient amount of radio spectrum for use.
CONCENTRATION OF APOLIPOPROTEIN-B 100 (Apo-B 100) and LIPOPROTEIN [(a) Lp (a)] AT PATIENTS WITH DIABETES MELLITUS[Full-Text ] Doc. Dr. Sci. Med. Lutfi ZYLBEARI. MD, PhD, M-r. Dr.Med. Gazmend Zylberai, .M-r. Dr. Med. Zamira BexhetiPatients with diabetes have 3 or 4 times higher risks of coronary disease compared with the healthy population. One of the main factors of developing atherosclerosis at patients diagnosed with DM is the abnormalities appeared in apolipoprotein B-100 and Lp (a). At DM patients it is proven that it exists a high correlation between the concentration of Apolipoprotein B-100, Lipoprotein - (a), diabetic nephropathy, micro and macro albuminuria as well as diabetic retinopathy (1). One of the most common complications of DM is: micro and macro vascular changes. Insulin depended patients or patients treated with oral insulin are potential candidates for diseases such as: renal diseases, diabetic retinopathy, coronary diseases and cerebral insult - compared with the healthy population or patients with different etiological disease.
ADVANCED COMMUNICATION FOR QUADRIPLEGIA[Full-Text ] B.B.S.KUMAR, B.MANJUNATHA, MANISH KISHORE JAGGI, VISHNU C.S, VISHNU R.PILLAIAccidents are common in all the countries and the affected faces trauma sometimes in the form of cervical injury, stroke, motor-neural syndrome. One such case is Quadriplegia, wherein the patient suffers from immobility due to the loss of control over his limbs sometimes also resulting in loss of speech leaving behind only the muscle movements of the head as a compliment. Many efforts to help such patients through the use of technology have been found and are in process, one such venture is “Advanced Communication For Quadriplegia’’. Work based on embedded and software VB6.0 platform.
Evaluation of Service Quality from Distributor’s Perspective in the Pharmaceutical Supply chain[Full-Text ] P Uma Maheswari Devi, Dr.B.Sankara Rao, Prof. B.Rajashekar, Dr.N.Uday BhaskarPharmaceutical Industry plays an extremely important role in preserving the health of people, and unlike other goods and services, access to health care services and products is often considered a personal right. The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain plays a major role in ensuring the right drug, reaches the right people, timely and accurately. In this scenario an attempt was made to examine the service quality at the manufacturer – distributor interface of the pharmaceutical supply chain and how it effects their satisfaction. A sample of 220 distributors from three major cities of Andhra Pradesh, India were selected. Exploratory Factor Analysis was used to identify the critical factors of service quality and Multiple Regression tests were conducted for knowing the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction.
Maximum Intensity Projection with fast rendering using Point Cloud Data Structure[Full-Text ] Brahmdutt Bohra, Deepak Gupta, Shikha Gupta, Surendra YadavMaximum intensity projection (MIP) is an important visualization method that has been widely used for the diagnosis of enhanced vessels or bones by rotating the MIP images. With The rapid spread of MDCT (Multi Detector-row Computed Tomography) scanners. This is a volume rendering technique which is used to extract high-intensity structures from volumetric data. MIP works on each pixel the highest data value rendezvous along the matching viewing ray is calculated. MIP is mostly used to extract vascular structures from medical MRI data sets. Example: angiography. Real-time processing and visualization of the 3D image data are the most important requirements in medical imaging. Among various existing 3D visualization methods maximum intensity projection (MIP) is a useful tool to visualize 3D images. However, much-time complexity is a drawback of using the MIP. The time complexity of the MIP depends on the number of data sets of the 3D data. To reduce time complexity, we developed a fast processing Shear-warp algorithm that produces better images in much less time.
Integration of Space Technology and Electronic De-vices: Calculating Loss on Tansformers Located in Bhurgaon Village of Dehradun district by using Ge-ospatial Technology[Full-Text ] Divya Uniyal, M.M.Kimothi, V.K.DhuandiyalThe population of the Uttarakhand state is about 84.89 lakhs at present state has sufficient electricity to distribute among the existing population but in future scenario by seeing that population is increasing is an alarming rate and urban scrawl , this condition may not be possible. Use of modern technology is essential for the development in this sector. Remote sensing, Geographic Information System (GIS), Geographical Information System, or Geospatial Information System is an emerging tool in this new most important area. With the help of this technology different studies can be done like Load Flow Studies, Load Forecasting, Management Information System (MIS), Total energy accounting, Installation of capacitor banks & network reconfiguration and High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS) etc. In this direction, one case study has been conducted at USAC, Bhurgaon village region of Dehradun district of Uttarakhand state. The main objective of the study is to calculate Loss in different transformers located in study area.
Speed Control of DC Motor Using PID & Smart Controller[Full-Text ] Purushotam Kumar, Prabhakar Kumar Prabhat, Mithun Kumar, Dr. S.D. ChoudharyThe thesis describes about the concept of DC motor and Speed control separately excited DC motor. Motor speed is controlled with PID controller and first system is checked without controller on loaded and unloaded condition then add PID controller and system is tuned using its existing tuning methods. After it system is further tuned in order to get desired value with less steady state error. And then the result is discussed. This paper describes about the basic concepts of Fuzzy Set and Fuzzy Logic, the speed control with the help of Fuzzy controller. Fuzzy controller provides better control strategies than other controllers. Optimization of Fuzzy controller with Simulink model describes in this paper and a new way for faster response and smooth output. The comparison of these two controllers’ results is also showed. From the results it is proved that Fuzzy Controller is the best controller. Finally the MATLAB Simulation is discussed.
AODV in 802.11p and 802.16 based VANETS[Full-Text ] Mr. S.M. Bhagat , Dr V.M. WadhaiThe recent research in routing algorithm of Vehicular ad hoc Networks (VANETs). Due to dynamic nature and high mobility of VANET plays an important role for the researcher for consistent packet delivery ratio. In this work we have compared the result of Ad hoc on demand distant vector (AODV) in 802.11p and 802.16 based VANETS. Simulation result confirms that 802.16 is better option for VANET routing protocols. Comparison measure with respective Packet delivery ratio, throughput, end to end delay, Data Packet loss, Link breakage and number of hop count.
Theory of Relativity[Full-Text ] Keelen S. GarzaE=mc2 is incorrect. It is interesting because I believe the energy part of the equation should represent all of energy and not just some of it. My solution to the problem is, K trans + K rotate=mc2. Following from my work will give us a more correct understanding of black holes and space itself.
Use of Social Networking Sites in Higher Education[Full-Text ] Dr Ahmed M AleneziSNS (Social Networking Sites) are sought after in almost all societies in the world today due to multiplication of usages. They not only provide best platform and room to meet new and existing friends online to remain connected to them but also help to share photos. Equally is noticeable use of SNSs for other purposes to transform societies into many aspects. Their use for educational purposes is remarkable in current context. It is undeniable that large number of SNSs have privacy, advertisement and subscription related concerns but on the other hands SNSs equally offer flexibility, accessibility, embedding video, two-way communication with no cost at all. The significance of present research lies in that important fact that it adds to our knowledge of subject in numerous contexts of usage. Among learning problems having been discussed in this paper is the extent to which ICT is really integrated in the university education system. Present research attempts to add new brick to enhance complete structure. This research is going to help learn many key factors especially better understanding of current problems faced. Similarly, it focuses on factors such as how students and faculty members of Northern Border University (NBU) take SNSs for various purposes, whether for personal or professional use and their applications in the educational purposes
A review and analysis of fuzzy-c means clustering techniques[Full-Text ] KiweewaKalemaAbdulRahman,BukenyaFaiza.In research, change detection result accuracy does not only depend on the image registration accuracy but also depends on the segmentation and classification accuracy since the errors that arise from image registration are minimised during the segmentation and classification phase. Among the techniques that have been proposed to be good in dealing with the misalignment problem that arise from image registration is fuzzy c-means clustering(this technique is a combination of c-means used during grouping pixels in to objects and fuzzy logic used for classification of image objects in to changed and un-changed objects) . Fuzzy c-means clustering technique works by partitioning the image pixels into a set of fuzzy clusters through an iterative optimisation of the objective function adopted from Tariq Rashid with the update of membership and the cluster centre. Many fuzzy c-means clustering techniques have been proposed by researchersto deal with the image registration errors.This paper reviews some of the fuzzy c-means clustering.in this paper Fuzzy-Statistics-Based Affinity Propagation C-means clustering for segmentation-classification phase is proposed, since the method is fast, enable incorporation of spatial information which leads to prevention of noise and deals with intensity variation in images. It also treats clusters equally which avoid poor solution caused by hard decisions during clustering hence avoiding misclassification of clusters especially small cluster leading to quality segmentation and classification results.
Design Of DSBSC Modulator Using MOS Transistor And Analysis Of Its Power, Delay, Frequency Response And Thermal Noise Due To Channel Resistance Of MOS[Full-Text ] Bipasha Chakrabarti, Tarun Samadder2 ,Debanjana Ray,Sampa DasThis paper presents the design of double side band suppressed carrier (DSBSC) modulator using MOS transistors at deep sub micron level. Modulator part of the circuit has been designed using two transistor only. Working principle of the circuit has been presented qualitatively. Graphical representation of instantaneous power drawn from message signal source has been focused . Power consumption across the resistances in the inverting amplifier section has been measured. It is also measured the delay from carrier input instance to modulated output instance . Frequency response of the circuit has been plotted . Finally it is analysed the thermal noise of the circuit at output due to channel resistance of MOS transistor .All the measurements and analysis are performed using Tanner SPICE (T-SPICE) software . It is found that power drawn from the message signal source is of the order of 10-5 Watt . Said delay is of the order of pico second . The circuit exhibits very wide frequency range of operation without attenuation and higher cut off frequency is around 188GHz. From noise analysis it is found that thermal noise at output due to channel resistance is of the order of 10-24 Volt2 /Hz.
An Alternate Approach to Overcome Problems in Vector Control of Single Phase Induction Motor[Full-Text ] P.J.V.GOPI KRISHNA, M.R.P.REDDYThis paper presents several of the problems encountered with vector-controlled single-phase induction motor (SPIM), and discusses about the complex implementation of a vector controlled SPIM drive. The vector-controlled symmetrical two-phase induction motor (TPIM) is presented as a viable replacement for the vector-controlled SPIM. The implementation of the proposed vector-controlled TPIM is simple compared to the vectorcontrolled SPIM. All the TPIM parameters can be calculated simply and precisely. The proposed strategy for TPIM is derived from the indirect vector control strategy used for three-phase ac machines. Several differences between the vector control strategies for the TPIM and for three-phase ac motor are discussed. The validity of the proposed vector-controlled TPIM was verified by simulations.
Support Design Consideration for Roof and Side Wall against Wedge Failure In Production Level of Maddhapara Granite Mine, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Chowdhury Quamruzzaman, Nadia Sultana Tarakki, Md. Badrul Alam, Chowdhury RayhanKabir Rocky and Pavel KhanThe geological map of the production level was examined and found the potential areas of wedge with in the production level. In this structurally controlled instability prone area the optimum support for the openings of the production level was designed by kinematics analysis for potential wedges. The areas having minimum three sets of joint up to maximum four sets of joints were considered for wedge failure analysis in both roof and side walls.Thewight of the wedge in all the potential areas of failure was calculated and Rock bolts have been considered in support design to keep the falling wedges in stable position. Thenumber of bolts that would be needed in roof and side wall of loop drifts were determined from roof support pressure.So in this research it has been strablished that rock bolting is the most effective support design for Maddhapara Granite Mining Company (MGMCL) than shortcreet or concrete linings.
Cooling Characteristics of a Surface using Inclined Air Jet at 75 Degree[Full-Text ] Ingole S. B., K. K. SundaramJet impingement is exceedingly operational for numerous field applications including electronics cooling and process industry. Its implementation comfort makes it common for many applications. The paper deals with investigation of thermal profile of a flat surface. It is cooled by air jet impinged at an angle of 75 degrees (angle of jet to target plate). For understanding variation in cooling performance, comprehensive experiments are performed with different configurations of jets on hot surface. For simplicity in using air, it is recommended for verity of applications as cooling fluid. Air jet with Reynolds Number of 2000 to 10000 is examined for the circular jet of constant diameter. The target to jet perpendicular height (H) is varied from 10mm to 55 mm for understanding effect of H on temperature of different locations on target plate. The ‘cool ellipse’ is drawn with specific major and minor diameter. Its size variation is noted for typical correlations of current cases.
An Assessment of Types of Risks in the Nigerian Construction Industry: Project Managers’ and Contractors’ Perspectives.[Full-Text ] Olalekan Mumuni OgunbayoRisk is permanent in all construction activities as in other areas of human endeavour. However, Project managers, contractors and other stakeholders need to be familiar with different categories of risks so as to treat the risks before it affects the projects. Different type of risks exists, but placing them in their real category reduces the Project managers’ burden to achieve project objectives. The Project manager and the nominated project team must realign the project objectives with associated risks to reduce the negative impact of project success. This study assesses types of risks in the construction industry and the frequency of occurrence so that the exposed factors are available for the stakeholders and policy makers. The returned questionnaires were inferentially and relationally analysed to have the discussion on the statistical findings and recommendations. The result indicates that construction risks are the most occurring followed by financial risks, design risks, managerial related risks, management risks and logistic risks. Other risks in descending order are contractual risks, administrative risk, political risks, physical risks and disaster risks. The result suggests that the three most occurring risks construction risk, financial risk and design risks need urgent attention of all stakeholders to reduce the impact of those risks. Furthermore, to formulate a dynamic process to reduce the risks before the silent ones become too intense to ameliorate.
A new class of Graceful Tree[Full-Text ] Afsana Ahmed Munia, Jannatul Maowa, Sheikh Tania, Dr. M. KaykobadA tree is graceful if it has a graceful labeling. A graceful labeling of a tree T with m edges is a function f: V(T)? {0,………,m} such that distinct vertices receive distinct numbers and {|f(u)-f(v)|: uv ? E(T)} ={1,……..,m}.The problem of whether or not all trees are graceful is still open. Many classes of trees have already been proved graceful such as paths, caterpillars, symmetrical trees, spider trees, lobster trees, star trees, firecrackers, banana trees etc. Trees of diameter at most five and trees with up to 35 vertices have been shown to be also graceful. In this paper we prove that trees consists of several stars all connected to a single star is graceful.
A Review on Steganography Techniques with a Solution to Enhance Efficiency[Full-Text ] Priyanka ThakuriIn this we are presenting general study of security technique Cryptography technique, Steganography technique and the combination of both techniques; Both the technique can be applied on various type of secrete message like text, image, video and audio etc individually. As we know that both technique are very powerful technique to provide security which can shield secret message through alter it into unreadable (CIPHER) form by using cryptography technique and conceal with in a cover image by steganography technique and unreadable secrete message conceal inside a cover image through the combination approach Integrity, Security, and authentication for secrete message are the prime concern of this work. Combined approach is the most widely used of all users in the digital world of today.
Robust empirical correlation development for subcooled flow boiling heat transfer in internal combustion engines[Full-Text ] Ali Qasemian, Ali KeshavarzThe subjects of heat transfer and cooling system are very important topics in the Internal Combustion Engines (ICE). In modern cooling systems, low weight, small size and high compactness are the critical designing criteria that requires heat transfer enhancement. Using the boiling phenomenon is one of the methods to increase heat transfer in the coolant system of an ICE. Due to the importance of this phenomenon, the accuracy of the existing model must be improved continuously. The Boiling which takes place in some of the cooling water jacket can be analyzed with the combination of forced convection and pool boiling models. A suppression factor is multiplied with the pool boiling model to lower its impact. In this study, a new robust empirical correlation is developed mathematically along with existing models. To ensure the accuracy of this new proposed correlation, an experimental test rig was set up and comprehensive data was collected. It showed good consistency between the new developed model and the experimental data. This correlation will predict the flow boiling in the ICE cooling passages better than previous models.
A Novel Vector Control Strategy For Bipolar Stepper Motor[Full-Text ] Mr. Jijo Paul , Prof. Dominic MathewThe requirement of precise control in servo applications used in the digital systems led to the development of stepper motors. The precise and zero backlash operation of steppers extended its reach to various position control applications. The lack of requirement of sensors for position control applications was one of the main reasons for preferring stepper motors. Since the stepper motors were driven using digital pulses the motor moved in discrete steps of fixed angles and this caused torque pulsations in the machine. The advent of Micro-stepping strategy was a revolutionary change to this scenario, which helped to achieve a continuous smooth torque performance with reduced ripples, but this led to the requirement of a position sensor feedback for precise control. In robotic applications, continuous motion with a steady torque is preferred over stepped motion with pulsating torque. The paper proposes a novel control technique for stepper motors with reduced torque ripple and improved efficiency with the application of a vector control strategy analogous to PM Synchronous Motors. The proposed strategy was implemented and tested on a hybrid stepper motor. The proposed system can be used in position control applications, process automation, Robotics etc.
Evaluation of Hybrid System Solar-Wind-Diesel In Nusa Penida Bali-Indonesia[Full-Text ] Charla Triselda Manik, F. Danang Wijaya, Tedy JuliandhyNusa Penida is one of the outest island in Indonesia located around Bali island. Electricity system of this area is apart from Bali’s electricity system that supply by 20 kV interconnection of hybrid solar-wind-diesel power station and connected to Nusa Penida island, Nusa Lembongan island and Nusa Ceningan island. This system is called three nusa system. Solar radiation average is 5,34 kWh/m2/day with 4,4 m/s wind speed average. This condition can be use to develope a renewable energy power station in this area. However, environmental conditions greatly affect the performance of the system in meeting the electricity supply. In this paper discussed the extent of the feasibility of hybrid plants were built with natural conditions and specifications of the equipment used in hybrid system in Nusa Penida. The influence of the natural conditions for the production of electrical energy associated with the specifications of the equipment used is known by measuring the daily conditions where hybrid system installed. This information is used to analyze the performance of hybrid systems and development the operations models of hybrid generation at Nusa Penida so electrical energy in this area is fulfilled.
Primary Evaluation of the Sudanese Guar Gum with respect to the Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid[Full-Text ] Elham Mohammed Mohammed Khair, Zhang Shicheng, Zhuang ZhaofengHydraulic fracturing has been used as stimulation technique to improve the productivity of hard, brittle formations and soft formations for more than 60 years. The technique involves pumping of a viscous fluid to create a fracture; the major consideration for the fluid selection is usually viscosity, which can be achieved by thickening agent. The common thickening agents on the market are mainly guar, the -modified hydroxypropyl guar gum and xantha gum. The good properties of the guar made its demand raised considerably. This paper presented evaluation of the local Sudanese guar gum with respect to fracturing fluid. A series of standard laboratory tests were performed for the first time to address the performance of the guar gum itself and the fluid prepared with different concentrations of guar and different additives at different temperature and share rates. The fluid exhibit a good stability with time at 65 oC; also high returned permeability was obtained when the fluid was used to saturate core samples obtained from different wells in Fulla North Oilfield in Sudan.