Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2017.
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Cost-benefit analysis of health infrastructure projects[Full-Text ] Stanley Jean-BaptisteThis paper presents the economic analysis supported by the investments of two health projects, one of which is to provide the 125 municipal regions with a Community Health Center (CCS) as outlined in the Essential Package of Services and the other that provides an extension of the mobile clinic project in the other five regions or the establishment of clinics in public schools. The main objective of these two projects is to improve access to health care and services for the target audience. These projects aim to achieve this goal through the establishment in the 125 sections that will focus on a primary attention and an attention to schoolchildren in public schools from the ages of 3-14.
CASE STUDY OF HIDING A TEXT USING VIDEO STEGANOGRAPHY[Full-Text ] Er. Gursukhmani, Er. Sugandha SharmaThe internet plays a key role in transferring information or data from one organization to another organization. But anyone can modify and misuse the valuable information through hacking at the time. Steganography plays a very important role in hiding the secret data or information inside the digitally covered information. The hidden message can be text, image, speech or even video .Steganography is a type of cryptography in which the secret message is hidden in a digital picture but here the message, as well as the fact that a secret communication is taking place, is hidden. The hided data can embedded in a video file and it can be extracted in a proper way. In this review paper hiding a Text in Image Using S-Tool has been described.