Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2016
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Rain drop size distribution (DSD) in Tropical Region of Akure South-Western Nigeria Using Micro Rain Radar Data[Full-Text ] Tomiwa, A. C. ,Ojo J. S and Ajewole, M. O. Rain drop size distribution and some associated rain parameters such as the rain rates (R), liquid water content (M), and the falling velocities (W) as observed using a vertically pointing Micro Rain Radar (MRR) at the Department of Physics, the Federal University of Technology Akure (7o15΄N, 5o15΄E), a tropical location in Nigeria were analyzed in this study. The parameters were measured from the ground level to a height of 4.8 km above sea level with a vertical resolution of 0.16 km and over a total of 30 range gates with 1-minute integration time. The measurements covered a period of four years (2008-2011). The study established relationships between all the parameters and the results shows typical values for negative exponential rainfall drop size distribution (DSD) similar to that of Marshall-Palmer for both stratiform and convective rain. At 0.01% of time, the measured rain rate was underestimated by 35% when compared with the ITU-R recommendation for this region and it was observed that over 85% of the total rainfall in this part of the world is stratiform while the remaining 15% are convective except for the month of October which is the peak of the rainy season in the year where a high number of convective rain is observed. The results of this study may assist to improve the design and planning of terrestrial and satellite radio communication system in this location.
Design and Simulation of Microstrip Butler Matrix Elements Operat-ing at 2.4GHz for Wireless Applications[Full-Text ] Abhinav Shastrakar, Dr. U S Sutar In the proposed paper, the study of the design of Butler Matrix Elements is presented. The design presented in this paper consists of Microstrip Hybrid coupler, 3dB crossover coupler, and phase shifter. These elements are designed to work in ISM frequency band i.e. at 2.4GHz, which can be used for wireless applications such as Bluetooth, WLAN, and other wireless applications. The design is implemented on a FR-4 epoxy substrate with dielectric constant of .The design and simulation is carried out in CST studio. Simulated results show good agreement with theoretical calculation.
An AC LED Driver with Improved Total Harmonic Distortion and Power Factor[Full-Text ] Ratnesh Kumar Pandey, Asst. Prof. S.P.Tondare In this paper, a bridgeless Boost converter proposed for improving Power factor (PF) and total harmonic distortion (THD) of an AC LED driver. The proposed topology is integration of Boost and Buck-Boost converter. In conventional LED driver there were a bridge rectifier with large value of inductor and capacitor but in proposed topology one inductor and one capacitor with a very small value are used. By which distortion as well as PF are reduce significantly. After performing experiments we got PF>0.98 and THD<2%.Simulation of proposed circuit is done by MATLAB SIMULINK. Controlling of proposed circuit is done by FPGA.
On the compilation of bottom topographic detail for the Bay of Bengal region through inverse distance weighted interpolation[Full-Text ] Md. Mamunur Rasid, Md. Morshed Bin Shiraj, Md. Dalim Haque, Md. Masum Murshed, Md. Rabiul HaqueIn this study, the bottom topographic detail for the Bay of Bengal region covering the area between 150N and 230N Latitudes and 850E and 950E Longitudes is compiled through inverse distance weighted interpolation from a figure with some doted depth contours. To ensure the depth values at every consecutive column in the required matrix of depths, the doted depth contours are made continuous using the cubic spline interpolation. From the figure with continuous depth contours, a matrix of depth values is constructed by a MATLAB routine. Then inverse distance weighted interpolation is used to generate depth values at all other elements of the matrix. Such a type of depth matrix of the Bay of Bengal region can be used to compile the bathymetric data of that region properly.
Transient Stability Analysis of Generation and Transmission system of a thermal power plant of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Izhar Ahmad, Dr.Amjad UllahPower system is exposing to various unexpected conditions, which may involve different kinds of faults and sudden load changes. The main reason of these unexpected conditions within power system is its larger size and complicated structure. These accidental conditions may lead to unexpected behavior of power system which may causes instability within the system. The power system must regain its stability after being exposed to various disturbances such as sudden load changes and various faults. In this research paper, the transient stability analysis of generation and high-voltage transmission system of a thermal power plant in Pakistan is performed and analyzed using ETAP software. Three-phase faults are created/developed at different locations and after that, sudden load changed. Transient stability of the system has assessed from the analysis of various system parameters and critical clearing time of the system transients.
Development of electrically assisted rapid heating process for Hot-Stamping[Full-Text ] Mahmudun Nabi Chowdhury1, Dinh Thie Kieu Anh, Rased Uz Zaman and Song Ho KimTwo different concepts of electrically assisted (EA) rapid heating of Al–Si coated hot-stamping steels are compared. In “along the surface” EA heating (or simply EA surface heating), the electric current is simply applied to a specimen by clamping the each end of the specimen length with a set of flat rectangular electrodes. In “through the thickness” EA heating (or simply EA thickness heating), the electric current is applied to a specimen by attaching a set of electrodes with multiple contact points on upper and lower surfaces of the specimen. While the EA surface heating generally requires a shorter heating time due to a higher electrical resistance in the length direction, the EA thickness heating also may provide a technical advantage that the heating area can be more easily configured in a case of partial austenization.
A 2-Factor Secure Authorized Deduplication using Hard Logarithm Cryptography in Clouds [Full-Text ] Shweta Biswas,Asso. Prof. Amit Saxena, Prof. Manish ManoriaHere in this paper a new and efficient technique for the Data Deduplication over Hybrid Cloud is proposed using 2-Factor Authentication between Data Owner and Trusted Third Party. Here for 2-Factor Authentication Token Based Authentication is used and Hard Logarithmic Cryptography such as Elliptic Curves are used for the Encryption of Data. The planned tactic implemented here is an efficient technique in comparison to the existing approach implemented for Data Deduplication. The Experimental analysis shows the performance of the planned method.
Satellite Image Denoising Using Shearlet Transform by Optimized Entropy Thresholding[Full-Text ] Anju T S, Nelwin Raj N RSatellite images are used in wide range of applications in image processing. However, satellite images are degraded due to inaccuracy of acquisition and transmission system. Development of a denoising algorithm in satellite images is still a challenging task for many researchers because there is always a trade-off between noise removal and fine edge preservation. Most of the conventional denoising algorithms uses wavelet transform but the main limitation of wavelet transform is that it can capture only limited directional information. As a result of that, it distorts edges in an image. Shearlet transformation is a new alternative to wavelet transform. Shearlet transform is optimal in representing image containing edges. In this paper, a novel image denoising algorithm utilizing shearlet transform and entropy thresholding optimized by using artificial bee colony optimization (ABC) is presented. The experimental results shows superior performance compared to other state-of-the art image denoising algorithms in terms of peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR).
The role of foreign banks in the development of the Macedonian Banking System[Full-Text ] Lindita Muaremi, Rigersa KonomiThis paper aims at reviewing the work done towards developing quantitative measures of financial stability in Macedonia when Banks have a very strong impact on the other participants in the economy. That is why there are very strict rules that determine when a bank can get a business license and when to allow some form of concentration of banks. All these changes have a direct impact on changes in the market shares of each bank. One the one hand, banks aim to achieve the greatest possible profit, and on the other hand are the bank's clients that besides the more favorable conditions of purchase of financial products, they also want the security of their funds. Banks can compete on the market with the price, type of service provided, quality or a combination of factors but only when there is market confidence in banks and when there is investment security.
The use of linear programming in solving the transportation problem with the various Method[Full-Text ] Farouk Benoumelaz, Abed Samira The Transportation Problem is one of the subclass of linear programming problem which the objective is to minimize transportation cost of goods transport to various origins to different destinations. In this paper we are representing the transportation problem for The National Company of dates to reduce transportation cost, Its working with 2 Collection centers and 2 depots and 1 Distribution Exhibition in Algeria. In [6][7] we are solve the transportation problem with the help of dual simplex and two phase method. Here we are solving this problem with the help of Dual simplex method, Two Phase method and Big M Method by using Tora software and we are comparing the obtained optimal solution with Vogel Approximation Method.
Investigation on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of EIC Cellulose-Polyurethane Composite[Full-Text ] Sri WuryantiComposite is a mixture of two materials, one of which being named matrix, that is, a material serving as filler, and another fiber, or reinforcing material. In the present experiment, the matrix was polyurethane and fiber was cellulose. Polyurethane is a result of a reaction between diisocyanate and polyol and used among others for technical applications. Moreover, cellulose was obtained from a solid Extracting process from Imperata Cilyndrica reed (EIC Cellulose).The tests of stress and strain were conducted by using a UCT-5T Model UTP tensile test instrument. The highest stress value on the composite 2-3, was 14.2 ± 0.12 MN/m2 and the lowest on the composite 1-1 , was 9.1 ± 0.1 MN/m2 . The highest strain on the composite 1-1, was 2.9 ± 0.32% GL and the lowest on the composite 2-3, was 1.9 ± 0.23 %GL. The highest Young’s Modulus value on the composite 2-3, was 7.47 MN/m2 and the lowest on the composite 1-1, was 3.13 MN/m2 .The physical characteristics needed to know the occurrence of bond was tested by FTIR. In the test of the composite, a bond occurred as evidenced by the existence of peaks. The highest peak occurred on the Composite 2-2, was 3351,67 cm-1. Meanwhile, the lowest occurred on the Composite 1-2, was 1230,01 cm-1.
Smartphone Based Citizen Complaint System for Urban Maintenance Using GIS[Full-Text ] Mohd Sohel Deshmukh, Swapnil R.Rajput Today different countries have civic bodies that are the local governing bodies which help to maintain cities. Pointing to the complaints of the citizens in urban areas is a prime factor that can ensure trust of different citizens. This Smartphone application will help the common people under the jurisdiction of Municipal Corporation to register their grievances day to day complaints in their ward through a mobile application. This application provides an interface to register one’s complained and follow it up. It will provide a common man to deliver his complaints and problems to municipal authority as well as let the municipal authorities to address the problem in a short period of time. It provides a camera module which helps clicking up a picture of any problem that people are facing and upload its image along with the complaint. The location of complaint is tracked by Global Positioning System (GPS) unit. Reverse-geocoding is used to find the address from GPS provided co-ordinates. Application display list of complaints registered which are get from server. Once the complaint is submitted it can also be share onto the social media, complaint shared in the form of complaint register location which is latitude and longitude along with description.
Purification and Effects of Some Divalent Metals ions on α and β-Amylases Produced from Eleusine coracana Malt[Full-Text ] Dashak, D.A., Ezebuwa, M.E., Daben, J. M., Kendeson, C.A., Ogbole, EAmylases being industrial enzymes are in high demand for the hydrolysis of starch used for the production of various industrial products. Crude extracts of the enzymes were obtained from Eleusine coracana (Finger millet) and purified using Reverse Phase –Column Chromatography and gradient mobile phases. The enzymes were purified and various studies carried out to ascertain the extend of purification and activity of the enzymes. The enzymes were purified 1.82 fold and specific activity was obtained as 133µmol/mg. It was also observed that alpha amylase was most effective at temperatures 40-550C while beta amylase was between the temperatures of 40-450C. The crude enzyme extracts had an activity optimum temperature range of 35-550C . The optimum pH for the various enzymes were found to be: α1 -7.0, α2-6.0, β1-6.0, β2-7.5 while the crude enzyme extracts had pH optimum of 6.5-7.5. The effect of the metal ions on the activity of the enzymes showed that the crude enzyme extract and β1-amylase were greatly influence while the other enzymes were not significantly affected by the metal ions. The results of the analysis showed that the enzymes obtained from the local grains Eleusine coracana are potential sources of enzyme for hydrolysis of cereal grains for use in the production of industrial products such as alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
Senitiment Analysis and Data Mining In Twitter[Full-Text ] Suryank Sajwan, Musheer Vaqur Now a days, Twitter has become a platform where people share their views regarding poltics, sports, movies, product review etc, so here I am trying to develop a new approch that can enhance the sentiment analysis result.There are thousands of research papers already published on sentiment analysis but there is still need of improvement in sentiment analysis result and this research paper is based on the extraction of a word (opinion) because it is a crucial stage for sentiment analysis. People generally use short handwriting (e.g, gud for good, awsm for awesome) and misspell them, so identifying their actual sentiments will enhance the sentiment result. So this research paper is based on using mining technique (extraction of hidden meaning of sentiments) in twitter platform which will improve sentiment analysis result. In this research, we work on English language.
Security Audit of Cloud Infrastructure for AWS[Full-Text ] Ravipati Sai Pridhvi, Saranu Yeshasri.Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform has a problem of security of having more identity and access management (IAM) users in there AWS cloud infrastructure and IAM role is a commutation with in the API’s to the cloud infrastructure giving more permissions to the IAM role cause problem to amazon cloud infrastructure and security group which gives inbound and outbound access to the elastic computing cloud to all the users to may be the problem to cloud infrastructure and amazon simple storage service (S3) is there data storage in this who all has access to read and write permissions to the S3 buckets and key pair is the public and private keys to use commutation between the AWS elastic computing cloud (EC2) machine and local machine. Giving more permissions may cause’s problem, so that wise we use to do security audit on AWS cloud infrastructure to report all this problem to AWS cloud users.
Experimental study of low velocity impact behavior in epoxy matrix fiber composites reinforced with glass fibers[Full-Text ] F.Azimpour Shishevan, R.KarimdadashiIn this paper, low-velocity impact behavior of composites reinforced with glass fibers and epoxy matrix has been studied experimentally. In the constructed composite, glass fibers have been woven simply. Method used to make the composites was vacuum baking (Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding -VARTM) and epoxy curing has been carried out at temperature of 75 ° C under the pressure of 1.1 atmosphere. Then the constructed composites were cut and encoded using water jet in accordance with ASTM D7136 standard. The Low velocity impact test was conducted at energy values of 20, 30, 50, 60, and 80 and the penetration and perforation threshold energy was specified using the energy profile method. According to the results of contact force values with increasing impact energy enhanced energy absorption and deflection. In the next level by drawing contact force-deflection diagram, the manufactured composites behavior against the impact loads has been studied and the energy variation effects on the maximum contact force-deflection values has been probed. According to the results, as the contact force levels of impact energy increased, correspondingly the absorption and deflection energy increased.
Parking Profit Estimation by Monitoring[Full-Text ] Bozidar Ivankovic, Robert Spudic and Luka SpudicSalary from the car parking business is mostly known only for the authorities who are charging the money. The mathematic model for external estimating the profit from parking payment is presented and application is demonstrated. Considering the usually camera partly monitoring, authors are giving the method for general salary calculation based on regression analysis. Method is giving opportunity for external monitoring the salary.
Quality Approach as Applied on a Photovoltaic Water Pumping System[Full-Text ] Ben Jouida H, Lakhoua M.N, Gharbi RThe search for quality has become a key point for the competition thanks to its importance of supply over demand. Thus, obtaining the quality of services and products usually goes by the establishment of a quality assurance system and quality tools at both the design and the realization of product level. Also, the quality has always been efficient tool for the industry organizations to meet customer needs. In fact, the main researchers’ objective is to find formal methods, to analyze and model the industrial processes and to facilitate their control.
NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF CONCRETE SOLIDER PILE WITH STEEL SHEET PILE LAGGING SUPPORTING SYSTEM IN SANDY SOIL[Full-Text ] Mostafa Abdou Abd El-Naiem, Ahamed Rushedy Towfeek, Waleed Hassan Abd El-SameaDeep excavations have been used worldwide for underground construction, reliable prediction of ground deformations are essential in the design process for assessing the effects of excavation on adjacent facilities; and identifying sections where special remedial construction measures are required. Available techniques for estimating wall deflections and soil settlements involve either interpolation from existing empirical databases or numerical analyses using finite element methods, which is considered an effective way to investigate the performance of deep excavations. This paper presents numerical analysis of concrete solider pile with steel sheet pile lagging supporting system in sandy soil using three dimensional finite element modeling.
Analysis and Control of Self Excited Induction Generator Driven by Wind Turbine Feeding Static Loads[Full-Text ] E.M.Abdalla, M.I.Elsaid, M.K.AhamedThis paper presents dynamic response of Self Excited Induction Generator(SEIG) driven by wind turbine and supplied power to an isolated static inductive load under different loading and wind speed condition .A dynamic model of the SEIG is presented in dq axis in stationery reference frame using MATLABE /SIMULINK software package . two type of control are used to maintain the voltage and frequency at its rated value in case of variation in the load or in the wind speed. the first control is the reactive control to adjust the terminal voltage at its rated value through variation of the self excitation using switching capacitor bank and The second control is the active control to adjust the frequency at its rated value by changing the value of the pitch angle for the blade of the wind turbine .this two type of the control can be applied to this system by Using proportional pulse integral controller (PI).
Detecting Node Capture Attacks Using Node Co-Operation and Ensuring Secure Routing in MANETs[Full-Text ] P.P.Joby, C. Lincy Magdaline, M.LavanyaThe Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are prone to many security issues due to its nature and behavior. Particularly the node capture attack is common in this type of a network. This paper proposes a technique to detect node capture using node co-operation between the neighbouring nodes within the network and prevents false node capture assumption of nodes. The penalty and reward values are used to calculate the possibility of node capture. Avoiding major involvement of malicious nodes in communication path, and with the help of threshold and average values the efficient path is identified for establishing communication link. Thus, this technique improves the security and performance of nodes in the network.
Investigating the Effect of Oil on two Foam-flow regimes (Low and High Fractional flow of Gas) for EOR - Local Equilibrium Behavior[Full-Text ] A.A. Shamsuddeen, U. Hassan, M.B. Adamu and M.K. AbbaDue to high energy demand and difficulties in exploring and developing new oil fields, several enhanced oil recovery methods are being developed in order to optimise production in marginal oil fields. Enhance oil recovery (EOR) techniques are theoretically very promising but in real life suffers the effects of many physical complications in the subsurface which are yet to be understood in detail. One such complication is the detrimental effect of oil in foam EOR. Current-generation reservoir simulators represent these effects in an approximate way. The STARSTM simulator is one such software. Though nearly 20 years old, till now there has not been a detailed study on how its parameters predict foam behaviour without oil.
Integral Mathematical Model for Venturi Apparatus Integrated with Plate Heat Exchanger[Full-Text ] Cvete Dimitrieska, Igor Andreevski, Sevde Stavreva, Gazmend KrasniqiThe idea for integration of Venturi apparatus with heat plate exchanger gas – gas, based on possibilities of using heat of the gases undergoing cleaning, with simultaneous unfolding of the two process – heating of the gases and their cleaning. With rising of the temperature of the gasses at the outlet, scattering getting better, and appearance of “heavy gasses” will be avoided, which is one of the main disadvantages of Venturi scrubber devices. For the postulated construction of this type, it is necessary to outline an integral mathematical model which will integrate the processes in the construction, per segments following the proposed division.
Fault Detection and Diagnosis Based on Artificial Neural Network[Full-Text ] Ahmed Abbas Abdul Hamza, Hanan Mikhael D. HabbiThis paper presents the detection and classification of different types of faults occurred in the transmission power system. The artificial neural network detects, classifies and locates any sudden fault in the power system in a fast and accurate algorithm. The back propagation is used as a learning algorithm because it can execute and process a huge data. Three cases: single fault, multiple faults and sequential faults are investigated with artificial neural network. IEEE 14-Bus test system is used to verify the proposed method.
A CASE STUDY OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Sunil KumarOrganizations increasingly find that they must rely on effective supply chains, or networks, to successfully compete in the global market and networked economy .This concept of business relationships extends beyond traditional enterprise boundaries and seeks to organize entire business processes throughout a value chain of multiple companies. supply chain management is the term used to describe the management of the flow of material ,information and fund across the entire supply chain, from suppliers to component producers to final assemblers to distribution (warehouses and retailers), and ultimately to the consumer. In fact, it often includes after-sales service and returns or recycling. In contrast to multi-selection inventory management, this coordinates inventories at multiple locations.
Modal Analysis of Organic-matrix Composites with different % of Si3N4[Full-Text ] Tarun K Mehta, Rakshith Gowda D S, H V RavindraModal analysis is a process to determine the vibration characteristics (natural frequencies and mode shapes) of a structure or a machine component while it is being designed. It has become a major alternative to provide a helpful contribution in understanding control of many vibration phenomena which encountered in practice. In this paper, work is carried out on organic- matric composites having different % of Si3N4 for use in Aeronautical industry. The main idea behind this work is to replace the existing material with composite material with same width, thickness and improved load carrying capacity. By using composite materials the weight is reduced drastically. In the present work two composite materials with three variaton are considered. They are Epoxy with 0%, 6%, 10% Si3N4 and carbon/Epoxy, with 0%, 6%, 10% Si3N4. The modal analysis is carried out theoretically for finding the natural frequencies for all the composition of the composite for the first ten modes. To validate the theoretical modal analysis, modal analysis is conducted in ANSYS software for the first ten modes. Modeling is done using Catia V5R20 and analysis is done using Ansys 15 software. The Ansys results are almost coincide with theoretical modal analysis values.
Dredging Design and Estimation of Annual Net Growth of Paturia-Daulatdia Ferry Ghat, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Samiul Alim, Chowdhury Quamruzzaman, Md. Momenur Rahim, Md. Khairul Bashar Swapan, Mohammad Tofael Ahmed & A S Daiyan AhmedBangladesh is a land of rivers where about 700 rivers including tributaries are flowing through the country that make the waterway of total length around 24,140 km. As Bangladesh is an active delta system, largest depositional basin and greatest sediments source which are mainly carried by the Ganges-Meghna-Bramaputra river system and finally waterways are clogged down frequently. Normally, at Paturia-Daulatdia Ferry ghat (Padma River) the water level remains the lowest in December to April when the navigability of the river become an acute problem. Transport fare of the ferries is the prime income source of the Government which also reduced and affected the yearly revenue. According to the problem, making an effective design of waterway for calculating the dredging cost can make the healthy revenue and estimating the other cost, like- oil cost, crew salary which are due to calculate the annual revenue. Extracted sediment selling can add up an income source for calculating yearly revenue. Only 1.45 km navigable waterway can make less dredging cost whereas existing route is 2.25 km.
VANDER: Efficient Cooperative Watchdog Monitoring for Lossy Wireless Network Coding[Full-Text ] Berlin Sharmila M, Mrs.R.RanjinadeviNetwork coding achieves multicast network capacity by allowing intermediate nodes to mix information in packets. However, due to the mixing operation, network coding is vulnerable to pollution attacks. Different from conventional cryptographic solutions, watchdog-based solutions, which have been recently proposed for network coding, rely on trusted nodes to monitor and verify behaviours of transmission nodes. However, the impact of lossy wireless communications has not been considered. Since false alarm and misdetection depend on the loss rate, these false results can happen with high probability when packet loss happens. In this paper, we propose VANDER, which is a novel cooperative watchdog scheme in heterogeneous wireless networks, where multiple watchdogs collaborate and efficiently detect pollution attacks in a lossy wireless environment. The novelty of our approach is that, when lossy overhearing happens, watchdogs work cooperatively to share the packet information, where no extra overhead is introduced to normal transmission nodes, and rather than re transmitting all lost packets among watchdogs, watchdogs use randomly generated Vander mode hashes to detect corrupted packets. Moreover, VANDER is capable of detecting successive colluded adversaries. In addition to the low false alarm and misdetection probabilities, VANDER also achieves low computational complexity and communication overhead. Numerical experiments are provided to support the theoretical analysis of VANDER.
Feasibility Study on the Structural Behaviour of Hybrid Wood Steel Structures Using Finite Element Analysis[Full-Text ] Sooria rajThis project involves a detailed study of steel-wood hybrid structures. Hybrid structures combine benefits of dissimilar materials to overcome their individual limitations. Various advantages and challenges of steel-timber hybrid structures are presented. Benefits include increase in tensile capacity, seismic performance, fire resistance of the structure, and cost savings. Challenges with this type of hybrid structures originate from the differences in the properties of the materials used. To elaborate on these types of hybridization and their advantages and challenges, case studies of steel-timber are provided. The considered software are CATIA and ANSYS. Software’s are evaluated in terms of their ability to model linear and non-linear materials. Among the software’s ANSYS is found to be the most suitable for modeling hybrid wood and steel structures. In this study of a hybrid structure consisting of steel moment frame and wood shear wall is modeled with ANSYS. Static analysis and Response spectrum analysis are performed on the structure and it is observed that wood shear wall significantly reduce the lateral deflection of the system. In this thesis a five storey hybrid steel wood structure is modeled with software CATIA 2015 and analysis with software ANSYS 2015. Seven cases are considered for static analysis, to knowing about the effect of shear wall in the structure. Five cases are considered for model and seismic analysis then the maximum lateral deflection in each cases are compared The deflection in each case is compared to the deflection of the steel frame alone.
Primary Ewing sarcoma of breast : a rare case report[Full-Text ] Dr Guddi Rani Singh, Dr Anju Singh, Dr Ravi Bhushan RamanEwing’s sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumors (EWS/PNET) are rare malignant and aggressive tumors, usually seen in the trunk and lower limbs of children and young adults. They are uncommon in the breast. We report a case of a 20-year-old woman who developed a painless breast mass. An initial ultrasound and FNAC done outside concluded to a fibroadenoma contrasting with a rapidly growing mass . Diagnosis of primary PNET of the breast was established, based on repeat FNAC , histopathological examination of incisional biopsy and immunohistochemical findings. The patient was given 6 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy containing cyclophosphamide, adriamycin and vincristine. Twenty months later, she is in life without recurrence or metastasis. EWS/PNET may impose a diagnostic challenge. Indeed, ultrasonographic features are non specific. The histopathological pattern is variable depending on the degree of neuroectodermal differentiation. Hence,Immuno-phenotyping is necessary to confirm the diagnosis
Precipitation Anomalies and The Effects in Port HarcourtMetropolis of Rivers State Nigeria[Full-Text ] Okorie Fidelis ChinazorAccording to [9], one of the major climatefactors of importance is precipitation and its modeof occurrence. In West Africa, rainfall is used as ameasure for climate variability and change [6],[1].The [10] Nigerian Climate Review bulletinhas added new climate indicators such as rainfallmonths' anomaly, extreme meteorologicalparameters, etc. The rainfall anomaly showed thatwetter than normal rainfall conditions wereexperienced over most parts of the country;especially over the southern part [2],[7]. Thisstudy aimed to analyze the anomalies in thevariability of rainfall and the consequences in PortHarcourt metropolis of Rivers State, Nigeria.Rainfall intensity is high in Port Harcourt due toclimatic changes such as high rainfall volume andduration.