Volume 9, Issue 5, May 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 5, May 2018.
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Vegetational Variation And Soil Characteristics Around The Railway Track And Shahrah-e-faisal in Karachi[Full-Text ] Zia-ur-.Rehman Farooqi, Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, Muhammad Shafiq, Muhammad Kabir and Mohammad Athar Vegetational variation and soil characteristics were studied around the polluted areas from Cantt Station - Quaidabad Chowrangi along railway track and Shahrah-e-Faisal by "Point Centred Quadrant Method". Eighty six species were recorded from the entire study area. Eleven communities were noted based on the first dominance in all thirty stands. Most of the species were disturbed while some of them halophytic in nature. Prosopis juliflora L. and Tribulus terrestris L. showed more dominance with presence class V, having highest total Importance Value Index (IVI) 954.40 and 946.28 respectively. Abutilon fruticosum L. was dominant specie having IVI 585.81 with presence class IV. Sida tiagii L. attained dominance with presence class III and total IVI 257.77.
Magnet Model: A Strategy to Overcome/Defeat Nursing Shortage[Full-Text ] Misbah Zafar, Sobia Idrees, Nawroz Zeenat ShahAims: Nurses are the primary health care providers to carry out an ample range of clinical and non-clinical functions vital for smooth running of health system.
A Review on various Green Building Rating Systems in India[Full-Text ] MR. KIRAN JOSEPH, MR. VICTOR JOSE, MR. DINESH KUMAR A N, MRS. SITHARA MARY SUNNYThe growth and development of our society has a large impact on our natural environment. The research, design stage, construction and operation of the buildings in which we live and work are responsible for the consumption of many of our natural resources. The rating systems set benchmarks for green initiatives for constructing and using buildings to make them sustainable and energy efficient buildings thus to reduce their negative impacts on environment.
PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION MODELLING IN CAKE EXPRESSION[Full-Text ] NDEKWU O. B. and ADEMILUYI J. OThe principle underlying expression basically involves the separation of a solid from the liquid in which it is suspended by passing the mixture through a porous medium with pore sizes too small to allow the passage of the solid particles at an applied pressure. The analytical method of the finite element method has been used to determine pressure distribution along sludge cake height in a filter press expression process.
Effect of Heterotis Rotundifolia Crude Leaf Extract on Hb-S Erythrocyte Polymerization, Osmotic Fragility and Fe2+/Fe3+ Ratio[Full-Text ] Jane Adaeze Agwu, Augustine Amadikwa Uwakwe, Joyce Nornubari Nzor, Mfon Promise-Godsfavour BobsonBackground: This study investigated the potential effect of Heterotis rotundifolia leaf extract on Human haemoglobin-S (HbS) erythrocyte on three criteria: gelation/polymerization rate, osmotic fragility and Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio.
La Fonction symbolique du langage et de l’Esprit humains[Full-Text ] L’objet d’étude de l’anthropologie structurale c’est la structure de l’esprit humain, l’armature symbolique, l’enveloppe de l’imaginaire. C’est de la structuration signifiante, c’est la pensée mythique en mouvement, notamment ! Conjonctions à deux niveaux ,celui du langage et celui de la Parole dont sont faits l’argumentation des récits !
GPU based Instantaneous Melanoma Detection and its Comparison with CPU based Approach[Full-Text ] Ajai Sunny Joseph, Elizabeth IsaacMelanoma is recognized as one of the most dangerous type of skin cancer. A novel method to detect melanoma in real time with the help of Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) is proposed in this work. Existing systems can process medical images and perform a diagnosis based on Image Processing technique and Artiï¬cial Intelligence. They are also able to perform video processing with the help of large hardware resources at the backend. This incurs signiï¬cantly higher costs and space and are complex by both software and hardware.
Assay of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor and its Simulation for Highest Reflectivity [Full-Text ] Farhana Fateh , Dr R L SharmaThrough this paper, an attempt has been made to work on simulation of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor for least attenuation criteria that is highest reflectivity. The outcome of this research depicts that one can design FBG sensor from basic concepts using a software application. Bragg grating sensor for pressure measurement by first evaluating the grating pitch for maximum reflective power in accordance with given wavelengths and then describe the sensor by differentiating the grating pitch as it would change in presence of strain and noting the decrease in reflected power for a definite wavelength. So simulation tools help us in optimising the design parameters even before inscribing the grating in the fiber. The result received through simulation depicts efficiency in the incorporated method which further can be utilised in real time work in varied field.
Unearthing the Organizational Culture: A Case of Some Business Organizations in Dubai[Full-Text ] Vincent Layug Salas, Arbela Espina, Felixberto Condeza, Barbara Ann ValdezThis research explored the organizational culture of the business organizations in Dubai using the different employees in the different business organizations of the United Arab Emirates. It was discovered that the dominant culture of the businesses in the region is Hierarchy and Market culture respectively. The preferred culture is Hierarchy culture.
Detailed Depositional Resolutions in Miocene Sands of HT-3X Well, Hai Thach Field, Nam Con Son Basin, Vietnam[Full-Text ] Quan Vo Thi HaiNam Con Son sedimentary basin is one of the very important oil and gas basins in offshore Vietnam. Hai Thach field of block 05-2 contains mostly gas accumulations in fine-grained, sand/mud-rich turbidite system, which was deposited in a turbidite channel and fan environment. Major Upper Miocene reservoir of HT-3X lies above a well-developed unconformity. The main objectives of this study are to reconstruct depositional environment and to assess the reservoir quality using data from 14 meters of core samples and digital wireline data of the well HT-3X.
Sustainability performance: The method of reporting by Indian companies across industries[Full-Text ] Dr. Udayashankara TH, Deepa ChandranThe purpose of this paper is to ascertain the level of reporting of sustainability performances across various companies in India across various industries. The content analysis method was used to identify and describe sustainability reporting patterns in web sites, annual reports and corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports for the companies. Top companies from India across various industries have been taken into consideration for the study.
Smart Offline Application Intrusion Monitoring System[Full-Text ] Pranav John IssacHackers and malware affect applications by changing the crucial files to extract critical data such as credit card information, bank passwords, etc. from users without user’s knowledge. This is done by changing critical files of the applications such as chrome by the Trojan or backdoors. Existing systems like antivirus, anti-malwares and prevention systems does not detect new attack since the database have to be updated using attack patterns that are generated by the antivirus vendors after analyzing the attack. The antivirus vendors only analyses popular virus. Such localized attacks are undetected by antivirus vendors. The proposed system detects these unauthorized changes to the application files in real-time using a smart file signature that is generated from md5, modification time and name. The proposed system monitors applications regularly and reports any unauthorized changes to file structure, informing user of threat in Real time instead of waiting for antivirus update and also detect corrupt files.
Chitosan Nanoparticles Enhances The Cytotoxic Effects Of Tamoxifen In Breast Cancer Cells[Full-Text ] Rajkumari Thagele and Mohan Lal KoriObjective: This study was aimed at examining an effect of tamoxifen loaded chitosan nanoparticles on growth and proliferation of breast cancer cells.
Design and Construction of Electrocadiography (ECG) For Measuring The Electric Activity of The Heart[Full-Text ] Tomiwa, A. C. This work describes the design and construction of a system that can be used to measure the electrical activities of the heart using the principles of Electrocardiography (ECG). When there is a depolarization of the heart muscle, which occurs in every heartbeat, electrical signals are triggered. The motivation behind the research was the need for a portable and ultra-low power ECG recording system that can be built from commercially available electronics components to analyze heart beat rate signals in real-time as well as allows the medical practitioners to get the heart beat in order to interpret and attend appropriately to any abnormalities of the heart. Electrcardiography is a medical diagnostic test that captures the electrical workings of the heart. It is useful in the understanding of the rhythm of the heart and any irregularities associated with it. It can also be used to control or monitor patients or athletes over a long period of time and the result of the test is called Electrocardiogram (ECG). The system reads and analyses the heart beat signals rate respectively and display the signals on its display unit in real-time (Analog) and can also send the data of these signals into a PC connected to it.
Anticancer therapy new Approach: An overview[Full-Text ] Parin S. Sidat, M. N. Noolvi, U. More, P. JainCancer is a major public health burden in both developed and developing countries. Now a days many treatments are find out by many researcher to inhibit cancer disease. In which plant – derives compound have been an important source of several clinically useful anticancer agents including taxol, vinblastine, the camptothacin derivatives, topotecan and etoposide derived from epipodophyllotoxin are in clinical use over the world. About 30 plant derives compounds have been isolated so far and are currently under clinical trial. Also The Present review abridges synthetic route to some food and drug administration-approved anticancer drugs. This review also contain idea about how to microtubules used in therapy of cancer.
Locational Analysis of Primary Health Facilities in Ikorodu Local Government Area of Lagos State using Multimedia GIS Approach[Full-Text ] Akinpelu, A.A., Ojiako, J.C., Amusa, I.A. & Akindiya, O.M.Health care services deal with diagnosis and treatment of disease or the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health. The locational analysis of Primary Health Centres in Ikorodu Local Government Area of Lagos State was examined using Multimedia GIS approach. The study adopted GIS and Remote Sensing methods to look into the locations of these Primary Health care centres spread across the local government area. Geospatial database of the facilities was designed and created from where analyses were performed. Primary and secondary data types were used.
McEliece in RADG using Diffie-Hellman Security System[Full-Text ] Zahraa Naseer, and Salah AlbermanyA high-performance ciphering algorithm is presented. The proposed method combines the ciphering technique (Reaction Automata Direct Graph (RADG)) with McEliece cryptosystem to obtain higher level of security. This proposed algorithm has dynamic transitions too generated by deffie-hellman key exchange. McEliece algorithm is an asymmetric encryption algorithm, adding a higher level of security to the proposed approach called ME-RADG-Diffie–Hellman.
Precision Agriculture using LoRa[Full-Text ] Sushmita Tapashetti, Dr. Shobha K.R. Agriculture is the broadest economic sector and plays a key role in the overall economic development of nation. There are many issues related to farmers which always hampers the course of our evolution.
Dissecting Environmental Discourse Strategy in Media: A Case Study of Kompas and Utusan Malaysia[Full-Text ] Eli Jamilah Mihardja, Ph. DAs a part of society, the media have equal rights and opportunities to protect the environment. In many cases, the media face various challenges in the environmental reporting production process. However, these were should not be a barrier to implementing the role of media in creating equal and fair society on their participation in maintaining a sustainable environment.
Commute expenditure characteristics of a higher institution teaching staff in Ekiti State[Full-Text ] Oluwasegun O AlukoTransport externalities are gaining more importance due to their increasing cost to the society. Congestion in particular is growing in space and time across cities of the world. However, not many cities in the world are actively addressing measures that can contain it. This paper looks at the land use planning program in Nigeria with particular reference to siting higher institution location. Higher institution premises are usually sited in the city outskirt with the result being high mobility requirement/demand. Looking at the teaching staff in a higher institution, this paper investigates their travel mode choice as well as travel cost.
Studying the behavior of different parameters on inclined anchors[Full-Text ] Prof. EL-Sayed Abdel-Fattah El-Kasaby, Dr. ALNos Ali Essa Hegazy, Eng. Mahmoud Awaad Gomaa AwaadSheet pile wall system is considered one of the oldest common earth retention systems used in civil engineering projects. The common methods used in the design of sheet pile walls were based on the limit equilibrium approach using active and passive earth pressures. These methods - based on force and moment equilibrium- don't consider wall deformations, which are very important for achieving serviceability. An extensive parametric study was made through the finite element program, PLAXIS version 8.6 to investigate the behavior of inclined anchored sheet pile walls, studying the effect of changing wall penetration depth, and inclination of ground surface for different sand soil types, effect of ground water table and number of anchors on wall. to show the effect on horizontal wall displacements, anchor force and maximum wall bending moments for all cases.
Using Artificial Intelligence Through a Machine Learning Algorithm (CART) to Predict the Malignancy of a Breast Tumor[Full-Text ] Aniruddha MuraliBreast cancer is responsible for causing the greatest number of cancer-related deaths among women, impacting 1.5 million women every year (WHO). One way to reduce the number of deaths caused by breast cancer is to perform early diagnosis to detect the presence of a malignant tumor before the tumor gets too harmful. While there are several methods of diagnosing and testing a tumor, they all have their own sets of problems: they are time-consuming, expensive, and limited in their ability to diagnose a variety of tumors. In this study, a machine learning algorithm was developed to predict if someone has breast cancer.
A Comparative Study of Story-books Reading To By Parents To Their Primary School Children In Port-harcourt Metropolis Of Rivers State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] AUGUSTINA I. ANAKWE; COMFORT K. OLAMIDE The research was conducted to find the influence of reading story-books on pre-primary school pupils’ language development in Port-Harcourt metropolis of Rivers State. Causal comparative research design was employed for the study. Government pri-primary school in Port-Harcourt metropolis was used, the school, thirty pupils were drawn through random sampling, consisting of 200 boys and 200 females given equal number.
Perception and Practice of Voluntary Blood Donation during emergency situations among Nurses in University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu- Nigeria[Full-Text ] Justin Agorye Ingwu, Iyene Victor Ekanem, Pleasure Ogbonnaya,Isreal Chidinma Egbechi,Ijeoma MaduakolamIn developing countries, established blood supplies are limited and donors usually give blood when family or a friend needs a transfusion. This study examined the perception and practice of voluntary blood donation during emergency situations among nurses working in University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH) Enugu State.
Experimental Investigation of Utilizing the Natural Palm Tree Fibers as Thermal Insulator in Brick Industry[Full-Text ] Ali M. Othman, Adnan I.O. ZaidThermal insulation is of prime importance in saving energy both in cold and hot climate countries. In this paper, the effect of utilizing natural palm tree fibers as thermal insulator in the brick industry in general and in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in particular is investigated. Its weight percentage addition to the cemented brick on its thermal conductivity and resistivity, their variation with time and temperature are investigated. Furthermore, the effect of the addition on the fracture compressive strength and water absorption are also investigated. It was found that the utilization of the local available material, palm tree fibers, as an insulator in buildings for walls, roofs and windows is effective in reducing the consumption of the used electrical energy in air conditioning which increases the usage of the bricks in construction; hence it widens the use of brick industry and renders it cost effective. Finally, the obtained results are presented and discussed.
Attentive Examination of Reversible Logic Gates[Full-Text ] Proff. Vishal Puranik, Swati SonawaneReversible logic has obtained importance in recent times because of the fact that power consumption in these circuits can be drastically reduced. In conventional digital circuits, a significant amount of energy is dissipated as the bits of information are lost during logical operations. This loss of bits of information can be avoided by using reversible logic gates. This paper gives the valuable information of about the reversible logic gates designed and the circuits implemented using the same.
Investigation of Heavy metals Concentration at Some Undesignated Dumpsites within Akungb Akoko,Ondo State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ebenezer O. OniyaThe concentration of heavy metals was studied in soil samples collected from eight (8) undesignated waste dumpsites in Akoko region of Ondo State, southwestern Nigeria with corresponding control samples. The concentrations of heavy metals, lead (Pb), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), cobalt (Co), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni) and chromium (Cr) in the soil samples were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS).
Effects of Temperature, Concentration of Catalyst and Reaction Time on Biodiesel Production From Gossipium Hirsutum Seed[Full-Text ] Yaro, M. NGossipium hirsutum (cotton) seeds were collected and processed. 500.00 g of the processed cotton seeds were subjected to soxhlet extraction for 5 hours at 85oC using absolute methanol (as extracting solvent). The extract (cotton seed oil) was recovered from extracting solvent by rotary evaporation and conceontrated to a constant weight at 37oC. A solution mixture of volume ratio, 1: 9 of cotton seed oil to methanol was prepared and subjected to transesterification reaction under different operational conditions of temperature, concentration of catalyst (KOH) and reaction time for biodiesel production. The biodiesel produced was separated from the associated product (glycerol).
Effect of Silica Fume with fiber on Concrete[Full-Text ] Ruby Singh Gaharwar I C SharmaHigh-performance concrete is defined as concrete that meets special combinations of performance and uniformity requirements that cannot always be achieved routinely using conventional constituents and normal mixing, placing, and curing practices. So the different pozzolanic materials like Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag, silica fume, Rice husk ash, Fly ash, High Reactive Metakaolin, are some of the pozzolanic materials which can be used in concrete as partial replacement of cement, which are very essential ingredients to produce high performance concrete. Also it is very important to maintain the water cement ratio within the minimal range, for that we have to use the water reducing admixture i.e superplasticizer. We used Recron fiber in different percentage i.e. 0.0% - 0.3% to that of total weight of concrete and casting was done. Finally we used different percentage of silica fume with the replacement of cement keeping constant fiber content and concrete was casted. In our study it was used two types of cement, Portland slag cement and ordinary Portland cement. We prepared cubes and finally compressive strength test are conducted. A large number of trial mixes are required to select the desired combination of materials that meets special performance.
Dynamic Analysis of a Three Phase 20HP, 400V, 50Hz Induction Machine Driven by A Hybrid Voltage Source Inverter under A Varying Machine Load[Full-Text ] C.O. OMEJEThis paper evaluates a comprehensive analysis and a direct approach to induction machine dynamism. The mathematical modeling of the machine which helps to achieve its dynamic performance is presented herein. The effect of a varying mechanical load on the machine functionality and its characteristics impact on the speed and torque behaviour is also analyzed in this research work. Simulations were carried out on the modeled three phase asynchronous machine in MATLAB/SIMULINK 7.11 to show the transient and the steady state performance of the induction motor under a systemic fluctuating loading condition which emanates from an unsteady mechanical load applied on the machine.
The Diagnostic Assessment Tool for Restoration Strategies of Nananmangalam Urban Reserve Forest,Chennai,India[Full-Text ] PARISUTHA RAJAN ALPHONSE MARIANADIN, MINAKSHI JAIN, ABDUL RAZAK MOHAMEDMajor countries around the world have an untapped resource opportunity laying within their geographical region : the restoration of forest landscapes. “Forest landscape restoration” is the process of regaining ecological functionality and enhancing human well – being across cleared or degraded forest landscapes of the region. It can result in a variety of land use, ranging from vast tracts of dense natural forests,to high-yield agroforestry systems, to a mosaic of wooded areas amid productive agricultural fields or dense urban development like urban reserve forest, open space reserves, parklands, avenues, building setbacks etc. Forest landscape restoration does not call for increasing tree cover beyond what would be ecologically appropriate for a particular selected candidate landscape location.
Who is the Good Entrepreneur? An Exploration within the Muslim Social Tradition[Full-Text ] Muhammad Saqib KhanEntrepreneurship is a critical need in society, and an entrepreneur's life can be a life wonderfully lived. However, most of the literature examining entrepreneurship takes an overly narrow financial viewpoint when examining entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial success. Our paper surveys the current entrepreneurial literature on what constitutes successful entrepreneurship. We then engage key conceptual ideas within the Muslim social tradition to analyses what we see as an undeveloped notion of success. We then move to construct a richer notion of success through the virtue.
The effect of Porosity on Tortuosity[Full-Text ] Nuradeen Labaran TankoIn recent decades, Tortuosity has been stated to depned on geometric properties of porou media such as the Pore Size Distribution, Pore Size, Pore shape, and many more. However, there is no work in the literature to show a clear relationship between topological properties such as the Tortuosity and Porosity. In this work, a simple geometry correlation for Tortusity of flow path and porosity in porous media is presented. The materials studied are chemically pure mesoporous silica and alumina catalyst support pellets with simplified pore sizes, pore side dsitribution, and surface Chemistry. The Tortuosity of the sample is deduced from PGSE NMR log attenuation plots and the porosity from retraction curves of mercury porosimetry. In closure, a statistically significant correlation exits, and thus verifies the simulation work in the literature where tortusity is shown to decares with an increase in porosity.
Assessment of New High- Resolution SkySat Satellite Imagery For Producing Large Scale Map[Full-Text ] M. SelimIn this study the capabilities of very high resolution VHR satellite images for producing large scale maps were evaluated for an area in Egypt. Data used in this study were obtained from skysat imagery. The SkySat Pansharpened0.8m and Multispectral1m scene products were orthorectified, pan sharpened, and color-corrected (using a color curve). A 4-band imagery was acquired on November 2017 and covered an area of 15× 8km with spatial resolution of 0.8m. An investigation of individual 4-band was carried out to find out the potential of the information content in pansharpened SkySat image in producing large scale mapes.
The effect of Variance of Pore Size Distribution on Tortuosity[Full-Text ] Nuradeen Labaran Tanko and Auwal ShehuIn most literatures, the Heterogeneity of porous media has been shown to depend on geometric properties such as the Pore Size and its Distribution, Pore Connectivity, Pore Shape, Porosity and many more. However, there is no work in the literature to show a clear relationship between characterics properties such as the Pore Size Distribution and Tortuosity. In this work, a simple geometry correlation for Tortuosity of flow path and Pore Size Distribution in porous media is presented.
The effect of Pore Connectivity on Mercury Entrapment[Full-Text ] Nuradeen Labaran TankoIn recent decades, Mercury Entrapment has beeen stated to depend on geometric properties of porous materials such the Pore Size Distribution, Pore Size, Shape, Connectivity, Porosity and many more. However, there is no work in the literature to show a clear relationship between topologigcal properties such as the Pore Connectivity and Mercury Entrapment. In this work, a simple geometry correlation for Connectivity of flow path and porosity in porous media is presented.
Development of a Computer Software for Determining the Corrosion Rate of Oil Pipelines in CO2 Environment Using Modified NORSOK M-506 Model[Full-Text ] IYASELE, Edgar Omondiale, OYATOGUN Modupe GraceThe problem of Carbon dioxide (CO2) corrosion is of primary concern in Nigeria’s oil and gas industry. This work attempted to develop a CO2 corrosion rate prediction model, implement the model, simulate and validate it against operating field data with the intent of developing corrosion prediction software for the Nigerian oil and gas environment.
Exploring the Housing Affordability of Readymade Garments Industry workers in Dhaka city: a case study of Mirpur Area[Full-Text ] Musarrat ZamanReady Made Garment (RMG) industry is the leading earning sector of Bangladesh, a South Asian country. It adds billions of dollars to the GDP of this country each year recruiting about 2.4 million garments workers in this sector. Majority of the garments factories are clustered in the capital city of Bangladesh named Dhaka. Nevertheless, having a huge contribution of RMG sector in the economic growth, the living condition of the garments workers are below the minimum level of standard. In this context, the purpose of the research is to explore the present housing affordability of the RMG workers, who are residing and working in Dhaka city taking a case study of Mirpur area.
Expressing Filter Press Specific Resistance As A Function Of Cake Yield Using Lmt Dimensional Analytical Approach[Full-Text ] Onwe John Ituma, Ademiluyi JoelAn equation enabling prediction of specific resistance to filter pressing of sludge has been derived using Buckingham-Ï€ method of LMT Dimensional Analysis. The model equation developed (Equation 27) shows that the specific resistance to cake filtration for filter press is directly proportional to the filter area of the pressure vessel, applied pressure and the compressibility of the sludge while being inversely proportional to filter cake yield, viscosity of filtrate and the initial solids content of the sludge. This is in agreement with scientific reasoning and experimental observation.
Estimating vehicular emissions from auto rickshaws plying in Bengaluru[Full-Text ] Palak Thakur, Sugandha PalThe growing vehicular pollution has caused serious health hazard in Indian metropolitan cities, Bengaluru being one of the major victims. The vehicular emissions are primarily dependent on the fuel type and vehicle technology. The objective of this research paper is to estimate the vehicular emissions in form of carbon dioxide (CO2), particulate matter 10 (PM10) and nitrogen oxide (NOX) emitted by the auto rickshaws plying in Bengaluru city and recommend policy based solution based upon the estimated alternative scenarios.
2D-Unsteady Flow within a Reach in Tigris River[Full-Text ] Thair Sh. Kayyun, Dheyaa H. DagherThe use of mathematical models to solve the problems of the flow in natural channels needs to understand many characteristics of hydraulic flow as well as the design and evaluation of engineering projects and to predict the dangers of natural accidents so that it is possible to give warnings in advance .The length of reach study was (19.5 Km) lies in Northern of Tigris River between Al- Muthana Bridge and Sarai gauging station in Baghdad city in Iraq.