Volume 5, Issue 11, November 2014 Edition
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Hybrid FSO - RF System: A Solution to Atmospheric Turbulences in Long Haul Communication[Full-Text ] Ritu Gupta, Preeti SinghDuring the past few decades the Free Space Optical (FSO) communication has done the tremendous job in Communication sector. These days it can act as a good alternative of Radio Frequency (RF). Key differences in the RF and FSO techniques has been discussed keeping in mind: implementation challenges faced by system designer, link design, different modulation schemes based on BER and received power, effects of weather conditions like fog, rain, snow on transmission performance, and wavelength ranges. Also, scintillation due to optical disorder in the atmosphere for FSO which is limiting factor has been discussed. Both the links are affected by the atmospheric conditions. For considerable increase in the availability of link both the technologies can be combined together. This paper focused on the need of hybrid FSO/RF System.
A Dual watermarking technique for images with encryption[Full-Text ] A Dual watermarking technique for images with encryptionDigital watermarking is a technology to ensure and facilitate data authentication, security and copyright protection of digital media. In this paper, we employ a dual image watermarking and cryptography to achieve the requirements of robustness and security. In this method, the first watermark is encrypted by using a secret key and embedded it into the second watermark and then the result is embedded into the cover image. As well as we take some data from the cover image and add it to the second watermark to confirm the validity of the cover file and reliability of watermark. Also, we hide the secret key into the second watermark for more safety. Finally, experimental results reveal the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Brain Tumor Image Edge & Watershed Segmentation and Denoising Using DWT[Full-Text ] B.B.S.Kumar, Dr.P.S.Satyanarayana, Rohini G.VImage segmentation is a mechanism used to divide an image into multiple segments. It will make image smooth and easy to evaluate. Segmentation process also helps to find region of interest in a particular image. The main goal is to make image more simple and meaningful. Existing segmentation techniques can’t satisfy all type of images. The scope of the paper is to evaluate the brain tumor image quality edge & watershed segmentation technique by DWT, implemented using MATLAB and simulation carried out on using jpeg image format. To identify tumor from the brain of effected area using edge watershed segmentation then applied to DWT to get good quality image. This paper introduces an efficient detection of brain tumor from cerebral MRI images. The methodology consists of three steps: edge segmentation, watershed segmentation and denoising by DWT. The Wavelet Transform applied in the segmentation process to decompose MRI image, to find the quality of an image by calculating PSNR and MSE. Some of experimental results on brain image show the feasibility and the performance of the proposed approach.
Speech Enhancement in Presence of Near-end Noise by Incorporating Auditory Masking in Frequency Domain[Full-Text ] Premananda B. S., Uma B. V.In mobile devices, perceived speech signal detoriates significantly in the presence of near-end noise as it reaches directly at the listener's ears. There is an inherent need to improve the clarity and quality of the received speech signal in noisy environments by incorporating speech enhancement algorithms. This paper focuses on speech enhancement method including simultaneous masking properties of the human ear to select only audible samples of speech signals and to improve the intelligibility and quality of the speech signal. Speech enhancement algorithm is implemented by dynamically enhancing the speech signal when the near-end noise dominates. Intelligibility and quality of enhanced speech signal are measured using SII and PESQ. Experimental results show that the intelligibility and quality improvement of the speech signal with the proposed approach over the unprocessed far-end speech signal. This particular approach is far more efficient in overcoming the degradation of speech signals in noisy environments.
Durability Properties of Concrete Containing Scrap Tyre as Fine & Coarse Aggregate In Concrete[Full-Text ] Musa Adamu, O.A.U. UcheThis paper presents the results of using scrap tyre in concrete. Grade 30 concrete with slump between 30 - 60 mm was made using DoE mix design method. 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% replacements of both the fine and coarse aggregates were replaced with tyre particles of size 1 – 4 mm and 5 – 8 mm. The properties of fresh and hardened concrete such as slump and durability test which includes drying shrinkage and water absorption test were measured based on short-term investigation according to ASTM, BS, and BS EN standard. Laboratory results revealed that the workability of 5% and 10% replacement were higher than the control mix, while 15% decrease workability significantly. There was also decrease in water absorption and drying shrinkage, as the percentage replacement increases.
Solar Thermal Biomass Pyrolysis-A Review Paper[Full-Text ] Surajit Mondal, Amit Kumar Sharma, Pradeepta Kumar SahooEnvironmental, economic and strategic reasons are behind the rapid impulse in the deployment of renewable energy sources that is taking place around the world. In addition to overcoming economic and commercial barriers, meeting the ambitious objectives set by most countries in this field will require the development of novel technologies capable of maximizing the energy potential of different renewable sources at an acceptable cost. The use of solar radiation and biomass for power generation is growing rapidly, particularly in areas of the globe where these resources are plentiful, like Mediterranean countries. However, solar energy plants necessarily suffer from the intermittency of day/night cycles and also from reduced irradiation periods (winter, cloudy days, short transients). Biomass power plants have to confront the logistic problems associated with the continuous supply of very large amounts of a relatively scarce and seasonal fuel. Hybrid systems may provide the solution to these limitations, maximizing the energy potential of these resources, increasing process efficiency, providing greater security of supply and reducing overall costs. This paper focuses on the brief discussion about solar thermal, solar biomass, pyrolysis process, products and their characteristics.
Autonomous control of CAN bus to control automobile through mobile[Full-Text ] Godly K ThomasAutomotive electronics is the field which have evolved over the years. Earlier we used to have majority mechanical parts in a car but with government stressing more on the rule that companies must adhere to EURO VI (European emission standards)[1] norms it has gradually shifted towards electronics covering sections like infotainment of a car to a basic engine(fuel injector).As we go ahead with this revolution, this paper focuses on a cheap and viable way to control your car through mobile. To keep it simpler, this paper will tell you how to interface a microcontroller (ATMEGA328) with CAN [2] (Controller Area Network) bus, hence communicating with the car and performing operations (ignition ON, operations related to HVAC system).This project will provide a viable, cheap and efficient substitute to the various technologies present such as passive entry scheme, remote controlled entry (RF signal) which is costly. This method is much safer because it will use a GSM modem [3] and hence the message to operate the car is only with the user making it impossible for any other person to use it without user’s consent. It can also have a GPRS module which tells the position of the car to the user whenever the user demands to, making it a product which supplements the needs of todays technologically dominated world.
Empirical Investigation of the Impact of Internal and External Barriers towards Technology Innovation for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): A Second Order Structural Equation Modeling[Full-Text ] Fatin Izzati Khairushalimi, Nurul Hafizah Azizan, Sabri Ahmad, Nazleen Nur Ain ZulkurnainInnovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product or process, a new marketing, or organizational method in business practices. A case study has been carried out to identify the obstacles of technological innovation of SMEs faced by entrepreneurs in Kelantan. The study was conducted in three month (11 weeks), which was on 9th September 2013 to 9th December 2013. The main objectives of this study were to investigate whether internal and external barriers significantly influence technological innovation in SMEs industry level. The internal barriers of technological innovation were classified lack of skill personnel and lack of finance while external barriers of technological innovation were classified as high cost of innovation and lack of technological and market information. This study used MANOVA to examine whether lack of personnal skill, lack of finance, lack of technological and market information, high cost of innovation and technological innovation are significantly differ between small and medium business scales. The results revealed that high cost of innovation, lack of finance and technological innovation were found to be statistically significant difference between small and medium business scales. Apart from that, the data for this study was also analyzed by using structural equation modeling (SEM) to achieve the main hypotheses of this study. All the findings in this study were supported. As overall, most entrepreneurs faced the obstacles of innovation in order to raise up their business.
Purification and biochemical characterization of a class II ?-mannosidase from breadfruit (Artocarpus communis) seeds[Full-Text ] Amedee P. Ahi, Fankroma M. T. Kone, Assoi Y. D. Yapi, S. Dabonne and Lucien P. KouameAn ?-mannosidase (EC from breadfruit (Artocarpus communis) seeds was purified to apparent homogeneity by anion-exchange, cation-exchange and hydrophobic interaction chromatographies. The purified enzyme named M1A exhibited a molecular weight of 45 kDa and appears to be a monomer. The apparent KM value, pH and temperature optima of breadfruit ?-mannosidase activity determined by use of para-nitrophenyl-?-D-mannopyranoside as substrate were found to be 1.38 mM, 5.6 and 60 °C, respectively. The enzyme was stable at pH ranging from 4.6-5.6 and remained fully stable at 37 °C, but it lost about 85 % of its activity after 1 h at 60 °C. Mg2+, Ca2+ and Zn2+ enhanced whereas Sr2+, Ba2+, Cu2+, EDTA, TTAB, HTAB and SDS inhibited its hydrolytic activity. Most of reducing agents tested have a strong inhibitor effect on ?-mannosidase activity, except for DL-dithiothreitol. Swainsonine and 1,4-Dideoxyimino-mannitol (a class II ?-mannosidase inhibitors) were found to be potent inhibitors of breadfruit ?-mannosidase at 0.01 mM, while Kifunensine and Deoxymannojirimycin had no effect. Substrate specificity tests revealed that the enzyme exerted only ?-mannosidase activity and digested mannobiose such as Man-?-1,2-Man and Man-?-1,6-Man, but not Man-?-1,3-Man. Based on its characteristics, this enzyme is an ?-1,2-1,6-mannosidase which would belong to class II ?-mannosidases.
Finite Element Analyses of Laterally Loaded Pile Groups in Um Qaser Port[Full-Text ] Dr. Haider S. Al-Jubair, Dr.Sarmad A. AbbasThe finite element method, along with an elastoplastic constitutive model, is used to investigate the response of laterally loaded single pile and pile groups in sand. Also, a real practical problem of an on-shore container yard in Um Qaser Port-Basra province is solved. The pile and surrounding soil are modeled by three-dimensional brick elements. The pile is modeled as a deformable body with linear elastic material properties, while the soil is modeled as an elasto-plastic Mohr-Columb continuum material. The effect of pile-soil-pile interaction (group action) is investigated by studying the effect of pile spacing on the behavior of two group configurations; namely (3×1) row and (2×2) square groups. The lateral pressure distributions and the p-y curves are obtained and the p-multipliers are calculated for all piles. For the (3×1) configuration, it is found that the p-multipliers of the leading piles are greater than their counterparts of the trailing and middle piles. Their values are around one, for the leading piles for all spacing values, and nearly equal for the other two. For the (2×2) square configuration, p-multipliers are greater for the leading piles than the trailing piles up to a spacing of, approximately, five times pile diameter. They approach unity at a spacing of six times pile diameter. The group efficiency is increased with pile spacing and approaches (100%) at a spacing of seven times pile diameter for the two group configurations.
SOLAR ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDING: A FEASIBILITY STUDY IN SOKOTO STATE OF NIGERIA[Full-Text ] S. Salisu, B.O. Sadiq, A.S. Abubakar, Y. Jibril and S. GarbaThe exponential increase in greenhouse gas emission calls for a wider exploration of renewable energy resources in buildings, in a bid to obtain an energy efficient house, a solar energy system capable of cooling, natural ventilation and hot water supply is being proposed for a residence in Sokoto, Nigeria. Sokoto, is a characteristic tropical savannah climate with a mean annual temperature of 28°C, it receives an average daily radiation of 780W/m2. The system comprises of a 24m2 PV/T connected with a 42m2 flat plate collector, a 15kw adsorption chiller, and a hot water storage tank. Analysis of the system shows that it can supply over 60% the total load in the house and can meet 94% of the annual heating and cooling load. A solar COP of 0.38 was obtained for this system. Analysis of the system shows that with an annual savings of N1,740,000.00, the system has a simple pay back of 7.4 years when government incentives are received, it also has the ability to displace the emission of 37 tons of CO2 annually.
3DOF Flight Trajectory Simulation of a Single Stage Sounding Rocket[Full-Text ] Aro Habeeb Olalekan, Osheku Charles Attah, Olaniyi Bisola, Hamed Jimoh, Ojo AtinukeIn this paper, the 3 degree of freedom (3DOF) simulation of the basic flight parameters of a single stage sounding rocket developed at the Centre for Space Transport and Propulsion is discussed. The purpose of a lauching a sounding rocket rocket at the centre is to place a payload to a particular altitude. In order to determine the accuracy of getting to a targeted altitude using a particular rocket, a model of the system has to be developed. This model reduces the time and cost of making different prototypes of the rocket. The Centre for Space Transport and Propulsion designed a 3DOF model in the Matlab and Simulink environment to simulate the flight trajectory of the rocket TMR-1A. The results obtained via simulation are compared with the real parameters obtained via the onboard data acquisition system, to determine the integrity of the model used for the study. The model showed high degree of accuracy when simulated results are compared with real experimental data. However it was observed that the integrity of the model is affected by the accuracy of the value of drag coefficient, hence future work can be focused on more accurate determination of the drag coefficient.
DOE Analysis of the Effect of Measurement Setup on Transient Time of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Devices[Full-Text ] W. Wang, T. LiIn semiconductor industry, a pulsed metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitance-time (C-t) transient response is widely used for investigating the minority carrier lifetime in Silicon. The minority carrier generation lifetime is an important parameter that directly defines the performance of integrated-circuit devices. In this paper we use Design of Experimet (DOE) to study the important parameters that might effect the minority carrier lifetime measurement in a laboratory environment. This information are beneficial for operators while doping measurements.
Authentication System For Off-line Fingerprint Image[Full-Text ] Sundos Abdul_ameer Hameed Al_azawiThe use of fingerprint authentication has become very important of many security applications. There is a need for such systems in military and civilian applications: computers, networks, systems, entry and exit, and others. In this paper, a fingerprint recognition system for authentication the off-line fingerprint( inked-printed paper) is developed.That method including two Systems, first Fingerprint Feature Extraction(FFE) based on Hu's invariants moment, after the image rotated by angle, the ranges of angles rotation between: (0-45),(45-90) and (90-180), second is a Recognition of Fingerprint system (FRS) by comparing between an input test Fingerprint features using moments for the input image (without rotate) within the Fingerprint images features which store in Database (DB)System, Database system have three local databases types depended on the three cases of rotation angles.
Influence of sex differences and aging in serum biochemical values in subjects in Jeddah[Full-Text ] Haleema AlNahariAgeing is an important part of all human societies reflecting the biological changes that occur. The specimens were collected from a group of 50 males and 50 females with age from 50- Above 80 years. The measured parameters included total protein, albumin, Creatinin (Cr), Uric acid (UA), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chloride, potassium, alkaline-phosphatase. UA/Cr, BUN/Cr, CA/Cr, P/Cr, Na/Cr, Cl/ Cr, K/Cr, Na/K ratio. The results showed significant decrease in total protein, globulin, Cr, UAandalkaline phosphatase in females compared with males. The results found that no significant change in sodium, chloride and potassium in females compared with males. There was a significant increase in UA/Cr, BUN/Cr, Cl/ Cr, P/ Cr, Na/ Cr and K/Cr ratio in female compared to male. No differences in the CA/Cr ratios between females and males.
The Effect of Testing Temperature on the Mechanical Properties of polymerized Self-Compacting Concrete (PSCC)Mixes[Full-Text ] Najah M. Lateef Al Maimuri, Adnan M. Shihab, Kareem F. Abood, Arkan R. Abid, Muhammad Kareem AbidA laboratorial study has been conducted to evaluate the effect of the polypropylene (PP) fibers on the mechanical performance of polymerized self-compacting concrete (PSCC) mixes under the effect of different testing temperatures. Briefly the prepared specimens have been heated after accruing to the required testing temperature. PSCC mixes loss part of their mechanical performance for all cement percentage content by weight of PP fibers as heating temperature increases. Five percentages of PP; (0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, and 0.2)% of cement are used to polymerize the self-compacting concrete mixes (PSCC). Laboratorial results shows that the maximum compressive strength and splitting tensile strength has been occurred at PP=0.1% by weight of concrete. Whereas the maximum modulus of elasticity values are always higher with pp=0.1% by weight of cement than other percentages of PP before 67Cº but it reduces slightly after that as testing temperature rises to 80Cº. The maximum flexural strength is not occurred with PP= 0.1% by weight of cement at low testing temperature (20Cº) but it becomes approximately maximum to be equal to (5.48Mpa) at high testing temperature of (80Cº).
Mathematical modeling of multi-input heavy metals in drainage systems[Full-Text ] A.A. Al-Sarawy, K. El-Alfy, I.L. El-Kalla, A. MansourIn this paper, a mathematical model of one dimensional advection diffusion equation with sink or source and multi-inputs of heavy metals is introduced in drainage systems. The finite difference method is used to predict the concentration of the heavy metals in certain time and at specific distance for multi inputs at different times.
Multi-agent Robotic System for Surveillance[Full-Text ] Yashwant Sonawane, Nimisha MishraSurveillance meaning to “watch over” is the act of monitoring the activities in an area mainly to recognize and monitor threats and to prevent any undesirable or criminal activity. Surveillance plays a very crucial role especially in fields like that of military, where security is of utmost priority. The traditional systems used for surveillance face a number of flaws and thus our project aims at providing a more efficient and reliable solution for the purpose of surveillance. This project is aimed at designing a simple yet elegant swarm robotic system that can perform the task of surveillance at a much higher degree of reliability and robustness than that which is provided by the current systems wherein either humans are used or then not very reliable systems such as CCTV cameras. Swarm robotics is the study of robotic systems consisting of a large group of relatively small and simple robots that interact and cooperate with each other in order to jointly solve tasks that are outside their own individual capabilities. Swarm robotic system will work in a distributed fashion so as to cover the entire intended area efficiently. The system would have decentralized communication and thus it would be very difficult to break down the system and thus providing very high reliability.
A Survey on Various Image Fusion Techniuqes[Full-Text ] Nishi Khangan, Sunita GondFusion of images is an important concept and can be used in a wide variety of applications, especially in the enhancement of images taken from satellites. Although there are various techniques through which images can be fused. Image Fusion is an integration of more than two images so that the invisible or blurred part of the images is visible in the resultant image. Guided filtering is a technique of filtering images so that the fused image is an enhanced image. But the technique implemented for the image fusion is not efficient in terms of fused ratio and the technique is not feasible for all type of images. Here in this paper a complete survey of all the techniques implemented for the image fusion so that by analyzing their advantages and issues an efficient technique is implemented in future for image fusion.
Laboratory Analysis of the Chemical Properties of an Oil Polluted Ecosystem in Imutu, Delta State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Akinade AkinwumiThis research work was undertaken to determine the extent of oil pollution on a polluted site of Niger-Delta area of Nigeria by investigating the concentration of physicochemical characteristics properties like pH, Total Dissolved Solid, Electrical Conductivity, Oil and Grease and presence of heavy metals like Nickel, Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Iron, Zinc, Arsenic in the collected soil samples from different sampling locations were determined. Environmental Guidelines and Standards for the Petroleum Industry in Nigeria was used to determine if the test result falls within the acceptable limit. Test result indicated that, lead, copper, chromium cobalt, zinc, cadmium, nickel and arsenic were within acceptable limits whereas electrical conductivity, oil and grease, and iron were found to be very high and above specified limits. Test result indicated that electrical conductivity increased from 1320 to 3525 (µS/cm) with highest value seen with sample from 100m from highly polluted site and lowest in highly polluted soil sample. Total dissolved solid also increased from 690 to 1760 (mg/l) with the highest with soil sample at 100m from highly polluted site and lowest soil sample at 1m depth from highly polluted soil surface sample. Oil and grease and Ph also follow the same trend. Therefore in other to assess the effect of pollution on ecosystem, the chemical analysis of the concentration of the pollutant at the site should be employed.
Advance Smart Home Energy Management System Using Virtual Instrumentation[Full-Text ] B.Dhamodar Reddy ,R.HariharanMany places in india are having power crisis ,this power crisis will be ranging from one hour to 12 hours based on the demand power.This power crisis is more in rural areas when compared to urban areas.Eventhough power generation is high but not able to meet the power required for some areas,basically the power crisis will come when distribution power is less than the demand power,hence to overcome this we want to implement energy management system in distribution side. This paper proposes about the implementation of smart home energy management system using virtual instrumentation when the distribution power is less than the demand power then the distribution power is divided with the no of houses connected to particular feeder,then that power is fixed as constant for each house their by we can distribute the power to each house based on the distribution & demand of power.here we can have full control over the supply of power and plc (power line communication) is used for signal processing
Non linear dynamic analysis of vertical shaking conveyor under harmonic and parametric excitation[Full-Text ] A. A. Ektiar, R. A. El-Awad and Y. S. HamedIn this paper, we introduced a non linear dynamic analysis and mathematical study of the vibration behavior in vertical shak-ing conveyor under harmonic and parametric excitation. By studying the vibrating motion of vertical vibration conveyor, the equations of motion de-scribed by a coupled of nonlinear differential equations (two degree of freedom) including the linear and cubic nonlinear terms. Multiple scale perturba-tion method applied to study the approximate mathematical solutions up to the second order approximation and we studied the stability of the steady state solution mathematically at the worst different resonance cases using frequency response equations. The resulting different resonance cases re-ported and studied numerically. Also, the numerical solutions of vertical shaking conveyor investigated applying Runge-Kutta of fourth order. The stability of the steady state solution near the selected resonance cases investigated numerically using phase-plane technique. The effect of the different para-meters of the vertical shaking conveyor studied numerically. Results compared to previously published work. In the future work, the system can be stu-died at another worst different resonance cases or we can use active and passive controller.
PHEV HOMECHARGING MODEL BASED ON RESIDENTIAL ACTIVITY USING VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION[Full-Text ] R.HARIHARAN,A.DILEEP KUMARNow a day’s fuel vehicles are producting more atmosphereic pollution in our world. So the effect of pollution it induced the global warming. So worldwide all automobile companies are promoting to manufacture Electrical vehicles. Electrical vehicles plugin power from the distribution grid. But it produces harmonics on the power system, so the power quality wil be reduced. This paper proposed to design the charging station of PHEV system based on residential activity. Charging station collecting datas from distribuion power and demand side, using this data charging station command plugin vehicles to connect or not. In this model it shows the output like number of vehicles connet with the charging station for charging the battery at corresponding time period.
Underground Microwave Power Transmission[Full-Text ] A.Rajesh kumar, R.HariharanThis paper proposes the concept of underground microwave power transmission using wave guides. The main aim of this proposal paper is to overcome the drawbacks of existing microwave power transmission methods. Thereby losses are minimized and efficiency is increased. The wireless power transmission (WPT) stands one among the top 10 trending research areas in the development of everyday science and technology. Among several methods of WPT, MICROWAVE POWER TRANSMISSION (MPT) is more efficient method when compared with others. In this paper, the method of underground MPT is explained with block diagram. Each element of block diagram is mentioned in detailed. The merits, demerits and impacts on living things are also discussed.
Comparative Analysis of Two Optimization Models for Prediction of Compressive Strength of Lateritic Block[Full-Text ] B. A. Alabadan, E. S. Ajayi, O. A. Ilesanmi and M. NlemoguTwo different optimization models for prediction of compressive strength of lateritic blocks was performed using statistical analysis for the lateritic block data obtained from experimental work done in this study. The models used are Scheffee’s and Osadebe’s optimization theories to predict the compressive strength of lateritic blocks. The results of predictions were comparatively analysed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) for the student’s t-test. It was found that the two models are acceptable for the prediction of compressive strength of lateritic blocks.
An analytical study of the dynamic characteristics for resonant vibratory micro electro-mechanical gyroscopes system[Full-Text ] Y. S. Hamed & M.SayedIn this paper, the dynamic characteristics and nonlinear behavior for resonant vibratory micro-electro-mechanical gyroscopes system (MEMS) are studied. The MEMS gyroscopes system described by nonlinear differential equations including linear terms with external excitation force. The multiple scale perturbation technique (MSPT) is applied to derive the approximate mathematical solutions of the governing equations up to the second order approximation. The different worst resonance cases is reported and studied numerically using Runge-Kutta of fourth order. We applied both frequency response equations and phase-plane technique to analyze the stability of the steady state solution of vibrating system. Numerical simulations are presented to verify the effectiveness of the different parameters on the micro electro-mechanical gyroscopes system using MATLAB and MAPLE programs. Results are compared to previously published work.