Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2017.
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Assessment of thePhysico-chemical Characteristics of drinking water in Obajana, Kogi State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Agene,J.I. and Haruna,A.I.To better assess the quality of drinking water around Obajana Kogi State Nigeria, certainphysic-chemical factors such as pH, temperature, conductivity, total dissolve solids (TDS) and depth to static water level (DSWL) were considered. These factors were determined insitu with standard measuring devices for both wet and dry seasons. The DSWL is a direct function of ground water movement. The water table contour overlaid on a slope map of the area shows great correlation as water is seen to move from zones of steep slope to relatively flat land. The results indicates more chemical interaction of elements during the dry seasons due to higher temperatures and more dissolved solids in groundwater during the wet season probably attributed to weathering intensity. The physico-chemical analyses carried out shows low to medium PH value around 5.1 to 8.1 indicating slightly acidic to alkaline environment which is in the acceptable WHO range for drinking water.
A Survey of various Online Transaction Applications & Security[Full-Text ] Md Nadeem Ahmed, Prof Dr Mohd HussainDue to rapid development in the field of Internet application, protection of these data is an important issue during the transmission from one end to another end i.e. between sender and receiver especially in web based applications like Online Transaction and E-commerce. Since various techniques are implemented to provide security and authentication to online transactions. Here in this paper various techniques that are implemented for the security and authentication of E-Commerce applications are discussed and analyzed their various advantages and issues in the technique. The various issues or limitations in the existing technique can be removed, hence a complete survey and their advantages and issues is analyzed here so that on the basis of their various advantages and limitations a new and efficient technique is implemented in future. For the betterment of the Security of Online Applications Two Factor based authentication techniques are implemented so that security from various attacks can be possible. Smartphone now a days are very common to everyone and it is widely accepted. It is used for e banking application almost all confidential data is stored in Smartphone which leads to sophisticated attack like eurograbber which happens through mobile botnet installation.
Curcumin nanoparticles: The journey so far[Full-Text ] Sonia Tyagi, and Javed Abrar FarooqiExtensive scientific research on Curcumin demonstrates a wide spectrum of therapeutic effects such as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antitumor, antispasmodic and hepatoprotective. The clinical effects of curcumin have been known for centuries but are reduced due to its poor bioavailability and aqueous solubility. The studies have indicated that curcumin taken orally has poor absorption and poor bioavailability which severely limits its clinical utility. The various nanoformulations prepared have contributed to improve its bioavailability and aqueous solubility, thereby resulting in opening doors for the clinical applications in the field of treatment of various diseases, especially cancer.
The investigation of precisionof installation pieces of cylindrical gears in the process of rolling gear shaving[Full-Text ] Bakhtiyor Teshayevich MardonovIn this article there is given the analysis of the friction process on contact surfaces of the rotary cutting tool as well as theoretically demonstrated possibility of friction management by changing the geometry of the tool.
ADAPTIVE PRIORITY BASED SCHEDULING ALGORITHM FOR INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC CONTROL IN URBAN CITIES USING MULTI-AGENT SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Ajibo Augustine C., Igboeli Chukwudi, Juliana Nwachi-Ikpo Ahaneku Mamilus A.Efficient management of traffic flow in agglomerate cities has been a subject of great concern in the recent time. The continuous variations of vehicular flow and the need to dynamically prioritize emergency service vehicles (ESVs) contribute greatly to this challenge. Adaptive traffic control systems usually referred to as Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs) have been adopted in most urban cities to remedy this challenge.
Influence of Job Analysis Program on Employees: A Study on Selected Companies of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Abdullah Mohammad Sharif, Md. Mobarak KarimThe aim of this study is to reveal employee perception and importance of job analysis program on selected organizations such as Drug international limited, Liberal IT, OTS Limited, Global Brand PVT. Ltd., Dhaka Bank Ltd., Mercantile Bank Securities Ltd., Digi Jadoo etc. Mainly primary data were used to collect information. A structured questionnaire was made for this purpose. Respondents were asked to fill in the self administered questionnaire. Secondary source includes books, articles and website etc. The concept of job analysis is not a popular one in our local organizations. As a result, employees had a negative idea about job analysis. But they appraised the program after attending enthusiastically. The program helped participants to identify job duties and responsibilities properly, making them aware of their career development. To keep up employees energetic and participative, job analysis has to be conducted regularly.
Isolation, identification and characterization of Listeria monocytogenes, potential pathogens and spoilage microorganisms from temperate seafood[Full-Text ] Ngozi IzuchukwuSeafood permits the transmission of many bacterial pathogens. Vibrio spp., Enterobacteriaceae representatives, aerobic heterotrophic bacteria and Listeria monocytogenes were isolated from commercially prepared smoked and fresh Atlantic salmon, smoked and fresh haddock, live mussels and oysters collected from local shops in Central Scotland using selective media and tryptone soya agar (TSA). Isolates were identified using API 20E, API-50CH and16S rDNA-targeted PCR method. Vibrio spp. occurred in high densities (>106 CFU g¯1) in mussels. Enterobacteriaceae representatives were recorded at 2.2 x 106 CFU g¯1 and 2.0 x 106 CFU g¯1 in fresh salmon and smoked haddock, respectively. Total heterotrophic counts in fresh salmon, live mussels and oysters reached 107, 107 and 106 CFU g¯1, respectively. Listeria monocytogenes was recorded at 5.0 x 104 CFU g¯1 in mussels. In total sixty one bacterial isolates were recovered from the seafood examined. The results revealed 19 genera of bacteria, i.e. Acinetobacter, Aerococcus, Aeromonas, Bacillus, Brochothrix, Carnobacterium, Citrobacter, Corynebacterium, Enterobacter, Escherichia coli, Moraxella, Micrococcus, Pseudomonas, Psychrobacter, Serratia, Shewanella, Staphylococcus, Vibrio and Listeria. The prominent characteristics of fish spoilage isolates were demonstrated by the ability of the isolates to reduce trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) to trimethylamine, and to produce Hâ‚‚S. The spoilage organisms revealed the ability to produce hydrolytic enzymes.
A Review Performance of Different Shaped Fins Using In a Gas Turbine Airfoils[Full-Text ] L.Rajeshwar Rao, S.S.K Deepak In a gas turbine airfoil cylindrical pin fin have been utilized extensively for internal cooling but in a past few decade lots of efforts have been made by different researchers to study different fin array configuration at different shapes, orientation and fin spacing. In this paper we are reviewing all the efforts made by different researchers to find out the heat transfer and pressure drop associated with different fin configuration. We also find out the heat transfer at the finwall and unfinned surfaces. All the study that have been made in this paper is to find out such type of fin configuration that increases the heat transfer and decreases the pressure drop.
Implementation of High Performance Speeded Up Robust features Detection[Full-Text ] J. Naga Surekha, Y. Sri Chakrapani, Dr. M.KamarajuIn this paper, the interest points are detected by using SURF algorithm. Different Image frames consisting of different resolutions will be given as input for the proposed system to perform SURF detector algorithm. This algorithm performs the following contents: integral image, zero padding, determinant of Hessian matrix (consists of second order Gaussian derivatives for an input image), local maxima technique. Integral image is the cumulative sum of pixel values and zero padding adds zeroes to rows and columns of an image. Hessian matrix consists of Gaussian second order partial derivatives calculated from different sizes of box filters (Octave scales) for an input image. The local maxima technique is used for detecting interest points based on the position of the pixels from the image obtained by calculating the determinant of Hessian matrix. After detecting the interest points, a comparison between threshold and interest points is performed for different octave scales.
Green Synthesis of Silver Nano Particle and Comparative Study on Antibacterial Activity of Herbal Extracts & Synthesized Silver Nano Particle[Full-Text ] Marria C Cyriac_AleenaAntony_Glady K Sunny_Monisha P M_Soumia ThomasBiologically synthesized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are being widely used in the field of medicine. Extracellular biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles was carried out by using medicinal plant extracts for the reduction of aqueous silver ions in short period. The silver nanoparticles formation was confirmed by the colour change of plant extracts (AgNPs) and further confirmed with the help of UV-Vis spectroscopy. These Phytosynthesized silver nanoparticles were tested for antibacterial l activity using agar well diffusion method. The test cultures are Bacillus subtillis, staphylococcus aureus and E.coli species of bacteria. The microbial property of silver nanoparticles was analysed by measuring the inhibition zone. The silver nanoparticles synthesized from fresh and dry herbal extracts. The SNPs synthesized from fresh herbal extracts showed toxic towards pathogens. Whereas the growth of pathogens was inhibited maximum by the AgNPs synthesized from leaf extract of herbals, the results indicate that the silver nanoparticles may have an important advantage over conventional antibiotics.
Spatial Configuration on Colonial-Style Dwelling in Kidul Dalem Malang[Full-Text ] Lintang S. Mahabella, Antariksa, Lisa Dwi WulandariThe occupation of Dutch in Indonesia for around 350 years has left a strong influence on architecture of buildings in Indonesia, especially in Malang. This architecture is well known as Dutch colonial-style. The colonial-style can be found easily in the government buildings or dwellings that built in that period of time. This study discussed about space configuration of dwelling with colonial-style in Kidul Dalem, Malang. Spatial configuration was use to identify relations of inter spaces that formed by the flow of circulation. This spatial configuration could show the spaces that had shape and high influence against the other spaces. The result of spatial configuration could be used as reference in designing of spaces and dwelling by considering the ease of inter-space reaching. Analysis of the spatial configuration conducted by using space syntax methods with a specific analysis on the Visibility Graph Analysis (VGA) aspect. The VGA analysis was conducted to identify configuration of the spatial formed that covered connectivity, integrity, and intelligibility. Results of the study showed the spaces in the studied building which had high connectivity were circulation area, living room, and yard. Some spaces with high connectivity value coincided with its integrity. Correlation of the both aspects showed that buildings with symmetrical shape had the best intelligibility. As one of colonial-style building characteristics, the symmetrical shape offered a good space configuration with easier inter-space access.
Inelastic Analysis of RCC And Composite Structures[Full-Text ] Dr.Sanjay kulkarni, Vishwajeet kadlag, Rakesh AbrolComposite structures made of steel and concrete are much admired owing to their compensation over RCC structures and steel structures. RCC constructions have more weight and larger cross sections for structural members. Steel structures have are ductile and have huge deflections in nature; this quality of steel structures is helpful in resisting earthquake loads. The acceptable properties of RCC and steel structures are combined in composite structures. In addition to that lesser cost, speedy construction, fire protection etc. are provided by them. In this comparative study RCC and composite structures are considered in seismic zone III. The seismic behavior of the study frames designed by the proposed methodology is evaluated by Response spectrum and nonlinear time-history analysis .ETABS software is used for modeling and analysis.
Study of Tunnel Formwork System & Comparative Analysis with Conventional Formwork[Full-Text ] Ms. Aakanksha Dilip ChaudharyWinds of change are blowing across every industry in India but the construction industry is still reluctant to utilize the advanced techniques that can enhance the productivity and efficiency of the construction industry. In recent years construction industry is witnessing increased demand in multi-storey construction and repetitive modular structures are becoming an integral part of it. These structures require detailed planning in order to save cost and time. As formwork accounts for about 25- 40% of the total project cost and almost 60% of the time in concrete construction, we need to pay attention to the development in formwork techniques and replace conventional formwork with new formwork techniques like tunnel formwork. This paper aims at focusing on the benefits and limitations of tunnel formwork in contrast to conventional formwork thus changing the mindset of local construction industries that are still dependent on conventional formwork techniques.
BYOD AWARENESS, OPPORTUNITIES & FUTURE - A STUDY OF THE CORPORATE PROFESSIONALS IN JODHPUR CITY OF RAJASTHAN[Full-Text ] Siddhartha Shyam VyasDespite the security risks BYOD poses to an IT environment, the businesses embracing ‘BYOD’ in the workplace continues to accelerate. It seems as if BYOD is becoming a new standard in workplace rather than an exception. The research paper highlights the findings of the survey with respect to ‘BYOD’ awareness in Jodhpur area of Rajasthan. It also tends to suggest some effective measures to reduce ‘BYOD’ risks and improve ‘BYOD’ condition.
Unsteady Stratified Fluid Flow over the Vertical Porous Plate in Presence of Hall Current, Radiation, Thermal Diffusion and Strong Magnetic Field[Full-Text ] M. M. Mukitul HasanThe studies of unsteady Stratified fluid flow over the vertical porous plate in presence of Hall current, Radiation, Thermal diffusion and strong Magnetic field have been studied numerically. This model is used for the laminar boundary layer flow of a stratified fluid. The system of governing equation is transformed into nonlinear ordinary coupled differential equations. These equations are solved numerically using the explicit finite difference method with the help of a computer programming language Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6a. Numerical results are obtained for the velocity, temperature and concentration distributions. The obtained results are presented graphically. Numerical solutions for velocity, temperature and concentrations distributions are obtained for the associated parameter. The stability conditions and convergence criteria of the explicit finite difference scheme are established.
DETERMINATION OF THE ACTIVITY OF AFRICAN MISTLE TOE (Tapinanthus dodoneifolius) EXTRACTS AGAINST Plasmodium berghei IN INFECTED RATS[Full-Text ] Maryam Eyya Shuaib, Anthony John Dadah, Muhammad Yusha’u, Khadija Shuaib Achiwaye, Mahmud Shuaib KamzaThis In vivo study was aimed at determining the antiplasmodial activity of Ethanol and Acetone extracts of Tapinanthus dodoneifolius (African mistletoe) against Chloroquine sensitive NK47 Plasmodium berghei in infected female swiss albino mice. The plant leaves were extracted using soxhlet apparatus and extracts subjected to phytochemical screening using standard procedures. The lethal dose (LD50) of the extracts was determined using Lorke’s Method. The antiplasmodial activity was determined by evaluating the percentage chemosupression. The extracts were found to contain Secondary metabolites. All extracts was found to be non-toxic to the experimental animals and possess antiplasmodial activiies of 98.4% and 98.1% for the Acetone and ethanol extracts respectively.
Climate Change and Health Risks[Full-Text ] Aneela Shahzad, Wasif Ali WaseerHealth is a serious problem which has been faced in different countries of the world including Pakistan. The main cause which effect on human health is the direct heat, unrelenting weather, ozone layer, Pollution, vector borne infective diseases and mental stress. The greenhouse Gas has obvious effect on human health. Weathering and anthropogenic actions that include metal excavating, combustion of fossil fuels and insecticide use all are the reasons of high and low level risk for human health. To reduce the effects of climate there must be adopted different kinds of strategies.
Electrical resistivity and geomorphology For Groundwater Exploration In Hard Rock Areas: Application to Kongoti (South-East of Côte d’Ivoire)[Full-Text ] Kouassi Eric-Germain KOUAKOU, Abé Parfait SOMBO, Loukou Nicolas KOUAME, Boko Célestin SOMBOIn the area of Kongoti, the satisfaction of drinking potable water needs has become a major issue. To overcome these difficulties, people make use of groundwater through the construction of boreholes. Thus, a geophysical survey (electrical profiling; electrical sounding) coupled with geomorphology, was undertaken, with the aim of localising and characterizing cracks aquifers, a potential target for water supply. The interpretation of the geoelectrical cross-sections allowed identification of several fractures (N 50, N 135, N140) including the oriented one N145 seem very productive. A drilling has been made with a rate of 10.8 m3 per hour.
EFFECT OF SOCIOECONOMIC FACTORS IN THE UTILIZATION OF HEALTH SERVICES IN URBAN AREA MEDINA TOWN FAISALABAD[Full-Text ] Shumaila Noreen, Shafqat inayatThe current study has conducted with the aim to identify the socioeconomic factors contributing to utilization of health services in urban area. Descriptive cross section design has used for this study. Convenient sample of 378 people has selected from medina town Susan road Faisalabad.
Factor Causing Delay in Treatment of Patient Seeking Emergency Services at Government General Hospital Ghulam Muhammad Abad FSd[Full-Text ] IramKhadimEmergency department (ED) crowding is a significant international problem.Serious overcrowding in emergency departments became a national issue. Although temporary improvement of the problem occurred, the issue of emergency department overcrowding has now resurfaced and threatens to become worse. Overcrowding is caused by a complex web of interrelated issues described in this article. ED overcrowding has multiple effects, including placing the patient at risk for poor outcome, prolonged pain and suffering of some patients, long patient waits, patient dissatisfaction, ambulance diversions in some cities, decreased physician productivity, increased frustration among medical staff, and violence. Solving the problem of overcrowding will not only require a major financial commitment from the federal government and local hospitals, but will also require a cooperation from managed care.
Ethics of Cyber Forensics in India[Full-Text ] Narayan GuptaThis paper tries to understand the need for legislative changes in Technology law in India. It takes an example of Cyber Forensics used in the field of law as evidence and its conflict with individual’s privacy. It concludes by suggesting an existing model of laws that could be adopted by India as a first step to solve this problem.
ASSESS SPIRITUALITY AND SPIRITUAL CARE IN NURSING PRACTICE IN PUBLIC HOSPITAL LAHORE, PAKISTAN[Full-Text ] Nagina Kanwal, Muhammad AfzalIn the health sector, there is an emergent attention in spiritual care, which has resulted in more research around the topic spirituality and spiritual care. But, here is little research showing how nurses provide spiritual care. Nursing care of quality recognized by patient supporting and enhance overall patients spiritual needs. In nursing profession used skills for patient care as a set of spiritual care. The therapeutic relationship between nurses and patients sign of spirituality. Nurses responsible to listen actively, show empathy and hope and provide all facilities for patients.
Modeling and simulation study for enhancement of crew comfort of an off-road heavy vehicle[Full-Text ] N.V.Ramamurthy, B.K.Vinayagam, J.RoopchandIn the current work, an attempt is made to verify the earlier research conclusion that maximum vibration responses occur at the bodily parts of vehicle occupant rather than at vehicle part, using two Simscape models. 7 and 8 degrees of freedom Armoured Fighting Vehicle (AFV) – Crew integrated configurations are visualized first. Then two Simscape models corresponding to the above two configurations are formulated using Matlab2014a software. Parameters of AFV and those of bio-dynamic model obtained from literature are used in the simulation and resulting responses to the idealized road inputs, of selected lumped masses are obtained for both the Simscape models for study.
Resolution enhancement of low resolution satellite images using Dual tree complex wavelet transform[Full-Text ] M. HemaLatha, Dr.S.VardarajanIn this research paper, a complex wavelet-domain image resolution enhancement algorithm is proposed based on the estimation of wavelet coefficients. In this method, dual tree complex wavelet transform is applied to low resolution (LR) satellite image. The method uses dual-tree complex wavelet transform and inverse dual-tree complex wavelet transform to get high resolution image from low resolution image. The set of wavelet coefficients is estimated from the DT-CWT decomposition through the rough estimation of the high resolution (HR) image. Then inverse dual tree complex transform is applied. Output is high resolution of satellite image. Image enhancement is used for the images which has lack of contrast and brightness. DT-CWT technique is applied on NOAA-19-HRPT satellite portraits and compared with DWT technique. The quantitative PSNR, RMSE, CC, and SSIM are calculated for satellite portraits. DT-CWT has better performance compared to DWT in all aspects.
Application of Neural Networks for River Flow Forecasting[Full-Text ] Daniyal Hassan, Kamran Ansari, Rakhshinda Bano, Awais Anwar, Nauman Shaikh, Fatima Zaidi, Mansoor AliRiver flow forecasting is pre-requisite for water resources planning and management. Artificial neural networks (ANN) can analyze the processes, simulate the phenomena, perform linear and nonlinear forecasts in conditions where the details of the relationships between the insidious parameters are not available. Being flexible in structure it can recognize the complicated relationships among input and output data.
Plastic pipes for Piping Engineering issues[Full-Text ] Mohammed Kamal Kamal Gaber Paper is introducing a research on thermoplastic pipes uses and design, as plastic pipes have been used widely in many oil, water, and gas process plants and pipelines for many issues instead of metal pipes as their lower cost, easier installation, and lighter weight than other metallic pipes.
Understanding the Assumed Risks By Travel Agents in Tourism Industry[Full-Text ] Chandra ShekharUnderstanding the risk management and risk assessment in tourism industry in India is important. This will be an important factor to know how the industry operates. In tourism industry, there are many circumstances where the risk becomes contemptible tragedy or hazardous events, and due to this the business development will be low. This paper is trying to find out the tourism spots and small entrepreneurs who can effortlessly beat and control the four stages of a crisis by execute the theory of the four R: Reduction, Readiness, Response and Recovery. An active management in tourism has to implement to beat the growing exposure to different risks, such as political, economic, social and not least the technologic risks.
Application of the Concept of Glass Transition Temperature for Better Color Retention and Less Shrinkage of Dried Potato Slices[Full-Text ] Addisalem HailuTaye, Werner C. HofackerIn this study, the influence of the temperature with five temperature profile levels on color change and shrinkage was determined. One level of temperature profiles was kept constant. The remaining four levels of the temperature profile were stepped down from high temperature to low temperatures before the samples have attained moisture content at which glass transition temperature is reached.
Design, Analysis and Fabrication of Automated Staircase-Climbing Load Carriage[Full-Text ] Pratik R. Baviskar, Aniket V. Naik, Ganesh B. Payghan, Abhijit P. Sarkar, Santosh P. JoshiOften we need to move heavy objects at home or workplace. There are many machines devised to fulfil this purpose. These machines work conveniently on flat surface and terrains with minor irregularities, but fail to serve the purpose on staircase. The conventional machines cannot be used on stairs since doing so will lead to several problems such as danger of toppling of load off the cart, inclined while climbing and damaging the staircase. These problems can lead to severe accidents which may cause serious injuries to the operator and those around. Hence there is need of an alternative mechanism which will enable the trolley to ascend stairs. The mechanism for climbing stairs are available but the need is to select one that is best suited for this application. In this project four staircase climbing mechanisms are compared on basis of criteria favorable for the application and the mechanism fulfilling mentioned criteria is selected for the application. The Blanco mechanism was selected since it fulfilled most of the criteria required for application. This work includes the design procedure for the load carriage based on Blanco Stair-Climbing system followed by fabrication and experimentation for the validation of the objectives.
Sampling Selection Strategy for Large Scale Deduplication in a Distributed System Using Apache Spark[Full-Text ] Ritu Yadav,Neha Kumari, Samarth VarshneyThe generation of information from a wide range of sources has opened opportunities for the emergence of several new applications such as digital libraries, media streaming etc. that presuppose high quality data to provide reliable services. Data quality is degraded due to the presence of duplicate pairs. So, data deduplication task is necessary to detect and remove duplicates and provide efficient solutions to this problem. In very large datasets, it is very difficult to produce the labeled set from the information provided by the user. A Two-stage sampling selection strategy (T3S) that selects a reduced set of pairs to tune the deduplication process in large datasets has been proposed and is implemented in a distributed environment using Apache Spark. Thus, T3S reduces the labeling effort substantially while achieving superior matching quality when compared with state-of-the-art deduplication methods in large datasets. Also, performing the deduplication in a distributed environment offers a better performance over the centralized system in terms of speed and flexibility. So, in this work, a distributed approach is implemented for the above method using Apache Spark. Also, a comparison is done between T3S and FSDedup. It shows that T3S reduces the training set size by redundancy removal and hence offers better performance than FSDedup.
IMPROVING PLANIMETRIC MAPPING ACCURACY FOR URBAN AREAS FROM AERIAL IMAGERY USING GEOMETRIC CONSTRAINTS[Full-Text ] Ayman F. Ragab, Hanafy M . Kamal,Moustafa KamalTraditional terrestrial surveying techniques in mapping urban areas are usually inadequate for many reasons. For example, road networks always suffer large volumes of vehicles and personnel mobilities that affect road map production. Accordingly, both airborne and spaceborne techniques help so much in this issue, although defining and segmenting road regions and edges from these remotely sensed data will be kept as a challenging task due to large variations on road surfaces. The corresponding developments in these techniques include imagery systems, imagery platforms and imagery processing.
PREDICTING THE CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO VALUE OF LOW COMPRESSIBLE CLAYS WITH IT’S INDEX AND COMPACTION CHARACTERISTICS[Full-Text ] Aderinola Olumuyiwa SamsonGeotechnical engineers usually attempt to develop empirical equations specific to a certain region and soil type. The distinctive nature of soil properties in-situ is that it is divergent spatially and seasonally beyond the designer’s control. However, these empirical equations are more reliable for the type of soil where the correlation is origin.
Solid Waste Management Strategy Gaps Experienced By The Residence of Bauchi (Traditional) Walled city, Bauchi Metropolis, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Haruna Abdu Usman, Muhammed Sa'adiya Ilyasu Municipal solid waste management is ultimately the responsibility of the municipal authorities in most African urban centers. However these municipalities collect only between 50-60% of their total waste generated. Most of its ends up in open dumps, wetlands and so on. Solid waste collection and disposal in Bauchi old city remained the most serious challenge facing the Bauchi state environmental protection agency (BASEPA). The old city surrounded by the town wall (GANUWA) is the most densely populated part of the metropolis which prior to the year 1999, was characterized by major waste dump sites called Bingi, found in every ward within the walled city.
Cybercrime: Suspicious Viber Messages Detection Model[Full-Text ] Dr. Hanaa Mohsin Ahmed, Noor Basim BethoonThe rapid advancements in mobile phone systems and programs that provide free instant messaging (IM), short message service (SMS), and the accommodation of conveying millions of messages with virtually no delay and zero cost through Wi-Fi or 3G(third generation) has led to the increasing popularity of IM and SMS.The requisite for these advancements is an automatic classification system for expeditious relegation of the received messages to detect the suspicious message. This work proposes the use of a detection model in which social media messages are classified as predefined classes labeled“suspicious” and “not suspicious.”The proposed system attemptsto solve this problem through three classifiers:Level Based Feature Content(LBFC) classifier, Naive Bayesian(NB) classifier, and IterativeDichotomiser 3(ID3) classifier.This system works offline, after collecting the messages online, saving them and then inputting them into the proposed system.In the LBFC classifier, the content feature is divided into four levels to detect suspicious classes.The second classifier presents an NB classifier and the the third is ID3 classifier is capable of identifying Viber messages as suspicious or non-suspicious, predicated on the content of these messages.From the experimental work, good results are achieved from the first classifer t features (Accuracy=0.882143%) and second testing using term frequency (TF)-based NB classifier (Accuracy=0.942857%), while results are achieved using TF-based ID3 (Accuracy= 0.957143%).