Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2020
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Automatic Hue Matching Cabinet for Textile Industry Using Raspberry Pi[Full-Text ] Dr.S.Maheswari, S. Roshini, S. Priyadharshini, K. S. Ramshree, R.ThirumalColour is one of the most important features of textile design that makes a major contribution to the overall visual impact of a completed fabric. Colour is the most important element in material development in most cases and is also vital to profitable success. Colour matching is an essential operation from the master standard to all subsequent manufacturing batches to ensure consistency of colour. Metamerism is one of the major problems in textile industries where two colored samples appear same in one source of light but vary when the source of light is modified.
ATM Cash Replenishment with Clustering Series[Full-Text ] Varsha Vishwakarma , Hylish James , Richard K Bururu , Jaideep MattoIn ATM cash replenishment banks are not only reduce in existing cash, It also helps to maintain operational costs. It advocates grouping ATMs into clusters with corresponding withdrawal patterns and also LSTM helps to deprecate the idle cash without poignant the customer experience by forecasting cash solicitation with appropriate location.Therefore forecasting results are provided to aggregate daily cash recede for conjecture the amount of cash to be loaded and the logistics which registry for recuperate cash to all the ATMs.
COVID -19: Too Many Hypothesis Too Little Evidence[Full-Text ] Temesgen Sidamo, Tamrat Balcha, Kaliaperumal JThis Current pandemic of COVID-19 is challenging scientific community with lot many hypothesis. The clinical and epidemiological conclusions of COVID -19 are still uncertain due to its higher transmission rate. From all the corners of the world is sharing their understandings on COVID-19 but the interpretation of those understandings is still ambiguous. There is an urgent need for the scientific community for imperative discussion of those hypothesis on COVID-19. In this prospective discussion we analyzed various hypothesis on COVID-19 with existing clinical facts. Including clinical management, epidemiology and controlling strategies.
MODERN IDENTITY ON FACEBOOK: A CORPUS BASED STUDY[Full-Text ] Robina Shaukat, Dr.Mushtaq Ahmad , Dr.Firdous, Dr.ZunairaThe study highlights the problems in present time media its peak level to give reaction in sentence, to reply, to give remarks, or even a click to poke and to like on social media has turned into the identity of ones most recent and current identity depiction. Personality is firmly related with language selection on social media resources as WhatsApp, Email, Instagram or Facebook. All that we are feeling of ourselves or about others, our need in life goals, our subjectivity or objectivity, is about index of our personality and character’s assessment. The researchers used the quantitative and qualitative research method for the study and the study was descriptive in nature.
Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential of Soils Using Standard Penetration Method[Full-Text ] J.A Ige and Y.A. JimohThe liquefaction potential of soils of metropolitan Lagos, Nigeria was assessed as a component of routine geotechnical site evaluation for assurance of pre-emptive provision against failure of infrastructure in the megacity.
Expansion in Academic Programmes in the Colleges of Education Through the Dual Mode: A Stitch in Time[Full-Text ] Egede, Bernadette Amukahara JoyThis paper Expansion in academic programmes in the Colleges of Education through the dual mode: a stitch in time is aimed at providing relevant information to support the need for immediate action on the re-positioning of the Colleges of Education in Nigeria. It showed the purpose for which the institutions were established and how reviews of the academic programmes by NCCE have successfully achieved it, making the Colleges very relevant and desirable to secondary school leavers until recent times.
Biological effect of unripe cheese produced with coagulant from Solanum aethiopicum L. Shum fruit[Full-Text ] Valentin Désiré Guiama, Juliette Koubé, Esther Ngah, Jean Marcel Bindzi and Carl Moses MbofungThis study assessed the reaction of rats to the consumption of cheese made with plant coagulant from Solanum aethiopicum L. Shum (SA cheese), compared to calf rennet (CR) cheese and casein/sunflower oil diets. The body weight increased by 73, 80 and 84% in the control, SA cheese and CR cheese diet groups respectively. The consumption of SA cheese had protective effect on blood cells. Iron in serum decreased, with a low risk of iron deficiency anemia.
Effect of Ruzu Herbal Bitters on the kidney Function and Hematological Parameters of Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats[Full-Text ] David. C. Obasi and Vincent N. OguguaThe aim of the study was to investigate the effect of Ruzu herbal bitters (RHB) on some kidney function and hematological parameters of alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Fifty-four adult albino rats were divided into nine groups of six rats each. Group 1 was the normal control. Groups 2–6 were diabetic. Group 2 was not treated while groups 3 - 6 were respectively treated with 0.5 mg/kg b.w of glibenclamide, 0.14, 0.29 and 0.57 ml/kg b.w of RHB. Groups 7 - 9 were not diabetic but treated as groups 4 - 6.
Accessing the Impact of Rail Infrastructural Development in Abuja (Nigeria)[Full-Text ] Mustapha A. RajiOver the years Kaduna-Abuja high way has been recording traffic accident cases due to the poor condition of the high way , however the need to reduce the pressure of traffic from the high way have necessitate the need to revitalize the Abuja -Kaduna rail line and commenced the operation around 2016,the paper seeks to analyse the impact of road infrastructure and development along the Abuja-Kaduna route and the impact on the Kaduna
3D Navigation Protocol for Grab Object and Object Detection Neural Network for a Vision Disability[Full-Text ] Gamage Sanjeewa SamarasingheThis research mainly focused on the created interface between visions of an object around the environment for a vision disability. Created interface with true visionary capabilities used object detection workflow. Add also garbed object protoco l added feature for this interface. Used two collaborated workflows, this interface crated a solution for real -time problems for the visual disability. Each part of the interface converted user-friendly feedback output. Each section of object detection identified used model was faster_rcnn_inception_v2_cocc _2018_01_28 and it already trained a model by Microsoft. For defined object ou tside environment used text to speech convert program to coco model translated for 3D mono sound protocol and it generated frequency variable 3D sound se lection for the user to understated object around the objects. To father understated this 3D mono sound waves converted digital format to analog format used Pulse with Modulation technique. Each signal validated by protocol digital variable generator for identified whic h side object detected on the system. In the signal collaborated as the measured depth of the object crated frequency high signal and low signal using frequency modulation concept. Used separate sensor modules were, MPU6050 accelerometer and gyroscope, APDS – 9960 RGB and Gesture Sensor, TOF 10120 Laser Range Finder and Raspberry Pi Camera for the generated separate 3D mono frequency sound to identified each hand gestor actioned identical for the object garbed. Used each sensor variable row data combined with suitab le algorithmic formula generated each PW M signal for the hand space motion. Comb ined of math mythical functionality with separate algorithmic PWM signals each object can be identified and garbed true the space using a sound signal. Each speared sound signal identified ac cording to the position of the signal.
Guiding Mechanism for encoder-decoder leverage for segmentation of stroke lesions[Full-Text ] Fredy Malack Sabuni, Prof. Li Fenglian, Ntikurako Guy Fernand KazihiseSemantic segmentation for medical images is a crucial trait in diagnosing, treating, and tracking various diseases. Traditional interpretations are usually applied in clinical practice, but they tend to consume time during the procedure and vulnerable to inter-intra observer variation.
Depositional Sequence and Lithostratigraphic Units of Southern Niger Delta, Nigeria, from Gamma Ray and Electric Logs[Full-Text ] Eke, Peter OgochukuGamma ray and electrical resistivity/spontaneous potential logs of Southern Niger Delta of Nigeria, obtained from the Directorate of Petroleum Resources (DPR) Nigerian, has been used to analyze the depositional sequence and the lithostratigraphic unit of the sedimentary unit of the basin lying between the depths of 2,100 and 2,730 meters. By careful inspection of the logs and correlation of points, the nature of the log signatures have been used to identify the various sand units, depositional environment-types and trending of the sand bodies in a SW-NE direction.
A Comparative Analysis Of Different Classifiers For Face Recognition[Full-Text ] Aftab Wahab, Salman Ahmed, Hameed Ullah JanFace recognition is a challenging task as it involves treating a 3D object as a 2D image. In this paper, comparative analysis is performed for face recognition using different classifiers such as principal component analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), Support vector machine (SVM), K nearest neighbor (KNN), Local histogram matching (LHM). Simulation examples are presented in which PCA and LDA classifiers have 98.5% recognition rate compared to other classifiers.
Effect of Acid and Alkali Pretreatments on the Structural and Compositional Properties of Cassava Peels[Full-Text ] U J Ovueni, A O Jeje, and O Y SadohThe effect of pretreatment of cassava peels with Sulfuric acid, Ethanoic acid and Sodium hydroxide on its structural and compositional properties was studied. The structural properties were monitored using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The compositional properties were determined using gravimetric method.
ANALYSIS OF THE PERCETION OF STUDENTS AS CUSTOMERS IN SELECTED UNIVERSITIES IN GHANA[Full-Text ] Dominic Osei-Boakye, Isaac BoakyeThe study sought to determine the perception of students as customers from the perspective of students. Besides, the study ascertained the marketing orientation attitude of selected private and public Universities in Ghana. Quantitative Data was collected using questionnaires from 350 respondents who were selected using the convenience and purposive sampling techniques. Data was analyzed using the SPSS software where mean counts were used.
A Mixed Quadrature Rule by blending Lobatto rule and Modified Clenshaw-Curtis Rule due to Richardson Extrapolation[Full-Text ] Sanjit Ku. MohantyA mixed quadrature rule of precision nine for approximate evaluation of real definite integrals has been constructed by blending Clenshaw-Curtis five point quadrature rule modified by Richardson Extrapolation quadrature method and Lobatto five point quadrature rule. The mixed quadrature rule has been tested and is found to more effective than that of constituent lower precision rules.
Corollaries of Deforming Graphene Nanosheets Using Isopropyl Alcohol[Full-Text ] Daniel O. Agi & Ekundayo O. AjalaThe electrons in graphene can be manipulated by fabricating suitable deformation of its crystal lattice such that it imitates electric and magnetic fields. However, its Young’s modulus of 1TPa makes it difficult to deform graphene permanently. The energy, time and sophistication involved in deforming and machining graphene to required specification is high.
Statistical analysis of the effect of cutting parameters on the surface roughness profile height parameter Ra in hard turning of steel C 55 (DIN)[Full-Text ] Mevludin Shabani, Simeon Simeonov, Bujar Pira, Naim OstergllavaThe study investigates the surface height roughness parameter Ra (roughness arithmetic average) as a technological effect on the quality of the of the steel C 55 (DIN) surface in hard turning; the variation of the input process parameters cutting speed (v), feed rate (f), depth of cut (a) and nose radius of the cutting insert (r) were considered by multiple measurements for each input variable, then processed statistically, in order to determine the effects on output surface profile roughness parameter Ra.
Authentication System For Secure Cloud Storage Through Digital Threat Intelligence Framework[Full-Text ] N.Manasa, Dr.K.Shirisha, Dr.PrasantakumarsahooIn the digital era ,attacker are becoming more stronger with latest techniques to steal users data or file from the cloud server without knowing to users or cloud providers. Data owners are storing the data in encrypted form in the remote untrusted data server. Most of the users are storing their data in public clouds, they wont provide much security to users data files because these are free service providers.
FOOD CONTAMINANT-LISTERIA MONOCYTOGENES[Full-Text ] Tanja Sesic Zec, Ehlimana PobricListeria monocytogenes is pathogenic to humans and a large number of animals. Infection usually occurs sporadically, although it can also manifest itself as an epidemic. Until 1980, listeriosis was known as a disease of goats and sheep with the most common manifestations of abortion and encephalitis. Listeriosis is a serious infection caused by the germ Listeria monocytogenes. People usually become ill after eating contaminated food. The disease primarily affects pregnant women, newborns, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems. It’s rare for people in other groups to get sick with Listeria infection.
Effectiveness of Pharmacotherapy with And Without Pulmonary Rehabilitation In Copd Pa-tients[Full-Text ] Dr. Umme Habiba Ishaq, Dr. Kanwal ArshadBACKGROUND: COPD(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease) have been reported as one of the reason for mortality and decresed quality of life around the world (5). This disease causes side effects of breathlessness, cough, mucus production and deteriorate quality of life…etc. Medicine and pulmonary rehabilitation treatment has proven to be effective in the relief of symptoms and enhances the recovery of patients.
Characterisation of Asbestos-Free Brake Pad Using Elephant Grass (Pennisetum Purpureum)[Full-Text ] Adekunle N.O, Oladejo K.A, Abu R, Oriolowo K.T, Ismaila S.O and Adegboyega S.MBrake pads are essential components in braking system of automobile. Manufacture of brake pad first started with use of asbestos which has the best mechanical properties for frictional lining. However, asbestos has been confirmed to be carcinogenic, hence the need for suitable replacements.
ASSIGNMENT TITLE: BEING LGBT IN INDIA: SOME HOME TRUTHS[Full-Text ] Janees RafiqAfter the decision of Hon’ble Supreme Court in Suresh Kumar Kaushal v. Naz Foundation where court set aside the order of High Court by terming same section relationship illegal court focuses its idea by saying that such type of relation increases the AIDS from 1% to 8%, also Section 377 does not violate Article 14, 19 and 21. Through this research, researcher will trying to analyze the effectiveness of section 377, how is it being implemented on ground level, various issues and challenges faced by LGBT’s faced in India despite of certain laws in their favour and give some recommendations for better implementation of laws and protection of gay-rights as human rights if needed.
Secure Adaptive RSA Crypto-Systems Are Useless Without Erasures[Full-Text ] Deshak BhatnagarThe main aim or objective of this research is to prove that the Secure Adaptive RSA Crypto-Systems in Threshold Cryptography require the erasures as explained by the Research Paper Adaptive Security for Threshold Crypto-Systems. Also, the other primary aim is to draw comparison between two Research Papers i.e. Adaptive Security for Threshold Crypto-Systems and Adaptively Secure Threshold Crypto-Systems Without Erasures which also have a common link between them.
EFFECT OF BIOFLOC SYSTEM ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE IN SHRIMP LITOPENAEUS VANNAMEI UNDER DIFFERENT C:N RATIOS WITH SUGARCANE MOLASSES[Full-Text ] M. Krishna Naik and M. Srinivasulu ReddyAn attempt has been made to study the effect of biofloc System on water quality and performance in shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei under different Carbon : Nitrogen (C:N) ratios, using sugarcane molasses as carbon source for the development of Bioflocs in the present investigation. In the present investigation three C:N ratios i.e. 10:1, 15:1, and 20:1 were maintained with sugarcane molasses as carbon source for period of 6 weeks with L. vannamei.
Outer Membrane Vesicle Vesiculation Patterns in Gram’s Negative Bacteria[Full-Text ] Yifei WangOuter membrane vesicles (OMVs) formed from the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria play crucial roles in microbe-microbe and host-microbe interactions. Cargos for a myriad of signaling molecules, OMVs contribute to biofilm formation, defense against antimicrobials, delivers toxins during infection, and modulates host cell function.
INVESTIGATION OF VARIOUS PARAMETERS OF NANOFLUIDS[Full-Text ] Trisha RoyThermal properties of liquids play a decisive role in heating as well as cooling applications in industrial processes. Thermal conductivity of a liquid is an important physical property that decides its heat transfer performance. Conventional heat transfer fluids have inherently poor thermal conductivity which makes them inadequate for ultra-high cooling applications.
Socio-cultural drivers and barriers to adoption of Exclusive Breast-Feeding among Mothers in Rural Communities of Imo State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Kanu Winifred Nwabuaku & Ezeji Perpetua OnyinyeNigeria is one of the highest contributors of child mortality. Malnutrition is identified as one of the major causes. Exclusive breast-feeding is acknowledged to play a crucial role in childhood health and developments. However, literature shows that the rate of adoption of exclusive breast-feeding in Nigeria is still low. This is even found to be lower in rural areas, where large proportion of women lives.
Spatial framework for site suitability for establishing wind power station in Ibadan city, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adegbite, A. A, Idris, H.O, Ekwe, D.O, Usman, R and Akinfenwa J.OIbadan, located in Nigeria, has a huge demand for electrical energy and as a developing society; many communities do not have access to commercial energy which is a very big challenge to the government. This study aimed at assessing the viability of establishing a wind power station in Ibadan and to identify favorable sites for such stations using Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
Patterns of Sports Injuries & Associated Factors among the Volleyball Players of Selected Sports Institutes in Dhaka city[Full-Text ] Md. Delowar Hossain ChowdhuryVolleyball is an increasingly popular team sport. Sports injuries are the main fear and threats to the all players all over the world. The objective of this study was to find out the pattern of sports injuries & associated factors among the volleyball players of selected sports institute in the Dhaka city. Quantitative approach & cross sectional study was done as a study design. Only male respondent with the age range from 15 to 35 years of age with the sample size of 62 was done as a study population. Study was conducted at Dhaka city. Convenience sampling technique was done for sample selection as study subject. A pre tested structured questionnaire, digital weight machine & measuring tape was used as data collection instrument. Pen, pencil & paper were used as a data collection material. After data collection, data was stored & quality control check was performed.
Forecasting Infectious Disease Outbreak Using Support Vector Regression (SVR) Case Study: Measles (Rubeola)[Full-Text ] Nzenwata Uchenna, Adesegun Oreoluwa, Olugbohungbe Rotimi, Balogun Oluwatobi, Adegboye JamesDisease outbreak forecasting, provides warning that a certain amount of disease may occur at a particular time in the future. This research work uses measles, which is a highly contagious disease caused by the measles virus, “Morbillivirus” as a case study. It has been problematic detecting the outbreaks of measles, which leads to high childhood mortality rate with either little or no response from the public health workers.
MEDICATION ADHERENCE ON ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY AND PSYCHOSOCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF HIV IN AIDS PATIENTS[Full-Text ] Dr ATHIRA MADHU, Dr AMBILI DEVASSIA, Dr AMRUTHA JOHN, Dr CHIPPY THOMASIndia has the third largest HIV epidemic in the world. In 2015, the prevalence in India was an estimated 0.26%.This figure is small compared to many middle income countries but because of India′s huge population (1.2 billion) this equates to 2.1 million people living with HIV. In the same year, an estimated 68,000 people died from AIDS related illness.
The impact of Nursing Intervention Protocol to reduce anxiety and improve quality of life at patients undergoing general surgery[Full-Text ] GjovashoSofia,Kyritsi Helen, Douzenis Athanassios, Aidin Erold, Dimopoulou Anastasia, Nastos Constantinos, Zavras NikolaosPurpose. Anxiety is a typical phenomenon in patients who are about to undergo any form of surgery and it affects their quality of life (QoL) as concerns their therapeutic rehabilitation and psychological and social reintegration. Verbal information and emotional support could help reduce preoperative anxiety, and contribute to a better quality of life after surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of an intervention providing verbal information and a written brochure to be read by the patients as a means of preoperative emotional support prior to inguinal hernia repair and cholecystectomy.
An Adaptive Framework for Real-Time Data Analysis[Full-Text ] O. E. Emam, A. Abdo, A. M. Abd-ElwahabThese The primary purpose of this paper is to provide an adaptive framework for real-time data analysis because we live in the digital world, with continuous data streaming and increasing digitization the amount and type of data is growing in amazing speed which is caused by emerging new services as cloud computing, internet of things and location-based services, the era of real-time data processing has arrived.
UHF Band Ground Station Antenna to track Amateur Radio Satellites[Full-Text ] Durga Devi T, Baktha Nandhini S, Balaakshaya S, Hari Shankar R L As the copious number of satellites in Low Earth Orbit are piled up, their short period of passes over earth station leads a way for refining the communication between ground and space segments. Accordingly this paper presents the paramount features associated with the implementation of Ground station for tracking the LEO satellites.
VULNERABLE WEB APPLICATION ATTACKS, SOLUTIONS, AND PREVENTION TECHNIQUES[Full-Text ] Shyamal GoelWe have seen a significant rise in the number of web application attacks worldwide. Black hat hackers and cyber criminals are now employing new and sophisticated techniques to compromise web systems, which leads to a tremendous loss of capital as well as trust of investors, clients and customers.