Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2014 Edition
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Modelling Analysis And Realization Of A Supporting System For Afflicted Subjects[Full-Text ] Jobin Varghese, T.S.Sirish, K.S.Sivanandan, P.K.RajendrakumarWalking assistive devices have wide range of demand through out the year all around the globe. A simple linear mathematical model connecting input output relationship for both angular displacement and knee moment has been derived. Derived mathematical model for knee moment has been compared with the knee moments obtained from newton’s equations of motion. The results obtained is validated by comparing with the fabricated structure results.
Analysis on the performance of a grid connected PV –ECS system using Electric Double Layer Capacitor[Full-Text ] Mahjabin Mobarak Energy and power plays a vital role wherever men lives and works-in industry, agriculture transportation and for many other domestic purposes etc. Among the various sources of renewable energy, photovoltaic (PV) has proved its potentiality as a long-term, inexhaustible, environmentally friendly and reliable energy technology. This paper describes the performance of a grid connected PV –ECS system considering the variation of PV output due to the yearly variation of solar radiation and weather condition. Here we have developed a grid connected PV based distributed system using Electric Double Layer Capacitor (instead of conventional battery). To get various advantages, EDLC is used in combination of electronic circuits which is called Energy Capacitor System.
Smartphones Operating Systems Market Analysis [Full-Text ] Mohammed BasheikhThe focus on cell phones currently is shifting from the device specifications to the operating system features and limitations. Current- ly, Google has almost 81% of the market share due to its open-source operating system and the variety of cell phone manufacturers. Besides that, experts predict that it will remain on top for a long time. Apple’s and Google’s operating systems have great features but s ome features could be considered more powerful than others. Great features might attract developers but won’t necessarily attract customers, and that is why a furious battle is taking place and Google is winning so far.
MVC Software Design Pattern in Web Application Development[Full-Text ] Madiha Hameed, Muhammad Abrar, Ahmer Siddiq, Tahir Javeed Web applications that used design pattern have becomes popular because of their reusability and consistency and flexibility, Developer uses design pattern to increase flexibility and due to its popularity as it proved as a best practice for developer to solve many problem occurs during software/web application, but when some un-experience uses it, unfortunately they does not find desired result because of lack of experience in applying them. This paper is intent to write to understand their proper use and will help to understand the design patterns, their categories, usage, and the situation in which developer has to make right decision to select appropriate design pattern, key elements of design pattern, comparison of design pattern and brief description of all design pattern, this paper also tell the mostly used design pattern during web application.
Application of DOE to Determine the Factors Affecting the Time of Downloading Using Torrent Technology[Full-Text ] Ruwaid Araba common misconception between average users is that the download speed using torrent software’s depends solely on the internet speed. We wanted to study the factors affecting the time of downloading a particular file via torrent technology. The objective was to find out what are the main factors that affects the time of downloading. We wanted to find the levels of these significant factors at which the files takes the least time to complete downloading. For the experiment, we chose a 4Mb speed connection to conduct the experiment and used a fixed file size of 10.33 Mb file. The results is that we recommend using Utorrent as a software and download in the morning with as much seeds as pos- sible to achieve higher download speed.
Operations Planning & Control at Ross Product Division[Full-Text ] Ruwaid Arab Ross products which belongs to a division of Abbott, is one of the leaders in the U.S market in the field of pe- diatric nutritionals and is considered to be one of the world’s leading developers in adult nutritionals. The vision of Ross products is to be the worldwide leader in providing excellent services to their customers. This firm mainly focuses on four products. The firms collapse was due to the poor forecasting models used and also due to the fact that they were not able to meet their demand at the specified time. Other main factor for their drawback is due to the high work in progress (WIP), long cycle times and poor machine utilization times resulting in high cost. The firm was not able to uphold the number of customers they had due to the increase in cost and gradually over the years the firm kept losing its customers. In order to increase their demands the firm decided to concentrate on important criteria’s like reducing the cost of their products, bringing down the number of cycle times and moreover reducing the high (WIP). Moreover, the firm has to focus more on forecasting. A proper forecasting model needs to be implemented to their four major products which will lead to burgeon- ing of their demands in the future. Simulation test by Arena software was carried out by introducing a model which is used to analyze a plant processing for four sub-products. For routing purposes there are four stations used namely Work- stations one to four. The objective of this project is to reduce the overall cost which would be spent on buying new ma- chines and bringing down the under time cost. Furthermore, the most important factor is to complete the job within the stipulated time period and minimize the number of machines used. Process Analyzer was used to obtain the optimum solution.
Design and Implementation of an Effective Electrical Power System for Nano-Satellite[Full-Text ] Mohammed Chessab Mahdi, Jaafer Sadiq Jaafer, Dr. Abd- AL-Razak Shehab Design of electrical power system for Nano-satellites is presented. The role of this electrical power system is to provide electrical power for all the subsystems of KufaSat .This was achieved by the use of solar cells when the satellite is in direct sunlight and by two Lithium Polymer batteries when the Sun is eclipsed .The batteries are charged by the solar panels through three battery charge regulators which optimize the solar arrays’ voltages independently for maximum power transfer. Power is then transferred to s ubsystems through a number of power buses, 3.3V, 5V and unregulated.
The Benefit of Implementing Lean Principles in Healthcare System [Full-Text ] Hamad Mohammed Abouhenidifor many years, the healthcare industry was facing many problems regarding their patients, competition, safety, and cost of healthcare, insurance costs, liability, equipment management and time management. These all issue become most important for the hospitals to reduce the causes of deaths, to improve the efficiency, to detect the error, improve the time management and the reduction of cost to be competitive. There are many previous studies are being analyzed for the purpose of better evaluation of the topic that how the Lean and six-sigma approach influence the healthcare processes of hospitals. And the findings tells that the healthcare system, time management, customer satisfaction, cost management, process management, the workflow and many other factors are improved and enhance the capability of resources.
Safety and Ergonomics in Toyota Company [Full-Text ] Hamad Mohammed Abouhenidi for Safety and the ergonomics are the key base for the better workplace and these factors are always insures by the large organizations for the employee retention and efficiency of performance. For the purpose to see the ergonomics and the safety of employees in Toyota, the strategies are being made by the company to enhance the capability and satisfaction of employees. Through accident free design of product, process, risk management and the machine management and the ergonomics’ programs becomes the Toyota largest organization of world.
Stock Market Prediction Using Twitter Mood[Full-Text ] Sandip Kumar Dey In the modern times of the information age, the magnitude of social media activity has reached unprecedented levels. Twitter is one such popular online social networking and micro-blogging service, which enables hundreds of millions of users share short messages in real time about events worth broad attention expressing public opinion. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between Twitter opinion and stock price movement. Specifically, we wish to see if, and how well sentiment information extracted from twitter can be used to predict future shifts in prices. Stock market forecasting is a popular and important topic in financial and academic studies. Time series analysis is the most common and fundamental method used to perform this task. Tweets related to selected company over the last three months are collected. The result of this experiment shows the significant correlation between the changes in daily stock price and changes in polarity of tweets computed using sentiment analysis of tweets.
Dimensional Analysis Relationships of Geometry Hydraulic Properties For Meandering River in Al Abbasia Reach in Euphrates River[Full-Text ] Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Shaker Mahmood, Asst. Prof. Dr. Kareem R. Almurshedi, Zaid Nori Hashim Most of the hydraulic geometry relationships derived under premises that there are direct or indirect relation, at least statistically, between meander geometry characteristics and some hydraulic variables as discharge and velocity. The authors, based on-a-site investigation on Al-Abbasia reach, in the middle of the Euphrates river, Najaf governorate, developed power functions (four models). The study-reach is about six kilometers, it is divided into twenty one cross-sections. These sections represent the meanders and bends in the reach. The recent work is to develop models depending on dimensional analysis and Buckingham Pi theorem. These models are correlate the river width and mean depth with other geometry and hydraulic characteristics. The statistical comparison of the different methods illustrate that the method of dimensional analysis gives higher results in width model comparing with method of power function and lower in mean depth, but acceptable.
Image Encryption Using Chaotic Cryptosystems and Artificial Neural Network Cryptosystems: A Review[Full-Text ] Minal Chauhan, Rashmin PrajapatiCryptography is the exchange of information among the users without leakage or loses of information to others. Today the protection of multimedia type of data is becoming very important. Much public key cryptography algorithms are available which are based on number theory but it has the own drawback of large complexity, computational power, and time consumption and so they do not work well with image data. Chaotic systems are sensitive to initial conditions and system parameters. Noise like behaviour of chaotic systems is the main reason of using these systems in cryptology. The objective is to overcome these drawbacks and to analyse that the neural network is the best way to generate secret key. My survey research aims mainly at chaotic based and ANN based cryptosystems for the encryption of image data also to general information about image cryptography. I am going to list the all methods and highlight their similarities, their strength, relative Performance.
Level Set Method for Image Segmentation and Bias Field Estimation using Coefficient of Variation with Local Statistical Information[Full-Text ] Mr.Said Anwar Shah, Dr. Noor BadshahMost of the image processing techniques use image regional information for image segmentation, image registration, etc. Region based methods for image segmentation with bias field estimation based on the statistical information of different region such as intensity mean, intensity distribution etc. These methods rely on the assumption of spatial invariance in the image domain that is not always valid for most images. We present a new variational model in this paper for segmenting important tissues in the image with the estimate of bias field. We use a term like coefficient of variation as a criterion function based on the local statistical information, and define energy functional in the level set framework. Coefficient of variation is a relative measure uses relative intensity information in the neighborhood for achieving the desired result. Minimization of this energy functional gives estimate of bias field and segment important tissue in the image domain. Empirical results reveal that our new proposed model is independent of initialization and accurate in contrast with the existing model.
Conductor Size Selection Methods For Radial Distribution Networks[Full-Text ] Dr. Mahdi Mozaffari Legha, Milad Askari Hashemabadi, Vajihe Sharifi Davarani, Ali Hoseinzadeh Ghasemabbad, Mohadeseh Sharifi Davarani, Ali Ghezelbash, Mohammad Mozaffari Legha The availability of an adequate amount of electricity and its utilization is essential for the growth and development of the country. Development of distribution systems result in higher system losses and poor voltage regulation. Consequently, an efficient and effective distribution system has become more urgent and important. In this paper, we optimize an objective function to reduce the sum of capital cost and power loss cost and voltage deviation of radial distribution network of power simultaneously. This results in saving substantial amount of energy. To reduce our objective function, we find optimized type of conductor by taking use of Bacteria foraging algorithm (BFA) method and comparison with Imperialism Competitive Algorithm (ICA) Method. This computational method, iteratively improve a potential type of conductor with respect to a given measure of quality to reach to the optimized type of conductor. The back/forward sweep method is applied for load flow solution of proposed radial distribution system. The power loss reduction and voltage profile improvement has been successfully achieved which demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
A Comparative Study of PAPR Reduction Techniques for OFDM Systems: An Overview[Full-Text ] Sapna Agarwal, Pankaj Sharma, Joyti, Rahul Choudhary, Ruchi SinghOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has been adopted as a predominant access technique to meet the challenges offered by next generation broadband wireless mobile systems. OFDM has gained a lot of interest in recent years because of its robustness against multipath fading. Despite many potential advantages offered by OFDM system, it suffers from major drawback of high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) which leads to inefficiency of radio frequency (RF) power amplifiers. In this paper, some of the important PAPR reduction techniques are reviewed and their analysis is done on the basis of their computational complexity, BER performance, spectral efficiency etc.
A Comparative Study of Optimization Methods for Fuzzy Transportation Problems[Full-Text ] Poonam KumariSolution of a fuzzy transportation problem determines the transportation schedule that minimizes the total fuzzy transportation cost while satisfying the availability and requirement limits. A number of methods have been devised to solve a fuzzy transportation problem, but the solution obtained by some methods is not optimal. Obviously, the method which gives the optimal solution should be preferred and used in practice.
Improved Thresholding Technique for Spatial Error Concealment[Full-Text ] Abhishek Kalra, Amanpreet KaurOne problem with communication system is that information is altered and lost due to noise in the channel. Impact of the data and information loss is disastrous for transmission of video and image signal as the harm to compressed bit stream leads to subjective and visual distortion at the decoder end. Further due to the real time needs which do not include the employment of certain error-recovery techniques for some of the process. The paper proposes the method for concealing error in the images and further improving the quality of images. The method of directional interpolation has been employed on images using thresholding technique and then the PSNR (peak signal to noise ratio) of image has been improved with image enhancement technique.
Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) Mechanisms[Full-Text ] Hani AlshamraniThe paper describes how to provide a set of security services for traffic at the IP layer, in both the IPv4 and IPv6 environments. IPSec is a set of protocols operating at the OSI architecture model Network Layer three by extending the IP packet header to support secure exchange of packets. This provides the ability to encrypt any higher level messaging. IPSec includes two protocols, AH and ESP, which provide security for IP packets. The AH provides authentication, integrity and replay protection. The ESP provides authentication, integrity, replay protection and confidentiality. Authentication and integrity can be used with or without confidentiality and vice-versa. These protocols need certain parameters in order to establish each connection. The parameters are collected in an entity called security association or SA. When two nodes have established matching SAs, sent and received packets can take advantage of the security services.
Sustainable Quality of Safety in Safety Management System with Kaizen and Six Sigma[Full-Text ] Mayank Bundele, Vipul Upadhayay, Yogesh P. LadheThis paper describes the most important factor in the industries which need to be paid attention very seriously is the accident which are taking place during the production on the shop floor where the employees have to work on different kinds of machines. Major thing to look up is that in spite of the application of a wide variety of safeguarding measures, many accidents in the industries still happen today. So with this many people have come with an increasing number of technical solutions. One of the best known and widely accepted technical solutions concerns the use of Safety Management System (SMS). In this Safety Management System for better quality of safety Kaizen and Six Sigma Strategies are involved.
Characterization of a metasomatic muscovite after pegmatitic potash feldspar with a soapstone appearence, Eastern Desert, Egypt[Full-Text ] M. Blasy, Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagazig ,Egypt.Metasomatic muscovite is found as massive and compact masses with luster and softness simulating soapstone. It represents a rarely encountered ultrafine- grained type of mica ( sericite).It is originated as a result of hydrothermal alteration of highly pulverized potash feldspar along shear zones dissecting some pegmatite rocks in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. The metasomatic muscovite was investigated in comparison with the pegmatite muscovite using X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis and chemical analysis. The specific gravity and dielectric properties have been determined .The results indicate that ,the metasomatic muscovite characterized by lighter density, slightly larger in d-spacing (dÅ), lower K2O and Al2O3 contents, higher in SiO2 and Na2O values , higher in dielectric value, and has higher dehydroxilation temperature
Comparison of microalbuminuria with biochemical and hematological parameters as a marker for renal involvement in patients at high risk for Chronic Kidney Disease – A pilot study[Full-Text ] Riju Mathew, Vinitha R Pai, Vijayakumar TEstimation of urine microalbumin is considered as a novel marker for the assessment of early decline in glomerular function compared to the existing biomarkers such us creatinine especially in patients at high risk of developing CKD. Forty One patients (20 diabetic, 12 hypertensive and 9 both diabetic and hypertensive) at high risk for CKD and 19 healthy age and sex matched controls were included in the present study. Conventional renal biomarkers (Urine Protein, Protein Creatinine ratio, Serum Creatinine, Uric acid and Blood Urea), urine microalbumin and a complete blood count were estimated in all the subjects. Creatinine based eGFR using MDRD formulae and CG formula and cystatin C based eGFR were calculated. Microalbuminuria was found to be significantly correlating with serum creatinine, urine protein and urine protein creatinine ratio. Evaluation of the four eGFR equations showed a significant correlation. Among the hematological parameters ESR and the Platelet Count were found to be correlating with microalbuminuria. The study showed that the microalbuminuria is a better marker for the detection of early onset of CKD in high risk population like type 2 diabetes and hypertension.
Enhancement of Fault Ride through Capability of FSIG Based Wind Farm using Mechanically Switched Shunt Capacitors[Full-Text ] Prashanth.N.A, K.S.R.Anjaneyulu, R.S.Shivakumara AradhyaFault Ride through capability in FSIG based Wind Farm is essential to preserve voltage stability. This paper investigates the significance of short circuit levels of the grid on the fault ride through capability of the wind farm equipped with Fixed Speed Induction Generators. The minimum short circuit level of the grid required for uninterrupted operation of FSIG based wind farm during three phase fault is determined. Inadequate VAR support or reactive power support could result in low voltage levels and ultimately instability of the wind power systems. A balanced three phase fault is simulated at WT3 in MATLAB/Simulink with Mechanically switched shunt capacitors and without Mechanically switched shunt capacitors at the 33kV bus for different short circuit levels of the grid. The results shows that with Mechanically Switched Capacitors, fault ride through capability of the FSIG based wind farm increases and also improves the transient voltage stability therefore helps the wind farm to remain in service during faults. The results also show that the three phase grid faults closer to PCC are more severe compared to other types of faults like Line to Ground Fault(LG) and Double-Line to Ground fault(LLG).
Comparative Study of Simulation Tools in Cloud Computing Environment[Full-Text ] Ranu pandey, Sandeep GonnadeCloud computing includes delivery of dependable, secure, fault-tolerant tolerant, maintainable, and scalable infrastructures for facilitating web based application services. These applications have diverse composition, setup, and deployment requirements. As the adoption and deployment of cloud computing increases, it is discriminating to assess the performance of cloud computing environments. Modeling and simulation are suitable for assessing performance and security issues. Cloud simulators are needed for cloud framework testing to abatement the intricacy and separate out quality concerns. A few cloud simulators have been particularly created for performance testing of cloud computing environments. In this paper we study diverse sort of cloud simulators .Thereafter, we rundown the examinations of distinctive tools by some criteria.
Oxidative Stress markers, 8-isoprostane & advanced oxidation protein products (AOPPs), in Acute Myocardial Infarction patients with acute Hyperglycemia[Full-Text ] Nahla S. Hassan, Nevien A. Mahran, Shireen F. Tawfik, Ibrahim H. BoraiBackground: Hyperglycemia in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is related with increased in hospital and long term mortality and major cardiac adverse events. We aimed to investigate how hyperglycemia affects oxidative stress in AMI patients. Thirty eight male patients were selected from those attending the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Al-Hussein hospital, Al-Azhar University; aged 40 - 63 years with no known history of MI were admitted to hospital within 12 h of MI onset. MI diagnosis was established by four criteria: (1) chest pain of >30 min; (2) ST segment-alteration; (3) serum creatinine kinase-MB (CK-MB) > 25 U/L; and (4) troponin I levels of > 0.3 ng/mL. All patients were positive for all four criteria. Serum CK activity and TnI levels were measured on the day of hospital admission. Twenty healthy subjects matched in age and sex was selected as control. Plasma or sera of all subjected were quantitatively analyzed for lipid profile, 8-isoprostane, AOPPs, t-Hcy and serum CRP. Results: Our results indicated that both 8- isoprostane and AOPPs are early, highly sensitive and specific markers for the diagnosis of AMI with acute hyperglycemia . The study also confirmed the diagnostic value of sCRP and t-Hcy. NEFA yielded a significantly worse accuracy for diagnosing AMI.
Humanistic Approach In Rohinton Mistry’s Family Matters[Full-Text ] K. MaragathavelThis paper presents a humanistic approach in human psychology to understand human development. It makes us realize the human values that are becoming increasingly globalized and the spiritual nature of the human being. A thorough analysis of the novel, ‘Family Matters’, has been done to bring out the reality of human nature and behaviour during physical and mental suffering in family life. It clearly illustrates that “family” is not necessarily a happy affair but it can be enlightening, complex, rewarding and surprisingly rich, and a suitable theme for this paper.