Volume 9, Issue 5, May 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 5, May 2018.
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WASH TREATMENT EFFECT ON RUBBING FASTNESS PROPERTIES TO POLYESTER COT-TON VISCOSE BLEND (52% POLYESTER, 28% COTTON, 20% VISCOSE) FABRICS[Full-Text ] Ahmed Javed Shams ChowdhuryDifferent kinds of dark shade of polyester cotton viscose blend (52% polyester, 28% cotton,20% viscose) fabric have poor fastness to rub-bing. Three different shades as dark colour shade, medium dark colour shade and light colour shade were chosen & all shades were applying with different wash techniques. Fastness to rubbing was tested with and without wash treatment and assessed for fastness rating for using the proper grey scale. Based on outcome of the test data, the aim of the study was to measure the correlation between wash treatment effect and rubbing fastness properties of polyester cotton viscose blend fabrics.
The development of the Egyptian society through the history[Full-Text ] Ola HassaneEgypt is the one of the oldest and strongest civilization, if not the oldest one. She was the world leader in all the fields, as medicine and agriculture, attracting immigrants from around the world, creating the Egyptian identity from mixed races, sharing the same culture, traditions, values and beliefs. Egypt had passed through difficult times, as it seemed to magnetize several colonists, yet it always influence other cultures more than she gets affected. It holds on to its identity, which had developed over the time, till it reached a stage of floundering in the last century. In this paper, we will study the Egyptian history, analyze it, trying to understand our societies’ past.
Prototype of Building Information Modeling (BIM) Framework to Development the Architectural Curriculum in Egypt[Full-Text ] Ahmed Sami Saad, Ahmed Eltantawy AbdallahBuilding Information Modeling (BIM) technology is one the most modern technologies being used in the world in the field of architecture and construction industry. BIM technology helps architects and engineers to reduce the number of mistakes during and after the process of design and construction. Being a new architectural concept and an innovative way of design it helps to make drawings, modeling, simulation and all sustainable calculation more easily, in comparison with traditional steps. Later architects and engineers understood that there is a gap between education systems and the requirements for graduates.
Survey for MANET Environment Based on Proactive and Reactive Routing Protocols[Full-Text ] Namita SharmaMANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Networks) have act out a new extension in field of wireless networks. It permits any number of nodes to connect with each other . It's not require fixed infrastructure as the mobile nodes are tremendously mobile. And network topology in MANET is dynamic i.e. changes accordingly to the environment. These are much easier to radiate, enact and organize i.e. these are self configurable.
Developing a GIS-Based Demand-Responsive (Intelligent) Urban Transportation System in part of Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Amusa, I.A., Igbokwe, J. I., Akinpelu, A. A. and Oyelakin, L.O.Transportation is the movement of people and or goods from one place to another. In recent times, it has not been without one form of problem or the other. Demand-Responsive Transportation System (DRTS) was introduced which is designed to take transportation services to the door steps of users. The aim of the study is to develop a GIS-based demand-responsive (intelligent) urban transportation system in part of Ibadan in Oyo State.
Basic Pattern Mining: A Review on Techniques and Applications[Full-Text ] Bibi Noor Asmat, Muheb Ullah, Dr. Rukhshanda With the rapid growth in technology, managing this data is becoming a challenging task. Data mining is the field of automatic extraction of information from a large corpus of data. Pattern mining is a technique initially used for market basket analysis, in order to extract the combination of items a customer buys at once. Frequent pattern mining algorithms can be categorized in two major types: Basic and extended pattern mining algorithms. This paper is basically concerned with basic type frequent pattern mining algorithms and presents a broad overview of these algorithms. These algorithms have been studied in terms of methodology they used, the focus of the algorithm and the purpose of these algorithms.
PROMOTING PPP IN REAL ESTATE IN INDIAN CITIES - A CASE STUDY OF LAND ACQUISITION IN NOIDA AND GREATER NOIDA[Full-Text ] Kanad PankajBy the year 2030, about 40% of the population is expected to be living in urban areas, in India. The 74th Constitution Amendment Act of 1992, has been a significant step to empower Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) with greater responsibilities. However, the performance of the ULBs has not been satisfactory, as the devolution of funds at the grassroots has not cascaded successfully.
Influence of Online Gambling on Construction Site Productivity in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Musa Shamsudeen, Abass Jimoh Owolabi There have been extreme issues of construction materials wastage and other serious matters as a result of ill productivity. Construction practitioners have found it difficult to learn from their mistakes, particularly with regards to the prevention, identification of influence of gambling as it affects productivity in construction industry. Yet, Online gambling have been the root cause of several catastrophic accidents that have resulted in the weak productivity and wastage of materials.
SCIENTIFIC RESEARH FOR EARTHQUAKE PROOF SUPPORT FOR UNDERGROUND[Full-Text ] B. K. SAMANTAThere is no cost-effective method for full extraction without subsidence, except partial extraction. Future reserves of coal and minerals are at depth, and mostly upper seams are water-logged. South African gold mines have been using Pipe-sticks as support. Among the high standard of earthquake resistant designs. new design concept of steel pipe-concrete composite pier exhibits not only high strength but reliance as well. The advantages of the S&T project are manifold, if proved successful both in tri-axial testing on Universal Testing Machine and field trials.
Comparative Study Between The Accuracy Of Dual And Single Frequency Precise Point Positioning[Full-Text ] Hani Yousuf, Mahmoud El-mewafi, Fawzi ZarzouraThe most ideal GNSS exactness, a couple of centimeters or better, is gotten by utilizing transporter stage estimations from double recurrence collectors. Be that as it may, single-recurrence beneficiaries can give decimeter precision at a diminished cost for the recipient and for the most part achieve this level of exactness substantially quicker than a double recurrence beneficiary does. The most ideal GNSS accu-shocking, a couple of centimeters or better, is gotten by utilizing bearer stage estimations from double recurrence collectors. How-ever, single-recurrence beneficiaries can give decimeter accu-shocking at a decreased cost for the beneficiary and by and large achieve this level of exactness significantly speedier than a double recurrence re-ceiver does. An essential thought with PPP is the ne-cessity to amend for different impacts that would somehow or another counterbalance in relative situating methods utilizing at least one collectors.
Face Recognition as a Genuine Technique in Electronic Voting[Full-Text ] Abhishek Jain, Ayush Srivastava, Amritesh patidarIn this research Face Recognition is proven to be an authentic technique for online voting. Online voting would allow the candidate to vote from any place in constituency or out of constituency. In this paper we present a secure two step technique which can be used for online voting.
Double Layer Encryption Algorithm Key Cryptography for Secure Data Sharing in Cloud[Full-Text ] Dr.D.Usha, M.SubbbulakshmiCloud technology is extremely beneficial and valuable in present new technological epoch, where a person uses the remote servers and the internet to provide and preserve data as well as applications. Such application in revolve can be used by the users via the cloud infrastructure without any installation. Moreover, the users’ data files can be accessed and manipulated from any other computer using the internet services. Despite the flexibility of data and application accessing and usage that cloud computing environments provide, there are many questions still coming up on how to achieve a trusted environment that guard application and data in cloud from unauthorized intruders.
Review Computing on Ontology Medical Diagnosis System[Full-Text ] Nudra Siddiqui, Rajesh kumar, Paras LalThis Customarily, doctors for the most part rely upon therapeutic learning. learned or procured through training to settle on a legitimate and proper choice in conclusion of maladies and influenced prescriptions. Acquiring and overseeing clinically significant data constitutes a noteworthy issue for doctors, for which the advancement of computerized instruments is regularly proposed as an answer. Notwithstanding, planning and executing fitting mechanized arrangements presumes learning of doctors' data needs. Progress in knowledge base systems and related Information Technology changed this situation by providing huge amount of medical information that can support physicians in the decision making. Integrating this great amount of information to retrieve the superlative results is however a demanding job.
Response of shape memory alloy against seismic force[Full-Text ] Akhila.V.S, Martina EdwardSeismic waves are produced due to earthquake and volcanic eruptions, which affect the human life in main ways. In this paper a study is conducted on SMA in reducing the effect of seismic force in a structure. The project focus on the structural performance of a beam and beam column joints equipped with steel plate and SMA tendons. The SMA connection specimens normally show excellent re-centring capability and moderate energy dissipation ability. The parameters analyzing will be the change in volume of steel plates and SMA tendons in case of beam and beam column joints, and a comparitative study was conducted by using different types of SMAs.. Here both the specimens were subjected to cyclic loading and the corresponding load displacement relationship of SMA specimens show satisfactory results.
Simulation modeling and analysis on improved modular end mill cutter, for manufacturing of large gears[Full-Text ] Irena Kirilova PetrovaThis article presents the results of conducted simulation research, imitating the real manufacturing conditions in which operates improved modular end mill cutter with hard-blade insert. Realized is a complex stress-strain test by finite element method, with reporting thermal and flow simulations. The tools are designed for finishing, medium and roughing machining operations of the evolvent profile of a large gears with a module m = 40mm.
Development of an Intelligent and Efficient Tracker System for Standalone Application using Arduino[Full-Text ] N. Ezukwoke, E.N Ajimah, S.I Ezichi and K.IkeaguEnergy from the sun is one of the most used renewable forms of energy as the alternative to the conventional energy source. So steps into the proper harvest of this naturally occurring energy become paramount. This work presents an intelligent Arduino processor tracking system which detects the solar angle of incidence using Light Dependent Resistors (LDR). This LDR is a light sensor interfaced to Arduino processor. This is programmed to detect the sunlight through the LDRs and then actuate the stepper motor to position the solar panel where it can receive maximum sunlight. Dual axis solar tracker extracts maximum solar energy levels due to its ability to align to the sun vertically and horizontally.
Interactive Projection Using 3D gesture Recognition[Full-Text ] Parth Panse, Chinmay Paranjape, Atharva Pore, Prof. Parth SagarGesture Recognition is the analysis of human ges- tures and interpreting the meaning behind them. While primarily modeled for eHCI, they also lend a helping hand in terms of iHCI. Gesture Recognition can be performed in various ways and by using various devices. The devices are broadly categorized as Input devices, which generally require user to hold or operate using a physical device, or they may be touchless devices which support natural gestures made by human motions. The proposed system provides a natural and intuitive way to interact with a projection using the principle of 3D Gesture Recognition. The system uses Skeleton Tracking in accordance with depth sensing, and the gestures are recognized in terms of the relative movements of the skeletal joints with respect to each other. Based on the gestures performed by the user, the system will perform the required action accordingly.
An Effective Public Key Cryptography Based on Factoring and Discrete Logarithm[Full-Text ] Dr. Khader M. Titi, Dr. Osama MarieAn effective and new scheme for public key cryptosystem is proposed. The system employs computations in Zn* where n is a composite modulus of three large prime numbers. There is similarity with the most widely used public key encryption scheme the RSA scheme regarding the mathematical background. Regarding calculation needs the new approach is unchangeable and it more efficient compare with the best known scheme, when measured with both public and private calculation.
Comparative Half Cell Potential and Concrete Resistivity Corrosion Probability Assessment of Embedded Coated Steel Reinforcement in Concrete Accelerated Environment[Full-Text ] Charles Kennedy, Philip Kpae. F. O, Watson OrueneThe study investigated corrosion probability level assessments of three different resins extracts of trees from dacryodes edulis, mangifera indica and moringa oleifera lam using half cell potential corrosion measurement, concrete resistivity measurement and tensile strength test to ascertain the surface condition of the mechanical properties of non-corroded, corroded and inhibited reinforcement coated thicknesses of 150µm, 250µm and 350µm specimens embedded in concrete, exposed to severe .
Comparative Corrosion Probability Variance of Non-Inhibited and Inhibited Reinforcement in Concrete and Exposed to Accelerated Medium Using Wenner Method[Full-Text ] Charles Kennedy, Gbinu Samuel Kabari, Bright AkobaThis research work examined the effectiveness in the utilization of three eco-friendly inorganic inhibitors tree extract exudates / resins of Symphonia globulifera linn, Ficus glumosa and Acardium occidentale l. Non-inhibited and inhibited reinforcements with exudates / resins of 150µm, 250µm and 350µm thicknesses were embedded in concrete slab with exposed sections, immersed sodium chloride solution and accelerated using Wenner four probe method.
The effect of developing the elements of landscape architecture in achieving Sustainability and human comfort[Full-Text ] L. S. Al-Jezawy, M.A. Elwazeer and W. H. SayedOver the last decade, fascination with the diagnosis of thermal comfort has increased because of environment changes and increased temperature stress in towns. The outdoor microclimate can be an important issue. There are various factors that determine the grade of outdoor Spots. On the other hand with car commuters, pedestrians are directly exposed to their immediate environment in conditions of variations of sun and shade, Changes in blowing wind quickness, and other characteristics. Thus, people Sensation of thermal comfort is greatly damaged by the local microclimate. So my objective of this search is achieving sustainable in outdoor space with measuring the temperatures, humidity and then measuring thermal human comfort from the biological and psychological aspect. And achieve the thermal human comfort in outdoor by using simulation programs.
THE NEGATIVE IMPACT OF GST ON INDIAN ECONOMY[Full-Text ] Mr. Gajanan Dhannu Rathod, Mr. Rakesh Kumar GST is a concept for the large confusion among common man. The main aim of this research paper is to explain the concept of the GST and its impact on Indian economy. In India, the idea of GST was contemplated in 2004 by the Task Force on implementation of the FRBM Act, 2003, named Kelkar Committee. GST is an indirect tax of government of India, having large negative impact on poor people, because, the theory of equality or ability to pay has been excluded in the tax system. Taxes should be straight, simple and essay, its means that the poor and the rich person should be taxed according to their income, which is lacking in the GST system of the government of India. Briefly, every person is liable to pay tax on output and is entitled to enjoy credit on input tax paid and tax should be only on the amount of value added.
Analytical Study of Environmental Impact Assessment for a Wastewater Treatment Plant in Sabratha Libya[Full-Text ] Ahmed F. Abugdera, Bashir M. Faris, Mabruk M AbugderhaWastewater treatment plants are considered to be of great importance in their establishment due to the potential danger they pose to the surrounding environment in the absence of technical foundations and capabilities or lack thereof at all stages of design, implementation, operation and maintenance. Environmental impact assessments (EIA) for wastewater treatment plants are conducted to guide the stages of project design, construction, wastewater distribution networks, training of operation and maintenance staffs and future expansions. Not doing it has negative effects that may reach the project penalization as in most wastewater treatment plants in Libya. This study is to assess the environmental impact of Sabratha wastewater treatment plant (SWWTP) to be constructed in Ruwaisa district, 13 km west of the city center.
An Overview of Emerging Global Market Challenges in Case of China[Full-Text ] Saeid Angouti, Prof. Hongbing YouNowadays, the emerging global market challenges have exposed the international relations such as political, financial, environmental factors, etc. It is one of the most effective points in the global market that can be improved by focusing on simplifying the government regulations for the importing and exporting rules. This makes it easier for Chinese companies operating in foreign countries in order to deal with the international cooperation. Therefore, these improvements cause saving the company time and money. In this study, we aim to overview the global market challenges by concentrating on the internal and external relations.
A review of Cybercrime in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Study Cameroon and Nigeria[Full-Text ] Regina Ekoa Mbella MungweSince the arrival of the internet in Sub-Saharan Africa, technology has emerged with different creations all over the continent. (for example, Automated Teller Machines (ATM), Communication Networks, Laptops and other cell phone devices). This has presented both opportunities for progress and exploitation for criminal activities. Countries like Cameroon and Nigeria have millions of people using the internet every day. Over 47.7% of Nigeria’s population and 25% of Cameroon’s population used the internet in 2017 (Internet World Stats: Internet Users in Africa, June 2017). The internet has provided a new arena for criminal activities in these two countries. Online scams and ATM hacks challenges the local notion of criminology, establishing contemporary methods of theft and crime in these countries.
A New High Speed 16x16 Vedic Multiplier[Full-Text ] Shauvik Panda, Dr. Alpana Agarwaln this paper, a novel architecture of Vedic multiplier with ‘Urdhava-Tiryakbhyam’ methodology for 16 bit multiplier and multiplicand is proposed with the use of three adders namely modified Kogge-Stone Adder, Carry Select Adder and Compressor Adders.
Dividend change and Future profitability[Full-Text ] Fakhr ullahThis study firstly, examines the relation between dividend changes and future profitability, calculated in terms of either upcoming income or abnormal income. Secondly, the information content of dividends hypothesis is considered in which dividend changes deliver information about the level of profitability in succeeding years, incremental to market and accounting data. The study shows that dividend changes are positively associated to earnings variations in later two years after the dividend change.
Independent Dominating Polynomial of Corona of Some Special Graphs[Full-Text ] Gilbert P. LonzagaConsider a graph G with vertex set V . A set S V is independent (or stable) if no two vertices in it are adjacent. The set S V is a dominating set if every vertex in V ô€€€ S is adjacent to a vertex of S.
Upper Cretaceous Sandstone, Petrography Paleoenvironment And Diagenesis Impact On Chemical Composition[Full-Text ] S.D.Abayazeed, A.M.Ibrahim, and D.A.SaadawyThe present paper deals with Upper Cretaceous sandstones of Gebel Qabiliyat area, aiming to study the sandstone petrographic characteristics (textural maturity and mineralogical classification of sandstones), paleoenvironment, diagenesis and their impact on sandstone chemical composition. Textural maturity study; shows that Upper Cretaceous sandstones have a textural maturity ranges from immature to sub-mature, but clustered mainly as sub-mature sandstones and these sub- mature sandstones were formed under relatively shallow neritic environments.
Variations in Morphological and Electrical Properties of Pb-doped CdS Thin Films Synthesized in Chemical Baths of Different Acidity[Full-Text ] A.I. OnyiaUsing chemical bath deposition technique, lead-doped cadmium sulphide thin films of different grades were synthesized in chemical baths of different pH in polyvinyl polymer matrix and the effects of controlled acidity of growth medium studied with emphasis on film morphology and resistivity. X-ray diffraction was used to obtain film structure while four point probe technique was applied to obtain film electrical resistivity to be between 64 Ωm and 105 Ωm. Good grades of Pb-doped CdS semiconductor were enabled within the polymer capping and the surface morphology revealed good film which orderliness improved with pH increase. Rutherford backscattering done on the film showed that pH values of growth bath determined elements percentage abundances with impurity level varying from 2.15 % to 2.19 %.
Fermentative characteristics of Leuconostoc mesenteroides ATCC 8293(T) in Palm (Borassus flabellifer) sap at different temperatures[Full-Text ] Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu, Ronald ValderInflorescence of palm tree (Borassus flabelliffer) is chopped to produce nutritionally rich palm sap early in the morning in several parts of India. Healthy palm sap drink becomes alcoholic beverage with sour to bitter taste due to the action of microbes with time and temperature. Hence a fermentative characteristic of one of such microbe, Leuconostoc mesenteroides ATCC 8293(T) in fresh palm sap that was sterilized at 60oC for 25 min was done so as to intervene the fermentation of palm sap by Leuconostoc mesenteroides ATCC 8293(T). Insignificant fermentation was observed beyond 60oC for 15 min in nutritionally rich palm sap.
Effect of time and temperature on the fermentation of Palm (Borassus flabellifer) sap by Saccharomy-ces cerevisiae isolate YN3[Full-Text ] Krishna Prasad Nooralabettu and Ronald ValderNutritionally rich palm sap tapped by chopping the inflorescence of palm tree (Borassus flabelliffer) is popular juice in several parts of India becomes heady with time due to fermentation. Effect of time and temperature on the fermentative characteristics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolates YN3 in fresh palm sap that was sterilized at 60oC for 25 minutes was studied to optimize the condition for intervention of fermentation. Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolates YN3 grown optimally at 60oC for 15 min with maximum alcohol production of 89.3g/L beyond which least degradative changes takes place in nutritionally rich palm sap.
Building Energy Performance Evaluation for an Office Complex in Nigeria[Full-Text ] A.O Ijaola, I.T Bello, J.B BabalolaThis study evaluates the building energy performance for an office complex with different building materials: block work material with a concrete slab as roof with a view to establishing energy performance as well as design variables that can be used to facilitate low energy building designs in Nigeria. This was achieved through energy-audit end use analyses from field work (empirical approach) and computer simulation. SAVISCAD software was used to conduct the computer simulation component of the research. The simulation involves evaluation of architectural design variables identified from design guidance for low energy buildings as well as design recommendations for tropical climates influence on building energy performance in Federal University of Technology, Akure. This study focuses on specific design recommendation with the aim of informing further office design regulations in Nigeria. The result indicates that block work material with a concrete slab as roof is not suitable for office designs because it has a high required cooling capacity of 1.61TR which is considered too high compared to other materials to achieve human comfort in an office complex.
Risk analysis of a fake access point attack against Wi-Fi network[Full-Text ] Ali M. Alsahlany, Alhassan R. Almusawy, Zainalabdin H. AlfatlawyWith the extensive use of Wi-Fi network, the fake AP attack has become a serious security issue to the Wi-Fi user. In this paper, the security threats for using the fake AP attack to spoof Wi-Fi users are analyzed and discussed. The experimental results show using the fake AP attack with DoS and MITM attack at the same time give the attacker's ability to sniff, capture, and analysis victim traffic. Also, some countermeasures of alleviation effect this attack is mentioned.
Adherence to Safety Practices in Engineering Workshop: NCAM as a Case Study[Full-Text ] Farounbi, A.J, Opadotun, O.O, and Bamidele, B.LEngineering practices expose workers to injuries in the course of execution of any project. Mishap which causes some injury to the person, damage to machines, tools and equipment, which results in loss of production, may be prevented by adherence to proper safety precautions. It involves all stakeholders within and outside the workshop. A good safety practice in an engineering workshop takes process that is aimed at a continuous improvement in health, environment and safety performance..
Elucidation on Abrasive Wear of Cast Iron and Alumina plus Calcia Stabilized Zirconia Composite Coatings[Full-Text ] Abhinav, Athul Pankaj P.K, Harikrishna C.A, Althaf Mohammed pp, Anand .V, Hamza Baig In the present investigation, an attempt has been made to develop a composite coating system that may be considered as a substitute for conventional cast iron liner used in internal combustion engines. The atmospheric plasma spray coating technique was used to achieve coatings. Specific wear rate and a wear mechanism of Cast Iron and composite coatings (ZrO2 ∙5CaO+ Al2O3) applied on CI of coating thickness 250 µm were discussed. In pursuit of this, an abrasive tribological test has been carried out as per ASTM G132 standard. The tests were conducted on commercial available Alcon abrasive medium and at different loading conditions viz. 5 N, 10 N, &15 N and at different sliding speed. Results found that the 250µm coating system is more desirable coating system compared to CI coating system since the specific wear rate continu-ously decreased with the increase of sliding speed and normal load and may be good for tribological applications. The detailed comparative study has been presented in this experimental work.
NURSE'S KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE REGARDING PREVENTION OF SURGICAL SITE INFECTION AT ALLIED HOSPITAL FAISALABAD[Full-Text ] Sadia Sadaf, MS. Shafqat Inayat, M. Afzal, Muhammad HussainSurgical site infection is one of the second most common healthcare-associated infection (DeShields, 2005; Diaz & Newman, 2015). It is an infection that occurs within 30 days after an operation causes redness, fever, pain and swelling. It is also one of the most imperative complications of a surgical intervention (Famakinwa, Bello, Oyeniran, Okhiah, & Nwadike, 2014). According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about 500,000 surgical site infections occur annually and account for 3% of surgical mortality, prolonged lengths of hospital stay, and increased medical costs (Diaz & Newman, 2015).