Volume 5, Issue 11, November 2014 Edition
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The Study of Histopathological Changes in the Gonads of Frog upon Exposure to Lambda Cyhalothrin[Full-Text ] Anam Saghir,Dr.Razia Iqbal, Huma Akbar, Shumaila Iram,Hafsa Younas,Anum Zahra,Rabia Rafiq,Dr.Tahir AzizPesticides frequently premeditated a quick source for scheming weeds and insect pests but they cause noteworthy risk to non-targeted organisms. This present work includes susceptible species such as amphibians show venomous effect and death by extensive used pesticide lambda cyhalothrin in rice fields of Pakistan and this ecological alteration may initiate a reduced biodiversity, trophic cascades’ damage and ultimate harm to public health. Analysis has been made to assess the influence of various concentrations of lambda cyhalothrin on several histopathological constraints of gonads of frog. In this work 40 frogs were divided into four groups A (control), B(low lethal), C(median lethal) and D(high lethal) at no, 0.008,0.010 and 0.012mg/litre doses of different weight retaining frogs, respectively. The doses were given in water of aquarium mg/litre at 20th June,2014 and frogs in took them through cutaneous respiration and inhalation. Effect differs with frogs’ weight and morphological and histological alterations were observed in control group compared to treated group. At 2nd and 3rd day, frogs were pithed and observations concerning to morphology and histology of gonads were documented in all treatments, which incorporated discoloration and disruption of gonads and total degeneration of testis in less weighty frogs in morphological changes. Histopathological changes were foremost and included breaking of cyst walls, bunching of spermatocytes, necrosis of sertoli cells and sprinkled masses of decayed sperm bundles etc in testis and contraction in follicles, reduction in the number of oocytes, edema in stroma and formation of denatured yolk and necrosis etc. in ovaries which concluded that it has adverse affect on fertility of amphibians ultimately reducing their population size at all doses.
MODELING OF NEUTRIENTS CONCENTRATION CHANGES FOR BAHR HADOUS IRRIGATING DRAINAGE[Full-Text ] A.A. Al-Sarawy, M.M. El-Halwany, W.E. Raslan and T.M. YoussefThis research aims to evaluate the concentration of the nutrients by measuring three parameter which are NH4+, NO3-, and PO43-. From the measured data we can suggest a third degree equation relates between concentration of nutrients concentration, flow rate, and the distance from point source. Evaluation of changes of the nutrients concentration for Bahr Hadous, lower Serow irrigating drainage show that an increasing of total ammonia NH4+, NO3-, and PO43- during September to December due to the lowering of flow rate of irrigation water through this period. The correlated data in the third degree equation have an absolute error less than 0.007 so, we can predict the feature changes of the Nutrients concentration in each season.
Effect of high frequencies on losses and other defects in dielectrics of α- PADC polymer (C12 H18 O7)[Full-Text ] Mohamed Abou-Elsoud, Awad Al-RashdiC12 H18 O7 Polyallyl diglycol carbonate (PADC) is a CR-39 polymer. Losses and other defects in dielectrics of CR-39 polymer before and after α-irradiation have been investigated at room temperature under various constant frequencies ranging from 100 kHz to 100 MHz. The results show a large change of the dielectric properties in the frequency range from 3 MHz to 10 MHz. Peak values of dielectric properties are obtained at 10 MHz. The dependence of dielectric characteristics on the total number of α-particles at room temperature for irradiated CR-39 samples have been studied at constant higher frequency (10 MHz). This method may give a novel technique to measure the effect of α-irradiation on CR-39 polymer by the direct measurements for the dielectric parameters without using an optical microscope technique.
Kinetic and Mechanistic Study of Mercury(II) - Catalyzed Ligand Substitution Reaction between Hexacyanoferrate(II) and 2,2’-Bipyridine[Full-Text ] Radhey Mohan Naik, Jyoti Rai, Shalin Kumar, Richa Rastogi, Sheel RatanThe exchange of cyanide ion by a bidentate neutral organic ligand 2,2'-Bipyridine (Bipy) around the central Fe2+ ion of hexacyanoferrate(II) yields an intense cherry- red product [Fe(CN)4Bipy]2- that absorbs at 400 nm. The present study is concerned with the Hg(II) promoted abstraction of cyanide from hexacyanoferrate(II) by bipyridine spectrophotometrically forming a highly stable ternary complex [Fe(CN)4Bipy]2-, as a function of pH, ionic strength, temperature, [Hg2+], [Bipy] and [Fe(CN)64-]. The kinetic observations suggest that the substitution reaction is governed by an interchange dissociation (Id) mechanism, which is further supported by the thermal activation parameters viz. energy of activation (Ea), enthalpy of activation (?H#) and entropy of activation (?S#). The most probable mechanism consistent with the experimental findings has been proposed. The repetitive spectral scan is also provided as an evidence for the formation of a stable product during the course of reaction.
Bacteriological Examination of Currency notes in Atbara Town in Sudan[Full-Text ] Elham, S. Dawood and Abdelgaleel, E.A. and Sohair,A. AbdelwahabCurrency notes and coins serve as an agency of transmission of microorganisms since they are passed freely from hand to hand as a medium of exchange. A research, with an objective to explore the microbial load on Sudanese paper currency notes and coins, was carried out at Faculty of Education, Department of life science and Environmental Studies ,Nile Valley University . All together 60 samples of Sudanese pounds (1, 2, 5 and 10 for paper notes and one pound only for coin currency ) were randomly collected from different sources at Atbara town (bus conductors ,butcher, vegetable sellers, restaurant and grocery) and were analyzed for bacterial contamination. Among the total aerobic bacteria, 98% were contaminated with coliform bacteria ,98 % showed presence of Staphylococci ,90 % for Bacillus spp. The percentage of predominant bacteria found in paper currency notes were S.aureus (33. 5%), E.coli (41.8 %),S. epidermidis (36.7%), Streptococcus spp. (3 6.8%), Bacillus spp. (27.8%) , Micrococcus (6.7%), while in coins were, S.aureus (17.7%), E.coli (13.3 %),S. epidermidis (17.8. %), Streptococcus spp.(17.8%), Bacillus spp., (6.7%) , Micrococcus sp. recorded in paper banknotes only (6.6%) and Shigella sp. was isolated from coin only (4.4%), Paper notes was heavily contaminated when compared with coin. The presence of high microbial load on currency notes and coins indicate the potentials of such currencies for possible spread in the human communities.
OWL and SWRL: Scope, Propensity and Future of Web Based Distributed Multi Agent Application[Full-Text ] A.A. Obiniyi, O. N. Oyelade F. A. AminuThe web is overloaded with data and most of the search available search engines accomplish their retrieval task syntactically. The Semantic Web however promotes avenue for the separately stored web data to be intelligently reasoned over during data retrieval. Intelligent systems are coupled around intelligent data retrieval, reasoning and inference making over a knowledge base. In this paper, we explore and present the scope and usability of OWL – Semantic web data repository – and SWRL, considering their relevance to the field of artificial intelligence. We also points out the trends in the development of ontology languages with emphases on Ontology Web Language (OWL). We propose that distributed mobile agents would largely influence the design of high performing web applications solving difficult problems. Furthermore, we show that efficiency of such multi agent systems may be realized by agglomerating nodes in nearness within the system. Finally, we highlight some ideas that reveal what the future of complex web applications stand to gain by using distributed agents which collectively perform a task.
Simulation of logic gates for Digital optical Networks using SOA[Full-Text ] Nidhi Malhotra, Sameer Anand ,P K RaghavOptical gates are the basic elements required for performing all logic functions in digital optical processing. All optical logic gates are the basic performing unit in optical devices. through this paper, we propose all optical universal logic operations like NAND and NOR gates based on optical amplifier SOA. We have examine the output powers of logic levels and differentiate them . We have performed simulation at 40 Gb/s and found extinction ratio for NOR gate is 7.46dB and for NAND gate is 8.82dB. This simulation of logic gates is very useful for designing of many switching and storage devices. We have done all simulation on optical simulator OPTISYSTEM.
The Electronic Examination in Nigerian Universities ( A Case Study of NOUN)[Full-Text ] Ndunagu J.NElectronic Examination is a product of Information and Communication Technology that was developed to solve problems and limitation confronting the process and procedure of conducting paper examinations. Such problems and limitation are as follows: High cost of conducting the examinations, examination leakages, missing result, lack of flexibilty of examinations, long period of retrieval of results and so much more problems that give the examiners and students night mare. The problems have almost brought the conduct and credibility of print examination to the lowest ebb. This paper is geared towards improving the standard and quality of education in Nigeria, restore students’confidence and eliminate the loop holes that allow malpractices to thrive in the University system. National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), which is the case study of this paper, is one of the Federal Universities in Nigeria which is designed to provide flexible and qualitative education in Nigeria. From the analysis of data extracted from the questionnaire administered to about 200 students from 6 study centres (randomly selected) . The data were analysed using t-test, Correlation and ANOVA statistics. Three hypotheses were raised for the study . The results showed that (i) the level of examinations conducted electronically have impact on the quality of students produced in Nigeria Universities, (ii) the advent and access to internet has brought about a significant increase in the quality of students produced in Nigeria Universities and (iii) the main successes achieved against examination malpractices are mainly due to the introduction of electronic examination. In conclusion, Electronic Examination is the way forward for our educational Institution in Nigeria.
Liquid-Solid Extraction of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solutions Diluted by Amorphous Tricalcium phosphate[Full-Text ] H. Elaidi, I. Ismi, L. Chafki, E. H. Rifi, A. Lebkiri, Z. HatimThe effect of physical and chemical parameters on the retention of copper from dilute aqueous solutions by Amorphous Tricalcium Phosphate Ca3(PO4)2,nH2O (TCPam) was studied. The kinetics shows that the extraction equilibrium is fast, equilibrium is reached in about 70 minutes of agitation of the system. The adsorbed amount of metal per unit mass of support q increases with increasing pH of the metal solution. The saturation of 15 mg of the support is carried out by his contact with 100 ml of solution of cooper to 12.60 10-4 M where qmax is equal to 118.51 mg/g. The total purification of a copper solution to 6.35 ppm is realized with a weight of 70 mg of TCPam. Moreover, the treatment of a mixture of divalents metals shows that the selectivity follows the following order: Cd > Zn > Cu > Co.
Investigation of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides distribution in arable land soil of southeastern European countries[Full-Text ] Amin Shahrokhi, Gábor Szeiler, Hasan Rahimi, Tibor KovácsAn investigation of the naturally occurring and anthropogenic radionuclides concentration in fifteen cropland soil samples due to their migration from soil to crops was carried out to ascertain the distribution of 235U, 238U, 226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs in farmland soils of three southeastern European countries as Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. A High-purity Germanium detector by reason of low background and high resolution was used to detect gamma ray emission from radionuclides presented in samples. The concentration of natural radioactive materials were measured in range of 0.5 ± 0.1 to 0.8 ± 0.1 Bq.kg-1 by the average of 0.6 ± 0.1 Bq.kg-1 for 235U, from 25 ± 4.6 to 37.9 ± 5.7 Bq.kg-1 with mean of 28.5 ± 4.8 Bq.kg-1 for 238U, 26.8 ± 2.5 to 40.6 ± 3.5 Bq.kg-1 by mean of 31.1 ± 2.9 Bq.kg-1 as 226Ra, for 232Th ranging from 30.6 ± 5.5 to 41.3 ± 4.2 Bq.kg-1 by median of 37.4 ± 5.9 Bq.kg-1, 270.4 ± 13 to 618.1 ± 23.5 Bq.kg-1 with an average of 438.5 ± 20.3 Bq.kg-1 for 40K and the concentration of 137Cs as anthropogenic nuclide was measured by 3.8 ± 0.7 to 9.8 ± 0.9 Bq.kg-1 with average of 5.6 ± 0.7 Bq.kg-1, respectively. In light of results, Bulgarian soils contain the highest average concentration of 232Th, 40K and 137Cs by 39.9, 467.2 and 7.1 Bq.kg-1, whereas Romanian soils have the highest average values of 238U and 226Ra by 29.5 and 33.2 Bq.kg-1, respectively; however, the average concentration of 235U was measured same range in all countries soil. Although in natural 238U is not in equilibrium with its daughters, the higher concentration of 226Ra in some soil samples could be caused by irrigation water source or fertilizers.
DRIVERLESS VEHICLE CONTROL USING CAN BUS AND ELECTRONIC DISTRIBIUTION UNIT[Full-Text ] V.Prabhakaran, S.Pavithra, V.CholapandianNow-a-days lot of research has been going to improve the safety of road environments and reduce the risk of unsafe traffic areas. This research was mainly focused on the local perception with embedded sensors and its potential reaction on hazardous situation. Its extension is essential to minimize risk and maximize the security of the road traffic. To achieve such additional works is required to implementation of a lot of devices of ten very expensive. As an advent to the technology in near future the road will be designed for a perfect cruise control. This paper is aimed to design a driv-erless automated vehicle module to ensure a better cruise control; in addition to this the vehicle is embedded with GOOGLE maps for a better navigation. The mechanical actuators are replaced with “Electronic Distribution Unit” which in turn controlled by “Control Area Network”. This vehicle can also be monitored & guided by a server machine to ensure a better cruise control with secured traffic rules.
Detection of Isomorphism among planar kinematic chains[Full-Text ] L.Bindu, V.Gowtham ReddyThe structural synthesis of kinematic chains involves complete creation of the set of kinematic chains, which is followed by the test for isomorphism to discard duplicate chains.
The role of antioxidants protein in regulated thalassemia patients state in relation with humeral immune system[Full-Text ] Mayyada F.Darweesh, D.Wafaa S.Alwazni, D.Fatema A.Majbeel, Ameer Ali Shakir This study was designed to determine the role of interaction between humeral immune system and antioxidants protein in regulation thalassemic patient statement. Seventy tow blood samples from patient admitted to the regulation thalassemia center of AL-zahraa hospital in AL- Najaf city and other 60 samples were taken from healthy persons as controls group. These patients and control were not affected by any kind of infection during study period and at different ages group.
Comparative Study on Image Registration Using Exhaustive Affine Transformation and Genetic Algorithms[Full-Text ] Shahenda Mahmoud, Ayman M. Eldeib, Sherif SamyThe design of scaffolds with desirable internal and external structure represents a challenge for Tissue Engineering. A new method “Automated Scaffold Design” (ASD) is use for designing a 3D scaffold with a minimum mismatches for its geometrical parameters. The segmented portions of different slices are registered to construct the 3D volume for the data. Image Registration is the process of determining a transform that provides the most accurate match between two images, which will align between them. Using exhaustive search for affine transformation, parameters for the registration may take a longer time. This paper addresses the image registration problem by applying a global optimal method in order to get a registration approach with high accuracy based on the application of Genetic Algorithms (GA). GA has been known to be robust for search and optimization problems. Image registration can take this advantage of the robustness of GAs in finding the best transformation between two images. It can compute an optimal registration 10 times faster than a conventional registration method.
Numerical Modeling of Sediment Transport Upstream of Al-Ghammas Barrage[Full-Text ] Asst. Prof. Dr. Kareem R. Abed, Dr. Majid H. Hobi, Ayam Jabbar JihadNumerical modeling of sediment transport is the best tool to simulate sediment transport in a water body. The present paper uses numerical computational fluid dynamics “CFD” computer program Sediment Simulation In Intakes with Multiblock option "SSIIM" which considers flow and sediment equations in a three dimensional manner to predict the flow field and sediment transported upstream of Al-Ghammas Barrage, middle of Iraq on Euphrates river. It solves the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations in three dimensions to compute water flow using the finite volume approach as discretization method, and also the convection-diffusion equation for sediment transport. The model was based on a three dimensional, non-orthogonal, structured grid with a non-staggered variable placement. The comparison between filed measurements and numerical results were considered to make the correct decision in this model. The verification showed good agreement between model results and observed data for suspended sediment concentration, depending on the value of coefficient of determination (0.94).
Nano Science and Nano Technology in Architecture[Full-Text ] Sammar Zain El Abdin Moh.AllamScientists and architects have taken a great concern in the future. Aspirations have been longing to new practical optimum solutions.
Correlation of Arterial Stiffness and the extent of Somatic DNA Damage in Cardiometabolic Syndrome[Full-Text ] Jiju JS, Aswathy Sundaresh, Sheena Joe, Aneesh P, Viji Krishnan, Jeyapal V, Dinesh Roy D & Vijayakumar TThis study was conducted to evaluate the correlation of arterial stiffness and the extent of somatic DNA damage by Cytokinesis-Block Micronuclei Assay in patients with cardio-metabolic syndrome. Fifty two patients with cardiometabolic syndrome and fifty two normal, healthy controls were included in this study. The arterial stiffness was accessed by various physiologic and biochemical factors such as heart rate, pulse pressure, systole, diastole, augmentation index, HDL, LDL etc. Both male and female subjects those reported cardiometabolic syndrome had abnormal range of physiologic and biochemical characteristics along with increased DNA damage. Significantly elevated augmentation index (34.62±11.46) was observed among the study subjects than the control subjects (8.67±1.08). The mean CBMN frequency of the study subjects was found to be 14.12±0.53, which is higher than the control subjects (10.33±0.70). These findings clearly demonstrate a significant correlation between arterial stiffness/augmentation index and the extent of DNA damage in cardiometabolic syndrome subjects and hence lifestyle modification with proper food, exercise and medication will help to reduce the arterial stiffness/augmentation index and the risk for cardiometabolic syndrome.
Performance Analysis of Various Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Digital Filters in the Reduction of Powerline Interference in ECG Signals[Full-Text ] MBACHU C. B, NWOSU A. WElectrocardiography (ECG) system measures heart activity over time by measuring electric potentials on the surface of living tissue. An ECG system can detect problems the heart has with heart rhythm, fundamental frequency, pressure and strength. It assists medical doctors in ascertaining someone that is having heart attack or has had heart attack in the past. The system can indicate if a heart is enlarged or thickened. Electrocardiography generates a signal known as ECG signal and it is this signal that is measure by an ECG system. The characteristic of the signal is a measure of the health condition of the heart. Naturally this signal is combined with various kinds of signals which constitute noises to it and the main ones are powerline interference, baseline wander, electromyogram and electroencephalogram. With this combination, the integrity of the ECG signal cannot be determined, and clinical interpretations may be erroneous. It is necessary to remove these noises and different types of digital filters can be employed. In this paper only the removal of powerline interference is considered, and a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of four different types of infinite impulse response filters in the removal is presented. Matlab software is used to generate the signals and observe and record results
Association Between Aging, Apoptosis And Related Dysregulations[Full-Text ] Tanveer Ahmed Soomro, Javed Ahmed Ujan, Maria Khushbakht SahotraAging or Apoptosis research is a rapidly developing area, but the role of apoptosis is still ambiguous and controversial. Aging is more closely related with a progressive deterioration of tissues and organs. While, many hypotheses have been proposed to explain the aging process, the exact mechanism involved is not chiseled. One of the most common characteristic to aging tissues is cell loss and modification in cell death signaling cascades could contribute to cell loss and underlie a number of age-related organ-specific cellular degenerations. Current review paper will focuses on apoptosis and hashes out how dysregulation of the apoptotic signaling cascade could be involved in aging and age-related pathologies. Furthermore, Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is a biological process that begins during development and continues throughout adulthood. There is evidence that advanced age is associated with dysregulation of apoptosis. Our paper will discourse studies that show age-related changes in the proteins that regulate apoptosis and demonstrate that aging enhances apoptosis and increases the susceptibility of several different cell types to apoptosis. Modification in apoptotic signaling may help to explain the age-associated decrease in immunity, cardiac function in old age and also in the enhancement of neurodegenerative diseases in aging mankind.
Degradation of Polylactide Film by Depolymerase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens[Full-Text ] S. Prema, and Uma Maheswari Devi, PalempalliIn the present study, the Poly Lactic Acid depolymerase was purified to homogeneity from the 20 day culture supernatant of B.amyloliquefaciens. The molecular weight of purified PLA depolymerase was 72.5 KDa as determined by SDS-PAGE. The purified PLA depolymerase shows significant activity towards PLA, casein and gelatin. On the other hand, specific activity was not significant with tributyrin and p-nitrophenyl acetate. Complete inhibition of PLA depolymerase was reported with PMSF and aprotinin demonstrates the presence of serine residue in the active site of PLA depolymerase. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) was used to analyze the thermal properties of the PLA. The glass transition (Tg) and melting temperature (Tm) of control PLA film were found to be 63.7°C and 177.28°C respectively whereas the PLA film degraded by B.amyloliquefaciens showed a glass transition temperature of 53.7°C and the melting temperature at 132.94°C. These results showed a significant decrease of 10°C (Tg) and 44.34°C (Tm) respectively. From the IR spectral data of PLA film control and PLA film (test) degraded by B. amyloliquefaciens, it was found that there was a shift of carbonyl (C=O) peak from 1756.05cm-1 to 1719.50cm-1 representing the degradation of PLA polymer to monomer.
Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity – A Product of Creative and Productive Mathematical Thinking: Imperatives for Sustainable Human Resource Development for Poverty Alleviation.[Full-Text ] Nneji, Samuel .O, Anyafulude, Joy C. (Ph.D)This study discusses a major potential of mathematics as a veritable tool for creative and productive thinking amongst it’s learners. The work makes deliberate efforts to unveil the influence of mathematics on the mind and thinking of the great 20th century mathematical physicist, Albert Einstein with a view to show how mathematics develop in its learners, the precise and logical thought needed for gaining a fuller understanding of the world around us. This understanding can subsequently be applied to solving day to day problems. The study further portrays mathematically powered creative and productive thinking as a constructivists’ process in which the learner, by reflecting on his experiences constructs his own understanding of the world around him, this no doubt, is the surest way of achieving sustainable human resource development needed for poverty alleviation. Based on the exposition, useful recommendations were made. The equation relating mass and energy is given by E = Mc2, where c is the speed of light.
Decreased paraoxonase1 activity is a cardiovascular risk factor in Moroccan adults with acute coronary syndrome[Full-Text ] Abdelghani Bounafaa, Hicham Berrougui, Boubker Nasser, Abdallah Bagri, Abderrahmane Moujahid, Noreddine Ghalim, Abdelouahed Khalil, Abdelkhalid EssamadiParaoxonase 1 (PON1) decreased activity has been associated with susceptibility to coronary heart disease (CHD). PON1 is a high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-associated enzyme capable of inhibiting atherogenesis and/or atherosclerosis progression. Several risk factors of CHD such as age, sex, diabetes, obesity, high arterial blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, smoking and family history modulate PON1 activity. In this study, we evaluated PON1 activity in a Moroccan population of 205 patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and 100 healthy controls. PON1 activity was measured by following paraoxon degradation using spectrophotometry technique. Systemic oxidative stress was evaluated by measuring protein carbonyl, malondialdehyde (MDA), and vitamin E plasma levels. Our results demonstrate that compared to healthy subjects, PON1 activity and vitamin E levels were significantly lower in coronary patients (p<0.001 for both paraoxonase and alpha tocopherol, p<0.05 for gamma tocopherol), while we observed higher oxidative stress markers in ACS patients. PON1 activity decreased considerably with accumulation of more risk factors. This study also highlights an abnormal lipid profile associated with decreased PON1 activity. The impairment of this activity may be due to oxidative stress conditions in which many factors are involved.
A Survey on Heuristic Algorithms on Detailed Routing in Physical Design Automation[Full-Text ] Upasana Yadav, Pragya Sharma, Neeraj Kr. ShuklaRouting is one of the most complex stage in physical design. Detailed routing determines the exact place of tracks and via. The main objective ofdetailed routing is to reduce the area of an integrated chip . Minimization of wire length,number of tracks, channel length, congestion factor is the key problem in physical design. Routing is a process to interconnect all the nets within the channel considering all constraints(horizontal and vertical constraints) of that channel. Unlike traditional routing schemes ,all the traffic is along a single path, multipath routing scheme splitthe traffic among several paths in order to reduce the congestion. In this paper, we analyze different single-layer algorithms, two-layer algorithms and three layer algorithms and conclude that the objective of the routing problems like crosstalk, wire length, channel length, no of tracks and vias.
Performance Analysis of Wind Energy System Coupled with Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator and Matrix Convertor[Full-Text ] Anjali Singh, Mr.Anil GuptaThis Paper represents Performance analysis of Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator Coupled with matrix convertor in wind energy system. Some of important research and developments are overviewed for this research. Because of the advantages of the BDFIG over other generators it is being used for most of the wind applications. Various researches have been done in modeling and simulation in field of DFIG. The performance of the brushless doubly-fed machine (BDFM) is analyzed using a per- phase equivalent circuit. An expression for the rating of machine as a function of magnetic and electric loadings is developed, and the rating is compared to those of the doubly-fed induction machine and cascaded induction machines. As the magnetic ?eld in a BDFM is complex, the magnetic loading is considered in detail and a new generalized loading is derived. This paper summaries the researches in the area of study of DFIG, steady state and transient analysis, its modeling, simulation, reactive power control strategies and performance analysis of BDFIG coupled with wind turbine. The response of BDFIG wind turbine system to grid disturbances, which is simulated and verified experimentally.
Security Using Detachable Fingerprint Scanner[Full-Text ] Varun Saxena, Darshan Hiremath, Kaustav Sen, Aditya DeshpandeComputers, tablets, smart phone mobiles etc serve as an important means of communication, socialization and various online transactions and hence have become indispensable in the day-to-day operations of various organizations. Security of data in these devices is a matter of concern for all organizations today, hence good practices are needed to be observed at all levels, from design to use, through the development of operating systems, software layers, and downloadable apps. Some of the security methods implemented include pin lock, pattern locks, biometric measures etc. Through this paper we highlight fingerprinting as a security measure to protect online data from various sites. We propose an inexpensive USB based finger print scanner which can be attached to these devices and can serve as solution to counter the threats like snooping. The main feature is to automate the process of fingerprint scanning to fetch the required site for various things. Fingerprinting data can be linked with mail and bank accounts for secure important data. Though fingerprinting is still a pre-mature technology, if properly implemented may serve as a primary measure of securing these devices in the future.
An Overview of Quality of Service Architectures and Congestion Management Techniques in Ip Networks[Full-Text ] Ogbonna, UgochukwuData networks worldwide are faced with the dilemma of huge amounts of data transfers. With such large amounts being exchanged over such networks, it becomes necessary to devise strategies for management of such voluminous transmissions. Quality of service defines sets of rules which monitor and prioritize data thereby ensuring that packet/data handling and arrival sequence is done based on priority. This paper serves to present an investigative review into the various current architectures used to deploy quality of service approaches in IP networks, as well as the various congestion management techniques used to realize management of data congestion in such networks.
EFL Learners' Self-esteem, Motivation, and Choice of Vocabulary Learning Strategies: How Are They Related?[Full-Text ] Mania Nosratinia, Nasim MohammadzamaniThe purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship among EFL learners’ self-esteem, motivation, and choice of vocabulary learning strategies. To this end, 191 male and female undergraduate students, within the age range of 19 to 34 (Mage = 26), majoring in English Translation and English Literature were randomly selected. The instruments utilized in this study were a) Schmitt’s vocabulary learning strategies questionnaire (VLSQ) (1997), b) Gardner’s AMTB (Attitudes/Motivation Test Battery) questionnaire (1985), and c) Coopersmith self-esteem inventory (1967). The results of this study revealed that there is a significant relationship between EFL learners' vocabulary learning strategies (VLSs) and motivation (r = 560, p < .05), and vocabulary learning strategies and self-esteem (r = 563, p < .05). Furthermore, a regression analysis revealed that self-esteem is a significant predictor of vocabulary learning strategies which predicts 31.7 percent of the scores in VLSs (R = .563, R2 = .317). The results of this study can help all those who are engaged in language teaching and learning process to possess a better perspective into developing efficient instructions.
Deployment of SmartFusion Based SoC to Develop GSM Based Remote Monitoring System[Full-Text ] S. C. Pathan, S. S. Shaikh, P. V. Mane-deshmukh, S. K. Tilekar, S. V. Chavan and B. P. LadgaonkarDesigning of system on chip, based on Smart Fusion technology, is the revolutionary field exhibiting wide spectrum of applications. Moreover, deploying GSM technology, the designing of remote monitoring systems can be realized. Emphasizing its inter disciplinary application, the data collection for precision agriculture, an embedded system is designed, wherein an innovative technology, "Smart Fusion Technology", is deployed. The architectural details of Smart Fusion technology A2F200M3F are explored and implemented to design temperature monitoring system. On interfacing the same to GSM module the remote monitoring is ensured. On reconfiguration of on chip resources of the devices the entire system is designed on single chip and integrated by deploying the dedicated IDE. The firmware required to ensure synchronization between on-chip and off-chip devices is designed in SoftConsole, wherein embedded C environment is used. The System is implemented for polyhouse and results are interpreted in this paper.
INTELLIGENT ALCOHOL DETECTION SYSTEM FOR CAR[Full-Text ] Vaishnavi.M , Umadevi.V , Vinothini.M , Bhaskar Rao .Y , Pavithra.SThe purpose of this project is to develop vehicle accident prevention by method of alcohol detector in an effort to reduce traffic accident cases based on driving under the influence alcohol. This project is developed by integrating the alcohol sensor with the microcontroller 16F877A. The alcohol sensor used in this project is MQ-2 which to detect the alcohol content in human breath. An ignition system which will produce spark plugs is build up as a prototype to act like the ignition starter over the vehicle’s engine. The ignition system will operate based on the level of blood alcohol content (BAC) from human breaths detected by alcohol sensor.The main purpose behind this project is “Drunk driving detection”. Now a days, many accidents are happening because of the alcohol consumption of the driver or the person who is driving the vehicle. Thus Drunken driving is a major reason of accidents in almost all countries all over the world. Alcohol Detector in Car project is designed for the safety of the people seating inside the car. This project should be fitted / installed inside the vehicle.