Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2016
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Study on Distribution of Micro Nutrients, Electro-chemical behavior and saline soil properties due to heavy irrigation in Bagalkot district, Karnataka state, India[Full-Text ] Shobha N, Dr. Basavaraj M. Kalshetty The electro-chemical behavior, salinity assessment and deficiency of micro-nutrients in soil samples from selected locations of highly irrigated cultivated lands of Bagalkot district have been investigated on the basis of Cation exchange capacity, the levels of Physico- and electro-chemical parameters such as Bulk density, soil texture, and water holding capacity, pH, EC, Sodium and Calcium carbonate. The major nutrients such as OC, available Nitrogen, available Phosphorous and available Potash and the Micro-nutrients such as Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Boron and Molybdenum were determined by using flame photometer, visible spectrophotometer and Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer followed by so far reported standard methods respectively. The secondary nutrients such as Calcium (%), Magnesium (%) and Sulphate (ppm) were determined by simple titration methods.
Digital Preservation of Information Resources in Academic Libraries in Niegeria[Full-Text ] Attahiru SaminuThe world is witnessing a rapid and progressive transformation as a result of IT revolution, which has predominated all aspect of societal development. One of such transformation has manifested in the form of digital libraries. The evolution of digital libraries has ensured the emergence of global networked environment that has dramatically changed the face of libraries, their functions, services as well as their storage and delivery system. One of such services is digital preservation, which is the work needed to ensure that digital content is maintained and accessible into the future use. This paper intends to examine the status of digital preservation of information resources in Academic libraries, its benefit, challenges and prospects in Nigerian perspective.
Surface Morphology and Photolumincense Properties of a-GaAs:Zn Solar Celles[Full-Text ] Hussein Kh. Rasheed, Ramiz Ahmed Al- Anssar, Iman Kadhim Jebur, Nisreen Khaleel Abd-alameer GaAs:Zn films with 0.5µm have been prepared by flash evaporation technique on glass and c-Si substrate at substrate room temperature under vacuum of 10-5 mbar. These films have been annealed at different annealing temperatures Ta (373and 473) K. The surface morphological characteristics by atomic force microscope (AFM), was decrease in roughness with increasing annealing temperature and the grain size increases with increasing annealing temperature. The PL peak located at (885.714), (883.059)and (880.419) for (RT , 100,200)C which corresponding to an energy (1.400) , (1.404) and (1.408) eV .This may be associated with that the electron in bottom of Ec recombins with hole in the Ev. I-V Measurementsof HJ in the dark case to deduce that the value of ideality factor decreases with increasing of Ta. I-V characteristic Under illumination the Jsc&Voc increase with increasing of Ta.
Design and Implementation of OFDM System for Real Signal Transmission and Reception for DSL Based on SDR Using FPGA[Full-Text ] Dr. Hadi T. Ziboon, Mohammed H. HadiOrthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a multi carrier modulation technique which divides the available spectrum into many subcarriers. These subcarriers have different frequencies and they are orthogonal to each other. The main blocks of OFDM system (serial to parallel, QAM modulator and demodulator, IFFT, IFFT*, FFT, mapping and demapping). In this work designe and implementation of the main blocks of OFDM for real transmission based on SDR using FPGA is proposed for real signal transmission by using single wire. MATLAB-Simulink as well as M-files are used to implement proposed system . Simulink HDL coder is used to convert the MATLAB-Simulink models and M-file to VHDL code by using Altera Cyclone II boards DE2-70. Experimental and simulation results of the proposed system show the coincide with small distortion because of the practical environment.
Paddle Powered Centrifugal Tube Type Water Pump[Full-Text ] Bhaskar Singh Bisht, Arsad Ali, Shivasheesh KaushikIn our project we are making “PADDLE POWERED WATER PUMP”. The main motto of our work is to design and develop a prototype of a simply constructed water pump so that it could be operated by human power with the help of hand or foot paddle having flywheel attached to it, which could be further easily modified or assembled to any other power source such as electric power, wind power or any other suitable driver mechanism. In simple language we can say our main objective is to reduce the dependency on the conventional energy resources. It will offer several advantages like financially, environmental friendly, almost maintenance free as compared to other pumps and easily repairable or we can say self repairable by the operator and health wise beneficial. The problem which is also addressed is the idea of harnessing green energy to our root level i.e the agricultural industry which further could be developed as an infinite source of energy which could be used to fulfill our daily energy needs so that we could put a step forward towards our evergreen future.In our water pump we had used a unique design which could be very much helpful for small scale uses such as in agricultural industry, and various other manufacturing industries. The flywheel added to it is the additional feature which supports the operator to an extent. The capacity of our pump is 15ml per sec, working at an average r.p.m of 90 of the driver shaft at the head of 1.5 ft. It could provide water head upto three ranges i.e 1.5 ft, 2.0 ft, and 2.5 ft as the rpm is increased further. At the end, conclusions about the project are made and some recommendations for future development are given.
Active Vibration Control of Aircraft Wing Using Piezoelectric Transducers[Full-Text ] Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed A. Ali, Prof. Dr. Hussain Y. Mahmood, Mahmood Wael SaeedDecreasing of system's vibrations is an important issue for all mechanical structures like an aircraft wing where it is subjected to many types of disturbances . Many methods were proposed to decrease or even to eliminate such vibrations by using many techniques like changing the design of structure or even trying to change the material of studied structures, but until now the problem is with completely manufactured structures in which the designer can't change material, so utilizing controlling method may serve as a tool to apply active vibration control (AVC) on a vibrated structure where by which one can convert passive structure to smart structure.
Silicon Substitution in Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Bioceramics: Crystal Structure Study[Full-Text ] B. El ouatli, M. Jamil, A. Elouahli, El. Gourri, M. Ezzahmouly, F. Abida, M. Ilou, Z. HatimSilicon substituted (Si-BCP) and unsubstituted (BCP) biphasic Calcium Phosphate are prepared by solid-solid reaction. The prepared powders are characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy and X-ray Diffraction. The Rietveld refinements are performed with FullProf program. The results show that the SiO44- group substitutes the PO43- group in two phases: Hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 : HAP) and ß-Tricalcium phosphate (Ca3(PO4)2: ß-TCP). In the TCP structure, this substitution induces an increase of parameter (a), a decrease of parameter (c) and a decrease of cell volume. In the HAP lattice, this substitution induces an increase of parameter (c), a decrease of lattice parameter (a) and a decrease of cell volume. The insertion of silicon in the hydroxyapatite structure causes a shift in the position of the oxygen and phosphorus atoms and perturbations at P-O1, P-O2, P-O3, Ca2-O1, Ca2-O2, and Ca2-O3 distances. The substitution of PO43- by SiO44- group causes also a reduction of the hydroxyl group, an increase in the occupancy rate of all sites and an increase of lattice distortion index (Dind = 6.995) compared to the unsubstituted hydroxyapatite value (Dind =4.782) and to the theoretical value (Dind = 3.079). This structural change increases the dissolution of BCP which enhances the biological activity of these bioceramics.
Four-Factor Affect The U.S. Retail Sales Indicator & Forecasting[Full-Text ] Abdullah A. AldreesExamining the significant of the following factors on Retail Sales Indicator of the U.S., fossil-fuel prices, Unemployemnt level, Inflation, and excess returns of the S&P 500. Applying multiregression method using STATA, statistical software
Rainfall Intensity – Duration – Frequency (IDF) models for Makurdi, Nigeria[Full-Text ] G.D.Akpen, M.I.Aho and O.G. OjoRainfall data analysis was carried out to develop rainfall Intensity – Duration – Frequency (IDF) models for Makurdi Metropolis, Benue State, Nigeria. Rainfall data of the study area was sourced from Nigerian Meteorological Services Department (NIMET) Oshodi, Lagos. Gumbel Extreme Value I distribution was statistically applied and comparison was made with some existing plotting positions (Weibull and Gringorton). Thirty two rainfall models were developed and were grouped into three sets: The first set contained nine rainfall models which represents an inverse relationship between rainfall intensity and duration for specified return periods of 2.2, 5.5 and 11 years for annual series and 2.1, 4.2, 5.3,7.0,10.5 and 21 years for the partial series. High and positive values of goodness of fit between 0.8351 and 0.9884 were obtained; an indication of good curve fitting. The second set of rainfall models related rainfall intensity to return period for specified durations of 12, 18, 24, 30, 36 and 60 minutes. Twelve models were generated in this set with high and positive values of goodness of fit between 0.847 and 0.995. While the third set of models related rainfall intensities to amounts and durations at specified frequencies. The predicted results compared favourably with the actual field data except predictions from first partial series. The Chi-square test statistics performed on all the models showed that the power models are more reliable than the quotient models. It was concluded that the power models obtained from this research will be useful tools for prediction of rainfall events in the study area. It is recommended that self recording type of rain gauges should be installed in all the Meteorological stations nationwide to provide the input data required for development of IDF models particularly in the face of climatic change. Also, modern technologies should be utilised to obtain durations for the previous years of incomplete records.
Evaluating the performance of WiMAX network with Smart Antenna Systems[Full-Text ] Mohammed A. Abdala and Naiam W. Alsamaraie Smart Antenna Systems (SAS) is an additional feature in WiMAX technology IEEE 802.16e. SAS have the capability in focusing on the energy in a certain direction. This helps in achieving higher data rate transmission and improving system capacity. In this paper, WiMAX network is integrated with SAS in order to study and analyze its performance. WiMAX network is simulated using OPNET 14.5 simulator while the SAS system is implemented using MATLAB (R2013a). Then, OPNET 14.5 is integrated with MATLAB (R2013a) through MX/MEX interface to evaluate the performance of a WiMAX network that uses SAS installed at the Base Station (BS) or Subscriber Station (SS). The designed SAS consists of 8 Uniform Linear Array (ULA) and the adaptive beamforming algorithm used is Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA). The performance of the modeled network evaluated in term of overall network delay, throughput, Downlink Signal to Noise Ratio (DL SNR), Downlink Block Error Rate (DL BLER) and Downlink Packets Dropped.
Gap Between Multiobjective and Scalar Objective Optimization Problem: Second Order Case[Full-Text ] H. S. Faruque AlamWe establish the reasons for the existence of multi-objective and scalar objective optimization for the second order case with a suitable example. We know that Guignard’s constraint qualification (GCQ) are the weakest assumption guaranteeing that the necessary conditions of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) type hold in single objective optimization problem nonetheless it is also true for second order single objective optimization. However, GCQ is not used for both first and second order multi-objective cases, and in this paper, we present the appropriate reasons behind it with an example.
Two person zero-sum fuzzy matrix games and extensions[Full-Text ] Rajani Singh, Ashutosh Dhar DwivediIn this work, fuzzy linear programming problems (FLPP) and their implementations is being done in two person zero-sum fuzzy matrix game theory, based on Bector, Chandra and Vijay [2] model. Verification of solution of all possible type of two person zero-sum game is done by solving examples by numerical method.
Protecting Online Social Networks Against Threats[Full-Text ] Mahmood K. Ibrahem, Wael A. Abbas Online social network platforms comprise several issues related to the privacy and security of user. This paper aims to develop a security framework which comprises methods to shield Online Social Networks (OSN) against social network threats and preserving the privacy of the user while maintaining balance between security and system performance. This was achieved by using SSL protocol, Captcha implementation in the server, bcrypt password hashing algorithm and account auto-locking mechanism. In addition, various methods have been used to countermeasure web application vulnerabilities. The proposed system has been tested and evaluated under various scenarios including automated program attacks and human based attacks. The evaluation showed that the proposed system is efficient in creating a secure environment for online social networks.
Mosquito Repellent Finish of Cotton Fabric by Extracting Castor Oil[Full-Text ] Granch Berhe TseghaiMalaria is ranked as the leading infectious disease in Ethiopia. Control of mosquitoes is something of utmost importance in the present day with rising number of mosquito borne illnesses. Thus, specialty products like mosquito repellent used to combat mosquitoes are required. Chemical mosquito repellents has a remarkable safety profile , but they are toxicity against the skin & nervous system like rashes, swelling, eye irritation, and worse problems, though unusual including brain swelling in children, anaphylactic shock, and low blood pressure. Hence it better to move natural mosquito repellents over chemical mosquito repellents. Now day’s textiles are playing a great roll beyond the usual clothing application. Mosquito repellent textiles is one of the revolutionary ways to advance the textile field by providing the much-needed features of driving away mosquitoes, especially in the tropical areas. In this study textile sample was treated with binder and castor oil. Different property has been study for effective on mosquito repellency property.
Synthesis, Spectroscopic Studies and Co-ordination mode of three Schiff Bases, N-benzylidene-(o-, m- and p-)nitroimine complexes of Zn(II)[Full-Text ] Emmanuel E. Duke Okon, V. N. Osabor and G. E. IniamaThe Coordination mode of three Schiff Base ligands viz ; N-benzylidene-2-nitroimine, N-benzylidene-3-nitroimine and N-benzylidene-4-nitroimine and their Zn(II) ion complexes; synthesized under reflux from catalyzed condensation of Benzaldehyde with corresponding nitroamine, have been investigated. The derived C, H and N elemental analyses data revealed a coordination mode of 1:2 [ML2Cl2] metal to ligand mole ratio. The metal complexes showed no indication of electrolytic tendency but points towards diamagnetism. The coordination mode of the metal ion with the Schiff Base ligands occurred via the azomethine nitrogen with differential electron shift attributed to stereochemical properties of the different ligands which in turn distorts the regular tetrahedral geometry of the metal complexes respectively.
Parasitological Contamination of Some Common Consumable Farm Produce in Dekina Kogi State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Omowaye,. O.S ,Onoja E.A and Omada, O. IFruits mostly rich in vitamins are an essential part of healthy diet. Most fruits aids in digestion processes and help in maintaining diet. Raw fruits are usually prone to parasitic infection and can act as fomite and agent of transmission of parasitic diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the parasitological contamination of some common selected fresh fruits sold by different seller in Dekina markets.
Socio-demographic and ClinicalStudy of Protozoan and Helminth Parasites of Drinking water in Eastern Zone of Kogi ,Nigeria[Full-Text ] Omowaye,. O.S ,Onoja E.A and Omada, O. I A study on Socio-demographic and Clinical Features of Protozoan and Helminth Parasites of Drinking water in Eastern Zone of Kogi ,Nigeria, was carried out between July 2013 and May 2015 using water concentration method for parasite isolation.Eleven rivers in six Local Government Areas were studied for parasites isolation, protozoans parasite such as Balantidium coli, Chilometrix mensili (Cm), Cryptosporidium parvum (cp), Enteromonas homini (Eh), Giardia lamblia (Gl),Entamoeba histolitica (Eh),Retortmonas intesthialis (RI), Isospora belli (Ib) Iodamoeba buetshlli (Ib), Cyclospora cayatenesis.The commonest helminth parasites include: Fasciola hepatic (Fh), Taenia Sp, Ancyclostoma duodenale (Ad), Gongylonema Pulchrum (Gp), Dictophylma Renale (Dr),Schistosoma. intercalatum (Si), Enterobium vermicularis (Ev), Diphyllobdhrium latum (Dl), Ascaris lumbricoides (Al), Dracunculus mediness (Dm)The research interview and questionnaire into various communities and hospitals of the study areas also supported cases of protozoans and helminth infection. Though the opinion of the respondents indicated more of helminth infection, and that majority of people with protozons and helminth infection is not far from community water users. It is therefore recommended that people should be advised to carry out water treatment before used.
Rivers-Water Contamination by Nematode Larvae and Ova in SixLocal Government Areas of Kogi Nigeria[Full-Text ] Omowaye,. O.S ,Audu P.A and Iyaji F. ORiver-Water Contamination by Nematode Larve and Ova in Eastern Zone of Kogi ,Nigeria.was conducted between July 2013 and May 2015 and eleven rivers in six LGAs were examine for parasites isolation using concentrated techniques. Among others contaminant, four species of nematodes were found such as larve of Strongiloides stercoralis (27.85%), Ascaris lumbricoides, ova,Enterobium vermicularis ova, Dictophyma renale larve,and Hookworm species egg .Out of a total of73945, larvae of Dictophyma renale had the highest of 22455 followed byStrongiloides stercoralis with 20590 while Hookworm had the least with 3000, Maboro River had the highest sample for positive 73.0% (437). It was followed by Emoha river in Bassa LGA with70.8% (454) River Niger in Idah LGA had the least with 49.8% (309) followed by Omala river in Omala LGA 62.1% (389). Among the Rivers there is no significant different statistically X2=118.13.. Physiochemical Parameter , such as temperature ,Dissolve oxygen ,Electrical conductivity, turbidity, and depth were measured during the study and the result observed were below the WHO standard for portable water. Overall result show that ,all the river-water examined were contaminated with parasitic nematodes. Hence, there is need for water treatment before use.
Ethical Challenges in Work Place[Full-Text ] Mishari Saad AlabdullatifIn this article I preview the ethical challenge subject in the work place. What are might causes in the work environment? How to overcome any ethical challenges that might occur along a different circumstances.
Comprehensive Appraisal on Embedded RFID Security and Privacy Concerns in Scholastic Management System Restraining Adaption[Full-Text ] Zainab Rasheed Fahad Mirza and M Nawaz BrohiThis paper explores security and privacy issues related to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) implementation in scholastic or educative environments. Various educative environment domains: Student management, Staff/Faculty management, Visitor Management and Campus Security have increased utilization of RFID applications but has reduced or limited ubiquitous adoption due to serious and potential security and privacy concerns, which are still existing due to lack of security standards in current RFID hardware and software technology
Biochemical Study to Thiosemicarbazone Derivatives[Full-Text ] Ibrahim El-Sayed Mohy El-Deen, Lamia Abd E l- Latif Ali Barakat, Sozan Ahmed Ibrahim El-DeekThere have been tremendous development in the chemotherapy of cancer and researches are still developing new and more effective drugs to combat this disease. Thiosemicarbazides and thiosemicarbazone derivatives are important and useful compounds with diverse pharmacological properties.In the present study, we evaluated the in vitro cytotoxic activity of new thiosemicarbaz -ones derivatives[1-[(6- acetyl pyridine-2-YL ethylidene) amino]-thiourea(3) and 2,4- di -acetyl pyridine- bis- 3- thiosemicarbazone(4) against MCF-7 (human breast cancer), HePG2 (Hepatocellular carcinoma), HCT116 (human colon cancer), PC3 (human pro -state cancer). In order to find new drugs with anticancer activities prepared compounds were evaluated for their in vitro and in vivo anticancer activities.
Comparing the Structural Parameters of Rambutan Seed Fat Incorporated Wholly and Partially with Cocoa Butter[Full-Text ] Luma khairy. H , Tajul A. YangThe physical characteristics, such as peak maxima during melting and crystallization behavior, polymorphic behavior, microstructure, and solid fat content (SFC), of rambutan seed fat (RSF) and its mixture with cocoa butter (CB) at various ratios were compared to prove that slight changes in the composition of CB, CB:RSF, or RSF can affect its crystal structure, and thereby, its functionality. Physical characteristics were obtained via differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, polarized light microscopy (PLM), and SFC analysis. The results showed that mixtures M1 (80% CB:20% RSF) and M2 (60% CB:40% RSF) melted at peak maxima 21.65±0.72°C and 19.51±0.67 °C with a ?H of 66.77±8.50 J/g and 39.05±1.57 J/g, respectively. These values are nearly similar to that for CB, which is approximately 22.36±0.16 °C with a ?H of 76.53±3.15 J/g. Meanwhile, M1 exhibited a more similar crystallization pattern than M2, with a single curve that have one peak maxima height at a temperature of 12.17±0.60 °C with a ?H of 71.29±5.46 J/g relative to that of CB at a temperature of 11.92±0.56 °C with a ?H of 72.23±2.43 J/g. The XRD pattern showed that M1 had the same short spacing and wide angle reflections as those of CB at a temperature of 20 °C. Furthermore, the microstructure visualized through PLM showed that M1 had a morphology that is similar to that observed in CB, in which small and well-distributed crystal formations provide a hardness with a lower index, whereas large crystal formations exhibit otherwise. The solid fat content of M1 present profiles similar to those of CB, with considerably lower SFC. The findings determined the best mixture with physical characteristics that converge to those of CB.
Decision-oriented Evaluation: A Review of Various Models of Evaluation[Full-Text ] Khaled AlqahtaniThese instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for IJSER JOURNALS. Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 6.0 or later. Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. The electronic file of your paper will be formatted further at IJSER. Define all symbols used in the abstract. Do not cite references in the abstract. Do not delete the blank line immediately above the abstract; it sets the footnote at the bottom of this column. Don’t use all caps for research paper title.
Investigations on (ZrO2.5CaO+Al2O3) appliedon Al6061and Gray cast Iron (GCI) substrates[Full-Text ] Abhinav, N. Krishnamurthy, Ranjana JainIdentifying the factual structure and mechanical properties plays a very important role before and after thermal spray coatings. This paper addresses best possible methods for the evaluation of Air plasma spray coatings on Al6061and Gray Cast Iron samples. In the present experimental work Alumina plus Calcia stabilized zirconia were used as a top coat, applied on both the samples and only one bond coat i.e.Fe38Ni10Al applied on Gray Cast Iron ,two bond coats namely Al25Fe7Cr5Ni-BC1 & Al20330 (Ni20Al)-BC2 applied on Al6061sustrate.In the study it was realized that a very good adhesion exist between substrates and bond coat and little deformities observed between top coat (ZrO2.5CaO+Al203 ) & bond coat 2 Al20330 (Ni20Al) in case of Al6061.A very Good bonding understood in case of GCI coating systems. A very unique mineral, Tarzhenite phase identified in XRD analysis and it was found that the hardness of the top coat is significantly affected by porosity and the specific weight percentage of Tarzhenite in the coating systems.
A Survey of Various Techniques for Predictions of Unrecognizable Images[Full-Text ] Uttra Singh, Asst. Prof. Angad SinghDue to great advancement in "deep learning" designs schemes that approximately emulate the visual or auditory cortex, with a objective of holding out image or video (i.e. a live web-cam stream) or sound processing tasks have been required numerous concentration both in the technical community and the admired social media. In large training, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), including important achievements in training convolutional neural networks (convnets) to recognize natural images.
Analyzing various Issues & Challenges in Big Data BenchMark Datasets[Full-Text ] Pooja Singh, Asst. Prof. Angad SinghHere in this paper a deep analysis and comparison of various analytics in Big Data is proposed. The paper largely emphases in the various systems and techniques implemented in Big Data for the analysis of Various Services and Data. By analyzing various techniques and comparing their issues and advantages in these techniques a new and efficient system for the study of Big Data is done in future.
Enhancing the Performance of OpenFlow Network by Using QoS[Full-Text ] Ammar D. Jasim and Dalia A. HamidOpenFlow (OF) is a new technology started in 2008 and managed by the non- profit organization called “Open Network Foundation”, and it is one of the standers of Software Defined Networking (SDN). SDN approach differs from traditional network in the way that the control plane is separated from the data plane, the data plane is remains in the networking device (switch) while the control plane is removed to a separate device called the controller and it is the responsible for controlling the packets in the data plane, The control and data planes communicate with each other by OF protocol. While in traditional network, the networking device contains both the data and control planes, and the switch is responsible for controlling the packets. This separation in SDN allows the manager and researchers to run their own code for controlling and managing the networking devices.
Assessement Of Perception Reaction Parameters On Akure- Owo Highway In Ondo State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Oluwasegunfunmi V.L, Aliu A.O.This research has been carried out to estimate an average value of perception reaction time (PRT) for single carriageway road in Ondo State, Nigeria. It was deduced from the review that faster drivers have lower reaction time. This implies that PRT value is speed related. Traffic accident being another speed related parameter and Nigeria being on the high side of traffic accident fatality in Africa, the second to South Africa. This shows that low values of PRT are expected for Nigeria. The study was carried out on intercity roads emanating from the city Akure situated in the South –Western part of Nigeria. The road used was Akure-Owo, based on the fact that it is a major road and carry large volumes of traffic. Models relating vehicular spacing to speed (as a variable that affects drivers’ PRT’); were developed. Data on Traffic Volume, Concentration and Spot Speed were collected. The developed models were evaluated for overall significance (F-test) at 0.05 level of significance (i.e. 95% level of confidence). The range of value of PRT for the three roads studied span between 1.14 to 1.37seconds and the overall average is 1.26seconds which is still within the average obtained by the various researchers that have conducted similar study. Using these average values with the recommended design speed of 100km/hr for roads in Nigeria (Field Work), the average stopping sight distance (SSD) was estimated to be 117m.This value of SSD is higher than the value of 87m for the highest speed limit of 100km/hr recommended for any road in Nigeria (Nigerian Highway Code). The implication is that drivers in the study area are able to bring their vehicle to a stop upon sighting an obstacle at a distance shorter than the standard required. These no doubt enhances safety on the roads under study and is within permissible limit.