Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2017.
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Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Concrete using Silica fume and Steel fibers[Full-Text ] P.Prathap, T.Naresh kumar, Dr.S.M.V NarayanaThe present investigation carried out on concrete due to the effect of silica fume with and without steel fibers on 53-Grade Portland cement. In this study we used concrete mixes with silica fume of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% by the volume of concrete for M35 garde concrete. The optimum percentage of silica fume to give maximum compressive strength was found to be 10%. With the addition of crimped steel fibers of diameter 0.5mm and length 12mm with aspect ratio 24, the various percentages as 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.8%, 1.0% and 2% to the optimized percentage of silica fume (i.e., 10%). The effects of mineral admixture as cement replacement material with and without steel fibers on mechanical properties were analyzed and compared with normal concrete.
The significant ofC677Tmethylenetetrahydrofolate reductase MTHFR gene mutation in Iraqi patients with type 2 diabetic nephropathy[Full-Text ] Salih M. Al-Khafaji, Anwar M. Al-janabi, Shehab A. FarisThis study aimed to address the association of C677T point mutation of MTHFR gene with Diabetic Nephropathy(DN) in Iraqi type 2 diabetes mellituspatients(DM). We examined age; gender; duration of diabetic, Body mass index,glycosylated hemoglobin (HbAIc), albuminuria, blood sugar (RBS), homocysteine, serum urea and serum creatinine and MTHFR (C677T) gene polymorphism in 65(DN) and 70(DM) patients.
Wrecks submerged as Breakwater for the Agadir Harbor[Full-Text ] Moulay Ali ALAOUI, Hassan FATMAOUI, Jamal CHAOUFIThe port of Agadir is taken for a study case because it represents the perfect example of an Atlantic opened harbor. Exposed ahead to the roughness of the sea elements, and any instantaneous or temporal degradation would have a major impact on the human lives and economics activities of the area and the country from its strategic roles.
Reliability Assessment of Axial Load Effect on Electric Power Distribution Concrete Poles in Southwest Nigeria[Full-Text ] Quadri Ajibola Ibrahim, Afolayan Joseph OlasehindeElectric power is distributed by overhead distribution line fixed on wooden or concrete poles. Often times these poles are susceptible to extreme damage from hazard under excessive loads occasioned by storm and accident impact by vehicles. In this research, numerical study was accomplished to assess the vulnerability of typical tapered electric power distribution concrete poles of height 9 m under ambivalent loading conditions. The reaction of the poles to the environmental loading was determined with the help of SAP2000 Advanced 14.0.0 finite element analysis software program. The British Standard Code (BS 8110-1:1997) was adopted to generate the limit states equation with the load combination being at adverse effect. The reliability level of the concrete poles was extrapolated using the First-Order reliability Method (FORM) encoded in CalREL, a multipurpose structural reliability analysis software. Since every natural event is unpredictable, the interaction between the capacity of a pole and the demand (axial forces) on it must also be uncertain. The study shows that the reliability level of the poles increase as the reinforcement ratio increases but decrease as the cross-sections of the concrete poles decrease or as the heights increase, above 4.5m height, the probability of failure of the Nigerian concrete poles is high. Critical positions/areas of the concrete poles that require amendment have been identified based on the implied levels of reliability and when factors affecting material properties, geometry and loading are considered random in nature.
Two-phase Induction Motor fed from Solar Power via Programmed Wave Inverter[Full-Text ] Ayman Ali, Salama Abo Zayd, Abdel Samie KotbThe solar power is a dc power and if dc loads are available, we can build a simple and economic solar system at remote locations. The most important load is a dc drive which is capable for driving heavy loads such as water pumps, washing machines and refrigerators. The single phase induction motor is commonly used in such domestic applications so we selected it as a base for our new solar dc drive, however we will rewind it to operate by low voltage with identical main and auxiliary windings (low voltage two-phase motor). In this paper we will design a novel simple programmed wave inverter which collects the advantages of the two commercially available inverters: low harmonics and low cost in addition to small size, so it can be integrated with the motor as a reliable dc drive.
The effect of Autophagy in Regulation of ROS, Mitochondria damage, Aging, Inflammation and Metabolic control and Protects against Genome Instability and Necrosis as a Potential target in Cancer and Autoimmunity Treatment and Prevention[Full-Text ] Dr. Zahraa Nasheehamad Almohammed, Dr. Zelalem Kiros Bitsue, Prof. Irajragerdi Kashani, Prof. Parichehr PasbakhshAutophagy is a process of cellular self-degradation in which portions of the cytoplasm are sequestered within cytosolic double-membrane vesicles and delivered to the lysosome/vacuole. autophagy is induced during starvation and hypoxia.
The effect of Mitochondria in Regulation gene expression, Metabolism, Cell differentiationand Modulate synaptic transmission within the brain, as a Potential Target in Cancer and Autoimmunity Treatment and Prevention[Full-Text ] Dr. Zahraa Nasheehamad Almohammed, Dr. Zelalem Kiros Bitsue, Prof. Irajragerdi Kashani, Prof. Parichehr PasbakhshMitochondria are now recognized to perform multiple essential functions beyond energy production, impacting most areas of cell biology and medicine. Mitochondria undergo function-defining dynamic shape changes, communicate with each other, regulate gene expression within the nucleus, modulate synaptic transmission within the brain, release molecules that contribute to oncogenic transformation and trigger inflammatory responses systemically, and influence the regulation of complex physiological systems.
The effect of Mitochondria, in biosynthesis of Sex Steroid Hormones, as Heme biosynthesis, and Hormones regulate mitochondrial as a Potential Target in Aging, Cancer and Autoimmunity Treatment and Prevention[Full-Text ] Dr. Zahraa Nasheehamad Almohammed, Dr. Zelalem Kiros Bitsue, Prof. Irajragerdi Kashani, Prof. Parichehr PasbakhshOn top of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), mitochondria perform other functions such asheme biosynthesis and oxygen sensing and mediate calcium homeostasis, cell growth, and cell death.
A Study on Colour, Antimicrobial Activites and Fastness Values of Green Walnut Husk Dyed Wool[Full-Text ] Nilgun BECENEN, Hayri ÅžENThe aim of this work is to investigate the dye ability of wool yarns without using metal salt with waste green walnut husk. Color measurement method with spectrophotometer was used to control the color standard in the study. First of all, dyeing extract was prepared by means of using walnut green husks. The extracts obtained were used in dyeing wool yarns. The dyeing process was repeated five times. Then, color coordinates, antimicrobial activity and fastness values were determined. Measurements of the colours obtained in consequence of mordant and non-mordant dyeing were made by means of X-Rite portable spectrophotometer. Color stability was investigated by making individual color measurements of each color.Extract obtained from the green walnut husks is effective against reducing the microorganisms of gram (+) Candida albicans ATCC 10231. The colour fastness to washing and rubbing after dyeing the wool yarns was investigated the results of which showed good fastness.
Experimental Investigation of Field Working Hours of Cost Effective Surveillance Robot cum Quad Copter against Eve Teasing and Multipurpose Applications [Full-Text ] Shivasheesh Kaushik, Deepak JoshiIn the present scenario, after varying observations only one and very important issue which catches our eye again and again and needs attention with deep proactive participation is eve teasing, many cities suffering from very crucial problem of eve teasing, which occurs again and again and there is no possible solution of rectification for such cases because we are failing in twenty-four hours monitoring for such issues, as government have very low man power which engaged in various other works, whatever the amount of the man power left for such issues are not able to solve this problem due to unidentified areas and lack of evidence. The main objective of our research paper is to manufacture of cost effective surveillance robot cum Quad Copter against eve teasing, in which we increase the time limit of monitoring by installing batteries and effective frame by new design technique which remove undesirable load which allow the Quad Copter for stay/fly more time in air so that the time limit increase which is directly proportional to monitoring and surveillance. In this research paper, we calculating the charging and discharging time of battery and find the charging time and optimum discharging time with varying height, optimum height at proper image visibility from low-cost pre-assumed camera which will support for the planned working hours for surveillance with a cost effective manner against eve teasing.
Performance of sorghum cultivar in terms of forage yield and quality under varying planting patterns[Full-Text ] Muhammad Asim, Shahid Ibni Zamir, Mazhar Hussain, Neelma Hassan, Muhammad Shan Mohi-Ud-Din, Muhammad NasirYield and quality of sorghum is also affected by the different planting pattern and varieties. Variety plays an important role in determining the yield potential of any crop. Therefore, field trials to find out most suitable sorghum variety for higher fodder yield in terms of quality and quantity in varying plating pattern was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with split plot arrangement. The experiment was comprised of two factors. Factor A included sorghum cultivar viz. (Jawar 2002, Sorghum 2011 and JS 2002), while factor B included three planting patterns (60 x 20 cm, 50 x 24 cm and 40 x 30 cm). Results revealed that maximum plant height, forage yield, dry matter yield, crude protein contents and ash contents were produced in cultivars sorghum-2011 with planting pattern 40 x 30 cm. While minimum plant height, forage yield, dry matter yield and crude protein was observed in JS-2002 with planting pattern (60 x 20 cm).It was concluded that cultivar Sorghum-2011 performed better with planting pattern (40 x 30 cm)by producing higher yield with higher quality under agro climatic condition of Faisalabad.
Provision of Trade and Service Activities in the Low-Income Housing Flats area[Full-Text ] Rachmawati Novaria, Suko IstijantoThe large number of urban slums is encouraging the government to find solutions that match the level of problems in each region. The devel-opment of the city expect a healthy housing conditions, regular and clean. To achieve that result, the vertical housing development becomes one of the alternative solutions in handling slum settlements as well as supporting poverty alleviation program. The problem is the develop-ment of flats for low income people which is the embodiment of the fulfillment of the housing needs of the community for low income, not yet optimal management and regulation and not yet complete supporting and supporting facilities that are beneficial to the community around the area such as the availability of mini markets, restaurants, financial services and banking, Cafe, health services.This research uses descriptive-qualitative method that aims to reveal the social phenomenon from qualitative side, namely facts and phenom-ena related to the management of trade and service activities in the area of flats for low-income communities in urban areas. The solution is the need for regulation and management of trade and service activities in the area of a good flat and regular, so that the residents and communities around the area get the benefits and growth of the existing business in the area of low-cost housing in urban areas, but it can also be useful for Local government if it is managed as a profitable trading and services activity in the high rise area for low income people.
Analytical Review on Different Gain Improvement Techniques in Microstrip Patch Antenna[Full-Text ] Bharti Kaushik, Manish Jaiswal This paper presents the different techniques of gain improvement in Microstrip Patch Antennas (MPAs). MPAs are characterized by their parameters. The different parameters required are radiation pattern, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio, Reflection Coefficients etc. Among all the parameters Gain and Bandwidth plays an important role in the efficiency of MSAs. In this work comprehensive analytic review is done on improving the gain of an antenna.
Differential Query Maintenance using Cost- Adequate Clouds [Full-Text ] Mohammed Riyazuddin, Meeravali shaik , Varanasi Aruna ,H.BalajiCloud computing as an rising technology trend is expected to reshape the advances in information technology. In a cost-efficient cloud environment, a user can tolerate a certain degree of hold-up while retrieving information from the cloud to reduce costs. In this paper we address two fundamental issues in such an environment: privacy and efficiency. We first review a private keyword-based file recovery scheme that was originally proposed by Ostrovsky. Their scheme allows a user to retrieve files of interest from an untrusted server without leaking any information. The main disadvantage is that it will cause a heavy querying overhead incurred on the cloud and thus goes against the original intention of cost efficiency. In this paper we present three efficient information retrieval for ranked query (EIRQ) schemes to decrease querying overhead incurred on the cloud. In EIRQ queries are classified into multiple ranks where a advanced ranked query can retrieve a higher percentage of matched files. A user can retrieve files on demand by choosing queries of different ranks. This feature is useful when there are a large number of coordinated files but the user only needs a small subset of them. Under different parameter settings extensive evaluation have been conducted on both analytical models and on a actual cloud environment in order to examine the effectiveness of our schemes.
An Overview Of Electrical Hazards And Safety Tips: On The Job/Office And Home Awareness Call[Full-Text ] S.O. Ezennaya, F.O. Enemuoh, V.N. AguElectrical safety is a very important factor that needs urgent attention. This paper provides an overview of basic electrical safety on the job and at home. Electricity is essential to modern life, both at home and on the job. The purpose of this article is to inform the community and users of electricity about the electrical safety and the serious consequence when it is not properly and regularly performed. Information and data were collected from Occupational Safety and Health Administration 3075. Results revealed that some multi -socket power lines, as well as some power cords were outside of the limits provided by the international protocols. Observations were properly analyzed and conclusions was made based on the observation.
Dictionary Based Nepali Word Recognition using Neural Network[Full-Text ] Ram Chandra Pandey, Babu Ram Dawadi, Suman Sharma, Abinash BasnetThe Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems developed for the Nepali language carry a very poor recognition rate due to error in character segmentation, ambiguity with similar character and has; unique character representation style. The purpose of this paper work is to take image of handwritten or printed Nepali characters and words as input, process the character, train the neural network algorithm, to recognize the pattern and convert to digital form of the input. In this paper, we propose an OCR system for Nepali text in Devanagari script, using multi-layer feed forward back propagation Artificial Neural Network (ANN), to improve the efficiency and accuracy. Adaptive learning rate with Gradient descent algorithm is proposed in Neural net with two hidden layers used with input and output and MMSE is the performance criteria.
Trends in Indigenous Crops Cultivation and Distribution in Yatta Sub County, Kenya[Full-Text ] Philip Ogada, Dragon Cigoja, Sosthene MuberaEvaluation of the diversity, distribution and dynamics of vegetation cover is important in predicting the effects of climate change especially in dryland regions. Rain-fed agriculture is the main livelihood for a majority of small scale farmers in Kenya including most arid regions. Their main farming systems focus on the “ major crops/introduced ”(maize, wheat, rice and beans) However, strategies to cultivate these crops in the region are no longer sustainable due to reliability on finite resources, high input load and vulnerability to climate change. A key alternative strategy to adapt to a changing climate is the development and promotion of indigenous crop species. These crops are usually highly adapted to harsh and marginal environments making them significant contributors to divergence of biodiversity and resilience of agroecosystems. A good example is finger millet Eleusine coracana which is indigenous to Eastern Africa. It is in line with this that a systematic review of literature was done to establish the status and trends on indigenous crop cultivation in Yatta, Kenya. Analysis of the literature found adopting and promotion of indigenous crops is an important strategy to adapt to a changing climate and improve on food security in Yatta but fewer of these crops are being grown. A clear trend was established in the shift in crop types grown over the two decades with major changes observed from traditional crops that are more adaptable to the regions’ local climate to introduced crops, preferred due to their economic advantage. Findings of this review will help characterize and synthesize the understanding of these crops and their importance as well as reaffirm the need for their promotion and cultivation for sustainable agriculture in Kenya.
SDR IMPLEMENTATION OF QPSK MODEM WITH AWGN[Full-Text ] Kavyashree D, Umeshraddy, B K SujathaSoftware Defined Radio, is an important element of wireless (radio) technology in telecommunication industry. SDR is defined as radio in which some or all of the physical layer functions are software defined. The main goal of SDR is to replace as many as possible analog and digital components with programmable devices. SDR may use different source coding, channel coding and modulation schemes. In this paper the SDR modulation and demodulation is done by using QPSK technique. This paper considered additive white Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel as the channel model. FPGA is chosen as implementation platform due to its suitability for the real time algorithm implementation. The QPSK modem has been studied and simulated using MATLAB and code was written in Verilog HDL and can be implemented on Spartan-3 XC3S50-PQ208 and Spartan-6 XC6SLX45-3CSG324 FPGA processor using Xilinx ISE 14.7.
Achieving the mercerization effect in cotton knitted fabric by high concentration NaOH in scouring and bleaching in exhaustion method[Full-Text ] Md. Raju Ahmed, Md. Shipan Mia, Md. Shakhawat Hossain, Dr. Quan HengSingle jersey cotton knitted fabrics are scoured and bleached using high concentration NaOH in order to attaining the effects of mercerization in a solitary process which can be referred to as combined scouring, bleaching and mercerizing process. The aforementioned combined processed fabric’s surface morphology, fine structure, barium activity number, bursting strength, K/S value of dyed fabric were scrutinized. These properties are compared with the properties of a regular scoured and bleached fabric and a separately bleached fabric to manifest the potency of the process. Fabric treated with new combined process can be characterized by smoother, lustrous surface than the typical scoured and bleached fabric and almost same as separately mercerized fabric. It exhibits decrease in crystallinity and conversion of crystalline phase from cellulose I to cellulose II in similar manner to the separately mercerized fabric. Barium activity number, bursting strength and improvement of K/S value are also in line with the separately mercerized fabric. Above mentioned properties of combined scoured, bleached and mercerized fabric well evident the effectiveness of the process.
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Model of a Pediatric Chest Positioning Device with respect to Image Quality[Full-Text ] H.D.N.S.Hathurusinghe, W.L.R.De Silva, D.M.S.S.Dissanayake, Prof.R.JayasingheDiagnosis of diseases highly depends on radiological procedures. The application of plain radiography in pediatrics has increased over years. For the successful diagnosis high quality images are important. Immobilization plays a major part in Pediatric Radiography. Aim of this study is to introduce cost effective and time saving immobilization device for chest position of pediatrics and evaluate the effectiveness of the device with respect to image quality. Study was performed in two stages, for the first stage, designed a model according to the requirements with relevant specifications and modifications which is useful in obtaining adequate immobilization with proper positioning. Second stage was to build the device and to evaluate the effectiveness of the device with respect to image quality using a patient simulating dummy. For changing kV and mAs image density values with device and without device were measured and those values were analyzed with SPSS statistical software version 17.Since for changing kV and mAs, image density values for bone(p=0.143,p=0.089), air (p=0.143,p=0.353), water(p=0.353,p=0.436) not followed normal distribution, accorrding to the Mann Whitney U test there is no significant different between image density for changing kV and mAs with device and without device at 95% confidence level. As designed the model was consisted of mechanisms which facilitate the main peditric chest positions and effect of the device on image quality was minimal.
A New LU FACTOR and Interpolation Based DOA Estimation Technique[Full-Text ] Yashoda B.S, Dr. K.R. NatarajSmart Antenna increases the capacity of the Mobile Communication System by making use of either Maximal Ratio Combining or Diversity combining techniques. Smart Antenna has to perform a duplex operation. It has to receive signals as well as transmits signals. The reception part mainly requires the detection of user directions. In this paper a novel Signal Subspace, LU Factor method is proposed which detects the users with better bias and Resolution. The algorithm also makes use of interpolation of steering vector without any Hardware resources so that the resolution is improved in a better way. The LU Factor Method is compared with existing DOA (Direction of arrival) algorithms namely Bartlett, MLM (maximum likelihood method), MEM (Maximum entropy method), MUSIC (Multiple Signal Classification) and QR method. From the Results one can conclude that with respect to bias, resolution and RMSE the LU Factor method is the best.
Inheritance of Scrum methodology in Company Business[Full-Text ] Anjana P RaoIn today’s emerging IT era, every company follows a set of standards and regulations for carrying out the development of desired project that affects the business of company. The various software development models are often used in companies to carry out the effective and efficient implementation of project and releasing the software. Software development involves an adaptation of an efficient framework that can be used to structure, plan and control the process of developing an information system. Out of the various approaches like Waterfall development, Incremental development, Spiral, Agile and lightweight methodologies, one of the emerging frameworks is scrum approach. Scrum is an agile framework used for completing complex projects. It is best used for projects that involve innovation in every phase. Scrum can be called as a subset of agile development. Agile development is a process that is aligned with the concepts of the agile manifesto.
Real World Applications of Big Data[Full-Text ] Garima Sharma, Seema Maitreywe are overflowing in an overflow of large data today. In expansive variety of applications areas, data is being collected from at different scales. Nowadays, every aspect of modern society is impacted by big data involving medical health care, social networking, government sector, bioinformatics, education system etc. this leads to new research paradigms. With this new era of big data, the traditional methods for analyzing data is no longer exist. This paper summaries the latest applications of big data & its associated future scopes.
Design and Simulation of Silicon Nanowire Transistor Using TCAD [Full-Text ] Pawan Rewatkar, Saurabh Joshiwe present a paper on simulation study of silicon nanowire transistor base on the solution self consistent of Poisson, Schrodinger and continuity equation on three dimensional domain. The final device was enhanced for both high performance and low operating power application. A advance study on future technology nodes down to the 14nm node was performed which showed short channel effect. A process variation study was accompanied in comparison with a finFET device. A silicon nanowire FET displays less sensitivity to process variation. To simulation for this device correct modeling and calculations based on quantum mechanics theory are necessary. The use of a mode space approach (either coupled or uncoupled) yields high computational efficiency that makes our three dimensional quantum simulator practical for extensive device simulation and design.
Design and Implementation of a Wireless Notice Board with Interface for Remote Update[Full-Text ] Duru Chinedu, Ochonu Regina, Okoronkwo C. OnyinyeMankind has always had a need for signs and notifications at places and events, which ranges from meeting times and venues, to transport arrival and departure times. Such notifications guide society on making informed decisions towards better lifestyle. While some notifications used to be relayed through audio means by town criers in villages in the past, such methods are not suitable for towns and cities that have witnessed tremendous technology advancements. Also, traditional notice board methods of physically sticking typed paper notices on wooden board waste resources. The value of this work is underscored by the need to meet our everyday information needs in a timely and cost effective manner by harnessing existing electronic and wireless technologies to help people to ultimately achieve better socio-economic outcomes. Information is power; thus, it is paramount to disseminate time critical information quickly and conveniently. This paper proposes a design and implementation of a mobile phone controlled wireless electronic notice board that can be used to circulate information in places such as schools, offices, homes and other establishments. This design offers flexibility and control of information to its users remotely as information is transmitted over a wireless network.
Environmental Management System (EMS): context and challenges - a case study[Full-Text ] Ioana Meza The Environmental Management System (EMS) is an important tool towards sustainable development. ISO 14001 for Environmental Management and EU’s Eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS) are the most popular standards of EMS. This case study analyzes the practical, institutional, legal, financial and organizational implications of EMS implementation in Romania. The aim of this study is to determine the context, challenges, and make recommendations for improving the status quo. Furthermore this paper evaluates the reasons that make Romania’s case interesting. First reason is the scarcity of the academic literature regarding the topic. Second reason is the fact that Romania is one of the best 10 performers worldwide in terms of the number of ISO 14001 certified organizations. The significant gap between ISO 14001 and EMAS standards is evaluated and some recommendations for the future are drawn.
Voltage Plotter Using Programmable System on Chip[Full-Text ] Milind Sonawane, Abhay Tambe, Sachin Gengaje During testing, just knowing the amplitude of the signal is not always sufficient. An oscilloscope can be used but is too bulky to be carried around on site. This paper explains implementation of an interfacing card to use computer as a voltage plotter and designing of software that would enable just the same. The interfacing card is developed using PSoC. Input port can be selected in case there are multiple inputs connected to the computer. The application on the computer is developed using Visual Studio
DETERMINATION OF OPTIMUM SIZE OF RUBBER FRUIT SHELL CHARCOAL POWDER GRAIN TO INCREASE THE VALUE OF SURFACE HARRDNESS OF STEEL ST 37 IN PACK CARBURIZING PROCESS [Full-Text ] Suhdi, Edward Prawiro, Rodiawan The development of use of Pack Carburizing process to increase the value of steel surface hardness has encouraged to be conducted a research to improve the efficiency of process. One of the research conducted by Saparin (2011) by utilizing shell charcoal of rubber fruit as a source of carbon in Pack Carburizing process. Pack Carburizing process is carried out by covering the workpiece with rubber fruit shell charcoal powder as a source of carbon, then heated in a furnace until at the austenizing temperature. The use of carbon source in powder form has an effect on the carbon content that can be diffused into the surface of workpiece that will affect the value of surface hardness as revealed in a research conducted by Mujiyono and A.L. Sumowidagdo (2008) and Kuswanto, Bambang (2010). Therefore, this research aims to find out the optimum size of rubber fruit shell charcoal powder grain to increase the value of the surface hardness of steel. Material used in this research is low carbon steel ST 37 with a carbon content of 0.1367% C. Pack Carburizing process using 100% of carbon media from rubber fruit shell charcoal with a carbon content of 88.52% C. Grain size variations used consist of 18 mesh (1 mm), 30 mesh (0.6 mm), 100 mesh (0.15 mm), and 200 mesh (0.075 mm). Heating temperature of Pack Carburizing process is 925 ° C with a holding time of 6 hours. After that continued to the Hardening process at 860 ° C, 60 minutes of holding time and using water as a quenching media. Tempering process is done after Hardening process at temperature 100 °C for an hour.The results shows that the optimum size of rubber fruit shell charcoal powder grain to increase the surface hardness value of steel ST 37 is mesh 30 with carbon content diffused that can be generated on the specimen surface after Pack carburizing process is about 0.5253% C from the first carbon content (Non Pack carburizing specimen) in the amount of 0.1367% C. While, the surface hardness value is 223.9 HV after Pack Carburizing process and reaches about 832.2 HV after hardening + tempering process from surface hardness value on the first specimen (Non Pack Carburizing specimen) is about 132 HV.Keywords : Steel ST 37, rubber fruit shell, powder grain, Mesh, Pack Carburizing, Hardening, Tempering, carbon diffusion, hardness.
Interpretation of gravity anomaly of Parts of Lower and Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Mukaila Abdullahi, Upendra K. Singh, Jeetendra Soren The airborne gravity anomalies interpretation of the lower and middle Benue Trough of Nigeria have carried out. The early cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the study area and the outcropping and intruded basaltic rocks are considered to be the primary source of the mineral potential of the study area. Depth to the subsurface structures has been carried out using spectral analysis and the Euler deconvolution technique. The minimum depth to anomalous sources of 0.80 km was recorded while a maximum depth of 3.0 km was recorded by the Euler deconvolution technique and minimum depth of 0.83 km and maximum of 3.4 km were recorded using the spectral analysis method. The depth estimate by the two methods is in good agreement as well as with result of the previous depth estimate by some researchers.
Two-phase Induction Motor fed from Solar Power via Programmed Wave Inverter[Full-Text ] Ayman Ali, Salama Abo Zayd, Abdel Samie Kotb The solar power is a dc power and if dc loads are available, we can build a simple and economic solar system at remote locations. The most important load is a dc drive which is capable for driving heavy loads such as water pumps, washing machines and refrigerators. The single phase induction motor is commonly used in such domestic applications so we selected it as a base for our new solar dc drive, however we will rewind it to operate by low voltage with identical main and auxiliary windings (low voltage two-phase motor). In this paper we will design a novel simple programmed wave inverter which collects the advantages of the two commercially available inverters: low harmonics and low cost in addition to small size, so it can be integrated with the motor as a reliable dc drive.
Congenital Insensitivity To Pain With Anhidrosis In Two Brothers : Case reports [Full-Text ] Amer S.Almuqati The first two cases of congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis (HSAN4) in Saudi Arabia. Both diagnosed with congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis based on both clinical and molecular analysis.
Design, Development and Evaluation of a Mechanical Cacao Pod Bagger/Sleever [Full-Text ] Kevin C. Joseph, Roger C. Montepio, Ryan M. Abenoja, Ruel F. Tuyogon This paper presents a mechanical cacao pod bagger/sleever that is expected to address the challenges on cacao pod bagging. The developed bagging device will provide solution in increasing the farmers’ productivity, reducing drudgery, and eliminate accident. Eighteen (18) trees, each with 20 pieces of pods ready for bagging, were randomly selected and assigned to (T1) mechanical cacao pod bagger and (T2) manual bagging method. Three (3) workers were assigned to perform both treatments (T1=3 workers, T2=3 workers). T-test was used to analyze the significant difference between two treatments. Result of the evaluation showed that the mechanical cacao pod bagger has an effective capacity of 311 pods/hr. It was almost five times faster than the manual bagging method (58.6 pods/hr). Further, statistical analysis presented that the mechanical cacao pod bagger capacity was significantly better than manual bagging at 0.000039 probabilities. Meanwhile, a marginal cost-benefit ratio of 2.72 showed that using the mechanical cacao pod bagger is economically feasible and viable.
Estimation of Chatter Vibration and Quality Assessment of EN 24 Steel Turning[Full-Text ] N K Mandal N K Singh UC Kumar Prediction of chatter vibration of a machining process is important as it ultimately affect the quality of the product. Proper combination of cutting parameters like spindle speed, feed, depth of cut etc. may give optimal productivity as well as optimal quality of the product. In addition, high rotational speed of spindle motor and feed motor may create undesirable chatter vibrations which ultimately damage the machineries also. Such undesirable vibrations can spoil the cutting surface with chatter marks and ultimately makes the machining system unstable. In the present study, 30 no. of experiments were conducted on a All Gear Lathe Machine with 30 no. of cylindrical shafts of EN24 which is 32 mm in diameter and 70cm long. The experiments are performed wet machining condition to find out the ranges of cutting parameters for which the machining systems are in dynamically stable condition.
Laboratory method to study the surface corrosion of ZrO2.5CaO + Al2O3 coatings applied on Gray Cast Iron substrate[Full-Text ] Abhinav, N.Krishnamurthy, Ranjana Jain,Nikhitha C,K R Abhishek A systematic investigation on surface corrosion of Calcia Stabilised Zirconia, top coat applied to Gray cast iron substrates were examined. To achieve coatings Air plasma spray technique was adopted. A total of nine specimens were prepared for different top coat thickness 100, 200 and 300 µm.The samples were tested for different concentration of 5, 7, & 10% in the aqueous nitric acidic (HNO3) medium and continuously examined for weight loss and surface corrosion at an interval of 8, 16 and 24 hours. Surface corrosion tests were conducted with liquid immersion technique to examine the surface oxidation. In this investigation, it has been found that the 100 µm top coat specimens undergoes non uniform corrosion at all the concentration, relatively more compared to 200 and 300 µm coated specimens. Spallation of the top coat realised in case of 100 µm top coat specimens at higher concentration reason attributed to less coat thickness and porosity, facilitating nitric acid to diffuse easily to the underlying bond coat (Fe38Ni10Al) leads to accelerate corrosion of the top coat. All the results of the present investigation were presented in detail.
Needle Management System in Apparel Industry[Full-Text ] Marzia Dulal, Md. Syduzzaman The Case study on needle management system in garment sector is a very important term for textile industries as they have to supply several items to production floor when they need. They have to order it from the supplier but the quantity should meet their requirement not less & not much. Employment of EOQ model can provide a company efficient and cheaper inventory management cost. There was several problems solved, some of items are purchased more than the demand. The total receives and total delivery was calculated of 14 months data. Then the extra purchase was calculated, holding cost and set up cost was included then by implementing the EOQ model the problem was solved. The problem should be reduced in inventory management is extra purchase. We got about 114227pcs of extra purchase of needles. It should be removed by the company to cover losses. The target of the project was to find out the problems in needle management system. The problems covered by establishing an EOQ for purchasing those needles.
The Importance of Production Output in Support of Multifunctional Agriculture[Full-Text ] Nertila Qafoku (Arapaj), Natasha HodajAlbania remains the country with the highest share of agriculture in relation to Gross Domestic Products (GDP) in Europe and nearly doubles the region while the paradox lies in the fact that the country continues to be a net importer of agricultural products. Rather, the measures taken in 1991 with "massacre" in land fragmentation per capita funding to dropper and fragmentary development policies have disoriented the long-term sustainable development of the sector. This performance shows that the country is still in the inertia of the communist heritage, without being able to modernize and adapt the sector to the new needs of the market economy. Multifunctionality is seen as a choice for the agricultural sector (promoting farm development) which is involved in a variety of cyclical difficulties, orienting the value chain. Through AHP we have identified those objectives that can increase the performance of the manufacturing sector and specifically to build policies that keep price stability. The study was conducted in the district of Berat, as the district data are close to the country average.
Artificial neural network for Au- Au collision at different Centrality[Full-Text ] D.M.Habashy An artificial neural network (ANN) was used to study experimental particles ratios for Au-Au collisions at different centrality ( 0-5 , 20-30 and 40-60 %) and different energies (√(S_NN )=39 , 11.5 and 7.7 GeV). The neural network was designed to simulate particles ratios . The system was trained on the available data in three cases. Therefore we designed the system for finding the best performance. Simulation results are compared with experimental results.High precision was found as well as good performance of the ANN model.
Microhardness Simulation for 2024 and 7075 Aluminum alloys using Artificial Neural Network[Full-Text ] D.M.Habashy In the present work, Vickermicrohardness for 2024 and 7075 aluminum alloys was simulated as a function of cold rolling degree, ageing time, load and temperature using artificial neural network (ANN). ANN was trained on the available data of two cases. Many epochs were designed to obtain the best performance. Performance show good agreement with the experimental data. Mathematical formula was obtained to describe microhardness. Then, the capability of the ANN techniques to simulate the experimental data with almost accuracy recommends the ANN to dominate the modelling techniques in microhardness.
Consistency between CORS and NACN Egyptian Networks in Cairo and Nile Delta[Full-Text ] Mohammed El-Tokhey, Tamer F. Fath-Allah, Yasser M. Mogahed and Mohammed MamdouhThe Egyptian Survey Authority (ESA) established in 1995 the High Accuracy Reference Network (HARN), which is zero order. In 1997, ESA established the New Agricultural Cadastral Network (NACN), which has been tied to the HARN. From this date till now, ESA has depended on the NACN for GPS surveying, mapping, and positioning activities… etc. On the other hand, and due to the increasing demand for high accuracy relative position using GPS, ESA established the 1st Egyptian Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) network in January, 2012. The established network was processed and adjusted relative to the International Reference Terrestrial Frame (ITRF) 2008 at epoch 23 October, 2011.3D positional discrepancies are found between both NACN and CORS networks. Such discrepancies are referenced to the difference in fixation of each network. These discrepancies can lead to serious problems in surveying activities in Egypt unless it is considered and accounted for. In this paper, the relation between NACN and CORS networks was studied as well as the possibility of direct transformation between such two networks. To achieve this goal, two GPS campaigns were established, located in Cairo and Nile Delta, to study the discrepancies in the obtained 3D coordinates for each campaign related to NACN and CORS networks. Then, the 3D transformations parameters between the two networks were calculated in two different cases (considering shift only in the first case and seven parameters transformation in the second). Results showed that both networks are different, mainly with significant average shift components of 0.450m in position and slight rotation in the order of 0.2222 arc-second. Also, it was proved that a direct translational transformation can be performed between CORS and NACN networks.