Volume 5, Issue 11, November 2014 Edition
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A comparative Study of System Data (Percentage of Loss) of Rural Electrification Board for some specific PBS Zone in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Siddikur Rahman, Akhlaqur Rahman, Mofajjal haque shahed, Shuva PaulIn a country like Bangladesh where electricity shortage is a great problem, Rural Electrification Board is one of the few agencies that are a part of the solution. Since it is established by the government, it is provided with a lot of facilities. And, since the establishment, it has come a long way towards trying to provide electricity to as many houses in rural Bangladesh as possible. However, the problem of electricity crisis in Bangladesh is far from being solved, as the supply is still significantly lesser than the consumer needs. And, it’s constantly increasing day by day. Even with the help of other agencies like BPDB, PGCB and DESCO, we are still far from solving this problem. Although new power plants have been proposed and in some cases construction has began in the last few years, another more logical approach would be look into current systems and see where the shortage occurs and how the efficiency can be improved. With that in mind, we are proposing to do detailed research study on a few particular operating rural electric cooperatives called Palli Bidyuit Samity (PBS) for REB and find out how much shortage is due to natural reasons and how much is due to human reasons which will lead us to proposing a few solution to these problems.
Wind Energy Integration in Smart Grid[Full-Text ] Shuva Paul, Md. Siddikur Rahman, Akhlaqur Rahman, Mofajjal haque shahedApproaching towards the innovation of smartest technology in the world Smart Grid is being modified day by day for the better efficiency and better performance. One of the ways to improve the efficiency or performance of the smart grid (SG) technology is to integrate the alternative energy sources within it. In this research paper, the possibility of integrating an alternative energy sources in Smart Grid technology have been discussed. And this alternative energy source is Wind Energy. If the alternative energy sources can be integrated with the Smart Grid, the efficiency and performance will increase depending on some factors like geographical location etc. In this research paper all these things have been discussed.
Design Proposal for Installing a Community Radio Station in a Remote Locality of Pabna in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Akhlaqur Rahman, Shuva Paul, A. A. Amin, Md. Wahiduzzaman, Delwar HossainCommunity Radio is a type of radio service specially focused on the interest of a specific geographic community. Community radio stations are operated, owned and influenced by the communities they serve. It is generally a non-profit service and commercial benefits are completely overlooked. Especially for a country like Bangladesh, community radio has significant applications that range from educational to entertainment purposes. A country where remote localities are devoid of many facilities and therefore in danger of many of its consequences, establishment of community radios can go a long way in solving this problem. One of those remote localities is “Pabna Sadar”, the location for our proposed community radio. For this study, we have done a thorough research on the proposed locality followed by a detailed mapping of the area. We have then gone through the necessary technical specification for installing the community radio. After that, a proper analysis has been completed that shows the amount of expenditure for 2 years as well as the administrative structure. All of these elements work as the perfect backdrop for the proposal of installing a community radio in the remote locality- “Pabna Sadar” in Bangladesh.
Development of a graphical based traffic monitoring system for a Communication Network[Full-Text ] Oyinloye O.E., Jegede OlubunmiThe application of packet sniffer has gone a long way in proving that it is needed on all networking systems. Network monitoring is a vital part of modern network infrastructure management. Existing techniques either present a restricted view of network behavior and state, or do not efficiently scale to higher network speeds and heavier monitoring workloads. The network sniffer developed in this research was based on the type of capture library used by tcpdump; libpcap and the significance of having a monitoring system are better emphasized.
Effect of Lake Sediment Chemistry on Water Quality of Upper Lake in Bhopal (M.P)[Full-Text ] Saima Shameem, Vipin Vyas and Ajaz Ahmad MagrayThe forgoing study was carried out on Upper Lake (Bhoj wetland; a ramsar site) Bhopal (M.P.), India. It is the oldest lake manmade lake of central India. The present study reflects an increase in the pollution status of upper lake. Nitrate and reactive phosphate fluctuations are attributed to diverse land use land cover in catchment area of the lake. Lake was found to be in the hypertonic state in the month of June and August. It was also seen that higher concentration of nutrients was because of release of them from sediments into the water column as it was due to lower oxygen content in lake water. The population living near the lake is the major contributor of pollution to the lake. It was estimated that about 9.82 (mg/l) of sewage enters in the lake daily resulting in the enrichment of the lake and it also promotes its eutrophication and enhance it trophic evolution.
Design of Grounding System for an Electrical Substation: An Overview[Full-Text ] Maneesh kumar, Gagandeep singhThe main purpose of this paper is to acquaint the reader with various types of grounding systems prevalent in an Electrical substation and their importance. Brief discussions about different parameters which affect the designing of an efficient grounding system are also discussed. The standards used comply with the Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC) and Grid Standards formulated under various regulations by CEA and IEEE-80. This paper is written to provide a good insight into the designing of grounding system for novice readers.
HYDRAULIC PERFORMANCE OF A 3-D COM-POSITE SEAWALL SYSTEM FOR RENEWABLE WAVE ENERGY CONVERSION[Full-Text ] A.B.M. Khan-MozahedyDetrimental impacts of fossil fuels and their foreseen scarcity are encouraging research for the development of the renewable energy as alternatives. A newly developed composite seawall concept could be a vitally important technique for wave energy conversion. Composite seawall is a dual-purpose overtopping type of coastal shoreline device; wave energy conversion is considered as its by-product. A 3-D model of composite seawall has been simulated at University of Southampton to figure out its hydraulic performance. Overtopping water has generated hydraulic head convertible to electricity by means of low head hydro-power generator. Fraude scale laws (geometric scale 1:50) were followed in the model scaling. Total 72 simulations were conducted; overtopping and hydraulic powers that were generated at the crest of the ramp of the composite seawall for each simulated wave parameters were recorded. Hydraulic performances were measured based on the input wave parameters and simulation outputs. Results have demonstrated that maximum achievable hydraulic efficiency of the composite seawall is about 33.6 % and average hydraulic efficiencies are about 26.6%, 18.6%, 15.9% and 11.1% for the freeboard of 0.5 m, 1.0 m, 1.5 m and 2.0 m respectively. Hydraulic performance decreases for oblique wave approaches.
Design, Analysis and Fabrication of Rear Suspension System for an All Terrain Vehicle[Full-Text ] Aniket ThosarAll Terrain Vehicle (ATV) is defined by ANSI as a vehicle that travels on low pressure tires, which is used to handle any kind of terrain it faces. The paper focuses on design of rear suspension system for an ATV. The paper covers simulation, modeling and analysis of suspension geometry. Suspension is designed such that it provides better handling and better comfort for an ATV.
Assessment of Apelin and Risk Factors in Relation with Diabetic Mellitus Type 2[Full-Text ] Adhraa Baqir Hassan, Arshad Noory KhniThis study was conducted on randomly selected 68 type 2 diabetic patients (27 Males and 41 Females) attending the diabetes mellitus center in Al-Sadder Teaching City in Al-Najaf province, Iraq and a group of 20 apparently healthy subjects (10 Males and 10 Females) were included as a control group. The study was carried out from February 2013 to July 2013. The age of patients and control groups were range of 35-65y. The concentration of fasting blood glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, VLDL, HDL, Apelin and BMI were estimated in patients and control groups. The results show significant increase (P<0.05) in fasting blood glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, VLDL and Apelin levels in patients compared with control groups. The results revealed that Apelin not significant difference (p>0.05) in patients and control groups at different ages. The results also revealed that Apelin level increase significantly (P<0.05) in males than females in both patients and control groups. The results also revealed that significant increase (P<0.05) in BMI in patients compared with control groups. The results also show that Apelin concentration increase significantly (P<0.05) with increasing BMI in males than females compared with control groups. The results have been shown significant positive correlation (P<0.05) between Apelin, FBG, cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL and VLDL in patients (males and females), while the results have been shown significant negative correlation (P<0.05) between Apelin and HDL in patients (males and females). The present study concluded that Apelin level was a marker for detection and diagnosis of diabetic patients type 2.
A Novel Hybrid Model For Tamil Handwritten Character Segmentation[Full-Text ] Dr.S.Pannirselvam , S.PonmaniSegmentation is an important task of any Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system. It separates the image text documents into lines, words and characters. The accuracy of OCR system mainly depends on the segmentation algorithm being used. Despite several successful works in OCR all over the world, development of OCR tools in Indian languages is still an ongoing process. Character segmentation plays an important role in character recognition because incorrectly segmented characters are unlikely to be recognized correctly. This paper proposes a segmentation algorithm for segmenting handwritten Tamil scripts into lines, words and characters using Horizontal and vertical profile. The method was tested with different document unconstrained handwritten Tamil scripts, which pays more challenge and difficulty due to the complexity involved in the script. The proposed algorithm results in an efficient extraction of text lines with words and characters by providing average extraction rate and higher segmentation rate.
Review of methods of power theft in Power System[Full-Text ] B.Saikiran, R.HariharanThe power theft had become a major problem in India. The power system consists of generation, transmission & dis-tribution. The power theft is happening only in transmission & distribution side. In order to reduce the power theft , there are so many methods have been proposed to control power theft. Many papers discussed about the power theft and control in power system. This paper also discuss some of the methods of power theft and control in power system. There are many technical losses present in transmission & distribution , at the same time due to non-technical losses power theft is more . Hence there would be lot of loss for the government. This paper proposes some reviews about the power theft & control over power system. This paper is going to analyze the review about methods of power theft & control over power system.
An Appraisal of Risk Treatment in the Nigerian Construction Industry: Contractors’ and Project Managers’ Perspectives.[Full-Text ] OLALEKAN MUMUNI OGUNBAYOThe study focuses on risk treatment exercises carried out by the local contractors, foreign contractors and Project managers in the Nigerian construction industry. Realignment of the country’s priority in terms of infrastructural development is crucial to the construction industry development and other stakeholder’s investments. The construction industry has witnessed a high degree of project abandonment, waste of resources and quality disparagement that resulted from lack of risk treatment. However, the study confirmed the frequency of use of risk treatment techniques of identified risk during the planning stage of the projects as applicable to the construction industry. The questionnaires inferentially and relationally analysed to show laxity in the local contractors’ response to risk a bias towards risk avoidance while the cases of foreign contractors and Project managers indicate an average use of all risk treatment exercises. The study proposes that a change in relation to risk treatment in the industry as accepted by all parties is crucial to the industry development. Accepting an input such as upgrading by training and legislation in the industry by all stakeholders is the most crucial to achieving project success. The local contractors need to synergize to be involved on a large scale in the industry and compete favourable with the foreign firms.
Seismic Response Analysis of Isolated Building with Resilient Friction Base Isolator[Full-Text ] Sudarshan B. Sanap, Pradip D. Jadhao, S. M. DumneSeismic hazard mitigation is very sensitive issue now a day’s therefore researchers are struggling for optimum solution since last few decades. Base isolation technique is one of the effective techniques which give better results in seismic hazard mitigation under earthquake excitation particularly in building structures, bridges and water tanks etc. Base isolation reduces not only the effects of earthquake acceleration to be transmitted to the structures, but also protects the content of building in addition to supporting the mass of structure. This study proposed a realistic ten storey RC building modelled as shear type lumped mass having single degrees-of-freedom at each floor level. This building is isolated by Resilient Friction Base isolation system of sliding base isolated type and excited under unidirectional ground motion due to four realistic earthquakes namely, Imperial Valley, 1940, Loma Prieta, 1989, Kobe, 1995 and Northridge, 1994. The governing equation of motion for the building has been solved using Newmarks method whereas isolation system is modelled by Wen’s model. The effectiveness of proposed isolation system and building response has been evaluated by coding in MATLAB 8.2 computing software. Further, effectiveness of isolation system is also studied in terms of peak responses of building. The results obtained from the study underscored that Resilient Base Isolation System works effectively in limiting the building responses during excitation due to earthquakes.
Spatial Data Mining in Conjuction with Object Based Image Analysis[Full-Text ] Shrujal Patel, Amit Ganatra, Paru Thakkar and Dr. M. B. PotdarThe frequently changing spatial information are important because of their practical uses in various applications including disasters monitoring, deforestation, land management, planning, damage assessments and urban expansion. The wealth of geographic data cannot be fully evaluated when information inherent in data is difficult to differentiate. In remote sensing (RS) applications, changes are considered as surface component alternations with varying rates. This requires new approaches and tools that can be judiciously and automatically transform geographic data into information and capable for extracting geographic knowledge. A large number of change detection methodologies and techniques have been developed. In this paper, most common pixel-based techniques are described with the recent object-based techniques with similarities and differences between both the techniques. We also discussed the concept that can effectively detect spatio-temporal patterns in remotely sensed images following object based image analysis and data mining techniques. With the increased availability of very high spatial resolution RS data recently, the mining of such data calls for object-based techniques for potential change detection studies.
Marital Satisfaction and Emotional Intelligence among Different Professionals[Full-Text ] Sadia Ilyas, Shazia HabibThe current study explored the relationship of marital satisfaction and emotional intelligence among different professionals. The sample comprised of N= 200 participants (n= 100 men and n= 100 women). The study sample was further divided into two categories of professionals were selected doctors, (n=50 men and n=50 women) and lecturers (n=50 men and n=50 women) from Faisalabad and Lahore. The age rang of the sample was 25 to 45 years with 5 to 10 year marriage duration. Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS) by Schutte (1998) and Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) by Spanier, (1976) were administered to measure the variables of emotional intelligence and marital satisfaction. Pearson product moment correlation and independent sample t-test was used for statistical analysis.The findings of the study indicated significant relationship (r =.165*, p<0.05) between marital satisfaction and emotional intelligence. Results also supported that working women (M=1.3348, SD= 5.870) have higher emotional intelligence as compare to working men (M=1.2458, SD=10.753). The findings of the study will be helpful for improving marital satisfaction. It can also be helpful in marital counseling and education counseling.
A New Method to Verify Auto Production Line Effeciency[Full-Text ] M. H. Shojaeefard, Mansour. Hakimollahi, Mojtaba. HakimollahiThe balanced score card (BSC) which was presented by Kaplan, R.S. and Norton, D.P. in 1992; Have useful varieties in industrial areas especially in management sections. BSC Method has least four perspectives which are called financial, customer, internal business process and learning and growth to indicate efficiency on financial and nonfinancial information. Over time, it has been developed and used in many organizations such as business, hospital, and autonomy in many countries. This paper present a model based on BSC Using fuzzy inference mechanism. By this model, specialists’ knowledge and experience can be effectively compared. Thus a practical example is been consider in a domestic Automotive line.
Genetic Variability and Correlation Analysis of Some Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Accessions.[Full-Text ] Muhammad Zahir Ahsan, Muhammad Saffar Majidano, Hadayatullah Bhutto, Abdul Razzaque Channa, Karim Bakhsh Sial, Allah Dino kalhoro To determine the variation and correlation of different traits with seed cotton yield per plant in Gossypium hirsutum accessions, the experiment was conducted at central cotton research Institute Sakrand, PAKISTAN during 2014. It is clear from the analysis of variance that accessions were highly significant for all the recorded traits. It was clear from the analysis that seed cotton yield was positive correlate with the most of the traits under observation. Beside lint percentage, seed cotton yield is the ultimate objective of the growing cotton. Highest seed cotton yield per plant (125.42g) was observed in CRIS-667 followed by CRIS-665 i.e. 120g. This type of correlation is rarely found and ultra desirable by the cotton breeders.
HOME AUTOMATION FOR INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY[Full-Text ] SAURABH NALAWADEAutomation is a use of various systems for operating certain equipment’s such as different machines made for certain tasks without any human interference. Automation in Electronics Engineering is design of certain control systems use to control home appliances with precise aim to saving time of the end user. It aims to provide easy accessibility for controlling certain appliances in home and office environment such as switching ON/OFF of fans, lights and other appliances in our daily use, with practical ease and save the end users time. In different industries like construction, mechanical, oil gas and others where heavy machinery is involved and risk of human injuries due to handling heavy and complicated machinery is high. This paper aims to provide a solution to this problem and tries to give a unique solution to the dangerous problem.
Silencing of Wilson Disease gene (ATP7B) induces transcriptional changes in copper-related genes[Full-Text ] Remesh Kunjunni, Sandeep Sathianathan, Mukesh Kumar Sriwastva, Mutahar Andrabi, Sooraj Kakkat, Madhuri Behari, Parthaprasad Chattopadhyay, Vivekanandhan SubbiahWilson Disease is an autosomal recessive disorder of copper metabolism due to mutation in cellular copper transporter - ATP7B. The mutant protein is unable to export copper, leading to its accumulation that results in various harmful molecular changes in cells. In the present study using human hepatoma (HepG2) and neuroblastoma (SH-SY5Y) cells, we report the transcriptional variations in major copper-related genes on ATP7B knockdown. The cells were transfected with specific siRNA to silence ATP7B and the expression of copper-related genes was studied at mRNA level by quantitative real-time PCR. In both cell lines there was significant upregulation of Antioxidant1 (Atox1), human Copper homeostasis protein (hCutC) and Ceruloplasmin (Cp), while the mRNA expression of copper transporter gene hCTR1 (Slc31a1) was not significantly affected. Effect of copper overload was studied by supplying CuSO4 in medium (100 µM/ 24hour) that resulted in further upregulation of these genes. The cell viability was also found to be reduced significantly upon ATP7B silencing. Total cellular copper was estimated by Inductively Coupled Plasma - Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES). Findings of this study show the alterations in expression of major genes involved in cellular copper network and consequent imbalance in the copper homeostasis during intracellular copper overload.
Interaction of Thiourea Derivatives with a C-Steel Surface: Towards the Development of ‘Green’ Corrosion Inhibitors: Theoretical and Experimental Study[Full-Text ] A.M. EldesokyThe protection influence of three thiourea derivatives against C- steel corrosion was studied in 1 M HCl solutions at 30oC. Measurements were conducted under various experimental conditions using weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and electrochemical frequency modulation (EFM) techniques. These studies have shown that thiourea derivatives are very good ‘‘green”, mixed-type inhibitors. Electrochemical frequency modulation (EFM) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) method of analysis are also presented here for monitoring corrosion. Corrosion rates obtained from both EFM and EIS methods are comparable with those recorded using Tafel extrapolation method, confirming validation of corrosion rates measured by the latter. The inhibitive action of these thiourea derivatives was discussed in terms of blocking the electrode surface by adsorption of the molecules through the active centers contained in their structures following Temkin adsorption isotherm. Quantum chemical method was also employed to explore the relationship between the inhibitor molecular properties and its protection efficiency. The density function theory (DFT) is used to study the structural properties of thiourea derivatives. The protection efficiencies of these compounds showed a certain relationship to highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) energy, Mulliken atomic charges and Fukui indices. The morphology of inhibited and uninhibited C-steel was analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).
INHIBITIVE EFFECT OF AZINE AND DIAZINE DERIVATIVES ON THE CORROSION OF CYCLIC STRESSED 316L SS IN ACIDIC MEDIA[Full-Text ] Jazi Abdullah Mohammed Abdulwahed, A.Attia, Marwa R. Elsayad and A.M. EldesokyThe inhibiting effect of some azine and diazine derivatives on the corrosion of cyclic stressed 316L SS specimens in 3 M HCl in the presence of organic derivatives with concentrations (1×10-6 M – 11×10-6 M) at 30oC was studied using weight loss and galvanostatic polarization techniques. The inhibition of these derivatives on the uniform corrosion was evaluated by anodic and cathodic polarization curves of the electrode in the tested media. The examined derivatives exerted an inhibiting action towards corrosion. Polarization studies revealed that these derivatives behave as mixed inhibitors and inhibit corrosion by parallel adsorption on the specimen surface due to the presence of more than one active centre in the inhibitor molecule. The adsorption obeyed Temkin adsorption isotherm. The inhibitor efficiency increases with increasing the concentration of the inhibitor and decreases with increasing the value of the cyclic stress. Addition of I- , Br- and SCN- ions to the solution containing organic derivatives increases the inhibition efficiency of the system.
Contractors’ and Project Managers’ Assessment of Risk Identification Exercises in the Nigerian Construction Industry.[Full-Text ] Inadequacy of risk management has resulted in many projects failures like cost overrun, time overrun, quality depreciation and project abandonment; hence, this is a major challenge to all stakeholders in the industry. The study looked into risk identification exercise in the Nigerian construction industry in order to confirm various applications of risk identification and the extent of use in various projects. Foreign constructors, local constructors and project managers were given questionnaires to indicate the frequency of use of risk identification techniques. The result suggests in descending order brainstorming, checklist, Delphi technique, expert judgement and location visit as the most-used risk identification techniques. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the extent of use of all techniques is 24 percent by local contractors; foreign contractors are 51 percent while project managers is 58 %. The average per cent of all respondents risk identification exercises in project executed is 42% thus suggesting that the risk identification exercise is below average. In conclusion, construction industry practitioners should incorporate elaborate risk identification processes into the system in order to analyse, treat and control risks adequately, and complete the projects successfully. The establishment of legislation for the construction industry to acknowledge risk management processes in major investment projects is essential for the industry developmental goals. The local contractors should merge so that they can form a formidable group within the industry and compete with the foreign construction firms favourably.
Efficiency Improvement of Sun Tracking Systems Controlled by FPGA[Full-Text ] H.I.Abdelkader, M.Saber, A.S.AwedThis paper presents an implementation of a solar tracking system to achieve power enhancement based on FPGAs .The proposed system tracks altitude angle and azimuth angle separately as a single-axis system, then tracks altitude-azimuth angles with each other as dual-axis system. The proposed single-axis tracking system increases the efficiency by 23.93% compared with the fixed system, while the dual-axis tracking system increases the efficiency by 33.23% compared with fixed system. The system consumes low power and takes into consideration weather changes such as clouds, dust and other conditions that may lead to undesirable results. This paper also presents a comparative study between Azimuth-tracking and Altitude-tracking systems. Results showed an increase in efficiency in case of Azimuth-Tracking system up to 11.39% more than Altitude-Tracking system, and dual-axis tracking up to 9.3% more than Azimuthtracking system.
A Simulation Study of Mobility Management for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] A.Pratapa Reddy, N.SatayanarayanaOf late, there has been increasing usage of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) in real time applications including study of wildlife habitat, video surveillance and target tracking in healthcare and military fields. Thus the WSN became ubiquitous as it can be used in every field including the monitoring of adult house hold activities and mentally disordered people. Out of all such applications, target tracking is one of the most important applications of WSN. Many researchers contributed to the study of target tracking as found in the literature focusing on various approaches to solve the problem of target tracking. Recently Xu et al. proposed mechanisms for mobile sensor navigation and target tracking where target is assumed to be signal omitting target. Time of Arrival is the measurement employed by them to know the location of target through min-max approximation besides semi-definite programming relaxation. In this paper we used NS2 simulations to demonstrate the target tracking with focus on target tracking, throughput, and packet delivery ratio and delay performance. The results revealed that the proposed target tracking mechanism.
Flood damages and its management strategies (2010) in Layyah district, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Maria Neelam, Iqra Afzal, Muhammad Nawaz, Sheikh Saeed AhmadFloods are the infrequent occurrence of water on land that affects normal activities. Pakistan suffered nationwide floods after exceptional monsoon rains in July 2010. Generally, Pakistan has a history of floods which primarily occurred due to monsoon incursions, unexpected and abnormal releases of water by India. Besides low floods, the country suffered from high floods in several years i.e. in 1950, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1963, 1965, 1973, 1976, 1988 and 1992 and onwards till 2014. Punjab had worst floods since 1929 and 13 districts are said to be hit, more than 3.3 Million people have been hit. Muzaffargarh, Rajanpur, Layyah and D.G. Khan Districts are among the districts badly affected. The floods that arose in the north-west of Pakistan in July 2010 followed the heaviest monsoon rains that the country had seen for 80 years. In the major flood of 2010, more than 31,658 houses had been washed away alone in the District Layyah of 500,000 for all over Punjab. The two Union Councils Baseera and Sahu Wala in the district Layyah have been heavily destroyed. Various strategies can be planned for managing the upcoming floods in north-west Pakistan including Layyah as the climate change trend is moving towards north-west of Pakistan. Structural measures are needed to avoid damages along with the flood forecast preparations and warnings that can be issued by Pakistan meteorological department. Improved rainfall-runoff and flood routing models have been developed by National Engineering Services Pakistan (NESPAK). WAPDA Flood reservoir management in Pakistan is restricted to dam structures safety that revised the guidelines for dam management to avoid flood losses.