Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2016
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Quantitative Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Vegetables[Full-Text ] U.S.Pujeri,A.S.Pujar,K.G.Pujari,M.I.Kumbar and M.S.YadaweBrinjal (Solanum melongena L.) and tomato are cultivated all over India, North-east India is also famous for brinjal cultivation. The Bijapur district of Karnataka is specially known for an indigenous variety of brinjal, Longai Brinjal, local and hybrid variety of Tomato’s. The farmers who cultivate brinjal and tomato in this place use a large number of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides for protection of the crop and better yield. In the process they are exposed to a large number of health hazards directly and indirectly. This work aims to study the pesticide residues in brinjal and tomato and to provide appropriate suggestions so that minimum harm is caused to the farmers and maximum yield is obtained.
Redesign of a Bell Crank to Ensure Compliance with Von-mises Failure Criterion[Full-Text ] Ikpe Aniekan, Owunna Ikechukwu, & P.O. EbuniloFor most engineering designs, failure is a pertinent issue that must be eliminated. To ensure compliance of engineering components to von-mises failure criterion which states that the maximum value of von-mises stress induced in a material must not exceed the yield strength of the material used for the design, attention must be given to this criterion during the course of designing a given component. In this report, a bell crank was redesigned to ensure compliance with von-mises requirements despite the strict customer requirement for weight and material. The bell crank was redesigned to remain within its elastic limit during loading. The analysis of the bell crank was done with a 12KN force applied on its long end. The bell crank had a square pivot and a clamp on its small end. The initial analysis gave a von-mises stress of 823MPa and a deflection of 1.36mm. Masses were added and removed from the design to ensure compliance with von-mises criterion and mass restriction and the new design were reanalysed. Analysis of the final design of the bell crank gave von-mises result as 234MPa with a deflection of 0.498mm, which is less than the material yield strength of 250MPa. Hence, the design was considered safe because the final weight of the new design gave a value of 1.133kg and was able to withstand a force of 12KN.
ANALYSIS OF AN OPTIMIZED SECURE AUDITING PROTOCOL FOR STORING DATA DYNAMICALLY IN CLOUD COMPUTING[Full-Text ] Gurpreet Singh and Raman KumarThe studies show that the use of internet is endless. In these days information flows across the internet is not as secure as we think. As the cloud computing is getting attention the risks to the data which flows over cloud and stored over cloud are also rises. We focus on the pseudonym based auditing and saving auditing storage and avoid different attacks. We will process the operations based on the traces generation but storing the trace initial data in header so that it will not create overhead to running processes. Network Simulator may be used for experimentation with dense network. Cloud server structure will be opted for experimentation with various users.
Assessment of Credit Risk Management Practises on Organizational Performance: A survey of Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies in Eldoret Town Kenya[Full-Text ] Anthony Kimoi, Caroline Ayuma and Kipyegon KiruiSaccos main business as stated by the SACCOs Act is the acceptance of members savings and subsequently providing credit facilities to its membership. It is therefore correct to state that the core function of every savings and credit co-operative borders on loans. Saccos initially were expected to provide loans facilities to its membership. The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of credit risk management practices on organizational performance: a survey of savings and credit co-operative societies in Eldoret town. The objectives of this study was to establish the effects of credit risk identification methods on the performance of Savings and credit co-operatives, to assess the effect of risk analysis on the performance of Savings and credit co-operatives, to determine effects of risk monitoring on the performance of Savings and credit co-operatives, and to examine the effects of risk management mitigation measures on performance of Savings and credit cooperatives within Eldoret Town. Primary data was collected using a 5 point likert scale structured questionnaire. The researcher employed a descriptive survey research design. The researcher used purposive sampling to select 11 SACCOs from a target population of 22 Sacco’s which are within Eldoret Central Business District. Census design was employed where it sampled all employees working on the credit section in the selected SACCOs. The validity of the research instrument was measured using a pilot study while reliability was measured by Cronbach Alpha. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse data which was later presented in frequency distribution tables and percentages. Multiple regressions was done to ascertain the relationship between credit risk management and organizational performance.
Optimal design of permanent magnet brushless DC motor structure for power loss, volume and cost reduction using intelligent algorithm[Full-Text ] Masuod Aghaee, Jafar SiahbalaeeAs the rapid development of power electronic technology, control theory and permanent magnetic materials brushless DC (BLDC) motor developed a new kind of DC motor. Due to a series of advantages, its application was also more extensive than traditional motor, including high-precision electronic equipment, robot, aerospace, chemical mining etc many domains. In this paper an intelligent method based on imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) is proposed to optimal design of slotless permanent magnet BLDC motor. The main specification of motor including loss, cost and volume are defined as functions of motor geometries parameters. The fitness function is a combination of losses, volume and cost to be minimized simultaneously. The real world BLDC motor is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The simulation results show that the proposed method has a excellent performance.
Reduces the Link Failure in AODV Routing Protocol Using Leader Election Algorithm[Full-Text ] Manju Gaur, Shubha DubeyIn this paper modified the AODV routing protocol for the detection of link failure. The modified protocol is called secured efficient routing protocol (SEAODV). The SEAODV protocol based on two functions one is leader based function and one is message based function. The leader based function measure the distance of normal node and failure node. Our proposed algorithm is very efficient in compression in ADOV routing protocol. For the evaluation of performance our modified protocol tested in different network scenario tested through simulations for different distributions of nodes and failure and different connectivity models. Under all the evaluated scenarios, the technique demonstrates excellent detection probabilities.
Preparation and Characterization of Thermoplastic Starch from Sweet Potato[Full-Text ] Eton Udeme Offiong, Sanni Lateef AyodeleThermoplastic starch (TPS) was prepared from blends of natural sweet potato starch and polyvinyl alchohol (PVOH) at varying compositions by gelatinizing and plasticizing it with water and glycerol. The TPS samples were characterized by measuring their melting temperature, glass transition temperature, density and solubility in solvents. Their properties were found to vary with the composition of starch, PVOH and glycerol in the samples. The melting and glass transition temperatures of the TPS increased from 146 oC to 167 oC and 50.8 oC to 71.8 oC respectively, with the addition of PVOH. Addition of glycerol however reduced the melting and glass transition temperatures for both the starch-only and starch-PVOH TPS samples. The TPS samples were found to be high density plastics as their densities were greater than that of water. They were soluble in water but resistant to organic solvents. Their properties compared favourably with commercially available polymers.
A VLSI Hardware Architecture Implementation of Security System Using Encryption Algorithm[Full-Text ] Ms.Ashwini Y. Mate, Prof.Brig.R.M. KhaireThe paper proposed implementation of a hardware tectonics for video security system. The real time video camera will modu-late the digital media system on chip with FPGA. The video processing and security function will be performed independently with FPGA having a novel security module. The real time video signal data is encrypted by associated AES Modulo algorithm rule and projected. Security module will code the weak video knowledge with a minimum operating frequency up to 50MHz. The paper objects that the encryption methodology enlists a high video streaming security system by using less hardware components. We have selected Sparten3EDK for implementation of AES algorithm through a softcore processor. Research proposes AES encryption and decryption algorithm with respect to key length of 256 bit. The Paper also gives comparative analysis between AES encryption for key length of 256 and 512 with respect to time.
An Efficient Implementation of Video Steganography on FPGA using DWT and LSB Algorithm[Full-Text ] Ms.Dipali B. Suryawanshi, Prof. S.S.BelsareIn this research I have proposed the method of video steganography for security purpose. Here the real time video is taken as the input for the cover file. By using the video as cover media we can hide our secrete information. For the embedding the cover file and the secrete image we have used the LSB substitution method, so the unauthorized people cannot extract the secrete image. After applying the LSB we get the stego image, which is then compressed by using the Lifting DWT method. Lifting DWT method is useful for compressing the image at different levels. The main purpose of the video steganography is to improve the security so we can transmit our important data securely. To increase the capacity we have used the Field Programmable Array Logic (FPGA) board. Here we have selected the Spartan3EDK tool for the implementation purpose.
Isolation, screening and polyphasic characterization of Methomyl degrading strain and assessment of its biodegradation potential by GC-MS[Full-Text ] Manjula P. Patil, Arpana H. Jobanputra, Sumer SinghDramatically increase in production and application of pesticides during last two decades for improvement in crop yield and good quality of agricultural crops has created potential risk for environment as pesticides comprise the largest group of xenobiotic compound. Consistent usage of these agrochemicals leads to soil and water pollution through incorporation of residual amounts of these components in soil and ground water. The present study was focused on the isolation of organisms from soybean field where Methomyl has been used as per the previous history. The isolate possessed an ability to degrade Methomyl (S-methyl-N[methylcarbamoyl)oxy]-thoacetimidate). Phylogenic characterization of the bacterial isolate was accomplished through 16S rRNA sequencing and FAME analysis which revealed it as Rhodococcus kroppenstedtii AHJ 3. Different analytical methods were used for quantitative and qualitative determination of degradation of Methomyl. Quantitative determination was based on spectrophotometric analysis and qualitative method GC-MS was applied for confirmation of biodegradation and metabolite formation in which there was formation of two different mass spectra. The possible degradation mechanism was revealed through GC-MS technique which exhibited Methomyl disappearance within four weeks.
Recommendation system and its approaches- A survey[Full-Text ] Naresh E, Geetha LM, Vijaya Kumar BPData size has been increasing day by day in the E commerce business. This rapid development of technology leads to overload of information. In order to get the required solution from this massive amount of data search engines are used. However this search engine doesn’t provide personalized information to the user. Further, recommendation systems are introduced in order to provide the personalized information to the user. Recommendation system provides suggestions based on the user’s interest. Many approaches are available for this purpose which can be used to create the recommendation list. E commerce websites uses these various approaches with different combinations in order to increase their business by attracting the users. This paper gives the overview of such approaches along with their strengths and weaknesses.
Fault-tolerant Strategy to Solving Masquerading Faults in Safety-critical Machines[Full-Text ] Adeosun Olajide Olusegun, Olajide Blessing Olajide, Adeosun Titilayo HelenThis research presents a fault-tolerant strategy to solving masquerading faults among nodes in safety-critical machines. The possibility of having a failure-free critical machine operation over a specified time in a given environment for a given purpose is hinge on the reliable operation of its constituent nodes. Particular measures must be taken to ensure that software-defect masquerading faults among nodes do not cause the machine to hang or crash during its operation schedule while taking turns to use the shared network. Hence, this work designed and implements a fault-tolerant model which is based on authentication, network management intelligent system, and triple modular redundancy (TMR) concept in a Time-Triggered Architecture (TTA) of star topology to solve masquerading faults.
Telematics systems and security issues[Full-Text ] Hardi M.M-SalehTelematics system is essential because it is used in different areas. These areas can be supported by this system in order to tackle peoples’ problem. Therefore, this system supports subscribers by using different services which is used in the system. These services can be taken from the system by using GPS navigation, wireless communications. Users also interact with the TSP and ASP to obtain right information at the right time. The aim of this paper is to detect security issues in telematics systems. This paper begins with the introduction of telematics system in different fields. Then, it explains how this system works. It also addresses the advantage and disadvantage of the system. Finally, it will look at case study and conclude this paper.
The Use and Understanding of Over-the-Counter medications among University of Santo Tomas College Undergraduate Students[Full-Text ] Danica Mae Melencio, Rochelle Victoria Monterozo, Christine Joy Novelo, Marth Aljohn Ona, Camille Paez, Darryl Van Pensotes, Magnolia Grace Quinto, Diana Rose Ramirez, Edrick Glenn Ramoran, Mary Shaelyn Reyes, Christine Delight Ruz, Jan Thereese Salas, Paula Lynne Santos, Alecza Mae Savella, RizJairaSeco, Mary Clare Soriano, Chelsea Mae Sy, Ivy Kristine Tan, Justine Tanael, Gerone Ann Tolentino, Sarah Celine Tolentino, Orlando Louis Uy, Marie Angelique Camille Villa, Regina CarmellieVillacorte, Bianca Nicole Yu, Patricia J YusingcoSelf-medication is widely practiced worldwide and often considered as a component of self-care. Due to the poor economic status and busy lifestyle, most people particularly students self-medicate and rely on the over- the- counter (OTC) drugs. Nowadays, students usually consume these drugs as a “quick fix” to relieve their uncomfortable feeling. This study aimed to determine the common practice of University of Santo Tomas undergraduate students in consuming OTC medications. A cross sectional descriptive research was employed in this study. The survey questionnaires were distributed to 300 undergraduate UST students. The respondents of the survey were selected by random sampling. The gathered data were measured by computing for the percentage of the frequency of each choice per question. Two hundred fifty-three (253) out of three hundred (300) surveys were qualified in this study. Out of these, 83.40% had taken an Over-The-Counter (OTC) medication. Cough, cold, flu or sore throat (63.24%) and pain (54.94%) were the reasons OTC medications were most likely used. Directions for usage (38.74%) and indication are what students read first about the medication. Over fifty percent (50.21%) of the respondents were not aware of the side effects. Moreover, those who were aware still take their medication (90.16%). Based from the results, Paracetamol, followed by Vitamins, were the most common OTC drugs and; these OTC Medications are taken only when needed. Furthermore, the students still lack full understanding on the coverage of self-medication using OTC medicines as evidenced by the possibility of improper drug selection. Finally, awareness on the proper usage of OTC medications by the students is still lacking as indicated by overdosing. Associating all these factors towards OTC medication use, drug misuse, improper drug selection, less or no drug dependence, and ignorance of side effects is present among UST Students.
Enhanced privacy policy settings for user-uploaded images on content sharing sites[Full-Text ] Ashwini N, Anmol Shyam, Hasan Matheen Baig, Tarun Kumar, Shreyas K SWith the increasing volume of images users share through social sites, maintaining privacy has become a major problem, as demonstrated by a recent wave of publicized incidents where users inadvertently shared personal information. In light of these incidents, the need of tools to help users control access to their shared content is apparent. Toward addressing this need, we propose an Adaptive Privacy Policy Prediction (A3P) system to help users compose privacy settings for their images. We examine the role of social context, image content, and metadata as possible indicators of users’ privacy preferences. We propose a two-level framework which according to the user’s available history on the site, determines the best available privacy policy for the user’s images being uploaded. Our solution relies on an image classification framework for image categories which may be associated with similar policies, and on a policy prediction algorithm to automatically generate a policy for each newly uploaded image, also according to users’ social features. Over time, the generated policies will follow the evolution of users’ privacy attitude. We provide the results of our extensive evaluation over 5,000 policies, which demonstrate the effectiveness of our system, with prediction accuracy over 90 percent.
On the approximation of complex geometric domain to be compatible for the implementation of finite difference method[Full-Text ] Md. Masum Murshed, Gour Chandra Paul, Md. Rabiul HaqueIn this study, an algorithm for approximating a complex coastal geometry to be compatible in implementing finite difference method (FDM) is developed. For a prototype example, a matrix with (1/120)0 resolution of grids representing water, lands, islands and their approximated boundaries through a proper stair step is generated from a colour picture for the coastal region of Bangladesh. The Arakawa C-grid system is used here. The area between 15030’’N and 230N Latitudes and 850E and 950E Longitudes is considered as the physical domain. A MATLAB routine is used to construct 960 ? 1201 computational grids from the colour picture of the domain. By representing the grids with suitable notations, a proper ’stair step’ algorithm is developed to approximate the coastal and island boundaries to the nearest finite difference grid lines. Available coastal stations are also identified accurately in the obtained approximated domain. Such a type of presentation of coastal geometry is found to incorporate its complexities properly.
Internet Security[Full-Text ] Khaled AlotaibiToday, people are more dependent on the internet in order to complete their tasks and live their lives. Many more people use the internet not just for e-mailing but for filing their taxes, using to complete their homework, communicate with their friends and family, buy and sell goods, etc. However, this would also lead into more and more people using the internet to do malicious things to innocence. Computer networks hold valuable information such as credit card information, financial data, technical, trade, and government secrets, mailing lists, medical records, etc. (Darney). The Internet, as a connector between computer systems, is also a highway of access to valuable data stores. The issue is that it is even easier to perform these malicious tasks than ever before. To prevent these issues from happening, internet security was developed over time to be the primary defense.
Ethical, Social and Environmental Standards and practices of “Ford”[Full-Text ] Khaled AlotaibiMission and governance structure of Ford Motor embedded ethics, social responsibility and environmental sustainability. Ford Motor Company nominated sustainability committee that presents its progress to the Board of Directors meeting held every quarter. It is important that Ford’s suppliers share commitment to environmental and social responsibility. This commitment also helps to ensure efficiency and quality throughout the supply chain for Ford. Ford has made through internal analysis and discussion during the early phases of developing company’s sustainability programs. The organizations have ability to measure sustainability, environmental and social policies in a quantitative or at least qualitative fashion as well. The Ford maintains a comprehensive set of Policy Letters as well as Directives and other corporate standards that govern all the activities of the company and set the programs for compliance with corporate social responsibility. The Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) "entails the obligation stemming from the implicit social contract between business and society for firms to be responsive" (Ford) to the long run needs and wants of the society to "optimizing the positive effects and minimizing the negative effects of its actions on society". Major problem related to CSR is that it is philanthropy rather than doing business and responding to stakeholders of the organization. This problem is considerable potential as if stakeholder perceives that a firm is engaging in making social and public relations than making and concentrating that related to actions which lead to real and social and environmental benefits. Financial position of Ford motors is strong enough. The volume of sales of Ford Motors is increasing resulting in more dividends. Today Ford is the stronger and learner company.
General Electric Financial Analysis[Full-Text ] Khaled AlotaibiGeneral Electric (GE) is an American multinational conglomerate corporation incorporated in New York and headquartered in Fairfield, Connecticut. GE was founded in Schenectady, New York (1892). In 1896, General Electric was one of the original 12 companies listed on the newly formed Dow Jones Industrial Average. After 118 years, it is the only one of the original companies still listed on the Dow index, although it has not been on the index continuously. The company operates through the following segments: Energy, Technology Infrastructure, Capital Finance as well as Consumer and Industrial. In 2011, GE ranked among the Fortune 500 companies as the 26th-largest firm in the U.S. by gross revenue, as well as the 14th most profitable. General Electric CEO is Jeffrey R. Immelt. General Electric went public in 1892 on the New York Stock Exchange. GE is a Dow Jones and S&P 500 component.
Performance Evaluation of Domestic Refrigerator working with LPG [Full-Text ] Salem Alabd Mohamed, Dr. Ajeet Kumar RaiA project performance study on a VCR system with LPG as refrigerant was conducted and compared with R134a.The VCR system was initially designed to operate R134a .Experimental result showed that the LPG refrigerant with charge of 30g worked well at loaded condition (load A) as it took 24 min. to bring down the temperature of 500g of water from 29 degree Celsius to 7 degree Celsius, at loaded condition ( load B) as it took 24 min,to bring down the temperature of 500g of water from 45 degree Celsius to 22 degree Celsius, at unload condition (No load) it took 26 min to bring down the evaporator temperature from 31 degree Celsius to -20.3 degree Celsius, in comparison to 90g of R-134a at loaded condition ( load A), which took 30 min, to bring down the temperature of 500g of water from 29 degree Celsius to 9 degree Celsius, at loaded condition ( load B), as it took 40 min, to bring down the temperature of 500g of water from 45 degree Celsius to 18 degree Celsius, at unload condition (No load), it took 26 min to bring down the evaporature temperature from 31 degree Celsiuse to -5 degree Celsiuse. While LPG charge of 25g worked well under unloaded condition. It took 15 minutes to bring down evaporator temperature from 31 degree Celsiuse to 0 degree Celsius, in comparison to 90g R-134a which took 14 minutes for the same, under designed project set up.While LPG charge of 35g worked well under unload condition. It took 12 minutes to bring down the evaporator temperature from 31 degree Celsius to 0 degree Celsius in comparison to 90g R-134a which took 15 minutes for the same, under designed project.Ammeter continuously gave reading in the range of 0.6 A to 0.9 A and voltmeter as 210V while working with LPG as refrigerant in comparison to R134a in which ammeter gave reading of 1A and voltmeter as 220V. From here we can easily conclude that power consumed by compressor while working with LPG as refrigerant decreased considerably.
Apriori Algorithm Weka[Full-Text ] Khaled AlotaibiIn this study, our starting point of the digitized abstracts acquired afterwards pretreatment of tasks. By beat on the "related" tab shows the interface for the algorithms of affiliation rules. Apriori algorithm that we use the algorithm called default. Note that this acreage is, at some point, shows the command band arguments that are specific to the use of the algorithm. Dialog box to change the settings apparent in Figure A2. Here you can set assorted ambit accompanying to the Apriori. AGE can aftereffect in an aphorism accepts to be sorted by assorted ambit such as trust, leverage, and an elevator. In this example, we chose the elevator those criteria (Boukerche and Lu 2005). In addition, we included 1.5 times the minimum amount for the elevator (or improvement) is affected as the aplomb of a rule, disconnected by the abutment of the appropriate duke ancillary (RHS). The simplified form, as a rule, L => R, the arrangement of appropriation the likelihood that the L and R, and as well to accomplish several abstracted probabilities for the L and R, up = P (L, R) / Pr (L). Pr (R).
Design and Implementation of Low Power Array Multiplier using SERF Full Adder[Full-Text ] Mr. Abhishek Singhal, Mr. M.Vinoth KumarPower dissipation is the main concerning area in day to day life. Multipliers are the main sources of power dissipation are DSP blocks. In this project design and implementation of the effective low power multipliers with the use of full adders are given. So firstly, we design and simulate the full adders to get the most effective full adders. 1 bit full adder using different xor-xnor gates are designed and analyzed and the analysis is based on simulation parameters like number of transistors, power, delay, power delay product. Each of these circuits cell exhibits different power consumption, delay and area in different VLSI technology. The adders considered are conventional full adder, SERF adder, 13A adder, CLRCL adder, 8T adder. After performing simulation, adder will be chosen according to the performance parameters to design the array multiplier. The SERF full adder has the lowest power consumption. The array multiplier is designed with the help of SERF adder and comparing the result with the normal array multiplier. After calculating the power consumption we have the value for normal and SERF based array multiplier are -1.3E-04 W and -7.7E-04 W respectively. The designs are implemented and power dissipation results are obtained using Cadence Virtuoso tool in 180nm technology.
QUANTIFYING THE EFFECT OF SOIL FLEXIBILITY FOR ELEVATED STORAGE RESERVOIR BY PUSHOVER ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] Jiten B. Thaker, Siddharth G. ShahSince last some years the structures is getting critical damage during the earthquake because of the absence of the calculation of soil flexibility during the analysis and design. Many water tanks had been collapsed in last few earthquakes where water tank is an important lifeline structure. The multiple base motion effect on hydrodynamic pressure, acceleration of tank and fluid surface elevation problem in Elevated water tank is understood as Soil structure Interaction problem. Where, Soil-Structure interaction causes rocking motion and soil Structure interaction causes the hydrodynamic behaviour of water tank. According to the available literature, substantial amount of study has been done on behaviour of elevated steel water tank under pure rocking, but very few study is done on water tanks with soil structure interaction effect with various heights. The main objective of this study is to compare the time period, maximum displacement, base shear and performance point of an elevated water tank with various height.
Design and Implementation of GSM-Based Automation of Household Appliances[Full-Text ] Georgewill M.Onengiye, Ezeofor J. ChukwunazoIn this paper, GSM-Based Automation of Electrical Household Appliances is presented. The problem of paying huge electricity bills generated by various household Electrical & Electronic appliances at home/office is alarming. To help reduce the total number of energy use and amount to be spent on electricity bills, GSM-Based Automation of Electrical Household Appliances is proposed. The system is designed to allow the user to control the switching ON/OFF of his/her electrical home appliances via mobile phone anywhere at any time. The system consists of hardware and software .Any household appliances can be switched ON by sending an SMS with the keyword 'LL1 or LL2 or LL3 ...etc.' from the user’s mobile phone to the receiver panel at home, the receiver antenna picks the signal and forward it to microcontroller which decodes the keywords and command the instructions to trigger any device connected to the system ports. When the device (s) is/are switched ON, the system sends a feedback message back to the user stating the status of the device(s). Also user can switch OFF any of the appliances by sending an SMS with the keyword ‘LL0’ and the instruction would be carried out and message returned back to the sender.The system is implemented , program written and tested with accurate results.
Monitoring the Environmental Changes on Coasts and Islands in State of Kuwait[Full-Text ] El-Mewafi, M, Fouad, M, Safouq, GThe development and life style system have exploited the coast more rather than the interior offshore land of Kuwait. The objective of this study includes review of the methods used in mapping and monitoring the spatial and temporal environmental changes that took place along the coastline of the State of Kuwait by using RS (Remote Sensing) and GIS (Geographical Information System) techniques. This is in addition to providing an accurate estimation of the areas where erosion and deposition processes have taken place. For that purpose, multi-temporal Landsat data collected in 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2014 have been used. Also, two spectral indices were used in this study, which are the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) and the Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) to study the changes along the coastal water/land interface. In addition, accuracy assessment using ground truth is performed for the selected methods to determine the quality of the information derived from image classification. The results indicated the eroded areas, the erosion and deposition rates occurred during the period 1990-2014. Accordingly, the deposition rate along the coastline was higher than the erosion rate; however, it took place at different locations. Accuracy assessment revealed that SAVI was more accurate than the NDWI in studying the changes along the coastline.
Differences between American and International Students in the United States[Full-Text ] Ibrahim AlsaiariDue to the high standards of education in the United States it is one of the top priorities of students’ from all parts of the world. One of the primary differences between the American students and the international students lies in their educational classroom structures. American students are familiar with the English language and it makes it easier for them to read, write and understand what is being taught to them. The pressure of studies itself is a lot for the students to handle and when these challenges are added to their struggle, it either makes them or breaks them by the end of the semester.
ESL (English as a Second Language) Students confused using English Language[Full-Text ] Ibrahim AlsaiariThere are a multiple factors for the ESL students that cause barriers in learning a new language and these include the age at which students learn, who teaches them and the time duration students get to learn the language. Those students who are familiar with the reading and writing of English language may take less time to learn English as compared to the Chinese people. ESL students may not be able to speak English as fluently as their native language. Being fluent in English requires a student to practice English by reading, writing and speaking repeatedly.
Fabrication of Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell in Bangladesh: Limitations and Remedies[Full-Text ] Galib Hashmi, Md. Abdur Rafiq Akand, Mohammad Khairul Basher, Mahbubul Hoq and Md. Habibur RahmanFor the first time in 2015, single crystalline solar cell was fabricated in Bangladesh and the fabricated mono-crystalline silicon solar cell efficiency is near 6.89%. This paper discuss about the reasons and limitations of achieving 6.89% efficient solar cell and also remedies to achieve to high efficiency crystalline solar cell. Clean room class 100-1000 was not achieved during solar cell fabrication. Moreover Czochralski (CZ) silicon wafer, which contains higher impurity was used instead of Float Zone (FZ) silicon wafer. Inefficient technique like edge isolation barrier paste was used to isolate the edges of solar cell, instead of stacking the wafers on top of each other and using CF4, O2 and generating plasma with microwave frequency 2.45 GHz. While achieving good surface passivation requires thermal oxidation technique which requires temperature set at 900° C - 1200° C, could not be achieved due to Rapid Thermal Annealing furnace whose maximum temperature is around 1000° C. Moreover shunt resistance and minority carrier diffusion length (88 µm) was found low. High series resistance was found (6.197 ?.cm2).Though line resistance of a tabbing wire is typically 20 times better than that of a screen printed busbar, no tabbing wire was soldered on top of each busbar. Remedies to improve efficiency of mono crystalline solar cell is to use TiO2 or ZnO layer as anti-reflecting coating, as no anti-reflecting was used during solar cell fabrication process. Also for 12.5 X 12.5 cm2 silicon wafer, it is suggested to use 3 bus bars in front contact metallization process because applying 3 busbar layout design improves current collection because of lower electric resistance. As for back contact metallization, not covering the back fully covered with Ferro FX53-038 aluminum paste, it is proposed to use discontinuous busbars (2 strips with 3 gaps or 3 strips with 3 gaps) on the back side made with Ferro CN33-462 silver paste.
Vertical cavity surface emitting laser for 1.3 and 1.55µm transmission windows[Full-Text ] Numan Kifayat, Muhammad Ishaq, Dr. Khurram Aziz, Adnan khanVertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) was used for optical data transmission of 2.5Gbps at 1.55µm through an optical link of 50km and 100km with specific temperatures of 20°C and 80°C.On the other hand, 3Gbps at 20°C and 5Gbps at 80°C were transmitted through an optical link of 15km and 50km respectively for 1.3µm wavelength. The results were simulated and VCSEL effects were analyzed at different data rates and specific temperatures, and variations were observed for these specific temperatures. This work was performed and simulated at OPTI-SYSTEM with the help of Eye Diagram analyzer.
Studies on the influence of solvothermally synthesized cerium metal ions doped Li4Ti5O12 nanoparticles as anode materials for LIBs applications[Full-Text ] Marie Rose Jesina Delavictoire, D. Muthu Gnana Theresa Nathan, S. John Sundaram, R. Mahesh, T. Manovah David, Shibu Joseph and P. Sagayaraj The use of perfect electrode materials increases the demand for lithium ion batteries (LIBs) to spread wide in its application. Spinel Li4Ti5O12 (LTO), by virtue of its various characteristic natures proves to be an important anode material. But the disadvantage of low conductivity limits its performance. This is overcome by the effect of metal doping. Hence in this paper efforts are made to dope LTO nanoparticles (NPs) with Cerium metal ions. The sample is prepared by a simple solvothermal approach employing Ce (NO3)3.6H2O, TiO2 and LiOH.H2O as raw materials. The samples were prepared with varying concentrations of the Ce dopant. The reaction was followed by high temperature calcination. The as-obtained CexLTO nanoparticles were characterized by Powder X-ray diffraction analysis (PXRD), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) to determine the crystal structure and morphological features. The electrode materials CexLTO formed by the substitution of Ce4+ ions are well crystallized and possess cubic spinel phase. An in-depth analysis on the growth of LTO nanoparticles was found from High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) imaging. Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) spectra analyses the elements present in the electrode material and the presence of vibrational groups are identified from Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectral data. Further electrochemical performance was studied through coin cell fabrication and the effect of dopant on the cyclic stability and discharge capacity of the Ce doped LTO is well investigated. The results show that Cerium metal ions doped LTO are more conductive compared to undoped LTO and hence could be directly used as efficient anode materials for LIBs.