Volume 5, Issue 11, November 2014 Edition
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An Approach of Web Crawling and Indexing of Nutch[Full-Text ] N. KOWSALYANutch has a highly modular architecture. Crawling is the operation that navigates and retrieves the information in web pages, populating the set of documents that will be searched. Typically, at the centre of any IR system is the inverted index. For each term, the inverted index contains a posting list, which lists the documents represented as integer document-IDs (doc-IDs) containing the term. The nutch command eliminates duplicate documents from a set of Lucene indices for Nutch segments. Nutch also has to add support for HTML extraction to Lucene. Nutch includes a link analysis algorithm similar to PageRank. The WebDB containing the web graph of pages and links. These lists contain every URL we’re interested in downloading. The query engine part consists of one or more front-ends, and one or more back-ends. Each back-end is associated with a segment of the complete data set. The driver represents external users and it is the point at which the performance of the query is measured, in terms of queries per second (qps).
Relationship among Serum Level of Butyrylcholinesterase , Oxidative Stress and Lipid Profile in Premenopausal and Postmenopausal Iraqi Women[Full-Text ] Russell Mohammad Hussan ,Pro.Dr.TarikH.Al- KhayatThe study was conducted on fifty healthy women .Twenty five premenopausal women and twenty five postmenopausal women .Twenty five premenopausal age range (32- 42) years and twenty five postmenopausal women age range (47- 72) years. Blood samples were taken from premenopausal women and postmenopausal women from Babylon maternity and pediatric hospital in Hilla city, the sera obtained from the blood were used to determine correlation butyrylcholinestrase enzyme with oxidative stress (Malondialdehyde),lipid profile and Superoxide Dismutase.In results present study,There were significant increase (p<0.05) in malondialdehyde, low density lipoproteinand and Butyrylcholinestrase concentration in sera of postmenopausal women when compared to premenopausal women while there was non significant decrease (p?0.05) in high density lipoprotein concentration in sera of postmenopausal women when compared to premenopausal women and significant decrease (p?0.05) in superoxide dismutase concentration in sera of postmenopausal women when compared to premenopausal women.
Simulation of a Quantity Surveying Expert System[Full-Text ] Oludele Awodele, Ernest E. Onuiri, Iretioluwa O. Owolabi, Udoka O. Igbokwe, Yetunde R. Ogunleye and Ayodeji E. OyewaleConstruction is the process of building or assembling of infrastructure either for residential, industrial, commercial or heavy civic activities. It is a major factor in the development of different socio-economic sectors. For the successful execution of a project, effective planning in terms of the project lifespan, the environmental impact of the project, the safety level at the construction site, availability of building materials and most importantly the cost of executing the project are all essential. Cost estimation is a well-formulated prediction of the probable construction cost of a specific building project. A number of projects have been abandoned while others were completed haphazardly, due to improper cost estimations which sometimes lead to the collapse of some buildings. This research investigates and assesses how a simulated expert system can ensure a faster, more efficient prediction of the probable construction cost of a specific building project taking into account the following parameters: current market prices of building materials, labour cost and dimensions of the proposed building. In addition, the waterfall software development methodology was adopted in building the software. Results obtained showed that proper cost estimation of projects can be achieved with minimal tendency for errors.
Design Deep Submicron Technology Architecture of High Speed Pseudo n-MOS Level Conversion Flip-Flop[Full-Text ] BIKKE SWAROOPA, SREENIVASULU MAMILLA.Power has become primary constraint for both high performance and portable system designing, as a remedy using Dual-supply voltage design and Cluster Voltage Scaling is an effective to reduce power consumption. In this thesis, simulated different deep submicron technologies with multiple scaling methods to identify the effects on power dissipation and propagation delay of the CMOS circuit and achieved make trade of between power delay product (PDP) with 180nm, 130nm, 90nm and 65nm technology by implementing a design of efficient level conversion flip-flop (LCFF) by implementing clocked sharing pseudo n-MOS (CS-PN) LCFF using pseudo n-MOS logic. By using 65nm deep submicron technology, PDP enhanced by approximately 50% as observed from simulation results.
Amazigh Characters Automatic Recognition: Overview and Prospects[Full-Text ] Ali Rachidi, Mustapha Eddahibi, Youssef Essaady, Mustapha AmrouchThe design and implementation of Amazigh OCR systems is very crucial for the Amazigh language promotion and development. Till now, there is a lack of such system. Therefore, there is growing interest for Amazigh optical character recognition in research works. Indeed, some research works have led to design of systems improving this situation. In this paper, we describe different Amazigh OCR systems and approaches developed and tested in our research team, showing their characteristics and results. The aim of this description is to achieve a comprehensive summary of the various approaches and systems which could help open up some interesting new prospects.
Load Distribution by Micro Grid using Virtual instrumentation[Full-Text ] R.Hariharan, Dr.P.UsharaniPower management is a major role in the power system. Power system must be distributing the power at reliable manner. This paper proposes as micro grid control design in power management using virtual instrumentation which helps desired real power and reactive flow between the utility grid and micro grid. The system can run in three different modes depending on power requirement in the micro grid. VI (virtual instrumentation) System can change the mode depend upon local DG source and load demand. When Local DG source meets the load demand the system operated by island mode. When local DG source lesser than load demand as micro grid gets the power from utility grid to meet the demand i.e. grid connected mode and when local DG source greater than load demand as micro grid sold the power to utility grid i.e. gain mode. This VI model is very reliable and flexible one to control the power sharing. It is real time control model while interfacing data acquisition device. The model of micro grid control design is simulated by LabVIEW.
Dyeing of Silk Using Natural Dyes Extracted From Local Plants[Full-Text ] Redwan JihadThe uses of natural dyes are having an age old history since ancient periods. The name natural dyes cover all the dyes derived from the plants, insects and minerals. After the invention of synthetic dyes, they are withdrawn from market, due to their limitations. In long term use the synthetic dyes are very much harmful for human skin due to the presence of other chemicals used during manufacturing. Natural dyes have now entered a new era where they are required and used for their many intrinsic values. Local plants are one source of natural colorant which is grouped under plant sources. They are easily available in the country and can be considered as zero cost dyes as they are planted for other purposes. Plants are the major sources of natural colorants and almost all their parts such as stem, leaves, fruits, seeds and pills are used for extracting natural color and they have antimicrobial, antifungal, insect repellent, deodorant, disinfectant and other medicinal values. In this project the chemical constituent, the coloring component and extraction method of plant dyes are reviewed in detail. Dyes were extracted from leaves, roots and bark of plants and silk was dyed with these dyes by different mordanting techniques with different mordants. After dyeing, the dyed silk was subjected to different fastness tests.
Production and characterization of biodiesel from Mackerel fish oil[Full-Text ] Pavan Pujar, B. K. VenkannaMackerel Fish oil was used as the raw material to produce the biodiesel in this study. The raw oil (RO) was collected from discarded fish products. This oil was filtered and heated to 1100C and made it moisture free. The filtered and moisture free RO was transesterified to produce biodiesel. The experimental results showed that oleic acid and lauric acid were the two major components of the fish oil biodiesel (FOB). Palmitic acid and linoleic acid were found approximately same in the quantity. The fuel properties kinematic viscosity, flash point, fire point, specific gravity, calorific value, cetane number, density, acid value, saponification value, iodine value, cloud point, pour point, ash content, copper strip corrosion, carbon residue, American Petroleum Institute (API) gravity were determined for FOB. A comparative study of the properties was carried out with RO and Neat diesel (ND). It was found that cetane number was 59 for FOB which was more than RO, which showed 57. Blends (B20, B40, B60, B80: example: B20: 20% FOB + 80% ND) of FOB and ND were prepared on volume basis and comparative study was carried out with ND and FOB.
Adapting Cloud Computing in Higher Education[Full-Text ] Fazal Qudus Khan, Mohammad Ishaq, Asif Irshad Khan and Baker SoubaniIn the present era of Information Technology (IT), institutions worldwide becoming highly rely on the IT services such as cloud computing for their knowledge and learning demand and support. Being able to study or teach anytime, anywhere is where we’re all headed. It’s important for higher education to echo this as well–provide more flexibility for teachers and students. Cloud computing is considered as very stable IT technology that has the high potential of supporting blended learning methodologies in education such as electronic (e) learning and mobile(m) learning.
Comparative Analysis of Point on Wave Switching Technique & Prefluxing Technique to Mitigate In-rush Current in Three Phase Power Transformer[Full-Text ] Mr.Pradeep J.Kotak, Prof.Alka ThakurTransformers are key component for electrical energy transfer in power system. Sta¬bility and security of the transformer protec-tion are important to system operation. At the time of transformer energization, a high current will be drawn by the transformer. The mentioned current is called transient inrush current and it may rise to ten times the nominal full load current of transformer during operation. Energization transients can produce mechanical stress to the transformer, cause protection system malfunction and it often affects the power system quality and may disrupt the operation of sensitive electrical loads such as computers and medical equipment connected to the system. Re¬duction and the way to control of energization transient currents have become important concerns to the power industry for engineers. One of the methods to reduce inrush current is use of point on wave switching at the time transformer is initially connected to supply. It is called controlled switching or point-on-wave switching. In the point on wave switching, the energization of three phases is controlled according to the residual flux which remains in the transformer. Conven¬tionally, controlled switching or point on wave switching was the method being used to counter this problem, but this method required the knowledge of residual fluxes of transformer before energization which is quite tedious to get. So a technique has been proposed to mitigate inrush current in three phase transformer, by a process called pre-fluxing. After setting the initial fluxes of transformer it is energized by conventional controlled switching. A system of power transformer of specified rating is simulated in MATLAB simulink and results were obtained. This Paper describes the modeling of inrush current of 3- phase, 300 MVA, 11/400 KV, 50 Hz transformer, and mitigation of inrush current with both techniques using point on wave switching and prefluxing. The simulation is done in MATLAB.
Multi-Vehicle Tracking Under Day and Night Illumination[Full-Text ] Mohamed Taha, Hala H. Zayed, Taymoor Nazmy and M. E. KhalifaTraffic surveillance plays a vital role in computer vision and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Image analysis provides several effective techniques to detect moving objects in images. Thus, it has been extensively used for traffic monitoring systems. Recently, the problem of detecting and tracking vehicles is an important emerging research area for intelligent transportation systems. Many algorithms have been developed to detect and track moving vehicles either in daytime or in nighttime. In fact, vehicle tracking in daytime and in nighttime cannot be approached with the same techniques, due to the extreme different illumination conditions. Building an integrated system to deal with daytime and nighttime is still a challenging problem especially when considering shadows at daytime, dim lighting at night, and real-time processing constraint.
Peristaltic transport of a pulsatile flow for a particle-fluid suspension through a annular region: Application of a clot blood model[Full-Text ] Khaled S. Mekheimer, Mohamed S. MohamedA serious pathological condition is encountered when some blood constituents deposited on the blood vessels get detached from the wall, join the blood stream again and form a clot. The pulsatile flow for peristaltic transport of a fluid with suspended particles may be considered as a mathematical model for the blood flow. We study this model in a annular region with a clot inside it, under low Reynolds number and long wavelength approximation. We model a small artery as a tube having a sinusoidal wave travelling down its wall with a constant velocity c and a clot model inside it. Closed form solutions are obtained for the fluid/particle velocity , as well as the stream function, and the pressure gradient. These solutions contain new additional parameters, namely, d, the height of the clot, ß, the pulsating number and C, the suspension parameter, and the wave amplitude b. The pressure rise and friction force on the outer tube have been discussed for various values of the physical parameters of interest. Finally, the trapping phenomenon is illustrated.
Natural tolerance of some rice field diazotrophic cyanobacteria on exposure to herbicide Bispyribac-sodium[Full-Text ] Neeti Taraiya and Jaishree DubeyAs cyanobacteria are beneficial for rice crops as as biofertilizer,it becomes necessary to study the effect of different herbicides commonly used on the growth and survivability of these microorganisms.we studied effect of herbicide bispyribac sodium(commonly known as Nomnigold) on four selected strains namely Anabaena circinalis, Scytonema hofmanni, Aulosira prolifica and Tolypothrix fragilis isolated from soil samples obtained from rice fields of four sites of Kuthilia farm,Rewa.Maximum deleterious effect was found at 300ppm of herbicide Nomnigold but at 75ppm decrement rate of survived colonies of Anabaena and Scytonema reduced and showed regeneration in Aulosira and Tolypothrix which also affected their chlorophyll and Nitrogen contents were obtained maximum (0.475mg/l and 0.3984mg/l Chl’a’) and( 10.27mg/l and 11.74 mg/l N2) at 75 ppm which is minimum dose of Nomnigold (22.5-30g/Ha) found suitable for crops as well as for the cyanobacteria present.
Use of Eupatorium (Chromolaena odorata L.) in Biogas Production[Full-Text ] K. ManjappaBiogas technology in which biogas is derived through anaerobic digestion of biomass, such as agricultural wastes, certain weed species, municipal and Industrial waste (water), is one such appropriate technology. In this study the biogas production potential of eupatorium an obnoxious found in abundance in Western Ghat region of Karnataka in various proportions with cow dung has been studied under field conditions by using capsule model biogas plant. Volume of gas produced per day was measured by using IRGA Gas Flow Meter. The maximum biogas was recorded in treatment having cow dung and eupatorium in 3:1 proportion (757 litres per day) followed by 4:1 proportion (754 litres per day) and 5:1 (701 litres per day) proportions as compared to with that of cow dung alone (555 litres per day). Inclusion of eupatorium in higher proportions (1:5, 1:4, 1:3, 1:2 and 1:1) known to reduce the bio-gas production to a significant level.
Synthesis and structural characterization of 1,3-bis(4-formylphenoxymethyl)-2,4,5,6-tetrachlorobenzene and 1,3-bis(4-(2-hydroxyphenyliminomethyl)phenoxymethyl)-2,4,5,6-tetrachlorobenzene[Full-Text ] Iliyasu Aliyu Bashir, Shamsu Ahmad, Abdullahi Aliyu BawaTwo new macromolecular ligands, 1,3-bis(4-formylphenoxymethyl)-2,4,5,6-tetrachlorobenzene and 1,3-bis(4-(2-hydroxyphenyliminomethyl)phenoxy)-2,4,5,6-tetrachlorobenzene were made from simple available starting materials and reported in this article. Their structures were also determined via FT-IR and NMR analysis of the pure compounds.
Performance of LED Using Al2O3 Thin Film as Thermal Interface Material[Full-Text ] Subramani Shanmugan* and Devarjan MutharasuMiniaturization of solid state lighting devices creates issues on proper heat dissipation to maintain the junction temperature within the specified range for long term application. Heat dissipation can be improved by applying a thermally conductive interface material (TIM) between light emitting diode (LED) and heat sink. Al2O3 is one of the oxide filler material used to increase the thermal conductivity of thermal paste. Thickness control of TIM plays a vital role and restricts the use of various materials. Based on this facts, Al2O3 thin film at two different thicknesses were prepared by rf sputtering on Cu substrates which was used as heat sink for high power LED. The thermal transient analysis was performed for the given LED attached with Al2O3 coated Cu substrates and measured low total thermal resistance (Rth) value at 400 nm for 350 mA. The raise in junction temperature (TJ) was also low for 400 nm boundary condition at 350 mA. To strengthen this observation, surface topography of Al2O3 thin film was measured and it is noticed that very low surface roughness for 400 and 500 nm Al2O3 thin films. The grain size measured by software analysis has supported the observation due to changes in both Rth and TJ with respect to driving currents. Overall, the Al2O3 thin film coated Cu substrates conducts less heat for high power LEDs.
Electrochemical techniques applied to the study of archaeological pigments. The Voltammetry of Microparticles[Full-Text ] María Cecilia Páez, Yamile Rico, Juan Carlos BidegainThe Voltammetry of Microparticles (VMP) is an analytical technique mainly applied to the industrial field. The present work explores its utility in Archaeology, through the identification of the mineral composition of paints and engobes used in the coating of archaeological ceramic pieces. Its application enabled the detection of the use of mineral composites such as magnetite and hematite in the obtention of black and red pigments.
High-performance liquid chromatographoy method for the analysis of Benzyl Alcohol[Full-Text ] Vilas Khade, Sunil MirganeA rapid economical, reproducible and simple method was developed and validated for determination off Benzyl alchol using high performance liquid chromatography.
Enhancing Performance of Internetworking with Novel RED-AT Congestion Control Algorithm[Full-Text ] Z.M.Patel, Dr. U.D.DalalCongestion Control on Internet has drawn attention of many researchers since its presence from early 80’s. This lead to development of congestion control algorithms such as Droptail, RED and its variants, Random Exponential Marking (REM), Adaptive Virtual Queue (AVQ) etc. Out of these, RED has been promising and widely used in router for long. This paper proposes RED with Adaptive Threshold (RED-AT) algorithm which is based on the current and few past observations of average queue size to adjust thresholds. Thus it can correctly predict the behavior of queue dynamic and make appropriate adjustment in upper and lower thresholds. It is observed the proposed RED-AT scheme mitigates oscillations in average and instantaneous queue size and enhances link utilization. Simulation results show improvement in throughput, jitter and packet loss performance of a router.
Protective Relay for Transmission Line Using Artificial Neural Network[Full-Text ] Mahmudul Haque, Dr. Md. Kamrul HassanElectricity is a naturally occurring force that exists all around us. Its necessity is increasing day by day because of supply quality electrical power continuously for business, industrial and also residential usage. It might result in discomfort to many residential areas while failure to supply electricity and will result in loss of productivity by discontinuing the supply of business and industrial areas. It is all about the power supplier to maintain the supply of electricity while occurs disturbances. The main goal of this project is to develop a software module which acts like a protective relay using natural network techniques. To recognize the waveform patterns of impedance in a transmission line, the back-propagation method has been employed by the ANN software module which produces a trip signal if a fault waveform is recognized and no trip signal otherwise. The waveform patterns are generated for unsymmetrical and symmetrical faults that occur on a varied distance in the transmission line. After that the generated waveforms are used as training and testing data for the ANN software. The ANN software is simulated using the neural network toolbox of MATLAB version 2013a.
Technology in Construction of Compiler for Adaptive Computers[Full-Text ] Chandra Srinivas Potluri, Sathish Kumar Konga, Sreedevi KadiyalaThis paper presents a compiler system for adaptive computing. Our approach Increases the flexibility and usability in a way that allows to port the system to different targets with a minimal effort. Built on an existing design flow, we try to reach a new level of functionality by analyzing and partitioning C programs at the highest possible description level. We show that the analysis on this level is more efficient than on lower ones due to the exploitability of more expressive programming constructs. The improved analysis results combined with a new SSA based algorithm for data path creation can lead to a higher solution quality of the final system configuration.
Software Development[Full-Text ] Thabit ZatariThe paper is aimed towards research on software development. The paper covers introduction, trends, opportunities, problems along with solutions to these problems and concluding part. Software development is gaining importance in contemporary world and it is crucial to study its growing trends to cope up with readily advancing world. The purpose is to explore software development in different contexts. The material for research has been collected from books, articles and Internet.
MODIFICATION OF A NORMAL RADIO CONTROLLED (RC) CAR TO A SOLAR (RC) CAR[Full-Text ] T.V Omotosho, E.S JoelThe objective of this project is to modify a normal radio controlled (RC) car to a solar radio controlled (RC) car. In this study, the purchased RC car was disassembled and LEDs were placed on the tires, it was given a new body made of stair board designed for the accommodation of the solar panel, solar charge controller and the battery pack. A solar charge controller was also constructed based on the design of the YP-LD solar charge controller but in mine the LEDs present in the original circuit was replaced with 3-pin connects which were connected to the LEDs placed in the tires of the car, the size was also altered when the PCB layout was designed. The normal batteries of the RC car were replaced with 3 9V, 250mA rechargeable batteries. The original case of the solar panel was also changed for the purpose of weight reduction. Upon the completion of the solar charge controller, the solar panel and the solar charge controller were tested, and were found to meet the requirements. Finally, the solar panel, solar charge controller and batteries were all properly connected.
Synthesis Parameter Influence on the Properties of Boron Doped Aluminum Nitride Thin Film Prepared by Co-sputtering[Full-Text ] Zeng Yin Ong, Subramani Shanmugan, Devarajan MutharasuBoron doped AlN (B,Al)N thin film on Si substrate was synthesized by co-sputtering using Al and B target at various gas mixture ratio (Ar : N2) and substrate temperatures. The prepared thin film was polycrystalline nature. The structural properties of prepared thin film was verified by XRD and the formation hexagonal AlN with (100) and (110) phases are confirmed. BN phases with different orientation was also noticed with the synthesized samples prepared at gas mixture ratio of Ar (6): N2 (14) and Ar (8): N2 (12). The intensity of the preferred peak increases as the N2 gas ratio increases in the reaction gas mixture. The crystallinity was improved for the film prepared at 100°C substrate temperature using Ar (7): N2 (13) gas mixture ratio. The surface morphology was evaluated using SEM and AFM and observed dense surface for the film prepared at 100°C substrate temperature. The film prepared at gas mixture ratio of Ar (8): N2 (12) showed high surface roughness and particle size too. Overall, the gas mixture ratio and the substrate temperatures were influenced the growth of B doped AlN thin film on both structural and surface properties considerably.
Node Selection Score based Clustering scheme for Cognitive Radio Networks[Full-Text ] Sangita U. Pawar, Prof.S.S.BarveCongnitive radio means a radio system whose parameters is changing dynamically according to the external environment.
Design Optimization of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles[Full-Text ] Biswajit Barik, Sohan Ram Choudhary, Adnan Patel, Dara Shyam Sundar, Saurav Mahapatra, Dr. Prasad KrishnaToday’s era of transportation has touched new frontiers with the advancement of technology compelling humanity to strive harder to achieve a better solution towards a greener and sustainable power source in automobiles. With the fossil fuels depleting at an accelerated rate, electrical energy has emerged to be an alternative for the propulsion system in automobiles. Since vehicles powered solely by electrical energy do not meet the performance standards, a Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) is developed which combines both electric and conventional petrol combustion system, hence enhancing the fuel economy, reducing the carbon emissions and improving performance. With the right amount of proportioning between the two energy sources, this field has become one of the most significant research areas in the current decade.The present work involves geometric modelling and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of the chassis, simulation of the power-split drive-train configuration on LABVIEW and demonstration of toggling between the two energy sources on a PHEV prototype. The CFD analysis gives the velocity variation and pressure distribution over the vehicle, thus streamlining the chassis to minimize the drag coefficient and the rolling resistance.
Water Pollution arising from Laboratory facilities of Educational Institutions indulging in Hazardous Chemicals[Full-Text ] Ramya R, Rajesh Gopinath and Satish KLaboratories of Engineering and Science institutions are major producers of diverse hazardous waste-streams. As these are quite often acidic and laden with heavy metals, their direct disposal can lead to catastrophic environmental concerns. The situation hence warrants achieving a sustainable integral waste management system, but this is not achievable until the intensity of pollution is known. In this regard, the present research attempts to unravel the magnitude of water pollution that arises as an outcome of chemical experiments carried out at laboratories from a typical Engineering college. The Research Methodology sequentially envisaged primarily listing all experiments within the scope of study along with their detailed procedures, followed by compilation of reagent list. Then the preparation of each reagent was determined from ‘Standard Methods’. Further, the strength of each chemical constituent for every experiment was computed to derive ‘net strength’, based on ‘frequency’ of conduction of individual experiments. Finally the obtained results were statistically analyzed for comparison, along with ‘Water Quality Standards’ and ‘Effluent Standards’. The study concludes with a quantitative, qualitative and composite outlook to the problem.
Lifting Based 2D DWT Architecture for JPEG 2000[Full-Text ] Jitendra Kumar Singh, Rakesh Patel, Ashish SinghadiaIn this thesis work, study and simulation has been carried out of a memory-efficient pipeline architecture which performs the two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform. Normally the memory size used by two-dimensional architecture mostly depends on the pipeline registers of (1-D) DWT. In this project work, the data path can be reduced with the help of the lifting-based DWT algorithm and high performance pipeline architecture. Efficient pipeline architecture and efficient multiplier can enhance performance and speed of processing of 2D DWT architecture for jpeg 2000 as compare to any other low performance direct implemented pipeline architectures. The merits of the lifting based DWT techniques is to divide into low pass and the high pass filters into a sequence of lower and upper triangular matrices. The given 2-D DWT architecture is composition of two 1-D processors (column-wise, row wise). Finally, the given architecture (2-D DWT architecture) implements both 9/7and 5/3 filters with the help of cascade the three key components. In this work, 12 bit floating point multiplier and a Baugh Wooley multiplier is simulated, which require less memory and do the fast multiplication. By replacing the 1D DWT architecture’s multiplier with this multiplier a less memory and a lower delay 1D DWTarchitecture can be obtained.
Data Sharing using Key Policy based Authentication & CHAP[Full-Text ] Neeru Yadav, Prof. Anurag JainData Sharing between number of users whether in distributed systems or in cloud environment needs security from various attacks. Attribute based data sharing is also an efficient technique which provides Cipher text policy attribute-based encryption from the prevention from key escrow problem and user revocation [1]. Although the technique is efficient but further enhancements is needed for the security against various attacks and for the improvement of efficiency. Here in this paper an efficient technique is implemented which is based on Two factor authentication and provides security from various attacks with less computational time and cost.
Fretfulness and Distinctiveness of Big Data: A Review[Full-Text ] A.Vinothini, K. MuthuLakshmi, K. LalithaBig data is the term for data sets so large and thorny that it becomes difficult to process using traditional data management tools or processing applications. Bid data problems can’t be solved with available computer resources in today’s business. They require clusters of computer with special applications and might take long period to complete. The key enablers for the escalation of big data are 1.increase of storage capacity 2.increase of processing power 3.availability of data. The fundamental challenge of Big Data is not collecting data but making sense of it. This paper reveals recent progress on big data, issues of big data in the field of e-commerce, mobile, healthcare and cloud.
Similarity Detection improvisation in a Clustered Inline Deduplication for Secondary Data[Full-Text ] Neha Amale, Prof. Jyoti MalhotraData Deduplication is a storage saving technique which is a key component of enterprise storage environment. Clustered schemes are introduced in Data Deduplication domain to overcome the performance and capacity limitations of single node solutions. Often these clustered schemes face main problems of data routing and Disk chunk index lookup bottleneck. Solutions to these problems are similarity detection and locality. Locality based approaches make use of locality in backup stream to improve cluster deduplication. Similarity detection techniques make use of similarity features in data to distribute it among deduplication nodes. This approach reduces RAM usage in individual deduplication nodes. There are many techniques available for similarity detection. In this paper, a clustered inline deduplication scheme based on Simhash for similarity detection is presented. A routing algorithm based on Simhash to distribute data among deduplication node is also described. Proposed system can achieve improved similarity detection and higher deduplication throughput with low system overheads.
Comparison between New (Gel/Liquid) Dosimeter for Radiation Dosimetry Applications[Full-Text ] M.A. El-Ahdal, S.M. Gafar, M.M.EMAM, M.R.Saadany and M.M.ElokrIn this study, the effect of gamma irradiation on absorption properties of solockrome (SK) with polymer gel for possible use in dosimetry and measurement of gamma rays radiation dose has been studied using UV-Visible spectrophotometer method. In this paper, if come to compare between two dosimetry systems; we will sat that the first depends on the dye incorporating as gel dosimeter; while the second system depends on the same dye SK with gelatin to form a liquid dosimeter, and it was investigated that it is more sensitive toward ? rays. This study shows the induced absorption bands in the same visible violet spectrum showing a bleaching in the visible absorption spectrum. The dyed dosimeter gel/liquid was irradiated to different accumulated doses. The useful dose ranges from 0.01 to 1.5 kGy and from 1 to 9 kGy respectively, using gamma ray source at a constant dose rate. The absorption spectra were measured using UV-Visible spectrophotometer in the wavelength range (200 to 900) nm, resulting in a decrease of the absorbance at 535 nm and 562 nm band peak (in gel and liquid samples respectively) with increasing dose. The radiation sensitivity of two dosimetry System 3-D has been studied, as a function of concentration of the dye, pre/post-irradiation stability was studied.