Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2016
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Experimental Investigation and Mathematical Modelling of a Natural Convection Solar Tunnel Dryer[Full-Text ] Sam Cherotich and Isaac N. SimateThe purpose of this study was to investigate the performance of a natural convection solar tunnel fruit dryer and to determine an appropriate thin layer model to predict the drying. The dryer comprised of three major units: a solar collector unit, a drying unit and a bare flat-plate chimney. To investigate its performance, six sets of drying experiments with mango as the product, were carried out at the University of Zambia, Department of Agricultural Engineering under natural conditions and the following parameters were recorded: the drying time, air temperature, relative humidity, solar irradiance and air velocity. The solar irradiance varied between 470 and 1070 W, while air temperature of up to 70 oC was recorded at the collector unit. Ambient relative humidity varied between 11.95 and 29.67 % and was lowered by over 50 %. With relatively low air velocities, the buoyant pressure ranged from 0.1530 to 0.3016 N m-2. Under these conditions, mango with an initial moisture content of 80 % w.b was dried to between 13 and 14 % w.b in 11 hours. To find an appropriate thin layer model, the moisture content results were transformed to Moisture Ratio and fitted into 12 common models in literature using the MatlabR2011b curve fitting tool and the best model determined based on three statistical parameters: coefficient of determination R2, SSE and RMSE. Midilli-kucuk model was found to be the best model with R2, SSE and RMSE of 0.9959, 0.004634, and 0.01758 respectively.
A Comparative analysis of pressure Gradient Models for Vertical Multiphase Flow in Producing Oil Wells in Niger Delta[Full-Text ] Suleiman O. Agboola, Dulu Appah and Oriji A. BonifaceGas-liquid flow commonly occurs in oil and gas production and processing structure. The prediction of pressure gradient in multiphase flow for vertical pipes is of interest for the oil industry and also a critical variable for the best design of surface facilities. Models like empirical correlations and mechanistic models are available to calculate the multiphase flow pressure gradient, holdup and phases distribution. In this study, simple and easy-to-compute pressure gradient models were developed using MS Excel and VB.Net. The models were validated with pressure gradient measured at the field. The models were developed for accurate measurement of pressure gradient in selected Niger-Delta oil wells as there is limited validity of existing correlations that are based on quality, region and scope of data upon which they were developed. Due to the extreme complexity of two-phase flow, the total pressure gradient was assumed to be dependent only on the no-slip liquid holdup (for ease of estimation) by neglecting the acceleration and frictional components since the elevation component accounts for not less than 90-99% of the total pressure gradient and neglecting the frictional term accounts for not more than 10% error. Pressure gradients got with the Orkiszewski correlation was used to model for slug flow and it gave an average percent error of 12.13% when compared with field measurement. Aziz et al correlation was used to model for both Mist and Bubble flow regimes; it gave average error percentages of 9.79% and 6.87% respectively when compared with actual field measurement. Beggs and Brill correlation was used to model for intermittent flow and it gave an average error percentage of 8.41% when compared to actual field measurement. These models would be helpful in quick accurate estimation of pressure gradient which aids; in selecting correct tubing sizes; predicting when a well quit flowing and hence predict time for artificial lift; designing artificial lift installations; determining Pwf and PIs of wells; and predicting maximum flow rates.
Sanitation and Handling during Processing of Fish in Oguta Fishing Communities and Its Economic Implications[Full-Text ] Nwazuo N.I, Keke I.R, Egeruoh A.S, Nwanjo S.O and Ugoeze Q.CStructured questionnaire, semi-structured interview and ?eld observation were used to assess the existing ?sh processing techniques employed by fishermen immediately fish is cropped up to the time it is sold off to the consumer by the traders alongside its economic implications. Level of personal cleanliness displayed by individual fishermen was impressive (3.2±0.15), although when it came to those processing the fish, it was not so good (2.8±0.19) as the nature of their job do not permit consistent cleanliness. Interestingly, due to the careful handling of fish at the site of investigation, fish handed down to the next level- from fishermen to processors, from processors to traders and from fishermen, processors or traders to consumers (3.2±0.11, 4.3±0.24, and 4.4±0.13 respectively) was found to have very little bruises. This result is so revealing especially at the processing level where the fish after careful and controlled smoking appears very beautiful and tasty. Economically, the socio-economic practices ensure seldom loss, making fish and its products economically conserved.
Application of ANFIS and ANN based models for forecasting of Iyidere River from Riza catchment[Full-Text ] Chelang A.ArslanTwo different techniques for forecasting monthly streamflow of Iyidere river at Riza were investigated in this study. First of all the adaptive neuro fuzzy interference ANFIS was applied to the monthly data of the iyidere stream then the artificial neural networks were applied also using radial basis function networks RBNN and generalized regression neural networks GRNN. A combination of the streamflow data with the most important climatic factors nearby the stream station was investigated for both techniques . Coefficient of determination R2 , Mean absolute error MAE, E nash and R bias statistics parameters are used to evaluate the models performance.
Synthesis and Characterization of anthracite oxide nanoparticles of anthracite coal[Full-Text ] Goraksh J. Hase, Narendra D. Phatangare, Keshav K. Deshmukh, Pankaj H. Naikawadi, Jyoti Jadhav,1Asmita MoreNanotechnology is a rapidly growing technique, due to its wide application in various fields viz. Medical, Engineering,Chemistry, Biotechnology and Physics etc. The Synthesis of anthracite nano particles by modified Hummmers method effective tool to overcome nanoparticle yield. Anthracite nanoparticles are of great interest due to its low cost and easy availability. The Size comparision of particles synthesized done by SEM, FTIR and XRD techniques. The preparation method used was modified Hummers method.The anthracite nanoparticles have biomedical applications The X-ray Diffraction analysis show the average particle size is about 38.32 nm
Assessment of Structural Behavior of Thermocool and Polyester Yarns[Full-Text ] Ms. Divyansha Sharma, Dr. ChanchalPolyester fiber has taken the foremost position in textile all over the world. This material that has many uses like strength, light weight, resistance to shrinking, stretching, mildew, creasing and ultraviolet radiations but comes few drawbacks also that are causes wearer to get overheated and sweaty, gives the wearer a rather cheap and scruffy look, does not feel very nice on the skin & hydrophobic in nature. These drawbacks have been overcome by a new fibre named Thermocool which has introduced three developments using its thermo regulating, moisture-wicking Thermo°Cool™ technology. In this view, the purpose of this study is to understand the morphology of both the fibres using XRD, FTIR & DCS test. The result showed no difference in XRD but difference was clearly seen in FTIR & DSC test.
INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION USING ZIGBEE FOR POWER MONITERING SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Yogeshwari Bhatlawande, Prof. Ingle K.S.Industrial automations which are mostly depend upon the power systems & which requires distance controlled and regulated systems. Mostly voltage and current equipped parameters along with power and energy management system forms the industrial scenario for automations. Wireless technology which meets to cost, speed and distance scenario will always be a point of an interest for research. In this research work we mainly monitored power related parameters and enable remote switching devices for proper power management systems using ZigBee. This paper proposes a digital system for condition monitoring, diagnosis, and supervisory control for electric systems parameters like voltage and current using wireless sensor networks (WSNs) based on ZigBee. Its main feature is its use of the ZigBee protocol as the communication medium between the transmitter and receiver modules. It illustrates that the new ZigBee standard performs well industrial environments.
ArduMed - Smart Medicine Reminder for Old People[Full-Text ] Mayuresh Waykole, Vatsalya Prakash, Himanshu Singh, Nalini NIt is a frequent observation that people give more preference to their work and other material things than taking care of their health. If smart, working adults can forget taking proper medications, the situation can only be worse for our parents and grandparents. Often they forget to take their medications or take overdose of it, resulting in further health deterioration. Our system aims to reduce this problem by reminding patients about their medications and showing them the correct amount of medication to take. It is a combination of physical and digital reminder that will be helpful for people of any age, but is specially helpful to old people who forget taking their medications.
Generating Netflow Traces for Network Configurations[Full-Text ] Ominike Akpovi ANetwork performance management is essential to achieve a robust and efficient network. We can anticipate how a network performs if we have enough statistical data about the devices on the network and if we understand how traffic flows between these devices. There are various tools and protocols used for network performance management such as the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP). This paper is aimed at using the more advanced netflow protocol, which has the ability to characterize IP traffic, to generate netflow traces, which will be archived for the purpose of network performance analysis.
BRAIN IMAGE CLASSIFICATION BASED ON DISCRETE WAVELET TRANSFORM AND PROBABILISTIC NEURAL NETWOK[Full-Text ] Ata'a Ali Hasan, Dr. Dhia A. Jumaa, Dr. Saad N. BashkAccurate automatic detection and classification of image is very challenging task whether they are medical images tumors human brain or other natural images. This work presents a hybrid system for diagnosing diseases (automatic classification) by utilizing the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) images. MRI images as well as natural images which is considered very important for human life. This work provides an efficient and fast way for diagnosis of brain tumor. This proposed system consists of three steps: the first step is preprocessing image. The second step is feature extraction utilizing Discrete Wavelet Transform and output can be analyzed statistically by feature extraction utilizes statistical methods and the third step is classification that will utilizing the features extracted in previous step, and assigned to an appropriate class utilizing a classifier, Probabilistic Neural Network is implemented in proposed system to classify this type of MRI brain images normal or tumors type.
Production and Quality Evaluation of Complementary Food from Malted Millet, Plantain and Soybean Blends[Full-Text ] Islamiyat Folashade Bolarinwa, John Oluranti Olajide, Moruf Olanrewaju Oke, Sulaiman Adebisi Olaniyan, Faromiki Omolara GraceAdequate nutrition during infancy and childhood is vital to proper growth of a child to a healthy adult. At certain age (6-24 months) during infancy, children are fed with complementary food in order to meet up with their high nutrient requirements. Although protein rich complementary foods produced from animal milk are good complementary foods for infant, low nutrient gruels are commonly used as complementary foods in developing countries due to high cost of milk in most developing countries. Infant malnutrition could therefore results from regular consumption of low nutrient gruels. Infant malnutrition can be prevented in developing countries by developing nutritious and cheap complementary foods from nutrient dense locally available crops. In this study, complementary food was produced from locally available cheap crops using local processing methods. The complementary food was formulated from different blends (80:10:10, 60:20:20, 50:20:30, 50:30:20) of malted millet, plantain and soybean. The proximate, mineral, anti-nutrient and sensory properties of the formulated products were determined. The results of proximate analysis of the complementary food blends flour showed increment in protein (9.82-17.09%), ash (1.11-1.46%), fat (6.26-11.05%), fibre (2.72-3.81%) and carbohydrate content (58.99-72.52%) of the complementary food as the ratio of the plantain and soybeans increases in the blends. Similarly; the mineral content of the complementary foods also increases (sodium: 2.80 - 3.18 mg/100g, potassium: 0.4mg/100g – 0.44mg/100g; magnesium: 0.21 – 0.24 mg/100g; iron: 2.22 – 2.51 mg/100g and calcium: 20.11 – 25.10 mg/100g) while the anti-nutrient values decreases (Phytate; 0.20-0.11%, saponin; 3.13-1.41%). Sensory evaluation results showed that the complementary food containing 50% malted millet, 20% plantain and 30% soybean had the most preferred attributes in terms of colour, flavour, mouth feel, appearance and overall acceptability. The developed complementary food formulation could help to alleviate energy-protein malnutrition among infants in developing countries by providing them with adequate nutrients needed for optimum well-being.
Optimization of Support Vector Machine on Multi-core processor with OpenMP[Full-Text ] Sumit Patel, Bhadreshsinh Gohil, Dr. M. B. PotdarIn this paper, multicore processors and OpenMP are used for optimize the SVM. The SVM is machine learning algorithms, which is widely used in image classification. There are different methods for clustering data for SVM training phase. Here, we used KMeans clustering, because it gives better result than others methods. We used different size of data for analyse the performance of KMeans and SVM. We got more speedup for large size data on multicore processors. Here, we used Open Multi Processing library for parallelizing OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) programs, which is library for image processing. Here, we discussed the performance of OpenCV programs with OpenMP for small size data and big size data.
Mathematical Modeling of Electric Arc Furnace to Study the Flicker[Full-Text ] Goyal R. Awagan, A. G. ThosarElectric arc furnaces (EAF) are used in the melting and refining of metals such as copper, lead, aluminium, high grade alloy steel, etc. The production of steel by EAF technology is increasing in emerging economies. Today, India ranks second in the world in EAF-based steel production. As the popularity and use of the EAF in the industry increase, so does the power quality problems as a result of this progress. The EAF operation causes harmonics, interharmonics, voltage flicker and strongly varying reactive power demand, which affect the power quality adversely. Utilities and customers are concerned about these effects and try to take precautions to minimize them. Therefore, obtaining the time response of an electric arc furnace becomes important in investigating the impact of these nonlinear, time varying loads on the power quality of the overall power system. Hence, developing an accurate and easy to use arc furnace model has been an important and quite a challenging task for several researchers in the past. This paper attempts to study the power quality issues related to EAF particularly flicker using the Cassie-Mayr arc furnace model.
The Effect of Advertisements and the “No Approved Therapeutic Claim” Label on the Knowledge, Perception, and Use of Herbal Supplements[Full-Text ] Alay-ay, C.J.; Arcinas, A.I. ; Boholano, B. ; Calderon, K.C. ; Caliolio, A.N. ; Caringal, Y. ; Cruz, P.C. ; Cua, L.G. ; Dela Cruz, F.P. ; Diaz, A. ; Fernandez, P.H. ; Hermoso, A.D. ; Hernandez, R.C. ; Hizon, A.M. ; Javier, J.R. ; Joson, E.M. ; Li, R. ; Li, R.A. ; Lim, A.J. ; Lim, C.D. ; Lim, H.V. ; Ling, J.R. ; Lizo, K.J. ; Lubi, C.A. ; Mea, J.M. Introduction: Herbal supplements are used for their perceived health benefits. However, users tend to assume that they are all safe due to their pure natural components, hence leading to possible misuse. Advertisements of herbal supplements include the phrase “no approved therapeutic claim” which consumers often fail to understand, thus influencing their supplement use. Objective: This study aimed to discuss the effect of advertisements and the “no approved therapeutic claim” label on the knowledge, perception, and use of herbal supplements. Methodology: A survey was conducted among middle aged adults (35-55 years old). The perception and knowledge of the respondents on the effect of advertisements and ‘no therapeutic claim’ label of herbal supplements were measured using a five-point Likert scale. Wilcoxon signed ranks test was used to determine if there is a significant difference wherein p<0.05. Results: A total of 273 respondents were obtained. Majority defined herbal supplements as products containing plants used to prevent or treat certain conditions. Broadcasted advertisements were identified as the most common media from which information on herbal supplements are received (49%). Through these media, consumers perceive herbal supplements as safe and effective, although no significant difference was found between the consumers’ view on the efficacy of herbal supplements when compared to conventional medicine. The herbal supplements with the “no approved therapeutic claim” label were defined as products that are not yet proven effective in treating conditions. Respondents agreed on the significance of the claim label on herbal supplements (76%) but are neutral in agreeing that they are likely influenced to use herbal supplements because of the advertisements and the claim label. Conclusion: Majority of the respondents are aware of the correct definition of herbal supplements and the meaning of the “no approved therapeutic claim” label. The greatest factors for awareness regarding herbal supplements were television and radio commercials. The advertisements and the “no approved therapeutic claim” label were deemed significant, and the participants were more likely to agree that herbal supplements are effective and better than medicine due to the advertisements.
Ameliorating Estimated Diabetic Stress Biomarkers Using Zinc or Chromium in Qassim Region[Full-Text ] Zaki, A.A., Abdulaziz M. Almuzaini, Abdel-Rahman, H.A and Alofi, M.T.Among Saudi population, the role of zinc (Zn) and chromium (Cr) in diabetes complication is doubtful. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is closely associated with unbalanced trace elements and stress biomarkers that stem from uncontrolled hyperglycemia. The importance of these elements are less evident and subjected to long debate.
Thermal Power Calibration and Error Minimization of 3MW TRIGA Mark-II Research Reactor[Full-Text ] M. A. Salam, A. Haque, M. M. Uddin, M. B. Shohag, M. A. Malek SonerThe thermal power calibration of the reactor is very important to get the accurate power and neutron flux. In the present experiment thermal power calibration is performed at 100 kW reactor power by calorimetric method (rate of temperature rise). Reactor tank constant of the BAEC TRIGA Research Reactor (BTRR) is also determined. In this study, a series of experiments were conducted using two types of stirrer for calibration of the BTRR thermal power. One stirrer (which is denoted as old stirrer) has four sets of propellers setting with the shaft at equal distance. Another stirrer (new) has one set of propeller setting at the bottom end of the shaft. New stirrer and associated systems were designed for proper mixing of the pool water to maintain the uniform temperature in the reactor pool water. Power calibration was performed at different speed of the new stirrer and optimum speed of the stirrer was determined to minimize calibration error. The experiment with new stirrer reduces thermal power error from 15% to 0.1% compared with old stirrer. The calculated and measured heat capacity constant (K) value for BTRR was found to be 26.35 kWh/oC and 26.67 kWh/oC respectively. The measured result is in good agreement with the design value. This paper describes thermal power calibration, determination of heat capacity constant, stirrer effect, optimum speed of the stirrer motor for uniform pool water temperature and calculation of heat losses from the reactor pool.
Effects of Psychological Factors on Sports Training: Evidences of Male Athletes[Full-Text ] Wasim Khan, Dr. Salahuddin Khan, Syed Asif AbbasSports and training are interrelated with each other. The role of training in sports is always considered as pivoting tool to enhance sports performance of athletes. In past, there was no proper concept of training in sports. In the recent technological era of sports and physical education, the training has gained significant importance. Sports training is a systematic process which prepare athletes physically, mentally and tactically for sports events. It is also a fact that different factors affect the process of sports training. Examining the available literature, this study was designed to assess separately the effects of psychological factors on sports training of male athletes in, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. This study is mainly focused to examine the effects of various psychological factors like training style, lack of motivation, fear of sports injuries and punishment. A sample of 106 athletes from different sports clubs was taken as a representative sample for the study. A structured questionnaire was used to collect required information from the respondents.
Mac-Donaldization and Changing Philosophy of food Culture in Post Modern Kerala Society[Full-Text ] Dr Binu K, Dr KK HarshaKuamrHuman society is in the process of continuous transformation in its socio- cultural framework and lifestyle. Commoditization and food industries and the involvement of multidimensional capitalism in food and restaurants are common and more visible today. The process of irrationality and instrumental thinking has been reconstructing the food habits and life style of modern Kerala people. Capitalism boundlessly expanding the ideology of maximum utilization of edible resources in food industry designing and channelizing new profit making mechanisms in the forms of multicuisine restaurants and the center of variety foods. These food dynamics are basically changes the attitudes of people by replacing their thoughts and living styles and habits. In this cybernetic postmodern world all new philosophies of food are related to technological, economic and political dimensions of social life. Mac-donaldization is the process of introduction of new rationality and food culture in the modern society.
SMART PARKING SYSTEM-A SURVEY[Full-Text ] Mrs Bhavya G, Raksha N, Raksha Poornashri M, Rashmitha PrabhakarModern world people are facing parking problems due to increase in number of vehicle usage in most metropolitan area. The complexity does not in know where the free parking spaces at any given time, even if this is known; many vehicles may follow a small number of parking spaces which in turn leads to jamming in traffic. This paper discuss on different smart parking techniques developed to overcome parking problems using various technology like Microcontroller, Zigbee and GSM based technology, Wireless Sensor Network technology, Image Processing, Number plate recognition , Automated parking system with Bluetooth access, Sensor Fusion based energy efficient and reliable smart parking system. The systems proposed by various authors help us effectively in reserving as well as eliminates the need for searching of a parking space in parking lot.
Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the region's competitiveness[Full-Text ] Huseynova KhatiraThe leading role in achievement of competitiveness of the region belongs to clusters, which create the critical weight necessary for competitive success of the separate enterprises in certain branches.
Bearing fault detection of induction motor using ANN based in LabVIEW[Full-Text ] Isam M. Abdulbaqi, abdulalrahim T. humod, Omar alazzawiThe present research on-line diagnosis faults of squirrel cage induction motor and an early time with deferent types of faults directly, the work categories and analyzes the current waveform of 2.2kw, 300 rpm I.M. Using Labview program this system can analyze and categorize current waveform of 2.2 kW and speed 3000 rpm. Which use fast furrier transform FFT to analysis of current waveform and Extraction the harmonics values and compare them with the information stored in the system as data base and the discovery of potentially faults through neural network used for classification purposes during the period of work directly. Two cases considered which are no load and full load case, also design indicators showing the type of the load applying on the motor. This work avoided interruption in production lines and reduce maintenance costs.
Pharmacological Activation of mGlu4 Metabo-tropic Glutamate Receptors by TAS-4 attenu-ates neuroinflammation and dopaminergic neurodegeneration in the MPTP model of Par-kinson’s disease[Full-Text ] Dube Aakanksha, Chaudhary Sumit, Magdum Amol and Upasani Devidas ChandrashekharOxidative stress and inflammation play a crucial role in Parkinson’s disease (PD) pathogenesis and may represent a target for treatment. Current PD drugs provide only symptomatic relief and have limitations in terms of adverse effects and inability to prevent neurodegeneration.
Greenhouse Solar Drying and Thin Layer Drying Of Fresh Kapenta (Stolothrissa tanganicae)[Full-Text ] Aduke N. Rhoda, Isaac N. SimateThe aim of this study was to carry out an experimental investigation on drying fresh Kapenta in a Greenhouse Solar Dryer and to evaluate a suitable thin-layer drying model for the Kapenta. The nutritional constituents and quality of the Kapenta dried from the Greenhouse solar dryer and the open sun were also examined. To determine thin-layer drying characteristics of fresh Kapenta, drying in a hot air dryer at different air temperatures was carried out. The influence of the drying temperature (35, 45, 55 °C) on the moisture ratio and drying rate has been studied in this paper. The experimental drying data of Kapenta under different temperatures was fitted to three different thin-layer drying models by using non-linear least squares regression analysis in Excel, and the models compared according to three statistical parameters; coefficient of correlation, the reduced chi-square and the root mean square error. The coefficient of correlation values of Page were higher (0.980361- 0.997000), compared to the other models, indicating that the Page model was the best to describe drying curves of fresh Kapenta among the three models.
Analysis of Setup Energy of LEACH Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Rashmi Jain, Manali Kshirsagar, Latesh MalikIn Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) the sensor nodes are very much sensitive to the energy consumption. The reliable operation can be performed in the network (NW) by using hierarchical protocols for communication of data, which can conserve energy of nodes in network. LEACH is the basic protocol developed for the said purpose, in which the operation of network is performed in two steps, namely Setup phase and Steady state phase. Clusters of nodes are formed in setup phase and actual data transfer from network to base station is done in steady state phase. The cluster head (CH) will need more energy for regular communication with cluster members as well as base station so its energy depletes quickly. To balance the energy consumption, CH responsibility is rotated and a new cluster is set up in each round. If the setup phase is to be executed frequently it will cause wastage of energy in the overhead operation. In this paper we analyze the proportion of the energy required in setup phase as well as steady state phase. It is found that the power requirement of both phases is near about same. We propose a new approach so that this overhead energy can be minimized.
Process validation of tablet containing Irbesartan 300mg and Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg[Full-Text ] Zamir Hussain, S. Baqir. Shyum Naqvi, Muhammad Iqbal Nasiri, S. Ahsan Ali, Haroon KhanThe objective of this study was to understand about the process validation and process qualification of tablet containing Irbesartan 300mg and Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg. The quality of the product depends upon the consistency in the quality parameters of the process. In this study three batches of tablet containing Irbesartan 300mg and Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg having batch No. A1, A2 and A3, with batch size of 500.00 tablets each were validated at the facility of PharmEvo (Pvt.) Ltd. All the three batches were evaluated at the granulation stage for sieving, mixing time, final blending and content uniformity. The physical parameters such as thickness, hardness, weight variation, friability and disintegration time and chemical parameters such as assay and dissolution were also evaluated at compression and coating stage. All the physical and the chemical parameters of the tablet were observed within the specification set by the company during the development of the formulations.
A Robust Privacy-Preserving Method for Outsourcing Data Classification of Numeric, Image and Text Data in Cloud[Full-Text ] Bhavna VIshwakarma, Huma Gupta, Dr. Manish ManoriaThe persistent growth in the digital world raised privacy concern of the individual which plays a pivotal role. In cloud computing environment, the data on inter-connected network are handled by server for providing different services. In proposed work out of different cloud services emphasis is done on privacy of user data while classification. In this paper, Data Classification is performed on distinct kind of data (including numeric, image and text) in encrypted manner. For encryption, Symmetric-Key Cryptography i.e. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm is used. On server side whole Data Classification process is executed on encrypted data only. All experiments are done on real dataset from different type of datasets. Results are compared on the basis of various evaluation parameters with previous existing methods. This paper explicates that the proposed methodology with standard algorithm efficiently classified dissimilar kind of data for distinct classes (i.e. two-class, multi-class).
A Region Based Active Contour Approach for Liver CT Image Analysis Based on Fuzzy Energy Minimization[Full-Text ] Sajith A.G, Dr.Hariharan SIn this paper a fuzzy energy based active contour image processing technique is proposed and used for the segmentation of liver tumours. This model can detect the tumour boundaries based on fuzzy energy. In classical active contour method the stopping term depends on the gradient of the image. In this model the stopping term depends upon the image colour and spatial segments. This approach converges the tumour boundary very fast, since it calculates the fuzzy energy alterations directly. Various experiments demonstrate that this method is better and more robust than classical active contour methods based on the gradient or other kind of energies.
Investigation of Auto Ignition, Combustion and Emission in a Premixed Charge Combustion Ignition Engine for Different Mixture Equivalence Ratios[Full-Text ] V. Venkatesan, E.James GunasakarenThis paper presents the results of the investigations carried out on a single cylinder gasoline engine for different premixed mixture qualities. Computational fluid dynamic analyses have been conducted for predicting the onset of combustion and propagation and formation of pollutants. To reduce the computational time the investigations have been conducted for the closed phase of the valves and the cylinder is initialized with premixed mixtures of different equivalence ratios. The premixed mixture equivalence ratios varied from 0.6 to 2. The Extended Coherent Flame Model is used to predict the ignition and combustion characteristics. The results reveal that the mixture with equivalence ratio 1.2 produce highest in-cylinder pressure and temperature, while the mixtures with lowest strength (0.6) and richest mixture (2.0) produce lower in-cylinder pressure. The mixture with slightly lean mixture (0.8) produce highest emission of NOx whereas the CO emissions are highest from the ultra-rich mixture (2.0). The earliest onset of auto ignition is reported for the mixture with strength 1.0. From the studies it can be concluded that dilution of charge has a more profound effect on combustion and emission.