Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2014 Edition
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EFFECT OF LOAN CONTRACT TERMS IN FINANCING OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (SMEs) IN KENYA[Full-Text ] Caroline Ayuma Okelo, Gregory S. Namusonge, Mike E.IravoThis study aims at assessing the effects of loan contract terms in formal financing on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Kenya. Companies based in Mombasa County have been selected to represent the rest. The study uses the existing theoretical underpinnings to identify the loan contract terms and then the survey method to assess their impact. Specific to study, small and medium enterprises are defined as those employing one to fifty workers and having a capital investment up to Kshs. 5 million. This study aims at investigating how loan contract terms have hindered the acquisition of loans by SMEs hence denying them the opportunity for growth. Due to the existence of numerous SMEs in Mombasa, this study will be limited to those financed by Mombasa Municipality Trade Development Joint loan Board (MMTDJB). The rationale behind this choice is that it plays a big role in providing financing as well as professional and technical advice to customers on investment. Many SMEs however still seek for alternative financing due to the stringent loan contract terms. The study draws upon the different theories to give recommendations on policies and controls that will make loans more accessible to SMEs by making the loan contract terms more favourable
An Improved Up-Growth Algorithm For Mining High Utility Itemsets From Transactional Databases[Full-Text ] Ms. Jyoti Ashokkumar AidaleIn the field of data mining it is very important to find interesting pattern from the transactional databases. To improving the efficiency of business applications, it is essential for producing itemsets that are frequently purchasing & association rules from a large amount of data sources. One of the fundamental mining methods is frequent pattern mining discovering useful pattern, and there is a need to find high utility itemsets to improve the performance of business management. In recent years, Utility mining becomes an important topic in the field of data mining. Finding itemsets with high utility from transactional databases. Even though we had a number of different algorithms, there are some problem with those existing mechanisms proposed in past. Those producing a large number of candidate itemsets, which minimizes the mining performance in terms of execution time and space requirement.
Sulfa Guanidine Azo Derivatives as Environmentally - Friendly Corrosion Inhibitors for Nickel in HCl Solution: Theoretical and Experimental Study[Full-Text ] Hala.M.Hassan, A.M.Eldesoky and Wael A. ZordokThe protection influence of three sulfa guanidine azo derivatives against nickel corrosion was studied in 0.5 M HCl solutions at 25oC. Measurements were conducted under various experimental conditions using potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and electrochemical frequency modulation (EFM) techniques. These studies have shown that sulfa guanidine azo derivatives are very good ‘‘green”, mixed-type inhibitors. Electrochemical frequency modulation (EFM) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) method of analysis are also presented here for monitoring corrosion. Corrosion rates obtained from both EFM and EIS methods are comparable with those recorded using Tafel extrapolation method, confirming validation of corrosion rates measured by the latter. The inhibitive action of these sulfa guanidine azo derivatives was discussed in terms of blocking the electrode surface by adsorption of the molecules through the active centers contained in their structures following Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Quantum chemical method was also employed to explore the relationship between the inhibitor molecular properties and its protection efficiency. The density function theory (DFT) is used to study the structural properties of sulfa guanidine azo derivatives in aqueous phase in an attempt to understand their inhibition mechanism. The protection efficiencies of these compounds showed a certain relationship to highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) energy, Mulliken atomic charges and Fukui indices.
Compression and clustering of ECG Signal[Full-Text ] Preeti Rathee, Pooja Sabharwal,Dr.Latika SinghElectrocardiogram(ECG) denotes the potential fluctuations, the electrical activity of heart recorded from the source. As it is a very long signal and require lots of time to preprocess . Compression technique are required to extract the useful data for diagnosis of diseases. ECG Signal compression also improves the transmission speed of real time real signal. A ECG signal consist of QRS complexes, P and T waves. Various research have been developed for ECG Compression. For compression there will be good compression ratio and less loss of data after compression. This paper discuss about the techniques proposed earlier in literature for ECG classification . In addition it also describes the Wavelet Compression technique for compression.
Give Voice to the Voiceless Using Microcontroller and Digital Gloves[Full-Text ] Sumathi M S, Ashwin B M, Balaji V, Sharath M KumarGlove-based systems represent one of the most important efforts aimed at acquiring hand movement data.Generally dumb people use sign language for communication but they find difficulty in communicating with others who do not understand sign language. It is based on the need of developing an electronic device that can translate sign language into speech in order to make the communication take place between the mute communities with the general public possible, a Wireless data gloves is used which is normal cloth driving gloves fitted with flex sensors along the length of each finger and the thumb. Mute people can use the gloves to perform hand gesture and it will be converted into speech so that normal people can understand their expression. This paper provides the map for developing such a digital glove. It also analyzes the characteristics of the device and discusses future wok. A foremost goal of this paper is to provide readers with a basis for understanding glove system technology.
Automatic Maximum Power Point Tracking for Photovoltaic Generators using ARM Processor[Full-Text ] Daphni S, Kumaresan N, Prabakaran C RThis paper presents a fast and unconditionally stable maximum power point tracking scheme with high tracking efficiency is proposed for photovoltaic generators. Due to the variation of atmospheric conditions, the photovoltaic (PV) cells do not supply the stable maximum power usually. Some days PV cells provide low power, at that situation the low power can be boosted up to maximum power and applied for special applications.The MPPT power stage is implemented by means of a DC-DC converter and at the front end, most commonly pulse width modulation (PWM) is used. The processing analysis is controlled by ARM-11 (Raspberry pi), and the power result is viewed by any monitor display (T.V or laptop). Thus the system gives the stable maximum power for any situations even for supplying low power from photovoltaic generators. The system uses the ARM11 (Advanced Risc Machine) processor with an RTOS. The Real-Time Linux (RT Linux) operating system is used in this maximum power point tracking method. This paper work contains the RTLinux installation, kernel patching, configuration, compilation, and the maximum power point tracking.
Effect of Compressor Inlet Temperature & Relative Humidity on Gas Turbine Cycle Performance[Full-Text ] Anoop Kumar Shukla & Onkar SinghGas turbine cycle power plants are being extensively used for power generation across the world. The variation in temperature and humidity of atmospheric air significantly affects the plant performance of naturally aspirated compressors in gas turbine based installations. There occurs the deviation in temperature from less than 5oC to more than 45oC and relative humidity variation from less than 24% to more than 81% in tropical countries. Gas turbine output is a strong function of the ambient air temperature with its’ power output dropping by 0.5-0.9% for every 1oC rise in ambient temperature due to air density becoming smaller on hot days. Inlet air cooling is one of the options for maintaining the temperature of admitting air in desired limits. There are various options for inlet air conditioning such as the cooling by evaporative coolers, absorption cooling etc. In this paper a study is undertaken for the analysis of the effect of humidity and compressor inlet temperature on the performance of the gas turbine cycle power plant. Study involves thermodynamic modeling of gas turbine cycle considering the effect of humidity & inlet air temperature on the cycle performance based on the first law of thermodynamics. The results obtained on the basis of modeling have been presented and analyzed in the form of graphical patterns through variations in efficiency, specific work output, cycle pressure ratio, inlet air temperature & density variation, turbine inlet temperature, specific fuel consumption etc. Conclusions obtained are of immense utility to the power sector professionals, especially in those countries where there is significant variation in ambient air conditions.
A Novel Area Efficient Encoder/Decoder Design for Crosstalk Noise Elimination in SOC/ASIC[Full-Text ] Vidya Patel.N, D.R.Shilpa, Dr.B.V.UmaMost of the encoding methods proposed in recent years have dealt with only RC modeled VLSI interconnects. For deep submicron technologies (DSM), on-chip inductive effects have increased due to faster clock speeds, smaller signal rise times and longer length of on-chip interconnects. All these issues raise the concern for crosstalk, propagation delay and power dissipation of overall. Therefore, this paper introduces an efficient Bus Encoder using Bus Inverting (BI) method. The proposed design dramatically reduces both crosstalk and power dissipation in RLC modeled interconnects which makes it suitable for current high-speed low-power VLSI interconnects. The proposed model demonstrates an overall reduction in the number of transistors used by 30%.
Comparitive analysis of various Ranking Algorithms for web Page Retrieval[Full-Text ] Roopali Jindal, Ashok Kumar, Dr. Dheerendra Singh, Dr. R.N RajotiaThe World Wide Web consists of millions of interconnected web pages that provide information to the user present in any part of the world. The World Wide Web is expanding and growing in size and the complexity of the web pages. That is why it is necessary to retrieve the best or the web pages that are more relevant in terms of information for the query entered by the user in the search engine. To extract the relevant web pages, the search engine requires a ranking module that applies a ranking algorithm on the web to fetch the web pages in order of the importance of the information entered by the user in the query. The ranking algorithm is much efficient to rank the surface web, i.e. the web pages that can be indexed by the search engine, as well as the hidden web, i.e. the web pages that cannot be indexed by the search engine. This paper compares the ranking algorithms that are very efficient to find the future scope and the methodology to calculate the relevancy of the web page.
Organizing Data in Cloud using Clustering Approach[Full-Text ] Esha Sarkar, C.H SekharCloud computing is the latest technology that delivers computing resources as a service such as infrastructure, storage, application development platforms, software etc. Cloud computing is gaining popularity and now-a-days it is on the boom. Huge amount of data is stored in the cloud which needs to be retrieved efficiently. The retrieval of information from cloud takes a lot of time as the data is not stored in an organized way. Data mining is thus important in cloud computing. We can integrate data mining and cloud computing (Integrated Data Mining and Cloud Computing– IDMCC) which will provide agility and quick access to the technology. The integration should be so strong that it will be able to deal with increasing production of data and will help in efficient mining of massive amount of data. In this paper, we provide brief description about cloud computing and clustering techniques. Then, it also describes about cloud data mining. This paper proposes a model that applies hierarchical clustering algorithm in the data storage cloud to cluster the data based on the type of data being uploaded by various end users.
Hybrid Image Fusion implemented in DTCWT[Full-Text ] Ritika GurjarAcquiring a perfect perception and clarity in image resolution by applying prevailing fusion techniques is one of the challenging and advancing focus of research work. The multisensory fusion of images is having tremendous benefits in various sensitive applications like medical diagnosis for treatment , military and defence applications, computer perceptions , remote sensing , etc. This paper focuses on the emolument of the Hybrid Image fusion technique in recently developed, one of the most advanced wavelet fusion techniques - DTCWT (Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform) technique. As proved by various qualitative and quantitative analysis DTCWT is an improved fusion method than DWT (Discrete Wavelet transform ) having presence of phase information in coefficients of complex wavelet , appreciable directionality , shift invariance and better resolution fused results.
An Immersive Learning Approach to Teach Science Experiments[Full-Text ] Dr. Abhijit Joshi, Arindam Bose, Rahul Mehta, Kashyap ShahIn this paper we propose a solution to problem faced by most school/high school students of the current generation, i.e., the inability to perform science lab experiments at their comfort and their own pace. We are combining Augmented Reality, Real-time Digital Image Processing technologies with the latest advancements in Gaming on smart-phones to create an application that enables school students to perform their school lab sessions virtually on their smart-phones, with a level of interactivity and lifelikeness never seen before. The exponential growth in smartphone CPU and GPU performance over the last couple of years now allows the deployment of rich, high fidelity; Augmented Reality (AR) based applications on low to mid-range mobile hardware, this in-turn helps to develop a solution that is more cost effective than actually buying/renting laboratory equipment. Students will be able to turn ordinary pieces of paper into interactive lab instruments using AR on their smartphones.
Audio Steganography using RSA Algorithm and Genetic based Substitution method to Enhance Security[Full-Text ] Gaurav Singh,Kuldeep Tiwari,Shubhangi SinghAudio Steganography is a technique used to transmit hidden information by modifying an audio signal is an imperceptible manner.It is a method that ensures secured data transfer between parties normally in internet community.In this paper we present an approach for resolving the problem related to the substitution technique of audio steganography.In first level of security we use RSA algorithm to encrypt message,In the next level,encrypted message is to be encoded in to audio data for this we used genetic algorithm based substitution method.the basic idea behind this paper is to enhance the security and robustness.
PREVENTING BANK PROBLEMS : BANKING SUPERVISION SYSTEM SUED IN INDONESIA[Full-Text ] Yunsak El Halcon, M. Amin Qodri, Raffles That if there is a bank having problems in operational flying businesses is actually the fact that reasonable , because the bank's business is full of risks , hence , the supervision of the bank's business to be done , if not fraudulent " fraud " banks will continue to update their modus operandi , Case example : Century Bank robbed by the owner himself (2008 ) , and made fictitious Credit Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Head Bogor ( 2013) , where lies the crucial a bank should be monitored internally and externally . Bank supervision practices BI refers to best practice prevailing in many developed countries . There are two things that made the Bank Supervisory control is based on compliance ( complaiance based supervision / CBS ) and supervision based on risk ( risk-based supervision / RBS ) . In fact there are still troubled banks from fraudulent behavior actions (fraud ) even berunsur criminal and corrupt practices by banks bersatus failed . The main substance of troubled banks is not just a question of more serious NPL is the issue of governance ( corporate governance ) are not going well to the detriment of the bank , when the bank issues only NPL , bank supervisors wearing only status ; banks under intensive supervision , when the issue more serious such as a liquidity crisis , default or any governance until potentially the bank crime then the supervisor will put the bank under special surveillance or closed with a license has been revoked . With the enactment of Law No. 21 Year 2011 About Financial Services Authority , is expected to reform the unified and integrated supervisory system and can provide legal certainty for banks in Indonesia .
A SPECTRUM DECISION FRAMEWORK FOR REAL TIME AND BEST EFFORT APPLICATIONS IN COGNITIVE RADIO NETWORKS[Full-Text ] Mitulkumar D. Patel, Prof. S. B. Mule, Dr. S. R. GanorkarRF spectrum is a scarce resource. It is inefficient when no of users are increased. So cognitive radio is developed for provide to efficient use of bandwidth utilization. Licensed users are primary users and unlicensed users are secondary users. Cognitive radio enables the secondary usage of unused licensed spectrum band. In this Paper, we propose spectrum decision framework for best effort application and real time applications in cognitive radio networks. Spectrum decision framework for real time applications, it minimizes the capacity variance of decided selected band. For best effort applications, spectrum decision framework decides the spectrum band to maximize the total network capacity.
Drag over Contaminated Fluid Sphere with Slip Condition[Full-Text ] J.V. Ramana Murthy, Phani Kumar MeduriIn this manuscript stokes viscous flow past a partially contaminated fluid sphere with interfacial slip condition is considered. No mass transfer, zero tangential velocity on contaminated part, interfacial slip condition over clear part, shear stress continuity on clear part and regularity condition at far away from the body are considered for boundary conditions for evaluation of stream function. Drag on the contaminated fluid sphere is evaluated. As a special case (i) fluid sphere with no slip condition, (ii) sphere with no slip conditions are also deduced from the obtained results.
DNA based in silicon (Inchrosil)[Full-Text ] Carlos Llopis, Silvia Llopis, Jose Daniel LlopisFrom Watson-Crick discovered DNA structure; there are lot researches in several fields of science about this topic, in special biology. Computer science is not an exception, Professor Adleman with his research and experimentation about new computation with DNA, opened new research way with organic DNA strands (which is called DNA Computing). In this article, we would like to give another point view, with artificial materials, by this reason, the document relates to an electronic system for emulating the DNA strand of a chromosome, which is characterized in that it includes means for the binary coding of the four types of nucleotides (A, G, C, T) that form the strands, such that the nucleotides that form complementary links are assigned complementary codes. Furthermore, with one minimal electronic module to emulate pair of nucleotides, it is possible to create complex electronic structures to solve NP and NP-Complete problems in polynomial times.
Electron Density of States in High Temperature Superconductors[Full-Text ] A.P. SinghThe evaluation of one electron thermodynamic Green’s functions using the equation of motion technique of quantum dynamics via newly formulated Hamiltonian and using Dyson’s equation approach. This involves approximation free approach and different cooper pairs are emerged automatically in the system and stands as an ab-initio approach. The detailed description of enhancement in the electron density of states (EDOS) for high temperature superconductors has been investigated. The investigated expressions of EDOS in the new framework are found responsible to describe a large number of dynamical properties of high temperature superconductors. The temperature dependence of EDOS has been found as a unique feature of the theory, which certainly becomes the outcome of the anharmonic interactions. The presence of electron-phonon interaction parameter in each term is an additional and new feature of the theory.
SPECTROSCOPICAL ANALYSIS OF TRIDAX PROCUMBENS L.[Full-Text ] Prof.Vaishali.N.AgmeThis paper is in order to focus on various medicinal properties of Tridax Procumbens L. & on the investigation of active principle as well as several potential therapeutic activities present in Tridax procumbens L. (Asteraceae), Commonly Called as “Coat Button”. In this present work, we have isolated & determined various functional groups present in intermediate of various Compounds / drugs like Nimesulide, Celebrex, Xeloda, Omeprazol, Velade,Vidaza,Busulfex,Lomustine,Vistide,Diflucan,Daunoxome,Cytovene,Abelcet etc. By the Phytochemical & Spectroscopical analysis of present herbs, we have analyzed & found that it is the most important medicinal plants possessing various anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-dandruff, emollient, anti-healing, anti-AIDS, & can be used against various disorders. The leaf juice can be used to cure fresh wounds to stop bleeding as well as hair tonic.
Practical Solution For Usage of Desalination Unit Wastewater: Mobin Petrochemical Complex as Strategic Utility Unit[Full-Text ] Alireza Pakdel, Farshad Farahbod, Sara FarahmandIn this experimental study a suggested pretreatment process for the effluent wastewater from the desalination unit of Mobin Petrochemical complex in south of Iran is considered. The goals of this pretreatment process is softening the wastewater as much as possible to prepare the feed stream for salt production units and also the first stage of processes related to zero discharge desalination (ZDD). The main parameters such as the effectiveness of three commercial mineral coagulants, Aluminum Sulfate, , Ferric Sulfate, and Ferric Chloride, , individually in removing of the total hardness, the optimized amounts of Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Hydroxide and the optimum mixing rate of the first reactor are surveyed in the laboratory. Main properties of clarified produced water such as total hardness, alkalinity and total dissolved solid, pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, Calcium hardness and Magnesium hardness are evaluated in each run. Comparing the results reveals the optimum values of the main parameters.
Multi-hop Cluster Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Approach for Cognitive Radio Networks[Full-Text ] Ahmed Kozal, Madjid Merabti, Faycal BouhafsSpectrum sensing is a key function in cognitive radio networks to detect vacant frequency bands for secondary (unlicensed) users without causing any interference to the transmission of primary (licensed) users. Due to the destructive conditions of sensing channel such as multipath fading and shadowing, a local sensing may not be able to meet the requirements for reliable sensing. Therefore, cooperative spectrum sensing is introduced to detect the primary user more accurately. Clustering approach is considered as an effective method that used in cooperative spectrum sensing to tackle the degradation in the performance of spectrum sensing due to fading and shadowing of reporting channel, and also to reduce the control channel overhead when the number of cooperative users becomes very large. However, most existing cluster-based cooperative spectrum sensing approaches are based on one-hop communication between the cluster heads and the fusion centre, which are suitable for small-scale networks. In practice, the fusion centre is usually located far away from the primary networks in the case of large-scale cognitive radio networks, which leads to some cluster heads to be far from the fusion centre. Such a case, the distant cluster heads will need more power to report their cluster results to the fusion centre, also may deteriorate the overall sensing performance at the fusion center due to reporting errors. In this paper, we propose a multi-hop cluster-based cooperative spectrum sensing scheme using Centralised Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH-C) protocol in order to reduce the power consumption and prolong the network’s lifetime, as well as improving the sensing performance. The simulation results show that our algorithm can achieve better energy gains as well as less delay than conventional cooperative spectrum sensing algorithms.
Pure SV Verification Environment Methodology for ASIC Verification[Full-Text ] Dhara GohelNowadays there is ever-increasing density, development cost and turn-around time of VLSI chips. So it becomes increasingly important to have a design verification methodology which enables first-pass chips to be fully functional. The development time and effort can be reduced significantly by reusing design blocks from one project to the next. Verification consumes much more resources than design does in a typical design project, it would be of great value to build verification components that are modular and reusable. In this paper a verification environment is presented for ASIC verification which uses System Verilog (SV) as a Hardware Verification language (HVL) for its implementation.
Influence of edge crack parameters and type of laods on the Buckling behavior of Composite Laminated Plates[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Adnan Naji Jameel, Eng. Aziz D. M. Al-Mawash The present study focused mainly on the buckling behavior of cracked composite laminated plates (edge cracks) subjected to mechanical loads. The critical buckling load was studied for cracked composite laminated plates and it subjected for two types of compression loads (uniaxial or biaxial). This study included effect of crack parameters (length and position) for two boundary conditions. The problem was solved numerically and employing the finite element method by using ANSYS program to estimate of critical buckling load. The main conclusion from this wark was confirmation that the buckling behavior of cracked laminated plate for SSSS boundary condition vary inversely for SFSF.
Modeling and Investigation of Vertical Laminar Airflow with Perimeter Air Curtain Ventilation System in Surgical Site of Hospital Using Computational Fluid Dynamics[Full-Text ] S B Thool, S L SinhaTraditionally vertical laminar flow system has been preferred for infection control due to airborne contaminants. This arrangement requires high air change rates based on the size of the treated area. Because of mixing at the boundary of the air piston, the perimeter of laminar flow panel array should be sized to extend beyond the critical work envelope by at least 15 cm.
EFFECT OF ACUTE AND SUBLETHAL TOXICITY OF NITRITE TO FRESH WATER FISH CIRRHINUS MRIGALA[Full-Text ] Yesudass ThangamThe effects of nitrite toxicity in freshwater fish Cirrhinus mrigala is mainly focused on acute and sublethal toxicity. During acute toxicity, poisoning, impaired oxygen carrying capacity of blood together with other physiological changes (disruption of ion regulatory, cardiovascular, and excretory processes) leads to death of fish. The fish showed various behavioural changes such as restlessness, abnormal swimming, behaviour, loss of balance, copious secretion of mucous and spreading of excess mucous all over the body surface, hyper excitability, loss of scales, floating upside down with abdomen directed towards, rapid opercular movement, gulping of air, asphyxiation and finally jerky movement before the death. Long-term exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of nitrite have considerable influence on fish health and physiological functions, namely a reduction of assimilation efficiency and subsequent decrease and suppression of growth, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit values and decrease in leukocyte count and glucose concentration in the blood plasma. The result of these studies indicate that the toxicity of nitrite varies widely. This may be influenced by inter-species in the efficacy of nitrite transport and exclusion across gill epithelium. The median lethal concentration (LC50) of nitrite to an Indian major carp, Cirrhinus mrigala for 24h and 96h were found to be 28.31 and 19.95 mg/L respectively. 1/10 of the value for 24h (2.831) was taken as sublethal concentration.
ARSENIC CONTAMINATION OF TUBE WELL WATER IN CHITTAGONG CITY, BANGLADESH- A CASE STUDY[Full-Text ] M.A. Malek, M.N. Uddin, M. Atiquzzaman, A.H.M.G. Hyder, S.K. PalitArsenic, a semi-metal, colourless, tasteless and odourless toxic element, is known as the “King of Poison” at present. Arsenicosis is a well-known chronic disease which occurs due to drinking of arsenic contaminated tube well water having arsenic level exceeding the normal level for a prolonged period. It is likely to create a significant health impact ranging from skin lesions to cancer culminating in death. In 2008, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET) and the Institution of Engineers Bangladesh, Chittagong Centre (IEBC) have been jointly conducted a sample survey in 41 Wards, administrative sub-divisions, of the Chittagong city in Bangladesh. From the research, arsenic has been found in shallow tube well water in 13 city wards which exceeds WHO guideline value of 0.01 mg/l for drinking water. In the present work, South Bakalia-a city ward in Chittagong has been taken as the study area for detailed investigation where arsenic concentration was found as 0.3 mg/l to 0.4 mg/l in sample survey. All the tube wells of the ward were tested for measuring arsenic concentration in the field by collecting water sample from tube wells using Wagtech Arsenic Field Test Kit (UK). Arsenic contaminated tube-wells have been marked with red colour paint for future reference and to create public awareness. A total number of 45 deep tube well’s water were also tested randomly throughout the ward and found free from arsenic. Arsenic contamination has been found only in shallow tube wells and clustered in particular areas. Considering the result, arsenic contaminated prone areas within the ward have been identified so that people of the area consume water for drinking purpose from alternate sources.
An efficient way to improve the security in Peer-to-Peer network using the Closed Trusted Community[Full-Text ] V.Masthanamma, M.NarayananRecently peer to peer systems are developing a lot. In the same way they are not secured. So am using the trusted community to develop the peers. By using this community they can develop a trusted relationship. Nowadays they were using the closed communities to secure and develop the peers. This closed community will be in large strength. But in the trusted community there will be the less strength and moreover it does not contain not more than three members. That means if the acknowledgement is received the information will be shared. So this is said to be trusted community. To implement this paper am using an algorithm called as trusted graph. The advantage in this paper is that we can check the trust level of the peer.
A Robust Face Recognition method[Full-Text ] G.Seshikala,U.P.Kulakrni,M.N.GiriPrasadThis paper presents face recognition system using curvelet transform. Face feature extraction has been done by taking the curvelet transform of the bit quantized images. The coefficient of curvelet transform is taken as a feature set using SVM classifier. The experimental results shows that the number of coefficients used in feature sets are less with higher efficiency of recognition. The experimental analysis also suggests that a multimodal biometric recognition system can be implemented using minimum feature sets and curvelet transform can be used as a robust method for feature extraction.
Effective & Qualitative LMS Through Merging With SNP[Full-Text ] Khader Musbah titiIT infrastructure viewed as an organizational core competency that is vital for organizations to survive and prosper in the current world. eLearning as a primary means of instruction is expanding significantly at educational level. However, most of the current educational institutions tend to emphasize on its benefits only. Students’ interactions, attention and communications are relatively low in the current LMS. Moreover, collaboration among learners themselves in real time is not supported by LMS. On the other hand, the growth of social networking sites (SNS) such as Facebook and others are also growing among today’s academy students. The main aim of this research is to suggest a model for eLearning, which might be adopted and used for educational institutions over the whole world. The focus of this new model will be on the process of integration of social networking platform (SNP) with LMS to overcome some of the restrictions of LMS.