Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2014 Edition
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A Static approach to optimize time cost and reiliability in Distributed Processing Environment[Full-Text ] Faizul Navi Khan, Kapil GovilDistributed Processing Environment refers setting up and managing computing and data exchange in a system of distributed computers. DPE is typically used in a larger network of computing system that includes different size servers scattered globally. In DPE more than one processor are used to perform the processing for an individual problem and numbers of tasks need to execute on different processors. Task allocation consist in finding an allocation of the tasks to the processors such that the total execution cost and time are minimized or processing reliability is maximized. So the ultimate objective of distributed processing is to improve the performance in terms to minimize cost and time and maximize reliability of DPE. In DPE a problem can be divided into one or multiple task modules and each of the task modules allocate on available processor for its execution. Different task modules processed on different processors in the DPE and sent back to the requested user/machine in combined form known as outcome or result. This research paper addresses task allocation problem for processing of ‘m’ tasks to ‘n’ processors (m>n) in a DPE. Task allocation approach, presented in this paper allocates the tasks to the processor to improve the performance of the DPE and it is based on the consideration of processing cost, time and reliability of the task to the processors. It also deals with various constraints of DPE like fault tolerance and resource accessibility in the event that one of the components fails. The nature of the assignment will be static.
Transport Layer’s Approaches for TCP Incast Problem at Data Center Networks[Full-Text ] Irfan Riaz Shohab, Muhammad Younas, Ramzan Talib, Umer SarwarData Centers have become very popular for storage a huge amount /volumes of data. Many companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, IBM, Yahoo, and Face Book use the data center for storage, Web Search, E-Commerce, and large scale computation. High Speed Links, Low Propagation Delay, Limited sizes Switch Buffer are the main characteristic of Data Center. Data Center in these days have hundreds of thousands of server, storage across many thousands of machines.TCP is the most popular transport layer protocol that is currently used in the internet. Data Center faces the different set of problem than internet. TCP Incast is the main problem that the data centers faces.TCP incast problem is refer to the TCP throughput collapse. When the multiple data senders simultaneously respond to a single receiver, that is called many to one communication pattern, the burst data overload the buffer of receiver’s switch. This causes the throughput collapse that degrades the performance and packets loss. That is so-called TCP incast problem. Many techniques, approaches and algorithms have been introduced for resolving the through put collapse problem of TCP. Due to the switching to cloud computing culture or cluster base switching system those are data centers. The researchers join the race of research to avoid the throughput collapse issue. Multilayer approaches & techniques are proposed for incast problem. Transport layer is the most important layer in the TCP/IP structure. This layer has the capabilities to handle or control to congestion. In this research work techniques for incast problem at Transport Layer level are discussed. In this research work attempt is made to discuss available possible solutions for researchers who want to work on the incast problem at Transport layer.
Determination of True Residual Stress within In-situ Sampled Clay[Full-Text ] A.A Owayo, C.Y OuThe objective of this study is to establish a reliable way to determine the residual stress in clay. During saturation in triaxial test, using residual stress as back pressure as opposed to the traditional saturation methods leads to better sample quali-ty. In this research the residual stress within the sample is measured and compared against the one that can be predicted with the help of the equation proposed by Skempton in 1954 based on the account of change in total stress during sampling. The re-sults do not exhibit any recognizable trend, in fact sometimes the prediction is quite good while the rest of the time not good. Thus in the absence of a perfect sample, the use of Skempton’s equation is more reliable.
Virtual Development of Voice Analysis as a Reliable Technique: A Review[Full-Text ] Ahuja Pooja, J. M. VyasVoice Authentication technique for forensic sample is generally a challenging task for automatic, semiautomatic and human based methods. The speech samples being compared may be recorded in different situations; e.g., one sample could be a yelling over the telephone, whereas the other might be a whisper in an interview room. A speaker could be disguising his or her voice, ill, or under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or stress in one or more of the samples. The speech samples will most likely contain noise, may be very short, and may not contain enough relevant speech material for comparative purposes. Each of these variables, in addition to the known variability of speech in general, makes reliable discrimination of speakers a complicated and daunting task.
Eye Simulation Using 3D Animation[Full-Text ] Lavina Advani, Shraddha Naik, Ritika Ray, Dr. A. R. Joshi, Anuja NagareThe project “Eye Simulation using 3D Animation” is an application developed under Aakash Lab at IIT-B which aims to maximize usage and reach of open source educational content using Aakash. This paper discusses the practical realization of basic difficulties faced by students to access and use multiple learning materials for complex human body structures like the eye and the approach to solve the same.
Adaptive Thresholding in Ultrasonograph Images[Full-Text ] Sowparnika.BThe development of segmentation using foetal ultrasound images is explained. The current paper work explains the development of enhancement and segmentation algorithms as the ultrasound diagnosis highly depends on the quality of the data. Developed algorithms segment the foetus and helps in analyzing the anatomical structure. This makes an easy diagnostic tool for the obstetricians to analyze and the data can be stored in the database for further analysis.
An Insight into the Action Potential Generation in the Hodgkin-Huxley model[Full-Text ] Dibya ThapaThe brain is one of the most complex organ in the living being and for years its complexity has overwhelmed researchers, physiolo-gists and neuroscientists. Trying to map its behavior right from the start of evolution has brought about only little success. Here we have concentrated on the basic unit of brain “neurons”. When the membrane potential reaches a certain threshold value spikes are generated. In this study we have applied concepts of computational modeling to the Hodgkin Huxley model equations which led to some interesting facts.
Various Approaches Used for Tagging and Chunking in Malayalam[Full-Text ] Rinku T S, Merlin Rajan, Varunakshi BhojaneParts of Speech (POS) tagging is the task of assigning to each word of a text the proper POS tag in its context of appearance in sentences. The chunking is the process of identifying and assigning different types of phrases in sentences. This paper describes the analysis of different approaches that are used in tagging and chunking in Malayalam language.
MSD Prevention[Full-Text ] Ruwaid ArabThe aim of this paper is to explain to the readers the definition of Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD), what causes MSD to occur, who gets MSD, how to prevent MSD and last but not least the cost of ignoring MSD problems and some MSD studies.
Online Payment for Toll Gates[Full-Text ] P Rithujas we see day to day, when we want to cross a toll gate moving from one place to the another, we need to wait in the queue for a long period of time and pay for the transportation. We find it very difficult to wait in the queue for such a long time. This could be overcome by using an online payment for toll gates. When once we decide the destination and the route to the destination we can find the number of toll gates on the way. This would help us in paying the amount for toll gates online. We can pay the amount online before we head for the journey. This has been introduced in San Francisco. Now the people entering to that place don’t have to wait for a longer period and do not have to worry about the change. Everything could be pre planned. The toll gate at San Francisco is the Golden Gate BRIDGE.
Novel Design Of Star-shaped Fractal Slot Antenna For Uwb Applications[Full-Text ] Sakshi Bansal, Devesh Kumar, Arun Kumar SinghIn this work, a star- shaped microstrip fractal antenna with partial ground has been designed with different iterations using High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS’13). The star shaped microstrip antenna is mounted on FR4 substrate and undergoes 5 levels of iterations. The antenna performance has compared for gain, bandwidth, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR), Radiation Pattern for five iterations. The antenna covers ultra wide band from 3 GHz – 9.1 GHz exhibiting good radiation characteristics in this band. The maximum gain of antenna is 5.13 dBi for fifth iteration of star-shaped patch is achieved.
Numerical Method to Determine Effective Thermal Conductivity of Perforated Plate Matrix Heat Exchanger Surfaces and its Experimental Validation[Full-Text ] Anish K. John, K. Krishnakumar, Rathish T. R.For high end heat exchanging applications in cryogenics and space application, compactness and effectiveness are the key factors which determine the performance of heat exchanger. Matrix heat exchanger with perforated plate heat surfaces has both criterions to suit into these applications. High thermal conductivity plate and low thermal conductivity spacers are stacked together to obtain low longitudinal heat conductance and thus near cent percent effectiveness to the heat exchanger. In this work, numerical methods are used to obtain the effective thermal conductivity of different types of perforated plates using ANSYS software. The effect of porosity and perforation perimeter factor, which is a ratio between perimeter of the perforation to the plate thickness, is studied. The experimental data confirms the design approach.
Design Of A Sierpinski Fractal Shaped Bow-tie Antenna For Wlan Applications[Full-Text ] Samira Ahmed, Arun Kumar Singh, Devesh KumarA bow-tie shaped fractal antenna fed by microstrip line is proposed, that has the potential of operating in a several of the currently broad band commercial existing systems for WLAN applications. The impedance bandwidth increases by using the fractal configuration. A 50-ohm Microstrip line is used to excite the patch. The antenna has been simulated using HFSS simulation software, and the performance is studied for the second iteration of the patch. The measured results demonstrate that the structure exhibits a wide impedance bandwidth of 59.8% ranging from 2.5 GHz to 4.3 GHz, which covers WLAN applications.
Effects of Maintenance Grouping Strategy on Critical Equipment Availability in Petrochemical Industry[Full-Text ] B. Kareem and A.O. Jewo The main purpose of the research is to develop a mathematical model that would aid the prediction of critical equipment failure period, determine the maintenance probability as well as analyze maintenance cost under different operating conditions and maintenance grouping strategy so that the most cost-effective grouping strategy is obtained. In the study, equipment failure probability was utilized in determining maintenance cost under different maintenance grouping strategies (dynamic, opportunistic and static maintenance grouping strategies). Condition monitored data of the critical equipment (a single-stage centrifugal compressor) components was collected at Warri Refinery and Petrochemical Company, Ekpan-Warri, Nigeria. This data was used to validate the developed model. The result shows that the maintenance cost is affected by both equipment speed condition and the maintenance grouping strategy adopted. It was generally observed that the failure probabilities for static and dynamic maintenance grouping strategies are very low, which implies that there is low maintenance severity and consequent reduction in maintenance backlog. Maintenance set-up cost can substantially be saved when maintenance activities on different components are executed simultaneously, (maintenance grouping). Since execution of a group of maintenance activities requires single set-up, maintenance practitioners can use the knowledge of optimal maintenance grouping strategy to effectively schedule maintenance activities and thus reduce maintenance cost significantly. The outcomes have led to optimal decision making on the economic selection of appropriate maintenance grouping strategy.
Preparation of Papers for International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research[Full-Text ] Malika Singh, Santosh, Ameeta KhannaIn this paper we examine the audio source separation problem using the general framework of Independent Component Analysis (ICA). For the greatest part of the analysis, it has been assumed that equal number of sensors and sound objects. Firstly, it explores the case that the auditory scene is modeled as instantaneous mixtures of the auditory objects, to establish the basic tools for the analysis. The case of real room recordings, modeled as convolutive mixtures of the auditory objects, is then introduced. A novel Fast ICA framework is introduced, using two possible implementations. A great number of audio source separation problems can be addressed successfully using Independent Component Analysis. And concludes by highlighting some of the as yet unsolved problems to tackle the actual audio source separation problem in full.
Mircobial Assisted Rapid Composting Of Agriculture Residues[Full-Text ] Akshad V Patle, Dr. S. P. M. Prince Williams, Jagdish Gabhane, Hiya Dhar, Dr. P.B. NagarnaikWaste composition depends a wide range of factors such as cultural traditions, lifestyle, climate, food habits and income etc. Composting is the controlled aerobic de-composition of organic matter into a stable, humus- like product called compost. It has certain benefits like reduced odor, fly and other vector problems: and reduced weed seeds and pathogens. Composting is easily adapted to agricultural operation as farms generally produce suitable amounts and types of waste for composting, have adequate land, will benefit from the application of compost to the soil, and have the necessary equipment already available. Rapid composting technology involves inoculating the plant substrates used for composting with cultures of Trichodermaharziamum, a cellulose decomposer fungus. There must be favorable conditions for the decay process, such as adequate moisture, an appropriate initial C: N ratio of substrates, and aeration.
Compact and Scalable Elliptic Curve Crypto Processor in Binary Field[Full-Text ] A.Suhirtha Subha, Rahila BilalElliptic Curve Cryptography plays a vital role in securing the information for the past two decades. Implementing ECC in hardware is more efficient than software. A processor is said to be compact, if its implementation space is small compared to its execution speed and is scalable if this processor is used with different key sizes. Different metrics such as execution time, implementation space and energy consumption are used to quantitatively measure the performance of ECC processor. This ECC processor consumes 87 %, 92 % of the I/O pins from Quartus 10.1 Arria GX namely EP1AGX50DF1152C6, Cyclone III namely EP3C40F780C6 respectively. This also consumes the power of 671.12 mW in 44 ms and 150.39 mW in 40 ms from Quartus 10.1 Arria GX namely EP1AGX50DF1152C6, Cyclone III namely EP3C40F780C6 respectively.
Analytical Expressions for an Electrochemical Biosensor employing the Enzymes Glucose Oxidase & Horseradish Peroxidase using the Homotopy Perturbation Method[Full-Text ] P. Felicia Shirly, V. Ananthaswamy, L. RajendranA mathematical model of an electrochemical enzyme biosensor is analyzed. This model is based on the existence of a convection layer, where the glucose concentration is maintained constant and a diffusion layer. This article deals with approximate analytical expressions of the system of non–linear differential equations that describe the kinetics of the enzyme-substrate reactions, according to the Michaelis-Menten scheme. The analytical expressions for the enzymes, substrate and product have been derived for all values of the parameters. Satisfactory agreement is acquired in the comparison of approximate analytical solution and numerical simulation.