Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2017.
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Adsorption Efficiency of Chitosan-Coated Carbon for Industrial Effluent Treatment[Full-Text ] Aderonke Okoya , Similade AdeodunRemoval of heavy metals from industrial wastewater prior to discharge into the environment is essential to prevent pollution. The present study compared the efficiencies of flamboyant plant pod char (FPPC) with Chitosan modified flamboyant plant pod char (MFPPC) and Activated Carbon (AC) for the removal of Pb (II) and Cd (II) from aqueous solution. Presence of C, K, Ca, Mg, Al, Si, P and Cl were revealed by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (1.7 MeV Tandem Accelerator) as part of the constituent of the adsorbent while Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) reveal the morphology of the adsorbent.
Impact of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on the Performance of Deposit Money Bank in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Salihu Adam Jiddah, Adamu Mohammed Sani, Musa Idris Umar , Ibrahim Toro Lawal, Abba Kabir AlkantaraThis research seeks to examine the impact of CRM on the performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria between 1999 and 2013. The researchers uses OLS multiple regression to examine the impact of complaint management, timeliness in service delivery, security of money and ease of opening account on ROA, ROE and ROI of deposit money banks. The co-integration test carried out showed that there is the existence of long-term equilibrium relationship between CRM and deposit money banks performance. Furthermore, the result from the analysis showed that CRM had greatly impacted on ROA and ROI of deposit money banks. The models for ROA and ROI showed there is a significant relationship between CRM and deposit money bank performance, but the ROE model showed otherwise. reminiscent from the analysis therefore are that deposit money banks in Nigeria need to extend more branches to clustered areas and locations as a strategy of diversifying investment opportunities. This will enable the banks handle the timeliness in service delivery efficiently for maximization of ROE.
AN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT STRUCTURES BY BASE ISOLATION TECHNIQUES[Full-Text ] Ms.P.Pooraniya,V.Vishal Kanna,B.BalajiAn earthquake causes a great damage to the structure. It is very important to protect the structures from earthquake forces and it can be done by various methods. One of the methods is SEISMIC BASE ISOLATION. Base isolation is best technique to prevent or minimize damage to building during an earthquake disaster. The basic aim of seismic base isolation is to decouple the building structure from the damaging components of the earthquake motion and to prevent the super structure of the building from absorbing the earthquake energy.
Predicting Diabetes in Medical Datasets Using Machine Learning Techniques[Full-Text ] Uswa Ali Zia, Dr. Naeem KhanHealthcare industry contains very large and sensitive data and needs to be handled very carefully. Diabetes Mellitus is one of the growing extremely fatal diseases all over the world. Medical professionals want a reliable prediction system to diagnose Diabetes. Different machine learning techniques are useful for examining the data from diverse perspectives and synopsizing it into valuable information. The accessibility and availability of huge amounts of data will be able to provide us useful knowledge if certain data mining techniques are applied on it. The main goal is to determine new patterns and then to interpret these patterns to deliver significant and useful information for the users. Diabetes contributes to heart disease, kidney disease, nerve damage and blindness. So mining the diabetes data in efficient way is a crucial concern. The data mining techniques and methods will be discovered to find the appropriate approaches and techniques for efficient classification of Diabetes dataset and in extracting valuable patterns. In this study a medical bioinformatics analyses has been accomplished to predict the diabetes. The WEKA software was employed as mining tool for diagnosing diabetes. The Pima Indian diabetes database was acquired from UCI repository used for analysis. The dataset was studied and analyzed to build effective model that predict and diagnoses the diabetes disease. In this study we aim to apply the bootstrapping resampling technique to enhance the accuracy and then applying Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees and k Nearest Neighbors (kNN) and compare their performance.
A Methodology for Determination of Waste Heat and Water Recovery Potential from the Dryer Section of a Pulp and Paper Factory[Full-Text ] MebratuYisahak, Edessa Dribssa, Mukesh DidwaniaPulp and Paper factories consume large amount of thermal energy at their dryer sections forevaporation. Thevapor is released into a hood that covers all the drums of the dryer. Knowing the recoverable values of heat and condensate is essential for the design and/or selection of a proper waste heat recovery system and for the evaluation of its cost effectiveness. This paper presents a methodology developed to determine the amounts that could be recovered from the dryer section of a typical pulp and paper factory. It consists of a series of mathematical models established based on the laws of thermo-fluid dynamics and heat transfer, and that closely represent the various stages of the drying process. The series of equations, together with the actual measured operating parameters can be used for the calculation of the recoverable amounts of the two resources. The methodology was applied to one of the dryersof the Ethiopian Pulp and Paper Factory, and 930 kW thermal power and 1.26 m3/hr. condensate water werefound to be available for recovery. In other words 72.6% of the heat supplied by the steam to the dryer can be recovered. Therefore, it can be concluded that the method is very useful for addressing the issues of energy and water efficiency of paper factories.
EFFECT OF FOAMING AGENTS ON CRUDE OIL SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Udeagbara, S.G, Fakorede, O. Ogiriki, S.O. Afolabi F. SThis report entails the study of the effect of foaming agents on the physio-chemical properties of crude oil system; the report investigated if the addition of such foaming agents can improve production and also determines the properties of the crude oil with respect to the foaming agents used. The properties investigated are density, Specific gravity, API gravity, viscosity, Surface tension and Pour point before and after the addition of the foaming agents. The foaming agents were found to increase the density, viscosity and specific gravity of crude oil and decreases API gravity, surface tension, pour and cloud point of crude oil.
Prediction of Surface Roughness using an Artificial Neural Network in Turning Al based Metal Matrix Composite with coated carbide insert[Full-Text ] Israt sharmin, Rafath sharmin, N.R. DharSurface roughness is considered as one of the most important parameters in the industrial field. In the present study, a model has beendeveloped using the artificial neural network to predict surface roughness for turning of 5052 Aluminium alloy matrix reinforced with 15% Silicon Carbide (SiC). Different values of cutting speed and feed rate have been considered as input variables under both dry and wet condition to obtain the desired surface roughness as output. Lowest MSE (0.0052) has been found under wet condition while using 19 neurons and log-sigmoid transfer function in the hidden layer. A feed forward multi-layer neural network having 2-19-1 structure has been selected as the optimum network. The correlation coefficient, R=0.997 proves the ability of the model to predict accurately. The impact of input variables (cutting speed, feed rate, and cutting condition) on surface roughness is analyzed by graphical representation. Finally, the model can be used to predict surface roughness in different cutting condition and will help to find out the behavior of surface roughness under various cutting variables.
Borderline Monitoring System of Surveillance TankUsing Android[Full-Text ] Muhammad Chattal Solangi, Fayaz Ali Dharejo, Abdul Ghafar Abro, .Saramad Ali Junejo, Majid Ali TunioSince decades, it is witnessed that the border security is entirely based on the human factors (i.e), security and surveillance of the countries borderlines is conducted by military force and security agencies. Many innocent people killed daily due to horrible terrorist attacks at the borders. In spite of all measures taken by defense military force intruders still can cross the borders to destroy the important properties. In this case a full coverage of the borderline through police or military patrol requires a considerable number of patrols and support staff. Increasing the number of police or military patrols, supported mainly on human factor directly affects the risks of the life as well as the growth of the cost, so a full control of the borderline in this way is very troublesome. To solve this problem, we have designed a surveillance tank vehicle which can communicate with a smartphone. By using Wi-Fi this tank can be operated within a specific range and by sending different commands though a cell phone, instead of involving the risk for military force’s. This tank can be used for spying at restricted areas, research, security, temperature measurement, metal detection, obstacles detection, and traffic control. The designed system features all the capabilities of controlling a system with a smartphone’s single click. The motion of the tank can be controlled with an Android device and the tank can move in four different directions (i.e., forward, backward, turn left, and turn right). The tank is also equipped with a camera that provides a live video of surroundings on a cell phone screen so, the system has efficiency to receive the live video streaming in real time for this I.P Camera (Foscam FI8918W) is used.
A SOFTWARE PROTOTYPE FOR OBJECT DETECTION AND RECONGNITION FOR UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES (UAVs) IN NIGERIA [Full-Text ] Iduh Blessing Nwamaka, Prof. Anigbogu Sylvanus. OkwudiliThis research work was done in order to examine the software processes involved in the creation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. As software capabilities advances, it becomes incumbent on software engineers to device systems that are able to respond to complex situations in ways that humans cannot. Using computer vision as source of environmental data, this work tends to show the steps involved in the software workings of UAVs. The objective of this work thus, is to devise a software that can make an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) to function. At the end of the work, the new system was able to identify a target based on some given specifications and it was also able to figure out the target amongst other images surrounding it. The programming languages used includes; Python, Open Computer Vision (OpenCV), Matlab plotting Library (Matplotlib) and cMake. These programming languages were integrated to achieve this work.
Evaluation and Transport Demand Forecasting through Modeling in Anamorava Region[Full-Text ] Ramadan Duraku, Vaska Atanasova, Nikola KrstanoskiThis paper addresses the current situation of traffic demand in the road transport network of Anamorava Region as well as forecasting the future of transport with the aim to develop sustainable transportation and its integration to the main transport network in Kosovo. The main objective is to build a suitable model that fulfills transport demand in the future through modeling in his region. The model is built using main variables like residential, employment, work places and traffic flow data. Macro simulation software VISUM is used, in which after calibration process transport demand forecasting can be used. In modeling transport demand forecasting except variables, different variants as alternative options were taken into consideration in comparison to the current road network version. Evaluation is made by the levels of service, accessibility and reductions of travel times. In this regard, optimal variants were selected. The study is also conducted applying a methodology which includes different methods such as: inductive and deductive, analyse and synthese, history, comparative, maps, simulation method etc.
Optimized Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Downlink LTE Networks[Full-Text ] Preethi Pattabiraman, P.PrittoPaulThe release 8 of 3rd Generation Partnership Project which marked the beginning of Long Term Evolution, implemented a lot of novel and efficient changes to the physical layer of the communication networks. By implementing Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing for downlink channels, it brought an inherent efficiency in communication. But packet scheduling algorithms which are implemented at the eNodeB, actually allocates resources to the User Equipment based on different parameters like Channel Quality Index, Quality of Service, Quality of Experience, throughput are used in the packet scheduling algorithms. Analyzing the usage of buffers at both the ends of eNodeB and User Equipment will still improvise the performance of Packet Scheduling algorithms. This paper aims to propose a novel Packet Scheduling methodology that assigns priorities to the User Equipment based on the queue overflow probability and the residual energy of the user equipment. Modified Adaptive Resource Allocation algorithm proposes to improvise the system throughput, packet delivery ratio and reduce delay. This is then compared with existing algorithms.
Performance Study of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols in IEEE 802.15.4[Full-Text ] Sahana.S, Jyothi.V., and Devaraju.J.TIn present industrial automation scenario, the technologies for wireless communication, sensing, and computation is progressing at faster rates, bringing considerable improvements in a wide spectrum of modern technologies. A new standard IEEE 802.15.4 has been uniquely designed to suit personal area wireless networks requirement consuming low power, provides low data rate and low cost. In this paper, the performance of the Ad Hoc routing protocols AODV, LAR and ZRP are compared and studied using Qualnet 5.0.2.Network Simulator under various CBR connections with various metrics like throughput, total number of bytes received, average jitter, end-to-end delay, and packet delivery ratio successfully routed to their destination.
Synthesis and Characterization of Cadmium Doped Nickel Ferrite (Ni0.6Cd0.4Fe2O4) Nanoparticles and its Optical Properties[Full-Text ] Sandhya Singh, Gaurav Hitkari, G. PandeyCd-Ni ferrite nanoparticles with a composition of Ni0.6Cd0.4Fe2O4 have been successfully prepared via simple coprecipitation technique using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution is used as a precipitating agent. The structural and optical properties of the samples were studied using Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), Fourier transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FITR), Uv-visible spectroscopy (Uv-vis), and Fluorescence spectroscopy (FL) measurements. The PXRD analysis of all the samples shows the cubic phase without any impurity peaks. The average particle sizes were calculated by Scherrer’s formula. The SEM image shows the agglomeration and flakes type nanoparticles with many void spaces due to exhaust of gases. EDX analysis is used for the elemental analysis of prepared samples (Cd, Ni, Fe, and O). FTIR spectra of the samples show the nature of the chemical bond between metal oxygen bonds (M-O). Uv-vis and FL spectra is used for the band gap calculation and its optical properties.
Modeling, Design and Implementation of High Gain Boost Converter with Voltage-mode Control for PV Systems[Full-Text ] Shubham Goyal, Mukti BaraiThis paper presents modeling, design and implementation of a high gain boost DC-DC converter with voltage mode control for PV systems. Small signal model of the converter is developed from average state space analysis to obtain a control to output transfer function. A simple voltage mode analog controller is designed to regulate the output voltage of the converter. The operation of the converter under both steady state and transient state are validated experimentally. A hardware prototype of 50 Watt, 200V output voltage, 20kHz boost converter with an input of 12V is developed. The output voltage of dc-dc boost converter is regulated over a wide range of load variation (from 56% to 108% of full load).
Automatic Detection of Human's Lung Nodules Using an Optimal Gray Level Threshold[Full-Text ] Hanan M. Amer, Hamdi A. A. Elmikati, Fatma E.Z. Abou-Chadi, Sherif S. Kishk and Marwa I. ObayyaThe objective of the paper is to present an automatic detection framework for the segmentation of human's lung and pulmonary nodule candidates (nodules, blood vessels) with high accuracy. The proposed framework is based on an automatic segmentation of the lungs followed by an automatic segmentation of the pulmonary nodules using a two-level thresholding technique based on an optimal gray level threshold incorporated with the morphological operations that lead to complete segmentation of lungs and good localized of the pulmonary nodule candidates. To assess the performance of the segmentation results, the proposed algorithm was applied to a number of standard Computed Tomographic (CT) images available through an early lung cancer action project (ELCAP) association. The applied images consists of 40 CT scans contains 320 region of interest (ROI). The results were compared with those obtained from other three previously published algorithms and showed that the proposed framework gives the highest accuracy and helps to increase the speed of the Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) systems.
The Set Ordering Method for Scoring the Outcomes of Testing in Computerized Adaptive Testing[Full-Text ] Simon Razmadze, Mariam Razmadze, Tornike RazmadzeThe given paper discusses an original method of the evaluation of outcomes of adaptive testing in the case of the strategy of the multilevel testing. The multiplicity/set of the outcomes of testing consists of atypical different-dimensional elements. The given paper defines the criteria of their comparison, describes the principles of ordering of the given multiplicity and draws the getting of a final score. The criterion of ordering of the outcomes of testing may not be the only option. The given paper illustrates this fact through a comparative discussion of two samples. An original procedure of testing is used for the presentation of the essence of the method. The given procedure is aimed to be illustrative, because a described method of assessment can be used for similar strategies. The next direction of the research implies the preparation of a new paper, which will show the usage of a method that is described in the given paper for the already-known approaches of a computerized adaptive testing.
Single-Stage PV grid-connected system with three level diode clamped inverter and Hysteresis current controller[Full-Text ] Rasha Kamel El Tantawy,Shawky Hamed Arafah, Salah Ghazy RamadanMultilevel inverters are good solution for high power photovoltaic grid-connected systems with medium voltage. This paper presents a Single-stage photovoltaic grid-connected system with three level diode clamped inverter based on Hysteresis current controller technique. Besides the proposed Perturb and observe maximum power point tracking to guaranty maximum power from photovoltaic systems Compatible with Single-stage photovoltaic grid-connected system. The Hysteresis current controller with three level inverter that is to improves the dynamic performance of photovoltaic grid-connected system (decrease overshoot, settling time and steady state error) compared with two level inverter. Moreover the total harmonic distortion of the current injected to the grid is decreased andimproveing the power quality. The simulation is done using Matlab-Simulink Sim Power Systems.
The Risk of Infectious Diseases Associated with Birth-weight: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis[Full-Text ] Seun S. Anjorin and Stephen B. OjeifoBirth-weight, a proxy indicator of intrauterine growth and development, has been reported to be linked to immune functions in later life. The relationship has only been assessed by individual studies with some conflicting reports. Therefore, this study carried out a systematic review, with meta-analysis, to generate evidence on the possible relationship between birth weight and risk of infectious diseases in later life.
Enhancing the Attraction of Male Oriental Fruit Flies (Bactrocera spp.) to Methyl Eugenol Using Low Cost Plastic Bottle Colored Traps in Pummelo Orchard (Citrus maxima), Davao Province, Philippines [Full-Text ] Larry V. Aceres and Renerio P. DualloFruit flies are considered the most important pests of many fruits in the Philippines particularly the high-valued fruit crop pummelo. Hence, management of the pest is deemed necessary for higher pummelo production. In the Philippines, chemical control is commonly the management strategy against pest but its use must be reduced due to adverse impact to the environment and brought ill effects to humans and animals. Hence, exploration of alternative control in consideration of the pest’s behavior was highlighted from this study. The purpose is to reduce fruit fly number through attraction using olfaction (parapheromones) and visual (colored traps) methods. This study sought to explore the efficacy of colored and non-colored traps with methyl eugenol in luring fruit flies from two pummelo orchards at the University of Southeastern Philippines (USeP) Mabini, Compostela Valley Province and San Vicente, Asuncion, Davao del Norte, Philippines. The experiment was arranged following the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) having eight treatments replicated three times.
Enhancing Tracking Performance Parameters of Induction Motor Based on PI-PSO Algorithm[Full-Text ] M. M. Abd-Elsalam, M. S. Elkasas, S. F. Saraya, A. H. AwadThis paper proposes high performance Vector Control to improve the dynamic performance of induction motor. Parameter changes and mechanical interruption may affect the system stability. Systems are unable to overcome these types of error; we need to design a smart controller.The main objective of this work is to improve the speed response of IM at different load and speed conditions. Proportional-Integral (PI) controller based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique is used to design such controller. External disturbances were applied to the system to verify the effectiveness of the controller.
TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENTS IN THE MIDDREX PROCESS[Full-Text ] Abhilasha Gulhane, Gaurav KumarThis paper presents an overview of the history of the technical developments in MIDREX process, as well as the latest developments in this field. The conventional way of iron and steel making consumes high fuel and even causes emission of carbon dioxide. They face problems in utilizing old scraps. MIDREX process is the new emerging technique to produce iron and steel, which demands less fuel, accepts scrap and is environment friendly. The production of direct reduced iron has been continuously increasing by this method due to advanced technologies. Technical development in this process has lead to fulfillment of market needs.
Appropriateness of financial analysis framework in performance evaluation: A literature based review on IT industry[Full-Text ] Damith GangodawilageIn the twenty first century digital disruption commodities the business model. Companies in digital era less rely on physical assets and increasingly adopting intangible assets – such as brand, customer relationship, intellectual property and human capital, become value drivers in business. Evaluating the business performance of such companies using traditional accounting measures become irrelevant. Hence, it shows that there is a requirement of industry driven measures to assess the performance of digital business. Existing literature argues that accounting-based financial analysis assess the economic reality of firms while knowledge-based analysis focus value relevance in performance measurement framework. This paper review the extent literature on performance evolution of firms to connect theory into practice by sourcing the published evidence with special reference to firms in IT Industry. Findings of this review and propositions suggested by the author provides future direction for researchers to find appropriate financial analysis framework for firms operate in IT industry.
IDENTIFY THE FACTORS OF MEDICATION ERROR AMONG PATIENTS IN FIC HOSPITAL FAISALABAD[Full-Text ] Sadaf Mahmood, Co-Author: Shafqat InayatIn the present medicinal services setting persistent wellbeing and counteractive action is one of the fundamental pointers of social insurance administrations. Patients' wellbeing is controlled by medical attendants' part in the clinic since they are bleeding edge People and more familiar bedside nursing care than some other wellbeing work force in the healing center. Prescription is a mind boggling procedure and it includes the patient and the human services experts at different levels. There are a few inclining variables for the event of solution mistakes beginning from ill-advised medication choice to blunders in organization strategy by the medicinal services suppliers. A few strategies can be utilized to identify the event of mistakes. Medicine mistakes are basic in Emergency, Operation theatres and ICU (pubmed, 2013). 2-In healing facilities, pharmaceutical blunders happen at a rate of around one for each patient for every day (AJHP, 2016). The Study is to "Recognize THE FACTORS OF MEDICATION ERROR AMONG PATIENTS IN FIC HOSPITAL FAISALABAD" The motivation behind this review is to keep patients from drug blunder and their consequences for strength of the patients and medical caretakers will likewise realize that how they can enhance their nature of care of nursing. A Quantitative cross sectional review configuration would be utilized to answer the distinguished inquiries with respect to this review which was set up by me to recognize the issue as indicated by title of venture. The information dissected utilizing SPSS variant 16. Clear measurements would be performed to break down information.
Evaluation of White Silica Sands in North Eastern Desert, Egypt[Full-Text ] Hesham A.H. Ismaiel, Mohamed M. Askalany and Ali I. AliThere are about sixteen occurrences of white silica sand in Egypt; however there is no self-sufficiency in white silica sand for hydraulic fracturing, water filtration and some other industrial applications due to the lack of integrated evaluation. Also many workers have been conducted for the up-grading of white silica sand. Nevertheless, most of these workers evaluate and beneficiate these sands as glassmaking sand only, therefore the main objective is to characterize white silica sand from north eastern desert of Egypt and finds out its possible industrial applications. Twenty six representative sandstone samples as well as three head samples were collected from three sections along the study area from Wadi Qena and Somr El- Qaa formations to carry out an integrated evaluation, which includes a whole range of laboratory tests and analytical procedures to study the physical, the mineralogical, and the geochemical properties. The characterization reveals that the grain size distribution, grains morphology, mineral and chemical composition of the studied samples are suitable for the specification of many industries such as glassmaking, abrasive, water filtration, building products, chemicals and Semiconductors industries; as dug or with some essential beneficiation processes such as sizing and classification to produce the required size gradation, attrition scrubbing or chemical leaching to iron oxide-clay coating removal and flotation to heavy mineral elimination.
Stacking Sequence and curing Temperature Effect on Natural Frequency of Hybrid fiber Reinforced Composite Laminate[Full-Text ] Dr. Hakim Saeed Muhammed, Luay Muhammed Ali IsmaeelIn this work, a multi-lamina hybrid fiber reinforced structure was statically and harmonically analyzed for the purpose of studying theeffect of stacking sequence, curing limit upon induced stresses and natural frequency of free longitudinal in-plane vibrations. The effect of boundary conditions of the structure on the natural frequency under free longitudinal vibration due to the tension was also studied. The laminate was suggested to be composed of 4 layers and subjected to a tensile force with thermal load represented by curing the structure at a temperature of 240 oC, then it is cooled to a temperature of 23℃. Two stacking layouts are suggested (0o/90o /0o/90o and 0o/90o/90o/0o) in order to investigate their effects on the natural frequency. The software of FEAANSYS v.14 is taken to manipulate the project data. A comparison between numerical results obtained from the software and theoretical ones obtained from the analytical solution based on Generalized Hooke's Law and classical lamination theory was made for the purpose of results verification. Good convergence was found between the two sets of results referred to above.
Dream Trend - Sex Tourism Path to Explore the Secrets of Love[Full-Text ] SuhasRajaguruSex tourism is one of the world’s most controversial Trend. While it contribute enormous revenue by condemning the two main issues - trafficking of women and children exist. Despite this, little research has examined the motivation of sex tourists. The purpose of writing this Paper is to develop an understanding of the sex tourism phenomenon and, more specifically, to explore actual concept of sex Tourism by defeating the myths about it in the industry.
Radioactive Source Security Plan for Central Radioactive Waste Processing and Storage Facility (CWPSF), AERE, Savar, Dhaka[Full-Text ] S Paul ,M B Shohag, K Fatema , S M Shome,M Begum, M A Haydar and D Paul Security of radioactive sources has been an issue since the earliest days of safety regulation of such materials. Since the events of September 11, 2001, some governments and regulatory bodies have been much more focused on these issues and have introduced extensive and enhanced security arrangements. In response to a resolution by the IAEA General Conference in September 2002, the IAEA has adopted an integrated approach to protection against nuclear terrorism. This approach coordinates IAEA activities concerned with the physical protection of nuclear material and nuclear installations, nuclear material accountancy, detection and response to trafficking in nuclear and other radioactive material, the security of radioactive sources, and the promotion of adherence by States to relevant international instruments. CWPSF, HPRWMU and the GTRI have worked together to design a security system to enhance the physical protection of radiological materials located at CWPSF, in support of Russian regulations for the security of radioactive sources. The security upgrades have been designed to accommodate the site-specific conditions to maximize security and minimize operational impacts.
Modeling Water Demand and Supply for Future Water Resources Management[Full-Text ] Daniyal Hassan, Rakhshinda Bano, Steven. J. Burian, and Kamran AnsariSustainable water resources management is challenging when a region suffers from scarcity and experiences increasing anthropogenic water demand. The Lower Indus Basin is one of the most arid regions in South Asia. Various kinds of water users (i.e., rural, urban, subsistence and commercial irrigated agriculture) are present. The growing population, climate change, and the need to meet minimum flow requirements are leading to future water resources management conflicts in an already water-stressed area. Being able to assess the ability of the catchment to satisfy potential water demands is crucial to planning and making wise decisions about water use and distribution. The Water Evaluation and Planning System (WEAP) software has been widely used to analyze complex water resources systems and to examine supply and demand management strategies. In this study, a scenario analysis approach is used in WEAP, to assess the impacts of water demands and supplies on the water resources of the Lower Indus River in Sindh in the future. For each scenario, the water resource implications were compared to a 2015 “baseline.†The model analyzed water demands and reliability in these scenarios, to help comprehend potential problems and devise water management strategies.
MR IMAGE CLASSIFICATION USING WKNN AND E-LTrP[Full-Text ] Priya C. Nair, Dr. G. SuganthiImage classification is one of the important steps in image annotation. Features extracted from the image serves as the base for image classification. For medical images local features have more discriminative power than global features. Enhanced Local Tetra Patterns (E-LTrP) of medical images are extracted for constructing the feature set of training images together with the perceptual features. But matching features with base images alone does not have good outcome in the context of image annotation. Hence images need to be further classified using a classifier. This paper compares the outcome of results without a classifier and using a classifier. Two types of classification employed in annotation are supervised and unsupervised. The method employed in this work is supervised image classification using Weighted K-NN classifier and classification using E-LTrP features.
Minimum Spanning Tree using Heap[Full-Text ] Maumita Chakraborty,Rahul Singh, Ruchi MehtaMinimum spanning trees are one of the most important primitives used in graph algorithms. They ï¬nd applications in numerous ï¬elds ranging from taxonomy to image processing to computer networks. In this paper, we present a different approach or algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree (MST) for large graphs based on boruvka’s algorithm. We analyze the CPU timing of the algorithm and compare it with the existing algorithms of finding MST under certain assumptions. Finally, we compare the performance of the three algorithms on a set of graph instances.
Performance Study of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols in IEEE 802.15.4[Full-Text ] Sahana.S, Jyothi.V., and Devaraju.J.T.In present industrial automation scenario, the technologies for wireless communication, sensing, and computation is progressing at faster rates, bringing considerable improvements in a wide spectrum of modern technologies. A new standard IEEE 802.15.4 has been uniquely designed to suit personal area wireless networks requirement consuming low power, provides low data rate and low cost. In this paper, the performance of the Ad Hoc routing protocols AODV, LAR and ZRP are compared and studied using Qualnet 5.0.2.Network Simulator under various CBR connections with various metrics like throughput, total number of bytes received, average jitter, end-to-end delay, and packet delivery ratio successfully routed to their destination.
Sustainable Concrete Utilizing Industrial By-Products - Research Review[Full-Text ] Najamuddin Syed Khaja, Imran Ali SyedConcrete is most widely used material around the globe construction purpose. Due to expanding vision of growth in construction sector the demand for concrete is increasing day by day. Portland cement is the main constituent of concrete, it is used as binder. Manufacturing of cement increases with increase in the demand for concrete. But the major issue with cement is its contribution to greenhouse gases. CO2 has major contribution in greenhouse gases and that leads to global warming and climate change. Almost 1000 kg of cement generates 900 kg of CO2. To meet the increasing demand of construction sector and achieve the reduction in emissions, alternative cementitious materials have to be utilized. This can be achieved by replacing cement with supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) generating from industry as by-product or available natural resources. Cement Kiln Dust (CKD), Lime stone powder (LSP), Electric arc furnace dust (EAFD), Heavy Oil fuel Ash (OA) and Silico Manganese slag (SiMn), are few industrial by-products that can be utilized in replacing cement from concrete and also benefitting industry with safe disposal of waste, both these leads to sustainable growth. This paper reviews the work of researchers in using SCM as partial replacement of cement for concrete.
Digital Implementation of PID Controller for Temperature Control[Full-Text ] PrachiRusiaIn this paper, design scheme for implementation of digital PID controller using FPGA based microcontroller core is presented for temperature control system. The differential equation includes different controller gains, required to be tuned for desired output response. Usually PID control is much used for second or higher order systems. On the other hand, PI and PD controllers are preferred for first order systems. Here controller is implemented to fulfill the demand of achieving and maintaining the temperature of an Al plate to the desired set point temperature with control precision better than 0.1ï‚°C, acceptable rise time and settling time. In implementation load used is a first order system as it has single heat transfer element. For FPGA implementation of PID, VHDL is used for code development. Microcontroller core is used for configuring and interfacing to peripherals using C. Libero IDE is used to develop, simulate, synthesis and place & route the design.
DESIGN AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON HIGH STRENGTH CONCRETE USING FLYASH AND SILICA FUME[Full-Text ] Awadhesh Kumar, Raunak RathoreThis study presents the design and results of experimental work on compressive strength and workability of High Strength Concrete (HSC) using flyash and silica fume as mineral admixtures following guidelines of IS: 10262-2009. The aim of study was to design high strength concrete having compressive strength of above 90 MPa and good workability by varying percentage of two different mineral admixtures.
Managing Sales Force Turnover - A review on models and challenges encountered by FMCG Companies in Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] NuwanWimalanaThis study is to provide an understanding to the HR and Sales Management of the medium and large scale FMCG companies in Sri Lanka to identify some of the researched models and how those models have been implemented by the industry to mitigate the high Sales Force turnover which is hampering their business.
Tobacco use in India: An Epidemic of Smoking, Chewing and Snuffing[Full-Text ] Maneesha Gaur This is the review paper specifically touching upon the comprehensive aspects of general pattern of tobacco usage in India. The information on prevalent tobacco habits in India, health hazards and environmental hazards due to tobacco use, passive smoking and its impact, economics of tobacco, legislation to control tobacco in India, the tobacco cessation services and the way ahead for effective tobacco control are discussed. Tobacco use in India is as old as Indian civilisation and was very strongly embedded in Indian culture. Smoking among youth is in vogue due to slackening of stranglehold of rigid and orthodox Indian traditional behavioural diktats. Tobacco usage in India has gone through the ages and now exists in many forms – chewing, snuffing and smoking. Tobacco is a preventable cause of death and accounts for maximum number of killing after road accidents. This global epidemic kills more people than tuberculosis and malaria together. Understanding the tobacco problem in India, focusing more on measures and investigating the impact of sociocultural diversity and effectiveness of various modalities of tobacco control should be our priority.
Microwave Synthesis of some Substituted Hydrazones under Solvent - Free Conditions[Full-Text ] Harith M. Al-Ajely and Aymen N. YassenHydrazide of oxobenzotriazine (4) was synthesized from its corresponding esters. This hydrazide was then allowed to irradiate with various substituted benzaldehydes under solvent-free conditions forming new hydrazone compounds (5-10). The advantage of this work is to develop new synthetic route of hydrazones which is environmentally and economically desirable. The formation of all compounds were confirmed by analytical and spectral (1H NMR, 13C NMR, mass & IR) methods.