Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2020
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Estimation of Dispersion Compensation using Dispersion Compensation Fiber (DCF) for Reliable Optical Communication[Full-Text ] Sani Abdullahi Mohammed, M. A. Abana, A. O. Abioye, Yahya AdamuDispersion in optical fibers leads to the broadening of optical pulse while propagating in an optical fiber. Pulse spreading due to the dispersion causes the overlapping of the transmitted pulses at the receiver end known as inter symbol interference (ISI). The ISI thus limits transmission of high-speed data.
ISSUE OF EFFECTIVE PUBLIC DEBT MANAGEMENT[Full-Text ] Naimov ShokhruhThis article discusses issues of public debt management, its direct relationship with monetary and fiscal policies, payment of public debt, the accumulation of public reserves, transparent and complete accounting of public debt, the formation of a single database and the creation of a unified system of public debt management. Also, investigated the basic concepts of public debt, the views of economists who formed economic schools, scientific theories of public debt, a variety of public debt transactions, the content of gross external debt, and public debt management.
THE ROLE OF CUSTOMS AUDIT IN MORE SIMPLIFICATION OF CUSTOMS CONTROL AND PROCEEDINGS IN PANDEMIA[Full-Text ] Sh.U.Azizov, M.I.KarimjanovaThe article discusses the need to introduce additional measures to support the population, sectors of the economy and businesses in the Republic of Uzbekistan during the coronavirus pandemic by the customs authorities. It highlights the role of customs audit in the further simplification of customs control and customs clearance, one of the most advanced innovative methods widely used by the system in international practice.
SMART UMBRELLA[Full-Text ] Arun Baby, Kiran Cleetus, Shikhil Paul, Priyanka R Krishnan, Ranjeesh R ChandranThe Smart Umbrella will be the most awaited product in the near future.It incorporates a wide variety of features. Unlike the classic type of umbrella, the Smart Umbrella has multifarious characteristics. The classic type of umbrellas just helps the user from rain and sunlight,no other facilities are provided
THE INTEGRATIVE APPROACH OF MEDICINES IN CORONA CLINICAL MANAGEMENT[Full-Text ] JV’n Dr Panckaj Garg,JV`n Preeti Singh,JV`n Hema Bafila,JV`n Dr.Deepika Sharma,JV`n Dr.Akansha ShrivastvaThe idea is to analyse the University Centre of Planning ,Integration & Correlation and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Faculty of Ayurvedic Science & Faculty of Homoeopathic Science , Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women's University, Jaipur jointly made efforts to identify Ayurveda and Homoeopathy Medicines for Corona Clinical Management with modern medicine.
Design Analysis of Loading Structures in The Baruta Cable-Stayed Bridge Construction using Hand Method[Full-Text ] Sunaryo, La Ode M Magribi, Minson Simatupang, Adris A Putra and M Thahir AzikinThe purpose of this study was to determine the forces that occur in the construction of stayed cable structure bridges using the philosophy of the triangle and Pythagoras. The research method is to use the triangle philosophy and Pythagoras will be used to design the bridge cable-stayed bridge construction, the design is done using hand-method or manual method by utilizing the help of the goodness of Microsoft Excel.
Conversion of Palm Kernel Shell into Improved Solid Fuel through Torrefaction Process[Full-Text ] Olaniran, Joel A, Olanrewaju, Gbolahan S and Ogunsola, Akinola DOil Palm fruits (Eleasis guineensis) processing yields considerable quantity of palm kernel shell (PKS) which otherwise would have been regarded as a waste. However, this has been predominantly used in rural area as fuel through direct combustion which is inefficient, has poor properties, polluting and is considered a low grade fuel.
Sea Transportation Route Engineering of Tourism Develoment in South East Sulawesi, Indonesia[Full-Text ] Alwi, Usman Rianse, Laode Muh. Magribi, Adris A. PutraThe purpose of this study was to identify the condition of tourism and the implementation of sea transportation, in support of tourism in the Southeast Sulawesi province in terms of facilities and infrastructure, costs, tourist locations, origin and destination of tourists, tourist characteristics, quality of port services and tourist destination attractions. This research uses a quantitative approach with quantitative descriptive analysis and employed Structural Equational Model (SEM) analysis.
Correlation of shear bond strength with resin tag length and hybrid layer thickness at the resin dentine interface using a Total etch & Self etch bonding agents - An invitro Study[Full-Text ] Dr. Anupama Ramachandran, Dr. Jolly Mary VarugheseThe purpose of this study is to correlate the shear bond strength of two dentine bonding agents,a total etch Syntac sprint(group I) and a self etch Clearfil Liner Bond 2V(group II ) with the resin tag length &hybrid layer thickness at the resin dentine interface produced by SEM. Sixteen sound premolar teeth were divided into two groups of eight each and were sectioned at the CEJ and mounted on PMMA blocks with buccal surface facing upwards.
Automated Drone Sanitization to control COVID-19 Spread[Full-Text ] Agnishwar Jayaprakash, Srividhya Muralidharan, Gokul Devendran, Bogeshwaran KarunanithiSpraying of sanitizer through Drones is prioritized for Hot spots and Containment areas identified and it is followed by Isolation areas, Quarantined areas, Shelter Homes and other places where manual spraying is difficult. The areas where Drones are to be deployed is decided across Bhopal Smart City, Chandigarh, Raipur. The Drone team first visits the area planned to be sanitized for the day and makes a quick visual survey of the terrain, buildings and surroundings and chalks out a flight path to be followed by the Drone.
Dendrochronological Study on Cedrus Deodar in Kumrat Valley, Hindukush Range of Pakistan. Evaluation of Tree Age Estimation Based on Increment Cores[Full-Text ] Ikram UL Haq, Ahmad Hussain, Muhammad Naqash, SajadThe present study of dendrochronology on Cedrus deodar was carried out in Kumrat Valley, Hindukush range of Pakistan. For the study of tree-ring analysis,72 trees of Cedrus deodar were randomly selected as a sample. Tree volume is estimated by measuring tree height (m), diameter (cm) at mid-point (DMP) and at breast height (DBH) and crown covers (m2).
THE EFFECT OF BLUE AND RED LIGHT ON TOMATO LEAVES[Full-Text ] Azizov Ibrahim Vahab, Hasanova Kenul Zaur Purpose: The effect of white, blue and red light on the relative humidity of the leaves, as well as on the content of photosynthetic pigments, the activity of the photosystem-2, the content of proteins and soluble carbohydrates in the leaves of tomato varieties studied.
Fluid Flow Analysis through Catalytic Converter using Topological Changes using Numerical Investigation[Full-Text ] Renu. Y. Yeotikar, Sarvesh M. Hajare, Vishal T. GaikwadIn the current scenario Air pollution and global warming are the major issues in the world. And the emissions from internal combustion engine contribute more amount of air pollution. Catalytic converter plays an important role in reducing these harmful emissions, but the presence of catalytic converter increases the exhaust back pressure. This increase in back pressure causes increase in fuel consumption and decrease in the efficiency of engine.
Neighborhood Safety Measures in the wake of COVID-19 for home quarantine waste generation in India[Full-Text ] Venkata Ravi Kumar Veluru, Datta Nomitha Veluru The novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019 which had put the entire world under the threat of COVID-19, a form of respiratory and systemic zoonosis [1], [2]. COVID-9 does not have therapeutics or vaccines as of now [3] until then relying on classic public health measures is the only way. The paper is exploring the home quarantine waste management, in the lockdown and post lockdown period of the individuals put on home quarantine.
Seismic Traveltime Analysis for Some Stations around Parkfield, California[Full-Text ] Abel U. Osagie, Adepelumi, A.A, Falade, A.HDigital seismic records of Northern California Seismic Network (NCSN) covering a period of three years (from 1st January, 2010 to 31st December, 2012) have been used to investigate the average traveltime residuals of some seismic stations in the vicinity of Parkfield. During this period, 199 stations records of 61315 P-wave arrival-time picks, and 6366 S-wave arrival-time picks from a total of 1911 events were used for this study.
Iot Based Water Monitoring System for Agriculture[Full-Text ] HEENA NANKANI, SHRUTI GUPTA, SHUBHADEEP MONDAL, S.KALAIARASIWater being the utmost need for everyone in today’s world needs to be pure and safe for everyone. This paper presents a model on smart water monitoring which holds quantity and quality of water for agriculture, irrigation or drinking purposes.
GHOOMAR- The Traditional Folk Dance Of Rajasthan[Full-Text ] The Traditional Knowledge System is the understanding of people gathered in their everyday lives to overcome obstacles and tap into the potential of their immediate neighbourhood. In fact, Traditional Knowledge System has evolved in a specific location within a certain physical and socio-cultural environment, reflecting people's basic knowledge, perception and empirical and experimental information on their own.
Design and Development of an Agricultural Robot for Disease Detection in Plants and Automated Agriculture[Full-Text ] Nikhil R Bhardwaj, Monish R, Mukesh S, Sunil D M Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) has achieved splendid results in the field of image classification. This paper is concerned with an approach to the development of a plant disease recognition model based on leaf image classification, by the use of convolutional neural networks. The developed model recognizes different types of plant diseases, with an ability to distinguish diseased and healthy plant leaves.
COVID-19 and Food Insecurity: A view on Africa[Full-Text ] Anjali JoyCOVID-19 pandemic poses significant challenges to the already strained health, food and nutrition security and broad socio-economic conditions in Africa. The growing direct impact of the pandemic is affecting health, in terms of morbidity and mortality, quickly overburdening health care services with negative repercussions for non-COVID-19 related health problems.
RFID Attendence Using RC522[Full-Text ] Omkar Gaikwad,Prajwal Sp,Manas Kantimanhanti We have designed RFID RC522 Based Attendance System Using Arduino. MFRC522 RFID Reader is a very simple yet effective module. It is an RFID module and is used for scanning RFID cards. Its a new technology and is expanding day by day. This system can be used to take attendance for student in school, college, and university. It also can be used to take attendance for workers in working places.
Experimental Design of Remotely Switched Devices using Tough Tone Signals for Physically Impaired Persons[Full-Text ] Elphas M. Khata, J.T. MarokoIn my country, the society faces challenges of embracing physically challenged persons. The vast majority being people with walking disabilities. This translates to segregation in job opportunities that require hands-on inclusion both at industrial and domestic scale. As a result, they are affected not only socially in emotions but also economically. Besides, they get inconvenienced in their daily activities and duties within their vicinity.
EFFECTS OF EXPECTATIONS AND SERVICE QUALITY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AT PT. BANK MANDIRI KENDARI BRANCH[Full-Text ] Amy NurhayatiThis study aims to determine and analyze the effects of expectations and service quality on customer satisfaction at PT. Bank MandiriKendari Branch. The objects of this study are expectations and quality of service to customer satisfaction conducted at PT. Bank MandiriKendari Branch.
EFFECTS OF PRODUCT, PRICE AND LOCATION ON SALES OF BLOCK PAVING IN PT. PUTRA INTI SULTRA PERKASA KENDARI[Full-Text ] Abdul HakimThis study aims to identify and explain the effects of product, price and location on Sales of Block Paving in PT. Inti Putra Perkasa Kendari of Southeast Sulawesi. The populations in this study are the consumers of PT. Kendari Putra Perkasa IntiSultra totaling 65 people
APPLICATIONS OF H-FUNCTION IN STATISTICAL DISTRIBUTION THEORY[Full-Text ] SUDHIR HB, S . SUBRAMANIANThe H- function is a special function which has wide applications in the field of statistical distribution . By using the definitions and its properties one can easily express most of the statistical distributions in terms of H- function particularly for a continuous random variable. In this paper we attempt to prove the same results of mean , variance and moment generating functions of Gamma distributions by using Mellin- BARNES Integral , properties of Gamma function and H- function.
Impact of error correction codes in the optical communication: case of fountain code[Full-Text ] El Hadji Malick Ndiaye, Mamadou D. DIOUF, Idy Diop, Max Fréjus O. SANYAIn this proposal, we examine the impact of the error correction codes in optical communication, and more specifically in the optical wired communication, using the optical fiber. This influence of error correction codes in the optical communication has already been studied but with classic error correction codes, with fixed rate, as Reed-Solomon, Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem codes (BCH), or Low Density Parity Check (LDPC ) codes .
Energy Management in Battery Technology[Full-Text ] Rohit Vishnu SalunkeEnergy Expenditure and Power Management are the key features which determines the Usability, the Dependency and the Reliability of a Wireless Sensor Network system for its lifetime and the amount of data extracted. The Information gained from a device depends on the power management and the techniques used to save or harvest power. Determining the overall power requirements of the system we can design a sustainable efficient power harvester.
Bio mosquito Repellant refill[Full-Text ] S. Saravanan, Illuru Vara Prasad Reddy, K.Madhan, G.SaimadhavanThe aim of this project is to create a bio-mosquito repellent using neem oil, turmeric, camphor etc., which have the tendency to repel against the mosquito. Comparing the Bio- mosquito repellent refill with commercial refill made by chemicals.
THE IMPACT OF INTERNALLY DISPLACE PERSONS (IDP) ON HOST COMMUNITIES OF ADAMAWA STATE[Full-Text ] A. N. BADESON , Z. C. CHATHARALWhenever, people are forcefully displaced due to violent conflict such as Boko Haram insurgency, Herdsmen attack, religious and communal conflict they usually seek for refuge elsewhere. Thus, when they are within their country, they are called Internally Displaced Persons (IDP). These calibers of people usually receive assistance and support from humanitarian organizations both nationally and internationally. The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of internally displaced persons on host community of Adamawa state.
Who Should Be Regulated and What Products and Services Should Be Regulated in the Private Security in Zambia[Full-Text ] Dr Bob Ndungu; BA (POL), MBA, M Sc (Risk Mgmt), Ph D, CFEThe private security service providers in Zambia have not been identified and categorised and this has compromised the quality of service and the consumers of these services are not getting value for their money. This paper makes a comparative analysis of the Zambian situation with other countries such as South Africa and the United Kingdom and draws the conclusion that the private security service providers who operate in the private security sector in Zambia are not regulated by any regulatory framework
Major Gold Deposit Types and Exploration process[Full-Text ] N. N. SinghGold occurs as primary commodity in a wide range of gold deposit types and settings. Three main clans of deposits are now broadly defined, each including a range of specific deposit types with common characteristics and tectonic settings. The orogenic clan has been introduced to include vein-type deposits formed during crustal shortening of their host greenstone, BIF IOCG (Iron oxide Copper-Gold). Deposits of the new reduced intrusion-related clan share an Au-Bi-Te-As metal signature and an association with moderately reduced equigranular post-orogenic granitic intrusions.
Data Science: The Impact of Machine Learning[Full-Text ] Shidul IslamIn this paper, I prove my promise that Machine Learning is one of the most important parts to provide tools and methods to go deeper and nurture the data properly. The most amazing part is to analyze the large chunks of data in a very precise way, and high-value predictions that can guide better decisions and smart actions in real-time without human intervention.
DEVELOPMENT OF AUTOMATIC RAIN DETECTOR THROUGH AUTO-REDIAL GSM VOICE ALERT[Full-Text ] Oladosu, D.A, Adejumobi, O.K, Sodiq, M.O, Folami, F.T, Adeniran, A. AThe quest for choice of convenience has been a great concern for man. This has grossly increased the number of devices manufactured nowadays to protect most equipment from hazards. This paper presents modelling and implementation of an Automatic Rain Detector using a mobile phone, with the goal of automatically detecting rain by buzzing alarm and sending an alert to the owner through a mobile phone.
Tensile/Compressive/Flexural Strength Relationships for Concrete using Kgale Aggregates with Botchem as Binder[Full-Text ] Shodolapo Oluyemi Franklin, Franky Ikutura Kangootui The present investigation is concerned with the development of empirical relationships between the split tensile and compressive strengths as well as the flexural tensile and compressive strengths of concrete manufactured using BOTCHEM cement as a binder. In these regards, a total of thirty six 100 mm cubes, twenty four 150 mm x 300 mm cylinders and twenty four 100 mm x 100 mm x 400 mm beams were cast and tested for the determination of the compressive, split tensile and flexural tensile strengths of concrete in that order.
Applications of Operations research tools to Public Healthcare Management: A Perspective[Full-Text ] Jay Bhatt, Dr. Amit OakA brief over view on the basis of secondary Research on the applications of Operations research tools and techniques to the management of public sector hospitals. The paper attempts to bring forth the fact that O.R as a subject which has largely remained confined to the management textbooks has so far found very limited applications in healthcare.
The Effects of Organizational Culture, Reward Systems, Competencies, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on Organizational Commitment, Intention to Leave and The Performance of Hotel Employees in Batam City[Full-Text ] Wasiman, Ida Aju Brahmasari and Ida Aju Brahma RatihThe purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of organizational culture, reward systems, competencies, and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on organizational commitment, intention to leave, and the performance of hotel employees in Batam City. The population in this study were four-star hotel employees in Batam City of 1,800 employees. Sampling using a purposive sampling method using the Slovin formula obtained a sample of 316 people.
Green Marketing & its Influence on Consumer Buying Behaviour[Full-Text ] Alisha Chettri, Mohamed Zahir, Abhinav R. AroraThe increase in the environmental degradation and the awareness of the consumers on such matters has led to the massive adoption of green marketing strategies by the companies. Green Marketing in the process of producing and selling products and/ or services which causes less harm to the environment. Green marketing has moved from a trend to the way of doing business. This study aims to analyse the awareness and behaviour of the consumers regarding the environmental issues and the existence of environmentally friendly products
EFFECTS OF FUNDAMENTAL FINANCE ON ROA AT CONVENTIONAL COMMERCIAL BANKS REGISTERED IN INDONESIAN STOCK EXCHANGE[Full-Text ] Wahyuni RahmahThis research aims to analyze the effects of Fundamental Finance on bank ROA. In this research, thefundamental finance is measured byNon Performing Loan (NPL), Operational Costs on Operating Income (OCOI),Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR)and Capital Adequacy Ratio(CAR), and Credit shareon Banking Profitability(ROA).Populations as the research objects are go-public conventional commercial banks registered in Indonesian stock exchange in the period of 2011-2016.