Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2017.
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African Trading Activities in China in Perspective of Sino-African Relations—— Cases Study of Guangzhou and Yiwu[Full-Text ] TANO Kouassi Joseph, Prof. SUN Qiu YunWith a great number of Africans pouring into China to make their “gold dream” come true, the communication between China and Africa becomes more and more frequent in recent years. This paper casts an insight into the situation of the African businessmen in Guangzhou and Yiwu, two typical cities in China, analyzing their life, trade and business there, as well as introducing the management pattern in Guangzhou and Yiwu. Such a research aims at facilitating the government’s policy-making process, thus improving the living conditions of the African businessmen in China and ensuring a further development of Sino-Africa relationship.In recent 10-20 years, with the warming up of the Sino-African economic and trade relations, more and more Chinese walked into Africa and at the same time, more and more Africans arrived in China too. Most of them have the aim of trading, doing business in China, and stay in some southern China cities long or short time. Learned from media reports, Guangzhou, the biggest African community in China main land has an African population of 200-300 thousand, and Yiwu, Zhejiang, has attracted 25-35 thousands African. Till now, the African communities are maturing in the two cities. The phenomenon revealed that the China society after 50 years opening up and reform, has becoming more diversity and more inclusive, which has so far-reaching sense, and the other hand, it indicate the trend of Sino-African relations becoming down step and grass rooting. Along with the appearance of the African communities, the management policies of the migrations and city community are facing new problems and challenges.
The Effect of Vitamin D Replacement on Musculoskeletal Pain in Hypothyroid Patients with Vitamin D Deficiency[Full-Text ] Azam Amini , Gholamreza Pourbehi , Fariba Karimi , Atefeh Amuzgar , Hamidreza Mosallaeepour , Katayoun Vahdat , Mohammadreza Kalantar Hormozi , Kamyar Asadipooya , Iraj Nabipour , Majid Assadi Hashimoto’s thyroiditis [HT] is the most common chronic autoimmune thyroid disorder that can cause hypothyroidism. Environmental and genetic factors are playing role in its etiology. The role of vitamin D as an immune modulator has been emphasized in recent years. The goal of present study is to assess whether vitamin D supplements can reduce the musculoskeletal pain of HT patients who had vitamin D deficiency. This is a single arm clinical trial that included 42 cases who have HT with musculoskeletal pain after becoming euthyroid. 25-hydroxy vitamin D was less than 32 nmol/L. We measured calcium, phosphorus, parathyroid hormone (PTH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), 25-hydroxy vitamin D and severity of body pain at the beginning of the study and after 8 weeks of treatment with vitamin D (cholecalciferol 50,000 weekly). We used SPSS software version 16 to analyze data.Vitamin D supplementation, after 8 weeks, improved musculoskeletal pain, and increased mean serum calcium, phosphorus, and 25-OH-Vitamin D levels significantly. There were no significant changes in mean TSH levels. Vitamin D supplements can potentially helpful in reducing musculoskeletal pain of HT patients who also have vitamin D deficiency. High prevalent area of vitamin D deficiency should consider concomitant treatment of vitamin D deficiency in HT patient.
COMPARATIVE STUDY ON MICROBIAL PURITY OF LOCALLY EXTRACTED PALM KERNEL AND COCONUT OILS[Full-Text ] Musa Jeremiah Yusuf ,Anthony John Dadah, Muhammad Yusha’u, Yusuf Jonathan MusaThis study was aimed at determining the microbial purity of palm kernel oil and coconut oil extracted locally by evaluating the presence of total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, fungal (mould) and Coliform counts as well as presence of pathogenic bacteria (E.coli) if any. This was achieved via serial dilution, pour plate and Most Probable Number (MPN) techniques followed by standard biochemical tests as well as the use of Eosine-Methylene Blue (EMB) for E.coli 0157:H7. The oil samples were found to contain few or no colonies of aerobic mesophillic bacteria and fungi. There was no growth of either coliform or pathogenic bacteria detected which make the oils to fall within the minimum acceptable range stipulated by National Agency for Food and Drug Administration Control (NAFDAC) for oils.It is therefore concluded that the oils used in this study are suitable for consumption.
GINGER OIL PROCESSING; PROBLEMS, CHALLENGES AND ECONOMIC PROSPECTS[Full-Text ] Adamade, C. A, Bolarin, F.M, Adebija, J.A and Opadotun, O.OGinger is a commonly used spice, all over the world. It is also a remarkable plant with a very high amount of herbal, healing and medicinal benefits that can be used in all of our lives; the root and its essential oil are also used as preservative and flavouring agent. It aids digestion of food items such as meat, poultry and it can be added while cooking meat as it softens the meat. Processing of the crop to different forms plays an important role in the application of ginger for both local and internal purposes. This paper reviews the varieties; white type used in internal trade and yellow type that is mainly produced for Export trade. Products of Ginger, benefits of using ginger oil in order to improve the living standard of people and uses. The problems associated with the processing as well as economic importance of the oil are also reviewed. The intension of this study is to enable researchers have the understanding of processing and economic importance of the oil as a form of generating income and medicinal qualities treasure as well as mechanizing technologies that will enhance the processing of this product.
Flexibility design idea in functional space Arrangements of Hajj transit camp Buildings in Nigeria [Full-Text ] Babayo Sallau Bara, Sumaila S. A, Usman Bukar Wakawa, Aminu Umar, Abdul Anakobe Isa Flexibility in designing functional spaces that could be multifunctional to serve for various activities and events is an important concept especially in the design of transit Hajj camp Buildings. This allow for more usability of the functional spaces, thus accommodating change over time rather than periodic used of the functional space in the facilities which is only during the hajj operational exercise. This has led to the underutilization of the Buildings. As such the concept of flexibility refers to the idea of accommodating change over time, and concern with technical weakness of those spaces which are form rigid meaning are inflexible that cannot be used for other purposes. This paper observes and evaluates using descriptive study on the cased transit Hajj camp Building serve as a gathering place for a particular period of the year, so it needs to be adapted to changes to its undefined user. A framework for evaluating various characteristics of flexibility was used. Hence the data collected were analyzed and discussed. The finding of the study indicates some factors such as nested space, selective connectivity and disconnectivity multiple entrances for each space useful for contemporary Architecture and are good for .changing conditions.
Instruction List Processor replacing general purpose processor in PLC for Industrial Application [Full-Text ] Dr. D.K.Shedge , Safwan Chogale, Saurabh PachpandePLC (Programmable Logic Controller) is used in industrial process-control applications. PLC contains a CPU core surrounded by memory and I/O peripheral devices. Most of the commercial PLCs available in market uses general purpose processor as PLC CPU. The general purpose CPU is not suitable for PLC in terms of cost and speed. This paper proposes an Instruction List (IL) processor compatible with IEC 61131-3 standards. Instruction List is a simple textual programming method for programming of PLC, given by International Electro-Techno Commission. As the program of PLC becomes more complex, the execution time taken by the PLC also increases resulting in failure in responding to high speed safety critical logic. In conventional PLC’s the control specification first converted into instruction set listing that the operating systems can understand. Now a days it is becoming a standard practice to include safety critical function and operation control functions with single ladder diagram programming. Because of this, rungs in the ladder diagram increases and ultimately its performance in terms of speed decreases. For high speed safety critical application the execution time becomes critical. In this paper, a Three-stage pipeline is proposed so that each instruction is executed in single machine cycle, providing high execution speed required in many high speed and safety critical applications.
Fuzzy Logic Based Enhanced Edge Detection Technique for Defence Imageries[Full-Text ] Paramjeet Singh, M J NigamEdge detection is useful in feature detection, medical diagnosis and defence applications. In this paper, a hybridized edge detection algorithm has been proposed using Fuzzy Logic, image enlargement, image sharpening and contrast enhancement and results have been compared with the existing methods. The simulation results have been obtained using MATLAB R2013a and analyzed qualitatively. Comparison of results show that the proposed algorithm is an efficient and effective method for defence imageries.
Principles of design residential complex By approach on naturalism [Full-Text ] Akram BakhtiyariPublic spaces in residential complexes provide a major framework for social interactions. The active presence of people in social interactions raises the sense of community and improves the quality of life by strengthening civic sense.Housing is an issue that every living being is involved with it and somehow try to provide it. It is home to major size meet people from the first moment of self and the environment, and even tried to build this is enough to give them meaningful, decisive and vital to the performance of his undertaking. It can safely be said that most residential spaces and living spaces are man-made. Residential housing needs of people go to work. Require the most basic human needs are residential. During more than a century of tall buildings with modern style was common in the world, Therefore, to solve some problems such as housing shortages caused by community today Increasing urban population, have been used But it has always been associated with new problems and shortcomings. The growing population in recent decades has created problems in housing referred to as the housing crisis. The goal of research is achieving sustainable housing complex. The research method is "analytical- descriptive". Data collected is field and documental. Also in order to collecting data have been used questionnaire tools. Finding shows, three housing complex (Apadana, Atisaz, Pardisan) in Tehran are sustainable complex, but it is necessary attention to them for improving
Preventing vandal behaviors by emphasizing on Environmental Design Methods(Case study: Mashhad metropolitan)[Full-Text ] Akram BakhtiyariOne of the common abnormalities and deviations in our current societies is vandalism. Vandalism is a philosophical approach that supports the constant questioning and criticism of all ideas in search of concepts that can be adopted for future use when questioning and criticizing ideas. Also, CPTED is based upon the idea that the environment influences people's behavior and uses design principles to minimize the potential for criminal behavior to occur. Ideally, principles should be incorporated at the design stage of a development but can be applied to existing buildings and areas.The purpose of this paper is to provide the Mashhad city with Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles and strategies to create a safer and more livable city. This research is applied .also; research method is "descriptive – analytical ". In order to collecting data, was selected documents and field method. The society and the research area are the city and the citizens of Mashhad city. Also, by using SWOT techniques was analyzed data and were proposed strategies in order to promoting urban space.
Different accelerated curing methods of concrete[Full-Text ] El-kholy S.A., Metwally K.A.Accelerated curing and testing of concrete specimens came into being because of the need for faster evaluation of the quality control of the concrete. This was a result of accelerated construction schedules and increased volumes of concrete required in structures, so that it was not practical to await the standard 28-day strength results. Many studies have been made to investigate the accelerated strength of concrete. The acceleration of strength is usually through application of outside heat, or through insulation that conserves the heat of hydration which acts then in a manner similar to the applied outside heat, to accelerate the rate of hydration and thus the gain in strength.
A Study on the Necessity and Challenges of Vehicular Network in Context of India[Full-Text ] Pratiti Mankodi, Hemal Rajyaguru, Rooshabh KothariRoad related traffic injuries with people are excessive but neglected public health challenge that requires intensive efforts for valuable and sustainable prevention in many developing countries like India. Rapid development of vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) in intelligent transportation system provides useful and promising safety services in transportation life of many developed countries. The emergence of VANET can also provide the key answer to the many transportation related issues in developing countries. In this paper, we will give strong reasons for necessity of VANET in countries like India. Also, we have found that VANET has many challenges to be implemented for countries like India. We identified many challenges posed by the lack of infrastructure, poverty and other issues present in the countries like India. We have tried to address and provide a basic overview about all these hurdles in a way to VANET. We have also talked about a wide range of applications of VANETs that can directly applicable to countries like India to improve their transportation system and less road traffic injuries.
SAGO FOOD PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT FOR FOOD SECURITY IN SMALL ISLANDS, MALUKU, INDONESIA[Full-Text ] Wardis GIRSANGAbandoned local food consumption and dependency on imported rice will endanger local food security in small islands. Government policy is to reduce rice consumption and promote local food, however, while many factors influencing local food preference have been identified, very little is known about local food product development, particularly traditional sago product which is called yellow fish-soup papeda. In fact, this papeda product is rather difficult to access and to prepare, and it is without nutrition contents information of papeda products. The objectives of this paper is to describe the potential of local sago food, to identify the consumer’s preference and to improve traditional papeda product. Research showed that traditional yellow soup fish papeda has improved to the new improved original instant yellow soup fish papeda through collaborative work with food technology scientist.
Dental pain and oral health in children-A literature review[Full-Text ] Dr Abdul Saheer P, Dr Reshma Mohan, Dr Shanila Abdul MajidSeveral chronic diseases are known to affect children, requiring significant adjustments in life management and leading to decreased quality of life. Among the most prevalent diseases of childhood are oral diseases. Problems in oral health can disrupt daily life functioning in various aspects such as the ability to perform daily activities and expected social roles or maintain usual emotional state. Dental pain is a major consequence of many oral conditions such as untreated dental caries, trauma, periodontits etc.1 Dental pain is highly prevalent among children 2, even in contemporary populations with historically low levels of caries experience. Pain perception in children is complex, and is often difficult to assess. Although the principles of pain evaluation and management apply across the human lifespan, children present unique challenges 3 that necessitate consideration of the child’s age, developmental level, cognitive and communication skills, previous pain experiences, and associated beliefs. It has also been shown that infants and children, who experience pain in early life, show long-term changes in terms of pain perception and related behaviors Oral Health care workers need to be able to detect the symptoms and signs of dental pain in different age groups. However, in spite of its frequency, dental pain in children is often underestimated. Knowing factors associated with dental pain is important to provide adequate intervention and attention to oral health. Thus the impacts of dental pain are important when assessing children's burden of oral diseases and their perceived need for dental care.
PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING AND THE ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF THE LEAVES OF AZADIRACHTA INDICA, A. JUSS[Full-Text ] Maria Cheenickal, Dr. Romilly Margaret MendezThe present study includes the phytochemical detection and antimicrobial activity of the leaves of Azadirachta indica, A. Juss. Phytochemical screening of the leaf extract of leaves both fresh and shade dried indicated the presence of flavonoids, terpenoids, tannins, alkaloids, steroids and glycosides. The antibacterial activity of methanol, ethanol and aqueous extracts of leaves of A. indica was evaluated against the human pathogenic bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa by well diffusion method. Among the extracts analysed ethanolic extracts showed promising results whereas aqueous extract did not show any zone of inhibition. The ethanol leaf extract (200µg/ml) showed maximum inhibition against Pseudomonas aeruginosa (16mm) and Staphylococcus aureus (16mm). Phytochemical tests carried out showed that the antibacterial activity of plant Azadirachta indica leaves was due to the presence of phytochemical compounds present in it.
Evaluation of some horticultural traits and resistance to Fusarium wilt of some watermelon hybrids[Full-Text ] Merghany M.M., El Lithy Y.T.E., A.H.A Kheraba , Marwa A. Zyton, and Noura E.S.EbrahimFusarium wilt is a major disease of watermelon in many parts of the world. Control of this disease is difficult because the soil borne causal agent Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum (Fon) produces chlamydospores that remain infectious in the soil for many years. In this study, four lines, three testers of watermelon and their 12 F1 hybrids which were developed through line X tester mating design were used to study the mean performance and heterosis for six horticultural traits and resistance to Fusarium wilt. Biochemical parameter such as phenolic content and three oxidative –reductive enzymes(PAL, PPO and PO) in three watermelon hybrids shown susceptible, moderatly resistant and resistant to the fungus F.o. f.sp. niveum were assessed. All parents and crosses were significant with positive value for all traits studied. With respect to heterosis effects, cross P2xP6 gave the highest values with significant effect for plant fresh weight, total yield/plant and fruit weight for mid-parent and better parent. Crosses P2× P7, P3xP5 and P4xP6 gave earliest female flower over mid-parent and better parent. In addition, cross P4xP6 gave the highest values with significant effect for rind thickness for mid-parent and better parent. Moreover, cross P1x P7 gave the highest values with significant effect for T.S.S. for mid-parent. Results showed that the lowest mean performance of seven parents and their twelve crosses of watermelon for the average of the severity of Fusarium wilt on the foliage growth and on the xylem vesicles were 21.9 % for parents line (Beni-Swif ; P7) and 26.2 % for crosses (P2xP7). Also, data revealed that, in general, the three assessed enzymes, i.e. PAL, PPO and PO and total phenols were greatly increased in the shoot base of the hybrids by increasing the resistance of these hybrids.
Copper Nanoparticles Encapsulated Alginate Composite for Reduction of Aromatic Nitro Compounds [Full-Text ] Manjari Gangarapu and VijayaBhaskara Rao AravaCopper Oxide support sodium alginate polymer (CuO/SA) nanocomposite were prepared by green synthesis reduction method using leaf extract of Aglaia elaeagnoidea. The leaf extract of plant used as reducing, stabilizing and capping agent in the synthesis of nanocomposite. The reduction of copper nanoparticles and encapsulation in the polymer were confirmed by UV–Visible Spectra, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) techniques. The crystalline nature of copper nanoparticles was found to 18 nm with spherical shape on alginate, which has been obtained from characterization results. The produced copper oxide-sodium alginate nanocomposite was used as catalyst for the reduction of 4-Nitrophenol in the liquid phase. Nitrophenol conversion was confirmed using UV-Visible Spectra and the stability of nanocatalyst were tested by its recyclability and reuse.
Bond Graphs Approach to Modeling Thermal Processes[Full-Text ] Gordana JanevskaThe paper presents the bond graphs approach to modeling thermal processes. The fundamental theory of bond graph modeling focused on thermal process is explored by considering the example of bath heated by hot fluid. Furthermore, a method to systematically build a bond graph model starting from an ideal physical model is given. In addition, procedure to generate mathematical equations and block diagram out of a causal bond graph is presented. Unlike the traditional mathematical modeling method, where the first step is to develop the equations for individual components, and then based on them the simulation scheme is created, the described method uses a reverse procedure.
Beneficial Effect of Breast Milk in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit on Development and Outcomes of Preterm Infants[Full-Text ] Sanjay Kumar Azad. Infant born preterm are at high risk of mortality and are some of the most expensive patients in the hospital. Preterm infants are susceptible to prematurity related morbidities including late onset sepsis, necrotizing enterocolitis, retinopathy of prematurity, cognitive development, immunity improvement. The incremental cost of these morbidities during the neonatal intensive care unit and frequently re-hospitalization is high of cost effect. Breastfeeding has show to reduce both the incidence and severity of must of these morbidities and has direct impact on the cost of neonatal intensive care unit hospitalization with development of the preterm infant. This review describes the outcome of beneficial effects of breastfeeding in preterm who are admitted in neonatal intensive care unit.
Design and Development of Web Server for Solar Panel Performance Monitoring System[Full-Text ] Sourav Majumder, Shri. G. S. Ayyappan, Shri. Kota SrinivasIn Solar Photovoltaic Plants, the traditional method of managing plenty of solar panels is very challenging and inefficient. Since each panel set needs a digital power meter, which is very expensive to use for collecting the data from the panel.
Applied Ridge and LASSO Methods in Cox Proportional Hazard Modelling[Full-Text ] Garry Rusmadi, Asep Saefuddin, Bagus SartonoCox Proportional Hazard (PH) is used to estimate the relationship between some variables of failure in an examination. We assess the survival for the patients of cardiovascular disease in the ICCU RSMY Bengkulu. There are 10 variables used in order to predict survival in patients, taken from the respondent demographic and laboratory test results. The more explanatory variables are used, causing correlations among variables (multicollinearity). Multicollinnearity Become a problem in data analysis Because It causes less precise results. The use of ridge regression and LASSO are Able to overcome the problem of multicollinearity. In this study, using Cox PH when there are three variables that significantly affect the survival of Patients with cardiovascular disease. The results of Cox LASSO, also indicates three variables affect the survival significantly, while the other variables become selected (0). The results of Cox Ridge only Able to shrink variable close to 0. The smallest error test using RMSEP, Indicating that the method of Cox Ridge is the best estimation models in predicting survival in patients with cardiovascular disease.
Thermal Generation and Its Environmental Implications – A Lesson for Ghana[Full-Text ] Bernard Barnor, Linda Ahunu Environmental issues are a major concern for any growing economy, especially amidst growing calls for efficient environmental management systems globally. On the other hand, electricity access is a crucial subject in developing countries, Ghana not excluded. With current posture towards increasing its thermal generation component due to unreliable hydro power supply, there is a high tendency of rising air pollution levels in Ghanaas thermal power is generated from fossil fuels.
ASSESS THE RELATION BETWEEN COMPANY PERFORMANCES AND STOCK MARKET LIQUIDITY: EVIDENCE FROM CEMENT INDUSTRY OF PAKISTAN[Full-Text ] Saad Awan, Irfan HabibThe relationship among liquidity and performance of listed cement companies on the Karachi Stock Exchange examined in this article. In nations where the investment market is one of the principle wellsprings of funding units their trade, a considerable measure of research is in this field, the fast development of the capital market in Pakistan, the need of such research is vibrant. The current review with inspected information from 23 organizations of cement industry documented in Karachi Stock Exchange was chosen over the period 2007-2016, the connection between liquidity and business performance has been examined. This research strengthens the theory of agency and feedback between Liquidity of stock and performance measures, Correlation matrix has been used to attest the relationship among independent variables (ROA, MBV, and Tobin Q) and dependent variables (Company performance). The outcomes of examination demonstrate that between the performance measures and liquidity a solid relationship was watched. By looking at the three measures of performance (ROA, MBV and Tobin Q) symbols that Tobin Q list is ideal to utilization of market values, because that more appropriate for concentrate the connection among the organization's liquidity and performance of company.
A Novel Steganography with Dynamic Start Point for Encoding using Sudoku[Full-Text ] Md. Habibur Rahaman, Dr. Sajjad Waheed A message in cipher text may arouse suspicion while an invisible message will not. A digital image is a flexible medium used to carry a secret message because the slight modification of a cover image is hard to distinguish by human eyes.
Bitumen Extraction from Tar Sands Using Solvent Techniques[Full-Text ] Funsho Afolabi, Taiwo Ojo, Stephen Udeagbara, Afeez GbadamosiThere is a vast deposit of tar sand containing bitumen in the South-Western part of Nigeria along the Ondo-Edo-Ogun-Lagos belt. These deposits in the shallow subsurface of this region are grossly untapped due to environmental risks and concerns, economic reasons and lack of technical know-how. While subsurface exploration and in situ recovery and upgrading have been embraced in countries like Canada and Venezuela, Nigeria has not yet exploit these recovery options in order to increase its total fossil energy reserves. The aim of this study is to evaluate solvent technique of subsurface extraction of bitumen from Nigerian tar sands which is cost-effective and operational-efficient. This work covers the use of an already established solvent as a pivot and two other new solvents, and comparing their results in terms of efficiency. The results obtained after the experimental work shows that Ethyl Acetate gave the highest rate of extraction while Acetone gave the lowest extraction rate. In terms of the recovered solvent, Acetone gave the highest solvent recovery while Ethyl Acetate gave the lowest. The result of this research work shows promises for the technique but it is not yet established via core/pilot scale. Thus it serves as a source of sensitization for government in the context of generation of revenue and increment of the fossil energy reserve.
An Overview on Diversity Oriented Synthesis, Such as an Enormous Implications for the Discovery of Small Molecules[Full-Text ] Ashutosh Kumar Dash, Debaraj MukherjeeThe deliberate synthesis of a collections of a number of molecules or, library, that can entrap a spacious area is described in a single word Diversity-oriented synthesis (DOS), which is an emerging field involving the synthesis of combinatorial libraries of diverse small molecules for biological screening all these days. Instead of directing toward a single biological target, DOS libraries are especially used to identify new ligands for a variety of targets. Several different strategies for library design have been developed to target the biologically relevant regions of chemical structure space. DOS has provided powerful probes to investigate biological mechanisms and also served as a new driving force for advancing synthetic organic chemistry.
GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) AS A SEARCH TOOL FOR GEOTECHNICAL INFORMATION OF SOIL[Full-Text ] ADERINOLA OLUMUYIWA SAMSON, AKINGBONMIRE SAMUEL LAMBE, QUADRI AJIBOLA IBRAHIMThe research on Geographic Information System (GIS) as a search tool for geotechnical information of soils was informed by the need to develop a GIS based geotechnical map for the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria (FUTA) and to allow easy access to information on the geotechnical properties of soils within the University. Different soil samples were collected at different locations within the University and their coordinates obtained with the aid of Global Positioning System (GPS). The test results of the engineering properties of the soil got were analysed, stored and manipulated using GIS (ArcMap 10.2)to display graphical information. Maps with the descriptions of the properties of soil in contour form or colour pattern at different locations in the University were obtained and a database was produced. These facts can be accessed in the future to obtain information that could help in making informed engineering decisions when needed.
Effective communication method for non-native: MCE and MMEEBB applied a deep learning software[Full-Text ] Iolanda Borges Carneiro, Luciano Vieira Lima, Andressa da Silva Costa BeloThe objective of this work is to present an effective method of communication in the English language for non -native speakers with the use of Globish using software application project proposes to create personalized learning models based on specific themes or subjects, thus meeting the particular needs of each individual with regard to communication in English. The research is based on the use of a new methodological approach to teaching and learning based on the Theory of Categories and Maps of Knowledge that, applied to the Exponential.
Analysis, Design and Implementation of a Waveguide Filter and High Power Limiter[Full-Text ] Ali Agharasouli, Majid TayaraniIn this paper a new method for designing waveguide filters has been introduced. In addition to the filtering function, this filter can be used as a power limiter for protecting the receiver from high power input signals. In order to validate the design procedure, An X-band filter is designed and implemented by a new method and the results have been compared with measurement. Excellent agreement between measured and simulated results was achieved.
Some Phenomenological and Metallurgical Aspects associated with Impact of High Speed Projectiles[Full-Text ] Adnan I. O. Zaid, Hashem S. Alkhaldi, Shahnaz M. AlkhalilThe impact of high speed projectiles involves velocities lies between few hundreds to few thousands m/s; and should be less than the sonic speed of either the projectile or target materials. It depends on many parameters: projectile and target materials, impact velocity, incident angle and the mass and shape of the projectile impacting end. In this paper, some of the phenomenological aspects associated with the impact of high speed projectiles are presented and discussed which include impact velocity, its length, shape of its impacting end, mode of deformation. Furthermore, the damages caused by it are also given and discussed together with methods of protection.
A Logical way of Solving Story Problems in Physics[Full-Text ] Vijesh K, Dr. ManojPraveen G The best way to teach and learn a concept in Physics is to embed it in a problem situation.Unfortunately teachers and learners ignore the importance of problem solving process in education.Traditional approach to solve typical text book problems in physics does not support conceptual understanding. Effective problem solving demands proper conceptual understanding. If the novice problem solver is provided suitable problem solving learning environment he will successfully transfer his problem solving ability to novel situation. Solving problems logically requires a systematic approach. For this the investigator designed a problem schema that explains the conceptual model of the problems. This design is based on the model suggested by Jonassen. Solving problems using problem schema elucidate the relationship between the situational elements and structural elements embedded in the problem. Investigator constructed problem schema for story problems in the chapter ‘Electricity’of 10th standard. To be systematic, a wholistic structural map (semantic network) of the chapter ’Electricity’ was prepared and the major problem types associated with the chapter ‘Electricity’ were identified.