Volume 12, Issue 3, March 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 3, March 2021
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PREVALENCE OF HCV IN TEHSIL BABOZI DISTRICT SWAT, Khyber - Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Aziz Ahmad, Muhammad Raza Khan, Rohi Naz, Huma AkbarHepatitis C is a major health problem caused by the HCV which is predomint and associated with liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. About 170 million people are infected with chronic Hepatitis C. There is no current vaccine existing while the vitamin D shortage is a common reason for treatment failure in a person with Hepatitis C virus.
DESIGN OF 1.5KVA ROBUST, EFFICIENT, AND COST-EFFECTIVE INVERTER SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Ezukwoke Nnabuike, Ezea Stephen N, Ajimah Nnabueze Edmund, Ezea Michael O., Oparaku Ogbonna .UThis work focuses on the design of a 1.5KVA inverter system with an alarm and controls. In our modern world, the use of power is inevitable in industries, banks, hospitals, homes, offices, etc for driving machines, powering appliances, and generating light sources. Due to the epileptic electricity supply by a utility company, there is a need for stabilization of power source.
METHODOLOGY FOR MAKING INVESTMENT DECISIONS IN THE SECURITIES MARKET[Full-Text ] Rejabbaev Sarvar UmarkhonovichThis article examines the methods of making investment decisions and their application in practice. The relevance of the study of the methodology for making investment decisions in the securities market (SM) is due to the changes taking place in the structure of the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Currently, research is underway in the world economy in important areas of introducing modern tools for attracting financial resources from the capital market to the corporate sector of the economy, increasing the efficiency of financing, and applying modern methods in the process of making investment decisions.
STRATEGIC PLANNING OF PRIORITIES IN THE FIELD OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN THE CONTRIBUTION TO THE TRANSITION TO INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT[Full-Text ] Saatova Lolakhon ErgashevnaThis article develops a number of scientific proposals and practical recommendations for developing the company's priorities, identifying its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to its activities by assessing the current state of Uzbektelecom JSC in the context of the transition to innovative development of the national economy.
ASSESSMENT OF TENDERS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE CONSUMER GOODS MARKET IN UZBEKISTAN[Full-Text ] Munira AzlarovaThe article examines the consumer goods market and its main features, development factors. The current state and development trends of the consumer goods market of the Republic of Uzbekistan were statistically analyzed and the main problems were identified. Based on the results of the assessment of development trends in the consumer goods market, scientific proposals and practical recommendations on the main directions of its development have been developed.
RISC-V ISA based Autonomous Quad-Plane using Shakti C-64 Vajra Processor[Full-Text ] Shrihari G, Lakshana K, Nikhil Shanmugam A, Radhakrishnan K RUnmanned Aerial Vehicles have become increasingly popular in a plethora of disciplines ranging from cinematography, transportation, healthcare, and critical applications like defense, search and rescue etc. The security, customizability and the reliability of UAVs for such applications play a vital role. This emphasizes the adoption of an open-source royalty free Instruction Set Architecture, RISC-V.
EFFECTS OF INCENSE BURNING EXPOSURE ON PULMONARY FUNCTIONS IN TEMPLE PANDITS[Full-Text ] DR. RAFAT SHAIKH, DR. GARGI BHALEKAR (PT)Aim - To assess the effects of incense burning exposure on pulmonary functions in temple pandits. Need of study - Temple pandits are potentially exposed to high concentration of various pollutant emitted from incense burning, Hence the purpose of this study was to assess whether or not there is an excess of adverse health outcomes among temple pandits. As incense burning is a common religious practice but whether exposure to long term heavy incense smoke has effect on lung function is unclear.
Structure study of pyrolysis fuel oil in (Ras Lanuf Oil & Gas Processing Company) RASCO- LIBYA[Full-Text ] MuftahAdbulhadi Kadi, Ismail M. Awheda, Abdulhakim Ali Jangher, Fathi A. Smida Study of the composition and stability of the pyrolysis fuel oil produced in Ras Lanof oil & gas company- Libya. The stability of the pyrolysis fuel oil was firstly studied. Four samples (250ml) of pyrolysis fuel oil were placed in round flasks, two at room temperature and another two at 80oC for four weeks. The fractions of pyrolysis fuel oil were injected into the GC-M equipment, the obtained results showed that the pyrolysis fuel oil consist of six classes of 152 com-pounds, aliphatic olefin compounds, cyclo olefinic compounds, alkylated aromatic compounds, aromatic compounds with styrene structure, compounds with indene structures and high condense aromatic compounds. It is known that the formation of deposits in the fuel oil system is due to the polymerization of olefins mixture.
Ductless Air Handling Unit with Air Conditioning System for Operation Theatre[Full-Text ] Mr. Zakir Hussain Mulani, Mrs. Anjum kaziOperation theatres in a hospital requires effective heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems and design for the patients in order to have desired comfort zone within the space. This paper provides a proper methodology in-order to rediscover how ductless AHU for operation theatres works to provide class II quality of air supply and beneficial it is for patients to avoid chances of surgical site infection. The main objective is to develop a system which adhere all the requirements of the best modular operation theatre according to the standards suggested in ASHRAE guidelines and to take into account challenges that current
Environmental Degradation Due to Deforestation in the Sundarban Forest of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Mohamamd Ali, Mirza Md Tasnim Mukarram, Ashfakul IslamAccelerated consignment of deforestation in the largest single-track mangrove formation in the world, Sundarbans located at the southwest of Bangladesh is now in the urge of extinction. Anthropogenic activities coupled with natural hazards is leading to severe degradation of its ecosystem and intensifying coastal erosion at an alarming rate. This mangrove forest not only provides shelter and livelihood to living beings by its various complex ecosystem but also acts as a buffer against extreme natural calamities.
A Microcontroller based Furnace Oil Conditioning System for Improving Furnace Combustion in Industries[Full-Text ] Sivadasan Kottayi, Naushad V. Moosa, Raed AlthamaliNumber-5 fuel oil is usually used as furnace fuel in industries due to its low cost. Conditioning of furnace oil including preheating and maintaining a fluctuation free continuous flow of oil to furnace is essential for better performance of the combustion control of a furnace. The developed system has two control loops; one is for pre-heating the fuel oil at 85±3 ?C in tank-1 and the other is to maintain a constant fuel level at tank-2 for achieving a steady outflow from this tank to furnace without any fluctuation. Such fluctuation free fuel input to a combustion control system increases its efficiency.
The Impact of Agricultural Commercialization on Food Security in Amhara Region: The Case of Kobo Girana Valley Development Program[Full-Text ] Mengesha MisganAgricultural commercialization occurs in staple cereals as well as high value cash crops which lead to greater market participation. In Ethiopia in general and in Amhara region in particular agriculture is the backbone of the economy and there is a progress towards commercialization. The small holder's households’ ability to meet their own food needs has placed as a major consideration in agricultural commercialization programs.
Effect of some chemicals on management of common-scab and root-knot nematodes of potato[Full-Text ] Omnia A. Abd El-Hafezand and Hanaa S. ZawamCommon scab (CS) of potato caused by Streptomyces scabies and root-knot nematodes (RKNs) caused by Meloidogyne spp. are well known as problem diseases causing major losses in vegetable crops. In this research, the suppressing potential of seven commercial compounds on the disease complex of RKNs and CS was investigated under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Chloramephenicol, Erethromycin, Neomycin, Tetracyclin (antibiotic compounds), mixture of acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide and silver nitrate with the percent of 4.5, 20.0 and 0.03% named Oxos, Fenamiphos (nematicide) and Streptrol (bactericide) were treated individually to the potato tubers by using tween 20% as sticker ,then planted in soil infested with Streptomyces scabies followed by inoculation with second stage juvenile of Meloidogyne incognita.
Gambling: Social influence to gain addiction (Sociological perspective)[Full-Text ] Aleksandar Jovanoski Ph. D. Kire Sharlamanov Ph.DThe belief that one can earn money and get rich quick and easy is one of the most enduring companions of human nature recorded in oldest book sources, mentioned even in the Bible 5,000 years ago. Along with prostitution, which is considered to be the oldest craft in the world, gambling is one of the oldest addictions and forms of deviant behavior known to mankind. The paper deals with the sociological perspective in research on gambling as a deviation and analyzes recent trends through the treatment of numerous studies on this topic.
Male as a Victims: Domestic Violence from a Different Perspective[Full-Text ] Aleksandar Jovanoski Ph. D. KIRE SHARLAMANOV PH. D. In the last two years, as a result mostly of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there has been more talk about domestic violence. There are several types of such deviation that has been the subject of scientific interest in recent years. Contemporary approach to domestic violence differentiated domestic violence as an umbrella term from intimate partnership violence (IPV) because the focus in first is almost always on women and children as victims. Research shows that depending on the type of domestic violence, men are more likely to be victims.
IMPACT OF INTERNALLY GENERATED REVENUE (IGR) ON TOTAL REVENUE OF LAGOS STATE[Full-Text ] Ahannaya, Chinedu Gandolph; Daniel-Adebayo, Olugbenga; Iwala, Andrew Taiwo, Sanni, Adeyemi Sheriff & Akenronye, ChristopherThe State Governments in Nigeria like every other sub-national government are to raise adequate revenue to finance relevant infrastructural development needed for economic growth. However, the recent significant decline in the revenue accruable to State Governments from Federal Government, occasioned by the drastic fall in crude oil prices, has adversely affected the financial capacity of States.
Energy Aware Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)[Full-Text ] Tahir MahmoodIntelligent and smart environments are the next step in evolution looking at the automation of various systems. Such areas as any other sensor organism should rely on sensor information. Wireless Sensors or WSN networks are responsible for providing intelligent locations with the required sensor information. Nodes have some special constraints/restrictions on their particular usage and the size. Similarly, they have limited computing power, memory and communication power without the most critical source of long term usage battery.
Connectivity Restoration in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Rashid BlouchWireless sensor networks (WSNs) and services, especially those under hostile environments such as battlefield, are at greater risk because of failure of nodes. In Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), node failure is of significant concern. The node failure creates breakup in a network and leads to problems relating to the isolation of the affected node. It is important that the nodes are always live and communicate with uninterrupted network connectivity.
Purification and Characterization of Tannase: A review[Full-Text ] Dayana A T, Dhrithi P M, Kempi Nomuk, Dr. Sharadamma NTannin acyl hydrolase (E.C. which is also generally referred to as tannase can be described as a hydrolytic enzyme that hydrolyses the ester and depside bonds of hydrolyzable tannins like ellagitannins and gallotannins to further yield glucose, gallic acid, and galloyl esters. The obtained gallic acid from this process has various therapeutic as well industrial applications leading to its high demand and requirement.
EFFECTS OF JIGSAW METHOD ON SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ LEARNING OUTCOMES IN AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE IN EKITI STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Prof. R. O. FAMIWOLE, AJIBARE, ABIKE YEMISI The study investigated the effects jigsaw method of teaching on senior secondary school students’ learning outcomes in Agricultural science in Ekiti State. The study adopted the quasi- experimental research design of pre-test, post-test and control group. The population comprised all Senior Secondary School Two Agricultural Science students in public secondary schools in Ekiti State.
The Merger of Ethiopia People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) in to Ethiopia Prosperity Party (EPP) and its impact on the Constitution[Full-Text ] Solomon Dessalegn DibabaEthiopia is well known by military rule (use of force) and no transition of power democratically (by the voice of peoples) made. For Ethiopia democracy is like a spontaneous and involuntary premature expulsion of non viable fetus or spontaneous abortion. The coming into power of EPRDF (mainly dominated for three decades by TPLF) was through destructive war that finally overthrows Derg; the uninterrupted bitter and peaceful struggle of young unarmed Oromo force weakened the TPLF which finally brought transitional government headed by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.
Innovative supply chain optimization models with multiple uncertainty factors[Full-Text ] Sheeraz SharifUncertainty is one of those factors that impact the supply chain and all of its processes. There are many different types of uncertainties micro, meso and macro level uncertainty. Each uncertainty is a different scenario and may bring a different difficulty to the business. The competition and coordination of the supply chain are affected by it. This paper discusses different basic and innovative supply chain models. With light on different research papers to understand innovative optimization models and novel methods.
An IOT based Automated Greenhouse Monitoring and Automatic Irrigation Control System using Arduino and Embedded Raspberry pi[Full-Text ] Vaishali S. VasavaThis technology use to protect the plant from damage caused by Arid Regions and Unseasonal Rains. This technology makes better use of water. Fertilizer along with water provide for good growth and development of plant. With the help of this technology the water valve turns ON automatically when there is a need for water. The water valve automatically shuts OFF if not needed. Detect and Display Air Pollution indoors. Divide the field and placed soil moisture sensors each of the divide blocks, according to the soil moisture sensors. In rainy days, this technology makes the water valve fully packed.
The State Fiscal Policy on Economic Activity: Theory and Practice[Full-Text ] Professor X.S.AsatullaevAt the present stage of development of the national economy, it is necessary to ensure the proportional and sustainable development of the economy and to develop new priorities of the state economic policy in overcoming the problems caused by the economic pandemic associated with Covid-19. Today, the issue of the effective application of the state fiscal (fiscal) policy in order to achieve the economic development of society, increase economic activity is one of the most relevant and research topics.
Crowd Counting, Density Estimation and Analysis of Various Techniques[Full-Text ] Ashwin Waradkar, Srivaramangai RCrowd counting and density estimation has many applications such as city planning, pedestrian planning, planning a festival, video surveillance, public safety and designing a smart city. The crowd counting and estimation techniques are also useful in other fields like animal and plant counting (environment survey) in biology for counting microorganisms. The task of crowd counting is difficult because of human nature and the tools used, problems can occur if the dataset used is not correct or does not contain the accurate representation of the crowd.
Investigation on The Customer Journey of Music Festival Attendees in Sweden[Full-Text ] Le Thanh HuongPeople nowadays are preserved to focus more on ‘why’ they are doing things rather than ‘what’ they are doing. Experience has become the focal point when the products or services are consumed and evaluated. The purpose of this paper is to outline the customer journey for music festival attendees and explore the enablers and barriers that may occur during the journey. A qualitative study with an inductive approach using a cross-case analysis has been applied. Semi-structured interviews were implemented to collect primary data from music festival attendees.
A SURVEY PAPER ON BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY AND IT’S REAL-TIME APPLICATIONS[Full-Text ] R. Vamshidhar Reddy, V. Jaya prakash ReddyBlockchain characteristics and components made itself so powerful such that the word “Blockchain” became so popular from the last decade and had the most impact after the invention of the famous cryptocurrency “Bitcoin” by an unknown person or group named Satoshi Nakamoto. The main components of blockchain are Nonce, Mining, Hashing, Digital signature and consensus are explained in this paper.
MIS USE OF TOPICAL STEROIDS ON FACE AND BODY – CLINICAL STUDY OF 125 PATIENTS[Full-Text ] Dr. Khola Aijaz M.B.B.S, Dr. Rabia Abdul Ghafoor M.B.B.S, F.C.P.SMisuse of topical steroid is a wide spread phenomenon among young people in Pakistan, especially in women .The misuse occur at various level such as manufacturing marketing, prescriptions, sales and use by patients and laymen. To study various adverse effects of topical Corticoster-oids on face and body. A questionnaire based analysis was done among patients attended the dermatological outpatient department at JINNAH POST GRADUATE MEDICAL CENTRE KARACHI. Data regarding source, types, duration along with demographic profile and clinical presen-tations were recorded.
Spatial Organization of spaces for sociability Achievement within Universities[Full-Text ] Dr/ Maha Baher Ibrahim FouadThe paper discusses the importance of social interaction within urban spaces of campuses in general. The quality of space will not be possible without proper accountability to social needs in public spaces. Designing livable public spaces is by creating attractive urban environments, which are greatly active places and continuously visited by people. Campuses’ urban spaces should promote social gathering and interaction; as well as hosting diverse activities for students, to meet their diverse needs
Prevalence of malaria parasitemia in pregnant women attending antenatal and delivering at some selected hospitals of Katsina metropolis, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Malaria during pregnancy remain one of serious public health problems especially in sub-Saharan Africa, accounting for an estimation of about 10,000 maternal deaths and 200,000 infant mortality annually. Hence, the need to conducts numerous studies worldwide to forge ways by which prevalence of malaria could be assessed for proper diagnosis, evaluation, prevention and eradication. For this study 300 pregnant women with mean age of 27 years were enrolled, of which 222 (74%) were positive for peripheral malaria infection and 180 (60%) shows a positive placental malaria infection by thick film microscopy.
Design, Construction and Testing of a Microcontroller based Robotic Arm for Spray Painting[Full-Text ] Sanjoy Dam, Fahid-Ul-AlamRobots can be used in painting operations like many other automated jobs. It can also perform welding, drilling, grinding, carrying operation, and various industrial process with the integration of proper tools with its arm. Robots are used widely in industrially developed countries to perform many operations of their industrial processes. Though the application of robots is limited in our country, the implementation has been initiated with the recent trend of moving forward to the automated industry.
Analysis of Water Hammer problems in Low Head Pumping Stations and the Need for Water Hammer Protection Devices[Full-Text ] Fahri Maho, Erind MahoDetailed analysis of low head sewerage pumping stations system in operation, raised up different shortcomings on the design and implementation, especially in relation to the safety operation under the water hammer conditions. It was confirmed that because of low pump head and long pipeline, pump stops cause water hammer separation and cavity-closure chock in reversal flow, both leading to extreme pressure values such as absolute vacuum condition and heavy over pressure, several times higher than the designed pump head.
ROLE OF CHITIN NANOGELSIN THE TREATMENT OF SKIN DISEASE[Full-Text ] Singh Chetan, Heena, Shahnawaz Ahmed, Kumar Vishal, Himani Saini, Iqra RahatNanogels are nano-particles made up of hydrophilic polymer networks which are cross-connected. Not only in topical administration but also in other routes, Nanogels are very promising drug delivery carriers, exhibiting high loading strength, injecting nanoparticles into the gel matrix provide increased contact time and ultimately prolonged therapeutic effect in topical administration, Strong tolerance and stability to environmental factors such as PH, temperature and ionic strength (1).
Socio-semantic Study of Social Media Awareness Campaign in Pakistan regarding Covid-19 3rd Phase: A Corpus-Based Study[Full-Text ] Robina Shaukat, Dr. .Muhammad Shahbaz Arif, DR.Basheer Ahmad Samim, Maryam AtiqThe study highlights the problems in present time media about issues in coronavirus posts, videos, discussions safety measures about Covid19 in Pakistan on social media resources all that we are feeling, observing and watching of ourselves or about others. The researchers used the quantitative and qualitative research method and descriptive in nature.
A COMPARATIVE CLINICAL STUDY ON THE EFFICACY OF INDIGENOUS COMPOUND AND PLACEBO IN THE MANAGEMENT OF NIDRAJODAVARTA W.S.R TO SLEEP DEPRIVATION[Full-Text ] Dr. Sowjanya.JNidrajodavarta is the Udavarta (abnormal movement of Vata Dosha) caused due to imbalance in the quality and quantity of Nidra (Sleep) leading to Jrumbha (yawning), Angamarda (discomfort due to pains in the body), Anga Shiro Akshi Jadya (feel of heaviness in the body, head and eyes along with decreased performance and alertness in daily routine) and Tandra (fatigue). Nidrajodavarta can be closely correlated to Sleep Deprivation explained in the contemporary science due to similarities between both conditions.
VIBRATION ANALYSIS OF FGM PLATES WITH CIRCULAR CUTOUTS[Full-Text ] Narayanan N I, Aravind Sarma VFunctionally graded materials have received a lot of interest in recent days by their diversified and potential applications in aerospace and other industries. They have high specific mechanical properties and high temperature capabilities which makes them special over all the exiting advanced materials. The present work investigated free vibration analysis of functionally graded square plate. The material properties vary continuously from bottom surface to top surface. The effective material properties of functionally graded materials for the plate structures are assumed to be temperature independent and graded in the plate thickness direction according to a power law distribution of the volume fractions of the constituents.
An Innovative Approach to Minimizing Time of a Transportation Problem with Mixed Constraints[Full-Text ] Farhana Rashid, Aminur Rahman Khan, Md. Sharif UddinIn the literature, there are several methods for finding an initial basic feasible solution to time minimizing transportation problem with equality constraints. But a very unfortunate number of researchers proposed an algorithm for minimizing time in a transportation problem with mixed constraints. In this paper, a new approach is proposed for solving minimizing time in a transportation problem with mixed constraints.
FACTORS AFFECTING GROWTH OF CYBERSECURITY BUSINESS IN ETHIOPIA[Full-Text ] HENOCK ADUGNAThe purpose of this study is to investigate and explore the factors that affect cyber business growth in Ethiopia. To achieve the objective, the study adopted an explanatory research design. From a population of 993, the study would be taken a sample size of 232 respondents and is chosen on a convenient basis. 82.75% (191 respondents) valid response rate is yielded. The primary data would be used for the study, and a structured questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale has been used to collect the data by conducting a survey. A pilot test would be conducted to test for validity and reliability.
To determine risk factors associated with nephrolithiasis in patients suffering from Diabetes type II[Full-Text ] Hafsa Talat, Azka Asghar, Saba Ashraf, Taiba Suleman, Gull e Hina, Ali Hassan, Mishal Asif, Easha TallatObjective: The aim to conduct this study is to see the patients suffering from diabetes type II having nephrolithiasis and the relationship of different risk factors that can also contribute to cause nephrolithiasis. Introduction: Nephrolithiasis is the condition in which stones are present in the kidneys. We studied nephrolithiasis in diabetes type II patients. We also examined different risk factors that are associated with nephrolithiasis. Then we evaluate the size of the stone, location, and the number of stones using ultrasonography.
Détermination de scénario d’occupation du sol dans le contexte du changement climatique dans le bassin versant du fleuve Sénégal[Full-Text ] Awa Niang Fall, Abdoulaye FATY, Mbayang Thiam, Alioune KANE, Marco Pastori, Cesar CarmonaDans le bassin versant du fleuve Sénégal, l’occupation des terres connaît une dynamique importante du fait des activités humaines intenses mettant l’écosystème en équilibre précaire. L’objectif de cette étude est de quantifier la dynamique paysagère et d’explorer les futurs possibles de l’occupation des terres à partir des outils de télédétection, de SIG et de la modélisation spatio-temporelle. Les données socio-économiques et images Modis –Terra (2007, 2014 et 2019) ont été utilisées.
Association of Anthropometric parameters with Hypertension in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients[Full-Text ] Gosa MankelklBackground: T2DM is strongly associated with hypertension. The co-existence of hypertension and diabetes mellitus increases the risk of microvascular and macrovascular complications among type 2 diabetes mellitus. Increasing the prevalence of obesity is one of the modifiable risk factors among type2 diabetes mellitus that elevates the emerging prevalence of hypertension among diabetes mellitus.
The Laloala's Customary Forest Development as Mitigation and Adaptation of Climate Change in the Binongko Island Wakatobi District, Indonesia[Full-Text ] Aminuddin Mane Kandari, Safril Kasim, Umar Ode Hasani, La Ode Agus Salim Mando, Halim, DarminThis study aims to analyze: change in customary forest land cover, Factors that cause changes in customary forest land cover, forms of temporary customary forest management and recommendations for sustainable mnaagement