Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2016
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Morphological and physicochemical diversity of prickly pears in Bejaia-Algeria[Full-Text ] Nadia Chougui, Mustapha Bachir-bey, Abderezak Tamendjari Prickly pear (Opuntia ssp.) is native to America and now naturalized in other countries due to its adaptability. In Algeria, it grows mainly on the Mediterranean coast and its production is still traditional. Little information is available on the locally plants (types of species and varieties, production, chemical composition...). To overcome this lack of knowledge, we investigated, in this study, the populations that develop in some areas of Bejaia (north-east of Algeria).
Smartphone and its Psychological Effects on working women of Sialkot[Full-Text ] Rooma Shahzadi, Hina Adeeb, Syed Ali HassanThe study aims to analyze the psychological effects of smart phones on working women. This study enhances the understanding about emerging trend of using smart phones by working women in urban areas. The researcher adopted survey method to investigate the phenomenon, while selecting the target population from Sialkot with sample size of 100 respondents. The results of the study determine that excessive usage of smart phones have more psychological effects such as stress and depression on working women. The findings of the study further confirmed that females working in different sectors of education institutions. They pay less attention on their task, class working and other activities. Also they feel relax and realize the stress and depression situation with smart phones.
REMOTE MONITORING OF AN ARDUINO BASED HOME AUTOMATION SECURITY SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Nathan David, Henry Agbo, Greg Ezema, Amalachukwu AbaforSecurity in the home has become a very important necessity in recent times. Development and technology comes with increase in risks such as gas leakage, fire. There is also the issue of burglary and theft and these have made some of the most important home safety requirements for people. Detecting an intrusion or a hazard is secondary; however, taking the necessary action immediately is primary. In order to achieve this, the security system is remotely monitored. This paper presents a model for a home remote monitoring system using arduino microcontroller with an OPNET simulated wireless network system. Using various sensors and camera, the arduino microcontroller monitors the security of the environment and reports the results to a remote system over the internet. The wireless network system comprises the local and remote location to the arduino. The WLAN is responsible for connecting various modules on the arduino to the internet and the remote network addresses the access from this location to the arduino.
PHISHSTORM: DETECTING PHISHING WITH STREAMING ANALYTICS[Full-Text ] It is a crime to practice phishing by applying technical tricks and social engineering to exploit the innocence of unaware users. This methodology usually covers up a trustworthy entity so as to influence a consumer to execute an action if asked by the imitated entity. Most of the times, phishing attacks are being noticed by the practiced users but security is a main motive for the basic users as they are not aware of such circumstances. However, some methodologies are limited to look after the phishing attacks only and the delay in detection is mandatory.
MongoDB – a comparison with NoSQL databases[Full-Text ] Hema Krishnan, Research Scholar, CUSATWeb based applications and their data management needs have changed dynamically in the past few years. Variety of features and strict data consistency is provided by the relational databases. Due to massive cost of storing and manipulating data in classical relational database systems, NoSQL databases have been developed. NoSQL databases provide more scalability and heterogeneity when compared to RDBMS. MongoDB, a NoSQL database provides high scalabilty, performance and availability. MongoDB is a document based NoSQL database designed for Internet and web based applications. Data model of MongoDB is easy to build on due to its inherent support for unstructured data. MongoDB doesnot require costly and time consuming migrations when application requirements change. MongoDB’s documents are encoded in a JSON like format called BSON. This paper describes the advantages of MongoDB when compared to other NoSQL databases and its applications in sentiment analysis.
FLOW VELOCITY MEASUREMENTS IN SMALL TO MEDIUM CHANNELS BY THRUST ROD[Full-Text ] Sonia Zafar , Moien Ahsan , and Muhammad MasoodA hinged rod of a suitable dimensions when dipped in flowing water, deflection is produced due to hydrodynamic force of flowing water and the rod attains equilibrium in its deflected state. A mathematical relationship has been developed for average velocity measurement in small to medium channels based on the density of fabricated rod material, dimensions of rod, flow depth and velocity cofficients. The water thrust was counter balanced by providing additional weight “WA” at a certain distance “S” from the hinged point. The developed theoratical relationship was verified under laboratory conditions and applied infield conditions. Four rodswere made of Aluminium and seasoned wood of varies dimensions. The calculated velocity was compared with measured velocity and Aluminium rod of width twice the thickness gave more accurate estimation of velocity. The perecntage error in Laboratory and field condition was less than±3% and ±5 % respectively.
Mammogram mass detection based on complex feature analysis[Full-Text ] Reeba Mariyam Cherian, Dr. Shyama Das, Renju Rachel VargheseAs breast cancer accounts for the greatest threat of cancerous form diagnosed in women. So it is important to classify the malignant and benign mass growths in mammogram, which stands as one of the reasons for breast cancer. This paper introduces CAD system which acts as a object machine opinion to assist radiologist and to increase the accuracy. This system initially pre-process the mammogram followed by finding out the suspicious mass regions. Where the features of suspected regions are extracted which are made use for the classification. The system considers both complex features by analyzing the values of co-occurrence matrix and by considering optical density transformation. Finally, this paper uses SVM for classification, achieving satisfactory detection performances.
Growth Velocity and Branch Length of Fingering Pattern Using Two Viscous Oils[Full-Text ] Wasim Ahmed Hydery, Gulam Rabbani, A.R Khan ,Yusuf H ShaikhWe study the fingering pattern development, which arise because of the instability at the interface of two gear oils of different viscosities in Hele-Shaw cell. Fingering is a very instant process, is last for few seconds only, it is recorded using digital camera and movie frames extracted and selected for certain interval of time .We focus here on the development of fingering pattern for different pressure of the two gear oils HP90 and Veedol140.To compare their branch length and growth velocity at different interval of time. It is interesting to note that there is appreciable change in the fingering length and fingering growth velocity of the pattern with two oils at the approximately same pressure. In this paper details are presented and results discussed.
Effective Study of Bracing Systems for Irregular Tall Steel Structures[Full-Text ] Narasimha Murthy K, Darshan SK, Karthik AS, Santosh R, Shiva Kumar KSA high-rise or any multi-level structure is subjected to lateral or torsional deflections under the action of lateral loads, the resulting oscillatory movement can induce a wide range of responses in the building. As a result, lateral stiffness is a major consideration in the design of tall buildings. Bracing is a highly efficient and economical method of resisting lateral forces in a frame structure because the diagonals work in axial stress and therefore call for minimum member sizes in providing the stiffness and strength against horizontal shear. In this project, different types of bracing systems have been investigated for the use in tall building in order to provide lateral stiffness. The use of bracings has potential advantage over other scheme, the bracings are provided for peripheral columns. A multi-storey building with (G+19) floors situated at a seismic zone II is subjected to a wind speed of 33 m/s. The building models are analyzed by equivalent static analysis as per IS 1983: 2002 using STAAD ProV8i software and wind load analysis is analyzed as per IS:875(part 3)-1987.
Review Paper on Segmentation of Retinal Blood Vessels through Wavelet Filter Method[Full-Text ] Mrs. Nisha Sharma, Dr. Paras Kothari With the advancement of CAD (Computer Assisted Diagnosis) Image Processing in Medical Field has created its own niche. Retinal Blood Vessels are highly complicated with low contrast and of very thin diameter which often causes failure in diagnosis of exact abnormalities. However, many researchers have worked on enhancement and segmentation of Retinal Blood Vessels through various methods over the course of time. For example Segmentation of Retinal Blood vessels through Morlet wavelet, Gabor wavelet, Wavelet transforms along with sharpening filters etc. Such tools can also help tremendously in diagnosis of early signs of diabetes, heart problems and cardiovascular diseases too. Here, we intend to use wavelet filter method for segmenting the Retinal Blood Vessels. Diabetic Retinopathy which may result into gradual loss of eye sight along with glaucoma can be diagnosed more effectively through Wavelet Filter Method. Through this research we can effectively improve the pattern of very thin and less visible vessels. We take Monochromatic RGB retinal image as an input image. Next thresholding helps to create the Binary masks of vessels segmentation. While masking all the pixels related to Blood Vessels is assigned 1 and 0 to non vessel pixels. This method is specially used for its directional selectiveness ability to diagnose fine tuned to particular frequencies. We have evaluated the segmentation of RBV images through Wavelet Filter Method on publicly available DRIVE database.
PIPELINE INSPECTION BY OPTIMISATION OF RELAY NODE USING OPTICAL SENSOR[Full-Text ] R.Monica, T.R.VedhavathyWireless sensor networks (WSNs) provide an effective approach for underground pipeline inspection. Such WSNs comprise sensor nodes (SNs) and relay nodes (RNs) for information sensing and communication. WSNs can perform accurate and real-time inspection, especially in adverse environments. Combined wireless nodes create a network in distributed manner. Even it can detect accurate results in aboveground and underground.The heterogeneous network used has greater coverage range and hence the data can be preserved.It can overcome the signal loss.Relay nodes placed above the mobile node helps in communication with base station. However, transmitting information between underground and aboveground nodes is very challenging. To make the relay nodes work in heterogeneous network and to automatically change the relay nodes coverage range when they fail if in the network.To detect the leak in the network optical sensor is placed in mobile node.High power nodes maximum covers a range compared to low power relay nodes.
SIMULATION AND DESING OF THE DISTANCE RELAY BY USING ANFIS TO DETECT FAULTS IN (BAIJI - WEST BAGHDAD) TRANSMISSION LINE [Full-Text ] Rian Al Rahhawi, Hakan Çalis In this research, a three-phase distance relay was designed by using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system algorithm (ANFIS) to protect the overhead transmission lines where these lines are exposed to the faults continuously being built in outdoor and accompanied with the fault a high electrical current to large values lead to the destruction of electrical equipment in the power system.
Does Literature help EFL learners to improve language?[Full-Text ] Vijaylakshmi, Dr. Arpit Kothari, Dr. Priyanka ChoudharyThe study intends first to investigate that after giving a proper input of literature, does the performance of the students change (in terms of improving LSRW skills and developing an interest in literature?) For this the students had a regular class of one hour daily including literary texts and BEC handbooks. Students were examined at the initial level before these classes and assessed again after a period of six months to find out if there is a significant difference in their performance. Students were assessed through certified exams like BEC and iTEP. The investigator, being a certified and trained Cambridge Examiner, assessed the students at the initial level on her own abiding by the set norms of these examinations and conducted the standard exams of BEC and iTEP again after a period of six months to find out the differences. The study is primarily focused on the students of Jaipur, Rajasthan who belong to different colleges of Jaipur i.e. JECRC college, Sitapura, UDML, Kukas and JECRC University, Jaipur.
DEVELOPMENT OF EXPERT SYSTEM: COMPUTER-BASED HOME DOCTOR[Full-Text ] Samuel Ugwu, Vincent C. Chijindu, Charles C. OsuagwuThe increase in diseases has not met with corresponding increase in healthcare experts and facilities. The need to provide an alternative and prompt healthcare expert advice to the worlds growing population becomes urgent. In the health sector, computers are already being used in various ways to provide solution to support services. This work is aimed at developing an expert system for diagnosing of diseases based on laboratory tests and ailment symptoms. This system employs artificial intelligence to analyze and make deduction based on expert knowledge. The deductions identifywith high degree of accuracy the particular disease the patient is likely to have. The complete system is known as COMPUTER-BASED HOME DOCTOR. C#.Net programming language was used through Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD). The system is user-friendly. The expert system works based on the information being fed into the system as an input. The system makes use of symptoms to diagnose a disease but if the number of diseases diagnosed is more than one, it recommends laboratory test for the user. The system generates laboratory ref code which the user must input when the lab test result is ready so that the system can recognize the test. After predicting the ailment type, the system prescribes drugs for the person. The result obtained from this work is a computer-based home doctor with high level of intelligence which can be used by the public at will to diagnose different kinds of ailments without visiting a hospital.
Treatment of a pulp and paper industry effluent by Daldenia concentrica, Lepiota sp and Trametes serialis – A biological approach[Full-Text ] K.Selvam, M.Yamuna and R.Meenakshi White rot fungi Daldenia concentrica, Lepiota sp and Trametes serialis isolated from the Western Ghats region of Tamil Nadu, India were used to treat pulp and paper industry effluents on a laboratory scale and in a pilot scale. On the laboratory scale a maximum decolourization of 58.98% was achieved by Daldenia concentrica on the Tenth day. Inorganic chloride at a concentration of 772 mg/l, which corresponded to 217% of that in the untreated effluent, was liberated by Daldenia concentrica on the Tenth day. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) was also reduced to 1994 mg/l (59.5%) by each of the Daldenia concentrica. On the pilot scale, a maximum decolourization of 61.54% was obtained with the Tenth day incubation by Daldenia concentrica, inorganic chloride 620 mg/l (155.14%) was liberated on the Tenth day and the COD was reduced to 1915 mg/l corresponding to 57.1% by Daldenia concentrica. These results revealed that Daldenia concentrica proved to be more efficient for the treatment of pulp and paper industry effluent in lab scale when compared to pilot scale.
The Effect of Welding Current and Electrode Types on Tensile Properties of Mild Steel[Full-Text ] Ogbunnaoffor C. K., Odo J.U., Nnuka, E. E.The effect of welding current on the structure, tensile properties and performance of mild steel weld joints was studied. Mild steel plate (AISI 1018), 4mm thick, was used as base metal for preparing butt weld joints using shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) process. Welding currents of 65A, 70A, 75A and 80A were applied using 2.5mm diameter welding electrodes (E6011 and E6013). The tensile properties of the butt weld joints were determined using a universal tensile testing machine model S/N 8889 in accordance with ASTM procedures. Macrostructural investigations showed good penetration in all the weld joints. Welding current of 75A produced maximum yield strength, ultimate tensile strength values of 358.50MPa, 421.70MPa respectively for weldments produced with E6011 while weldments produced with E6013 gave a maximum ultimate tensile strength and yield strength values of 383.20MPa and 319.37MPa respectively all of which were lower than those of the base metal. The percentage elongation of the base metal, (14.28%), was found to be lower than that of the weld joints produced.
Properties of concrete with straight PET fibres[Full-Text ] Linda Lawrance, Prof.M Rajalingam, Dr.Sunilaa GeorgePlastics have become an essential part of our modern lifestyle, and the global plastic production has increased immensely which contributed greatly to the production of plastic-related waste.This paper summarizes the benefits of using straight fibres from waste polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) bottles.The percentage of fibres added to M30 mix concrete were 0%, 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% for three aspect ratios 15,35 and 50.The strength parameters like Compressive, Split tensile ,Flexure tests and Impact tests are studied for 28 days curing.The results of the tests are compared with conventional concrete without any fibre.
Effect of Mo Addition to ZA22 Alloy Grain Refined by Ti+B on its Metallurgical and Mechanical Characteristics after Pressing by the ECAP Process[Full-Text ] Adnan I. O. Zaid, Safwan M. A. Al-qawabah, Ahmad O. MostafaZinc aluminum alloys in general and ZA22 in particular exhibit attractive physical and mechanical properties combined with high tensile strength, hardness, very good wear and corrosion resistances, making it a bearing alloy as a replacement of their conventional counterparts like aluminum cast alloys, copper-based alloys and cast iron in various engineering applications. However against these attractive properties they have the disadvantage of solidifying in dendritic structure which affects their mechanical properties. To meet the growing demands for the application of these alloys, further investigations on their properties is required. In this paper, the effect of addition of two refiners namely Ti-B and Mo to ZA22 on its metallurgical and mechanical characteristics after pressing by the equal channel angular pressing, ECAP, is investigated. ) The ECAP process resulted in grain refining of ZA22 and ZA22 grain refined by Ti or Ti-B as was illustrated in the micrographics perviously assessed.
Comparison between Mo Addition to Zinc Aluminum Alloy, ZA22, Grain Refined by Ti and Ti-B after Pressing by the Equal Channel Angular Press, ECAP[Full-Text ] Adnan I. O. Zaid, Ahmad O. MostafaZinc aluminum alloys in general and ZA22 in particular are in increasing demand in engineering and industrial applications especially in the automobile and aircraft industries. In this paper comparison between the effect of molybdenum addition to ZA22 grain refined by Ti and Ti-B after pressing by the ECAP process regarding its metallurgical and mechanical characteristics is investigated and the obtained results are presented and discussed.
Weapon and Metal detection[Full-Text ] Malik A. Alsaedi, Mohammed H. Hafiz, Areeg Fahed, Tuqa YahyaMetal detection is a physical system that can be used in a military and security to detect metals spatially concealed weapons and un authorized devices. An ultrasonic sensor is used for the detection. The speed of reflected ultrasonic waves from different types of objects is measured. The materials that been used are paper, plastic and metal key as an experimental objects. The distance between the sensor and the object 10 cm we conduct the experiment. The proposed system is an automatic system that works all together when a person comes near to the ultrasonic waves detects the person along 3 meter away and then the IP camera is turned on automatically to capture a video to the suspect. Once the person walk; through the gate that contains the electromagnetic coil and that person holds a metal object a LED is turned on in the main monitoring room and the video that been captured by the camera is sent to the main monitoring room computer and the suspect will be known to the security policemen, in case the person who walk through the gate dosen’t hold a metal object the video that been captured by the camera is automatically deleted and the LED in the main monitoring room stays off. In the additional experimental work we tested the speed of reflected waves off of different types of objects including paper, plastic and metal key to see the difference in speed
Comparative study of flexural strength of RC beams strengthened with steel and FRP bars[Full-Text ] Keertika Sharma, S. S. Kushwah, Aruna RawatThe present paper explores the flexural performance of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) fortified in reinforced concrete (RC) beams. The RC beams are designed and analyzed for an effective span of 3 m. The beam is subjected to linear action of three different live loads acting as two point loads on RC beam. In all nine beams, three each are strengthened with carbon FRP, glass FRP and aramid FRP bars, respectively. The three different percentage of reinforcement ratios are taken for steel bars and FRP bars. More three beams are used as control specimens are strengthened with steel reinforcement bars designed as under-reinforced RC beam. Static responses of all the beams are evaluated in terms of strength, deflection and compositeness between FRP bars and concrete. The linear and non-linear FE analysis of steel reinforcement and FRP bars beams are carried out in finite element method ANSYS software. The finite element (FE) results are verified using linear analysis method using IS 456-2000 code for steel reinforcement bars and ACI 440-2006 for FRPs bars. The results show that the FRP strengthened beams exhibit increased flexural strength. The non-linear analysis of the beams shows more deflection at centre and load point as compared to linear FEM of the RC beams strengthened with FRPs and steel bars.
Designing and testing of an Interpolation and Decimation circuitry for Communication modules[Full-Text ] Jyothilakshmi C S, Deepthi DayanandThis work focuses on designing and implementing a resampling circuitry for a telecommunication Networks. In telecommunication networks, there occur many situations where unwanted signals (noise) creates problem for modulation and demodulation. In this paper the work done is to design a system to avoid up this issue to an extent. The first part of this paper deals with the development of the model of resampling device in MATLAB Simulink. The resampling of the signals takes place at this stage. Next, the Verilog description of the design is implemented using Xilinx ISE and verifies the correctness of the design. The resampled signals are compared with the original signal in the results.
Cross resolution face matching based on ensemble co-transfer learning[Full-Text ] Renju Rachel Varghese, Dr.Shyama Das, Reeba Mariyam CherianWith the advancement in technology, face recognition has a significant and widespread application in image analysis, identification of persons in law enforcement, identifying the culprit during riots, breach of security, etc. Mainly face recognition algorithms are developed for matching high resolution images, which are being trained in a controlled environment, often fail to match high resolution images with the probe images. In this paper, we are improving cross resolution image matching using the co-transfer learning framework, which uses the technique of co-training and transfer learning in a non-separable manner. Using transfer learning we are transferring the knowledge from the source domain to target domain. The classifiers decision boundary is updated and pseudo labels are being assigned to the unlabeled probe instances by using online co-training of the SVM classifier. The feature vectors are being extracted using local binary pattern and histogram of oriented gradients, and SIFT. Unification of the transfer learning and co-training in the seamless manner helps to raise the operation of the cross resolution face matching.
Impact of Diuretic Half-Time (T½) on The Sensitivity of kidney Obstruction or Non-obstruction Diagnosis[Full-Text ] H.I.Abdelkader, H.M.Gad, Sahar.Mansour, Asmaa.H.ELgndyDiuresis renography is widely accepted as a useful test for investigating the dilatation in urinary tract, discriminating between obstructed and non-bstructed systems and evaluating the kidney function .The test achieve popularity because of its simplicity and noninvasiveness. The aim of this study is to assess the optimum timing of furosemide injection in diuretic renog raphy to get the most accurate diagnosis. One hundred patients with suspected urinary ob struction underwent F+10min diuretic renography protocol. Forty of them gave no response to diuresis and diagnosed as obstructed kidneys, twenty patients showed delayed excretion but improved in response to diuresis and diagnosed as non-obstructed kidneys. The remaining forty patients showed equivocal response to diuresis. The sensitivity of diagnosis of obstructed and non-obstructed kidneys is 60%. The remaning forty patients with equivocal response to diuresis underwent F-15 min diuretic renography with thirty one patients were proved to be obstructed and the other nine were non-obstructed. Overall, Obstruction was found in 71 patients out of 100 patients with mean ± SD T½ values 31.39 min ± 10min. The mean kidney split function was 43.7 %± 2.6%. Twenty nine patients out of 100 patients were non-obstructed with mean ± SD T½ values 9.76 min ±3.31 min and their mean kidney split func tion was 45.59%± 3.34%. This leads to increasing the sensitivity of diagnosis of obstructed and non-obstructed kidneys from 60% to 100 %. Regarding to the forty patients with equivocal response to diuresis at F+10min; thirty one patients were proved to be obstructed by F-15min study with mean ± SD T½ values 29.77min±8min which was16.63 min±2.28 by F+10min (p=.000), however the other nine patients were proved to be non-obstructed with mean ± SD T½ values 12.89 min±3.22 min in F-15 min study and it was 24.89±10.8 min in F+10 min (p=.01). A p value less than .05 was considered significant. In conclusion the optimum timing of diuretic injection is F-15 min prior to renography study for equivocal cases.F-15min renal scintigraphy can be considered as the most sensitive method for diagnosing urinary obstruction and non-obstruction so, it can be taken as a gold standard method in this matter.
LATEST REVIEW OF PARKING PROBLEMS AND INTELLIGENT PARKING SYSTEM FOR SMART CITY[Full-Text ] Manjiri Phadnis,Prof K.S.BapatAt the moment, Smart Vehicles Solutions technological know-how are studying a wide array of solutions which include the interstate direction, collision deterrence & protection, taxi driver help, together with infotainment with people and people. From this newspaper, a great agile downtown parking suggestions product concerning car smart powering process was organized to help city people using truly successful, real-time together with appropriate parking lot powering tips on that durability into the future green city. The machine supplies people an agreeable parking lot suggestions line together with holds drivers’ period circling available by way of the adequate conjecture in the flourishing parking likelihood with just about every parking lot.
A Novel UWB Vivaldi Antenna Array for Radar Applications[Full-Text ] Osama M. Dardeer, Tamer G. Abouelnaga, Ashraf S. Mohra, Hadia M. El-HennawyThis paper presents a novel four elements ultra wideband (UWB) antipodal Vivaldi antenna (AVA) array design for radar and microwave imaging applications. Initially, the radiation ares of the AVA is designed based on an elliptical curve shape. Next, the substrate end is shaped as a triangular shape and a negative index metamaterial (NIM) has been incorporated into the AVA aperture to act as a director. A gain enhancement of 2 dB is obtained for the proposed element compared to conventional one. The proposed antenna element is fabricated and measured. There is a good consistency between the simulated and measured return loss. In addition, four UWB Vivaldi antennas with substrate end shaping are placed along the z-axis in a linear antenna array configuration. The four NIM structures of the four antennas are placed together to form a sheet which is perpendicular to the four antenna substrates. A gain enhancement of about 6 dBi is obtained compared to the proposed single element through the whole UWB frequency range. The proposed antenna array bandwidth extends from 3 GHz to 16 GHz. The proposed antenna array is fabricated, measured, and good agreement is obtained between simulated and measured reflection coeffcients.
Oil Price Crisis[Full-Text ] Hussain AldoshanThe world today is continually becoming competitive and more knowledgeable when it comes to energy and its sources. The economic state of the world at the moment is quite shaky concerning to the falling oil prices. Countries in the Middle East and Russia and some in Africa are struggling with oil production at the time since industry prices have fallen a little too low threatening their economies.
EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON HIGH STRENGTH CONCRETE USING COLLOIDAL NANO SILICA AND FLY ASH[Full-Text ] V.R.Rathi,Dr.C.D.ModheraThis paper presents the results of an experimental investigation carried out on addition of CNS and fly ash on properties of high strength concrete (HSC). The Compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength, density, and modulus of elasticity were studied. Cement is replaced by fly ash varying from 10% to 35 % by weight (0,10,15,20,25,30,35) at fixed water cement ratio in addition to this CNS was added ranging from 1% to 5% b.w.c. The result indicates that there is increase in density up to 3% addition of CNS and workability goes on decreasing with increase in % of CNS , it was also found that compared with control concrete , the compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength increased up to 3% addition of CNS and 20 % addition of fly ash and there after decreases..
Adaptive Rate Control for Low Rate Video Transmission over Wireless Network[Full-Text ] Nasser N. Khamiss, Donya A. KhalidThis paper investigates the visibility of using H.246 standard for transmitting videos over 3G mobile networks, it presents an optimal configuration for H.264 standard that support low bit rate. Rate control technique is applied based on the most effective H.264 encoding tools. Results to be compared with MPEG-2 compression standard. Coding improvements of H.264 in terms of PSNR is about 3-4 dB at compression ratio equal to 70:1 for main profile and 58:1 for baseline profile while MPEG-2 result in compression ratio equal to 32:1.
Effectiveness of Special Education in Educating Special Children of Government Special Education Center Faisalabad District[Full-Text ] Fatima MahmoodWhat we teach at govt. special education center is effective? Does it produce desirable behavioral change in academic and daily living skills? This article discusses such information; annual result is a criteria to see child progress in academic and self help skills. Data of student progress for three years (that is April20 12 to March20 15) by means of detailed result marks is obtained. Evaluation is made through teacher made curriculum based papers in oral and written examination. Other extracurricular activities and achievements are also considered such as participation in sports. Scope of mainstreaming and response to vocational learning is also discussed. Results show that special education produces positive change in special children's' academic, social and self health skill learning, and hence is quite fruitful and desirable.
Framework for Traffic Congestion Prediction[Full-Text ] John FW Zaki, Amr Ali-Eldin, Sherif E. Hussein, Sabry F. Saraya, Fayez F. AreedTraffic Congestion is a complex dilemma facing most major cities. It has undergone a lot of research since the early 80s in an attempt to predict traffic in the short-term. Recently, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) became an integral part of traffic research which helped in modeling and forecasting traffic conditions. In this paper, two frameworks for traffic congestion prediction are proposed. The first framework is based on NeuroFuzzy model which is well surveyed in traffic literature. The second framework is based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM) which is rarely used in traffic prediction. The methods are used to define traffic congestion during morning rush hours. The results of the two methods are compared.
Biomonitoring Approaches for Water Quality Assessments in Marshes of Southern Iraq[Full-Text ] Dr.Huda Farooq Zeki, Dr. Reyam Naji Ajmi, Dr. Abdul-Jabbar Jasim JryanMajority portions of the the Iraqi Marshlands suffer the problem of pollution in water due to irregular deterioration in water resources. In this study be use of living organisms to monitor and control the quality of water source an attempt refers to assess the effectiveness of biomonitoring approach to water quality monitoring in water resources. In this current investigation of the biological communities of aquatic plants and some of the different physical properties such Air Temperature (AT) , Water Temperature (WT) , Water Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH) , Water Electrical Conductivity (EC) , Reactive Phosphate (PO4-2), Reactive Nitrite (NO2-1), Reactive Nitrate (NO3) , and Cd, Pb in six types aquatic plants , Ceratophyllum demersium , Typha domengensis , Phragmites australis , Potatmogeta, Pctinitus , p. perfoliatus , p. lucens, during the period from April 2014 to April 2015. Biological indicator calculated by measuring water quality. The results showed that biomonitoring significant correlations pointing comparisons between and increased biological contamination indicators (six types with Pb more Cd ) were statistically significant (p> 0.016. 0.05) p. It was linked to biological indicator index significantly with both physical Parameters (p> 0.21 , 0.05). the results obtained that the property caused by the environmental balance in the aquatic environment through the processes of absorption as a biomonitoring in nature .
Therapeutic targeting of anti-cancer drug loaded PCL-PEG-PCL triblock copolymer nanoparticles toward MCF-7 breast cancer cell line[Full-Text ] Randa Mohammed Dhahi, Hameed Majeed Jasim, Maysaa Ghassib Hateem, Alistair ElfickDrug delivery systems based on poly (e-caprolactone)/poly (ethylene glycol) (PCL/PEG) copolymer nanoparticles have been developed to generate new therapeutic systems with better treatment efficacy and lower side effect. In this work, poly (e-caprolactone)-poly (ethylene glycol) - poly (e-caprolactone) (PCL-PEG-PCL) nanoparticles with the average particle size ~ 226 ± 5 nm and spherical in shape were prepared by prepared by nanoprecipitation method using acetone as the organic solvent. These PCL-PEG-PCL nanoparticles were possessed negligible toxicity to MCF-7 in vitro. The PCL-PEG-PCL nanoparticles were employed to load doxorubicin by a pH-induced self-assembly method. In vitro release study indicated that doxorubicin release from nanoparticles at pH 5.6 was faster than that at pH 7.0. Meanwhile, MCF-7 was more sensitive to PCL-PEG-PCL/Dox after 72hr than free Dox. The great amounts of DOX and uptake accumulated into the MCF-7 cells from DOX-loaded micelles suggest a potential application in cancer chemotherapy.
Consumption of drinks and the effect on the intensity of dental erosions in population at the age from 30 – 50 years[Full-Text ] Denkova N, Iljovska S, Denkov N Summary: The aim of our study was to establish the effects of carbonated drinks and fruits drinks on the onset and the level of dental erosions on the central incisors and the first permanent molars