Volume 12, Issue 5, May 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 5, May 2021
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Development of a Fuzzy Logic Model for Predicting Faecal Coliforms in a Freshwater Lake[Full-Text ] Shibu. K, Dr.S.AyoobFaecal contamination plays a major role in the transmission of diarrhoeal diseases. Thus it is highly desirable to model the water quality in terms of faecal contamination. In this study, an inductive model using fuzzy logic is developed to predict the faecal coliform concentration by taking Sasthamkotta lake as the case study which a freshwater wetland and a Ramsar site in the Southern part of India. Five input water quality parameters namely pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand and turbidity during the period 2013 and 2017 was used to develop the said model. A statistical regression model was also developed using the same input parameters.
Evaluating the Impact of Sand and HBS&W on Crude Oil Production at Egbema Field of Niger Delta[Full-Text ] A. Joseph, A. O. Soro Sand and HBS&W (High basic sediments and water) production is a serious problem in many oil and gas assets worldwide. Both can drastically affect production rates; damage downhole, subsea, and surface facilities, increase the risk of catastrophic failures; and cost operators tens of billions of dollars annually. Water handling costs are high and sand management is complicated that cannot be addressed by a one-size-fits-all approach.
Bitcoin Value Prediction Using Machine Learning[Full-Text ] Akshay Bhandare, Priya Jha, Dhanraj Kirgat, Shivani Shinde, Imran KhanIn this research paper, we proposed prediction of bitcoin by analyzing different parameters. By studying different research papers, we were able to propose a effective method to predict the future value of bitcoin. The objective of this research paper is to predict the future value of bitcoin by using the data of previous values of bitcoin, the real time value of bitcoin, sentiments or opinions of people that are expressed on social platform like twitter, facebook or reddit and machine learning algorithms like ARIMA.
AIR QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF SOME SELECTED UNCONTROLLED DUMPSITE IN WARRI METROPOLITAN CITY[Full-Text ] ISSA, B.R, BIRMA G.J, OGUNKEYEDE A.O, Tawari–Fufeyin, PThe air quialty of six selected uncontrolled dumpsite monitored revealed the impact of municipal solid waste on the air quality of Warri municipal area. The study covers three months (August – October 2019) at Opete, Okuvo, NPA, Cemetery Road, Refinery Road and Osubi. The Aeroqual 500 series was used to investigate the parameters such as SPM, H2S, NOx, CO, SOx, O3 and CxHy/VOCs. The comparison of the emitted gases results in the following order, SPM > NOx > SOx > H2S > O3 > CxHy/VOCs > CO. Moreover, Opete has the highest average emissions of most gasses such as CO, H2S, NOx, and O3 (31.42%, 43.81%, 18.86% and 17.66%), while SPM and SOx were the major emissions from Okuvo dumpsite.
EXCESS NOISE FACTOR IN AVALANCHE PHOTODIODES WITH DEAD SPACE EFFECT[Full-Text ] This project aims to produce a graphical user interface (GUI) for MATLAB programs written by J.S.Marsland as part of his research into the excess noise factor in avalanche photodiodes (APDs). The GUI will be produced using the GUIDE package supplied with the MATLAB software combined with the MATLAB programs. The GUI will then be used to compare this research work with the research work of others e.g. the Monte Carlo calculations made by the research group at the French Aerospace Laboratory (ONERA). Comparison with other research work will require the digitization of some graphs published in academic journals.
Description of reactive oxygen species when an external radiation is applied to intracellular water and compound system (cisplatin and silica nanoparticle)[Full-Text ] G. Lopez-Laurrabaquio, H. S. Cruz-Galindo, M. Moranchel y Rodriguez, J. M. Montejano-Carrizales, Jorge Naoki DomÃnguez KondoIt is important and valuable to study the generation of reactive oxygen species when applying external radiation with electrons which energy is 5 keV to physical system: composite system and intracellular water. In order to do this, computer simulations of Monte Carlo (TO-PAS-nBio code) were used. For the study of generation of reactive species, this work focus was exclusively on the interaction between se-condary radiation from the composite system and intracellular water.
Computer Aided Design and Investigation of Impact Characteristics of Heavy-Duty Aluminium alloy 6082-T6 Wheel[Full-Text ] Christopher E. Nabodi, Tolumoye J. TuaweriContinuous improvements in wheel design has taken centre stage of the interests in the automobile industry. Material innovations and discoveries by metallurgists have helped tremendously in this regard as varieties of structural materials are made available to help structural engineers and industrialists. Alloy 60682-T6 impact properties were investigated in this research; Solidworks CAD software was employed in the modeling of the impact form of the wheel.
ADOPTION OF CASHLESS SOCIETY BY SINGAPORE[Full-Text ] KARTIK MATHURWith the adoption of technology becoming so prevalent where the digital era has taken over, the use of cashless transactions is on the rise. It is a more efficient and quicker alternative that has been adopted by so many organizations that the need for physical cash is reducing especially in Singapore’s stable economy. The obvious concern would be those relating to security and privacy however in a nation like Singapore that is known for its safety, the adoption of cashless transactions only reduces the likelihood of corrupt activities.
PILOT SCALE STUDY ON ANAEROBIC DIGESTION OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE[Full-Text ] C.Palanipandian, Dr.S.Muneeswaran, Dr.S.PalanivelrajaThis paper presents the biological treatment of Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste (OFMSW) by anaerobic digestion process. A pilot scale solid state anaerobic digester was used to study stability of anaerobic digestion process of treatment of sorted municipal solid waste. The inoculum was blended to the shredded particle size of 10mm waste particles to enhance the start-up of the digestion process. From this study, it is concluded that manually sorted organic fraction of municipal solid wastes can be anaerobically digested, producing a biogas containing 55%-70% CH4..
MONITORING OF AMBIENT AIR QUALITY IN COIMBATORE CITY FOR FUTURE OUTLOOK[Full-Text ] A.Vinoth Kumar, Dr.S.Muneeswaran, Dr.S.PalanivelrajaAir quality considered to be a significant environmental health challenge in Indian cites as well as in most of the metropolitan cities around the world. Contributing factors to air pollution in cities are rapidly growing fleets of vehicles with poor quality exhaust emissions and poor maintenance. This study focuses on monitoring of particulate matter in Coimbatore city. In order to monitor the particulate matter near busy road junctions in Coimbatore city, 6 busy road junctions were selected.
Effect of Digital Transformation on Adoption of an Effective Virtual Workplace in Organizations[Full-Text ] Joshua Olusegun Fayomi, Zainab Abdulqadir SaniIn this hyper-competitive era, firms are increasingly transforming their business operations through advanced digital technologies and remotely. The days of simply testing and discussing the effects of digital transformation are gone, but the time for actionable measures has come. Therefore, this study has identified the role of digital transformation including big data, cyber-physical systems, internet of things and interoperability, on the adoption virtual workplace in organizations.
CONSUMER PERSPECTIVE TOWARDS MUTUAL FUNDS AS AN INVESTMENT VEHICLE[Full-Text ] Rishika AbrolAbout Customer Perception Customer perception refers to the customer's opinion of a company or its products and services. This describes how the customers feel about a particular brand, including any direct or indirect interaction they have had with that business. The companies can find common user pain points by studying customer perception and enhance the customers‟ experience
Physical Design Implementation LDO[Full-Text ] Sreekanth Ponneboina, Rajesh KancharlaThis project aims to implement a LDO on physical design flow from netlist to GDSII that starts from floorplan, placement, CTS, routing and ends with physical verification checks such as DRC, LVS and ERC, antenna design rule. Floorplanning is the basic building step for any hierarchical physical design flow. Floorplanning is taking more amount of time in entire design hierarchical flow. If floorplanning is not good the entire design will take more time and it will increase a greater number of iterations to complete the design. In this paper we have demonstrated different physical design techniques to optimize the area and fit the same design on optimized die size without compromising on the design features.
COVID - 19 AND ITS IMPACT ON CHRISTIAN ACTIVITIES IN ONITSHA ANAMBRA STATE, NIGERIA: A CRITICAL INVESTIGATION[Full-Text ] This study looks at the effects of covid-19 pandemic on the religious lives of people living in Onitsha, Anambra State Nigeria. The work investigates the response of the inhabitants to the emergence of the novel disease called Covid-19, and how it impacted the spiritual development and growth of the people at the peak of the lock down imposed by the state. It also looked at the implication to the church in Onitsha.
APPLICATION OF DIGITAL STEGANOGRAPHY FOR INFORMATION ENCRYPTION[Full-Text ] Akinrinlola Ibitoye Akinfola, Amusu MaryDue to the recent advancement in technology across the globe, a lot of people now prefer to transfer data from one end to another end using the internet as the primary medium of transfer. There are now several ways which data transmission can take place on the internet, some of which includes: emails, social media, cloud sharing (e.g, Onedrive, Google drive) etc. Internet has made data transfer from one end to another an easy, rapid and precise task. Nonetheless, security threats have also emerged as one of the greatest problems associated with data transmission across the internet.
The Role of Dendritic cells in B lymphocytes, T-cell tolerance, Regulatory T Cells, and HIV-1 Pathogenesis as potential target for new Preventive and Therapeutic HIV-1 Vaccine Development (Part Five)[Full-Text ] Dr. Zelalem Kiros Bitsue, Dr. Martha Fekadu RahmethoNovel vaccination approaches are needed to prevent and control human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.
MEASURING THE PUBLIC SERVICE MOTIVATION OF DEPED SCHOOL TEACHERS IN THE PROVINCE OF LAGUNA, PHILIPPINES[Full-Text ] Julie Rose Mendoza, Ed.D, August V. Tuiza, Ed.D. Florhaida V. Pamatmat, Ed.D. Benny Juacalla, Ph.D.Rep. Act No. 6713 states that “it is the policy of the State to improve a high standard of ethics in public service. Public officials and employees shall at all times be accountable to the people and shall discharge this duties with utmost responsibility, integrity, competence, and loyalty act with patriotism and justice, lead modest lives and uphold public interest over personal interest.”
Effect of Strontium on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties Al-7Si-0.2Cu Alloys[Full-Text ] L. O. Mudashiru, I. A. Babatunde, S. O. Adetola, O. I. Kolapo and T. M. AzeezThe rapid increase in the utilization of aluminum-silicon alloys, particularly in the automobile industries, due to their high strength to weight ratio, low density and low coefficient of thermal expansion and possibility of inherent silicon platelets in the microstructure which reduces the ductility of the cast alloy properties necessitate the use of strontium as a modifier. The effects of Sr on the eutectic Al-7Si-0.2Cu alloy were investigated.
The Outlook on Software Agents Research[Full-Text ] Shekhar Verma, Dr.Thirunavukkarasan M, Rishi AnandThis paper sets out, to present a brief appraisal of software agents’ research. Evidently, software agent technology has promised much. However some five-seven years after the word ‘agent’ came into vogue. A smart agent is an independent, independent software package with enough intelligence to act as your assistant and to perform tasks on your behalf independently. It is a new way of spying and software installation, and is better suited to a variety of web-based and distributed computer programs.
A Review on Computational Complexity Theory and Classes of Problems[Full-Text ] Hussain Ahmad There are various classes of problems in complexity theory also some mathematical precisely defined problems that cannot be solved by algorithms even for unlimited time. Yuri Matiyasevich and Alan Turing proved that no such algorithms exist to solve the halting problems. Turing machines also called computing machines are not algorithms but they provide mathematical definition of objects so that one can prove their existence or none-existence.
INVESTIGATING ORGANISATIONAL CAPABILITIES AND MARKET SHARE OF HOTELS IN SOUTHWEST NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Ayokunnu A. OLOWOPOROKU, Olalekan U. ASIKHIA, and Olubisi G. MAKINDEBusiness performance is fundamental to businesses as the key objective is profit making. Many hotels in Nigeria face the peculiar organisational capabilities challenge which ultimately leads to a loss in market share. This study therefore investigated the effect of organisational capabilities on market share of selected hotels in South-west Nigeria.
Dynamics of 125 mm High Explosive Projectile for Main Battle Tank[Full-Text ] Md Rafiqur Rahman, Military Institute of Science and Technology, Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka, Bangladesh In the battle field tank ammunition was mostly used to create punching hole in the armour of other tanks in the very early days. With the changing technology, tank has become a mobile gun platform to provide infantry the close fire sp. Now a days the main battle tanks are using high explosive projectiles for all round purpose. Success of those projectiles largely de-pends on the range and accuracy of it. Again, there are some impact factors like drag & lift for which the trajectory of those projectiles will be affected and in turn, it will affect its range & accuracy.
DESENLACE MATERNO FETAL EN GESTANTES CON PREECLAMPSIA 2019 VERSUS 2020, HOSPITAL REGIONAL ZACARIAS CORREA VALDIVIA, HUANCAVELICA - PERU[Full-Text ] Rossibel Juana Muñoz De la Torre, Eleen Ross Dueñas Paitán, Charo Jacqueline Jáuregui Sueldo, Edwin Jony Toral SantillánObjective: To determine the difference in the fetal maternal outcome in pregnant women with preeclampsia during the years 2019 versus 2020, at the Zacarias Correa Valdivia Regional Hospital, Huancavelica, Peru. Material and method: Basic observational, descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study, the design was comparative between groups of the years 2019 and 2020, developed in 310 pregnant women distributed in 120 and 190, all with preeclampsia, the data were contrasted to through the X2 of homogeneity with a significance level of 95%.
KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDES OF WOMEN TOWARDS CANCER AND SCREENING METHODS[Full-Text ] Amina PljevljakIntroduction: Global estimates indicate 527,624 new cases and 265,672 deaths from cervical cancer per year. Lack of knowledge and poor attitude towards disease and risk factors can influence screening practices and the development of preventive behaviour for cervical cancer.
The economic, technical, and environmental aspects of electric storage battery recycling[Full-Text ] Shraddha PhalkeThe term ‘electromobility’ refers to an alternative transportation system based on vehicles propelled by electricity. Electromobility could circumvent problems related to both oil and biofuels while meeting our mobility needs and desires. Current interest in electromobility can be justified by the megatrends in the automotive industry, including concerns for energy security, air pollution, and climate change legislation, recent technology improvements, and growing interest for electromobility in key markets. Also, the transport sector is presently responsible for 25% of energy-related CO2 emissions [1].
Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on Coastal Households’ Vulnerability to Flood in South-South, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Amama, Sunday Andorbe; Arokoyu Samuel B. & Obafemi, Andrew A.The study evaluated the influence of socioeconomic factors on coastal households’ vulnerability to flood in South-South Nigeria. Systematic sampling technique was used to administer 632 copies of structured questionnaire to coastal households in Rivers, Delta and Bayelsa States. Data obtained from the administered questionnaire were analyzed using simple percentages and logistic regression analysis.
Heat transfer coefficient and skin friction determination of thermal radiation effects on MHD convective flow of alumina nanofluid through a non-Darcian porous plate[Full-Text ] Ngiangia, A. T, Orukari, M. AThis work, analyzes the effect of thermal radiation on MHD alumina nanofluid through a non-Darcian porous medium. A Homotopy Pertubation Method (HPM) is employed to determine the temperature and velocity profiles of the nanofluid in order to consider the skin friction, heat transfer coefficient and other parameters that influenced the fluid. Using numerical computations, it is observed that increase in the Prandtl number (Pr), heat source term (Q > 0), magnetic Hartmann number (Ha), Porosity term and Grashof number (Gr) showed a decrease in the skin friction at the wall of the plate while increase in Reynolds number (Re), heat sink term (Q < 0) and radiation term (N) result in an increase in the skin friction.
Microbiological quality of some ready to –eat foods sold by selected food vendors in Federal Polytechnic Offa, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Olafimihan Christianah Abiola and Awe Adewole SundayThe microbiological quality of some ready -to -eat food sold the campus of The Federal Polytechnic, Offa, Kwara State, Nigeria was assessed in this study using standard microbiological methods. Sixty samples was collected from major vending food site within the campus. In this investigation, the total bacterial count for the food samples ranged from nil to 7.6 x 104 cfu/ml, while the mean fungal counts ranged from 1.0 x 102 sfu/ml to 3.3 x 104 sfu/ml. The isolated organisms from food samples were, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Staphylococcus aureus Shigella spp, Salmonella spp, Aspergillus flavus, Mucor mucedo, and Rhizopus stolonifer.
Development of Radiographic Image Classification System for Weld Defect Identification using Deep Learning Technique[Full-Text ] Distun Stephen, Dr.Lalu P.PWeld defect identification from radiographic images is a crucial task in the industry which requires trained human experts and enough specialists for performing timely inspections. This paper proposes a deep learning based approach to identify different weld defects automatically from radiographic images. To employ this a dataset containing 200 radiographic images labelled for four types of welding defect- gas pore, cluster porosity, crack and tungsten inclusion is developed. Then a Convolutional Neural Network model is designed and trained using this database.
FlowSM: Flow Scheduling Mechanism in Coordinated Mitigation of Large-Scale DDoS Attacks[Full-Text ] Md Zillur Rahaman, Zhang JianIn this paper, we propose to construct mitigation of large scale of DDoS attacks based on “Weight Deficit” flow scheduling mechanism to improve the network maximize throughput and minimize the network congestion for mitigating DDoS attacks. Thus, the path of higher available bandwidth is mitigated of large-scale DDoS attacks. This flow scheduling mechanism able to maximize network throughput and to minimize the congestion with among elephant flows, mice flows, round robin flows.
AQUIFER ASSESSMENT USING RESISTIVITY SURVEY[Full-Text ] Warmate Tamunonengiyeofori, Dieokuma, TamunosikiHydrological estimates were derived from Geophysical Parameters in order to ascertain the proficiency of the Aquifers within the Study Area. Schlumberger surveys were carried out with Electrode Spread (AB=400m) with resultant AK Model Curve . Dar Zarrouk parameters were extracted from the geoelectric data, and converted to relevant hydrological properties. The study reveals high prolific aquiferrous zones with Resisitivity values > 1000ohm-m and Modelled Transmissivity values of 2125m2/day, which can be describes as Class I Magnitude. Also, Calculated Longitudinal Conductance shows value of less than 0.1, depicting that the aquifer will be vulnerable to contamination.
A Review of Fluid Sloshing in Cylindrical and Rectangular containers under varied motions[Full-Text ] Mihir Raj Rathore, Tarun Sharma, Prince Kumar Singh, Angara Sai SriramThis paper illustrates detailed study of various methods and solutions that effects of liquid sloshing. The study includes the prismatic and cylindrical containers while in motion and in stationary. This gives us a picture about how sloshing can affect depending upon various parameters like velocity and acceleration of container, velocity of fluid inside moving container, viscosity of fluid, length of container and specific density of the fluid. The sloshing can be measured by using different approaches depending on the shape and motion of the container.
Standardization need in today’s service reliability engineering implementations[Full-Text ] Bhavesh Sampath, Anand SunderReliability of an application has become an increasing challenge to retain client interest. Systems are growing in complexity (Kang Harbinder,2020). There is a need to optimize consumption and scale simultaneously. Thus, we present here a novel consultative approach for Service Reliability Engineering that could be applied across a wide variety of implementations. Our lifecycle is limited to the length of the lifecycle of services being brought under the reliability radar.
Being knowledge centric and sustainable in reliability engineering implementations[Full-Text ] Bhavesh Sampath, Anand SunderThe growing complexity of systems has given reliability engineering a new turn over 2019-2021 (Kang Harbinder,2020). While trying to scale up consumption and optimize it we see that there needs to be uniform availability of technology, processes and tools to cover this divide.
Differentiating objective and subjective semantics using Text mining and Web Scraping: A Comparative Study[Full-Text ] Sachit Misra, Anushka AgarwalThe active and rapid production of a large amount of digital data and the need to rearrange it into a readable and usable format is not feasible manually. However, using Web Scraping and Automation, a considerable amount of data can be collected, and the analysis of that data can draw reasonable outcomes. After extracting the desired text from the data source, the quantity of output almost makes it impossible to be interpreted without computational support. To conclude a useful result from the data, it has to be statistically identified and later classified based on the main sentiments expressed in that text.
Environment Impact Assessment of Thermal Power Plant for Sustainable Development[Full-Text ] Sagar S NikamThermal Power plants are the major source of generation of electricity for any developing country. Around 61.8% of electricity generation in our country is met by thermal power plants. Fuel is blown into the combustible chamber of the boiler where it is burnt at high temperature where Heat energy converts water into steam. High energy steam is passed through the turbine and the steam creates force on the turbine causing the shaft to rotate at high speed. A generator is coupled at one end of the turbine shaft which generates power. The thermal power plant has serious impacts on land, soil, air and various social impacts.
The Impact of Talent Management on Employee Performance: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction of Middle Managers in State Owned Business Enterprises in Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] N K Miranda, W R P K FernandoIn current dynamic business environment, the development of talent pool is to be a source of competitive advantage. The ultimate role of talent management has been emerging with the recognition of significance. Though a plethora of studies have been conducted on human resource management and organisational/individual performance, there is a dearth of studies investigating on talent management and its impact on desirable employee performance. This study aims to bridge the existing research gap by examining the impact of talent management on employee performance in the context of state-owned business enterprises in Sri Lanka; specifying the middle level managers.