Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2016
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IMMUNITY STATUS OF DIPHTHERIA FOR THE PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN ( 7-12 YEARS OLD ) POST NATIONAL IMMUNIZATION WEEK PROGRAM IN SURABAYA[Full-Text ] Kurnia D Artanti, Kusuma S.LestariDiphtheria has become a serious health problem , especially in Southeast Asia . According to SEAR ( South East Asia Regional ) in 2011 cases of diphtheria Most came from Indonesia 91 %. Since 2011, East Java has become outbreaks of diphtheria. Therefore to overcome the widespread diphtheria outbreaks the National Immunization Week ( Sub- PIN) which was held in 19 districts / cities in East Java. After the implementation of the Sub - PIN for children aged 2-15 years as a response to the outbreak , some factors influence the immune status of children. The Purpose is assest immunity level post Sub- PIN.
Analysis of supply chain policies in IT Company[Full-Text ] Neeraj KumarAn analysis of supply chain policies in IT Company is an information based study in which. I have concentrated on various issues. Such as Gap, aim and objectives in company, There seems to be same gap between academia and the business world concerning the treatment of the subject of SCM. The aim is to fill this gap by providing an analysis of lower level. The aim of the workflow engine is to simulate a business process model in order to check strategic decision. The man objective is to provide an execute version of a business process model (BPM). Our workflow engine does not provide validation or verification. According to need under the assumption that the provided BPM is correct. It should understand that ‘start’ and ‘finish’ junction signify and distinguish between ‘and split’ ‘or-split’ ‘’and joint’ and ‘or-joint’ junction and execute them according to their definition. Various assumptions such as.
The Use Of Superplastic Tin-Lead Alloy as a Solid Lubricant in Metal Forming Processes in General and in Forging in Particular[Full-Text ] Adnan I.O.Zaid, Hebah B. MelhemThe main function of a lubricant in any forming process is to reduce friction between the work piece and the die set, hence reducing the force and energy requirement for forming process and to achieve homogenous deformation. The free upsetting test is an important open forging test. In this paper, superplastic tin-lead alloy is used as solid lubricant in the free upsetting test of ferrous and non-ferrous materials and compared with eight different lubricants using the following three criteria: one comparing the value of the reduction in height percentages, i.e. the engineering strain, in identical specimens of the same material under the effect of the same compressive force. The second is comparing the amount of barreling produced in each of the identical specimens, at each lubricant. The third criterion is using the specific energy, i.e. the energy per unit volume consumed in forming each material, using the different lubricants to produce the same reduction in height percentage of identical specimens from each of the two materials, namely: die steel, D2, and stainless steel. It was found that the superplastic tin-lead alloy lubricant has produced higher values of reductions in height percentage and less barreling in the two ferrous materials, used in this work, among the different used lubricants.
Pelletization of Titanomagnetite Concentrate (TMC) and Its Reduction By Hydrogen in Static Beds.[Full-Text ] N.A. El-Hussiny,Atif El-Amir, F.M. Mohamed, S.S. Abd El-Rehim, M.E.H. Shalabi1Titanomagnetite concentrate pellets in this investigation were produced by using 2.5 % molasses as binder with 8.5 % water from the total weight of the charge and dried for 48 hours in room temperature. Reduction kinetics of titanomagetite concentrate TMC pellets produced from Rossetta – Ilmenite ore via 21/ min hydrogen flow rate were investigated at different temperatures ranging from 600 to 950 oC. It was found that the best reduction properties were found at 950 oC. The main crystalline phases of reduced pellets at 950 oC were metallic iron (syn. Fe), rutile (syn. TiO2) and some traces of magnetite (Fe3O4).
LATEST REVIEW OF PARKING PROBLEMS AND INTELLIGENT PARKING SYSTEM FOR SMART CITY[Full-Text ] Manjiri PhadnisAt the moment, Smart Vehicles Solutions technological know-how are studying a wide array of solutions which include the interstate direction, collision deterrence & protection, taxi driver help, together with infotainment with people and people.A great agile downtown parking suggestions product concerning car smart powering process was organized to help city people use truly successful, real-time parking system together with appropriate parking lot finding tips on that durability into the future green city. Many sensor based, counter based and mechanical systems have been proposed for finding empty spaces in a given parking area
Extraction and Characterization of Oils from Some Local Seeds[Full-Text ] Evwierhoma E. T. and Ekop I. EIn this work, extraction and characterization were done for four local seed oils. The four seeds; sesame, soybean, avocado and jatropha considered have shown to contain certain percentages of oils, in the range of 2 to 50%. The oils were extracted using hexane as solvent in a soxhlet extractor. Characterization of the oils for the following parameters; oil content, pour point, viscosity, specific gravity, refractive index, acid value, peroxide value, free fatty acid and iodine value by standard techniques were carried out after extraction. Sesame seed yielded the highest oil content with an average of 51.34% while the lowest oil content was obtained from avocado seed of 2.51% average. Also the highest viscosity was obtained from avocado seed of 63.30mPa.s whereas the lowest value was obtained from jatropha seed of 52.60mPa.s.The values of the parameters suggest the potentials of the oils for domestic and industrial applications.
Design and Analysis of Image Segmenta-tion with Efficient Energy Minimization Function[Full-Text ] Pranoti P. Mahakalkar, Dr. Aarti J. VyavahareIn image processing domain, there are variety of image segmentation techniques presented by research communities. Such segmentation methods are based on different image features. Segmentation of the target object(s) from images that have multiple complicated regions, mixture intensity distributions or are corrupted by noise. In addition, the conventional piecewise smooth level set models normally require prior knowledge about the number of image segments. To address these problems, we propose a novel segmentation energy function with two distribution descriptors to distinguish the background and the target region. The single background descriptor models the heterogeneous background with multiple regions. Then, the target descriptor takes into account the intensity distribution and incorporates local spatial constraint. Our descriptors, which have more complete distribution information, construct the unique energy function to differentiate the target from the background and are more tolerant of image noise. We compare our approach to multiphase level set and the Chan-Vese level set. This comparison using 160 synthetic images with varying levels and types of image noise and medical images with more complicated backgrounds showed that our method outperforms these models for accuracy and immunity to noise. On an additional set of 300 synthetic images, our model is also less sensitive to the contour initialization as well as to different types and levels of noise. The practical analysis of proposed work is carried by using well known image processing tool called MATLAB.
Automatic Docking System for Home Surveillance Robots[Full-Text ] Priyadarshani R. Meshram, Prof. S. P. TondareHome security is usually provided by appointing watchman outer to the home. Apart from that forever we cannot depend on watchman for all the time. This project is designed for home surveillance. The goal of such paper is the expansion and modified rule of a surveillance robot through automatic docking abilities for home protection. Automatic recharging has to be done to the robot to deliver uninterrupted surveillance. The robotic part trip due to LPC2148 through CMOS camera with a man spotting sensor plus docking area because of wireless power transfer part for surveillance robot. Communication of monitoring unit plus robot is refined throughout IEEE 802.15.4. The interrupt will give an intimation to the camera. Here the robot model may rotate over different angles due to spontaneous as well as manual power to cover the entire room. The Computer will manage the camera in the rest condition under the lack of person. The project also aims to demote the power utilization of robot. In such system the docking part can be transfer the power from one coil to the other coil via wireless power transmission approach due to home surveillance robot. Ultrasonic signal authenticates the surveillance robot is inside the power transmission area. This system applies the Matlab software as the picture vision.
Biofuel Second Generation and Energy Security: An Overview[Full-Text ] Prof. Akram A. Khan & Talha Akbar KamalThe total primary energy consumption of the world is increasing at a very fast pace and the major component of this energy consumption consist of oil, coal and natural gas, constituting around 85% of the total energy required. This increase in the total energy consumption leads to problem of increase in the CO2 emission and excessive burden on the limited available fossil fuel. The increasing demand of energy with such an alarming rate, calls for the search of a sustainable energy source which can meet the energy requirement of the world without degrading the environment at a regular basis. In order to substitute the fossil fuel and meet the global energy need without affecting the environment, biofuel come into existence and the growth of biofuel in the last 10 year shows that biofuels have the capability and potential to act as a sustainable energy resource for the future generation.
Developing the International Manager: WalMart’s Cross-Cultural Management in Germany[Full-Text ] Huseynli JavidIn the last two decades the integration of foreign companies began to play an important role in the social, economical and political level. The transformation of different foreign companies means that it brings its organizational cultural variables, sociocultural variables, attitudes and individual or group employee job behavior to the country where it is going to operate. In order to manage all these differences in cultures, there is a need for a suitable manager with management skills as well as with creative thinking abilities. In cross-cultural management the manager either will adopt the current culture of workers of specific country or will bring its own individual culture to the workplace and the way it is going to be applied will play a very crucial role.
Behavior, Societal Influence and Belief Systems[Full-Text ] Sanjiv DhirThe relationship between behavior, society and belief systems have been extensively studied. However, the influence of external behavior, or rather societal influence extends this discussion to another level. Out of basic observation, it is evident that external the society bears some influence on the individual. This paper reviews existing literature and outlines what various authors have to say about the relationship between these three factors. Additionally, some areas of controversy are identified for further research or reclassification.
Analysis of Miniaturized Compact Stacked Patch Antennas for Future Short Range Communication[Full-Text ] S.Sreenath Kashyap, Ved Vyas DwivediThis paper presents the design and analysis of miniaturized nano size planar radiators resonating at Terahertz frequency using substrates which differ in dielectric permittivity. These structures are analyzed by varying the electromagnetic gap (mechanical distance) between the patches along with the rotation of the upper patch. Electrical performance is studied and found improved with help of antenna parameters namely S11, Gain and Bandwidth. Comparative study of the results is envisaged for these antenna structures using Arlon and Polymide as general purpose substrate materials. Researches speak that these radiating structures are useful for applications such as high frequency sensing and short range communication systems. Major features of these antennas include zero losses, negligibly small volume and weight, and extremely miniaturized surface making perfect electromagnetically conducting body. In addition, it contributes beautiful solution for global issues of environmental dangers due to material extraction from earth’s crust and heat loss, significant decrease in fuel consumption while launching the space vehicle and least power consumption for during its entire life in space.
Utilization of Natural Resources in Jordan for Energy Storage[Full-Text ] Adnan I. O. Zaid, Naser AbdellatifJordan is a developing and non- producing oil country. The majority of its energy needs is imported from the neighboring Arab countries; where only 4% of its needs is produced locally and 96% is imported. However, Jordan is very rich in renewable energy resources. The main objective of this work is to discuss the challenges facing the Jordanian energy sector, and evaluate the renewable energy resources of the country. The main renewable energy resources in Jordan are: solar, wind, geothermal and biomass. Using these energy resources may significantly decrease the energy reliance on oil which is imported from the Arab oil neighboring countries and improve the Jordanian population’s access to energy and hence enhance the economic situation and hence improve the standard of living of the people in the country. It is expected that wind and solar energy resources have the potential to account for certain percentage of electricity demand; the utilization of the geothermal energy for heating and cooling can reduce the cost of conventional energy used for these applications especially Jordan is very rich in this item and the geothermal wells are distributed all over the country. Regarding the biomass resource, the conversion of agricultural waste into biodiesel can also reduce diesel imports. Similarly, the conversion of animal waste into biogas has the potential to replace certain % of the imported LPG. Finally, a reliable economical insulated storage tank which utilizes sand as a storage medium which can be easily maintained is suggested and discussed.
IMPACT OF REAL TIME CONTROL CONVEYOR SYSTEM IN AUTOMATION BEVERAGE INDUSTRY[Full-Text ] ANIUGO V. O, PROF ENEH I.IAutomation in production industries leads to unimaginable gains. The phenomenon of real time control conveyor system in automation beverage industry is not only a deviation from the basic mechanized production process but also an improvement with obvious advantages and economic results. This paper discusses the processes involved in a real time production in a beverage industry such as a brewery. A start button at the operator panel starts the operation when pressed, sending the desired signal to a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). This is designed to energize the inverter to supply the required voltage to the motor which runs the conveyor. System parameters are observed measured and recorded a number of times to ensure a consistency with design standards and expectations. In real time, the process provides solutions to inadequacies of manpower shortcomings associated with ordinary mechanization. It also obviates the possibility of system breakdown analysis compensation technique. Positive impact is created by this technique in the conveyor line resulting in optimization and cost effectiveness.
Proposal for the design of innocuous Electronic circuits for airplane systems and space shuttles[Full-Text ] Mohamed Soliman ElkomyAir plane control systems should be designed to correct their behavior in case of unexpected operating conditions. Airplanes are still considered the safest method to travel. But more effort should be pointed to make the control systems fault free. In this document an idea is presented to use automation testing as a layer that can detect drift from normal operating characteristics, based on the amount of change an intelligent system with readjust the operating characteristics of the control system to achieve stability in operation. [LLWZLG10] describe a hardware method to achieve control, in this document a SW variant is proposed.
Insider Threat Mitigation in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Rajashree Sahoo, Manoranjan PradhanInsider threat is one in all the foremost crucial security threats for any trade, even it's the foremost eldest strategy to fall associate degree empire down, quite common in diplomacy per the human history. Within the cloud computing scheme there are many issues that's tougher than the conventional (not could) eventualities. If the corporate executive threats are the foremost dangerous threat even within the non-cloud platform then it should has multi-dimensional attack vectors in cloud computing Cloud Computing, that once provided domestically, has seen a technical and cultural shift of computing service provision to being provided remotely, and as a group, by third-party service suppliers. The info has currently been placed underneath the protection of the service supplier that was once placed underneath the protection domain of the service user. Cloud computing is associate degree raising technology paradigm, sanctioning and facilitating the dynamic and versatile provision of process resources and Services. Albeit the benefits offered by cloud computing are many there still exist second thoughts on the protection and privacy of the cloud services. Use of cloud services affects the protection posture of organizations and demanding infrastructures, thus it's necessary that new threats and risks introduced by this new paradigm are clearly understood and mitigated. During this paper we have a tendency to concentrate on the corporate executive threat in cloud computing. The target of this paper is to indicate that however a malicious corporate executive will steal confidential knowledge of the cloud user.
A SURVEY ON ACUTE MYELOGENEOUS LEUKEMIA DETECTION IN BLOOD MICROSCOPIC IMAGES[Full-Text ] Smita Bhole Acute myelogeneous leukemia (AML) is one of the types of acute leukemia. Acute leukemia progresses quickly and is mostly prevalent among adults. Mostly AML is observed in a person with the age in between 60-65 years. In medical field current method for detection of cancer involves manual examination because of that need of automation in detection of AML arises. The current method is time consuming and accuracy of result is totally depends on operator’s ability of doing tests for detection. A simple technique that detects and segments AML in blood smear is presented in this paper. The proposed method includes simplicity of the developed approach and Classification of complete blood smear images
Design of Digital Logics for Automatic Temperature Control in Spacecrafts[Full-Text ] Lavita Priya Sanctus, PavanalaxmiAutomatic Temperature Control (ATC) maintains the temperature of a given node or location within the temperature limits by ON-OFF con-trol of the heaters on spacecrafts. The observation of satellites thermal behavior is a continual process that foresees the temperature distributions throughout the components and subsystems, all of which need to remain in most favorable temperature range for proper performance. The proposed system aims in designing the digital logics for Automatic Temperature Control in spacecrafts by using the heater switching logic. Telecommand is the command sent from ground station to the spacecraft. Telemetry is the data sent by the satellite to ground station. The heaters are organized as groups in spacecrafts and the Solid State Switches are used for switching the raw bus (high voltage) to the heaters. The heaters play the key important role in protecting the spacecrafts components under the cold-case environmental conditional and also to warm up the components to their minimum operating temperatures before turned ON. The temperature value is compared with the lower and upper threshold point (LTP and UTP) values. When the temperature value is above the UTP value, the heater is made OFF and when the temperature value is below the LTP value, the heater is made ON. This way the heaters are controlled.
Arithmetic Cosine Transform Architecture for Computing the Discrete Cosine Transform for Signal Processing Applications[Full-Text ] Sangeetha Mohan, Praveen KondaThis paper introduces the Arithmetic Cosine Transform (ACT), speedy algorithm for the evaluation of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) in digital signal processing. The common algorithms which used to calculate accurate value of DCT includes floating point operations and are mainly concentrated on multiplication which in turn causes the round-off error to occur. The Arithmetic Cosine Transform is proposed for the rapid calculation of DCT where the computation is focused on addition and constant multiplications which reduces the internal errors like round off and truncation. ACT results in less area consumption and low power consuming operations in case of zero-mean input signals. Calculation of ACT can be done with reasonable accuracy, reduction in area and less power using the novel architecture described for non-null mean signals as well. For the computation of eight-point DCT, ten non-uniform sampling instances are required when ACT is introduced. The implementation are done with Xilinx ISE Design suite 10.1 and coded in Verilog HDL. The two architectures are simulated and synthesized using Cadence encounter and the physical design is obtained.
An Energy-Efficient Table Driven routing protocol with increased throughput using Distributed Heuristic algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Vanitha A N, Dr. Venkatesan S, Dr. Ramesh Babu D ROpen vehicle routing is an effective area in operations research based on similar assumptions compared to wireless sensor networks. It’s appropriate to make use of these techniques to fix certain difficulties in the WSNs. To show the feasibility of this approach, a table driven routing protocol is developed. Hence distributed heuristic approach is proposed. Distributed heuristic makes the algorithm suitable for large-scale network operations using Ant Colony Optimization technique. This approach is evaluated by comparing its performance to similar protocol through simulation using NS-2.
Performance Evaluation of Forced Convection Solar Dryer and Influence of Airflow Rate on Drying Kinetics of Tomato[Full-Text ] Kiman Silas, Gutti Babagana, Bitrus K. Highina and Mohammed D. HabibaThe effect of air condition (airflow rate) on drying kinetics of tomato was examined. In order to select a suitable form of the drying curve, 3 different thin layer drying models were fitted to experimental data. The best model for airflow rate of 0.027, 0.054, and 0.081m3/s is Henderson and Pabis with the highest R2 values of 0.9932, 0.9998 and 0.9998 respectively, while for airflow rate of 0.108 and 0.135, the Page model best fit with highest R2 values 0.9979 and 0.9909 respectively. The useful heat per hour for the forced convection system was 4.33 W/m2hk for drying of tomato, and the collector, pick-up and overall efficiencies were 45%, 47% and 12.4% respectively.
Solar Energy Conservation in Domestic & Irrigation Water Supply[Full-Text ] Sayantika Saha, Madhurima Santra, Soumyendra Nath BasuEnergy is one of the major parameters for establishing growth and progress of a country. Solar energy is the most abundant source of energy in the world. Solar power is not only an answer today’s energy crisis but also an environmental friendly form of energy. India has the second largest agricultural land in the world (World Bank data shows that about 60.3 percent of India's land area is agricultural land). With approximately 60% of the earth's fresh water being used to irrigate crops it is not reasonable to assume that all the farmers in the world grab their buckets and do watering of crops. However, typical irrigation systems consume a great amount of conventional energy through the use of electric motors and generators powered by fuel. Solar panels are now used for running street lights and to meet domestic loads. The cost of solar panels has been decreasing. One of the application of this technology is used in irrigation system for farming. The objective is to supply water for the fields through solar powered water pump and automate the system for better management of resources using GSM technique. This system conserves electricity by reducing the usage of grid power and easy to implement and environment friendly solution for irrigating fields. Solar power irrigation system can be a suitable alternative for farmers in the present state of energy crisis in India. The objective of this paper is to supply water for the fields through solar powered water pump and automate the system for better management of resources.
Replacing river sand with granulated copper slag in cement[Full-Text ] Anbarasan, uthaya BanuCopper Slag is generated as a by-product material during production of copper metal from its ore. Utility of Copper Slag at present ranges from land-filling to grit blasting and these are not very high value added applications. When Copper Slag is produced granular form, behaviour of Granulated Copper Slag (GCS) seems to be similar to river sand and hence GSC was investigated as sand replacement material in the study presented in this paper. The test data shows that since the GCS has higher fineness modulus (indicating coarser average particle size), it may be preferable to avoid its use as the only fine aggregate in mortar and concrete mixes. Compared to the control mix, the Granulated Copper Slag based concrete showed an increase in the density up to 19%, whereas the workability was found to be often better for the mixes investigated in the present study. The highest compressive strength obtained was 52MPa (100% replacement), the corresponding strength for control concrete was 44MPa. However, with GCS as fine aggregate, the Ultra High Performance Concretes (UHPCs) can reach compressive strength of about 150 MPa. From the studies the recommended mix proportions obtained by absolute volume method for M25 and M40 grade concretes for different replacements (25-75%) of Granulated Copper Slag in fine aggregate are presented
PURIFICATION OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE WATER ALONG WITH POWER GENERATION[Full-Text ] SYED AZEEZ MOINUDDINThis is a standard water treatment test for the presence of organic pollutants. Moreover, a number of physical and chemical parameters (which defines the water quality) such as Ph, DO (dissolved Solids), total Solids, inorganic trace elements are quite large that also needs to be monitored for proper assessment of water quality.
A Comparative analysis of physicochemical characteristics of a Tropical Kole wetland impacted by hydrological fluctuations[Full-Text ] Vineetha S., Bijoy Nandan S., Rakhi Gopalan K.P.Wetland systems are characterized by dynamic hydrofluxes, correspondingly paddy fields (man managed temporary wetlands) are charac-terized by their dynamic, temporary and transitional nature. The response of environmental parameters to such changes is inquisitive which is vital in management and conservation aspects. In Maranchery Kole wetland, a part of Vembanad Kole wetland, a Ramsar site, the agricultural related activities and precipitation resulted in hydrological and land use pattern variability making the same area behave as different systems marked as Wet phase, Dry phase, Paddy phase, Channel phase and Stable phase within a short span. The variation in physico chemical parameters of water and sediment were analyzed during these different phases. Depth was the most variable parameter ranged from 0.36±0.14 m in the dry phase to 2.27±0.58 m in the stable phase (F17,172=110.64, p< 0.01). Though the variation seems less, it caused profound changes including drying up of the system as the water body was shallow. Water and sediment pH remained neutral or slightly acidic throughout the phases.
Adaptive Optimizing Virtual Machine for Memory Management[Full-Text ] Tehami Mustaasam, Shahid Naseem, M. Salman Akram, Ayesha Iqbal, Mohammad Iqbal, Mushtaq NiaziThe evaluation of the performance of Memory management is the main problem in any architecture because it reduces the efficacy of the system. Due to memory over commitment and hyperness in virtualized environment, it degrades the performance of the system. For evaluating the dynamic behavior of virtual memory that is a part of hyper memory that can be used to enhance the performance of the virtual memory, we have proposed an adaptive optimization technique in the virtual memory. The hyper memory has its virtual memory that can be used to process a large amount of data with at a very high speed. On run time data processing, the virtual memory can be attached with local memory. The proposed technique in the virtual memory can reduce the number of additional memories to evaluate the dynamic behavior of the system more concisely and more efficiently.
Analyzing User Behaviour of IPTV using Hidden Markov Model[Full-Text ] P L SRINIVASA MURTHY, Dr.T.VENU GOPALDue to the innovative technologies in telecom industry and Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) became a reality. Many service providers across the globe are investing significantly to render Video on Demand (VoD) and other services through IPTV. Videos consume high bandwidth and they are to be multicast with acceptable service quality. Therefore it is indispensable for service providers to understand technicalities of IPTV and make necessary steps to have compatible infrastructure. Moreover IPTV user behaviour will have significant impact on the services rendered by the providers. Optimization of resources and services is possible provided the trends in the customer behaviour. As users of IPTV can have interactive usage of content delivered, their usage behaviour and events can affect quality of services. In this context, it is essential to characterize customer behaviour and analyze the same to have insights that can help service providers to have strategies to improve business by providing quality services to subscribers. In this paper our focus is on the usage behaviour of IPTV users besides their zapping patterns. We employed a stochastic model known as Hidden Markov Model (HMM) which has finite set of states and probability of state transmissions. Besides HMM has hidden states that capture user behaviour with respect to IPTV. The results of our research revealed the behaviour of users at different times and especially zapping rate.
Review of Lyapunov Methods for stability of Dynamic Systems and their Region of Attraction[Full-Text ] Sangita Kamat, , Dr. M. Sangogi, Ujwala PhadkeLyapunov Methods are widely used for proving stability of Non Linear System without solving the system. There are two main methods i.e.Lyapunov Direct method & Lyapunov Indirect Methods. This paper outlines the examples where Lyapunov methods are effective as well as the examples where the methods fails to conclude stability
Design and Fabrication Recycling of Plastic System[Full-Text ] Dr. Jassim M. Abdulkarim Jaff, Darewan A. Abdulrahman, Zryan O. Ali, Khelan O. Ali, Mohammed H. HassanPlastics are inexpensive, lightweight and durable materials, which can readily be molded into a variety of products that find use in a wide range of applications. Recycling is one of the most important actions currently available to reduce these impacts and represents one of the most dynamic areas in the plastics industry today.
Dissolved Gas Analysis of Transformer oil using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System[Full-Text ] Aniket S. Kulkarni, P. S. Swami, A. G. ThosarIn this paper, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) has been developed for analysing various incipient faults occurring in oil immersed transformer. By using dissolved gas analysis (DGA) we can effectively monitor condition of oil immersed transformer. Various standards have been already developed for analysing faults on basis of dissolved gases in oil. But these standards fails in diagnosing some faulty conditions, therefore here ANFIS is implemented in accordance with DGA interpretation standard IEC-60599. Proposed model of diagnosing fault has been trained and tested by using sample of faulty transformers from various utilities and literature. From results obtained it can be seen that proposed system is more reliable than that of conventional standards.
Effect of Particle Sizes in Nano -LPG refrigerant on the Performance of Vapour Compression Refrigeration System[Full-Text ] Adenike. A. kolawole, Moradeyo. K .Odunfa, Miracle. O. Oyewola, Olayinka S. OhunakinEnergy demand for refrigeration systems has been the major consideration for the choice of choosing electrical appliance in homes and industries. This work examines the behaviour of VCRs for various concentrations of nano particle sizes in Liquefied petroleum gas refrigerant (60%propane and 40% butane). Measurements were made for the pure LPG refrigerant and also for nano LPG refrigerant that contains 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 g of TiO2 in a vapour compression refrigeration system. The evaporating, condensing and discharge temperatures at the outlet of the evaporator, condenser and compressor of the refrigeration system were measured with thermocouple k. The results shows that evaporating temperature obtained for pure LPG, 0.1,0.3 and 0.5g nano-LPG were -70C,-30C, -80C and -60C respectively. The cooling capacity for pure LPG, 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 were 9.5, 11.1, 9.99 and 10 while the power consumption were 70, 65, 60 and 70Kw.The coefficient of performance for pure LPG, 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5g nano-LPG were 2.53, 3.55, 2.95 and 2.67. Because of low power consumption, higher cooling capacity better coefficient of performance, 0.3g of nano-LPG (TiO2) among all gives the best performance.
Homemade Solar Desalination System for Omani families[Full-Text ] Miqdam T Chaichan, Hussein A Kazem, Khaleel I Abaas, Ali A Al- WaeliOman suffers from the lack of the water supply and demand balance, causing a sharp decrease of groundwater stored in the Sultanate, which if continued, it will have an adverse impact on irrigation, agriculture, drinking water projects in this country. In this work, a simple and cheap solar distillation system was introduced. This system is simple, so it can be assembled by any individual in the family as the various parts are widely available in shops and local markets.
Evolving Mobile Networks in Licensed and Unlicensed Spectrum[Full-Text ] Radhika SaxenaWith currently deployed mobile networks saturating in coverage, spectral efficiency and peak throughput, it is a high time for the mobile network operators to determine the correct strategy for future deployments to satisfy the increasing demand of data hungry devices all over the world. There are obviously many solutions to this problem however we will try to focus our attention in this paper on the most viable ones from a mobile network perspective in terms of the use of licensed and unlicensed spectrum
Hybrid Solar Smart Grid System Based on Web of Things[Full-Text ] Mr. J.N. Sirsat , Prof. Dr. A.A. ShindeIn India generation of power is less as compared to the consumption. Hence we need to use renewable energy sources to mitigate the power need .This paper describes a development of “Hybrid Solar Smart Grid System Based on Web of Things”. The outcome of the system is to control and monitor energy sources as well as demand side load management. The previous designed system by using Bluetooth, RF Transmitter has some drawbacks like short distance controlling. HSSGS based on WOT is designed to generate solar energy to meet energy demand and Control energy sources from anywhere in the world through GPRS. With the help of this system it is possible to control and monitor real time energy devices like fan, tubes and computer, printer etc. through internet as well as manually.