Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2014 Edition
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A Collusion-resistant Acknowledgement-based Secure Intrusion Detection System for MANETs[Full-Text ] Ms. Anjaly G D, Ms. J C KavithaMANETs are based on wireless multi-hop communication. To ensure correct operation, nodes need to cooperate and forward messages from other nodes. However there can be misbehaving nodes that can silently drop packets. Such misbehaviors can be either an individual node misbehavior or misbehavior of nodes in collusion. In this paper, a new approach is proposed to identify and mitigate the packet dropping due to individual node misbehavior and collusion.The scheme also avoids the issue of forged acknowledgements. This secure collusion-resistant acknowledgement-based scheme, called CRACK is introduced based on DSR protocol. Simulation results are presented to estimate the performance of the proposed scheme and compare it with the other methods.
Study of Various Technical Systems Incorporated in a Metro Rail System[Full-Text ] Karan AroraThis paper emphasizes on some of the essential technical systems that are incorporated in a metro rail. Broadly, the mechanical systems, pneumatic systems, braking systems and door mechanism have been dealt with in detail. The information presented is a result of extensive study performed at the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC's) rolling stock department.
Unique Authentication Mechanism for Distributed Computer Networks Security[Full-Text ] B Viswanadh, Earasappamurali UA is a new verification mechanism that enables a legal user with a single identity to be authenticated by multiple service providers in a distributed computer network. In this paper, however, we effusive that Chang–Lee scheme is actually insecure as it fails to meet credential privacy and soundness of authentication. Specifically, we present two pretending attacks. The first attack allows a spiteful service provider, who has successfully communicated with a legal user twice, to recover the user’s details and then to pretending the user to access resources and services offered by other service providers. In another attack, an outsider without any details may be able to enjoy network services freely by pretending any legal user or a nonexistent user. We identify the pitfalls in their security arguments to explain why attacks are possible against Chang–Lee scheme. Our attacks also apply to another UA scheme proposed by Hsu and Chuang, which inspired the design of the Chang–Lee scheme. Moreover, by applying an efficient verifiable encryption of RSA signatures proposed by Ateniese, we propose an improvement for repairing the Chang–Lee scheme. We advertise the formal study of the soundness of authentication as one open problem.
Comparative Analysis of Energy Detection and Cyclostationary Feature Detection using Simulink[Full-Text ] Kulbir Singh, Rita MahajanNearly 79 to 89 percent of the radio spectrum is not utilized at any instant of time, while on the other hand some regions of spectrum suffer from congestion simultaneously. A cognitive radio is an intelligent radio that can recognize the idle frequencies as well named as spectral holes or white spaces (which are not being used by any primary or licensed user) and allot them for the use of unlicensed secondary users. The basic functionality of a cognitive radio is aware of it environment, internal state, and location, which automatically to adjust to parameters (e.g. determine the RF environment, channel conditions, link performance) to achieve desired objective in response to the unexpected changes in the characteristics. Basic function of cognitive radio is to sense the spectrum precisely by evading any chances of hindrance or interference to primary or licensed users. By using spectrum sensing, cognitive radios can adapt themselves to the eternal wireless network. Spectrum sensing can be performed by many techniques. In our present work we have compared energy detection and cyclostationary feature detection technique for spectrum sensing with their merits and demerits on Simulink tool. Simulink is basically a data flow graphical programming language tool for modeling, simulating and analyzing a system or a model. Presently we have used Simulink for modeling different spectrum sensing (SS) models and results plotted on graph.
Ytterbium-doped Large-core Fiber Laser with 4.7Kw Continueous Wave Output Power[Full-Text ] Tanvi, Neena guptaIn the present simulation work laser made of ytterbium-doped fiber with large core double clad D-shaped generates 4.7kW of continuous-wave output power with very high efficiency at 1.1 µm and revealed no proof of roll-over even at the peak output power. The measured slope efficiency is 72.15%. The large core YDF laser is end-pumped with five diode stack sources through opposite ends of fiber (Three of them conjointly emits 3.3 kW while other two emit 3.0kW at 975 nm). This design of fiber which finished by simulation program can delivers much more output power which is restricted mostly by accessible pump power.
A comparison of adverse effects of tea and coffee between frequent and occasional users.[Full-Text ] Nausheen Alam, Mehjabeen, Kanwal Habib, Sarwat Safdar, Muhammad Khan, Kulsoom Chaudary, Muhammad Ali.Tea and coffee are most commonly used social drinks, which are known to produce anorexia anxiety and effect sleep pattern. The present study is designed to compare the effects of tea (which contain caffeine and theophylline) and coffee (which contain caffeine) on sleep, mood and diet. Study involves randomly approached respondents from general public in different areas of Karachi. Peoples (n=500) of age group between 20-60 years were interviewed according to designed questionnaire and information like frequency of drinking tea and coffee and its effects on food intake, sleep pattern and mood were collected. We found that coffee produced significant anorexia, insomnia and anxiety in frequent users compare to frequent users of tea and occasional users of tea and coffee, suggesting that long term intake of coffee may produce anxiogenic and anorexiogenic effects of 5-HT, which is attenuated in tea users.
Study and Analysis of different Real Time Task Scheduling Algorithum[Full-Text ] R. D. Ghodeswar, Asso. Prof.R. R. TutejaThe main objective of real time systems is to complete its task and deliver services on timely basis by choosing an appropritate task sched-uling algorithum. Here we discussed a brief overview of real time task scheduling algorithum by considering timing factor and functional requirement of the system.This paper summarizes the state of the real-time field in the areas of scheduling.The paper includes some mostly used scheduling approaches with example of each, these are: clock-driven approach, weighted round-robin apporach, priority driven approach. The main objective of this paper is to study and analysis of schedulability of clock driven scheduling algorithum and weighted round robin scheduling algorithums.
Analysis of Elliptic Curve Cryptography[Full-Text ] LUCKY GARG, HIMANSHU GUPTAECC Cryptosystem is an efficient public key cryptosystem which is more suitable for limited environments. The Performance of ECC is depending on a key Size and its operation. The paper represents the comparative study of the entire public key cryptosystem key size i.e. RSA, DSA. In this paper we have explained that the smaller key size is more efficient than the other key size, as it reduces the size of the operation. How Elliptic Curve Arithmetic works with the Curve Equation. This paper also discusses the implementation of ECC.
Prevention of Black Hole Attack on MANET Using Trust Based Algorithm[Full-Text ] Apurva Jain and Anshul ShrotriyaMobile ad-hoc network (MANET) consists of wireless mobile nodes that are capable of communicating with each other without any centralized administration, due to this it is a self-organized network. The black hole problem is one of the security attacks that occur in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). In Black hole attack, a malicious node falsely advertise shortest path to the destination node with an intension to disrupt the communication. In this paper we simulate the black hole attack with the proposed Trust-based algorithm by the help of network simulator (NS-2). We analysed that the quality of services degrade due to Black hole so by using trust based algorithm the quality of services are improved.
Cyborgs- The Future Man Kind[Full-Text ] M.Sai kumarNeural control/interfacing/interaction is a powerful means, which can develop a robust bridge between humans and machines. In this paper we emphasize on neural interfacing as an evolving trend in wireless communications by taking into account one of its important application i.e. cyborgs. A cyborg is a cybernetic organism (i.e. an organism that is a selg- regulating integration of artificial and natural systems. Here we discuss the operational features of cyborgs. In an attempt to promote greater interaction between humans and computers, companies that develop (cybernetic) robotics technologies participate in a variety of seductive strategies that embody the cyborg discourse. Some of these strategies persuade individuals to concede to particular philosophies, such as the argument that technical artifacts and instrumental reasoning are necessary for effective social development. With the experiments conducted and proposed to be conducted in future and in the process give a brief description of the advantages and disadvantages of this technology.
Supply Chain Control Via Distributed Robust Model Predictive Controllers[Full-Text ] Romina Madani, Amin Ramezani, Mohammad Taghi BeheshtiCompanies apply supply chain management system to gain and preserve their positions in today's competitive market world. Supply chain is a united network of supply, production, storage, distribution and sales units. The aim of the control system is to keep the system in an optimal set point in presence of the uncertainties and delays which results in customer satisfaction in least time, with minimum cost and best product quality. Model predictive control (MPC) is an effective method in supply chain systems, but it lacks the capability of dealing with system model uncertainties. In supply chains, model uncertainties are significant and can easily degrade the supply chain performance. In this paper uncertainties will be added to regular supply chain models and two kind of uncertainties (plant model mismatches and bounded input uncertainties) will be controlled by distributed robust Model Predictive Controllers (DRMPCs).
Performance Analysis of Propagation Models for Cellular Mobile Communication Systems at 2.5 GHz[Full-Text ] Yahia ZakariaIn wireless communication systems, transfer of information between the transmitting antenna and the receiving antenna is achieved by means of electromagnetic waves. Furthermore, the interaction between the electromagnetic waves and the environment reduces the signal strength which is sent from transmitter to receiver, that causes the path loss. There are several propagation models which can precisely calculate the path loss. In this paper various propagation models (COST 231 Hata Model, Stanford University Interim (SUI) Model and Ericsson Model) are compared and analyzed. These propagation models have been proposed for operating frequency at 2.5 GHz for different receiver antenna heights in all types of the environments (urban, suburban and rural) by using MATLAB Software. It was noticed from the results of the path loss estimation for 4 m and 8 m receiver antenna heights in suburban area that SUI model showed the lowest path loss result (119 dB in 4 m receiver antenna height) as compared with the other models in suburban environment. On the contrary, Ericsson model showed the highest path loss result (183 dB in 4 m receiver antenna height) as compared with the other models in rural environment. Also, COST 231 Hata model showed the highest path loss result (159 dB in 4 m receiver antenna height) as compared with the other models in urban environment. Moreover, it was mentioned that SUI model showed the lowest path loss result (119 dB in 4 m receiver antenna height) as compared with the other models in all types of the environments (urban, suburban and rural). Furthermore, it can be realized that SUI model is extensively used to predict the path loss in all types of terrain (urban, suburban and rural).
A Relook at the Housing Policies from the Viewpoint of the Urban Poor in India[Full-Text ] Chandra SabnaniA large section of the population in Urban India is unable to afford a basic dwelling unit. Housing shortage triggered by the rising un-affordability makes it logical to re-asses the application of alternative technology. After having resolved technical issues of how far these match up with the conventional techniques and integrate with the present-day urban amenities, a series of questions emerge. Can the owners of dwellings which use parallel materials or technology, be a part of the mainstream housing sector, having the same rights and privileges as those enjoyed by other property owners? Will they have access to loans for building, renovating or repairing their dwellings? Is our policy framework and political resolve in place, to welcome such alternative technologies? It is this part of the research that focuses on the internally inconsistent sections within the policies. Here the intent and the content conflict each other.
A Study Of Single-Phase Multi-Level Inverter With D-STATCOM For Grid Connected Wind Turbines[Full-Text ] VIJAYALAKSHMI A K, Dr.K.S APRAMEYAThis paper presents the design and comparison of multi-level inverter with D-STATCOM for wind energy systems using Modular Multi-level Converter (MMC). The aim of the work is to design different levels of inverter with FACTS devices to provide utilities with more knowledge about the distribution systems, specifically at the end points. Hence made the comparison between these levels of inverters where the output of the system does not vary with the levels of inverter but the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of the system will reduces as the level increases. This inverter is placed between the wind turbine and the distribution grid where the active and reactive power is regulate which is required by the grid. Simulations of the proposed inverter with 5 level and 7 level have been done in MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation results validate the performance of the proposed control strategy.
Modelling Analysis And Realization Of A Supporting System For Afflicted Persons[Full-Text ] Jobin Varghese, T.S.Sirish, K.S.Sivanandan, P.K.RajendrakumarWalking assistive devices have wide range of demand through out the year all around the globe. A simple linear mathematical model connecting input output relationship for both angular displacement and knee moment has been derived. Derived mathematical model for knee moment has been compared with the knee moments obtained from newton’s equations of motion. The results obtained is validated by comparing with the fabricated structure results.
Application Of Remote Sensing (R.S.) And Geographical Information Systems (G.I.S.) For Flood Risk Assessment : A Case Study Of Al Kharj Valley – Al Kharj Saudi Arabia [Full-Text ] Dr. Khaled KhederDuring the last few years, many flood incidents have occurred in different regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. These floods have caused serious damages over large areas including loss of human lives and economical consequences for Saudi Arabia. The evaluation of the floods constitutes the first step and the rational basis of management and mitigation measures against flood damages. Remote Sensing (R.S.) and Geographical Information Systems (G.I.S.) provide information that has proved useful for a wide range of application in disaster management. The application of R.S. and G.I.S. techniques for rapid flood mapping and monitoring is an important tools of information for decision-makers. Working methods for flood management and mitigation have been developed in this paper by using Geo-Eye and SPOT-5 satellites images. These methods have been used to map the flood-affected areas, to estimate the damages and design the hydraulic works needed. Data was collected from various sources. A methodology for flood forecasting, planning and management with the help of flood hazard maps for different return periods (25, 50 and 100 years) has been developed. The population and physical vulnerabilities of the lowest area subjected to floods in the downstream of Al Kharj Valley has been assessed and the necessary solution to avoid the flood specially closed Al Kharj city has been proposed.
Modeling Of Groundwater Behavior Using GIS And MODFLOW Software: Case Study Of Alkharj Region – Alkharj Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Dr. Khaled KhederThe great demand for water in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as the lack of rain in most regions of the kingdom, which is called the dry regions, requires an urgent need for groundwater resources. It is necessary to explore it and estimate its quantity and behavior by using spatial analysis tools such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and specialized simulation and modeling programs like ModFlow software. The creation of geo-database and modeling of shallow groundwater provide useful information about the quantity and quality of water resources taking into account flood disaster risk and wastewater pollution of the main wadis (valleys and basins). The application of GIS and ModFlow software allow also help in the understanding of the possible interconnections between the flood on the surface and the seepage area taking into account the lithology of the main sedimentary rock and soil layers nearby the surface. This articles presents the results of an applied research project that describes the methods, developed within the Research Center of the College of Engineering of Salman bin Abdulaziz University, to model the behavior of groundwater taking into account the flood-prone areas on the surface, to estimate the quantity of water that might percolate into groundwater and propose the best locations for the hydraulic works needed on the main wadis. Based on the increasing volume of wastewater from the North West and South East of the study area, and by using GPS to quantify the water table and water quality in many shallow wells in this region, this article presents a methodology that might be useful for pollution forecasting, planning and management with the help of pollution hazard maps.
Studies on the effect of Physico-chemical characteristics of the soil on mixing with treated effluents with S.P.S and used as potential fertilizer for growing vegetables and wheat crop , after tertiary treatment with indigenously prepared cation exchanger from wheat straw[Full-Text ] Niti Sakhuja , Vijay Sharma and Vashist S.L Soil is one of the three natural resources and is the medium in which floras grow .It also acts as reservoir for various micro flora and fauna which along with their chemical constituents maintain the fertility of the soil. The micro flora and fauna also helps in maintaining the ecological balance. Although industrialization is essential for improvement in our life style , the effluents released from the industries create a number of problems . Mostly the effluents containing various organic and inorganic chemicals, which are toxic in nature having adverse effect on soil properties thereby , disturb the ecological balance .Keeping in view chemists in general and soil scientists in particular have been endeavouring in recent past to device techniques to make the effluents , either as such or after certain treatments.Keeping this in view control soil is mixed with effluents of different dilutions and studied the effect of these on soil parameters, these studies were carried out at regular intervals . Industrial effluents when discharge through sewage system causing several soil and water borne diseases. Disposal of various industrial wastes is the major problem responsible for soil pollution. These industrial pollutants are mainly discharged from pulp paper mills, chemical industries, oil refineries , sugar factories , metal industries etc. As a result hazardous chemicals can enter into human body through food chain and disrupt the biochemical process.Most of these pathogens are insusceptible to degradation and are injurious to health. Therefore effluents from various industries should be treated by following primary, secondary and tertiary treatment processes before disposing.For analysis of various samples of soil mixing with different proportions of various treated effluents of the industries which are used as potential fertilizers for the growth of various plants . Treated effluents of distillery and paper mill has been used for growing vegetables and wheat crop by varying different dilution , the fertility of the soil had changed.