Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2016
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Assessment of Economic Feasibility of Nuclear Option for Newcomer Countries Using INPRO Methodology[Full-Text ] J. Sied, M. A. Hossain, A. Z. M. Salahuddin, A. S. Mollah and S. H. KhanThe increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the depletion of gas and oil resources and the volatility of their prices, and high prices of renewable sources of energy, and the economic advantages of nuclear power plants have all stimulated the worldwide interest for nuclear energy. The IAEA launched the International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) and developed the INPRO Methodology to provide guidelines and to assess the characteristics of a future innovative nuclear energy system in areas such as safety, economics, waste management, and proliferation resistance. INPRO initiated in 2001 and has the main objective of helping to ensure that nuclear energy will be available to contribute in a sustainable manner to the energy needs of the 21st century. This paper presents the results of the economic assessment of the nuclear option for newcomer countries using the assessment methodology developed under the INPRO, co-ordinated by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The economic analysis involved studying the sensitivity of two main economic indicators, namely, the Levelized Unit Electricity Cost (LUEC) and the Total Capital Investment Cost (TCIC). Several dimensions of economic feasibility have been studied and some suggestions have been made for sustainable growth in the power and energy sector.
Static study of the Driving mechanism of the Saw Mechanics[Full-Text ] Ali Chaoufi, Ahmed TafraouiTo carry out fast and precise sawings on limited dimensions, profiled, tubes, billets, bars, etc. , of steel, of aluminium, copper, one uses the mechanical saws of forms and various dimensions. All these saws are based on the same principle: They cut out the matter by removal of chips using tools with multiple sizes (web).
Static study Of the Driving mechanism Of the Mechanical Saw[Full-Text ] Ali Chaoufi, Ahmed TafraouiTo carry out fast and precise sawings on limited dimensions, profiled, tubes, billets, bars, etc. , of steel, of aluminium, copper, one uses the mechanical saws of forms and various dimensions. All these saws are based on the same principle: They cut out the matter by removal of chips using tools with multiple sizes (web).
AUTOMATIC SLAG PRESSING PROCESS USING PLC[Full-Text ] B.Sajitha, GOWTHAMRAJ E, S.Prasanth, Saravanan T, VinothKumar R.Here the automation of a slag pressing machine using programmable logic controller. Generally, the manual operation of the slag pressing machine is automated. The main objective is to reduce man power, cost, production time and to increase the quantity and quality of production. The existing system of slag pressing process are manual controlling of solenoid valves for slag pressing and unloading and the chance of human errors and production time are more. In order to overcome these errors, slag pressing machine is automated. The slag pressing machine using embedded system, VLSI and programmable logic controller is automated. Automations like Embedded system and VLSI are complex in programming, error detection and rectifying, future expansion of the system. Interfacing of new device is quit complex and reliability of the system is less when comparing to programmable logic controller. In programmable logic controller the error detection & rectifying, programming interfacing of new device is simple and hence the machine is automated using PLC.
The Enriched Class rooms demonstrate high levels of enthusiasm[Full-Text ] Sk Saleem Babu, Dr G. Chenna ReddyThe Enriched Class rooms demonstrate high levels of enthusiasm in AP IIITs. One of the first initiatives of a teacher in the class room is to instill the enthusiasm in the young minds. This gives the teacher a deeper insight in to the issues he or she focuses in their everyday lives. Students learn better when they have fun. Students in the classes generally demonstrate high levels of enthusiasm for their participation to learn English language. Classroom activities have the potential to amplify both the amount of learning and the enjoyment of learning. There is also the supplementary assistance that students habitually turn out to be less self-conscious and more fluent in their use of English in verbal exchanges when their concentration is immersed in the activity and interactions with classmates. Everybody has his own information and the only thing they have to do is they have to organize the information in a proper way. Teachers should remember that not everyone is comfortable in the same role. Within classroom communities, as within society at large, there are leaders and there are those who prefer to be followers. Both are essential to the success of group activities. In group discussions, there are always some who seem to do the most talking. Every class should transport new ideas and hopeful ambition for teachers as well as students. Developments in technology break down barriers and open up new ideas and ways of teaching.
Offline Handwritten Character Recognition: A Review[Full-Text ] Karishma Patel, Mikita GandhiCharacter recognition is one of the most interesting and challenging research areas in the field of Image processing. Nowadays different methodologies are in prevalent use for character recognition. Document verification, digital library, reading bank deposit slips, reading postal addresses, extracting information from cheques, data entry, applications for credit cards, health insurance, loans, tax forms etc. are application areas of digital document processing. This paper gives an synopsis of research work carried out for recognition of hand written characters. In Hand written text there is no restraint on the writing style. Hand written characters are challenging to recognize due to diverse human handwriting style, variation in angle, size and shape of letters. Various attitudes of hand written character recognition are discussed here along with their performance.
OPTIMAL LOCATION AND SIZING OF PHOTOVOLTAIC GENERATOR USING SIMULATED ANNEALING ALGORITHM[Full-Text ] M. A. A. MEHANNARecently growing of global energy demands and load expansion leads to increasing of consumer's distance in distribution networks which causes increasing in power losses and also led to voltage profile decreases. Therefor the need for using of distributed generation (DG) is important to enhance and solve these problems. This article concerns with a photovoltaic generator based on using of suitable optimize strategyto get the optimal location and sizing of DG in the distribution network to minimize the real power losses and improving of voltage profile at all busses by placing of a Photovoltaic generator with optimum size at the best location where unchecked place for a Photovoltaic generator may lead to an increase in loss and also not enhance the voltage profile. To optimize in a 39 bus New England system based on artificial intelligence method, simulated annealing algorithm (SAA) programmed under MATLAB software has been suggested. The analysis of results clearly indicates that when optimal sizing Photovoltaic generator is putted in the optimal location, power losses in the networkdecrease and also, at the same time, voltage profile is improved.
Investigation of Exposure Level to Background Radiation Emitted From Laboratories in Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH) Calabar, Nigeria.[Full-Text ] Ushie, P.O; Pekene, D.B; Ettah, E.B; Ogobiri, E.GComparative studies of background radiation emission from laboratories in Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH) Calabar, Nigeria was carried out using a digital radiation meter (Soaks Ecotester) which is optimizing to measure alpha, beta and gamma background radiation. On the basis of measuring the radiation emission to ascertain the level of exposure to ionizing radiation which can cause injuries and clinical symptoms, which may include a chromosomal transformation, cancer induction free radical formation, born necrosis and radiation contragenesis. The result obtain in background radiation emission exposure rate, indicates that the workers and students entering inside physics, Biology, Chemistry and microbiology Laboratories are operating within the recommended safety limit of 1.0msv/yr. while Biochemistry, civil, Mechanical and Electrical engineering laboratories are operating at 11.6, 10.23, 9.53, and 8.83msv/yr respectively; which is above the threshold value. Proper survey is recommended in these laboratories to identify the radiation sources.
Accumulator Based 3-Weight Test Pattern Generation Scheme[Full-Text ] Geetanjali M. Dhurmekar, Prof. Vaishali.S.DhongdePseudorandom built-in self test (BIST) generators have been globally used to test integrated circuit and systems. In a BIST design, the generation, application of the test vectors and analysis of the resulting response are part of the system or circuit under test. Weighted pseudorandom BIST schemes have been utilized in order to minimize the number of vectors to achieve complete fault coverage in BIST applications. In accumulator based 3-weight test pattern generation scheme, weighted sets comprising 3 weights namely 0, 1 and 0.5 have been successfully utilized, since they result in both low consumed power and low testing time. The main advantages of this scheme over existing schemes are: 1) Only three easily generated weights-0, 1, 0.5 are used. 2) As accumulators are commonly used in current VLSI chips, this scheme can efficiently drive down the hardware of BIST pattern generation. 3) This scheme does not require any redesign of adder (i.e. it can be implemented using any adder design). 4) This scheme does not affect the operating speed of the adder. The software requirements are Modelsim and Xilinx tool and hardware require for this system is FPGA SPARTAN 3.
A Roadmap for Effective Regression Testing[Full-Text ] Aman Hooda, Prof. Satpal PanwarTesting is the best mean to predict software quality. Conducting regression testing is a challenging task especially for the large scale softwares which include a variety of operating modes. Even more challenging is the fact when to conclude it. The effectiveness of regression testing process depends upon number of bugs found and fixed before the software is re-released to the customer. This in turn largely depends largely upon the test cases generated, test case minimization, selection and order in which they are executed. Various parameters such as different process elements, application policy and execution time along with other factors influence the success of regression testing. This paper discusses the maintenance testing including regression testing to describe a framework to carry effective regression testing.
Comparison of data mining algorithms for prediction and diagnosis of diabetes mellitus[Full-Text ] Dr. K. Thangadurai, N.NandhiniThe aim of data mining is to extract hidden knowledge from huge amount of data set and generate clear and easy understandable patterns. Diabetes is a group of metabolic disease caused by increased level of blood glucose. Different data mining algorithms are applied in medical research in order to diagnosis large amount of medical dataset. Various data mining algorithms were designed for diagnosing diabetes based on physical and chemical tests. The main data mining algorithms discussed in this paper are EM algorithm, K means, C4.5 algorithm, Genetic algorithm and SVM. EM is the expectation maximization used for sampling, to determine and maximize the expectation in successive iterative cycles. C4.5 is a decision tree induction technique that has been successfully applied for medical data. Genetic algorithm is population based model that uses selection and recombination operators to generate new sample points. Support Vector Machine are set of supervised learning method whose training tech permit to represent complex non linear function. K means is a unsupervised which objects are moved among sets of cluster until the desired set is reached. This paper studies the comparison of various data mining algorithms for prediction of diabetes disease.
Multi Focus Image Fusion Based on Spatial Frequency and Contrast Based Analysis under Stationary Wavelet Transform Domain[Full-Text ] Sonam Singh, Mrs. M.V. PatilDue to the limited depth of focus of cameras a scene can sometimes not be described accurately on the basis of a single image. Multiple Images have to be fused together to get a clear description. In this paper we use stationary wavelet transform with contrast analysis and spatial frequency to perform multi focus image fusion. The existing Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) method and other wavelet transforms suffer from problems like blocking or ringing artifacts or computational complexity. The performance of the system is evaluated on the basis of the various parameters like Peak signal to noise ratio, minimum mean square error, entropy and correlation coefficient. The results over a number of Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) images show improvement over the existing method of spatial frequency and average based DCT image fusion and Non-subsampled Counterlet Transform (NSCT).
Mass Transfer Controlled Corrosion of the Wall of Dual-Impeller Agitated Vessel[Full-Text ] Yehia M. S. ElShazlyIn this research, the rate of mass transfer from the wall of a dual impeller agitated vessel was studied. The variable studied were the physical properties of the solution, the speed of rotation of the impellers and the length of the clearance between the two impellers. The dissolution of the copper wall in acidified dichromate solution was the technique applied to determine the values of the mass transfer coefficient. The results were correlated by the following dimensionless mass transfer equation:
Modified Number Plate Localization Algorithm and its Implementation Using FPGA[Full-Text ] Rohini B. Watte, Prof. Dr. Janardan ChitodeThis paper represents implementation of number plate localization for automatic toll collection using FPGA. Number plate localization plays a key role in various applications. Number of techniques has been proposed for number plate localization. Number plate recognition is the process of extraction of any vehicle number plate information from an image which is taken from a video. Since it is easier and faster than the normal token based ticket system, it has all the capability to interchange the usual system. Hence it avoids the user to wait in long queue on the counter of toll. It saves the valuable time of the users. It accustomed pay the bill automatically and does the opening and closing of the gate automatically. A detection device is placed at the gate which reads the information from the coming moving vehicle and compares it with stored database. After that it gives permission to access consequently to move through the gate. This information is used to print a daily or monthly basis bill for toll collection from the vehicles. This system has low complexity and it takes less time to localise and recognise the characters on number plate. This system helps to assist RTO, local department to trace the vehicle, if it was actually stolen or used for any illegal activities. In this paper, FPGA implementation is done using VHDL language.
Root Cause Corrective Action System Plan[Full-Text ] Hassan AlshaikiAs a Project Quality Engineer working for (X) Inc. required to do the analysis to find the root causes and develop a plan to implement a Root Cause/Corrective action system plan. In order to achieve and maintain the excellence for The(X) Inc. that has been the leader in the industry for the last 20 years. To accomplish our company's publicity that has been running in the market for 20 years, the Vice president and the Quality Director at the company realized that there isn't a good, solid, or preventive Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Action System in place. Due to the lack of such system there has been a yield of 25%rejection rate internally, and 15%rejection rate from its customers. As a result there are total rejection rate of 40% which may impact the existence of The (X) Inc. in the market. The management top priority for The (X) Inc. is to gain back the trust from its customers by implementing preventive Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Action System plan. The management realizes the competition and the challenges in the business force. The focus of this Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is to successfully address the deficiencies identified in the RCA and improve The(X) Inc. employee and management performance. Below are most significant issues and underlying Root Causes and Corrective measures for both shop floor and management level.
SIMULATION-BASED MEDICAL EDUCATION: THEORY AND PRACTICE[Full-Text ] Waleed Mohammad AlHarbiSimulation-Based Medical Education (SBME) gained popularity because it can expose novice healthcare professionals to a variety of situations in a completely safe environment. This keeps both practitioners and potential patients from facing potential safety problems. Beyond the most obvious benefit of safety, SBME is also a sound instructional method. This paper explores recent developments in the field of SBME, as well as surveys the multiple delivery modalities for SBME, including human-based and computer-based simulation options. The benefits of using SBME will be highlighted. In addition, this paper will examine the instructional pedagogy behind SBME and explore the theories of learning and teaching that inform SBME design. Specific and explicit focus will be given to the areas of cognitivism and constructivism, and especially how these influence the successful delivery of SBME. There will also be a focus on how SBME can be utilized, including for assessment.
Learning Organization[Full-Text ] Anan Alharbi I examined the learning organization in the paper. The examination included the drives that urge traditional organizations to become learning organizations, qualities and characteristics a learning organization possess and the areas of change required for an efficient transformation. I found that a multilevel participation, strategy, structure, and culture are essential factors in learning organizations. Finally, I found that learning organizations gain a strategic competitive advantage, commitment, performance and productivity, job satisfaction, effectiveness, and increasing experience and activities.
Case Report Rare Case Of Small Bowel GIST[Full-Text ] Shahaji G. Chavan , Sagar R. Ambre , Vinayak kshirsagar, Ashish VashisthaGIST is a rare gastrointestinal mesenchymal tumor accounting for less than 1%. Most common tumor of stomach. Diagnosis and distinction from other sub mucosal tumors is usually done by the means of endoscopic ultrasound and FNAC. We report a rare case of small bowel GIST in 74/M patient, which was successfully resected with a postoperative favorable outcome. Diagnosis of GIST depends on the integrity of histology, immunohistochemistry and molecular analysis.
Healing activity of many Tunisian medicinal plants on wounds and burns[Full-Text ] Dorsaf Moalla Rekik, Sameh Ben Khedir, Kamilia Ksouda Moalla, Zouheir Sahnoun.Objectives: medicinal plants are the main ingredients in folk’s medicine. This study evaluates ethnomedicinal plants and their effects, according to the literature article, analyses, field observations and comparisons, to investigate wound healing. Components act on the skin, which present the highest susceptibility to interact with the environment and therefore receive recurrent harm and damage. Wound healing is the process described as a fundamental connective tissue response.
An integrated methodology of efficiency-risk for choosing material handling projects[Full-Text ] Mohammadreza Sharifi, Vahidreza Ghezavati, Sadigh Raissi, Ahmad MakuiEffective role in the transportation of industrial units has made material transportation projects evaluation and selection very important. One-sided focus of this assessment on quantitative and efficiency parameters and lack of attention to the risk and qualitative parameters, causing error in this kind of evaluation projects. This paper presents an integrated methodology of efficiency-risk for choosing material handling projects. This new approach focuses on tangible and intangible costs which offers a methodology for estimating the efficiency-risk and decision making method of investment. In this method, all parameters are considered such as labor, productivity, maintenance, system changes, insurance, loans, taxes, risk, etc. Furthermore, a perfect study on Material Handling is possible with use of sensitivity analysis and powerful software (Comfar III Expert). With the help of the above methodology, we can decide on all measures of performance parameters and the risks involved and the results obtained are more realistic. Because of the risk importance of this type of projects with the help of sensitivity analysis, sustainability of transportation projects is checked.
Decision Making Process and Ethics[Full-Text ] Hussain SarfarazDecision making is not such an easy thing to do as some would make out. Given any small to large scale project, managers and senior project teams are charged with making difficult decisions from options and supporting data that often inadequately informs and fails to provide a guaranteed successful consequence. Add to this the real-world stress and anxiety that comes with large investment in the project, promised investment returns on the successfully completed project, corporate reputation and the livelihood and employment of numerous subordinates and it is no surprise that these decision-makers often make no decision at all – the worst decision one could ever make.
DYNAMIC MODELING AND SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF CAM SWING- ROLLER FOLLOWER SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Nurudeen A. Raji, Rasheed O. Durojaye and Abiodun A. YussouffThe paper deals with the modeling and sensitivity analysis of a swing roller follower system designed for the operation of the beat-up mechanism of a narrow loom weaving machine. The translation and torsion models were developed for the system using the Newton’s second law of motion. The models were simulated in a MATLAB application. The performance and dynamics of the cam system are analyzed using the SIMULINK technique. The data obtained from the simulation is used for a partial sensitivity analysis of the system’s model. The sensitivity calculations were performed so that the deviation in the desired outputs of the system due to variation in the systems inertia parameters is minimized. The parameters chosen with respect to the sensitivity analysis are the mass inertia, spring stiffness and the damping coefficients. The spring stiffness and damping coefficients were kept constant while the mass inertia of the cam plate, follower link and beater link were varied to obtain a robust sensitivity of the system. The analysis is used to characterize the mass of necessary materials required for the manufacture of the cam system’s plate, follower and beater links for optimum system operation.
MULTIMEDIA SECURITY SPOOFING OF DIGITAL IMAGE FORENSICS -3D FACE MASK[Full-Text ] Merlin Livingston L.M, Agnel Livingston L.G.X, Jenila Livingston L.MBiometrics systems have significantly improved person identification and authentication, playing an important role in personal, national, and global security. However, these systems might be deceived (or “spoofed”).The recent advances in spoofing detection, current solutions often rely on S domain knowledge, specific biometric reading systems, and attack types. We assume a very limited knowledge about biometric spoofing at the sensor to derive outstanding spoofing detection systems for iris, face and fingerprint modalities. Multimedia Security spoofing is the act of masquerading as a valid user by falsifying data to gain an illegitimate access. Identification of the spoofing performance of the Tampered or Modified Images 2D Data, Video Images, 3D Face Mask and Morphed Location is proposed. The spoofing performance is further analyzed using Opposite Colour Local Binary Pattern (OCLBP) texture based counter measures using 2D data and is further classified using Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier.
Satellite image processing using CUDA and Hadoop architecture[Full-Text ] Helly M. Patel, Krunal Panchal, Prashant Chauhan, M. B. PotdarWith the advancement in digitalization vast amount of Image data is uploaded and used via Internet in today’s world. With this revolution in uses of multimedia data, key problem in the area of Image processing, Computer vision and big data analytics is how to analyze, effectively process and extract useful information from such data. Traditional tactics to process such a data are extremely time and resource intensive. Studies recommend that parallel and distributed computing techniques have much more potential to process such data in efficient manner. To process such a complex task in efficient manner advancement in GPU based processing is also a candidate solution. This paper we introduce Hadoop-Mapreduce (Distributed system) and CUDA (Parallel system) based image processing. In our experiment using satellite images of different dimension we had compared performance or execution speed of canny edge detection algorithm. Performance is compared for CPU and GPU based Time Complexity.
IM-AODV: An Improved Protocol To Mitigate Blackhole Attack[Full-Text ] Anishma Talwar , Dr. Naveen HemrajaniBlackhole attack is one of the most severe networking attack in a Mobile Ad Hoc network in which the blackhole node, impersonates itself as a valid destination for the data packets and then swallows the data traffic just like the blackhole in universe where all the matter disappears. Many studies have been done on detection, prevention and mitigation of blackhole attacks in MANET. Mobile Ad Hoc networks become vulnerable to such type of attacks due to their inherent characteristics such as wireless medium, no boundaries, altering topology, lack of central monitoring, no clear defense mechanism and so on. In this paper we have proposed a more robust and an improved routing protocol which we have named as IM-AODV(Improved Ad Hoc Distance Vector Routing Protocol). As AODV(Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector) protocol is the most researched routing protocol in MANET so our proposed protocol is concentrated on solutions dealing with AODV .
Photoanode Thickness and Sensitization Time Effects on Overall Performance of Nanocrystalline TiO2 Based Solar Cell Sensitized with Roselle Flower Extracts[Full-Text ] Sanusi Y.K, Kazeem A.A and Suleman K.OSemiconducting anode layer thickness and anode sensitization time are two major factors that can affect the overall responses of dye sensitized solar cells. By setting these fabrication parameters at different levels, different DSSCs were fabricated at different experimental conditions. FTO conductive glasses were used as substrates and counter electrode fabrication and Roselle flower extract was the chosen as sensitizer. Each cell was illuminated with constant light intensity of 1 Sun (100mW/cm2) A.M 1.5 to determine the photovoltaic responses. A maximum conversion efficiency and fill factor obtained are 0.3220% and 0.7501 respectively. Hence, optimum values of the two parameters investigated favour performance of dye-sensitized solar cells.
MATHEMATICS PROFICIENCY OF STUDENTS ENROLLED IN PHYSICS 101: PREDICTOR TO THEIR PERFORMANCE[Full-Text ] Raquel D. QuiambaoPredicting the performance of students in a course based on their performance on certain examinations previously, as well as other alternative variables, taken is not an easy task. Educational institutions intending to undergo such a rigorous endeavor would eventually find it necessary to develop a regression model by identifying a set of probable predictors. This study attempted to determine the predictive ability of students’ Mathematics Proficiency as predictor of their performance in Physics 101. Moreover, the predictive ability of the following variables – sex, IQ, College Admission Test(CAT)-Numerical Ability, and CAT-Verbal Ability – was also scrutinized. In view of the foregoing research thrust, this study looked into the profile of the respondents in the following set of predictors: Mathematics Proficiency, sex, IQ, CAT-Numerical Ability, and CAT-Verbal Ability; and identify which among these are predictive of their performance in Physics 101. The respondents of the study included the students in Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University – South La Union Campus, Agoo, La Union who were enrolled in Physics 101 during the school year 2015-2016. Results indicate that the males are outnumbered by a ratio of 2:1. Using multiple regression analysis, the students’ Mathematics Proficiency, Numerical Ability, and Verbal Ability are significantly correlated with and are modest predictors of performance in Physics 101. Sex does not give a rough indication of Physics performance. Moreover, Mathematics Proficiency manifests to be the preeminent predictor of performance in Physics.
Smart Grid Islanding Detection using solar PV[Full-Text ] Saika Muntaha Bari, Sumaiya Rahman, Refat Ara Urmi, Farjana Akhter Bristy, M. Raquib EhsanPower system equipped with distributed generation (DG) is a recent development with the advent of the availability of distributed electric renewable sources such as solar photo-voltaic (PV).Grid becomes smart with the provision of monitoring its performance through op-timization and self-healing capabilities. In the presence of DG, such smart grid needs to detect the situation when the conventional utility grid supply fails and DG is in islanding mode, i.e., the DG continues to provide power to the load that does not match to its capacity. Such islanding situation, if exists, is dangerous with the regards to the safety as it may destroy user’s equipment and utilities and harmful for the entire grid system. For this reason islanding detection is a mandatory as it occurs unusual occurrences like potential damage of existing system, utility liability concerns, reduction of power quality and power reliability.Therefore, in this thesis an algorithm is proposed for the detection of islanding and other different faulty conditions such as DG tripping or sudden load change condition using passive detection technique using Wavelet transform. Using symmetrical components like negative sequence analysis the proposed algorithm is able to differentiate different faulty condition including islanding. We have analyzed negative sequence voltage and current through DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform). We have found change in d1 coefficient of negative sequence voltage and current for different islanding and non-islanding condition and it is shown in color codes. For different color code d1 coefficient is different. So, islanding and other faulty conditions are easily clarified. Wavelet Transform is a new technique and it’s easier to detect islanding and other conditions. We can easily notice about the islanding and the technique is highly effective to save the power system from damages. New innovative ideas of technology will give us an inspiration to go further.
The Participatory Ergonomics As A Basis Of Sports Facilities Redesign In Reducing The Fatigue Of The Court Workers And The Setup Time Of Tonnis Net[Full-Text ] Parwata, Y, Adiputra, Pangkahila, A Adiatmika, I.P.GSports facilities are usually redesigned by considering its functions, but not for the users’ interests and needs yet, as there are still some problems found in the setup activities of sports facilities such as unstable processing time, overuse of muscles, unnatural working posture and tendency of ineffective working movement. The movement of moving the sports facilities from any place to another is conducted by the appointed people. Since this work is conducted repeatedly, there are some problems on workload and finishing time of the works occurred that is considered as the usual matter. The purpose of this research is to find out the the most dominant aspects of decrease of fatigue on working in order to improve the future work. It is an experimental research with treatment by subject design. It was conducted directly and by recording the working movements in accomplishing the setup of tonnis net. It was analyzed statistically by conducting by previously conducting the data normality test by using shapiro wilk with a significance level a=0.05. The results showed that there was a decrease on the fatigue of the court workers in conducting the setup of tonnis net based on the redesign of sports facilities. The general decrease on fatigue is 14.99%. The decrease on fatigue based on the order from the highest aspects of fatigue is motivation 19.13%, activity fatigue 12.29%, and physical fatigue 10.44%. The decrease on setup time is caused by the adaptation to the new working organization. The average of decrease on cycle of the setup cycle of the biggest net is on the transportation from the stairs to the location or court, that is 30.6 ± 8.91 seconds. The design of sports facilities with a participatory ergonomics approach is able to compile, to identify, and to decide the priority of problem resolve so that the design is suited to the needs and desire of the users
On i-Separation Axioms[Full-Text ] Sabih W. AskandarThis paper is devoted to introduce a new type of separation axioms which we call i-separation axioms which depend on a new generalized open sets which called i-open sets[8], where we discuss the relation among i-separation axioms and give many examples about it. besides, We have get that separation axioms give i-separation axioms, We give examples to show that the converse may not be true. Also, On the other hand, We have proved some theorems to discuss the property of i-separation axioms.
Quality Improvement of Produced Biodiesel and Glycerol from Jatropha oil Transesterification[Full-Text ] S.I.Hawash, N.K.Attia, E.A.Abdel Kader, and G.ElDiwaniIn the production of biodiesel from vegetable oils, separation and purification of biodiesel and glycerol as a by-product are critical processes. Conventional methods used for this separation are gravitational settling, decantation and filtration. Biodiesel and glycerol were produced through transesterification of jatropha curcas oil (JCO) using; KOH as a liquid base catalyst and CaO as a solid super base catalyst respectively with methanol. Reducing free fatty acids for (JCO) by esterification was studied. Biodiesel purification is performed by washing using water and acids. Fuel properties of produced fatty acids methyl esters (biodiesel) including; density, viscosity, flash point, cetane number, acid value and iodine value were qualified. The results showed that; the produced biodiesel can safely be used as an alternative diesel fuel. The use of solid base catalyst (CaO) showed a great improvement in produced glycerol purity up to 99.46%. A comparison between homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction conditions and products' purity are presented.