Volume 6, Issue 5, May 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 5, May 2015.
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Evaluation of Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 (MCP-1) in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus[Full-Text ] Huda Jaber Waheed, Muna Khalil, Shahad FawziAIM: To investigate the association of serum the chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) levels, a major chemoattractant of monocytes and activated lymphocytes, with metabolic parameters like insulin hormone, glycolated hemoglobin and glucose Iraqi patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Hybrid Protection to Enhance the LVRT Capability of a Wind Turbine Based DFIG[Full-Text ] K. Srinivasa Rao, G. KamalakerThe problems posed by electric energy generation from fossil sources are, high costs due to large demand and limited resources, pollution and large volume of CO2 production. These problems can be overcome by alternative sources that are renewable energy sources which are cheap, easily available, pollution free and sustainable. The most widely used variable speed machine for wind turbine is the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). As the wind power penetration continues to increase, wind turbines are required to provide Low Voltage Ride-Through (LVRT) capability. In order to enhance the low voltage ride through (LVRT) capability of a wind turbine driven doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), a combined protection and control strategy including the Active Crowbar (AC) and Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is proposed in this paper, hence we call it as Hybrid protection. Normally, when the grid fault occurs, the crowbar is triggered if the overvoltage in DC bus or the over-current in rotor winding exceeds the corresponding threshold value. Simulation results are shows the improved performance of the DFIG.
Analysis of tourism potential, with emphasis on economic indicators (Case study: Zabol city tourism sites)[Full-Text ] Vahid Yari Gholi, Ali Vaez Tabasi, Behrouz MokhtariAs the field of tourism and economic development of the region is the effective. Citys the first ever to be attractive to Have. tourists Spaces and as the main symbol of social evolution Humans Degree contains important centers of economic, scientific, recreational, medical, etc., and moreover, the Attraction natural and cultural Legacy important Have. Capabilities environmental and historic city of Zabol in various aspects of tourism, which is capable of crystallization actual through put will this Feature in Prospects environment, The cause of progress and economic development of tourism in the city of Zabol provided. Method Research Analytical based on Library studies, documents and track sets, with emphasis on economic indicators to tourism Potentials. Finally, a set of criteria identified by the use of both internal and external methods of successful experiences, With a survey of people living in the city of Zabol final seven criteria were identified. The economic Indicators was performed using SAW rating, The results of the analysis indicated that the infrastructure development, transport, Weight in at 0/298 to By Rating 1 highest index, and the index of employment with a weight of 0/11 to By Rating 7 to grade allocated. Finally, in End with the recommendations of this study are listed.
An Analytical Study towards mitigation of Grayhole Attack in VANET[Full-Text ] Gurleen Kaur,Prof.Sudesh Rani,Dr.Tirlok ChandVehicular Adhoc Network is a class of mobile ad-hoc network that enables vehicles on the road to intelligently interact with other vehicles and road side infrastructure unit. It is prone to many kinds of attack and one such attack is Grayhole attack. Grayhole attack is one of the attack on routing in which malicious node selectively drops packets coming from the source. Due to lack of security in Ad hoc on demand distance vector routing protocol, Grayhole attack disrupts the performance of network and render communication impossible. This paper reviews various attacks in VANET including Grayhole attack on AODV routing protocol and provides a survey of existing defense ap-proaches to mitigate them.
Impact of increased Nutrient on the Variability of Chlorophyll-a in the West Coast of South Sulawesi, Indonesia[Full-Text ] Andriani Nasir, Ambo Tuwo, Muhammad Lukman, Hanapi UsmanIncreased nutrient runoff from land affect the level of productivity of waters and disrupt the balance of microalgae community. This study aimed to analyze nutrients (N, P; DIN/DIP; DSi/DIN; DSi/DIP) to the variability of chlorophyll-a concentrations in coastal waters of the west coast of South Sulawesi are experiencing eutrophication. Nutrient and chlorophyll-a samples collected in three seasons (transition season, dry season and rainy season), in the coastal waters of estuaries Tallo, Maros, and Pangkep. Samples were analyzed chlorophyll-a by the trichromatic method. Results showed the ratio of nutrients DSi/DIN and DIN/DIP parallel to the increase in the concentration of chlorophyll-a in the transition season and dry season, while the N parallel during the rainy season. Correlation molar N-P nutrient and ratio of DIN/DIP; DSi/DIN; DSi/DIP to the variability of chlorophyll-a concentration of less than 50%, unless the ratio DSi/DIP in Tallo estuary during the rainy season and in the Maros estuary during the dry season.
A Survey on Various Techniques of Energy Consumption on Cloud Network[Full-Text ] Priya Dubey, Mr. Saurabh JainCloud computing is the stage for a choice of services like software, infrastructure as a cloud service and each person wants to have the benefit of that cloud services using the cloud computing concept, which ultimately increases the data size and loaded records on cloud servers. Due to increased number of files on the cloud database the retrieval of files becomes much more time consuming and complex. Also this file retrieval doesn’t ensure the exact retrieval of files from the storage. Besides, the isolation apprehension affect to the appropriate documents regained by the cloud user in the afterward phase in view of the fact that they may also enclose sensitive data and make known information about sensitive exploration words or phrase. Here in this paper an efficient approach of power consumption using scheduling of resources is implemented.
Adsorption Study of Cadmium on Water Melon Seed Shell by Flam Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (FAAS)[Full-Text ] Jassim M. Salman, Ali K. Al-Muttarii, Noor A. Abd- Hussain, Ayad M. JabourThis study was conducted to found a new and cheep method to remove heavy metal such as cadmium from aqueous solutions by use the seed shell of water melon plant (Citrullus lanatus), four experiments were done to demonstrate the effectiveness of watermelon seed shell to remove cadmium analyzed by FAAS. The first experiment was done to determine the effects of time on the adsorption process the results show that increased the adsorption of cadmium with contact time. In the second experiment, the results show that the removal efficiency (R) increase from 42.83 at concentration 0.5mg/l of the adsorbent to 43.75 at concentration 2.5mg/l of the adsorbent. The third experiment was carried out to determine the effect of initial concentration of the cadmium on the adsorption process. The results show that at initial concentration of cadmium 10 mg/l the adsorbent was able to remove the adsorbate completely and at concentration 60 mg/l the removal efficiency was decrease to 40.9, for the last experiment the effect of pH on the adsorption process was studied, the results show that 47.37 at pH 3 and decrease to 43.01 at pH 11 respectively. Langmuir and freundlich adsorption isotherm models were analyzed and experimental results fit very well with freundlich model than Longmuir model
Cascade-Forward Neural Network Modelling of a Biodiesel Reactive Distillation Process[Full-Text ] Abdulwahab GIWA and Saidat Olanipekun GIWAIn this work, a cascade-forward neural network model has been developed to represent a reactive distillation process used for the production of biodiesel from an esterification reaction between palmitic acid and methanol. In order to obtain data for the network, the parametric utility of an Aspen HYSYS prototype plant of the process developed using Distillation Column Sub-Flowsheet and Wilson model as the fluid package was utilized. The neural network model developed had six input parameters (palmitic acid feed temperature, palmitic acid feed pressure, methanol feed temperature, methanol feed pressure, reboiler heat duty and reflux ratio), and the output parameter was the mole fraction of the biodiesel obtained from the bottom section of the reactive distillation column. For the training of the neural network model, six different random number generators (Mersenne twister, multiplicative congruential generator, multiplicative lagged Fibonacci generator, combined multiple recursive generator, shift-register generator summed with linear congruential generator, and modified subtract with borrow generator) were tried by varying their seed numbers from 0 to 70, and the one with best performance, together with the corresponding seed number, was selected for the development of the cascade-forward neural network. The results obtained from the training and simulation carried out for the developed model showed the good representation of the process by the developed model because the estimated sum of absolute error, mean of absolute error, sum of squared error and mean of squared error of the model, which were the performance criteria used, were found to be favourable and had values of 1.16E-02, 1.93E-05, 5.46E-07, and 9.10E-10, respectively. Also, the performance of the developed model in predicting the mole fractions of the produced biodiesel was found to be very good as the sum of absolute error, the mean of absolute error, the sum of squared error and the mean of squared error, in this case, were estimated to be 8.39E-03, 1.40E-05, 2.17E-07, and 3.62E-10, respectively. In conclusion, cascade-forward neural network has been demonstrated to be very good in modelling this complex reactive distillation process for the production of biodiesel.
The effect of environmental conditions on con-centrated solar system in desertic weathers[Full-Text ] Miqdam T Chaichan, Hussein A Kazem, Ali A Kazem, Khalil I Abaas, Kadhim A H Al-AsadiConcentrated Solar Power (CSP) is a technology that capturesand exploits solar thermal energy by concentration. It uses highly polished mirrors called heliostats to focus the sunlight onto a target. Inside the target, there is a transferring fluid that will be heated and then it transfers heat to heat exchangers to generate power. The possibility of installing a CSP plant at urban, rural or semi-urban locations makes it a desirable choice for electricity generation plants. Also, it has the possibility of installing in industrial areas as long as the array is not in a shaded area.
Enabling Online Algorithms and B-Trees with DND[Full-Text ] Mohammed Salman Khan, Mohammed Shoukath Ali KhanRecent advances in read-write methodologies and peer-to-peer epistemologies do not necessarily obviate the need for IPv6. After years of unfortunate research into compilers, we argue the analysis of Markov models, which embodies the important principles of artiï¬cial intelligence. We concentrate our efforts on disproving that the acclaimed psychoacoustic algorithm for the analysis of expert systems runs in O(n) time.
Experimental Study on Rubberized Concrete[Full-Text ] R. Bharathi Murugan, Dr. C. NatarajanRecycling granulated waste tires (crumb rubber) has been widely studied for the last twenty years mostly relating to applications such as asphalt pavement, waterproofing system, membrane liners, etc., Use of alternative material in concrete opens a whole new range of possibilities in the construction industry. Sustainable technologies for concrete construction are not only essential for the development of eco friendly construction but also to manage huge quantity of solid waste disposal without compromising durability. In this study, the use of crumb rubber to replace fine aggregates in concrete was studied. It is believed that concrete acting as a binder mixed with crumb rubber can make concrete more flexible and thus, provide softness to the surface. The objective of this paper is to investigate the mechanical properties of concrete when crumb rubber is used as partial replacement of fine aggregate in different percentage (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%) by volume. Laboratory trials were conducted to investigate the effect of crumb rubber. A comparison was also made between mixtures containing various percentages of crumb rubber to determine the optimum crumb rubber content and the test results also compared with conventional concrete (without crumb rubber).
KORTEWEG-DE VRIES SOLITONS IN HIGH RELATIVISTIC ELECTRON-BEAM PLASMA[Full-Text ] R. Das and P. Deka The propagation of small amplitude ion-acoustic solitary waves in relativistic electron beam plasma have been investigated in a plasma model, consisting of positive ion, electron and electron beams. By using the reductive perturbation theory, the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation is derived. In this investigation both compressive and rarefactive solitons are found to exist. In this model of plasma
A Novel Approach for Predicting Frictional Factor during Fluid Flow In well Tubings and Flowlines[Full-Text ] Akinade Akinwumi, Omohimoria CharlesOne of the main challenges facing by production engineers is the ability to choose an accurate friction factor during a fluid flow, it was observed that most of the existing models (Fanning, 1944), Blasius , 1914) and moody e.t.c) over-predict the values of frictional factors when compare with the experimental value, this is due to the fact that these models are dependent on Reynolds number and pipe roughness, and since pipe roughness changes with use, this make them inaccurate, it is therefore important to develop a new correlation that will be a function of Reynolds number and that can accurately matched with experimental data in order to aid accurate prediction of wax deposition and thickness during crude oil production. In this research work an accurate frictional factor model (correlation) was developed by considering the universal velocity profile (distribution) over the cross section of a pipe during the lamina and turbulent flow, the model result was tested and validated with complex cases.
Stress and Resistance Analysis for the Design of a Work Barge[Full-Text ] Nitonye SamsonA barge is usually a flat bottom vessel mainly used as cargo tanker, equipment supply carriers, crane platform and support accommodation bases in offshore operations. The work barge considered in this paper has special features like a deck crane, helicopter landing platform and a pollution department. This work barge serves a multipurpose offshore function for oil and gas industries, marine establishment and other companies that require manpower to work offshore without possible return of workers daily to shore. To ensure that this barge has the capacity to withstand all forms of stresses and forces that act on it, a good structural rigidity has to be ascertained. This work further estimated the weight of all components, machines, machineries, tanks, system etc to obtain the center of gravity which can be accomplished through a three dimensional analysis. With the help of the classification of ships’ rules and regulations of Lloyd’s Register various formulae were used to obtain various thickness of plates (side, bulk, deck etc), frame, girder, flanges, pillars etc. This helped to estimate the weight of the various component of the vessel. This includes all deck plates, frames, flanges, girder, pillars etc. The selection and positioning of these were in consonance with classification rules. Hence all forms of stresses were analyzed and the resistance of the vessel calculated. In all the analysis it was deduced that the work barge has the capacity to withstand all forms of stress and keep the vessel in a safe condition.
MHD flow of Cu-water Nanofluid over a Stretching Sheet with Second Order Slip Condition[Full-Text ] Preeti Agarwala and R. KhareThe study of boundary layer flow over a stretching sheet is of considerable interest because of its ever increasing industrial applications and important bearings on several technological processes. Examples, glass-fiber production, aerodynamics, wire drawing, paper production, plastic sheets, metal sheets and many others.The boundary layer flow over a stretching sheet in presence of a magnetic field has been presented in this chapter under the velocity slip conditions. Similarity transformations are used to convert the partial differential equations corresponding to the momentum and energy equations into non-linear ordinary differential equations whose numerical solutions has been obtained using fourth order Runge-Kutta method with shooting techniques. It has been observed that the velocity decreases with increasing slip parameter as well as with the increasing magnetic parameter. Temperature increases with the increasing values of magnetic parameter.
Impacts of Carburizing Temperature and Holding Time on Wear of High Speed Steel Cutting Tools[Full-Text ] S.A. Afolalu, S.B.Adejuyigbe, O.R.AdetunjThe paper presents a report on effects of variation in carburizing temperature and time on cutting tool to enhance its use in engineering applications. 30 pieces of HSS cutting tools (200 x 14 x 14 mm) sizes were used for the project and its composition was analyzed with the UV-VIS spectrometer before carburization. The tools were carburized with pulverized carbon (Palm Kernel Shell) using 25 % Barium trioxocarbonate (V) as an energizer in a muffle treatment furnace of about 1500oC. The performance evaluation of the tool was done by measuring its wear volume, wear resistance, weight loss and wear rate on all the samples (treated and untreated) using Rotopol –V. Minimum wear rate of the tool was 1.095 X 10 -8 cm2/N at carburizing temperature with time of 950oC and 120 minutes, 2.190 X 10 -8 cm2/N at 800oC and 60 minutes while those of the control sample ( untreated) was 1.127 X 10 -8 cm2/N. It can be concluded that the carburized tool has a lower wear rate at high carburizing temperature with time over at low carburizing temperature with time and control (untreated sample) in the tests carried out. The result of the performance evaluation tests corroborated the higher qualities of the carburized cutting tool at high temperature with time over others.
A HYBRID META HEURISTIC FEATURE SELECTION ALGORITHM FOR BRAIN COMPUTER INTERFACE[Full-Text ] K.Akilandeswari, G.M.NasiraA Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), also called Brain Machine Interface (BMI), is a communication system allowing users to interact with electronic devices through control signals from Electroencephalographic (EEG) activity sans engaging peripheral nerves and muscles. Preliminary BCI research motivation was to develop assistive devices for those with locked-in disabilities. Currently, researchers are exploring BCI as a new anthropomorphic interaction channel for applications like robotics, virtual reality and games. This paper Investigate the effect of feature selection in BCI. Since feature selection is NP Hard, a novel feature selection technique using Particle Swarm Optimization ( PSO) is proposed. The proposed feature selection technique shows improvement in the classification accuracy compared to Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Since meta heuristic algorithms are known to suffer from local minima problem, a hybrid PSO using the principles of hill climbing algorithm is proposed which improved the classification accuracies further.
A MICRO-PHYSICAL SUTDY ONTHUNDERSTORM PRECIPITATING CLOUDS OVER GUWAHATI (26o 17’ N, 91o 77’ E) IN THE NORTH EAST REGION OF INDIA[Full-Text ] P.Mahesh, K.Krishna Reddy, J. Jaya lakshmi, Pankaj Kumar Das, S. Venkata Raju and H. G. PathakTo improve the understanding and prediction of the severe local thunderstorms over the north-east regions of India, Ministry of Earth Science (MoES), Government of India organized a national coordinated campaign called Severe Thunderstorm Observations and Regional Modeling (STORM) in pre-monsoon season. Yogi Vemana University Atmospheric research team deploying Laser Disdrometer and Micro Rain Radar in the premises of Regional Meteorological Centre, India Meteorological Department (IMD), Guwahati. In addition, IMD X-band Radar data, Radiosonde data and also satellite observational data are utilized. This paper presents the micro-physical characteristics of the thunderstorm precipitating clouds observed on 27th May 2010 over Guwahati(26o 17’ N, 91o 77’ E).The relationship between the atmospheric conditions and the characteristics of the thunder clouds are illustrated. The physical processes involved in three stage of storm (initial, mature and dissipating) are understood with the vertical profile raindrop concentration. The raindrop concentration of mature stage of storm is associated with the higher drop concentration than initial and dissipating stage.
HIERARCHICAL DOCUMENT CLUSTERING USING CLOSED ITEMSETS[Full-Text ] KAVITA NAGARAs we know that a large amount of information is generated and stored in text databases. As the numbers of document files increases we need a robust and efficient way to group this large amount of data. Clustering is the finest tool or technique of data mining for managing and organizing information . Clustering maps the similar objects or data into one cluster and different objects into another one based on their inter similarity and intra dissimilarity. However most of the clustering techniques faces many issues like high dimensionality, scalability, accuracy, etc. Document clustering is the another unsupervised clustering technique for document organization, fast information retrival or filtering. This paper will present a Survey on some document clustering methods and proposal of a new one approach for hierarchical document clustering using closed itemsets.
DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF AN INVERTER TYPE 3KVA, 50 HZ, SINGLE-PHASE ARC WELDING MACHINE[Full-Text ] Engr. Ovbiagele U; Engr. Obaitan BWelding serves a variety of purposes across domains. Machinery and equipment fabrication, pipeline and manifold welding, structural welding, offshore welding and ornamental welding are examples of welding that take place in business and industry. Welding equipment has become one of the most important tools that a producer can possess hence the need to design and construct an arc-welding machine. In this paper, the authors designed and constructed 3KVA, 50 Hz, single-phase arc welding machine using locally available materials. To solve the problem of weight and size of conventional arc welding machine an inverter circuit was also designed. The inverter provides much higher frequency than 50Hz or 60 Hz for transformer used in welding. The locally constructed electric arc welding machine capable of withstanding 150 A, when subjected to insulation test, short circuit and open circuit test to certain performance characteristic were very satisfactory.
REPRESENTATION OF SUBALTERN IDENTITIES IN URDU PROGRESSIVE FICTION(WITH A SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SELECTED SHORT STORIES OF MUNSHI PREMCHAND AND KRISHAN CHANDER)[Full-Text ] Khamsa Qasim, Yusra YounusThis research intends to probe into the representation of the subaltern identities in the Urdu Progressive fiction. It focuses specifically on the analysis of the selected short stories written by Munshi Premchand and Krishan Chander. This research will try to approach the selected short stories from the Marxist perspective and by landing into the area where it overlaps with the condition of subalternity it will strive to investigate the socio-political conditions in which subalterns were caught up, suppressed and oppressed. It examines the relationship between subalternity and representation by analysing the ways in which that relationship has been played out in the domain of Urdu Progressive Fiction and brings to light the subaltern version of truth and the way they look at the reality of their lives and struggle to get out of the oppression and which in turn construct their identities. This research looks forward not only to approach the selected fiction from the postcolonial marxist perspective but to the revival of contemporary interest in Urdu progressive fiction too, which otherwise is considered a dried vein.
Properties of Functionally Graded Coating of Al2O3/ZrO2/HAP on SS 316L[Full-Text ] Rana Afif Majed AnaeeThis study describes the synthesis of ZrO2/HAP and Al2O3/ZrO2/HAP functionally graded coating on SS 316L as bioimplant by atomization and compared them with uncoated and coated samples with HAP alone. A suitable suspension that was based on ethanol was applied for coatings. AFM analysis used to characterize the coated surfaces and measure the roughness which indicates the increasing the roughness of ZrO2/HAP and Al2O3/ZrO2/HAP compared with HAP coating which provide the adhesion between the bioimplant and tissue. Corrosion measurements carried out to estimate the properties of coated surfaces and showed that functionally graded coating gave properties better than HAP coating through protection efficiencies and porosity percentages. Cyclic polarization measurements also confirm the above results.
Effect of Taurine on Acute Restraint Stress Induced Biochemical Alterations in Wistar Rats[Full-Text ] Ezekiel, I., Ayo, J. O., Tanko, Y. and Magaji, R. A.THE aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of taurine administration on biochemical parameters in Wistar rats subjected to acute restraint stress. Twenty four Wistar rats were divided into four groups of six rats each. The control group received distilled water and the other treatment groups were administered taurine at 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg. The treatments were administered once daily by oral gavage. The rats were sacrificed brain and blood samples were collected after 14 days. The brain malondialdehyde, Acetylcholineterase concentrations and the activities of brain antioxidant enzymes were evaluated. The serum samples were analyzed for proteins and enzymes concentration. The results indicated that acute restraint stress induced biochemical alterations in the rats. It is hypothesized that taurine might have decreased the alterations in the biochemical parameters through its antioxidant properties. It is concluded that taurine may be a useful prophylactic agent against biochemical alterations in individuals that are constantly exposed to one form of stress or another, as it counteracted the restraint stress-induced lipid peroxidation and maintained the antioxidant defense system to near normal.
Emotional Intelligence: A Theoretical framework[Full-Text ] Namrata Punia, Dr. Jayanti Dutta, Dr. Yukti SharmaThe term Emotional Intelligence (EI) was first introduced in the scientific literature in 1990. Since then, the development of models of EI and research in this field has increased substantially. In this manuscript, a theoretical and empirical review of history of EI is presented, including the teachability and value of emotional intelligence within an educational and developmental context. First, the broad interest on this concept is shown through qualitative and quantitative indexes. Then, current theoretical models of EI: the mental ability model; the Bar-On Model of Emotional-Social Intelligence; and Goleman’s model of EI are described in depth. Finally relevant keys about future considerations for research on EI, has been given. Specifically, 1) discusses the learning, development, and training potential of EI; and 2) considers the cross-cultural validity of EI. Overall this paper provides an encompassing look into the depth concept of emotional intelligence.
Evaluation of Thyroid hormone and lipid profile in patients with myocardial infarction and find the relation between them[Full-Text ] Israa Burhan Raoof, Raghad abdulmahdi,Ayad Kareem KhanMyocardial infarction (MI) occurs when blood flow stops to part of the heart causing damage to the heart muscle. lipid profile increased are the major causes of myocardial infarction (MI). Patient presented with chest pain and increasing shortness of breath for several days. Myocardial infarction associated with Hyperthyroidism and patients with ischaemic heart disease was a very high prevalence of hyperthyroidism. This work aimed to measure level of lipid profile and T3, T4, TSH and correlation between them in patients with myocardial infarction and control groups. The results showed significantly increased in mean value of Ch ,TG, LDL and VLDL and significantly decreased in mean value of HDL in patient with myocardial infarction when compared to control groups. Also the result appeared the mean value of T3 and T4 levels was significantly increased in patients with myocardial infarction when compared to control groups. In addition of that, the study showed the mean value of TSH decreased as compared to control groups, also there was positive significant correlation between T4 with (Ch , VLDL) but negative correlation betweenT4 and HDL .
Comparative Study on the Strength Characteristics of Reinforcement Bars from Local Industries and Imported Sources[Full-Text ] Nwakonobi, Theresa Ukamaka and Umar, Suleiman MuhammadThis paper is a report of the investigations conducted to compare the strength characteristics of reinforcement bars obtained from industries: Zhong Yang Industry Nigeria Limited (ZYI), Ajaokuta Steel Company limited (ASC) and imported source. Strength properties analyzed include ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, and percentage elongation for 12 mm steel reinforcing bars. The mean values of ultimate tensile strength (UTS) obtained for the 12mm bar are 626.38 N/mm2, 638.36 N/mm2, and 766.29N/mm2 for Zhong Yang Industry Nigeria Limited (ZYI), Ajaokuta Steel Company limited (ASC) and imported (IMP), respectively. These UTS values are all higher than the recommended limit set by BS449 1997, ASTM A706, and Nst65-Mn 1994. The yield strength (YS) values recorded are 443.92 N/mm2 for ZYI, 432.57 N/mm2 for ASC and 656.62N/mm2 for IMP bars. The yield strength value of ZYI bars fall below the recommended limit by BS449 1997 but is higher than that set by ASTM A706 and Nst65-Mn 1994. The yield strength value of ASC bars is also below the BS449 1997 limit but higher than that by ASTM A706 and Nst65-Mn 1994. The yield strength value of IMP is higher than all the set standards. The percentage elongations obtained are 30.64%, 29.40% and 20.81% for ZYI, ASC and IMP, respectively. These elongation values are not within the set standard limits. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) conducted on the generated data indicate significant differences in the mean values of all the strength parameters. The imported bars recorded the highest strength values and least percentage elongation than that from local sources.
Parametric Optimization of Warm Deep Drawing Process of 2014T6 Aluminum Alloy Using FEA[Full-Text ] A. Chennakesava ReddyIn this present work, a statistical approach based on Taguchi and Anova techniques and fininte element analysis have been adopted to determine the degree of significance of each of the process parameter on the formability of cup using warm deep drawing process. The process paprameters were thickness of balnk, temperature, coefficient of friction and strain rate. The thickness of sheet and temperature decrease the effective stress while the coefficient of friction and strain rate increase it. The height of cup increases with an increase in the warm drawing temperature. The damage in the cups was at high coefficient of friction. The formation of wrinkles was less with high coefficient of friction anfd with thick sheets.
Implementation of Diagnostics Module in Car-Infotainment system[Full-Text ] Swathi K, S M Narasimhan Nowadays In-vehicle entertainment is flourishing and is integrated with automotive navigation system. This constitutes a complete “in vehi-cle infotainment”. The present day radio in the automobile has advance features like the traditional Tuner sources - FM, AM. Media Sources like CD/DVD, USB Audio, Picture, Video, SD Card support, iPod, Pair a phone and listen to Music and access the Phone book and make or accept calls, configure the Radio and so much more like Navigation etc. In such In-vehicle entertainment systems, status of different modules and their connections becomes important for a technician who is performing its evaluation. In this scenario diagnostics comes into picture. Diagnostics refers to a vehicle's self-diagnostic and reporting capability. This paper presents implementation of Diagnostics in Car Radio which is done using three tests viz., Speaker Test, Display test, Connection Test and System Version Information test.
Design of miniaturized U-shaped parallel coupled bandpass filter[Full-Text ] Inder Pal Singh, Praveen bhatt, Manish GuptaThis paper proposed a synthesis of miniaturized U-shaped parallel coupled band pass filter. U-shaped BPF is originally a stair type parallel coupled BPF which is a modified structure realized by folding the arms of traditional stair type parallel coupled bandpass filter. U-shape filter consists of half wavelength long resonators and is designed using J-inverters. In this paper comparison has been made between the tradition stair type parallel coupled BPF and the U-shaped parallel coupled BPF on the basis of same parameters. Filter is designed for the centre frequency 10 GHz, dielectric constant 10.2 and dielectric height 0.635 mm. Proposed filter gained a FBW of 1% and reduction in size 40.7% compare to the tradition stair type parallel coupled BPF. Electromagnetic simulation software IE3D is implemented to design and optimize the filter.