Volume 9, Issue 5, May 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 5, May 2018.
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Electoral Challenges Encountered by Women Aspirants in Kericho and Bomet Counties during Elections Campaigns in Kenya[Full-Text ] Kathryn Chepkemoi LangatThis study focused on electoral process and conflicts encountered by women aspirants in Kericho and Bomet counties during electioneering period in Kenya. Past studies indicates that women candidates in the world face many hurdles during electioneering period and Sub-Sahara Africa has been leading on elections offenses meted on women followed by Asian countries. It was as a result of this that the studies on women participation in elections drew the attention of United Nations and various treaties were signed to give women a level ground to express their political right by contesting like men.
Buckling Analysis of Thin Cylindrical Shell Reinforced with Inclined Stiffeners under Uniform Axial Compression using Direct Variational Principle[Full-Text ] Ezeh, J.C., Anyaogu, L,Ibearugbulem, O.M., Ettu, L.O, Okoroafor, S. U.This research focused on buckling analysis of thin cylindrical shell under uniform axial compression. The method of solution was carried out by the use of direct variational method. The directional method applied in the analysis was the Ritz method. The Ritz method was used to determine the buckling stress parameter of the shell. Numerical examples were carried out with wavelength ratio, deflection parameters, radius of curvature, internal pressure and thickness of the shell kept constant. The results showed that 100 inclined stiffeners have the highest buckling stress value at imperfect ratio of 0.5. While 450 inclined stiffeners have the least buckling stress value at imperfect ratio of 0.1.
Determination of Effectiveness of Inclined Stiffeners of Thin Cylindrical Shell under Uniform Bending[Full-Text ] Anyaogu, L, Ezeh, J.C., Ibearugbulem, O.M., Ettu, L.O, Okoroafor, S. U. This research aimed at determination of effectiveness of inclined stiffeners of thin cylindrical shell under uniform bending. The method of solution was carried out by the use of nonlinear large deflection theory and the effect of initial imperfections in the strain-displacement equations was considered. The Ritz method was used to determine the buckling stress parameter of the shell. Numerical examples were carried by varying the angle of inclination of the stiffeners at different imperfect ratios with other properties like: flexural rigidity and torsional rigidity of the stiffeners, deflection parameters, internal pressure and radius of curvature of the shell being kept constant.
Hyperprolactinemia induced histological alterations in mice adrenal glands[Full-Text ] Nabila I. El-Desouki, Mohamed L. Salem, Idrris H. Mohamed, Mohamed Nasef and Faten M. AbdallahThe present study is planned to investigate the effect of hyperprolactinemia (HPRL) on the histological changes of the adrenal glands of adult male mice (Mus musculus) for different durations by using metoclopramide (MCP). Mice were divided into five groups. Group I: control mice were injected with saline solution i.p. for 10 weeks, groups II, III, IV and V; mice were treated with MCP i.p. at a dose of 2.2 mg/kg/ b.w daily for different durations 2, 4, 7 and 10 weeks, respectively.
Role of green tea and Moringa oleifera extracts to improve histological and physiological liver cirrhosis induced in mice[Full-Text ] Nabila I. El-Desouki, Karolin K. Abd El-Aziz, Muobark J. Tuorky and Eman I. KhalifaThe present study aims to investigate the role of green tea and Moringa oleifera extracts in the improvement of histological and phisylogical cirrhotic liver induced experimentally in mice by CCl4. Eighty adult male albino mice weighing 25 ± 3 g were used and divided into 8 equal groups (10 mice / each); Group I: normal control mice group which received no treatment. Group ΙΙ: mice treated with olive oil only at a dose (1ml/kg/bw) twice a week for 6 weeks, Group ΙΙΙ-IV: mice administered with green tea or Moringa oleifera extracts separately at a dose (600mg/kg/bw/d) or (400mg/kg/bw/d), respectively for one month, Group V: mice injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) by CCl4 at dose (1 ml/kg/bw) added to olive oil (1:1ml) twice a week for 6 weeks to induce cirrhosis, Groups VΙ-VIII: cirrhotic mice administered with green tea or Moringa oleifera extracts separately or co-administered together at the same doses (1:1ml) daily for a month.
A NEW SECOND-ORDER ITERATION METHOD FOR SOLVING NONLINEAR EQUATIONS[Full-Text ] MUHAMMAD KHUBAB SIDDIQUE, ZAHEER_U_DEEN, AND FARHAN AZIZThe Â…xed point iterative method has Â…rst order convergence. The method described here by the name My Method One(MMO), has the convergence order two which is same as of New Iteration Method(NIM). It is faster than the Â…xed point method and in some examples it is faster than NIM. Comparison table demonstrates the faster convergence of My Method One(MMO)
Application of Raman scattering of light to study the structure of molecules[Full-Text ] Bakhodir Eshchanov, Shavkat Otajonov, Khusnida RakhmatillaevaThe structure and shape of the bands for the vibrational Raman spectra of ethanol molecules in solutions with toluene are analyzed. The possibilities of their use to obtain information on the features of molecular interactions and their vibrational dynamics are shown.
Asymptotic Nature of First Order Neutral Delay Difference Equation[Full-Text ] Chittaranjan Behera, Prayag Prasad Mishra, Radhanath RathIn this paper, the presence of non oscillatory solutions having asymptotic nature of the 1st order NDDE with variable coefficients and delays are contemplated. Some new adequate conditions are given. Specifically, conditions given in this paper are adynamic than those known, so the outcomes in this paper have more extensive application than the current ones.
Application of Some Natural Plants Extracts as Green Inhibitors for Corrosion Protection of steel in 1 M HCl[Full-Text ] R.M. Abou shahba, A.S. Fouda, A.E. El-Shenawy and Taghreed J. A. SeyamThe inhibitive action of Costus speciosus (Crep ginger) and Lawsonia alba (Henna) on mild steel corrosion in 1 M HCl solution was investigated using potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. Surface analysis such as scanning electron microscope (SEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) techniques confirmed the formation of protective layer on mild steel surface in the presence of plants extract. Results obtained showed that these investigated compounds are functioned as good inhibitors for mild steel corrosion in 1 M HCl solution. Polarization data revealed that the plants extract act as mixed type inhibitors .The inhibition efficiencies increase with increasing inhibitor concentration. The results obtained from different tested techniques were in good agreement.
Novel Method of Stock Price Prediction and Recommendation[Full-Text ] Shereen Fathima A, Tasnim Tabasum RTo be able to forecast the stock prices of a particular company as it might turn out the next day based on the implementation of the Machine learning algorithms and News data gathered from the New York Times API using Python. This methodology of stock prediction is to accurately predict the stock prices initially by implementing Machine learning and time series algorithm on the historical stock prices of the company; the second step is to predict the stock prices, using both the historical stock prices of the company and the extracted news data from NYT API, as a dependant variable for the stock price prediction for making informed decisions as the news data extracted from NYT is authentic and can be used as a dependant factor for stock data forecasting.
Analysis of Filter Performance in Images Noise[Full-Text ] Shantanu Trivedi, Kamlesh Kumar SinghIn biomedical image processing the goal of image enhancement to provide a superior appearance of an image. Biomedical image generally suffers from inferior contrast, blurring and noise due to which the detection and analysis of an image becomes very difficult. The existing non-linear enhancement filtering techniques provides the enhancement in the contrast and remove the blurring and noise from the image and give us the better quality of an image. This paper presents three various types of filters that have been used for improving the sharpness of image for human viewing, increasing contrast and suppression of noise. Experiment was performed on MRI scan of human chest image that has been corrupted by various values of Gaussian noise levels and results have been compared in terms of peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), mean squared error(MSE) and the graphical representation between the Gaussian noise and PSNR, MSE values to measure the performance of denoising techniques.
Aerial to ground multi-rotor convertible reconnaissance vehicle to evacuate wounded soldiers from war site[Full-Text ] Anti-terrorist operations always rely on elements of stealth and surprise and hence the personnel carrying out these operations always require a greater level of support in the form of surveillance and quick aerial as well ground based support. As an entire medical setup and team cannot reach a soldier wounded in a battlefield, an alternative approach to provide medical assistance to the soldier is required. Designing a multi-rotor air vehicles which can be used to deliver goods and provide aid from a civilized area to war-torn terrain. The main idea for this project: to design a portable bot, stable enough to retrieve the wounded/unconscious soldier back to the medical setup.
Sustainable Technology Management Model for Entrepreneurial Start-ups[Full-Text ] Nida Hussain, Dr. Shahzada Alamgir Khan, Komal JamalTechnology is becoming an opportunity for generating new jobs or source of entrepreneurial business ventures. Different sources are uti-lized by entrepreneurs to sustain their business in market. However, technology is considered as high impact factor on business. Yet, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with noteworthy feature for sustainable entrepreneurship in this research recognizes the consequence of technology exploit by start-ups. Research emphasizes technology management intervening of escalating convenience and aggressive improvement for entrepreneurial start-ups to scamper businesses.
Antioxidant Ability, Total phenolic and Flavonoid contents of Leaf extract of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni Cultivated in Morocco[Full-Text ] Abdelkarim Khiraoui, Chaouki Al Faiz, Aziz Hasib, Mohamed Bakha, Abderrahmane Benhmimou, Fatima Zahra Amchra, Abdelali BoulliLeaf extract of Stevia rebaudiana promotes effects on certain physiological systems such as the cardiovascular and renal and it also influences hypertension and hyperglycemia. The objective of the current study is to evaluate the contribution made through the free radical scavenging capability of leaves of S. rebaudiana cultivated in different areas in Morocco. The leaves extracts of S. rebaudiana were evaluated for their total phenols, flavonoids content and total antioxidant capacity. Total phenols and flavonoids were quantified using standard procedures and total antioxidant activity of aqueous, ethanolic and methanolic extracts of S. rebaudiana leaves was assessed by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay.
Web Search Engine An integrated approach to rank webpages[Full-Text ] Nikhil Kumar Singh, Sunny SharanAn average user spends most of his time to search some relevant document on the internet. The complexity of internet has increased by a very great margin. Existing web searching mechanism helps him to a certain extent, but they also throw some meaningless hundreds or thousands of webpages of which the user doesn’t have any need or relevance. He still have to search and sort for the relative webpages that he actually require. Thus we require some extra information & mechanism to help users in the searching activity. We need to check the browsing habits and the number of visits to a particular website to determine the credibility of the search result return by the search engine. This is done without any tempering or hampering the current working of the user. Thus the information generated from this type of search engine is of high relevance and credibility.
Synthesis, hardness analyses on Nanocrystalline Silver coated Al-Cu-Mg-Ag nano Alloy[Full-Text ] Chellammal.S, Ravichandren.K, Manivannan.S, Sivanand.RBy using Precipitation technique, we have been prepared 37 nm silver coated Al-Cu-Mg-Ag nanocrystalline alloy. The effect of precipitate size of silver coated Al-Cu-Mg-Ag nanocrystalline alloy using XRD measurement is 37 nm. SEM has been used to studied morphological nature and EDAX measurement shows that necessary elements are presented in this prepared sample. Using the Vickers hardness test, we can calculate hardness value and also compare with bulk material.
THE FEED QUALITY STATUS OF WHOLE Typha domingensis PLANT[Full-Text ] U.F. Hassan, H. F. Hassan, H. Baba and A.S. SuleimanWhole Typha domingensis plant which is locally known as Kachalla in “Hausa” land was randomly sampled in Bauchi, Bauchi State, Nigeria and analyzed for its nutritive and mineral composition using standard analytical techniques. The results obtained revealed that all the parameters investigated (available carbohydrate, crude protein, crude lipid, crude fibre, ash content, moisture content and minerals) were present at varying levels.
Expression of Emotions: Analyzing Socio Demographic Profile of Pakistani Husbands and Wives[Full-Text ] Samar Fahd & Rubina HanifThe purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of socio demographic variables on emotional expressivity of Pakistani married sample. 433 husbands and 569 wives) participated in this cross sectional study. Data was gathered through self report measure of Berkeley Emotion Expressivity Questionnaire (BEQ; James & Gross, 1993) and a demographic profile sheet that assessed demographic variables (gender, age, family system, nature of marriage, level of education, profession, and years of marriage) of the married respondents
Psychological Empowerment and Employee Engagement on Job Satisfaction among Administrative Staff: Government Universities in Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] W. M. K. G. Anura Wickramasinghe, Ali Khatibi, S. M. Ferdous Azam, Isuri Roche DharmaratnePsychological Empowerment is one of the emerging concepts that have been given much prominence in the recent past. Also, employee engagement plays a dominant role enhancing job satisfaction. This paper aims to determine the impact of psychological empowerment, and employee engagement on job satisfaction among Administrative Staff of the Government Universities in Sri Lanka and the study revealed a positive relationship exists between psychological empowerment and job satisfaction.
Automated Software for Gamma-ray Spectrum Analysis and Natural Radioactivity Estimation in Environmental Samples[Full-Text ] Abdu Assalam A. Algattawi, A. Abdel-hafiez, M. Fayez-Hassan , E. I. Khalil and H. Abo. ElezThis work introduces modern software for finally Estimation Natural Radionuclides Concentrations in Environmental Samples called SLCONS. Q. Basic64 compiler was used for programing method. The output of SLCONS was confirmed with previous studies on soil samples taken from different Libyan sites. The program can calculate also all the radiological indices. A good agreement was obtained with the experimental results. The program can be used for sequential gamma spectrum analysis and fast output productions.
Knowledge Attitude and Practice towards Dengue Fever Prevention among Adult Population of Rural Area of Lahore Pakistan[Full-Text ] Shaista Manzoor, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Hussain, Prof. Dr. Syed Amir GilaniIntroduction: According to world health organization, Dengue is fast emerging pandemic-prone viral disease in many parts of the world. Dengue flourishes in urban poor areas, suburbs and the countryside but also affects more affluent neighborhoods in tropical and subtropical countries (who, 2010). Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices towards prevention of dengue fever among adult population 18year-65year of Hussain abad rural area of Lahore. Results: the findings of research revealed highly associations of respondents’ demographic variables with knowledge of dengue fever and control measures of residents of Hussain abad to prevent dengue except education.
Knowledge Attitude and Practice towards Hypertension among Adult Population in a Rural Area of Lahore, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Sofia Naseem, Ms. Hajira Sarwar, Muhammad Afzal,Syed Amir GilaniHypertension is a term used to describe high blood pressure. Hypertension related knowledge and practices of people play an important role in controlling hypertension and prevent them its long-term complications. Knowledge and attitudes of patients have impact on the management of their illnesses, and improving knowledge is known to improve compliance with treatment in conditions such as hypertension.
Biometric Fingerprint System Using an Online Based Pattern Recognition for Candidates Authentication in Nigeria Institution Examinations. The Design Perspective[Full-Text ] Awojide, Simon; Awe, O S and Babatope, T SThe level of examination malpractices in various Examinations conducted in Nigeria institutions and the rate at which it negatively affects the Nigeria educational system is at the high side. Examination impersonation was the focus in this paper. So many candidates have relent in developing individual skills towards self-confidence in writing an Examination but rely on Examination impersonation to archive what they want at all cost.
ACEH GOVERNMENT BUDGETARY POLITIC[Full-Text ] Putri Murdiana, Naidi faisal, Nurhafni, ZulhilmiAceh is one of the provinces in Indonesia who run autonomous region with Special Autonomy Fund known as (Otsus) from the central government. From 2008 to 2013, Aceh province has managed around IDR. 27.3 trillion Of special autonomy funds. In the aspect of Aceh's budget politics, the funds allocated to the education system classified as underdeveloped category. In 2016, the allocation of special autonomy for Aceh Province increased in the RAPBN 2016 reached IDR. 7,765,059,420. 000 (previously IDR. 7 trillion), however, the largest allocation or more than 50% is still allocated for physical development.
Prediction of Excessive Stresses in Railway Track Elements Due to Soil Defects[Full-Text ] Ahmed N.Ramadan, Haytham N. Zohny, Hany S. RiadMany-sidedness that cause decrease in lifetime of all railway track elements; rails, fasteners, sleepers, ballast layer, sub-ballast layer and sub-grade soil is due to settlement in sub-grade soil caused from change in ground water level, settlement in civil works beneath the track, presence of organic soil, etc., where stresses increased in those elements. The main purpose of this study is to determine the excessive stresses in rails, sleepers, and ballast due to defects in sub-grade soil. To realize this goal, two dimensional finite element model using (ANSYS Workbench V.14.0) software was adopted by making regular gradually increasing in settlement in a part of the sub-grade soil.
DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF VACUUM OPERATED CHALK DUST COLLECTOR[Full-Text ] K Pavan Prabhakar, H N Vignesh, Keerthisagar S Reddy, Anand Reddy S RThe history of teaching dates back to the start of the first man’s expertise and information passed from generation to generation. Teaching and learning in schools and colleges are done over the years by writing on boards and using various innovations and improvements of the modern technology. This project involves the design and construction of an advance black board duster cleaner by VACUUM technology.
Secure Channels Reduction by KAC with Transmitting Aggregate Keys for Cloud Sharing Data[Full-Text ] Mr. Mohemmed Yousuf ,Mr.Godhandaraman ,Mr.Karthick MyilvahananSharing data is an important functionality in a public cloud. The data/files are stored in a cloud in an encrypted form and data owners want to give delegate rights to the Authorized cloud users. There is a particular secure channel exist between the data/files and the users which are costlier. There is a solution for this problem is key aggregate cryptosystem which combines all the secret keys of encrypted data and form a one constant size aggregate key which is used to decrypt multiple files from the cloud. In this paper we are creating CPA and CCA secure KAC, elliptic curves are efficiently using to implement the aggregate key. These constant size aggregate keys reduce the use of secret channels.
Genetic Modification-A Good Deed or a Bad One[Full-Text ] Ayesha-Masood, Faiza-UnbreenGM is quite a hot topic and has attracted quite a large media attention in the past years and even in the present too. They have become a controversy as they are beneficial for the producers and for the consumers but they are also glued to many biomedical and environmental risk factors. Despite all this, the public is still unaware regarding the pros and cons of GM technology and complex studies are being carried out around the world to evaluate this. Various controversies and public concerns regarding GMO (crops and foods mainly) generally highlight environmental conservation, labelling, ethics, consumer choice, food security, poverty reduction and intellectual property rights.
EFFICACY OF THERAPEUTIC EXTRUDED SNACK FOOD CONSUMPTION ON GLYCEMIC RESPONSE IN TYPE-2 DIABETIC PATIENTS[Full-Text ] Phanindra. P, Poshadri. A, Dr. P. Ramesh, Dr. S. Srinu NaikThe therapeutic extruded snack was prepared from the composite flour (Foxtail millet, Amaranth seeds, Rice, Bengal gram and Cow pea). The extruded product was analyzed for its chemical composition and further, studied the effect of therapeutic extruded snack food consumption on type-2 diabetic patients. The selected 12 subjects were received therapeutic extruded snack food (50 g) once in a day in the morning during the fasting stage along with their usual conventional treatment.
EVIDENCE MAGISTER IN EDUCATION PERIOD 2015 MENTION QUALITY MANAGEMENT, EDUCATION AND PEDAGOGICAL MANAGEMENT[Full-Text ] Oscar ROJAS CARRASCO,Victor VELOZO SALAZAR, Cesar FARIAS VERDUGO, Natalie MUÑOZ MORALESThe present study has the objective of comparing the academic performance, the agreement with the region of origin of the students belonging to the Magister in education of the year 2015, in its different mentions. For this study, 157 students from the following regions of Chile were considered:
DYNAMICS OF CHANGES IN THE FUNCTIONAL STATE OF QUALIFIED VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS DURING MACROCYCLE[Full-Text ] Dao Chanh Thuc, Le Thi Minh DaoTo achieve maximum results in sport necessary to optimize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, that is an indicator of adaptive responses of physical exercises. Knowledge of the formation of the functional state of athletes in their preparation for the season as well as during the season has important meaning for the rational construction of the training process and the possibility of adjustment in order to achieve optimal results (Briskin Yuriy, Pityn Maryan & Tyshchenko Valeria, 2016)..
NURSES DISCERNMENT ON COSTING NURSING CARE: A CASE STUDY FROM TWO SELECTED PUBLIC HOSPITALS IN IBADAN, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Opadaja Funmilayo AbiodunNursing services costing has been a major interest to nurses for a long period of time. Determination of nursing costing is germane in order to show the effectiveness of nursing practice in an improved and affordable health care delivery system. This has been a major concern of managers that has the mind of quality and affordable health services. The treatment or intervention should be considered as “product” of nursing care and should provide an explainable term for billing.
Classical Model Garment Cost Analysis using a simplified Mathematical model[Full-Text ] Dr.M.K.Gandhi, Dr.S.PoonkuzhaliEver growing needs of the market and dynamics of the business increases the desire to add more features in the ERP solution used in the apparel industry. In order to achieve operational excellence and get the best on Return on Investment it is mandatory for an apparel manufacturing company to change the features of the ERP application. Moreover, majority of the ERP packages that are adopted in the apparel industries are not satisfied with the functions for Calculation of Manufacturing cost, Cost Analysis Report, Warehouse Management and Stock Management.
SOCIAL NETWORKS AS A CONTRIBUTION TO THE POSITIONING OF THE POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION MARKET[Full-Text ] Oscar ROJAS CARRASCO, Fernando HERRERA CIUDAD, Victor VELOSO SALAZAR , Nicolas BARRIENTOS ORADINI , José FARIAS VERDUGOIt is evident that integrating social networks as a communication tool is a strategy that helps to bring the people with the institutions abruptly because they create strong relationships both in the professional and personal fields. At the same time their effects must be carefully studied by the specialists in the functional areas of a company or business unit.
CONSERVATION OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES : CASE OF NAGPUR CITY[Full-Text ] Nupur ChichkhedeEcosystem Services include all ecosystem functions and processes people and society benefit from in economic terms or related to their quality of life. These benefits from water and climate regulation, over biodiversity and pollination, to aesthetic and recreational services. The role of cities in maintaining biodiversity for functional ecosystems is becoming an important topic on the global agenda. In particular urban green spaces – that is forests, trees, parks, allotments or cemeteries – provide a whole range of ecosystem services for the residents of a city.
Prevention of lesions on the eye surface by eye occlusion: an auto-paired clinical trial[Full-Text ] Liliana Yukie Hayakawa, Kelly Cristina Inoue, Laura Misue MatsudaEye care is a basic nursing procedure and it is essential to prevent eye complications in Intensive Care Unit patients. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of eye occlusion by transparent polyurethane film for the prevention of lesions on the eye surface in Intensive Care Unit patients, an auto-paired clinical trial have been undertaken between July 2016 and January 2017 in the adult Intensive Care Unit of the Hospital Memorial de Maringá, Brazil. Sample comprised 27 patients who attended to the study´s inclusion criteria, involving the left eye in the control group (daily cleaning of the eye region with saline solution 0.9%) and the right eye in the intervention group (daily cleaning of the eye region with saline solution 0.9%, plus application of a transparent polyurethane film).