Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2016
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Microsoft Dynamics AX[Full-Text ] Mohammad BalobiadThis research paper provides a brief introduction on Microsoft Dynamics AX. The use of Dynamics AX in six industries, including customer services, marketing, retail, financial services, manufacturing and sales, is discussed in depth together with examples of companies in different fields that have implemented the software. The last part of this paper delves into disadvantages of the software.
Sustainable utilizations of Borassus aethiopum Mart. fruits in the Eastern Region of Burkina Faso[Full-Text ] Kansole Michelline Marie ReginaBorassus aethiopum Mart., Commonly called Koanga in Moore (most utilized local language in Burkina Faso), is a palmyra tree which is very widespread in India and Africa. In Burkina Faso, it is located in the Eastern region of the country, where it is used in various ways (medicinal, constructions, culinary…). Populations of Kompienga (Province of Eastern part of Burkina Faso) use mainly the hypocotyls of the young trees in their daily food rations, but also as an economical income through the trade of those hypocotyls. This study is finding out sustainable ways to avoid the destruction of the Borassus forest in the locality, but also, it is proposing means to add more values in the use of the fruit without touching the hypocotyls only. For the purpose we used physical, ethnobotanical and chemicals methods.
Exploration of second language learners’ vocabulary learning strategies[Full-Text ] Abduljabbar AlshehriNation (2006) have stated that second language learners need 6000 to 9000 words in order to communicate effectively in English. However other studies that were carried out in many contexts of second language learners have shown that second language learners are not up to that level. The following table summarizes the real case of second language learners of English in many studies that were carried out in many contexts.
Importance of Human Resource Management[Full-Text ] Zainab, Yousef, KelantonThe business is dependent on its manpower for its growth and development along with its future sustainability. Human Resource management plays a major role in this process where it concentrates on the most important asset for business, manpower for their development and growth. Further, this also plays a key role in determining the resource allocation for the jobs and is the key resource of skills either by recruitment or internal talent development to keep the business. My contribution in accessing and making a distinct pathway for the HR functions in business is to be seen in this report. In the days of technological addition and global business development, the initiatives that a business needs to take, in the researcher’s view is also portrayed.
Integrating Risk & Knowledge Management For effectively Managing Projects[Full-Text ] Muhammad Awais & Dr. Irfan ZafarThe research work explores how using Knowledge (KM) tools and techniques can help develop the implementation of Risk Management (RM). The findings of the research work will be applicable to all the organizations involved in utilizing KM and RM. It is one of the first attempts by the researcher to find similarities between KM & RM under the umbrella of project Management (PM). This carves out a combinational theme as to how they can be combined for effective project management, especially at the early stages of the project.
CONTROLLING OF DOUBLY FED INDUCTION GENERATOR USING DIRECT TORQUE CONTROL[Full-Text ] SYED ARSHAD HUSSAIN, MANISH SONI, NITIN GOELIn this paper, direct torque control (DTC) technology of doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) is applied to variable speed wind power generation systems.The DTC is mostly used in the objective to improve the reduction of the undulations or the flux's distortion, and to have good dynamic performances. It's essentially based on a localization table which allows selecting the vector tension to apply to the inverter according to the position of the stator flux vector and of the direct control of the stator flux and the electromagnetic torque.The modeling of the complete system is done in MATLAB-SIMULINK.Simulation results shows the proposed DTC control strategy.
Arm Cortex-A8 and Intel core i7 920[Full-Text ] Anas AlghuraibiThe research paper will investigate two distinguished computer processors that provide a wide range of specialized functions. Both versions have been tailored to offer high-performance user-friendly interface to meet the needs of all users. It is necessary to have broad knowledge and understanding of computer specifications before purchasing one in order to choose the machine that best fits one’s preferences.
ASSEMBLY BY PRESTRESSED OR HIGH-STRENGTH BOLT[Full-Text ] CHAOUFI.ALI, AHMED TAFRAOUIThe analytical method provides a very good approximation of the tightening of a bolted assembly. Consequently, one can be satisfied with a fast analytical calculation to rather precisely check the tightening of a bolted assembly. A model finite element is hardly more precise at least of a point of considering total. One could still look further into these problems by determining in experiments the constraints in the screw and the part of a pre stressed bolted assembly. It would be also interesting to see more precisely, how evolves locally the constraints in the part and the screw.
The Effects of AVG and Harpin Treatments on Fruit Set of 0900 Ziraat Sweet Cherry[Full-Text ] Erdal Aglar, Kenan Yildiz, Onur SaracogluThe 0900 Ziraat with superior fruit characteristics is an important sweet cherry cultivar of Turkey. However, the cultivar has poor fruit set problem. The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of AVG and Harpin applied at the beginning of flowering period on fruit set of 0900 Ziraat sweet cherry. Current findings revealed that 250 mgL-1 Harpin or 500 mgL-1 AVG treatments significantly increased fruit set ratios. While 250 mgL-1 AVG and 125 Harpin doses alone were not found to be efficient, they significantly improved fruit set ratios whey they were applied together. While AVG treatments did not change fruit characteristics significantly, both 125 mgL-1 and 250 mgL-1 Harpin treatments decreased fruit size, fruit flesh firmness, stem retention force (SRT) and soluble solids content (SSC) and induced skin color development.
Surgical opportunity in our clinic for management of postburn flexion contracture of the Elbow in children[Full-Text ] Hasime Terziqi Burn scars can lead to a poor functional and cosmetic outcome as well as possible psychological consequences. The aim of this study is to define the complexity of the treatment of contractures in children’s elbows after burns in the Clinic of Plastic Surgery– University Clinic Centre Prishtina. Kosova, during the years 2010-2014.
CALIBRATION OF DISPERSION MODELS USING MU RIVER, BENUE STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Aho I.M, Akpen G.D and Uungwa S.JThe research was aimed at Calibrating dispersion models using Mu River. The study was effected by a means of tracer-dye. Experimental data from tracer injections as well as data from hydraulic parameters were used to calculate the dispersion coefficient of River Mu in Makurdi, Benue state, Nigeria.The work was carried out at the peak of rainy season. Data for the study was gotten from injection of 1 kg of soluble sulphur black (BR) dye. Dispersion coefficient as a fundamental parameter in hydraulic modelling in river pollution was estimated using three models namely: Agunwamba, Leverspiel and Smith as well as Deng et al. The first gave 42 m2/s. The second model gave 17 m2/s and the third, 45 m2/s. The values of dispersion coefficient obtained using Agunwamba model and Deng et al model were adopted because of the closeness and fair comparison with the values of dispersion coefficient in literature. It was observed that, dispersion coefficient values are affected by parameters like river velocity, hydraulic depth and cross–sectional width of the river.
Non-local Solution of Mixed Integral Equation in Position and Time with Singular Kernel[Full-Text ] R.A. Omar,W.WahiedIn this paper, we consider the nonlocal Fredholm- Volterra integral equation of the second kind, with discontinuous kernel. The existence and uniqueness of the solution is considered. Then, the Toeplitz matrix method (TMM)is used to obtain a nonlocal algebraic system, where the existence and uniqueness solution of the nonlocal algebraic system, can be discussed. The algebraic system is computed numerically, when the historical memory of the problem (nonlocal function) takes three cases: when there is no memory, when the memory is linear and when the memory is nonlinear. Moreover, the estimate error, in each method and each case, is computed. Here, we deduce that, the error in the absence of memory is larger than in the linear memory. Moreover, the error of the nonlinear memory is larger than the linear memory.
Effect of quinalphos on enzyme activity in two groundnut (Arachishypogaea L.) soils[Full-Text ] P. Ramanamma, and V. RangaswamySoil enzyme activities are very sensitive to both natural and anthropogenic disturbances and show a quick response to the induced changes. Soil dehydrogenase enzymes are one of the main components of soil biogeochemical cycles. Introduction of pesticides into soil may have lasting effects on soil microbial activities and thus affect soil health. The effect of selected pesticides i.e. quinalphos on selected soil enzymes dehydrogenases were determined in two different soil samples (red sandy loam and black clay soils) of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cultivated fields of Anantapuramu District of Andhra Pradesh, India. A laboratory experiment was conducted to determine the effect of selected pesticides, quinalphos at different concentrations ranging from 1.0 to 10 kg ha-1 on the activity of dehydrogenase in two groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) soils. The activity of dehydrogenase was significantly more at quinalphos levels of 5.0 kg ha-1 in black and red soils respectively. But at higher concentrations of 7.5 and 10.0 kg ha-1 respectively, quinalphos were toxic to dehydrogenase activity. The activity of dehydrogenase was drastically decreased with increasing period of incubation up to 28 and 35 days.
ULTRA POWER SAVING FOR STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM[Full-Text ] A.N.Bharath and M.MariMuthuIn this paper an ultra power saving for street lighting has been implemented. It helps to reduce the unnecessary power consumption due to over illumination in natural light. By using RTC (Real-Time-Clock) and it generates the timer automatically. With the help of PIR sensor the presence of a person or any obstacle detected by using the presence detector. Street lights will be switched ON only when a person on any obstacle comes in the detection range else it will be automatically dimmer mode. The designed system avoids the human intervention in power management. It displays the particular billing information on LCD and data can be sent to the prescribed number by using GSM module.