Volume 6, Issue 5, May 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 5, May 2015.
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Powered Foot Ankle Prosthesis[Full-Text ] Neethu Rajan, Swagatika Mishra, Abhishek Patil & Jyothi Warrier A powered foot ankle prosthesis is a lower body extremity prosthesis, which is an artificial extension that replaces the part missing below the knee. It is part of the field of biomechatronics, the science of fusing mechanical devices with human muscle, skeleton, and nervous systems; to assist or enhance motor control lost by trauma, disease, or defect. This research paper focuses on the transtibial condition and the prosthetic device which acts as an aid to the individuals affected by such conditions. The paper mainly aims at creating a visual record to reeducate an amputee on the normal gait pattern. The main components of the prosthetic device includes the accelerometer sensor, the pic microcontroller and the dc motor. The accelerometer sensor should be placed at the normal foot of the individual and for different standard gait patterns like heel strike, foot flat, heel off and acceleration, the accelerometer measures different values for all the three axes. These values so sensed by the sensor will be read by the microcontroller and the microcontroller will be programmed in such a manner that for specific values, the motor will provide either a clockwise or an anticlockwise motion as per the requirement. Thus both the dorsiflexion and plantar flexion of the prosthetic foot is made possible by the motor whose movement will be controlled by the microcontroller. Thus a co-ordinated working of the sensor, microcontroller and the motor will provide the exact gait pattern for the transtibial prosthetic device and its visual record will help the patient to provide a better understanding of gait which he has to follow while using his prosthetic device.
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Regenerated Bamboo and Muga silk Blended Fabric for value addition[Full-Text ] Dr. Smitarani Saikia, Dr. Binita Baishya kalitaBlending different types of fibres is a widely practiced means of enhancing the performance and the aesthetic qualities of a fabric. Blended yarns from natural and man-made fibres have the particular advantage of successfully combining the good properties of both fibre components, such as comfort of wear with easy care properties. These advantages also permit an increased variety of products to be made, and yield a stronger marketing advantage. The demands from fabrics have changed with the developments in technology and the rising living standards. In this study the bamboo and silk fibre was blend in carding and drawing stage and yarn were produced in three different ratios 20:80, 50:50 and 80:20.These yarns were further weaved in plain weave and the functional properties of the fabrics produced were evaluated .It was found that the woven blended bamboo muga fabrics can successfully use as apparel as well as value added products.
Enhancement of Fair Distribution of Bandwidth over Mobile Ad hoc Networks[Full-Text ] Amulya Sakhamuru,Varun ManchikalapudiA wireless ad hoc network is a collection of two or more devices or nodes or terminals with wireless communications and networking capability that communicate with each other without using any existing network infrastructure. It requires an effective bandwidth distribution which is described as maximum throughput in a communication system. A bandwidth is the total distance between the highest and lowest signals in a communication channel which is distributed in such a way that, it is overused by nodes near gateway and scarcely used by nodes far away from gateway. To avoid this problem of unfairness and data loss due to high mobility, this paper anticipated a fair share algorithm in which the bandwidth is fairly distributed in order to avoid the packet losses in terms of data transfer in the channel dynamically. Efficiency is affected by some factors like throughput, packet transmission and latency. Due to fair distribution of bandwidth in the network, efficient transfer of packets can be achieved.
Dynamic Student Modeling Intelligent Tutoring System[Full-Text ] Ifeanyi Isaiah Achi, Chukwuemeka Odi Agwu, Henry Nwani OgbuThis paper reviews a system used to models students’ comprehension level in a typical learning environment while the teaching process is still going on. This system is tagged dynamic and not static because it can teach and at the same determine the best way or path (learning styles) that the student could be taught with as against the previous authors which is likened to be static or case based which will first of all embark on studying the student and get the student behavior in terms of their response and now use it to provide a learning solution for the student. This system finds out the best way a student can learn before the commencement of the tutoring process based on the student responses. We are proposing this new system because of its capability to get the student responses as the teaching process is going and at the same time forming policies and taking decision at once on the best path to teach student. This will help reduce the student long learning curve associated to the previous system. This system when adapted for students in developing countries as Nigeria would facilitate the learning process and reduction in students long learning curve.
Moment Invariant based on Master Eye Block for Face Identification[Full-Text ] Dr. Dhia A.Jumaa AlzubaydiFace identification is one of current biometrics techniques research that receive a great deal of concentration over last period because this application is needed in many vital applications like in security and surveillance field, in identity authentication and image database investigations, also in other domains. In this paper, a new face identification system is presented to identify face image in front view, left and right orientations, more than one expression. The framework of proposed system passes through two phases: the training phase and identification phase. The two phases sharing the same stages of the system (face detection, eye detection, edge detection and feature extraction). In this work features vector that represent the face attributes consists of seven moment invariant values obtained by applying moment invariant on master eye block. Probabilistic neural networks (PNN) have been used to make a decision in matching stage; the system was tested over a dataset collected from 30 volunteers, where 10 images for each person were collected in different poss, expressions and orientations. The achieved training rate was 100%, while the achieved recognition rate was 100% in case of front view, 68% in case of right rotate, 69% in case of left rotate and 79% is average rate.
Controlled formalized operators[Full-Text ] Nikolay RaychevIn this report is considered the generalization of the principles, which manage the formalization of controlled qubit operators. The research builds on the standard external data sources, for development of a generalized system for conditional operators. Certain controlled operators are viewed as linear combinations of universal operators. This system provides a generalized scheme for the type of the controlled operators, which could be encountered in a circuit, composed entirely of elementary operators.
Controlled formalized operators with multiple control bits[Full-Text ] Nikolay RaychevIn this report is examined the construction of controlled operators, that include more than one control or target bit. In the research is examined a general class of n qubit operators, that use one or more control bits to conditionally apply an operator to a single target qubit. The conditional nature of these operators is controlled by a boolean function f, that acts on a set of control bits C.
Connecting sets of formalized operators[Full-Text ] Nikolay RaychevIn this report is examined the generalization of the principles, that control the formalization of a single qubit operator. The set of the identical operators is used in order to be captured the types of operators, occurring at the application of negating operators in the n qubit space.
Indexed formalized operators for n-bit chains[Full-Text ] Nikolay Raychevin this report is considered the construction of n qubit circuits through the addition of n qubits as a quantum register, at which each bit is a set index in a range from 0 to n - 1. The index of the bit complies with its significance within the space of the classical state. An indexed formalized operator is presented, that extends the single qubit operator to a n qubit operator, that acts to an individual qubit.
Conflicts resolving by symmetry breaking[Full-Text ] Nikolay RaychevIn this report is examined an algorithm for conflict resolution by symmetry breaking, which requires the exchange of only one pair of qubits in order to be reached to a solution of the problem related to conflict resolution by symmetry breaking.
Biomarker of impact mercury accumulation by using cosmetics in women's Sadr City - Iraq – Baghdad[Full-Text ] Lecturer Shahrazad Najem Abdu-Allah, Dr. Reyam Naji AjmiIn this study, it has a biological monitoring level of mercury in the hair and nail samples for 30 volunteers from the women in Sadr City. A vital indicator of the accumulation of mercury in the body uses intensive incorrect for cosmetics and evaluated the correlation between the specific characteristics that can affect the exposure powders. In January 2015, Women were invited to participate. The interview was run questionnaire was used to collect information About the age, body weight, height and periods of use of cosmetics and kinds as well as the level of education, family income and the number of abortions, Results of hair total mercury concentration was (0.29±7.03 mg / g). Maternal hair mercury was above the WHO threshold level (WHO) (5 micrograms / g). About Nail total mercury concentration was (0.19±4.23 mg / g ). Also positive correlation among between them (,r=3.82). A significant relation (<0.001 ) . These survey samples were higher than the USEPA-recommended 1 μg/g, which represents a serious health risk to women in this city
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Potential activity of Moringa Oleifera leaf extract and some active ingredients against diabetes in rats[Full-Text ] Fahmy T. Ali, Nahla S. Hassan and Rehab R. AbdrabouBackground/Aims: Moringa oleifera has been regarded as a food substance since ancient times and has also been used for treatment of many diseases such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study is to evaluate the antidiabetic activity of Moringa oleifera leaf extract and three of its active ingredients (moringinine, quercetin and chlorogenic acid). Methods: Alcoholic extracts of Moringa oleifera leaf, moringinine, quercetin and chlorogenic acid were tested against diabetic rats induced by alloxan. The aim was achieved via determination of glucose level, C-peptide, liver function tests, lipid profile and some oxidative stress markers. Pancreatic histopathology was also performed. Results: Our results indicated that Moringa oleifera leaf extract counteracted the alloxan-induced diabetic effects in rats through normalization the elevated serum levels of glucose, triacylglycerol, total cholesterol, protein carbonyl content, malondi-aldehyde, total antioxidant capacity and C-peptide. Moreover, it restored the normal histological structure of the pancreas in diabetic rats. Conclusions: The result of our study suggests that alcoholic extract of Moringa oleifera leaf possess potent antidiabetic activity and also is a good source of natural antioxidant. Quercetin has the most potential antidiabetic activity in the extract, followed by chlorogenic acid and moringinine, the three compounds are responsible to a great extent for the antidiabetic activity of the whole extract.
Ocean Current Turbine Blade Performance Prediction using the Blade Element Theory[Full-Text ] Noor Rahman, Saeed Badshah, Abdur Rafai, Muhammad Adnan, Mujahid BadshahOptimal Design of the ocean current turbine requires analysis of the blade performance to find answer to the question that at specified speed of the ocean current how much torque will produce by the blade. This thesis presents that blade element theory analysis of the ocean current turbine blade. The lift, drag and torque calculations are the important parameters for the blade perfor-mance prediction. This paper discussed the blade element theory for the prediction of the lift, drag, torque, theoretical, actual power, and coefficient of power for the NACA 44xx ocean current turbine blade. The length of the blade is 3 meter and is rotating with 24 RPM. The NACA 44xx airfoils coefficients of lift and drag are used for the calculation of lift and drag. The ocean current speed is assumed to be 1.7 m/sc and the ocean water density is 1025 kg/m3.
Local Substitute for Silica Flour In High Temperature High Pressure Enivronments[Full-Text ] P. N. Onwuachi-IheagwaraThis paper centered on the development of a local substitute for silica flour. This was undertaken with the objectives of examining common indigenous materials to ascertain, if any may be a suitable replacement; thus breaking the reliance on imported Silica flour in Nigeria.
Evaluation of NaCl salinity tolerance of Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg and Treculia africana Decne for climate change adaptation in agroecosystems[Full-Text ] Chima, U.D., Ofodile, E.A.U., Naaluba, M.The success of agroforestry in climate change adaptation especially in coastal communities experiencing salt-water intrusion will to a large extent depend on the identification of salt-tolerant tree species that can be integrated in vulnerable agro-ecosystems. This study evaluated the salinity tolerance of Treculia africana and Artocarpus altilis. The experiment was laid out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) replicated three times. Poly-bags were filled with bulked topsoil collected from a common source. Viable seeds of T. africana and A. altilis from the same mother trees were each sown (10 seeds in three replicates) per treatment. Equal volumes of NaCl solution of different concentrations (0.0mg/l (control), 60mg/l, 120mg/l, and 240mg/l) were administered to the respective poly-bags before sowing and morning/evening after sowing until a period of two months. Germination percentage reduced with increased salinity levels in both species, although, T. africana had higher germination percentages than A. altilis. Commencement of germination of T. africana seeds was delayed for two days in 60.00, 120.00 and 240.00 mg/l NaCl. In A. altilis, germination was delayed for three days in 60.00 and 120.00 mg/l NaCl, and for five days in 240.00 mg/l NaCl. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in average number of leaves and seedling height between the control and other treatments in T. africana while significant difference (p < 0.05) was observed between control and other treatments in all the evaluated attributes in A. altilis except collar diameter. T. africana appears to be more tolerant to increased salinity levels than A. altilis; hence, T. africana is recommended for the diversification of agro-ecosystems prone to salt-water intrusion. Screening of more tree species for salinity tolerance is also recommended.
Impact assessment on water quality of Ganga Canal System in Himalayan Region[Full-Text ] Gagan Matta, Ajendra Kumar, Sachin Srivastava, Vikas Singh and Gulshan K. DhingraMonthly variation of physico-chemical parameters of river Ganga at Haridwar, India was studied. Water samples for one year study (2013-14) were collected from 3 sites of the river Ganga located in Haridwar city and nearby places. Total 19 physico-chemical parameters were investigated. Correlation coefficient among various parameters was determined to bear positive or negative correlation. In the present analysis maximum concentration of LI (337.40-6022.75 µ mol. m-2 s-1), temperature (11.52-18.52 0C), conductance (74.57-145.4 µmhos/Cm2+), turbidity (4.83-252.20 JTU), velocity (0.97-1.64 m/s), TS (117.11-922.08 mg/l), TSS (25.48-729.60 mg/l), TDS (87.52-203.05mg/l), DO (7.57-0.56 mg/l), BOD (0.65-10.56 mg/l), COD (2.02-7.65 mg/l), Free CO2 (0.47-1.81 mg/l), Alkalinity (18.99-54.8 mg/l), Hardness (28.11-66.77 mg/l), Acidity (29.94-72.56 mg/l), Cl (2.47-5.81 mg/l), P (0.03-0.13 mg/l), TKN (0.02-0.08 mg/l) and Sulphate (8.64-22.94 mg/l) respectively. The results were compared with the WHO water quality standards. The observed values of major parameters were slightly under the permissible limits of WHO, except the DO, turbidity and TSS. Therefore the observed water quality suggests that the water could not be used for drinking and bathing purposes. It could only be used for irrigation after suitable treatment.
A Survey & Applications of Various Watermarking & Encryption Techniques[Full-Text ] Rahul Kumar Nayak, Prof. Amit Saxena. Dr. Manish ManoriaHere the paper contains various watermarking technique implemented so far and their different request areas are analyzed and discussed here. Although various techniques of watermarking are already implemented for the confidential information hiding some of them are examined and collate here on the basis of certain parameters including PNSR, watermark signal strength and Bit Error Rate. Since Watermarking enables hiding of secrete statistics such that the data can be secreting when sending to receiver.
Effect of Gammatone auditory-filters on speech intelligibility[Full-Text ] Boucherit Ismail, Guerti MhaniaAuditory filters are one of the topics that have been most studied in psychoacoustics. Researchers have used different approaches and many of them have been considered as possible basis for this study. The auditory filter bank can be seen as a bank of band-pass filters that divides the very often broadband input signal into multiple narrowband output signals. The analytic description of the shape of the auditory filters has improved through the years. Our study investigates how the shape of the auditory filters affects the intelligibility of speech in noise. We compare the performance of filters across noises aiming to find the filter that performed the best. However, the difference in results was not found to be statistically significant. Overall, the results provide a framework for using of the auditory filters.
Improving the storage capacity of Removable Media Storage Devices[Full-Text ] Ndubuisi P.D.I, Eneh I.I., Alor M.O.This paper deals with an optical system that can be used for improving the storage capacity of Removable Media Storage Devices (RMSD). It is modeled based on ultrahigh density multilayer disk recording by two photon absorption techniques. Fuzzy Logic System was used to develop a controller which simulates the intelligent system for disk media production evaluation. The Fuzzy Logic has two inputs; the Numeric Aperture and the Number of Layers, while the output is Disk Storage Capacity. The System was implemented with Mat Lab simulation. An increased disk storage capacity of up wards of six terabyte was realized.
An Efficient Model of Distribution and Storage of Big Data across Cloud-based Nodes using Billboard Manager[Full-Text ] Rajesh Bose, Sudipta Sahana, Debabrata SarddarThere are technology and tools that allow complex processing of voluminous data, today. This paper proposes a similar system which aims at easing the process of data storage and retrieval on cloud networks with special focus on providing optimum access over varying Internet connection speeds. The proposed system relies on constantly calculating the closest cloud network depending on factors such as bandwidth available, latency history, storage space level, and closest geographical location. The authors aim to offer the Billboard Manager model to distribute data across the cloud for storing and retrieval of data on a real-time basis using these factors as described in detail in this paper. Further, the proposed Billboard Manager model offers the opportunity to build up an actively indexed set of keywords extracted from Meta data of assorted files passing through it. This enhances the ability of presenting a comprehensive search pattern, thereby, quickly identifying the files and media stored across those cloud networks registered with the Billboard Manager. The ability to plug compression and decompression technology within this proposed Billboard Manager model further enhances the speed at which humongous volumes of data can be distributed across the cloud nodes registered with the Billboard Manager. The design of this model also accommodates parallel processing of data, not entirely dissimilar to existing and popular tools available in the market today. This, therefore, permits Billboard Manager to pre-fetch data by assuming users’ needs beforehand. This feature can be advantageous in regions where Internet speeds are considered below par.
A Review on Health Monitoring Issues & Challenges[Full-Text ] Mamta Ramkuche, Asst. Prof. Deepti DaveMobile health monitoring involves security and privacy of patient’s private data so that it can’t be access by the unauthorized users. Mobile Health Monitoring contains various sensors to be used in the patient’s body so that 24*7 monitoring can be done by the doctor. But the patient’s personal data is important and privacy is an important factor, hence various security techniques are implemented for the security and privacy of patient’s private data. Here in this paper various techniques are discussed and find their issues and advantages over patient’s data, so that in the future on the basis of these issues a new framework can be implemented.
Dynamic Analysis of a Structural Beam with Surface Crack Using Artificial Neural Network[Full-Text ] Ismail Akbani, Ishan VarmaThe presence of microstructural defects such as cracks is known to have resulted in catastrophic failures. These failures lead to enormous loss of resources including human lives. To help prevent such losses, the scientific community has been studying the mechanics of crack propagation and trying to develop methods for early detection of cracks. Out of the various alternative techniques being explored, study of the impact of crack presence on the flexibility and vibration response of the structural or machine elements has gained popularity in past few decades. It is based on the theory, supported by observations, that the presence of crack in any structure/machine element alters its dynamic response and thus, this change in the response can be used as an indicator to predict presence of cracks.
Pulmonary Function test of Mine workers exposed to Respirable Dust in Jharia Coalfield India[Full-Text ] Deepa Agarwal, Jai Krishna Pandey, Asim Kumar PalRespiratory chronic airway disorders and early damage of pulmonary system predict by Spirometry. Occupational exposures to coal dust affect the different systems of the body. The present study has focused on the coal workers who are continuously exposed to air pollutants such as coal dust. Study group of 170 male workers working in coal mines for more than ten years, consists of 66 non-alcoholic and non-smokers, 52 tobacco chewers, 29 smokers and 23 alcoholic. The pulmonary function test was assessed using computerized spirometer. Spirometry test revealed 27.64% of workers having Mild, 29.41% moderate, and 5.88% severe obstruction pattern on PFT. For both the age groups of workers (25-40 and 41-55) having smoking and alcoholic habits, FEV1/FVC values were found more significantly declining (65-71% and 46-53%).Cumulative exposures to respirable dust are the most important risk factors for exposed coal workers. The results suggest that there in a need to improve control measures and the health status of workers engaged in coal mine dust.
Design and performance of a Cutting CO2 laser for industrial non-metallic materials[Full-Text ] N. Aboulfotoh Ali, H. A. El- flaahThe great interest in carbon dioxide lasers stems from their continuous power capability, high efficiency and ease of construction. The CO2 laser is a gas type laser with a wavelength of 10.6μm in infrared region. Their high efficiency and tremendous power output have made them one of the most commonly known transition wavelength facilitates laser cutting, drilling and marking of a wide variety of materials in the electronics and medical industries. The CO2 laser we constructed is a low cost laser. The operating voltage applied to the laser is 12 KV, and the power output is in the range of 10-22 Watts .Many of laser design parameters strongly interact with one another, and requires consideration of how they interact to reach the optimum design. The construction of a CO2 gas discharge laser with a glass laser tube design as well as clear housing is presented. Operation was characterized in power, cutting speed and stability over a long time. The results indicate a good operation, optimum powers and beam quality with maximum speed. The experimental results show marking and cutting efficiently of different non-metallic industrial materials such as paper, plastic, glass, texture with different thickness.
Relay Coordination using ETAP[Full-Text ] Hima A. Patel, Vaibhav M. Sharma, Anuradha DeshpandeRelays and circuit breakers are heart of the modern large interconnected power system. Proper coordination of relays is essential to minimize unnecessary outages.This paper presents short circuit analysis and relay coordination of overcurrent relays of a radial power system of 1218.5 MVAsc capacity of an industrial power plant using etap simulation and hand calculation and comparison of results by both the methods.
Multi-Agent based Diagnostic Model for Diabetes[Full-Text ] A. A. Obiniyi and M. K. AhmedWith the advent of Agent Technology, and the challenges facing the health care sector and also the distributive and complex nature of the activities in the medical domain, there is need to use the new programming paradigm in order is to explore, develop, design and implement a prototype system for multi-agent diabetes diagnosis that finds the possibility of illness based on the patient’s symptoms which will aid in solving the problems as a result of wrong diagnoses especially in the developing countries like Nigeria. Fuzzy Rule Based Reasoning was used to build the knowledge based of the system based on the studied data of the diabetic patient. The prototype system is capable of diagnosing (Predicting) diabetes without measuring the glucose level of the patient and monitoring diabetic patient by providing them with the required amount of insulin based on the patient weight to enable the patients send an update to the doctors. The experimental result of the diagnosing aspect of the system shows that the accuracy of the system is 0.75 while sensitivity and specificity of the system is 0.88 and 0.5 respectively.
A Hybrid of Fuzzy and PID Controller for Servo Electro-Hydraulic System[Full-Text ] Ayman A. AlyIn industrial applications, the dynamic characteristics of the servo-hydraulic system are always complex and highly nonlinear. Moreover, there are too many uncertainties in it; for example, the viscosity of oil, the bulk modulus, the oil volume, the system pressure, the wear and the cavitations. The loading conditions are usually rather unsteady, and the loading forces change in a wide range during operation. It is difficult to meet control demands or obtain satisfactory performance by adopting traditional PID tuning techniques. In this paper, Fuzzy hybrid control using indirect inference method is presented for positioning control of an electrohydraulic cylinder. Smooth control during switching is guaranteed by executing the change using fuzzy inference. Through the simulations and experiments using the servo valve controlled cylinder system, the effectiveness of the proposed control was confirmed.
Potential activity of Moringa Oleifera leaf extract and some active ingredients against diabetes in rats[Full-Text ] Fahmy T. Ali, Nahla S. Hassan and Rehab R. AbdrabouMoringa oleifera has been regarded as a food substance since ancient times and has also been used for treatment of many diseases such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study is to evaluate the antidiabetic activity of Moringa oleifera leaf extract and three of its active ingredients (moringinine, quercetin and chlorogenic acid). Alcoholic extracts of Moringa oleifera leaf, moringinine, quercetin and chlorogenic acid; were tested against diabetic rats induced by alloxan. The aim was achieved via determination of glucose level, C-peptide, liver function tests, lipid profile and some oxidative stress markers. Pancreatic histopathology was also performed. Our results indicated that Moringa oleifera leaf extract counteracted the alloxan-induced diabetic effects in rats through normalization the elevated serum levels of glucose, triacylglycerol, total cholesterol, protein carbonyl content, malondi-aldehyde, total antioxidant capacity and C-peptide. Moreover, it restored the normal histological structure of the pancreas in diabetic rats. The result of our study suggests that alcoholic extract of Moringa oleifera leaf possess potent antidiabetic activity and also is a good source of natural antioxidants. Quercetin has the most potential antidiabetic activity in the extract, followed by chlorogenic acid and moringinine; the three compounds are responsible to a great extent for the antidiabetic activity of the whole extract.
Cloud Collaboration for Forensically Ready Cyber Space[Full-Text ] Bruno OparaThe major challenge of forensic investigation of networked systems is the lack or incompleteness of relevant evidence collected for the specific crime being investigated. In cloud networks, acquisition of irrelevant data together with evidential data is also a challenge imposed due to multitenacy in cloud architectures. Since cloud forensic is still at its infacy and faced with technical, organizational and legal challenges (Ruan and Cathy, 2013); acquisition of forensic evidence still adopts traditional digital forensic frameworks and acquisition processes for investigating cyber-related crimes. These techniques, when employed for a single-cloud or multicloud environment leads to incompleteness of digital evidence and most times raises integrity concerns.