Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2014 Edition
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Perspectives On Globalisation[Full-Text ] K. MaragathavelGlobalization is the process of international integration. This process arises from the transaction of world views, products, ideas and different aspect of culture. In addition to this, globalisation is the process that encourages international exchanges of national and cultural resources. It shows advanced development of transportation, telecommunication and the rise of internet as the major factors. It further generates global economic and cultural activities.
Digital Audio Watermarking Algorithms[Full-Text ] Deepthi.kMany effective watermarking algorithms have been proposed and implemented for digital images and digital video.However, a few algorithms have been proposed for audio watermarking.This is due to the fact that, human auditory system(HAS) is far more complex and sensitive than human visual system(HVS). Robust watermarking algorithm is used to embed the watermark into an audio and perform different attacks. But which is having a limited transmission bit rate.In order to improve the bit rate audio watermarking in wavelet domain have been proposed. The limitation of this approach is the basis functions are fixed and it is not necessary for all the real signals. In this research work, a new method of embedding a binary image into the audio signal and additive audio watermarking algo- rithm based on EMD(empirical mode decomposition) is proposed.First, the original audio signal is segmented into frames. Each frame is decomposed into IMFs by using EMD. Watermarks are then embedded into each frame. Experimental results demonstrate that is inaudi- ble and this algorithm is robust to common operations of digital audio signal processing, such as noise addi- tion, re-sampling, requantization and so on.To evaluate the performance of the proposed audio watermarking method, subjective and objective quality tests including Bit Error Rate (BER) and Signal to Noise ratio (SNR) are conducted.
Power generation through step[Full-Text ] Vipin Kumar Yadav, Vivek Kumar Yadav, Rajat Kumar, Ajay Yadav Electricity is a big problem in India. This is faced by every people, who live in the country. Electricity is the form of energy. It is a basic part of nature and one of our most widely used of energy. In this paper we have presented the methodology of electrical power generation using foot step for urban areas energy application. Everybody has needed energy at an increasing rate ever since he came on the earth. Due to this lot of energy resources have been exhausted and wasted. Proposal for the utilisation of waste energy with foot step power human location is very much appropriate and is very important for highly populated countries in India and China, where roads, railway stations, bus stations and temples are overcrowded and millions of people moving around the clock.by using such principle the energy can be utilised in the whole are where the mechanical energy is converted in to electrical energy. If there is no electricity present in the human beings then they can not done there work easily and properly. The time will spend more and they have to done more physically hard work. This paper is presenting the study of electricity generation through the step mechanism. For obtaining the electricity through the step mechanism a prototype model is developed and studied. The electrical power generation system is configured to generate electric power via movements of the humans. The power source is used in the form of a generator to prime the variable capacitor that effectively multiplies the priming energy of the power source by extracting energy from the passing humans. Findings from this research work are discussed in this paper. The generator used here is permanent magnet D.C. generator.
A Novel Model for Air Quality Prediction using Soft Computing Techniques[Full-Text ] Niharika, Venkatadri. M and Dr. Hanumat G SastryThe proliferation of urbanization and industrialization cause’s immense fluctuations in air quality due to pollution.The air pollution can be minimized effectively by defensive measures through the efficient air pollution/quality prediction techniques. The existing air quality prediction models are tedious and time consuming.Soft Computing paradigm hasemerged out to be more flexible, less assumption dependent and adaptive methodology. Hence this paper proposes a hybrid model through soft computing techniques for air quality prediction.
E-LEACH: An enhanced LEACH protocol for minimal data loss[Full-Text ] Sushant S. Nilange , Abhijeet S. Kolhe , Saurabh U. Kulkarni, Sagar S. Sawai, Shilpa M. Lambor, Sangeeta M. JoshiWireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are usually deployed in hostile environments with adverse conditions. They are highly resource constrained in nature. Increasing the energy efficiency is one of the important aspects in the design of WSN. LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Cluster Hierarchy) is one of the most popular adaptive cluster based routing algorithms which has been widely used in WSN. To distribute the energy load evenly, LEACH suggests probabilistic cluster head(CH) selection and rotation of the cluster head position amongst different nodes. In this paper we present an improved cluster head selection criteria for existing LEACH. This new algorithm is named as Enhanced-LEACH (E-LEACH). In E-LEACH, cluster head selection is based on probability as well as a node’s residual energy. Depth analysis on network parameters of E-LEACH such as energy efficiency, network life time, packet delivery ratio, is carried out. Simulation results exhibit a significant improvement in performance metrics in terms of increased total network remaining energy, prolonged network lifetime and improved packet delivery ratio.
Implementation of Low Power Booth’s Multiplier by Utilizing Ripple Carry Adder[Full-Text ] Sneha Manohar Ramteke,Yogeshwar Khandagre, Alok DubeyThe multiplication operation is performed in many fragments of a digital system or digital computer. Radix 4 modified Booth algorithm can be utilized for reduction of the partial products. The parallel multiplier like radix 4 modified booth multiplier accomplishes the computations utilizing fewer adders and less iterative steps. Based on the simplification of addition operation and power reduction property in ripple carry adder(RCA),a low power radix 4 modified booth multiplier is proposed, compared with the radix 4 modified booth multiplier using carry look ahead adder(CLA),the experimental result shows that our propose design has reduce the power dissipation to 25.27 % using RCA, power has estimated as 8.22mW which was 11mW when designed with CLA Adder.
An Efficient multiparty Group Key Transfer Protocol using OTPK[Full-Text ] Pratiksha Nadhe, Vinay Sahu, Anurag JainSecurity is an important concern during the transmission of data whether in wired or in wireless communication. Since various techniques are implemented for the secure communication but various attacks are possible in these techniques. Here in this paper a more secure authentication using two factors is proposed. The techniques uses one time private key and image based authentication to provide security from various attacks. A secure Group key transfer between client and server which is based on secrete sharing secure channel is also proposed. The technique provides better authentication and security from DDOS attack, replay attack, password impersonation, and guessing attack.
K-means Based Energy Aware Clustering Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text ] Anand Gachhadar, Om Nath AcharyaIn this article, an energy efficient novel clustering scheme is designed in order to provide low energy consumption, reducing overload on sensor nodes and increase network lifetime of wireless sensor network. The cluster based technique is one of the major approaches in reducing energy consumption in wireless sensor networks. The main idea of this article is to reduce data transmission distance of sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks by using clustering concepts. However, clustering concepts faces several challenges in selection of cluster head, rotating the role of cluster head in cluster and optimal data routing in the network. So, we propose a protocol which provides energy efficient clustering and optimal data routing to increase the network longevity.
Improvement in Sub-circuit of Full Adder Cell (XOR and XNOR) by GDI and FinFET Structure[Full-Text ] Hamed Sadeghi, Hamed Mohammadi Jirandeh, Ali ZakeriFull adders are the basic block of many circuits i.e. CPU and ALU. Full swing for good driving is one of the main features of full adders and its sub circuits (XOR/XNOR). In this paper we propose full swing XOR/XNOR by combining of GDI and FinFET techniques. Our proposed circuit has been compared with the other circuits, In terms of average power, delay, Swing and PDP. Simulation results with FinFET show that the proposed circuit average power is 1.3× greater than the best circuit [3], but offers 1.4× improvement in delay, 1.2× improvement in swing and finally 1.04× improvement in PDP. All Simulations are carried out by HSPICE in TSMC 32nm CMOS technology.
High-Resolution Automated Fingerprint Recognition System (AFRS) based on Gabor wavelet and SVM[Full-Text ] Hamed Mohammadi Jirandeh, Hamed Sadeghi, Mohammad Amir Javadi RadMotivated by the desire to construct efficient biometric systems, we propose a fingerprint identification system based on Gabor wavelet and Support vector Machine (SVM).We demonstrate that the Gabor wavelet based on features can capture textural information at different scales and orientations and it can achieve high recognition rates utilizing well-tuned SVM. Also, we introduce optimal filter in terms of accuracy and time complexity by changing the parameters of Gabor wavelet. Results obtained from the polyu HRF dataset show that the accuracy of the proposed system is comparable to that obtained using other well-known systems.
Watermarking Text and Image with Encryption[Full-Text ] Karan Singh Rajawat, Deepak Chaudhary, Dr. Amit KumarWatermarking is a very active research field with a lot of applications. Although it is a relatively new field, it has produced important algorithms for hiding messages into digital signals. This work presents a new method that combines image as well as text into the image with encryption technique for safe transmission purpose. This method is based on the combination of key with watermarking. During the insertion encryption key is applied to the image during the insertion of image as well as text. Then, this secret key is also useful when we extract the water mark from the embedded image. We have applied and showed the results of our method to different images.
Ramanujan relations of higher exponents: an + bn = cn + dn[Full-Text ] Debajit DasIn my paper published in April-Edition, 2014, vol-5 of IJSER it was shown how to recognize a number whether it is capable of producing Ramanujan relations or not? If capable, how many wings does the number have? How to establish all those relations? We observed that everything depends upon Ramanujan factor. But the different angles of R-factor and R-relations were missing to be highlighted. Moreover, what happens when exponent goes beyond three? In this paper I would show the nature of accepted integers of higher exponents and the general analysis of those exponents by theory of algebraic equation of single variable.
Face Recognition Using LBP, FLD and SVM with Single Training Sample Per Person[Full-Text ] Mustafa Zuhaer Nayef Al-DabaghIn face recognition system, many of methods have good results if there were sufficient number of representative training samples per person. But, few of them give good results if only single training sample per person is available. In this paper, a face recognition system using local binary pattern (LBP) for pre-processing, Fisher's linear discriminant (FLD) for features extraction and support vector machine (SVM) for classification. These methods are proposed to solve the one training sample problem. The performance of the proposed method was evaluated on the Yale face database and the experimental results showed that these present method give good recognition rat.
Alternative Energy[Full-Text ] HANI BOJERTo sustain and keep alive all the major activities and processes in the world, a constant and reliable flow of energy is essential. Human life depends so much on energy in form of electricity, which is used to run industries, hospitals and homes. These are any sources of energy such as, nuclear, which have no undesired consequences. Also referred to as free energy, such sources are renewable in that they are constantly replenished for instance: geothermal, wind, solar and hydroelectric power. Other sources have also been discovered in recent times, for instance biomass energy from wood and crops is one good example. Non-renewable sources of energy come from sources that cannot be replenished. Therefore, once a particular site has been exhausted, a different location for the same energy source must be found in order to fill the gap created by the depletion of the previous mine. Over time, the non-renewable forms of energy have proven to be detrimental to the environment. For this reason, scientists have come up with alternatives to reduce the dependence on such forms of energy while also coming up with ways to phase them out completely. These two sources of energy are in use in everyday life from powering vehicles to providing light and heat in homes and offices as well as powering machines. The costs of these forms of energy vary though some may seem free, harnessing, collection and transportation costs are encountered. These are some of the reasons why some energy sources took time to be used and why most of the world is dependent on others.
SECURE IMAGE TRANSFORMATION USING REMOTE SENSING ENCRYPTION ALGORITHM[Full-Text ] Mr.Rafeeque KM, Mr.S.Siva ShankarIn today’s heterogeneous network environment, there is encryption is used to securely transmit data in open networks. In this paper, we introduce an encoded transformation based on the combination of image transformation and a well known encryption. Each type of data has its own features; therefore different techniques should be used to protect confidential image data from unauthorized access. Most of the available encryption algorithms are mainly used for textual data and may not be suitable for multimedia data such as images. In this paper, we propose a new kind of security model. Under the proposed model efficient protocols on two basic image processing algorithms – linear filtering and thresholding – are developed. For both problems we consider two situations: 1) only two parties are involved where one holds the data and the other possesses the processing algorithm; 2) an additional non-colluding third party exists. Experiments show that our proposed protocols improved the computational time and secure images. There is a growing de-mand for distrusted parties to jointly execute remote sensing algorithms on private data whose secrecy needed to be safeguarded. Platforms that support such computation on image processing purposes are called secure image processing protocols. The original image was divided into blocks, which were rearranged into a transformed image using a transformation algorithm presented here, and then the transformed image was encrypted using the remote sensing algorithm. The results also show that increasing the number of blocks by using smaller block sizes resulted in a lower correlation and higher entropy.
THE ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE?[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaThis Scientific research article focus that the Prehistoric Tamil based Indians lived in “MARS PLANET” shall be considered as having high “Immunity” and free from dreaded disease like Cancer, Aids, Measles, Smallpox, Ebola, Rubella, Jaundice, Blood Pressure, etc.
An incremental load balancing approach for heterogeneous distributed processing systems[Full-Text ] Dharavath Ramesh , Alok Kumar PaniDistributed computing is a high performance computing that solves complicated tasks and provides powerful computing abilities. The main purpose of distributed computing is to share the computational power, storage memory, and network resources to solve a large problem. Efficient resource management and job scheduling algorithms are two key issues in distributed computing environment. Design of an efficient strategy to achieve high performance in distributed computing environment is a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a new load balancing algorithm (NLBA) for heterogeneous distributed processing systems to balance and process the load among different resources in a distributed environment. This algorithm follows a strategy to reduce the overall processing time of jobs and also improves the throughput of processes.
Security and Privacy Shortcomings in Cloud Computing Environment[Full-Text ] Rutba Maqsood, Divya UpadhyayCloud computing is a developing concept with remarkable impetus and therefore it is a major area of interest in both academia and industry. It aims to merge the economic utility model with many existing approaches and computing technologies, including distributed services, applications, and in¬formation infrastructures consisting of pools of com-puters, networks, and storage resources. Understanding the security and privacy risks in cloud computing and developing efficient and effective so¬lutions are vital for its success. Although clouds allow customers to avoid start-up costs, reduce oper¬ating costs, and increase their agility by immediately acquiring services and infrastructural resources when needed, their unique architectural features also raise various security and privacy concerns.
SECURITY ALGORITHMS IN MANET[Full-Text ] Lipsa Ahuja, Kunal GuptaSecurity is very important for every communication. Security principles like authentication are required to be maintained. Since there are threats in traditional wireless system as well, with addition of mobility to it i.e. in MANET there exist various point for attacks as in MANET there is no fixed topology and any node can send and receive message with any other different node so there are large number of privacy problems that results in attacks. Thus, security becomes an important issue in MANET. Our paper presents various techniques of cryptography to provide security to the information flowing through the mobile ad-hoc networks with the help of various information hiding algorithms for making MANET more secure.
Third Party Auditor: A Study of Effective Approaches for Verifying Data Integrity[Full-Text ] Sanket Sandesh Shahane, Raj B KulkarniTechnology makes life easy beyond one’s imagination, provided without human intervention. Many storage service providers are facing the problem of data security that is exacting authentic scheme which guarantees data security and solves the problems, such as data leakage, corruption, loss etc. Nevertheless, the need persists to monitor different activities that provide data storage services such as Cloud. The proposed work aims at providing a system called Third Party Auditor (TPA) that detects and reports suspicious activities. TPA operates with the technique called TAG GENERATION. It provides user the logical proof to monitor the Cloud’s activities without receiving any actual data from storage server, while doing integrity check, tags are compared frequently. The process of auditing is done with three different approaches such as simple, batch and random auditing with multi-user and multi-cloud support. Simple auditing verifies a single file; however, batch entertains various files in a group. Random auditing selects distinct blocks of different files. Thus, proposed system can unexceptionably provide an option for the users seeking for better data storage and integrity issues.
Enhancement of Web Proxy Caching Using Simple k-Means Clustering[Full-Text ] Julian Benadit.P,Sagayaraj Francis.F, Nadhiya.MThe Simple k-Means is an ensemble learning method for Web data clustering. In this study, we attempt to improve the performance of the traditional Web proxy cache replacement policies such as LRU and GDSF by integrating machine learning technique for enhance the performance of the Web proxy cache. Web proxy caches are used to improve performance of the web. Web proxy cache reduces both network traffic and response time. In the first part of this paper , clustering method as the simple k-Means cluster to learn from proxy log data and predict then group the classes of objects to be revisited or not. In second part, a simple k-Means is incorporated with traditional Web proxy caching policies to form novel caching approaches known as k-Means-LRU and k-Means-GDSF. These proposed k-Means-LRU and k-Means-GDSF significantly improve the performances of LRU and GDSF respectively.
Efficient Semantic Video Data Extraction By Sequential VISCOM Mining[Full-Text ] P.KanagavalliThe use of video-based applications has revealed the need for extracting the content in videos. Raw data and low-level features alone are not sufficient to fulfill the user ’s needs; that is, a deeper understanding of the content at the semantic level is required.Here, propose a semantic content extraction system that allows the user to query and retrieve objects, events, and concepts that are extracted automatically. an ontology-based fuzzy video semantic content model that uses spatial/temporal relations in event and concept definitions.
A Location based Scheme for Improving the Performance of AOMDV Routing Protocol[Full-Text ] Servesh Kumar, Piyush SinghIt is needless to say that reducing of control overheads is extremely important for efficient reactive routing protocols. New route discovery is needed only when the primary paths is fail. In Multipath protocol AOMDV if the link failures in the primary path, through which major data transmission takes place, cause the source to switch to an alternate path instead of initiating another route discovery process. A new route discovery process becomes necessary only when all pre-computed paths break. This reduces both route discovery latency and routing overheads. Using location awareness through location based DREAM (Distance Routing Effect Algorithm for Mobility) protocol the nodes in network are aware about the location information of nodes. In this paper we proposed protocol to minimize the flooding of the control packets in the direction of the destination node. Moreover we have also used shortest as well as alternate paths for transmission of the data packets to improve the performance of the routing protocol. The performance of AOMDV with DREAM protocol tends to increase with some issues like node density (at higher node densities), a greater number of alternate paths are available it means these issues are degrades the routing performance. This approach results in reducing end-to-end delay since packets do not need to be buffered at the source when an alternate path is available and if the location information is available then the proposed AOMDV with DREAM routing provides the better results as compare to normal AOMDV.
PRODUCTION OF HYDROGEN, ELECTRIC POWER, AND ORGANIC FERTILIZER FROM SLUDGE USING ANAEROBIC SLUDGE DIGESTION REACTOR[Full-Text ] B.Perumal, M.Shabari, L.Mekala, N.Veerasekar In current scenario all we are focusing only on the technology development. But we are forgetting to see the impact and pollutants which are destroying our mother earth. It is not only because of technology development, but it may also be the reason for it. My project details how to save our mother earth? Due to bad impact of organic waste. My project also say that how to conventionally produce Hydrogen, Electric Power and Organic Fertilizer from the organic waste.
Digital Water Marking Using DWT and DCT[Full-Text ] Aparna S.Kulkarni, S.S.LokhandeDigital watermarking plays an important role for protecting the digital contents from unauthorized copying.
Characterization of Reactive Powder Concrete with respect to its Bond Strength[Full-Text ] Dipali S.Nagaonkar, Jyoti P. BhusariThis paper presents an experimental study conducted to evaluate the bond strength of Reactive powder concrete (RPC) between existing and fresh regular concrete. For this slant shear and Bi-surface shear test is used. According to obtained measured value bond strength is higher in fresh concrete to RPC rather than existing concrete to RPC. Analysis of results indicated that the highest value of bond strength was achieved in slant shear test than Bi-surface shear test. Various silica fume content ranging from 15% to 30% are used in the mixed proportion. Bond strength increases with silica fume content,the optimal silica fume content is between 20% and 25% , given the conditions of the experimental program.
Five General Wrong Methods of Investment and Its Suggested Solutions[Full-Text ] Matloob Ullah Khan, Mohd Saleem, Dr. Sadaf SirajThis paper is based on ‘Qualitative’ and little bit ‘Technical’ Research. In which researchers explain five wrong methods of investment in general which are generally adopted by new investors to invest money in various sectors. The researchers have tried to provide the suitable solution of these wrong methods of investment on the basis of few live cases along with general suggestions which are based on their personal experiences during the time of investment in various segments of capital markets and physical investment in other assets.
Cross fostering to high fat fed dams impact the offspring Leptin sensitivity and obesity[Full-Text ] Sanaa Jameel Thamer, Dhamia K. Suker, Taha J. Al-TahaMaternal obesity have important role to develop metabolic diseases in offspring. The aim of the study is to determine the role of postnatal nutrition by using a cross-fostered program to influence on obesity and Leptin resistance in female and male offspring. Female wistar albino rats (97±10 gm) fed either high fat diet (HF45%) or low fat diet (control LF10%) prior (12 weeks) and during gestation period. At lactation pups were cross-fostered either on HF dams (OLF-HF) or on LF dams (OHF-LF) in addition to HF and LF groups. Body weight, biochemical and hormonal parameters for mothers at pregnancy day 18 and for offspring at pubertal age were measured. Prior and through gestation, feeding with high fat diet significantly (p<0.05) increased maternal body weight, plasma biochemical and hormonal parameters in dams that effect on the metabolism of their offspring. The cross-fostered on HF dams (OLF-HF group) during lactation period, the offspring had normal range in body weight and pubertal age but significantly elevated fasting plasma glucose (F:14.140±0.331,M:14.06±0.209 mmol/L) total cholesterol (F:0.926±0.025, M:0.960±0.033 mmol/L), Leptin (F:1.248±0.045 ng/ml, M:1.396±0.069 ng/ml) and Insulin concentrations (F:0.350±0.002 ng/ml, M:0.446±0.004 ng/ml) while postnatal feeding on LF dams (OHF-LF group) showed early onset of puberty (F:41.676±0.541, M:41±1.011days), heavy body weight (F:129.276±0.983 gm, M:125.383±1.261 gm) and high levels of biochemical (F: Glu 16.533±0.404, TG 4.706±0.190, T.ch 1.076± 0.146 mmol/L; M: Glu 16.653±0.496, TG 3.333±0.152, T.ch 0.993±0.047 mmol/L) and hormonal parameters (F: Leptin 1.658±0.038 ng/ml, Insulin 0.498±0.001 ng/ml; M: Leptin 1.710±0.080 ng/ml, Insulin 0.481±0.004 ng/ml) in both six offspring but less than in HF group with significant differences (p<0.05). The results demonstrated that the postnatal nutrition had influence on offspring metabolic syndromes included obesity and diabetes in sex dependent manner, therefore the obesity can be corrected by changing in postnatal diet.