Volume 9, Issue 5, May 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 5, May 2018.
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Prospects of satellite-Enhanced Forest Monitoring for Nigeria[Full-Text ] Thomas U. OmaliComprehensive and effective forest monitoring for efficient forest management requires adequate information and accurate estimate on forest cover. In spite of the significance of forests and forestry sector to Nigerians and Nigeria’s economy, reliable database that gives accurate extent and quality of forest resources in the country is seemingly not available due to the techniques used in creating the database, and other salient factors. This result in various estimates for forest size and quality, which are characterized by uncertainty and inconsistencies in literature. Consequently, the goal of this paper is to review the prospects of satellite-based forest monitoring for Nigeria. Selected issues were addressed including the significance of forest monitoring for Nigeria, status of forest resources in Nigeria, and current advancement in satellite-based forest monitoring. The review indicates that, deforestation and forest degradation is apparent in Nigeria, and that the subsisting management strategy is rudimentary at best. Of course, the traditional approach of forest monitoring is no longer sufficient to serve the urgent demand of forest information users. Hence, satellite remote sensing application in forestry for Nigeria is justifiable.
Di-calcium phosphate; Thermodynamics and kinetics study[Full-Text ] Sana JMAI, Mohamed BAGANE, Michèle QUENEUDEC_T’KINTDuring the present work, the sorption isotherms of di-calcium phosphate were given using the gravimetric method at 50, 60, 70, 80°C. It has been found that GAB is the model which fit better the sorption curves. DCPs’ convective drying kinetics modeling was carried by the experimental study of the aero-thermal condition’s effects. The drying characteristic curves are then modeled using the nonlinear regression functions of MATLABR2013a. Midilli is considered the most suitable model for the experimental results.
Seeking a Convergence Solution in Detecting Metamorphic: An Hybrid Evolutionary Stochastic Framework and Model[Full-Text ] A.O. Eboka, A.A. OjugoMalware alter the behaviour of a host machine’s file by self-replicating its codes unto it. On execution, some malware change its structure so that its copies have same functionality but differ in signature and syntax from its parent – making signature-based detection unreliable.
THEORETICAL EVALUATION OF RC DEEP BEAM WITH WEB OPENING BY USING NONLINEAR FINITE ELEMENT SOFTWARE [ABAQUS][Full-Text ] Dr . Luay Mohammed Shather, Eng. Salam Naji Hussein, Laith Falah HasanThis examination went for analyzing the potential utilize reinforced concrete (RC) deep beams that had web openings by steel plates. Examinations were led to test thirteen deep beams under two point stacking with square openings.
Billiard Algorithm for the K-Coverage Deployment of Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Rabie A. Ramadan, Toqeer Ali, Hatem M. EL-BoghdadiWireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) became one of the important networks on that many state-of-the-art applications are established. Sensors used to monitor traffic, borders, and products. In fact, the base for Internet of Things (IoT) applications is WSN. However, deployment of the sensors is still a challenging problem, especially in large-scale networks. Large-scale sensor networks mean a network with large number of sensors to be deployed on a wide monitored field. The main concern of the sensor deployment is coverage of the monitored field. This paper introduces Billiard algorithm to handle the deployment problem of large-scale WSN. Most importantly, we introduce the Billiard algorithm for the K-Coverage problem. Through a set of experiments, we examine the performance of the two algorithms.
EFFECT OF SOWING DATES ON GRAIN YIELD AND OTHER AGRONOMIC TRAITS OF DIFFERENT MAIZE INBRED LINES[Full-Text ] Sabin Chhetri, Ankur PoudelMaize is the second important cereal crop of Nepal in terms of area, production and productivity. Delayed sowing of maize has resulted in lower than optimum yield, the experiment was aimed to determine the optimum sowing date for better production of maize. The experiment was conducted at National Maize Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal to evaluate the effect of sowing dates on yield and other agronomic traits on maize inbred lines.
Delineation of Groundwater Potential Zones in Gwarzo Local Government Area, Kano State[Full-Text ] Aduojo Atakpa and Tanko A. I.The aim of this research is to evaluate the factors influencing the natural occurrence of ground water using remote sensing and GIS to delineate groundwater potential zones in Gwarzo local government area. In order to achieve this, SPOT 5 and landsat 8 image were processed using ArcGIS and Erdas Imagine Software to delineate lineaments of the study area to understand its influence on groundwater potential. In addition, landsat 8 image was used for supervised classification to ascertain the land used and land cover of the study area.
EXPECTANT FATHERS EXPERIENCE DURING LABOR AND DELIVERY OF THEIR WIFE ADMITTED IN LABOR ROOM[Full-Text ] Jenny.S,Ebenezer Ellen Benjamin Labor and Delivery is a lives event for women causing both physical and emotional changes, along with her the Expectant fathers also goes through varied emotional experience which affects him to a greater extent. This study is aimed to assess the Expectant fathers experience during labor and delivery of their wife admitted in labor room.
KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE OF STANDARD ISOLATION PRECAUTIONS AMONG REGISTERED NURSES OF ALLIED HOSPITAL FAISALABAD[Full-Text ] Shumila Faryad, MS. Shafqat Inayat, M. Afzal, Muhammad HussainStandard isolation precaution is a way to stop the spread of hospital acquired infection which may be in the form of blood, secretions, body waste, body fluids and mucous membrane that may contain contagious infectious agents. Nurses are the persons who have the moral obligation to care for sick persons and improve their regaining health and attain excellent worth of treatment care. Therefore health care providers should have proper awareness and good practice to strictly adhere to standard isolation precaution to infection control.
Discovery of new structural hits as KRAS G12C inhibitor targeting switch-II pocket using computational screening approach[Full-Text ] Kefei Xu, Xiaoyun Wu, Shuguang WuKRAS oncogene mutation is one of the most frequent mutations in human cancers. This mutation can cause overactive signaling in the cell and ultimately lead to cancer. Although different types of inhibitors have been found, no effective KRAS inhibitors are approved for clinical use. Recently, a new switch II pocket on the surface of KRAS G12C mutant protein (KRAS G12C S-IIP), in which the twelfth amino acid glycine is replaced by cysteine, has been found to be the most promising allosteric binding site which can be targeted directly by small molecular KRAS inhibitor.
Comparative analysis of the maximum power point tracking techniques performance using boost converter[Full-Text ] Denis Yamba Sopondja , Aboubakar yasko Mohamed and Professor Bekir ÇakırThe efficiency of solar cells depends on many factors such as temperature, insolation, spectral characteristics of sunlight, dirt, shadow, and so on. PV systems use different algorithms to track the maximum power point at any environmental conditions .This article presents the comparative analysis of Constant voltage, perturbation observe and incremental conductance (IncCond) maximum power point tracking (MPPT) methods performance used in solar array power systems using Boost converter .The IncCond ,Perturb and observe algorithm are used to track MPPs because are perform precise control under rapidly changing atmospheric conditions.
A STUDY ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF RELAPSE PREVENTION THERAPY IN SUBSTANCE ABUSERS[Full-Text ] Sidharth MishraLife has become a burden on many of us nowadays, which is why we get to see a havoc picture around. There is a reservoir of stressors, which has and is drowning much of our fellow human beings. As some of the human beings are more vulnerable and want to drift away these stressors in a convenient way, fall prey to these perceived easy stress busters “Drugs”. But unfortunately the condition they are in later is like a person who is drowning in and coming up the surface in this life’s ocean. People have lost the sense of direction in life, ignoring what they actually want, but blindly follow where others and the life is taking them towards, hence end up missing up their lives.
Effects of Quenching Media on the Corrosion Behaviour of Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel joints in Sulphuric Acid and Simulated Sea Water[Full-Text ] Shedrack, G.M., Yawas, D.S., Dagwa, I.MThe enormous financial loss, product loss and contaminations as a result of weld corrosion have proved to be a serious challenge to the fertilizer, petrochemical and oil and gas industries. The corrosion behaviour of 3mm thick type 304 austenitic stainless steel (ASS) weldments were investigated in the post weld heat treated (PWHT) condition. The as-received ASS was cut into cuboid pieces of 50mm x 20mm x 3mm and butt welded using shielded metal manual arc welding (SMMAW) technique, stress releaved at 6000C which were later prepared into standard specifications of tests samples before heating them to 9100C quenched into some selected vegetable (Jatropha and Neem) oils and finally tempered to 3000C.
GROOM CHARACTERISTICS AND DEMANDS REALLY A ROOT CAUSE OF DESPAIR IN UNMARRIED GIRLS[Full-Text ] Nabila Sarwar, Asad Ullah and Rehan UllahThe present study was conducted with objective to determine the causes of despair in unmarried girls. A sample size 159 respondents out of 264 was selected through random sampling procedure from three Mohallahs of Union Council Jahngrha, district Abbotabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The conceptual framework of the study comprised of Groom characteristics as independent variable and causes of despair in unmarried girls as dependent variable. Chi-square test was used to find out association among study variables. The study found that a significant association with high amount of dowry can overcome all problems of physical unattractiveness (p=0.031), high demand for an employed girl than house wife (p=0.000) and arrange marriages have more problems for girl’s parents in arrangement than love marriages (p=0.007).
Effect of Multimedia Integrated Lessons on Students’ Achievement and Retention in Chemistry[Full-Text ] A.C. Nwanze, A.G. Izuegbunam, P.O. Pius, F. Emerhiona, J.N. OkoliThe study examined the effect of multimedia integrated lessons on students’ achievement and retention in chemistry. The quasi-experimental pre-test posttest non-equivalent control group design was used. A sample of 105 Senior Secondary School year one (SSS 1) Chemistry students from Onitsha Education Zone of Anambra State was used in the study. Chemistry Achievement Test (CAT) validated by lecturers in science education and reliability index of 0.92 was used as instrument. The data obtained was analyzed using mean, standard deviation and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The results revealed that there is a significant difference between the mean achievement chemistry scores of students exposed to multimedia integrated lessons and the convectional group. The Multimedia group which had a significantly higher retention score, performed better than those in the convectional group taught with modified lecture method. It was therefore recommended that special training on how to use multimedia technology tools in teaching should be organized for secondary school teachers to help them become competent in the use of multimedia tools.
ETAT DES LIEUX DU CADRE JURIDIQUE ET INSTANCES DE L’ÉCONOMIE SOCIALE ET SOLIDAIRE AU MAROC[Full-Text ] Abderrahman SADDIKIAu Maroc, le secteur de L’économie sociale et solidaire (ESS) a commencé à occuper une place considérable dans les programmes de développement économique et social de l’Etat depuis plus de trois décennies déjà . A partir de 2005, l’ESS est devenue une affaire d’Etat. Elle est parrainée par le Roi en personne, à travers l'Initiative Nationale de Développement Humain. L'administration de ce secteur est partagée par plusieurs instances nationales, régionales et provinciales. Cette article essaie de dresser une cartographie des instances qui pilotent le secteur tout en rappelant leurs missions et leurs modes d'emplois.
Comparative analysis of the maximum power point tracking techniques performance using boost converter[Full-Text ] Denis Yamba Sopondja , Aboubakar yasko Mohamed and Professor Bekir ÇakırThe efficiency of solar cells depends on many factors such as temperature, insolation, spectral characteristics of sunlight, dirt, shadow, and so on. PV systems use different algorithms to track the maximum power point at any environmental conditions .This article presents the comparative analysis of Constant voltage, perturbation observe and incremental conductance (IncCond) maximum power point tracking (MPPT) methods performance used in solar array power systems using Boost converter .
Experimental investigations on Helical and straight cryogenic transfer lines under different mass flux[Full-Text ] Jesna Mohammed, Abdul Mohizin A M, Sachin Sasikumar, Sulav Kafle, Muhammed Shameer, Dr. K.E Reby Roy The present study is concentrated on the chilldown time analysis of helical coils compared to straight tubes. Data presented in this paper is for the experiments conducted under terrestrial gravity conditions with different mass fluxes [66 Kg/m^2s, 86 Kg/m^2s and 102 Kg/m^2s] in horizontal copper line (7.9375 mm OD,0.8128 thick and 500 mm length) and a copper helical test section having helix angle 80 with horizontal axes under Polyurethane foam insulation. Both the sections were instrumented with temperature sensors, the readings of which were tracked in real-time using a data acquisition system. Temperature-time relationships were obtained. The results of the experiment indicated that, for a given mass flux, the transition during chilldown occurs earlier in helical transfer lines compared to straight tubes. This indicates the earlier occurrence of film boiling for the helical channels. Thus, the chilldown time can be reduced to a considerable extend there by reducing consumption of cryogen. The authors hereby suggest the application of helical geometry in cryogenic transfer lines wherever possible for the reduction of cryogen consumption during the initial stages of transfer process which can eventually result in energy savings.
Empirical Validation of the Relationship between Sustainable Involvement and Family Purchase Behavior[Full-Text ] Nadira BESSOUH, Yamina GRARIThe present research aims to explain how sustainable involvement can influence the behavior of Algerian families for the purchase of a new car. The main hypothesis of this study was tested on a sample of 210 families. The data obtained were analyzed using structural equation models. The principal results that emerged from this investigation show that the identification of the cognitive and/or emotional purchase process, adopted by family members, could be a relevant avenue for companies to develop and enhance their products. The findings obtained could offer an opportunity to create strong and durable brands.
Image Fusion Based on DWT Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System[Full-Text ] Mamata M Teggihalli, Mrs. H R RamyaIn the medical field, medical imaging requires capturing different aspects of a human body. To take images of tissue, cartilages, bones, and nerves one requires different modalities, which produces different images from different modality of the same body part. Image fusion is the technique to integrate the essential information present in the set of source images to one fused image. Image fusion technique is widely used in medical field to improve the clinical accuracy to take better decisions. In medical imaging, different modality images convey different information of human body like Compute Tomography (CT) scan image provides the information on hard structures. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan image provides the information of soft tissue. Fusion of these medical images is useful for doctors to diagnose and plan treatment for patients. In this paper, an image fusion methodology for fusing medical images using novel Discrete Wavelet Transform Type-2 fuzzy logic system (FLS) is presented. Experiments are conducted for already existing methods, also for Sugeno type Fuzzy Logic System and Mamdani type Fuzzy Logic System with varying number of the membership function. The results are analyzed using various performance metrics. From the results observed that the proposed method provides an improvement over existing methods.
Egyptian Aluminum containing ores and prospects For their use in the production of Aluminum[Full-Text ] Amr Basuony Saad ElDeeb, Vyacheslav N. BrichkinKaolin plays a very significant role in the industrial aspects of life and new ones are still being discovered. It has been considered as an economic gateway for a lot of industrial applications, it is a unique industrial mineral and very widely utilized in industry and its usage is influenced by its functional properties and its purity. However, the Egyptian kaolin is hard and massive; it is also low grade so that it needs processing to be suitable for different industries. Beneficiation enhances kaolin applications; hence, it becomes imperative to study comparative means of upgrading kaolin, for the process integration and optimization. Egypt has large reserves of kaolin in many localities.
(k, d)- Odd Edge Mean Labeling of Some Trees[Full-Text ] S. Dineshkumar, Dr.C. Dhevaki, Dr.K. Amuthavalli A graph G is said to have a (k, d)- odd edge mean labeling if there exists an injection f from the edges of G to such that the induced map defined on V by is a bijection from V to
Numerical Investigation of Free Convection Heat Transfer with non-Newtonian Fluid in Different Enclosures Geometries[Full-Text ] Zaid M Hasan, Hussein Awad Kurdi Saad, Ahmed Hammodi Ali and Hassanian Ghani HameedIn this investigation, study of a steady state tow-dimension free convection of non-Newtonian flow inside an elliptical enclosure with laminar flow has been studied numerically. Two kinds of boundary conditions were considered , first when the inner holes were under constant heat flux and second when inner holes heat-ed to constant temperature while enclosure wall was insulated in all cases.
Mathematical Approach to Simulate Soil Behavior Under Shallow Compaction[Full-Text ] Ahmed M. EbidSurface or shallow compaction is one of the earliest, cheapest and commonly used techniques to improve the physical and mechanical properties of loose soil specially for imported structural fill. It is simply rearranging of soil particles to reduce air ratios using surface static or vibrating mechanical effort. Usually, shallow compaction procedure includes subjecting the loose soil to certain number of compacting equipment passes to archive the accepted compaction level; this number of passes is a function of many parameters such as type of soil, initial soil parameters, compacting equipment characteristics and thickness of soil lift. International codes, specifications and handbooks include just guidelines about the required number of passes; accordingly, it is usually determined based on personal experience and field trials.
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam[Full-Text ] Ahmet Yigitalp TULGAToday, the ghost of terrorism threatens the world. This ghost has disturbed the people of Sri Lanka for many years. Sri Lanka is an island country located in Asia. Sinhalese and Tamil, two biggest eth-nic groups of this island country, have been in conflict for many years. This ethnic conflict is based on colo-nial era.
Triple Regimen Therapy Response in HCV Patients of Genotype-III[Full-Text ] Syed Hasan Akhtar Bokhari, Khalid Mahmood Yahya, Syed Muhammad Ali BokhariBackground: It is always a topic of interest of the health care providers and patients to get a treatment option that is most safe and less time consuming. Hence, HCV which is a fatal disease has been dealt with by different treatment options and an effort was made ever to explore less time consuming and more effective treatment options. Although this practice has been done in Europe, the efficacy of this was deemed to be checked in Pakistani population.
Performance Evaluation of selected intersection in Jimma city[Full-Text ] ADDISALEM GEZAHEGN, KIDUS EFREM, SENTAYEHU GENENE, TEWODROS TEMEDE, TILAHUN FIKADU, MURAD MOHAMMED, AHMED NUREDINIntersection plays an important role in the road network, where traffic flowing in different directions cross each other. Because of disturbance of pedestrians, mixed traffic and lost time, capacity of the intersection is much lower than their approach links and it is significant point of conflicts within a roadway system. Traffic signals, roundabouts, stop and yield controls are commonly used in several at grade junction in urban areas to maximize traffic efficiency and safety by separating conflicting traffic movements in time. The performance of intersections are evaluated in terms of capacity, degree of saturation, queue length, delay and average speed. And estimation of these performance measures to evaluate the intersection is important for design, operations and planning purposes in traffic management as well as in improving the performance of intersections in urban areas.
The Effect of Transformational Leadership Style and Organizational Innovation on Financial Performance of Software Companies[Full-Text ] Fatemeh Onagh, Hossein AzimiThe need for an appropriate leadership style that can regulate and improve the organization's culture in order to advance the organization's goals is vital to the success of the organization. New developments in leadership theories have moved from charismatic leadership theories to neo-charismatic and transformational leadership theories. This study was carried out aimed to investigate the effect of transformational leadership style and organizational innovation on sustainable performance. The research method was descriptive survey. The data collection tool was a standard questionnaire. The statistical population of this study was 5 software companies in Karaj and Tehran. The questionnaires were distributed randomly among 317 persons of statistical samples. The conceptual model of the research was fitted using the structural equation model in PLS software. Research findings have shown that transformational leadership has an impact on financial performance, functional readiness and organizational innovation.
A HYBRID CLOUD APPROACH WITH NOVEL BASED KEY GENERATION ALGORITHM FOR SECURE DATA DEDUPLICATION[Full-Text ] Dr. A. Kousalya, Arunjith.RWith the main focus of research in Data deduplication technique gearing towards efficient data compression, the resulting protocols tend to be vulnerable to various security attacks. Over the years, emphasis has also been placed on improving the security of thesenetworks. Different solutions have been proposed for different types of attacks. However, these solutions often compromise efficiency.
NON-LINEAR CONTROL SCHEME FOR MPPT IN PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM USING P&O ALGORITHM AND COMPARE IT WITH DESIGNED BACK-STEPPING TECHNIQUE[Full-Text ] Muhammad Sinan Ateeq Khan, Usama Nasir, Muhammad KamranThe Increasing energy demands, draining ammonite fuels and growing global warming because of emission of carbon has increased the demand for a substitute, effective and environment attractive power method. The energy from photovoltaic is considered extremely useful and environmentally friendly alternative source of energy. The Photovoltaic (PV) structures have acquired a great deal of interest due to their distinct features such as ease of allocation, less maintenance cost, and widely distributed throughout the earth. However, the main concern about the photovoltaic system is its low efficiency because of varying environmental conditions like a change in temperature and irradiance level.
Role of Different NGOs for Socio-economic and Infrastructure Development of Rural areas in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Mazed Parvez, Sanjid Hossain, Ayesha SiddikaNon-Government organizations and their impact play a very vital role on development activities of a country. NGOs work on socio-economic and infrastructure development as well as rural development. Bangladesh is a developing country with a huge amount of population. Most of the population of the country lives at the rural area. Numerous numbers of NGOs are working now days at the rural areas of Bangladesh. This study aims at finding out the role of NGOs in socio-economic infrastructure development. With this particular aim, the study has also explored the lacings of NGOs activities where more effort should be done. The study has selected one ward Sonakhuli , Jhunagachha Caphani Union of Nilphamari district where five NGOs have been operating incense programs. This study has both qualitative and quantitative methods. Result suggests that programs undertaken by NGOs are capable of having positive contributions in socio-economic development program to a certain level. The fact is that the program implementation, where the efficiency of the NGOs employees is a program indicator of success factor and development. The research is empirical and is expectedly fill the gap of literature.
Agricultural Land Development: Panacea for Food Security in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ogunjirin,O. A., Farounbi, A. J., Ogunjirin, O. C., Ogini, F.U.Food and Agricultural Organization reported in 2015 that about 70% of earth is water while about 30% is land. Agricultural land in Nigeria is 37.3 % of the total land mass. The full potential of agricultural land in Nigeria has not been tapped for agricultural production in order to grow Nigeria’s economic..
Dampening the Upshot of Inadequate Grid Power Supply in Nigeria; Rescue Role of Captive Power[Full-Text ] Abubakar M. Umar, George N. Osaghae, H. Ahidjo, Zainab B. Saidu, Hauwa ManzoThe wide gap between the demand and supply of electric power in Nigeria has occasioned a deleterious effect on all sectors of national development. The Energy Commission of Nigeria exercising its mandate in 2015 conducted a survey aimed at capturing the captive power capacity and utilization pattern in the household, informal, services and industrial sectors in the Federal capital territory of Nigeria.
Improvement of 3D and Dense Reconstruction for Moving Object and Comparative Study on 3D Reconstruction Algorithms[Full-Text ] Mohammad Nooruddin, Md. Maruf Hossain ShuvoIn computer vision 3D reconstruction is a popular method for the measurement of figures and appearance of real substances. It denotes the reverse process of finding 2D images from 3D scenes which helps in image investigation and understanding. However, in 3D reconstruction due to the presence of moving object in the images, it creates some confusing questions like: whether the object is moving or the camera is moving or both are moving.